Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA

La page est créée Veronique Allard
Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA
           2011 24 mai

           de l’Ordre
2011 May 24
Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA
           2011 24 mai

           de l’Ordre
2011 May 24

       “The College Conference will be
         packed with practical tips and
         relevant strategies for education
         leaders of all levels.”
Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA
You are invited to the
College Conference 2011

In our plenary, we will discuss the launch of the           There’s no fee to attend. We will post the presentations
College’s new professional advisory on the use of           on our web site,, at the end of the
social media. Become informed on the College’s advice       conference for your convenience. A complimentary
to teaching professionals across the province about the     light lunch and refreshments will be provided.
use – and, very often, the unintended misuse – of           Please let us know if you’re planning to join us. You
electronic communication and social media.                  can register at
Engaging in online dialogue affects us all – whether        Register by Friday, May 13, 2011.
you’re a director, supervisory officer, teacher, human      Don’t delay as seats fill quickly.
resources officer, payroll administrator or principal.
                                                            The College Conference will be packed with
The plenary will be delivered in English and French         practical tips and relevant strategies for education
with simultaneous interpretation service provided.          leaders of all levels.
The conference will also feature a number of
workshops that you can choose according to                  We look forward to seeing you!
language preference – English or French.
The workshops will also focus on what’s new. Of
course, we will brief you on current practices that are
staying the same. In one day, you can learn about:          Michael Salvatori, OCT
• a ssisting your teachers to maintain and update their    Registrar and
   membership                                               Chief Executive Officer
• the wide variety of additional qualifications courses
   and programs you can recommend for teachers
• changes to teaching certificates
• your duty to report professional misconduct
• the revisions to the College’s online Employer’s Area,
   including a hands-on computer lab
... and more.
Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA
The Agenda

           Time               Agenda Item

           8:30–9:30 a.m.     Continental Breakfast and Registration

           9:30–9:40 a.m.     Welcome and Introductions – Maryse Francella, OCT, Manager of External Relations

           9:40–9:45 a.m.     Greetings from Council – Liz Papadopoulos, OCT, Council Chair

           9:45–10:15 a.m.    Plenary Address – Michael Salvatori, OCT, Registrar and CEO

           10:15–10:30 a.m.   Break

           10:30–11:20 a.m.   Workshop Session #1 (choose 1 of 5 workshops)

           11:30–12:20 p.m.   Workshop Session #2 (choose 1 of 5 workshops)

           12:20–1:00 p.m.    Complimentary Lunch

           1:00–1:50 p.m.     Workshop Session #3 (choose 1 of 5 workshops)

           2:00– 2:50 p.m.    Workshop Session #4 (choose 1 of 5 workshops)

Conférence 2011 de l'Ordre College Conference 20 - OPSBA
How is

 the online

 Portrait of
 a Teacher:
 Putting the
 Online Services
 to Work
Workshop Descriptions

         Workshop Session 1                                                          Twitter : Conseils à l’intention des membres sur le
         10:30–11:20 am                                                              bon et le mauvais usage des médias sociaux
                                                                                     (en français)
         All A-Twitter: Our Advice to Members About the                              Engager un dialogue en ligne, c’est un peu comme
         Use – and Misuse – of Social Media (English)                                s’aventurer sur un champ de mines : un faux pas peut
         Engaging in online dialogue can be a bit like strolling                     être fatal. Cet atelier porte sur les conseils que l’Ordre
         through a minefield. A wrong step can be fatal.                             donne à ses membres d’un bout à l’autre de la province
         This workshop unveils the College’s advice to members                       concernant l’utilisation – souvent involontairement mau-
         across the province about the use – and, very often, the                    vaise – des moyens de communication électroniques et
         unintended misuse – of electronic communication and                         des médias sociaux. La discussion portera sur ce que les
         social media. Discussion will centre on what members                        membres devraient faire pour garder une attitude profes-
         should do to ensure that they maintain their sense of                       sionnelle dans leurs gestes et respecter les limites
         professionalism and the professional boundaries                             acceptables entre eux et leurs élèves.
         between them and their students.
                                                                                     Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes
         This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,            et surintendants, les directions d’école et les membres du personnel
         principals and HR staff.                                                    des ressources humaines.

