La page est créée Nathalie Bertrand

   Management expérimenté

                                                      Bertrand Labilloy          Laurent Montador
                                                      Président-                 Directeur
                                                      Directeur Général          Général Délégué

                                                                                 Jérôme Isenbart
                         Hervé Nessi                  Isabelle Bion              Directeur
                         Directeur de la              Directrice                 de l'Actuariat
                         Souscription                 des Opérations             et des Risques

                        Patrick Delalleau                                        Hind MECHBAL
                        Directeur                     Chrystelle Busque          Directrice des
                        du Développement              Directrice                 Systèmes
                        Commercial                    Financière                 d'Information


                         Développement de la                      Structuration de l'entreprise :
                         réassurance de marché                    CCR devient Société
                         en parallèle des activités               Anonyme de réassurance
                         de réassurance publique                  relevant de la réglementation
                         (risques de guerre, risque               Solvabilité 2.
                         nucléaire et terrorisme).

    1946                                1982                                  2017

       Création de la Caisse Centrale       Publication de la loi sur               Création de CCR Re,
       de Réassurance,                      le système d'indemnisation              filiale entièrement
       une entreprise publique              des catastrophes naturelles             détenue par CCR,
       habilitée à faire des                en France dans lequel CCR,              dédiée aux activités
       opérations commerciales              en tant qu'acteur majeur, offre         de réassurance de
                                            une réassurance illimitée               marché.
                                            avec la garantie de l'État.

               Laurent Montador,                                           Bertrand Labilloy,
        Directeur Général Délégué                                          Président-Directeur Général

    Issue de la filialisation fin 2016 des activités de réassurance de marché de CCR,
    CCR Re enregistre depuis des bonnes performances. Le développement soutenu
    du portefeuille, l’amélioration continue de la rentabilité et le renforcement sensible
    de la solidité financière consacrent la pertinence de la politique de souscription
    et d’investissement suivie au service de notre projet d’entreprise. Notre ambition
    est d’inscrire durablement l’entreprise dans le paysage de la réassurance
    internationale comme une alternative aux leaders du marché, d’offrir à nos clients
    un service de première qualité dans le cadre d’une relation de long terme et
    à hauteur d’homme, et pour cela d’être un acteur à la pointe dans l’analyse
    des risques et la digitalisation des process.

    Aujourd’hui, CCR Re est une entreprise en pleine transformation. Tous les
    processus sont repensés avec l'introduction de l'intelligence artificielle dans
    l'analyse de souscription, permettant à nos experts de se concentrer sur les tâches
    à valeur ajoutée et la gestion de la relation client. Les équipes, largement remaniées
    et étoffées, sont rajeunies, féminisées et multiculturelles. La souscription est
    étendue à de nouveaux marchés, notamment en Amérique latine, en Afrique
    subsaharienne et dans la région de l'océan Indien. Parallèlement, de nouveaux
    services à haute valeur ajoutée complètent nos offres de couverture. Enfin, des
    outils de gestion de risque innovants sont mis en place avec notamment avec le
    premier sidecar de droit français.


    CCR Re est un réassureur de taille moyenne, avec une présence de longue date
    en France et à l’international, dans les branches traditionnelles dommages
    aux biens et responsabilité civile, vie et santé, ainsi que dans certaines
    branches de spécialités (crédit, marine, aviation, spatial, agro). CCR, sa maison
    mère, est un réassureur public qui propose sur le marché français et avec la
    garantie de l’État, des couvertures illimitées contre les catastrophes naturelles,
    les actes de terrorisme et d’autres risques extrêmes. L’identité, l’organisation
    et le modèle économique de CCR Re témoignent de son appartenance au
    groupe CCR. CCR Re bénéficie d'une notation S&P A avec perspective stable.

    De par sa culture, CCR Re privilégie une gestion financière robuste et
    conservatrice, mais aussi une politique de souscription des risques stable
    qui répond aux besoins de ses clients sur le long terme. La diversité de son
    portefeuille de souscription et d’investissements, sa politique de
    provisionnement prudente, la protection de son bilan et de ses résultats contre
    les risques de pointe, sa gouvernance, son organisation et son système de
    contrôle interne confortent la solidité de CCR Re.

