Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée

La page est créée Pierre Gonzalez
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
n°1 - décembre 2018

                                          Home’s cool
                                              Communidée Gazette

                       Communidée’s Model
                       United Nations
                         By Dylan Labrecque

                        Commu-            shipping companies being hijacked.         even some pirates. This gave the
                        nidée has         The people are often ransomed,             debate a very multi perspective view
recently done yet another Model           and the ships are sold back to the         of the situation. The pirates needed
United Nations project for the teen       shipping companies.                        resources, and the idea of giving to
group.                                                                               criminals was difficult.
                                          This is costing the shipping compa-
This particular one was about piracy      nies an absurd amount of money.            In the end, the committee compro-
in Somalia. These are real issues,        One of the reasons for this happe-         mised on giving resources to the
which makes it very engaging. All         ning is that Somalia is a very poor        Somali government to prevent the
of the roles in the committee have        country.                                   drive for piracy, and aid Somalia as
separate needs, so finding a solu-                                                   a whole.
tion wasn’t easy.                         The mock committee included re-
                                          presentatives of the Somali govern-        The pirates of the group agreed to
In Somalia, there are commercial          ment, ambassadors, Interpol and            stop pirating.

From left to right: Mackenzie, Anjeli, Sita, Léanore, Stellie, Clara, Arielle, Lilie, Adam, Ted, Ludovic, Dylan, Eli, Billy
and Tomek.
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Bouge tes fesses…
            … la planète est en
                            Par Lilie-Athéna
                               Ce sont des
                               d’artistes qui
             se sont réunis au Théâtre du
         Nouveau Monde pour inviter la
         population à signer Le Pacte et à

         marcher pour la planète. Ce qui
         a été une réussite puisqu’environ
         50 000 citoyens ont répondu à
         l’appel le 10 novembre dernier,
         et ont envahi les rues de Mon-
         tréal à l’occasion de la marche
         « La planète s’invite au Parle-
         ment ».
         C’est Dominic Champagne,
         réputé metteur en scène québé-
         cois, qui a initié la démarche en
         réunissant des artistes de tous
         Bien sûr, de mauvaises langues
         en ont profité pour critiquer les
         artistes sur le fait que certains
         utilisent des VUS (véhicules
         utilitaires sport qui consomment
         beaucoup d’essence) et prennent
         l’avion régulièrement…bref, ont
         laissé entendre que c’était bien         Ci-dessus, six jeunes du Centre Communidée sont venus manifester
         facile pour ces artistes aisés…          pour sauver la planète: Charly, Stellie, Billy, Léanore, Lilie et Ludovik.
         Comme trop souvent, il est tou-
         jours plus facile de pointer les       lieu durant la campagne électo-         pour sauver leur environnement.
         autres plutôt que de se regar-         rale provinciale, en septembre          Si chaque citoyen y met du sien
         der soi-même… Il ne faut pas           dernier; c’était alors 1500             et que les gouvernements et
         oublier que l’idée du Pacte n’est      citoyens qui s’étaient réunis           les entreprises privées font de
         pas de viser la perfection, mais       dans les rues de Montréal. Cette        même, la planète s’en portera
         bien d’amener les gens à dimi-         fois, en novembre, c’est 30 fois        mieux et l’espoir d’un monde
         nuer leur empreinte écologique.        plus de personnes qui ont bravé         meilleur pourra renaître.
         Une première marche avait eu           le vent glacial et un peu de neige

                                                          page 2
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Comment réduire votre
                                                                                  Quelques trucs faciles pour
                                                                                  réduire votre empreinte écolo-
empreinte écologique?                                                             gique:

Pensez quotidiennement                                                            • Achetez en vrac et évitez tout ce

au 3RVE!
                                                                                    qui est sur emballage et sacs de
                                                                                  • Les pailles en plastique: c’est NON!
Qu’est-ce que les 3RVE ?                 lisées autrement. La valorisation est
                                                                                  • Utilisez des essuie-tout réutili-
                                         la transformation d’un déchet en vue
Réduction                                d’une utilisation plus noble.
                                                                                  • À mort l’eau en bouteille de plas-
La réduction à la source réduit le
                                                                                    tique! Si plus personne n’en achète,
gaspillage et l’utilisation abusive de   Élimination
                                                                                    les compagnies arrêteront peut-être
ressources.                              À la fin, il faut penser à éliminer de
                                                                                    d’en produire!? Moi, je m’engage à
                                         façon sécuritaire et environnemen-
                                                                                    convaincre mes grands-parents!
Réemploi                                 tale les déchets ultimes.
                                                                                  • Optez pour des produits « nus »,
Le réemploi permet de donner une
                                                                                    c’est à dire sans emballage, comme
seconde vie utile à un produit avant     Quelques adresses:
                                                                                    les pains de savon ou le shampoing
de le recycler.                          Pour découvrir et signer Le Pacte :
                                                                                    en barre.
                                                                                  • Changez votre brosse à dents en
                                                                                    plastique pour une brosse à dents
Le recyclage permet de donner une        Pour calculer votre empreinte écolo-
                                                                                    en bamboo.
deuxième vie à un produit en le          gique :
                                                                                  • Marchez, utilisez votre vélo ou les
transformant.                            www.footprintcalculator.org/
                                                                                    transports en commun au lieu de
                                                                                    prendre la voiture dès que c’est
Valorisation                             Pour une foule d’infos et de gestes
Certaines matières peuvent être uti-     concrets : www.equiterre.org/
                                                                                  • Mangez peu ou pas de viande.