         Parcours de connaissances vers le leadership en                             Your Duty to Report – Professional Misconduct,
         éducation (en français)                                                     Incompetence and Incapacity (English)
         Cet atelier vous expliquera le rôle du leader à l’échelle                   What happens when a teacher crosses the line?
         d’une école ou du système scolaire du point de vue                          Do you know what to do and who to inform? This
         réglementaire. Comprenez les exigences et les attentes                      workshop examines the ABCs of teacher misconduct
         relatives à un poste de direction ou d’agent de super-                      and your legal obligations to report to the College.
         vision. Familiarisez-vous avec les notions essentielles                     This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,
         qui maintiendront la force et la stabilité de vos leaders                   principals and HR staff.
         potentiels dans leur nouveau rôle.
         Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes   Workshop Session 2
         et surintendants, les membres du personnel des ressources humaines
         et les fournisseurs de cours.                                               11:30–12:20 pm

         Qualified Teacher? How to Know For Sure (English)                           Portrait of a Teacher: Putting the College’s Online
         Provide the proper counsel to your teachers after                           Services to Work (English)
         attending this comprehensive session that provides                          Learn about revisions to the Employers’ area of the
         what you need to know about teaching certificates, and                      College web site in this interactive session. Check
         what teachers need to do to maintain their membership                       teachers’ qualifications quickly online, upload your
         and update their qualifications.                                            New Teacher Induction Program information, and update
                                                                                     your staff employment details by matching the College’s
         This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents
         and HR staff.                                                               database. As well, access our rich store of statistics that
                                                                                     paint a broad picture of Ontario’s teaching profession
                                                                                     and gives you information and historical trends to support
                                                                                     your research or staffing plans.
                                                                                     This workshop will be of interest to HR and other staff using
                                                                                     the Employer’s Area.

Preparing Teachers for Tomorrow –                                           Workshop Session 3
AQs from A-Z (English)                                                      1:00–1:50 pm
Let this nuts-and-bolts presentation help you understand
the wide variety of additional qualification courses and                    All A-Twitter: Our Advice to Members About the
programs that will prepare your teachers for today’s                        Use – and Misuse – of Social Media (English)
challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities. Learn what’s                       Engaging in online dialogue can be a bit like strolling
available and what you can recommend.                                       through a minefield. A wrong step can be fatal. This
                                                                            workshop unveils the College’s advice to members
This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,
principals, HR staff and course providers.                                  across the province about the use – and, very often, the
                                                                            unintended misuse – of electronic communication and
Qualifications des enseignantes et enseignants de                           social media. Discussion will centre on what members
partout dans le monde (en français)                                         should do to ensure that they maintain their sense of
Cet atelier porte sur ce dont l’Ordre a besoin pour                         professionalism and the professional boundaries between
évaluer les qualifications et les titres de compétence                      them and their students.
professionnels, y compris la compétence linguistique
                                                                            This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,
des pédagogues de partout dans le monde.                                    principals and HR staff.

Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes
et surintendants, les membres du personnel des ressources humaines          Enseignant qualifié? Comment en être certain
et les fournisseurs de cours.                                               (en français)
                                                                            Donnez de bons conseils à vos enseignantes et
Qualified Teacher? How to Know For Sure (English)
                                                                            enseignants après avoir suivi cet atelier complet au cours
Provide the proper counsel to your teachers after
                                                                            duquel vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur
attending this comprehensive session that provides
                                                                            les certificats de qualification et d’inscription, et sur ce
what you need to know about teaching certificates, and
                                                                            que les membres doivent faire pour demeurer en règle et
what teachers need to do to maintain their membership
                                                                            mettre à jour leurs qualifications.
and update their qualifications.
                                                                            Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes et
This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents             surintendants et les membres du personnel des ressources humaines.
and HR staff.