    CCR Re offre à ses clients un service de qualité, compétitif, sur-mesure et
    innovant en lien avec ses objectifs de solvabilité et de rentabilité. La proximité
    et la stabilité des relations, l’écoute attentive et la compréhension fine des
    besoins, la rapidité et la fermeté des réponses apportées, l’esprit de
    partenariat sur le long terme constituent la signature de CCR Re.

    Vous pouvez compter sur l’engagement, l’expérience et l’expertise des
    professionnels de CCR Re. Ils sont à votre écoute et peuvent échanger avec
    vous dans plus de 15 langues.

TRAJECTOIRE 2016 / 2022

    Le plan d’affaires qui sous-tendait la création de CCR Re en 2016 ayant été exécuté
    avec succès et un an d’avance, le Conseil d’administration a assigné de nouveaux
    objectifs à l’entreprise pour la période 2020 – 2022 dans le prolongement de la
    trajectoire suivie jusqu’ici(1). Le changement dans la continuité !

    Une croissance couronnée de succès, combinée
    à une excellence opérationnelle.

    Croissance du CA                                    Ratio Combiné                                 Ratio de coût(2)

                                                                                                 7,6 %

                                                                                                         7,2 %
                                                  106,7 %

                                                                                                                 6,3 %
                                                            104,9 %

                                                                                                                         5,5 %

                                                                                                                                 4,8 %

                                                                      99,4 %


                                                                               98,1 %

                                                                                        95,8 %

    2016 2017 2018 2019 2022                        2016 2017 2018 2019 2022                       2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
   Chiffre d'affaires brut en million d'euros         Ratio Combiné Net en %                           Ratio de coût en %

       Rendement des
      Investissements                           Ratio de Solvabilité 2                                   EBITER(3)

                            2,7 %

                                                                                        201 %
            2,4 %

                    2,4 %

                                                            189 %

                                                                      189 %

                                                                               185 %
                                    2,2 %

    1,8 %

                                                  166 %


      2016 2017 2018 2019 2022                      2016 2017 2018 2019 2022                     2016 2017 2018 2019 2022
            Rendement des                            Ratio de Solvabilité 2 en %                  EBITER en million d'euros
        Investissements en % de
               l'actif total

    (1) Les chiffres présentés au titre de 2022 constituent les estimations du plan Streamline.
   (2) Le ratio de coût est calculé par CCR Re comme le rapport entre les frais de gestion internes (hors charges de placement
        mais y compris frais de gestion de sinistres) nets de CVAE/C3S et les primes émises brutes, pour les activités Vie et
   (3) EBITER : Earnings Before Interests, Taxes and Equalization Reserve, soit bénéfice avant intérêts, impôts et provision
        pour égalisation. Exclut également le résultat exceptionnel.

PLAN D'AFFAIRES 2020 / 2022

    Améliorer la plateforme opérationnelle

     Fouille de données &               Aligner la comptabilité            Mettre en place les règles              Chaine
    processus électronique                 analytique sur les                        IFRS                       de valeur Cat
          automatisé                    meilleures pratiques de
     au cœur des process                        marché


       Des outils informatiques au                Plateforme                  Amélioration la mesure de besoin en capital et son
        service de nos cédantes                    médicale                   allocation (modèle standard, USP, modèle interne)

    Poursuivre le développement de l’activité
    Primes Brutes Émises               Ratio combiné net              Ratio de coût                         Marge technique Vie
     2019       562                    2019         98,1 %            2019         5,5 %                    2019     5,2 %

    2022            832                2022       95,8 %              2022      4,8 %                       2022           6%

    Rendement des
    Investissements                     Résultat Net                  Ratio de solvabilité 2(1)             EBITER(2)
     2019         2,7 %                 2019        35                2019    185 %                         2019        60

    2022       2,2 %                   2022              42           2022        201 %                     2022             72

    (1) Sur la base d'un taux de distribution de 30% des bénéfices.
   (2) EBITER : Résultat avant charges d'intérêts, impôts et dotation à la provision d'égalisation.