True or false: You can
put in your recycling
•   individual yogourt container?
•   dirty aluminium paper?
•   pizza box?
•   mirror?
•   wooden board?
•   shredded paper?
•   bottle of juice and cap?
•   juice box and straw?
•   paper coffee cup?

Answers on page 11

                                                         page 3
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Nouvelle salle à
        par Stellie Desgagnés-Legros

        Nouveauté cette année au centre Communidée, une toute nou-
        velle salle réservée aux ados (10 ans et plus) et qui permet d’offrir encore
        plus de variété au niveau des activités et d’accommoder plus de familles en même

        L’idée d’avoir une nou-               l’architecture!                  Elle a expliqué comment
        velle salle était bien exci-                                           fonctionne l’architecture
        tante, mais ce n’est pas              La vie réservait une belle       d’une façon concrète et
        tout d’avoir un local il faut         surprise aux jeunes de           amusante. Nous sommes
        l’organiser et l’aménager             Communidée. Lydia, une           allés visiter différents types
        afin d’obtenir un endroit             maman architecte qui vit en      d’immeubles du quartier.
        propre et bien organisé.              Allemagne, est débarquée
                                              comme ça, à Communidée,          Nous avons aussi mesuré,
        Plusieurs travaux de réno-            par hasard.                      tiré, poussé, placé des
        vation ont été faits par des                                           meubles comme nous l’ima-
        parents bénévoles pour                Quelle chance: elle a géné-      ginions, toujours en écou-
        préparer l’espace. Face à cet         reusement offert son temps       tant les idées de chacun.
        espace vide, qu’allaient faire        et son expérience pour nous
        les nouveaux occupants?               faire découvrir l’architecture   Nous avons choisi et acheté
                                              et nous aider avec l’aména-      des meubles: divans, tapis,
        Lydia , Lydia , Lydia et              gement de notre belle salle.     petits meubles, etc. Nous
                                                                               avons appris beaucoup et
                                                                               avons eu la chance de pou-
                                                                               voir mettre en pratique tout

                                                                               de suite.

                                                                               Mais, malheureusement,
                                                                               Lydia est retournée chez elle
                                                                               … Elle nous manque déjà,
                                                                               mais on a bien l’intention de
                                                                               terminer ce que nous avons
                                                                               si bien commencé.

                                                                               Merci beaucoup Lydia. Tu
                                                                               as vraiment été géniale et
                                                                               gentille de nous offrir de
                                                                               ton temps. Merci beaucoup,
                                                                               beaucoup, LYDIA .
   Le groupe d’architecture: Roya, Yara, Billy, Eli, Stellie, Lilie, Lydia,
   Léanore, Arielle et Chloé.
                                                                               Stellie xxx

                                                        page 4
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Découverte impressionnante
au 137 rue St-Ferdinand
par Lilie Athéna

Lundi le 12 novembre dernier, quelques jeunes
du Centre Communidée marchaient le long
de la clôture du terrain de soccer à côté du
parc Louis Cyr, quand, tout d’un coup
ils ont remarqué un oiseau sur un fil.
En y regardant de plus près, ils remar-
quèrent un trou dans le mur de briques
et dans le trou il y avait un oiseau!!! Ils
venaient de découvrir un nid d’oiseaux
dans le mur de la bâtisse! Malheureu-
sement, les oiseaux se sont envolés trop
vite pour qu’on puisse identifier l’espèce
de l’oiseau, mais nous avons quand même
réussi à les prendre en photo.

Alors, si vous passez à côté du terrain de soccer, pensez à
regarder dans le mur…

                           Challenge 22+                                            www.challenge22.com

                          By Roya Grebosz-Hosseini

                        What is chal-        tortured for our human pleasure.       while being conscious, chicks ground
                        lenge 22+?           What I mean by human pleasure is       alive and trained with electroshock.
                        It is where you      using animals for not only food but
                                             clothing, accessories, cosmetics and   So why are we eating meat?
                        become a vegan
                                             entertainment of all kinds.
   in order to support anti-animal cruelty                                          By habit and for taste. In terms of
   and your own health for 22 days.                                                 taste, animal cruelty, degradation of
                                             No, it is not important to eat meat
   Why 22 days? It takes around 21                                                  the planet and our health, we need to
                                             and other products animal related.
   days to form a new habit.                                                        stop eating meat.
                                             We can easily get the supply of
   Challenge 22+ is a challenge concer-      nutrients our body needs from a        This whole article revolves around
   ning people that would like to support    plant-based diet.                      one question: is it worth it? Please
   veganism and anti-animal cruelty. It                                             answer this question for yourself.
   is also important and beneficial for      Is it true that animal suffering is
   our and animal health alike.              involved?                              Do you love animals? Care about
                                             YES. Animals are being beaten, muti-   your health? Care about the well-
   It is important because all over the      lated alive, experimented on without   being of the planet? Consider taking
   world, every day, animals are being       anesthesia, sometimes slaughtered      on challenge 22+.