                                                                            Knowledge Paths to Leadership
Votre devoir de faire rapport – Cas de faute
                                                                            in Education (English)
professionnelle, d’incompétence et d’incapacité
                                                                            Learn what it takes to become a school and system
(en français)                                                               leader from a regulatory perspective. Understand
Qu’arrive-t-il quand un enseignant dépasse les limites?                     the requirements and expectations of principal and
Savez-vous quoi faire et qui informer? Cet atelier présente                 supervisory officer positions. Get to know the essential
les règles de base en matière de faute professionnelle et                   foundation that will help to keep your aspiring leaders
de votre obligation légale de faire rapport.                                strong and steady in their new roles.
Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes
                                                                            This workshop will be of interest to superintendents, directors,
et surintendants, les directions d’école et les membres du personnel
                                                                            HR staff and course providers.
des ressources humaines.

                                                                                                                             COLLEGE CONFERENCE 2011       7
Managing Expectations:                                                      Portrait of a Teacher: Putting the College’s Online
         Hiring Trends Among New Teachers (English)                                  Services to Work (English)
         It’s back! Our annual look at the trends that are shaping                   Learn about revisions to the Employers’ area of the
         the teaching profession gives you the edge in hiring for                    College web site in this interactive session. Check
         your board’s needs now and in the future. Hear what new                     teachers’ qualifications quickly online, upload your
         teachers are saying in the College’s annual Transition to                   New Teacher Induction Program information, and update
         Teaching study.                                                             your staff employment details by matching the College’s
                                                                                     database. As well, access our rich store of statistics that
         This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,
         HR staff and course providers.                                              paint a broad picture of Ontario’s teaching profession
                                                                                     and gives you information and historical trends to support
         Portrait d’un pédagogue : Employer les services                             your research or staffing plans.
         en ligne de l’Ordre (en français)                                           This workshop will be of interest to HR and other staff using
         Cet atelier interactif présente les modifications apportées                 the Employer’s Area.
         à la Section réservée aux employeurs du site web de
         l’Ordre. Vérifiez rapidement en ligne les qualifications                    Préparer le personnel enseignant pour demain –
         d’un enseignant, téléchargez vos renseignements sur le                      Les QA de A à Z (en français)
         Programme d’insertion professionnelle du nouveau                            Cet atelier présente le fonctionnement d’un large
         personnel enseignant et mettez à jour les détails d’emploi                  éventail de cours et programmes menant à une
         de votre personnel à l’aide de la base de données de                        qualification additionnelle, lesquels préparent votre
         l’Ordre. De plus, vous pouvez consulter nos statistiques                    personnel enseignant aux défis d’aujourd’hui et aux
         qui brossent le tableau des tendances historiques de la                     occasions futures. Apprenez quels cours sont offerts
         profession. Ainsi pourrez-vous appuyer votre recherche                      et ce que vous pouvez recommander.
         et votre planification en matière de personnel.                             Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes
                                                                                     et surintendants, les directions d’école, les membres du personnel des
         Cet atelier intéressera les membres du personnel des ressources             ressources humaines et les fournisseurs de cours.
         humaines et des autres services qui utilisent la Section réservée aux
                                                                                     Teachers’ qualifications –
                                                                                     from around the world (English)
         Workshop Session 4                                                          Grasp what the College requires to evaluate the
         2:00–2:50 pm                                                                academic and professional credentials and qualifications,
                                                                                     including language proficiency, of teachers from around
         Gérer les attentes : Tendances en matière                                   the world.
         d’embauche des nouveaux enseignants (en français)
                                                                                     This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents HR staff
         Le revoici! Notre compte rendu des tendances qui                            and course providers.
         façonnent la profession enseignante et qui vous informent
         sur les besoins en dotation de personnel de votre conseil                   Your Duty to Report – Professional Misconduct,
         scolaire, aujourd’hui comme demain. Apprenez ce que les                     Incompetence and Incapacity (English)
         nouveaux enseignants ont à dire dans l’étude annuelle de                    What happens when a teacher crosses the line?
         l’Ordre sur la transition à l’enseignement.                                 Do you know what to do and who to inform? This
                                                                                     workshop examines the ABCs of teacher misconduct
         Cet atelier intéressera les directions de l’éducation, les surintendantes
         et surintendants, les membres du personnel des ressources humaines          and your legal obligations to report to the College.
         et les fournisseurs de cours.
                                                                                     This workshop will be of interest to directors, superintendents,
                                                                                     principals and HR staff.

