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COFI/3003/Inf.2 March 2003 COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES COMITÉ DES PÊCHES COMITÉ DE PESCA Twenty-fifth Session Vingt-cinquième session 25º período de sesiones Rome, Italy, 24-28 February 2003 Rome (Italie), 24 -28 février 2003 Roma, Italia, 24-28 de febrero de 2003 LIST OF DELEGATES AND OBSERVERS LISTE DES DÉLÉGUÉS ET OBSERVATEURS LISTA DE DELEGADOS Y OBSERVADORES
MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE Sergio NETO MEMBRES DU COMITÉ Conseiller MIEMBROS DEL COMITÉ Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO AFGHANISTAN - AFGANISTÁN Ambassade de la République d'Angola Via Filippo Bernardini, 21 Abdul Razak AYAZI 00165 Rome, Italie Alternate Permanent Representative of the Phone: +39 06 39366902 Islamic State of Afghanistan to FAO Fax: +39 06 39388221 Embassy of Afghanistan Email: Via Nomentana, 120 00161 Rome, Italy Manuel José FERNANDES Phone: +39 06 8611009 Chef de département de la pêche Fax: +39 06 86322939 Ministère des pêches Email: Av. 4 de Fevereiro C.P. 83 ALGERIA - ALGÉRIE - ARGELIA Luanda Mohamed Salah SMATI Joaquim AFONSO PEDRO Inspecteur général Chef de département de la pêche Ministère de la pêche et des ressources artisanal halieutiques Ministère des pêches Rue des 4 Canons Av. 4 de Fevereiro 16000 Alger C.P. 83 Phone: +213 21 433942 Luanda Fax: +213 21 433938 João BAPTISTA ANGOLA Ministère des pêches Av. 4 de Fevereiro João Antonio PEDRO C.P. 83 Vice-Ministre Luanda Ministère des pêches Av. 4 de Fevereiro ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA - ANTIGUA-ET- C.P. 83 BARBUDA - ANTIGUA Y BARBUDA Luanda Hon. Vere BIRD (JNR) Armando Matteus CADETÉ Minister for Agriculture, Lands Ambassadeur and Fisheries 182, Rue Franz Merjay Ministry of Agriculture, Lands 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique and Fisheries Phone: +32 2 346 1880 Nevis & Temple Streets Fax: +32 2 346 8749 St. John's Phone: +1 268 5621302 Carlos Albert AMARAL Fax: +1 268 5621303 Représentant permanent suppléant de la République d'Angola auprès de la FAO Horace WALTERS Ambassade de la République d'Angola Adviser to the Minister Via Filippo Bernardini, 21 Ministry of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries 00165 Rome, Italie Nevis & Temple Streets Phone: +39 06 39366902 St. John's Fax: +39 06 39388221 Phone: +1 758 452 4478 Email: Email:
ARGENTINA - ARGENTINE Robyn BROMLEY c/o Embassy of Australia Juan José IRIARTE VILLANUEVA Via Alessandria, 215 Ministro 00198 Rome, Italy Director de Temas Economicos Phone: +39 06 85272376 Especiales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Andrew PEARSON Comercio Internacional y Culto Senior Manager Policy Esmeralda 1212, Piso 9 Australian Fisheries Management 1007-Buenos Aires Authority (AFMA) P.O. Box 7051 Hilda Graciela GABARDINI Canberra BC Representante Permanente Adjunto Canberra ACT 2610 de la República Argentina ante la FAO Phone: +61 2 62725124 Embajada de la República Argentina Fax: +61 2 62725175 Piazza dell'Esquilino, 2 00185 Roma, Italia Brett HOUGHES Phone: +39 06 48907301 Counsellor (Agriculture) Fax: +39 06 4819787 Alternate Permanent Representative Email: of Australia to FAO Embassy of Australia Holger MARTINSEN Via Alessandria, 215 Consejero 00198 Rome, Italy Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Phone: +39 06 85272376 Comercio Internacional y Culto Fax: +39 06 85272230 Esmeralda 1212, Piso 9 Email: 1007-Buenos Aires AUSTRIA - AUTRICHE Ariel FERNÁNDEZ Representante Permanente Alterno BANGLADESH Embajada de la República Argentina Piazza dell'Esquilino, 2 Nahida SOBHAN 00185 Roma, Italia First Secretary Phone: +39 06 48907301 Permanent Representation of the Fax: +39 06 4819787 People's Republic of Bangladesh to FAO Email: Embassy of the People's Republic of Bangladesh ARMENIA - ARMÉNIE Via Antonio Bertoloni, 14 00197 Rome, Italy Zohrab V. MALEK Phone: +39 06 8078541 Ambassador Fax: + 39 06 8084853 Permanent Representative Email: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Armenia to FAO Nasrin AKHTER Via Camillo Sabatini, 102 Economic Counsellor 00144 Rome, Italy Permanent Representation of the Phone: +39 06 5201924 People's Republic of Bangladesh to FAO Fax: +39 06 5201924 Embassy of the People's Republic Email: of Bangladesh Via Antonio Bertoloni, 14 AUSTRALIA - AUSTRALIE 00197 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 8078541 Glenn David HURRY General Manager of Fisheries Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Canberra ACT 2600 Phone: +61 2 62725777
BELGIUM - BELGIQUE - BÉLGICA BRAZIL - BRÉSIL - BRASIL Christian MONNOYER José FRITSCH Ambassadeur du Royaume de Special Secretary for Aquaculture Belgique auprès de la FAO and Fisheries Représentation permanente du Esplanada dos Ministerios Royaume de Belgique auprès Block D, 2º andar de la FAO 70068-900 Brasilia, D.F. Via Omero, 8 00197 Rome, Italie Mariangela DUARTE Phone: +39 06 3203903 Representative from the State Fax: +39 06 3203992 of São Paulo Email: Camera dos Deputados Praça dos Tres Poderes Luc MAERTENS 70000-000 Brasilia, D.F. Directeur Service de la pêche maritime Milton BARBOSA Ministère de la Communauté flamande Representative from the State of Vryhaven Str. Bahia 8400 Ostend Camera dos Deputados Praça dos Tres Poderes Virginie DEPREAY 70000-000 Brasilia, D.F. Représentation permanente du Royaume de Belgique Selma SHONS auprès de la FAO Representative from the State of Paraná Via Omero, 8 Camera dos Deputados 00197 Rome, Italie Praça dos Tres Poderes Phone: +39 06 3203903 70000-000 Brasilia, D.F. Fax: +39 06 3203992 Email: Romeu PORTO DAROS Deputy BELIZE - BELICE Special Secretary for Aquaculture and Fisheries Esplanada dos Ministerios Ismael GARCIA Block D, 2º andar Program Coordinator 70068-900 Brasilia, D.F. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Cooperatives Flavio CELIO GOLDMAN West Block Second Secretary Belmopan Alternate Permanent Representative Permanent Representation of the BENIN - BÉNIN Federative Republic of Brazil to FAO Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima, 32 Bantole YABA 00186 Rome, Italy Permanent Mission of Benin to Phone: +39 06 68307576 United Nations Fax: +39 06 6867858 4 East 73rd Street New York, N.Y. 10021 Sebastião SALDANHA NETO United States of America General Coordinator of the Fisheries Resources Management of the Joseph OUAKE Brazilian Institute of the Environment Fisheries Officer and Renewable Natural Resources Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage (IBAMA) et de la pêche SAIN Av. L-4-N Bl." B" Subsolo 01 B.P. 383 70800-200 Brasilia/DF Cotonou Phone: +61 3161480 Email: Fax: +61 316 1238 Email:
Fabio HAZIN CAMEROON - CAMEROUN - CAMERÚN Professor of the University of Pernambuco Hamadjoda ADJOUDJI Rua Desembargador Célio Ministre de l'élevage, des pêches et des De Castro, Montenegro,32 industries animales Apto. 1702, Monteiro Ministère de l'élevage, des pêches et Recife-Pe des industries animales (Minepia) CEP: 52070-008 Yaoundé Email: Phone: +237 2223775 Fax: +237 2221405 BULGARIA - BULGARIE Ousman BABA MALLOUM Ilia KRASTELNIKOV Directeur des pêches Ambassador of the Ministère de l'élevage, des pêches et Republic of Bulgaria to FAO des industries animales (Minepia) Permanent Representation of Yaoundé the Republic of Bulgaria to FAO Phone: +237 2316049 Via Pietro Paolo Rubens, 21 Fax: +237 231 3048 00197 Rome, Italy Email: Phone: +39 06 3224640/43 Fax: +39 06 3226122 Raymond J.J. SANZHIE BOKALLY Secrétaire Exécutif BURKINA FASO Caisse de développement de la pêche maritime Béatrice DAMIBA B.P. 1846 Ambassadeur Douala Représentant permanent du Burkina Phone: +237 3424624 Faso auprès de la FAO Fax: +237 3424064 Ambassade du Burkina Faso Via Alessandria, 26 Solomon TATAH 00198 Rome, Italie Diplomate Phone: +39 06 44250052 Ministère des relations extérieures Fax: +39 06 44250042 Départment des Nations Unies Yaoundé Noaga S. Norbert ZIGANI Phone: +237 221 15 99 Directeur général des ressources Email: halieutiques Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'hydraulique Medi MOUNGUI et des ressources halieutiques Représentant permanent adjoint 03 B.P. 7005 de la République du Cameroun Ouagadougou auprès de la FAO Ambassade de la République André Anatole YAMEOGO du Cameroun Représentant permanent adjoint Via Siracusa, 4-6 auprès de la FAO 00161 Rome, Italie Ambassade du Burkina Faso Phone: +39 06 44291285 Via Alessandria, 26 Fax: +39 06 44291323 00198 Rome, Italie Phone: +39 06 44250052 CANADA - CANADÁ Fax: +39 06 44250042 Lori RIDGEWAY Catherine OUEDRAOGO Director-General Attachée Economic and Policy Analysis Ambassade du Burkina Faso Department of Fisheries and Oceans Via Alessandria, 26 200 Kent St. 00198 Rome, Italie Ottawa, ONT K1A OE6 Phone: +39 06 44250052 Phone: +1 613 9931914 Fax: +39 06 44250042 Fax: +1 613 9909574
Mark BURGHAM CHILE - CHILI Director Policy Office of Sustainable Aquaculture Angel SARTORI ARELLANO Department of Fisheries and Oceans Embajador 200 Kent St. Representación Permanente de la Ottawa, ONT K1A OE6 República de Chile ante la FAO Phone: +1 613 9923474 Via Po, 22 00198 Rome, Italia Roderick FORBES Phone: +39 06 8417450 Director of Horizontal Policy Fax: +39 06 85833855 Economic and Policy Analysis Department of Fisheries and Oceans José Manuel OVALLE BRAVO Ottawa, ONT K1A OE6 Director de Medio Ambiente Phone: +1 613 9923474 Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Fax: +1 613 9907292 Catedral 1158, piso 3 Santiago David EHINGER Phone: +56 2 6962574 Deputy Director Fax: +56 2 6968796 Oceans Law Email: Oceans and Environmental Law Division Department of Foreign Affairs and Antonio PLAZA JIMENEZ International Trade Representante Permanente Alterno Lester B. Pearson Building de la República de Chile ante la FAO 125 Sussex Drive Via Po, 22 Ottawa, ONT K1A OG2 00198 Rome, Italia Phone: +1 613 992 1360 Phone: +39 06 8417450 Fax: +1 613 996 6483 Fax: +39 06 85833855 Email: Email: Lennox HINDS Sergio MUJICA MONTES Marine Resources Specialist Director Nacional de Pesca Canadian International Development Av. Victoria 2832 Agency Valparaíso 200 prom. du Portage Phone: +52 32 819402 Hull, QC K1A OG4 Fax: +52 32 256311 Phone: +1 819 9970483 Email: Fax: +1 819 9533348 Email: Edith SAA COLLANTES Jefe de la División de Desarollo CAPE VERDE - CAP-VERT - CABO VERDE Pesquero Subsecretaría de Pesca Arnaldo DELGADO Bellavista 168 P.19 Conseiller Valparaíso Représentant permanent adjoint Email: de la République du Cap-Vert auprès de la FAO Héctor BACIGALUPO FALCÓN Ambassade de la République Gerente de Estudios du Cap-Vert Sociedad Nacional de Pesca Via Giosué Carducci 4 - Int. 1 Barros Errazuriz 1954 - OF. 206 00187 Rome, Italie Santiago Phone: +39 06 4744678 Phone: +56 2 269 2533 Fax: +39 06 4744643 Fax: +56 2 269 2616 Email:
Alejandro COVARRUBIAS PEREZ Guo HANDI Jefe del Departamento de Fiscalización First Secretary Pesquera Permanent Representation of the Servicio Nacional de Pesca People's Republic of China to FAO Av. Victoria 2832 Via della Caffarella, 9 Valparaíso 00179 Rome, Italy Email: Phone: +39 06 5137345 Fax: +39 06 5137344 Marcela ZAMORANO NUÑEZ Email: Jefe Division Estudios Departemento Marina de Pesca Chen JIAYONG y Recursos Marinos Assistant Adviser Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo Bureau of Fisheries y de Marina Mercante Ministry of Agriculture Subida Cementerio 300 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli Playa Ancha Beijing 100026 Valparaíso Phone: +86 10 64192974 Phone: +56 32 208357 Fax: +86 10 64192961 Fax: +56 32 208385 Email: Email: Wang YAMIN CHINA - CHINE Second Secretary Permanent Representation of the Zhang HECHENG People's Republic of China to FAO Deputy Director-General Via della Caffarella, 9 Bureau of Fisheries 00179 Rome, Italy Ministry of Agriculture Phone: +39 06 5137345 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli Fax: +39 06 5137344 Beijing 100026 Email: Phone: +86 10 64192924 Fax: +86 10 64192961 COLOMBIA - COLOMBIE Email: Dario BONILLA Hu YANAN Representante Permanente Alterno Director of Division de la República de Colombia Department of International Cooperation ante la FAO Ministry of Agriculture Embajada de la República 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli de Colombia Beijing 100026 Via Giuseppe Pisanelli 4, Int. 10 Phone: +86 10 64192423 00196 Roma, Italia Fax: +86 10 65003621 Phone: +39 06 3202405 (2 lines) Email: Fax: +39 06 3225798 Email: Liu XIAOBING Director of Division COMOROS - COMORES - COMORAS Bureau of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture Hamadi IDAROUSSI 11 Nongzhanguan Nanli Délégué au Développement Beijing 100026 Ministère des Affaires sociales Phone: +86 10 64492928 et du développement Fax: +86 10 64192951 B.P. 97 Moroni Email: Phone: + 269 744266 Fax: + 269 734241