                                                            page 5
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Using Falcons
                                                   to Keep Birds
                                                   Out of the
ossier spécial
                                                   The Lachenaie garbage dump has been warding
                                                   off the thousands of seagulls that are attracted
                                                   to the garbage by training falcons to attack and
                                                   drive them away. This method has proved itself
                                                   extremely effective.
            By Eli                               driving large vehicles, which can     are almost no seagulls that come
            Shiller                              lead to accidents. Another reason     close to the landfill, and when
                                                 is the fact that seagulls can get     they do, the falcons receive a
            Falconry has been used for over      poisoned by eating unnatural          nice seagull snack.
            four thousand years. Its primary     substances that they mistake
            use was hunting. The falconer        for food. A final reason is that      Falcons are now also being used
            would release the falcon when        seagulls can take garbage out         to patrol airports to stop things
            they were close to other birds,      of the landfill, which affects the    such as drones and other birds.
            and the falcon would attack, kill,   surrounding neighbourhoods and        Approximately 13,000 birds are
            and then bring its prey back to      residents.                            killed annually by aircraft in the
            the falconer. But now, falconry                                            US alone, which has caused a
            is being used in many ways.          The falcons at Lachenaie are          number of serious accidents.
                                                 trained by workers at the landfill.
            The main reason that garbage         The workers do so by having           Falconry, which has been used
            dumps want seagulls away from        them chase a remote control-          in so many ways over time, is a
            the landfills is that, when in       led bird which is piloted by          great example that shows how
            large numbers, they can inter-       the trainer. Then the fcon is         much we still need these ama-
            fere with the vision of workers      rewarded with a treat. Now there      zing birds.

             BON FAUCONNIER:                                        COMMENT DEVENIR FAUCONNIER ?
             •   ÊTRE PATIENT : Obtenir la confiance du             •   Il est recommandé de participer à un ou deux
                 faucon demande un bon investissement de                stages courts afin de confirmer sa vocation.
                 temps.                                                 Ensuite, vous pouvez vous lancer dans des
             •   ÊTRE TRÈS RIGOUREUX : Pour être très                   formations plus avancées.
                 concentré car chacun des gestes du fauconnier      •   Au Quebec, ni diplômes ni formations ne sont
                 doit être précis.                                      requises pour devenir fauconnier. Il faut juste
             •   ÊTRE PASSIONNÉ : La motivation est impor-              aller voir un maitre de la fauconnerie pour qu’il
                 tante çarce qu’il n’y a pas tant de travail de         vous transmette son savoir.
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Le 30 octobre dernier, un petit
groupe de jeunes de Commu-
nidée a eu la chance de visiter
le site d’enfouissement « Com-
plexeEnviro Connexions »
de Lachenaie. Ensemble, ils
ont constaté ce qu’il advient
des déchets de la poubelle
                                   Des milliers de goélands sont attirés par les poubelles du site dʻenfouissement. Les faucons sont utilisés pour les faire fuir.
jusqu’au site d’enfouissement.
                                  La fauconnerie est utilisée depuis plus de 4000 ans. Au début
                                   ils les utilisaient pour chasser.                                                               Pourquoi éloigner les goélands ?

Chef de file dans le domaine de
la gestion des matières rési-
duelles, le site de Lachenaie
est vraiment impressionnant.
La visite a permis de consta-
ter à quel point la gestion des
déchets est fait dans le res-
pect de l’environnement.

C’est surprenant de constater
qu’il n’y a pas de mauvaises
odeurs et que le lieu est
presque joli! Les bio gaz sont
captés pour en faire du gaz
naturel, les eaux sont traitées   Parce quʻils cachent la vue aux chauffeurs      Parce quʻils peuvent mourir empoisonnés par       Ils peuvent aussi ramener des déchets dans
pour être nettoyées, tout est     de camions.                                     les déchets.                                      le voisinage.

pensé et exécuté pour qu’il
y ait un impact minimum sur

Ce sont tout de même 40% des
déchets de Montréal qui sont
                                  Les faucons sont entrainés par les fauconniers. Ils sont entrainés par des drones apportant un bout de viande pour le faucon. Et depuis, il nʻy
dirigés vers Lachenaie, soit       a presque plus de goélands sur le site dʻenfouissement.
                                  Utilisés depuis tant dʻannées, on voit que les faucons sont encore bien utiles.
800 camions par jour! Bien
que la visite soit impres-                                                                                                                                     Billy et Eli
sionnante et instructive,
il est triste de constater
                                                                                                                                   Saviez-vous que :
que 70% des déchets ne                                                                                                   La fauconerie, qui est un art plusieurs
devraient pas se retrouver                                                                                              fois millénaire, est inscrit au patrimoine
là….                                                                                                                      mondial de L’UNESCO depuis 2010 !

Il est plus que temps de
se mobiliser afin qu’un
plus grand nombre adoptent
des habitudes plus écolo-

                                                                 page 7
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
   by Liam Carrell

   Every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. in the Atelier, there is an art class
   with Suzanne and Leneya. We make puppets.

   So far, we did stick puppets, puppet theaters, papier mâché
   puppets, cape monsters (I led that class), paper plate drawings, glove
   puppets and paper bag birds. I made an owl.

   I like the class. It is very creative. I also liked that time when I led a class (it was
   cape monsters). Suzanne and Leneya are great teachers.I also did an interview
   with them last Tuesday. Here is part of it:

   Q: Why do you give an art class?                           Q: When did you start getting interested in art?
   Leneya: It makes me happy. I get to see you guys,          Suzanne: When I was your age.
   be creative and have fun, and that makes me
   happy.                                                     Leneya: Me too. I did art with my mom when I
                                                              was younger.
   Suzanne: It’s a privilege to have something I love
   so much and to watch how wonderful and creative            Q: In which place did you start making art?
   the kids are.                                              Suzanne: In Nova Scotia.
                                                              Leneya: Here, I grew up in Montreal, on the West
   Q: Is it easy to be a teacher?                             Island.
   Leneya: It’s easy because we love it, but it takes a
   lot of energy!                                             Q: (to Suzanne): Where did you grow up? In Nova
   Suzanne: Once the project gets going, it’s a lot           Suzanne: All over Canada.
   easier. It’s hard sometimes, but it’s a lot of fun.
                                                              Q: Is art your favorite thing?
   Q: Why are there two teachers in the class?                Suzanne: After my favorite people, art is my favo-
   Suzanne: To help each other, learn from each               rite.
   other, to share our different points of view on art.
                                                              Leneya: I used to study it, and it was also my favo-

                                                              rite hobby.