How do

 we create
 for social
 media in our

 All A-Twitter:
 Advice to
 Teachers About
 the Use, and
 Misuse of
 Social Media
How can

   we foster
   in our

   Paths to
   in Education
Where to stay

Conference participants are eligible to receive a                                                  You are encouraged to complete your reservations as
preferred rate when they book accommodations at                                                    quickly as possible, as rates are subject to availability at
the Intercontinental Toronto Yorkville Hotel.                                                      the time of booking.

Reservations:                                                                                      For more information, please visit the hotel web site at
Phone: 416-960-5200 (in Toronto)                                                         
or toll-free at 1-800-267-0010
E-mail:                                                      Participants are responsible for their own travel and
                                                                                                   accommodation expenses.
Ask for the Ontario College of Teachers rate
(code IP4Q4).

                                                                                                    �                                       Scollard St.              �
                             �                  Lowther Avenue      �                                                                      P

                                                                                                    �                                      Yorkville Ave.             �
                                 Bedford Road

                                                                           Avenue Road

                                                Prince Arthur Avenue                      P                                                                P
                                                                                                                            Bellair St.

                                                      Toronto Yorkville
                                                      222 Bloor St. West
                                                                                                    �                                     Cumberland St.              �
                                                                                                           P                               BAY                                              BLOOR/YONGE
                                                P      222
                                                                                          Ontario College of Teachers
                                                                                                   101 Bloor St. West
                                                                                                                                                               Bloor St. West                Bloor St. East
                                                                                                           St. Thomas St.

                                                                                          P         101
          Devonshire Place

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Church St.
                                                                                                                                                                                Yonge St.
                                                                                                                                                 Bay St.

                                                                                              Sultan St.
                                                                           Queen’s Park

                                                         MUSEUM                                                                           Charles St. West            �

                                                                                                                                            St. Mary St.

                                                                                                                                                                                            COLLEGE CONFERENCE 2011         11
College Conference 2011
Toronto, May 24
The Conference at a Glance

What is the                                                          Who should attend?
College Conference?                                                  The variety of topics covered will be
The event will be packed with                                        of interest to directors, superintendents,
practical tips and relevant strategies                               human resources staff, payroll adminis-
for education leaders of all levels.                                 trators, principals and representatives
                                                                     from education stakeholders.
Where is it?
Ontario College of Teachers                                          How do I register?
101 Bloor Street West                                                Register online by May 13, at
Toronto ON  M5S 0A1                                        

How much does it cost?                                               Questions?
There is no fee to attend.                                           Kathy Anstett, External Relations Officer:
                                                                     Tel.: 416-961-8800 ext. 605
                                                                     Toll-free: 1-888-534-2222 ext. 605

Don’t miss this
informative event.
Register online
by May 13, 2011.

                                                                                                                  Ontario College of Teachers
                                                                                                                  101 Bloor Street West
                                                                                                                  Toronto ON M5S 0A1

                                                                                                                  Telephone: 416-961-8800
                                                                                                                  Toll-free in Ontario: 1-888-534-2222
Cette publication est également disponible en français sous le titre de                                           E-mail:
Conférence 2011 de l’Ordre.                                                                             
Vous pouvez aussi lire