Mohamed HALIFA Rufin Gabriel M. AMBERO Directeur général de la pêche Ministre conseiller Ministère des Affaires sociales Représentant permanent adjoint et du développement de la Republique du Congo auprès de l'OAA B.P. 41 Moroni Ambassade de la République démocratique Phone: +269 735630 du Congo Email: Via Barberini, 3 00187 Rome, Italie Afretane ROUMLI MDOIHOMA Phone: +39 06 42010779 Director regional de la pêche Fax: +39 06 42010779 Ministère de l'agriculture de l'île autonome de Mohéli Emile M. ESSEMA B.P. 97 Moroni Deuxième conseiller Phone: +269 720522 Ambassade de la République du Congo CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF - Via Ombrone 8/10 CONGO, RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE 00198 Rome, Italie DU - CONGO, REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA Phone: +39 347 5567732 DEL Fax: +39 06 441400218 Salomon BANAMUHERE BALIENE Daniel PEA Ministre chargé de l'agriculture, pêche Directeur de cabinet et élevage Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, Croisement Blvd du 30 juin - Av. Batetela de la pêche et de la promotion de Kinshasa-Gombe la femme Phone: +243 8833780 B.P. 2453 Fax: +243 8802381 Brazzaville Email: Phone: +242 814131 Fax: +242 811929 Innolent MOKOSA MANDENDE Email: Représentant permanent adjoint auprès de la FAO Dieudonné KISSIEKIAOUA Ambassade de la République Conseiller aux pêches démocratique du Congo Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'élevage, Via Barberini, 3 de la pêche et de la promotion 00187 Rome, Italie de la femme Phone: +39 06 42010779 B.P. 2453 Fax: +39 06 42010779 Brazzaville Phone: +242 814131 CONGO, REPUBLIC OF - CONGO, Fax: +242 811929 RÉPUBLIQUE DU - CONGO, REPÚBLICA Email: DEL COOK ISLANDS - ÎLES COOK - ISLAS Mamdou SEM KAMARA DEKAMO COOK Ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire Alava'a Navy EPATI Représentant permanent auprès de la FAO Secretary Ambassade de la République démocratique Ministry of Marine Resources du Congo P.O. Box 85 Via Barberini, 3 Rarotonga 00187 Rome , Italy Phone: +682 28721 Phone: +39 06 42010779 Fax: +682 29721 Fax: +39 06 42010779 Email:
Todd MCCLAY CUBA Ambassador to the European Union Cook Islands Embassy to the Alfredo Néstor PUIG PINO European Union Embajador 10, Rue Berckmans Representación Permanente de la República 1060 Brussels, Belgium de Cuba ante la FAO Phone: +32 2 54310000 Via Licinia, 13a Fax: +32 2 5431001 00153 Roma, Italia Email: Phone: +39 06 5781123 Fax: +39 06 5780614 COSTA RICA Email: Ligia CASTRO Manuel ALVAREZ Presidente Ejecutivo de INCOPESCA Director (100 metros norte del Dirección de Relaciones Internacionales Chicote 50 este y 50 norte) Ministerio de la Industria Pesquera San Jose Ave. 5ta., Edif. 1, Barlovento Sta. Fé Ciudad Habana Victoria GUARDIA ALVARADO DE Phone: +209 7034 HERNÁNDEZ Fax: +204 9168 Embajador ante la FAO Email: Representación Permanente de la República de Costa Rica ante la FAO CYPRUS - CHYPRE - CHIPRE Via Bartolomeo Eustachio, 22 00161 Roma, Italia George F. POULIDES Phone: +39 06 44251046 Ambassador Fax: +39 06 44251048 Permanent Representative Email: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Cyprus to FAO Vanessa VILLAREAL Piazza Farnese, 44 Miembro de la Junta Directiva 00186 Rome, Italy de INCOPESCA Phone: +39 06 6865758 (antiguo al taller a costa) Fax: +39 06 68803756 Puntarenas Email: Fax: +506 2962662 Artemis ANTONIADES Yolanda GAGO Alternate Permanent Representative Ministro Consejero Permanent Representation of the Representación Permanente de la Republic of Cyprus to FAO República de Costa Rica ante la FAO Piazza Farnese, 44 Via Bartolomeo Eustachio, 22 00186 Rome, Italy 00161 Roma, Italia Phone: +39 06 6865758 Phone: +39 06 44251046 Fax: +39 06 68803756 Fax: +39 06 44251048 Email: Email: CZECH REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE Gerardo RUDIN TCHÈQUE - REPÚBLICA CHECA Asesor Puntarenas Pavel SKODA Phone: +506 639 9083 Permanent Representative of Email: gerardo@hillsof the Czech Republic Embassy of the Czech Republic Victor ESPINOZA Via dei Gracchi, 322 Asesor 00192 Rome, Italy Puntarenas Phone: +39 06 3244459 Fax: +39 06 3244466 CROATIA - CROATIE - CROACIA Email:
CÔTE D'IVOIRE Hákun Jógvanson DJURHUUS Counsellor Kouassi Adjoumani KOBENAN Mission of the Faroes to the European Union Ministre Rue d'Arlon, 73 Ministère de la production animale B-1040 Brussels, Belgium et des ressources halieutiques Phone: +32 223 30855 Abidjan Fax: +32 223 30966 Email: Aboubakar BAKAYOKO Représentant permanent adjoint Kate SANDERSON de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Special Adviser auprès de la FAO Department of Foreign Affairs Ambassade de la République de Côte d'Ivoire Prime Minister's Office Via Guglielmo Saliceto, 6/8/10 Tinganes 00161 Rome, Italie FO-100 Tórhsvan, Faroe Islands Phone: +39 06 44230780 Phone: +298 35 10 10 Fax: +39 06 44292531 Fax: +298 35 10 15 Email: DOMINICA - DOMINIQUE Anvra DJOBO Conseiller Technique Lloyd PASCAL Ministère de la production animale et Head des ressources halieutiques Environmental Coordinating Unit B.P. V19 Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment Abidjan Dame M.E. Charles Blvd Phone: +225 21 356169 Roseau Fax: +225 21 350409 Phone: +1767 4484577/4482401 Email: Fax: +1767 4484577 Email: Blaguet Noël BOMBO Conseiller Technique Andrew MAGLOIRE Ministère de la production animale et Chief Fisheries Officer des ressources halieutiques Fisheries Division B.P. V19 Dame M.E. Charles Blvd Abidjan Roseau Email: Phone: +17674482401 Ext.3391/3392 Fax: +17674480140 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF Email: KOREA - RÉPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE DÉMOCRATIQUE DE CORÉE - REPÚBLICA DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - RÉPUBLIQUE POPULAR DEMOCRÁTICA DE COREA DOMINICAINE - REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA DENMARK - DANEMARK - DINAMARCA Mario ARVELO CAAMAÑO Erik Klindt ANDERSEN Ambajador Minister Counsellor Representante Permanente Alterno Deputy Permanent Representative of de la República Dominicana ante la FAO Denmark to FAO Embajada de la República Dominicana Via dei Monti Parioli, 50 Via Pisanelli 1, int. 8 00197 Rome, Italy 00196 Roma, Italia Phone: +39 06 3200441 Phone: +39 06 36004377 Fax: +39 06 3610290 Fax: +39 06 36004380 Email: Email:
ECUADOR - ÉQUATEUR María Eulalia JIMÉNEZ Ministro Consejero Marco SAMANIEGO Representante Alterno de la República Ministro de El Salvador ante la FAO Representante Permanente Adjunto de la Embajada de la República de República del Ecuador ante la FAO El Salvador Embajada de la República del Ecuador Via Gualtiero Castellini, 13 Via Antonio Bertoloni, 8 00197 Roma, Italia 00197 Roma, Italia Phone: +39 06 8076605 Phone: +39 06 8076271/2 Fax: +39 06 8079726 Fax: +39 06 8078209 Email: Email: ERITREA - ÉRYTHRÉE Patricia BORJA Segundo Secretario Yohannes TENSUE Representante Permanente Alterno Alternate Permanent Representative de la República del Ecuador ante la FAO of Eritrea to FAO Embajada de la República del Ecuador Embassy of Eritrea Via Antonio Bertoloni, 8 Via Boncompagni 16 - 3rd Floor 00197 Roma, Italia 00187 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 8076271/2 Phone: +39 06 42741293 Fax: +39 06 8078209 Fax: +39 06 42086806 Email: ESTONIA - ESTONIE EGYPT - ÉGYPTE - EGIPTO Ilmar MÄNDMETS Maryam MOUSSA Counsellor Minister Plenipotentiary for Agriculture Permanent Representative of the Deputy Permanent Representative to FAO Republic of Estonia to FAO Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt Embassy of the Republic of Estonia Via Salaria 267 (Villa Savoia) Viale Liegi, 28 00199 Rome, Italy 00198 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 8548956 Phone: +39 06 8440751 Fax: +39 06 8542603 Fax: +39 06 844075119 Email: Email: EL SALVADOR EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (MEMBER ORGANIZATION) - COMMUNAUTÉ Joaquín RODEZNO MUNGUIA EUROPÉENNE (ORGANISATION MEMBRE) Embajador - COMUNIDAD EUROPEA Representante Permanente de la República (ORGANIZACIÓN MIEMBRO) de El Salvador ante la FAO Embajada de la República de El Salvador Serge BESLIER Via Gualtiero Castellini, 13 Chef d'Unité 00197 Roma, Italia Organisations internationales Phone: +39 06 8076605 et élargissements Fax: +39 06 8079726 Direction générale de la pêche Email: Commission européenne 200 Rue de la Loi Mario GONZALEZ RECINOS B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique Director General Phone: +32 2 2950115 Centro de Desarrollo de la Pesca y Acuicultura Fax: +32 2 2963986 Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería Email: Final 1a Av. Norte y Av. Manuel Gallardo Departamento de La Libertad Nueva San Salvador Phone: +503 228 0034 Fax: +503 228 0074
Carmen OCHOA DE MICHELENA Jacques FAVRE Administrateur Administrateur Direction générale de la pêche Direction générale du développement Unité "Questions générales dans le Unité B/4 domaine des relations externes" Commission européenne Commission européenne 200 Rue de la Loi 200 Rue de la Loi B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique Phone: +32 2 2965760 Phone: +32 2 2994884 Fax: +32 2 2992908 Fax: +32 2 2963986 Email: Email: Jorge DE LA CABALLERIA M.Jean WEISSENBERGER Conseiller Administrateur Délegation de la Commission européenne Direction générale de la pêche auprès de la FAO Commission européenne Via IV Novembre, 149 200 Rue de la Loi 00187 Rome, Italie B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique Phone: +39 06 6782672 Phone: +32 2 2991111 Fax: +39 06 6797830/4 Fax: +32 2 2959225 Email: Email: Frances-Anne HUNTER Juan José RONCO ZAPATERO Attachée Administrator Délégation de la Commission européenne European Commission auprès de la FAO Fisheries Directorate-General Via IV Novembre, 149 200 Rue de la Loi 00187 Rome, Italie 1049 Brussels, Belgium Phone: +39 06 6782672 Phone: +32 2295 29 97 Fax: +39 06 6797830/4 Fax: +32 2 295 9752 Email: Email: Olivier LEDOUX Per HELLER Head of Coordinator Unit Administrateur principal Project SFP-ACP Direction générale du Commerce 52 Av. Herrmann Debroux Commission européenne 1160 Brussels, Belgium 200 Rue de la Loi B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique Claus-Norbert FINK Phone: +32 2 2956445 Unit Project SFP-ACP Fax: +32 2 2991046 139 Blvd des Invalides Email: Brussels, Belgium Jacques PRADE Jacques VERBORGH Administrateur principal Chef d'Unité adjoint Direction générale du développement Direction générale de la pêche Commission européenne Unité "Contrôles et licences" 200 Rue de la Loi Commission européenne B-1049 Bruxelles, Belgique 200 Rue de la Loi Phone: +32 2 29 526 50 1049 Bruxelles, Belgique Fax: +32 2 2992908 Phone: +32 2 2991111 Email: Fax: +32 2 2959225
FIJI - FIDJI Daniel SILVESTRE MCMP Member Maciu LAGIBALAVU Secrétariat général de la mer Director of Fisheries 16 Boulevard Raspail Ministry of Fisheries and 75007 Paris Forests Phone: +33 1 53634153 46 Knollys Street Fax: +33 1 53 634178 Suva Email: Pio TABAIWALU Jean-Louis KROMER Counsellor Chargé de mission pour les ressources Permanent Representation to FAO halieutiques Embassy of the Republic of The Fiji Islands Ministère des affaires étrangères, de la 92-94 Square Plasky coopération et de la francophonie 5th floor 20, Rue Monsieur 1030 Brussels, Belgium 75700 Paris Phone: +32 2 7369050 Phone: +33 1 53693147 Fax: +32 2 7361458 Fax: +33 1 53693535 Email: Email: FINLAND - FINLANDE - FINLANDIA Patrick PRUVOT Secrétaire général Seppo HAVU Comité interministériel pour l'agriculture et Director-General l'alimentation Department of Fisheries and Game 2, Boulevard Diderot Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 75572 Paris Cedex 12 Mariankatu 23 Phone: +33 1 44 87 1600 P.O. Box 30 Fax: +33 1 44 8716 04 FIN 00023, Helsinki Email: Phone: +358 9 16053360 Fax: +358 9 160524285 Claire GAUDOT Email: Conseiller scientifique Représentation permanente de la France Markku ARO auprès de l'OAA Director of Unit for Fisheries Industry Corso del Rinascimento, 52 Department of Fisheries and Game Rome, Italie Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Phone: +39 06 68 40 52 22 Mariankatu 23 Fax: +39 06 68 92 692 P.O. Box 30 FIN 00023, Helsinki Alain PARRES Phone: +358 9 1605 3361 Président de la Commission nationale des Fax: +358 9 1605 2640 pêches maritimes et des élevage marins Email: (CNPMEM) 51 Rue Salvador Allende FRANCE - FRANCIA 92027 Nantene Cedex Phone: +33 1 477 50101 François GAUTHIEZ Fax: +33 1 49 000 602 Chef du bureau de la ressource de la réglementation et des affaires Michel TRINQUER internationales Sous-directeur du droit de la mer, des pêches Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, et de l'Antarctique de la pêche et des affaires rurales Direction des Affaires juridiques 3 Place de Fontenoy Ministère des Affaires étrangères 75007 Paris 07 SP 37, Quai d'Orsay Phone: +33 1 49558231 75351 Paris 07 SP Fax: +33 1 49558200 Phone: +33 1 43174386 Email: Fax: +33 1 43174359 Email:
Michel BRUMEAUX Louis Stanislas CHARICAUTH Sous directeur du droit de la mer, des pêches Représentant permanent suppléant et de l'Antarctique de la République Gabonaise auprès la FAO Direction des Affaires juridiques Ambassade de la République gabonaise Ministère des Affaires étrangères Via San Marino, 36-36A 37, Quai d'Orsay 00197 Rome, Italie 75351 Paris 07 SP Phone: +39 06 85358970 Phone: +33 1 43175313 Fax: +39 06 8417278 Fax: +33 1 43175505 Email: GAMBIA - GAMBIE GABON - GABÓN Ousman DRAMMEH Director of Fisheries Louis Gabriel PAMBO Marine Parade Directeur général des Pêches Banjul et de l'Aquaculture Phone: +220 228 727 Ministère de l'économie forestière, des eaux, Fax: +220 224151 de la pêche, chargé de l'environnement Email: et de la protection de la nature B.P. 9498 GERMANY - ALLEMAGNE - ALEMANIA Libreville Phone: +241 748992 Carl-Josef WEIERS Fax: +241 764602 Deputy Permanent Representative Email: Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany Dominique MOUÉLÉ Via S. Martino della Battaglia, 4 Conseiller Technique du Ministre 00185 Rome, Italy en charge des pêches Phone: +39 06 49213280 Ministère de l'économie forestière, des eaux, Fax: +39 06 49213281 de la pêche, chargé de l'environnement Email: et de la protection de la nature B.P. 9498 Ulrich FASSBENDER Libreville Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Phone: +241 768005/237518 Food and Agriculture Rochusstrasse 1 Georges MBA-ASSEKO 53123 Bonn Conseiller du directeur général des pêches Phone: +49 228 529 4373 et de l'aquaculture Fax: +49 228 529 4410 Ministère de l'économie forestière, des eaux, Email: de la pêche, chargé de l'environnement et de la protection de la nature Uwe LOHMEYER B.P. 9498 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Libreville Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH Phone: +241 748992 Postfach 5180 Fax: +241 764602 65726 Eschborn Email: Phone: +49 6196791471 Email: Robert ONDOH MVE Directeur des pêches artisanales Maike WALTEMATH Ministère de l'économie forestière, des Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische eaux, de la pêche, chargé de Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH l'environnement et de la protection Postfach 5180 de la nature 65726 Eschborn B.P. 9498 Phone: +49 6196791472 Libreville Email: Phone: +241 768007 Fax: +241 764602 Email:
GHANA Angeliki KALLARA Head of Section George HUTCHFUL Directorate General for Fisheries Ministry of Food and Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box M.37 381 Acharnon Street Accra 11143 Athens Phone: +233 21 663036 Phone: +30 210 2125292 Fax: +233 21 663250 Fax: +30 210 2111719 Email: Email: Kwaku NICOL Angelina METAXATOU Alternate Permanent Representative Senior Officer of the Republic of Ghana to FAO Directorate General for Fisheries Embassy of the Republic Ministry of Agriculture of Ghana 2-6, Acharnon Street Via Ostriana, 4 11143 Athens 00199 Rome, Italy Phone: +30 210 212 5273 Phone: +39 06 86217191 Fax: +30 210 202 2086 Fax: +39 06 86325762 Email: Email: Despina SYMONS-PYROVOLIDOU GREECE - GRÈCE - GRECIA Consultant Ministry of Agriculture Andreas LAGGIS 2-6, Acharnon Street Adviser to the Minister 10176 Athens for Fisheries Affairs Phone: +30 2 52 91111 Ministry of Agriculture Fax: +30 2 52 43509 2-6, Acharnon Street Email: 10176 Athens Phone: +30 210 2125900 Leni RIKKONEN Fax: +30 210 5247754 Administrator Email: Council of the European Union DG B.III-Fisheries Maria VASILIOU 175 Rue de la Loi Director 1048 Brussels, Belgium Marine Fisheries Division Phone: +32 2 2858723 Ministry of Agriculture Fax: +32 2 2856031 381, Acharnon Street Email: 11143 Athens Phone: +30 210 21255277 GUATEMALA Fax: +30 210 2022086 Email: Pablo Roberto GIRÓN MUÑOZ Viceministro de Ganadería, Recursos Konstantina KARLOU RIGA Hidrobiológicos y Alimentación Head of Fisheries Laboratory Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Directorate General for Fisheries Alimentación Ministry of Agriculture 7a Avenida 12-90, Zona 13 15 Karaoli and Demetrion Edificio Monja Blanca 18531 Piraeus 01013 Ciudad de Guatemala Phone: +30 210 4120178 Phone: +502 3624753/6/8 Fax: +30 210 4120178 Fax: +502 3328302/3 Email:
Emilio MALDONADO GULARTE HONDURAS Ministro Consejero Representante Permanente Alterno Oscar Antonio OYUELA de la República de Guatemala Embajador ante la FAO Embajada de Honduras Embajada de la República de Guatemala Via Giambattista Vico 40 - Int. 8 Piazzale S. Gregorio VII, 65 00196 Roma, Italia 00165 Roma, Italia Phone: +39 06 3207236 Phone: +39 06 6381632 Fax: +39 06 3207973 Fax: +39 06 39376981 Email: HUNGARY - HONGRIE - HUNGRÍA Ileana RIVERA DE ANGOTTI Károly PINTÉR Primer Secretario Head of Department on Fisheries Representante Permanente Alterno Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development de la República de Guatemala of the Republic of Hungary ante la FAO Kossuth Lajos-tér 11 Embajada de la República de Guatemala Budapest 1055 Piazzale S. Gregorio VII, 65 Phone: +36 1 3022000 00165 Roma, Italia Fax: +36 1 3020408 Phone: +39 06 6381632 Fax: +39 06 39376981 ICELAND - ISLANDE - ISLANDIA Email: Kolbeinn ARNASON GUINEA - GUINÉE Director Department of International Affairs Amandou Telivel DIALLO Ministry of Fisheries Director général du port de Skúlagötu, 4 - 150 Reykjavik pêche artisanale de boulbinet Phone: +354 545 8300 Ministère de la pêche et de Fax: +354 562 2373 l'aquaculture Email: B.P. 307 Conakry Jon Erlingur JONASSON Phone: +224 43 0205 Counsellor Fax: +224 45 1926 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Email: Raudarárstígur 25 - 150 Reykjavik Phone: +354 545 9900 Toure IBRAHIMA SORY Fax: +354 562 2373/86 Chef cabinet Email: Ministère de la pêche et de l'aquaculture Stefan ASMUNDSSON B.P. 307 Legal Adviser in International Law Conakry Ministry of Fisheries Phone: +224 413523 Skúlagötu, 4 - 150 Reykjavík Phone: +354 545 9900 HAITI - HAÏTI - HAITÍ Fax: +354 562 2373/86 Email: Suze PERCY Représentant permanent adjoint de la Thordur Ingvi GUDMUNDSSON République d'Haïti auprès de la FAO Counsellor Ambassade de la République d'Haïti Embassy of the Republic of Iceland Via di Villa Patrizi 7 - 7A 8 Avenue Kleber 00161 Rome, Italie 75116 Paris, France Phone: +39 06 44254106/7 Phone: +33 1 44173285 Fax: +39 06 44254208 Fax: +33 1 40679996 Email: Email:
Ágústa GÍSLADÓTTIR INDONESIA - INDONÉSIE Executive Officer Icelandic International Development Agency Andin H. TARYOTO Reykjavík Secretary-General Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Petur BJARNASON Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur, 16 Director, Chairman of the Fisheries 17th Floor, Jakarta 10110 Association of Iceland Phone: +62 21 3500045 Skipholt 17 Fax: +62 21 3500049 105 Reykjavik Email: Gunnar PÁLSSON Freddy NUMBERI Ambassador Ambassador Chairman of the Senior Arctic Officials Permanent Representative of Republic of the Arctic Council Secretariat Indonesia to FAO Ministry for Foreign Affairs Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Raudarárstígur 25 Via Campania, 55 150 Reykjavík 00187 Rome, Italy Phone: +354 545 9900 Phone: +39 06 4200911 Fax: +354 562 2373/86 Fax: +39 06 4880280 Email: ANDRADJATI INDIA - INDE Director for Commodity and Standardization Binoo SEN Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary Jln. Taman Pejambon 6 Department of Animal Husbandry and Pusat, Jakarta 10110 Dairying Phone: +62 21 3814211 Ministry of Agriculture Fax: +62 21 3519614 Room No.120, Krishi Bhawan Email: Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road New Delhi 110 011 Wahib ABDULJAWAD Phone: +91 11 233 82608 Counsellor Fax: +91 11 233 88006 Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Email: Via Campania, 55 00187 Rome, Italy P.K. PATTANAIK Phone: +39 06 4880127 Joint Secretary Fax: +39 06 4880280 Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying Sunggul SINAGA Ministry of Agriculture Alternate Permanent Representative Room No.120, Krishi Bhawan Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road Via Campania, 55 New Delhi 110 011 00187 Rome, Italy Phone: +91 11 23381994 Phone: +39 06 42009134 Fax: +91 11 23070370 Fax: +39 06 4880280 Email: Nilanto PERBOWO Govindan NAIR Head of Program Division Minister (Agriculture) Directorate General of Capture Fisheries Alternate Permanent Representative of Ministry of Marine Affairs and India to FAO Fisheries Embassy of the Republic of India Jl. Harsono RM n. 3, Ragunan Via XX Settembre, 5 Jakarta 12770 00187 Rome, Italy Phone: +62 21 78831853 Phone: +39 06 4884642 Email: Fax: +39 06 4819539 Email:
Timbul SITUMORANG IRELAND - IRLANDE - IRLANDA Third Secretary Alternate Permanent Representative Jim CONDON of the Republic of Indonesia Senior Sea Fishery Officer to FAO Department of Communications, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia Marine and Natural Resources Via Campania, 55 Oak House 00187 Rome Bessboro Road Italy Mahon Phone: +39 06 4880127 Co. Cork Fax: +39 06 4880280 Phone: +353 21 4515100 Fax: +353 214515121 IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) - IRAN Email: (RÉPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D') - IRÁN (REPÚBLICA ISLÁMICA DEL) Tony DEVLIN Alternate Permanent Representative Lotfollah SAEDI of Ireland to FAO Deputy for Fishing and Fishery Embassy of Ireland Industry Piazza di Campitelli, 3 Iranian Fishery (Shilat) 00186 Rome, Italy Ministry of Jihad-e-Agriculture Phone: +39 06 6979121 Fatemi Ave Fax: +39 06 6792354 Tehran Email: Phone: +98 21 6941675 Fax: +98 21 6941862 ITALY - ITALIE - ITALIA Email: Paolo DUCCI Mostafa JAFARI Responsable pour la coordination Alternate Permanent Representative FAO/IFAD/PAM Permanent Representation of the Islamic Ministère des affaires étrangères Republic of Iran to FAO Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 Via Aventina, 8 00194 Rome 00153 Rome Phone: +39 06 36911 Italy Fax: +39 06 3222850 Phone: +39 06 5743594 Fax: +39 06 5747836 Riccardo RIGILLO Email: Unité PESC VII-DG pêche et acquaculture IRAQ Ministère pour les politiques agricoles et forestières Mohammed Adel AL-SHEIKH Viale dell'Arte, 16 Ambassador, Permanent Representative 00100 Rome of the Republic of Iraq to FAO Phone: +39 06 59084146 Via della Camilluccia, 355 Fax: +39 06 59084176 00135 Rome Italy Piera MARIN Phone: +39 06 3014452 Cabinet du Ministre Fax: +39 06 3014359 Bureau des affaires internationales Ministère pour les politiques agricoles Motassam Aref AL-FATIAN et forestières Alternate Permanente Representative Via XX Settembre, 20 of the Republic of Iraq to FAO 00187 Rome Via della Camilluccia, 355 Phone: +39 06 46651 00135 Rome Fax: +39 06 4746178 Italy Phone: +39 06 3014452 Fax: +39 06 3014359
Pietro VERNA Yoshiaki ITO Comando Generale Director Capitanerie di Porto Fisheries Division, Economic Bureau Roma Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2-11-1, Shiba Koen Renato FERRARO Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8519 Ministère des affaires étrangères Phone: +81 03 35803311 Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 Fax: +81 03 64022221 00194 Rome Phone: +39 06 36911 Katsuma HANAFUSA Fax: +39 06 3222850 Director for International Fisheries Negotiations Stefano CATAUDELLA Resources Management Department Départment de biologie Fisheries Agency of Japan Universitá di Tor Vergata Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Via Ricerca Scientifica Fisheries 00173 Rome 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Email: Tokyo 100-8950 Phone: +81 3 35028111 Rosa CAGGIANO Fax: +81 3 35028083 Ministère pour les politiques agricoles et forestières Joji MORISHITA Viale dell'Arte, 16 Deputy Director 00100 Rome Far Seas Fisheries Division Phone: +39 06 59084493 Resources Management Department Fax: +39 06 59084176 Fisheries Agency of Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Lucia BALZANO Fisheries Ministère des affaires étrangères 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Piazzale della Farnesina, 1 Tokyo 100-8950 00194 Rome Phone: +81 3 35028111 Phone: +39 06 36911 Fax: +81 3 35028083 Fax: +39 06 3222850 Nobuyuki YAGI JAPAN - JAPON - JAPÓN Assistant Director Administration Division Fisheries Policy and Planning Department Akira NAKAMAE Fisheries Agency of Japan Councillor Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Resources Management Department Fisheries Fisheries Agency of Japan (FAJ) 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Tokyo 100-8950 Fisheries Phone: +81 3 35028111 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Fax: +81 3 35028083 Tokyo 100-8950 Phone: +81 3 35028111 Fax: +81 3 35028083 Kengo TANAKA Deputy Director Resources and Environment Research Masanori MIYAHARA Division Counselor Resources Development Department Resources Management Department Fisheries Agency of Japan Fisheries Agency of Japan Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Fisheries 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-8907 Tokyo 100-8950 Phone: +81 3 350280736 Phone: +81 3 35028111 Fax: +81 3 35021682 Fax: +81 3 35028083 Email:
Hideo INOMATA Makoto ITO Assistant Director Secretary International Affairs Division Beneficiaries of the Sea Coalition Resources Management Department The Institute of Cetacean Research Fisheries Agency of Japan 4-5 Toyomi-cho Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-005 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku Phone: +81 3 3536 6521 Tokyo 100-8950 Fax: +81 3 3536 6522 Phone: +81 3 35028111 Fax: +81 3 35028083 Yoshio KANEKO Director Yoshihiro TAKAGI Global Guardian Trust Managing Director for International 3-25-47 Nishishimbashi Relationship Minato-Ku, Tokyo 105-0003 Overseas Fisheries Cooperation Foundation 1-9-13 Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo Hideki MORONUKI Phone: +813 3585 5087 Alternate Permanent Representative Fax: +813 3582 4539 of Japan to FAO Email: Embassy of Japan Via Quintino Sella, 60 Eiko OZAKI 00187 Rome, Italy Manager Phone: +39 06 48799410/1/2/5 International Department Fax: +39 06 4885109 Federation of Japan Tuna Fisheries Email: Co-operative Associations 3-22 Kudankita 2-Chome KENYA Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0073 Phone: +81 3 3264 6167 Nancy GITONGA Fax: +81 3 3234 7455 Director of Fisheries Email: P.O. Box 58187-00200 Nairobi Dan GOODMAN Phone: +254 2 3744530 Counselor Fax: +254 2 3744530 Information and Social Science Division Email: The Institute of Cetacean Research 4-5 Toyomi-cho Samuel C. YEGON Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0055 Agricultural Attaché Phone: +81 3 3536 6521 Embassy of the Republic of Kenya Fax: +81 3 3536 6522 Via Archimede 164 00187 Rome, Italy Gabriel Gomez DIAZ Phone: +39 06 8082 714 Senior Scientist Fax: +39 06 8082 707 Information and Social Science Division Email: The Institute of Cetacean Research 4-5 Toyomi-cho KOREA, REPUBLIC OF - CORÉE, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0055 RÉPUBLIQUE DE - COREA, REPÚBLICA DE Phone: +81 3 3536 6521 Fax: +81 3 3536 6522 Duck-il KIM Director-General for International Yasuo IINO Cooperation Chief Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Legal Research Section Fisheries The Institute for Cetacean Research 139 Chungjong N° 3 4-5 Toyomi-cho Seodaemun-Gu Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0055 Seoul 120-715 Phone: +81 3 3536 6521 Phone: +822 31486150/1 Fax: +81 3 3536 6522 Email: Email:
SungKwon SOH LEBANON - LIBAN - LÍBANO Counsellor for Fisheries Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Antoine AZZAM 139 Chungjong N° 3 Représentant permanent suppléant Seodaemun-Gu, de la République libanaise auprès de la FAO Seoul, 120-715 Premier Secrétaire Phone: +822 3148 6995 Ambassade de la République libanaise Fax: +822 3148 6996 Via Giacomo Carissimi, 38 Email:, 00198 Rome, Italie Phone: +39 06 8537211 Fax: +39 06 8411794 Chiguk AHN Deputy Director LESOTHO International Cooperation Division Ministry of Maritime Affairs & Fisheries LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA - 139 Chungjong N° 3 JAMAHIRIYA ARABE LIBYENNE - Seodaemun-Gu, JAMAHIRIYA ÁRABE LIBIA Seoul, 120-715 Phone: +822 3148 69920 Nuri Ibrahim HASAN Fax: +822 3148 6996 Ambassador of the Socialist People's Email: Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to FAO Permanent Representation of the Jung-Hee CHO Socialist People's Libyan Arab Senior Researcher Jamahiriya to FAO Fisheries and Fishing Via Nomentana, 365 Community Research Center 00162 Rome, Italy Korea Maritime Institute Phone: +39 06 8603880 NFFC B/D, 11-6, Fax: +39 06 8603880 Shinchun-Dong, Songpa-Ku, Email: Seoul, 138-730 Phone: +822 2105 2856 LITHUANIA - LITUANIE - LITUANIA Fax: +822 2105 2859 Email: Edita KRISCIUNIENE Second Secretary KUWAIT - KOWEÏT Alternate Permanent Representative of Lithuania to FAO Fatimah HAYAT Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania Permanent Representative Viale di Villa Grazioli 9 of the State of Kuwait to FAO 00198 Rome, Italy Permanent Representation of the Phone: +39 06 8559052 State of Kuwait to FAO Fax: +39 06 8559053 Via San Saba 18 Email: 00153 Rome, Italy Phone: +39 06 5754598 MADAGASCAR Fax: +39 06 5754590 MONJA LATVIA - LETTONIE - LETONIA Conseiller Représentant permanent adjoint Normunds RIEKSTINS auprès de la FAO Director of the National Board of Ambassade de la République de Fisheries Madagascar Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Via Riccardo Zandonai, 84/A Latvia 00194 Rome, Italie Republikas laukums 2 Phone: +39 06 36307797 Riga LV 1010 Fax: +39 06 36300183 Phone: +371 7323877 Email: Fax: +371 7334892 Email:
MALAYSIA - MALAISIE - MALASIA Mikela TABONE First Secretary and Alternate Permanent Junaidi AYUB Representative of the Republic Deputy Director-General of Malta to FAO Department of Fisheries Via dei Somaschi,1 8-9 Floor, Wisma Tani 00186 Rome, Italy Jalan Sultan Salahuddin Phone: +39 06 6879 947 50628 Kuala Lumpur Fax: +39 06 68 92687 Phone: +603 2698 0523 Email: Fax: +603 2694 2984 Matthew CAMILLERI Roseley KHALID Fisheries Consultant Agricultural Attaché Fisheries Conservation and Control Division Alternate Permanent Representative to FAO Fort San Lucian Embassy of Malaysia Marsaxlokk Via Nomentana, 297 00162 Rome, Italy MAURITANIA - MAURITANIE Phone: +39 06 8419296 Fax: +39 06 8555110 Ould Mohamed Ahid TOURAD Email: Répresentant permanent de la République islamique de Mauritanie MALI - MALÍ Ambassade de la République islamique de Mauritanie Founé SYLLA Via Paisiello, 26, Int. 5 Premier conseiller 00198 Rome, Italie Ambassade de la République du Mali Phone: +39 06 85351530 Via Antonio Bosio, 2 Fax: +39 06 85351441 Rome, Italie Cherif OULD TOUEILIB Modibo Mahamane TOURE Directeur des études et de l'Aménagement des Deuxième conseiller, Représentant permanent ressources halieutiques suppléant du Mali auprès de la FAO Ministère des pêches et de l'économie maritime Ambassade de la République du Mali à Rome B.P. 137 Via Antonio Bosio, 2 Nouakchott 00161 Rome, Italie Phone: +222 6303677 Phone: +39 06 44254068 Email: Fax: +39 06 44254029 Mohamed el Hafed EJIWEN Seydou COULIBALY Chef Service Conseiller technique Pêche industrielle Ministère de l'agriculture, l'élévage et de pêche B.P. 137 B.P. 69, Bamako Nouakchott Phone: +223 2224378 Email: Fax: +223 2226003 Email: Mohamed M'bareck OULD SOUEILIM Directeur de l'Institut mauritanien MALTA - MALTE de recherches océanographiques et des pêches (IMROP) Abraham BORG B.P. 22 Ambassador Nouadhibou Permanent Representative to FAO Email: Permanent Representation of the Republic of Malta to FAO Via dei Somaschi, 1 Mohamed OULD CHEIKHNA 00186 Rome, Italy Délégué à la surveillance des pêches Phone: +39 06 6861 078 Nouadhibou Fax: +39 06 6892 687 Email:
MAURITIUS - MAURICE - MAURICIO Victor Hugo MORALES MELENDEZ Representante Permanente Adjunto Louis Sylvio MICHEL de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos ante la FAO Minister for Fisheries Embajada de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Ministry of Fisheries Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16 3rd and 4th floor, LICI Building, Port Louis 00161 Roma, Italia Phone: +230 2112457 Phone: +39 06 4411 5220 Fax: +230 2081929 Fax: +39 06 4403876 Email: Daroomalingum MAUREE Divisional Scientific Officer Maria Teresa BANDALA MEDINA Ministry of Fisheries Directora de Medio Ambiente John Kennedy St. 4th floor, LICI Building Dirección General para Temas Globales Port Louis Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Phone: +230 2112457 Av. Reforma 255, Piso 6 Fax: +230 2081929 Col. Cuauhtémoc Email: C.P.06995 Mexico, D.F. Phone: +52 55 51174354 Denis CANGY Fax: +52 55 51174251 Alternate Permanent Representative Email: of the Republic of Mauritius to FAO Embassy of the Republic of Mauritius Ricardo BELMONTES ACOSTA 127 rue de Tocqueville, 75017 Paris Director de Póliticas y Acuerdos c/o Consulate of the Republic of Mauritius Pesqueros Internationales Via G.B. Morgagni, 6/A Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca 00161 Rome, Italy Canarón Sábalo s/n, esq. Tiburón Phone: +331 42273019 Col. Sábálo Fax: +39 06 44245659 Mazatlán, Sinaloa Email: Phone: +52 66 991 30940 Fax: 52 66 991 30935 MEXICO - MEXIQUE - MÉXICO Ursula DOZAL ALVARADO Patricia OLAMENDI TORRES Tercer Secretario Subsecretaría para Temas Globales Embajada de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16 Av. Reforma 175, Piso 15 00161 Roma, Italia Col. Cuauhtémoc Phone: +39 06 441151 C.P.06995 Mexico, D.F. Fax: +39 06 4403876 Phone: +52 55 5327 3030 Email: Fax: +52 55 5117 4258 Blanca VILLARELO Rafael TOVAR Y DE TERESA Ministro Agropecuario de México Embajador Para Europa, Bruselas, Bélgica Representante Permanente ante la FAO Embajada de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos Victor Manuel MENDEZ LANZ Via Lazzaro Spallanzani, 16 Senador de la Républica 00161 Roma, Italia Paseo de la Reforma 10 Phone: +39 06 44115204 Col. Tabacalera Fax: +39 06 4403876 C.P. 06030 México D.F. Email: Victor Manel TORRES HERRERA Jeronimó RAMOS SAENZ-PARDO Senador de la Républica Comisión Nacional de Pesca y Acuacultura Paseo de la Reforma 10, piso 13-13 (CONAPESCA) Col. Tabacalera Ave. Insurgentes Sur No 476, Piso 13º C.P. 06030 México D.F. Colonia Roma Sur Phone: +52 55 5345 3000 ext. 3166 Ciudad de México Fax: +52 55 5345 3000 ext.3565 Phone: +52 55 5722 7392 Email:
José Carlos COTA OSUNA MOZAMBIQUE Senador de la Républica Paseo de la Reforma 10, piso 13-13 Francisco Elias Paulo CIGARRO Col. Tabacalera Ambassador C.P. 06030 México D.F. Permanent Representative Phone: +52 55 534 53204 ext.5107 of the Republic of Mozambique to FAO Email: Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique Via Filippo Corridoni, 14 Emilia Patricia GOMEZ BRAVO 00195 Rome, Italy Senadora de la Republica Phone: +39 06 37514675 Paseo de la Reforma 10 Fax: +39 06 37514699 Torre Caballito Email: Piso 25 Cubiculo 18. Col.Tabacalera C.P. 06030 Mexico D.F. Rodrigues BILA Phone: +52 5356 3054 Permanent Secretariat Email: Ministry of Fisheries Maputo Roberto PRECIADO CUEVAS Phone: +258 1 300691 Diputado Federal Av. Congreso Unión, 66 Ivone LICHUCHA Mexico, D.F. Head of Fisheries Management Department Sergio HERNANDEZ Ministry of Fisheries Director de Pesquerías del Centro Maputo de Investigaciones Biológicas del Phone: +258 1 300691 Noroeste Email: Mar Bermejo No. 195 Col. Playa Palo de Santa Rita MYANMAR Apdo. Postal 128 La Paz, BCS 23090 NAMIBIA - NAMIBIE Phone: +52 612 123 8484 Fax: +52 612 123 8529 A.S. UULENGA Chief Economist Rigoberto ROMERO ACEVES Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Diputado Federal Resources Av. Congreso Unión, 66 Private Bag 13355 Mexico, D.F. Brendan Simbwaye Square Block C MOROCCO - MAROC - MARRUECOS Uhland Street Windhoek Ahmed FAOUZI Phone: +264 61 2053911/2053083 Ministre plénipotentiaire Fax: +264 61 233286 240547 Représentant permanent adjoint Email: du Royaume du Maroc auprès de la FAO Ambassade du Royaume du Maroc Vilhjalmur WIIUM Via Lazzaro Spallanzani 8-10 Advisor, Ministry of Fisheries and Marine 00161 Rome, Italie Resources Phone: +39 06 4402524 Private Bag 13355 Fax: +39 06 4402695 Brendan Simbwaye Square Block C Salah BEN CHERIFI Uhland Street Chef de Division à l'Institut National Windhoek de Recherche Halieutique (INRH) Phone: +264 61 2053043 2, Rue Tiznit Fax: +264 61 2053076 Casablanca 20000 Email: Phone: +212 0 22 22 0245 Fax: +212 0 22 26 69 67 Email:
NETHERLANDS-PAYS-BAS-PAÍSES BAJOS William Mark SINCLAIR Deputy Permanent Representative Pieter A.L. DE RIJK to the UN Fisheries Department Permanent Mission of New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management to the UN and Fisheries 2, Chemin des Fins Bezuidenhoutseweg 73 1218 Grand Sacconex Postbus 20401 The Hague 1211 Geneva 19 Phone: +31 70 3786868 Switzerland Fax: +31 70 3786100 Phone: +41 22 929 0350 Email: Fax: +41 22 929 0374 Email: NEW ZEALAND - NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE - NUEVA ZELANDIA NICARAGUA Jane WILLING Miguel A. MARENCO URCUYO Manager International and Biosecurity Director Ejecutivo Ministry of Fisheries ADPESCA/MIFIC ASB Bank House Sandy's C. Masaya Este 101-103 The Terrace Apdo 2020, Managua P.O. Box 1020 Phone: +505 270 0932 Wellington Fax: +505 270 0954 Phone: +64 4 4702600 Email: Fax: +64 4 4702601 Email: Ana Cecilia GUERRERO Asistente William EMERSON Dirección Ejecutiva Senior Advisor ADPESCA/MIFIC Ministry of Fisheries Sandy's C. Masaya Este ASB Bank House Apdo 2020, Managua 101-103 The Terrace Phone: +505 270 0932 P.O. Box 1020 Fax: +505 270 0954 Wellington Phone: +64 4 4702600 NIGERIA - NIGÉRIA Fax: +64 4 4702669 Email: Gogwim SHIMANG Director of Fisheries Grant BRYDEN Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Senior Policy Officer Rural Development Legal Division PMB 135, Area 11 Garki Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Abuja Private Bag 18-901 Phone: +234 9 314 4662 Wellington Fax: +234 9 314 4392 Phone: +64 4 4948500 Email: Fax: +64 4 4729596 Email: NORWAY - NORVÈGE - NORUEGA Simon DRAPER Johán H. WILLIAMS Alternate Permanent Representative Director-General to FAO Ministry of Fisheries Embassy of New Zealand P.O. Box 8118 Dep Via Zara, 28 N-0032 Oslo 00198 Rome, Italy Phone: +47 2224 9090 Phone: +39 06 4417171 Fax: +47 2224 9585 Fax: +39 06 4402984 Email: Email:
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