                                                              Q: Why do you love it?
                                                              Suzanne: The fun we can have! There is no end to
                                                              the fun! I learn all kinds of things.

                                                              Leneya: It lets you be creative, express yourself,
                                                              have fun and share with other people. Like in these

                                                              We still have two more classes before the holidays.
                                                              I wonder what it’s about… They are coming back
                                                              on Wednesdays in January. I feel happy.

                                                     page 8
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                                       Candide ou
                                       Léanore Boisvert-Deeds

                                       Les costumes                                        La présentatrice et
                                                                                           les spectateurs
                                       Les costumes étaient
                                       d’une couleur différente                             La présentatrice était
                                       pour chaque acteur, ce                 extrêmement condescendante.
                                       qui faisait un beau contraste, mais    C’était un public d’adolescents très
La pièce se passe en 1758 à Ferney,    parfois c’était mélangeant quand le    peu réceptifs : certains dormaient,
une commune près de Genève, où         même acteur jouait un personnage       textaient ou même placotaient, ce
Voltaire s’est exilé après avoir été   différent. Les costumes étaient        qui déconcentrait les acteurs et les
banni de Paris par la cour de France   d’un mélange de styles des siècles     spectateurs.
pour ses écrits polémistes.            des Lumières et contemporain.
Au temps de notre pièce, Voltaire      La mise en scène
est en train d’écrire un roman                                                La pièce était bien en général, mais
philosophique intitulé « Candide ou    La metteure en scène, Alice            l’ambiance, les sièges et la présen-
l’Optimisme », qui raconte l’his-      Ronfard, s’en est donnée à coeur       tatrice étaient assez médiocres.
toire de l’initiation au monde de      joie dans le télescopage, qui est le
Candide.                               fait de produire deux choses simul-
                                       tanément, et la mise en abime, qui
Voltaire va tester son histoire en     est le fait d’avoir une œuvre dans
utilisant ses amis pour jouer les      une autre.
rôles des différents personnages.
Les acteurs

Je trouve que les acteurs étaient
correctement choisis pour leur
personnage : ils incarnaient bien
l’esprit de leur personnage et leur
physique aussi marchait avec leur

Par exemple, Emmanuel Schwartz
jouait bien le rôle de Voltaire ou
Larissa Corriveau, celui d’une des
amies comédiennes de Voltaire.

                                                      page 9
Home's cool Communidée Gazette - Centre Communidée
Observing Beauty
   by Sionna Ellison

             Fall is such a beautiful time of year, when all the leaves change from
             green to yellow, and the weather begins to get colder. Here in Que-
             bec, we experience the seasonal changes that bring different kinds
             of beauty. There is so much beauty in nature but a lot of the time we
             don’t notice the little things in life that are worth observing. If we take the time
             to notice them, we can be moved unexpectedly by something we thought was
             mundane. Even the smallest things can make a positive impact on your life.

             Everyday there’s something new to see as the season progresses. Some days
             are bright and sunny, while others are cloudy, and the sky is filled with fluffy
             clouds, while at night it becomes full of iridescent stars. I like to photograph
             these things because it’s capturing a moment in time that you will have forever.
             It remembers the little things long after you have forgotten everything. That, I
             find is really special. It also allows you to share the experience with others.

             This is a magnificent tree that I saw in the park and was inspired to photograph.
             The contrast of the yellow leaves against the blue sky is really breathtaking. Its
             towering presence makes you contemplate how long it’s been alive. Everyday
             when I see the tree, there’s something different about it. It’s interesting to see
             how it changes over time. These two photos are of the same tree and within a
             month, it has been transformed.

                                                    page 10
A single leaf can also be an inspiring
                                                                    subject to photograph. You notice the fine
                                                                    details of the leaf with a closer focus. I took
                                                                    this photo because the leaf looks like it had
                                                                    almost been perfectly placed.

                                                                    The shadow emphasizes the outline of the
                                                                    leaf even more. The leaf is there in the mo-
                                                                    ment and it would be easy to just overlook
                                                                    it. Noticing it takes you into that moment,
                                                                    and appreciating the beauty is uplifting.

                                                                    Beauty surrounds us daily, especially in
                                                                    nature. It is free and accessible to everyone.
                                                                    Sometimes we are busy, but it’s important
                                                                    to take time for it. It’s good to take breaks
                                                                    from our busy lives to realize the value of
                                                                    our extraordinary planet.

 Vous avez un p’tit creux?
 Vous connaissez peut-être déjà le restaurant SudWest de
 la rue Notre-Dame ouest, mais savez que depuis peu ils
 offrent un nouveau décor et un menu amélioré? J’ai eu
 le plaisir de goûter leur poutine qu’ils servent de façon
 très originale dans une grosse pelle de métal! Oui, vous
 avez bien lu, c’est bien dans une pelle, voici la preuve en
 photo! J’ai goûté la poutine, mais ils offrent aussi leurs
 fameux gyros et d’autres délicieux plats. PS: vous n’êtes
 pas obligés d’y aller pour faire des devoirs!;)

 Restaurant SUDWEST
 3401, rue Notre-Dame ouest

Magazines? True.                                       •       your Ecoparc.
Photos? False.                                         •       wooden board? False. You have to bring it to           •
My broken cup? False.                                  •       mirror? False.                                         •
Paper coffee cup? True. But separate the lid           •       pizza box? True.                                       •
the garbage.                                                   recycle infinitely.
juice box and straw? True. But the straw goes in       •       dirty aluminium paper? True. Aluminum can be           •
separate the bottle and the cap.                               individual yogourt container? False.                   •
bottle of juice and cap? True. But you need to         •
plastic bag (ziploc).                                           True or false - You can put in your recycling bin:
shredded paper? True. But you need to put it in a      •        ANSWERS

                                                      page 11
       A story by Sinead Chapdelaine

       “Sadness, my old friend, can we have an agreement?” Sadness plops
       down in an oak chair: “how come the birds of Hope were killed?”

       “All I heard that night was silence die,” I replied. Sadness chewed on
       its lower lip, “Well, that’s depressing.” it whispered.

       “Very,” I said, suppressing a moan of sorrow. I gazed off into space, then turned my attention
       to the window. Outside, the moon had arisen, cutting into the dark sky. I refocused my atten-
       tion toward Sadness who was looking at me through sad eyes.

       “Listen,” It began, “when I pass will… will you take my place?” I froze to my chair, blinking
       away tears. I knew that being offered the place of Sadness was a big thing. But did I really
       want to spend the rest of my life dwelling on the past, instead of hoping for the future? I
       shook my head, then took a big sip from the organic strawberry tea I had served.

       “Oh, Carol please,” It moaned. “If you don’t replace me, then Sadness will be gone forever.”

       And would that really be a bad thing? I thought. I blew the thought off; I looked Sadness in
       the eyes.

       “Look Sadness, the Devil already offered me his job and I turned him down… What would
       he think if I said yes to you but no to him? Besides I like my job.” Sadness started to cry. I
       thought for a moment.

       “Can I… think about your proposal?” I asked. Sadness sniffed: “yes, yes of course.” I paused:
       “So, how are things?” I asked, clearly trying to change the subject. “Well, I had a bit of a fall-
       out with Anger.” Sadness looked down at Its lap.

       “I couldn’t imagine why,” I said. Sadness usually missed sarcasm.

       “Well, you know, Anger is just so Angry all the time. He was in his office screaming at
       someone, so I asked him to stop… And well, it sort of evolved from there.” I yawned, lifting
       the dust from the ratty, un-kept attic floor. I sipped my tea then, which by now tasted like dirt.

       “I see,” I said slowly. “How’s your job going?” Sadness asked, eyeing me. I shrugged, “Well,
       since I took Love’s place, its been pretty easy. You know, people fall in love so easily these
       days.” Sadness nodded. “So I’ve heard.” I stood up.

       “Sadness, I have some files to finish up so if we could just wrap this up…” Sadness stood
       as well. “Of course, Carol. I just want to thank you for having me.” I smiled, “anytime.” We
       walked downstairs, it grabbed its coat and went out the door. I closed the porch door and inha-
       led. I went and sat down on my sofa.

       My phone started to ring. “Oh come on!” I yelled. I picked up, “Hello.” A muffled voice ans-
       wered me “Hello Carol, this is Happiness calling… Mind if I drop by?”

                                                page 12
By Samuel Morvan
Worth reading:
                    On vous recommande :
                   Par Léanore Boisvert-Deeds

                                                          “Despite the tumor-
                  Real life / Réaliste                    shrinking miracle
                                                          that has bought her a
       « La première fois que j’ai ressenti ce petit      few years, Hazel has
       fourmillement dans mon ventre, que j’ai eu         never been anything
       l’impression que mes pensées étaient embru-        but terminal, her final
       mées, c’était à cause d’une nageuse de mon         chapter inscribed upon
       équipe, en sixième année. Puis, les mêmes          diagnosis. But when
       sentiments se sont répétés pour une autre fille,   a gorgeous plot twist
                               l’année suivante. […]      named Augustus Wa-
                               Et voilà que les sensa-    ters suddenly appears
                               tions reviennent. Mais,    at Cancer Kid Support
                               ce coup-ci, je doute.      Group, Hazel’s story is
                               Car c’est Isaac, avec      about to be completely
                               ses yeux bleus et son      rewritten.”
                               excentricité, qui donne
                               envie à mon corps de       14 and up
                               faire les choses diffé-
                               remment. […] Je sais
                               nager, mais je ne suis
                               pas sûr de savoir com-     Fantasy / Fantastique
                               ment aimer un gars. »
                                                          « La porte d’entrée se
                               15 and up                  referma derrière moi
                                                          avec un bruit sourd,
                                                          du genre à hanter les
                                                          cauchemars. J’étais
                                                          dans un grand hall
       “Malou has just turned sixteen, and all that       (…) éclairé par des
       she knows for sure is that she’s mixed-race        lanternes accrochées
                               and that she was left      aux murs. Flippant, je
                                                          ne trouvais pas d’autre

                               at an orphanage as
                               a newborn. Beyond          mot. »
                               that, it’s a mystery - a
                               mystery that takes her     « Après une longue
                               to the little town of      maladie, Liam est
                               Parry Sound, where         envoyé en convales-
                               she finds lots of brown    cence au manoir. Mais
                               faces like hers. Are       tout de cette vieille
                               these her relatives, and   demeure l’inquiète, à commencer par les
                               why doesn’t anyone         autres pensionnaires, plus étranges les uns que
                               want to talk about it? “   les autres. »

                               13 and up                  « Poussez la porte à vos risque et périls… »

                                                          9 and up
“Charlie Wilde knew her life          «For Sabrina and Daphne
                           would change forever when             Grimm, life hasn’t been a
                           she moved to hot, boring Ari-         fairy tale. After the myste-
                           zona… and that was before she         rious disappearance of their
                           found the bracelet. After she         parents, the sisters are sent
                           put it on, Charlie suddenly gets      to live with their grandmo-
                           a cheetah’s speed, an elephant’s      ther - a woman they belived
                           strength - and that’s just the be-    to be dead! […] Now the
                           ginning. She’d be thrilled about      girls must take on the fami-
                           her amazing abilities if she had      ly responsability of being
                           any idea how to control them.         fairy tale detectives. The
                           So Charlie must put her trust         first case? A roller-coaster
                           in new friends to help uncover        of an adventure to stop a
                           the truth behind the mysterious       giant from destroying their
                           bracelet.                             new hometown.»

                           9 and up                              9 and up

Mon expérience
au centre Communidée
Par Arielle Frappier-Cavaluzi
La première fois que j’ai entendu        s’asseoir et elle a dit: «Oui, certain!»    Elles sont
parler de Communidée                     Ça c’était Julie, avec sa fille Lilie. On   vraiment
On a vu une vidéo sur YouTube qui        a un peu parlé avec elles et, un peu        gentilles et
était un reportage fait par Radio-Ca-    plus tard, il y avait d’autres per-         elles ont de bonnes idées.
nada sur l’école à la maison. Dans la    sonnes qui venaient et qui posaient
vidéo, il y avait: Sonya, Rosalind et    des questions à Julie. C’est là qu’elle     Au centre, il y a une foule d’activi-
des enfants du centre. On pouvait voir   nous a présenté tous ses enfants!!!         tés telles que:
qu'ils s’amusaient beaucoup.             Ensuite, je suis partie avec Stellie, car   visites de musées - poterie - visites
                                         elle était responsable de la table des      d’universités - jouer dans les corri-
La première fois que j’ai vu la gang     sucreries et des breuvages. On s’est        dors - jeux de rôles des Nations Unies
de Communidée                            bien amusées.                               - séances de mathématique, chimie,
Avant d’être membre de Communi-                                                      ingénierie - entrainements de groupe
dée, ma mère et moi sommes allées à      La première fois que j’ai mis les           à Aviron Montréal - montage vidéo
Québec, lors du rassemblement pour       pieds au centre Communidée                  «Stop-animation» - séjour dans un
la nouvelle loi. Il y avait beaucoup     Aux portes ouvertes, quelques jours         chalet - tir à l’arc - etc.
de «homeschoolers» devant le parle-      après le pique-nique, j’ai enfin visité
ment. Ma mère a parlé avec Rosalind      les locaux. J’ai bien aimé le centre et J’aime tous les gens qui y vont, ainsi
à propos du centre. C’était drôle de     j’ai trouvé ça grand comme espace. Je que les personnes qui sont en charge,
voir toutes les mêmes personnes qui      me suis tout de suite inscrite.          et aussi, j’adore ça quand c’est les
étaient dans la vidéo, mais en vrai.                                              journées «late-night» parce que nous
                                         La première journée à Communi-           soupons ensemble. La journée “late-
La première fois que j’ai parlé avec     dée                                      night” se produit une fois par mois, le
les personnes de Communidée              Je ne me rappelle pas de ce que j’ai     jeudi.
Au pique-nique « No back to school»      fait, mais j’ai sûrement adoré ça,
au début septembre 2017, il y avait      comme j’adore ça à chaque fois que       En conclusion, j’adore le centre Com-
tellement de personnes, mais on a        j’y vais! Sonya, c’est elle qui a ouvert munidée !!!!! Et je nous trouve très
finalement trouvé une place pour         le centre, et elle est géniale et très   chanceux et chanceuses de vivre cette
s’asseoir à la table. On a demandé à     généreuse de son temps. Rosalind         belle aventure!!
une mère avec sa fille si on pouvait     aussi est très présente et dévouée.
Originally published September 27th, 2017

By Tomek Shiller
A new planet was found when a         oxygen and water for primates.        first thought to be just asteroids
space probe was sent to Mars.         Therefore the ninth planet (tenth     orbiting a normal planet-sized
The CSA (Canadian Space               for those who still think Pluto       hunk of giant rock floating in
Agency) did not believe the           is a planet) is a better possible     space. The ninth planet is habi-
newfound data but, two months         location than Mars to escape to,      table for humans and other earth
later, they analyzed the data and     at Earth’s pending demise. This       dwellers, so tickets to go are only
realized that the planet was real.    planet has two moons, that were       $4,999,999.99. Good luck!
The planet is closer to Earth
than Mars. Also, this planet
may have the correct amount of

 votre accent
 Vous pouvez améliorer
la qualité de votre accent           Originally published June 26th, 2018
   avec la nouvelle app              BREAKING BREAKING NEWS!!
«Parler à vos amis» avec             MISSION TO NINTH PLANET
votre deuxième langue au             By Tomek Shiller
 téléphone. Ça va aussi              Last year a new planet was found       planet is in only two months. The
 améliorer votre vocabu-             when the CSA sent a space              motto for the mission is Apoca-
          laire.                     probe to Mars. The planet was          lypsis venturus est. There are
                                     habitable for humans, so the deci-     fourteen astronauts in the interna-
      Essayez-le dès                 sion was made to send a manned         tional crew, including people from
       aujourd’hui!                  mission to the ninth planet. Finally   Russia, the USA, Canada, and
                                     that day has come! Tomorrow the        China. Good luck to them!
                                     ISA (International Space Agency)
                                     will launch “Rocket McRocket
                                     Face” (named by the crowd)
                                     through the atmosphere and
                                     into outer space. The rocket can
                                     pass the moon in just 5 hours, so
                                     the estimated arrival to the ninth

                                               page 16
Originally published November 17th, 2018
 Math homework a                            BREAKING BREAKING
 cure for the com-                          BREAKING NEWS!!!
 mon cold!                                  NINTH PLANET DISASTER
                                            By Tomek Shiller
                                            Last year a new planet was found
                                            when the CSA sent a space probe
                                            to Mars. Then five months ago the
                                            ISA launched “Rocket McRocket
                                            Face” and two months later, they
                                            arrived at the planet. The first
                                            month they were doing well, collec-
                                            ting soil samples, oxygen quanti-
                                            ties, and H2O levels throughout the
                                            planet. During the second month,               Pilot Jeremy Kasero was walking to
 In addition, Dr.Comunidée has              things started getting weird. Accor-           the base after taking weather data,
 proven that if you drink plenty of         ding to their reports, Dr. Leramy              and he got hit in the head by what
 fluids, rest and work on your math,        from the USA, was analyzing some               seemed to be a small meteorite.
 it is part of the equation that you’ll     newly found minerals, and found                Then all of the remaining crew were
 divide your recovery time to a frac-       that it was giving off extreme radia-          out doing research except Frank
 tion. Try some math today!                 tion levels. That night, he seemed             the engineer, and they never came
                                            to spontaneously combust. After                back. Frank took this photo before
                                            that, more “accidents” happened.               we lost final contact.

Slime soap causes                                              Acheter un iFhone pour
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Slime soap may be the                                          Vous pouvez obtenir le votre maintentant pour
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Communidée, but are                                            ** Offre valable jusqu’en octobre 2018. Les frais d’administration et
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you aware that mixing                                          dommages pendant l’expédition.
                                                               Get yours today!
slugs, caterpillars,
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sa can lead to unintended
baldness? But if you don’t like
your new shiny style, fear not: your hair
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                                                  page 17
Happy birthday Sagittarius!                                   rius? You are happy, ener-
If you were born between November 22                          getic and confident. You are
                                                              ruled by the planet Jupiter,
and December 21, it’s time to party, Sagit-
                                                              which is considered the
tarius! But if you are decorating for your                    «Happy» planet.
birthday party, make sure to go simple,
and don’t bite off more than you can                          You are also free-spirited, open-minded, optimistic
chew. Also make sure simplicity doesn’t                       and ambitious. But look out Sagittarius, you can
turn you into a couch potato, Sagitarrius.                    sometimes be dishonest or impatient. You love to
Try to take more walks, more often, as                        make others laugh, and you love to make friends.
                                                              You are right at home on Thursday teen nights.
                                                              However, you don’t always finish what you start.
When the new year hits, you’ll learn a very valuable          You might want to try to push yourself a little more.
lesson. Maybe it will be to give out free chocolate to
all your buddies at Communidée, who knows? But                You also love to give dares, and of course, get
maybe not as much as we hope. Before, you never               dared! But you hate rules (but that doesn’t stop you
really cared for your savings but, now, you have              from wanting to make them). Your element is fire,
evolved -- if you have found a better way to spend            which is powerful, but can also be a bit reckless.
that hard-earned cash, good job!                              You hate the words «I can’t», and you love travel
                                                              and aventure. You are also witty, making you one of
Still wondering what you want to be when you grow             the funniest and most entertaining people around
up? Chances are, you will grow up to work in a uni-           Communidée.
versity, a hospital or even write a book. Hope you
enjoyed those university tours this fall at Communi-          Here’s some examples of other Sagittariuses: Tay-
dée -- you will fit right in when you are older.              lor Swift, Mark Twain, Rita Ora, Jay-Z and many
Want to know a little more about yourself, Sagitta-
rius? Or maybe you have a friend who is a Sagitta-            Not a Sagittarius? Read on!

A    ries: You are an Aries
     if you were born
between March 21-April
                                nothing you can’t take on.
                                You’re not afraid to take
                                risks, but be careful you
                                                              represents love and beauty.
                                                              Your element is air, which
                                                              might make you a bit more
                                                                                            patient and organized, but
                                                                                            sometimes a bit cautious.
                                                                                            You love expensive things
19. The Aries is the first      don’t get burned!             open-minded about things.     and are constantly on the
zodiac sign, and is known                                     Your wish in life is to       hunt for them. You’re very
for being the head of the
zodiac body. You are very
energetic, proud, encou-
                                L    ibra: You are a
                                     Libra if you were
                                born between September
                                                              love and to be loved back
                                                              -- time to meet up with a
                                                              Pisces? Libra, your need
                                                                                            dedicated and careful, and
                                                                                            you hate breaking things
                                                                                            and wasting money. Your
raging, unstoppable and         23-October 22. Libra,         for balance makes you look    planet is Venus, the planet
bold. But you can be a bit      you are charming, lovable,    for fairness and equality     of love and beauty, and you
bossy and stubborn. You         sincere and sharing. But      in everything -- just don’t   love rich gourmet meals
hate the word «no», and         you might sometimes be a      overdo the drama (except      (time to plan a Commu-
you always like to be the       bit vain and somewhat of a    at Door to Door!)             nidee Thursday night meal
king/queen of the castle.       drama queen (or king). You                                  with your good buddy
No being left on the side-
lines for you, Aries! Like
your pal Sagittarius, your
                                love to eat rich foods, you
                                hate feeling pressured, and
                                the word «maybe». Your
                                                              T   aurus: You’re a Tau-
                                                                  rus if you were born
                                                              between April 20-May
                                                                                            Libra?) You are not a mor-
                                                                                            ning person, and you hate
                                                                                            the words «alarm clock».
element is fire, and there is   planet is Venus, which        20. Taurus, you are very      Your element is earth, and

                                                        page 18
you love to admire lands-      free. Because you hate         be known as one of the         and have a lot to offer
capes and take pictures of     dress codes and routines,      more mature kids for your      others.
them.                          you probably make a great      age at Communidée. Just

S    corpio: You’re a Scor-
                               homeschooler!                  like Catniss, you wish to
                                                              have everything taken care     V      irgo: You’re a Virgo
                                                                                                    if you were born in
     pio if you were born
between October 23-No-
vember 21. Scorpio, you
                               C     ancer: You are a
                                     Cancer if you were
                               born between June 21-July
                                                              of, and to have an easy life
                                                              -- and you will get it done,
                                                              Capricorn (without the
                                                                                             between August 23-Sep-
                                                                                             tember 22. You Virgos
                                                                                             are dedicated, helpful,
are very passionate and        22. Cancer, you are help-      bow and arrow!)                witty, practical and hard-
loyal, protective and brave.   ful, patient, creative and                                    working. Your element is
But you can be a bit obes-
sive and secretive. Your
planet is Pluto, the planet
                               compassionate. You can
                               be very sensitive to others
                               -- maybe sometimes too
                                                              L     eo: You’re a Leo
                                                                    if you were born
                                                              between July 23-August
                                                                                             earth, and makes you love
                                                                                             to spend time in nature --
                                                                                             how about some hiking or
of power and regeneration.     much? Don’t try to rush        22. You are kind and           cross-country skiing with
You love spicy food and        you, you hate that. You are    generous, loyal and protec-    your Communidée peeps?
hate personal questions        known as a party person        tive, Leo, but you can also    Your planet is Mercury, the
(time to check out really      (time to volunteer as a        be a bit sloppy (make sure     planet of communication.
loud Mexican restaurants!)     party organizer at Commu-      you help when it is time       You can be a bit critical of
You are sometimes a bit        nidée?), and younger kids      to tidy up the Teen room!)     others sometimes -- make
controlling, and you have      can count on you to help       Your ruling planet (or, in     sure you listen carefully
full confidence in yourself    them out. Your ruling pla-     this case, star) is the sun.   before making up your
-- which isn’t always your     net (or in this case, moon)    Your element is fire, which    mind. You like to come in
most lovable trait! For        is the moon, which rules       makes you fun and energe-      first -- time to join up with
example, if someone pulls      moods and emotions. You        tic out in the playground or   Aries and Scorpio on a
a prank on you, you’ll be      don’t always enjoy talking     in sports. You hate being      sports team -- you will rule
out for revenge --maybe        and tend to hate public        ignored, winning silver        the homeschool!
a little too much? If you      speaking -- if you are part    instead of gold, and bland
were a superhero, you
would be Superman -- use
those powers for good, not
                               of the drama club, you are
                               being very brave! Your ele-
                               ment is water, and you love
                                                              food. Leo, you have the
                                                              potential to be noble, like
                                                              Thor, but watch out that
                                                                                             P    isces: You’re a Pisces
                                                                                                  if you were born in
                                                                                             between Febuary 19-March
evil!                          shopping for rare finds --     your need for compliments      20. Charming Pisces, you
                               why not call up you friend     and control does not turn      are helpful, comforting,

G      emini: You are a
       Gemini if you were
                               Taurus for a little antique
                               and gently-used bargain
                                                              you into Loki!                 imaginative and wise. You
                                                                                             will be at home at Commu-
born between May 21-June
20. Gemini, you are fasci-
                               hunting on Notre-Dame?
                                                              A     quarius: You’re an
                                                                    Aquarius if you were
                                                                                             nidée drama or book clubs,
                                                                                             because you love to day-
nating, original, wise and
charming. You are very
trendy -- you will always
                               C     apricorn: You’re a
                                     Capricorn if you were
                               born between Decem-
                                                              born between January
                                                              20-Febuary 18. Aqua-
                                                              rius, you are communi-
                                                                                             dream and explore alterna-
                                                                                             tive realities. If you were
                                                                                             a Harry Potter character,
want the latest Iphone.        ber 22-January 19. Hey         cative, open-minded, fair      it would be Luna Love-
But take care to not judge     Capricorn, you are loyal,      and inviting. Your planet      good -- you are a source of
others for their two-year-     hard-working, devoted,         is Uranus, the planet of       positivity to those around
old Samsungs! Your planet      honest and also fearless       originality -- time to join    you, you love to laugh and
is Mercury, the planet of      -- kind of like Catniss in     the newspaper or crea-         you are sometimes a bit
communication, and you         the Hunger Games! But          tive writing workshop at       spacey. Your planet is Nep-
love to talk and hate the      like Catniss, you can be a     Communidée? You hate           tune, the planet of fantasy.
words «quiet time.» You        bit unforgiving. You hate      drama queens (look out,        Your wish in life is to find
love knowledge and you         quitting and quitters. Your    Libra!) and owing money        unconditional love -- but
like to have all the answers   planet is Saturn, the planet   or favours. Your element       make sure you stand up for
-- just take care that you     of discipline and maturity.    is water, which makes you      yourself, and avoid being
don’t come across as a         You also hate doing things     crafty. You love freedom,      too clingy. Lean on pal
know-it-all. Your element      for no reason (hello Hun-      and enjoy teaching others      Libra for support.
is air and you love to be      ger Games), and you may        -- you do well in groups,
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