    Certain statements in this document are forward-looking. By their nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent
    risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other
    forward-looking statements will not be achieved. CCR Re does not make any representation, warranty or prediction that
    the results anticipated by such forward-looking statements will be achieved, and such forward-looking statements
    represent, in each case, only one of many possible scenarios and should not be viewed as the most likely or standard
    scenario. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made. New risks can emerge
    from time to time, and it is not possible for CCR Re to predict all such risks, nor can CCR Re assess the impact of all such
    risks on its business or the extent to which any risks, or combination of risks and other factors, may cause actual results
    to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. These and other factors could adversely af
    fect the outcome and financial effects of the plans and events described herein. Any opinions expressed in this
    document are subject to change without notice and CCR Re does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any
    forward looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

2020 (en millions d'euros) chiffres non audités au 30/06/20

           54 5                    Chiffre d'affaires brut (+23 %)
           105,2 %                 Ratio combiné net
           4,5 %                   Marge technique Vie
           35                      EBITER avant provision pour égalisation (+29 %)
           29                      Résultat net
           188 %                   Ratio de Solvabilité*
                                   * Ce ratio ne prend pas en compte l’émission de 300 M€ de dette subordonnée réalisée
                                    en juillet 2020.

            Sensibilité du ratio de solvabilité 2
                                                                                                             ZONE OPTIMALE
                                                                    0%                                        180 % 220 %
                     Ratio de solvabilité 2020 au 30/06/20                                                                188 %
                                                                     MARGE DE SOLVABILITÉ APRÈS CHOC
 Choc de -100bps de taux d'intérêts + écart de taux (-0,75 %)                                                             165 %
          Choc de +100bps de taux d'intérêts + écart de taux                                                              206 %
                                                     USD +15 %                                                            186 %
                                                  USD -15 %                                                               190 %
       Hausse des provisions techniques de 3% pour couvrir                                                                175 %
              le risque centennal de sous-provisionnement
                              Choc de -10% sur l'immobilier                                                               181 %
                              Choc de - 25% sur les actions                                                               178 %
                            Chocs CAT bicentennal (60 M€)                                                                 173 %


                      AM B EST A                                               S&P A
                      perspective stable                                       perspective stable

2020 chiffres non audités au 30/06/20

            Par pays
                             4%                           EUROPE (reste de l')                  8%
                        9%                                                                 3%
                                        24 %              FRANCE                          3%
                          Chiffre                                                             Chiffre         35 %
                                                                                   15 %
                         d'affaires                       ASIE (reste de l')                 d'affaires
                 5%      Non-Vie                          JAPON                                 Vie
                           65 %                           ISRAEL                               35 %
                                           20 %           MENA
                      20 %
                                  6%                                                         36 %
                                                          MONDE (reste du)

            Par branche
                                  6 % Risques agricoles                                   1 % Autres
                                                                                                       10 % Dépendance
                                            6 % Transport
 43 % Dommages                                    6 % Financier

                          Chiffre                                                             Chiffre
                         d'affaires                                                          d'affaires              24 % Santé
                         Non-Vie                                                                Vie
                         354 M€                    22 % Automobile & RC                       191 M€

                             18 % Autres                                                    66 % Prévoyance

            Relation client

                       50 %
                                             25 %                                          25 %

                  0 ≥ 4 ans                4 ≥ 12 ans                                 12≥ 46 ans


      "Nous intensifions notre présence à l’international
                 au plus près de vos enjeux."

          Hervé Nessi
          Directeur de la Souscription

          Marie-Claude Poumel                              Georges Modol
          Directrice                                       Directeur
          France                                           Espagne - Portugal
                               Grèce - Turquie - Israël
                                                           Référent Agricole

          François Cahu                                   John Conan
          Directeur                                       Directeur
          Royaume-Uni - Irlande                           Asie - Afrique
          Pays Nordiques                        

           Pierre Salameh                                 Pierre Dionne
           Directeur du bureau                            Premier Vice-Président
           de représentation du Liban                     & Agent Principal
           Moyen-Orient                                   Canada
           Afrique du Nord                      


          Thierry Ravoaja                                Tai-Feng Yang
          Souscripteur Sénior                            Souscripteur
          Afrique Subsaharienne                          Taïwan - Philippines
          Inde                                           Vietnam - Cambodge

           Elena Amaral                               Yang Du
           Souscriptrice                              Souscriptrice
           Singapour - Malaisie                       Chine - Hong Kong

           Laurent Hivert                             Andreas Ofner
           Souscripteur                               Souscripteur Sénior
           Japon - Corée du Sud                       Allemagne - Autriche

          Hande Yildiz-Fuchs                            Clémence Michaud
          Souscriptrice & Actuaire                      Souscriptrice & Actuaire
          Benelux - Turquie                             Italie - Portugal


           Chadi Abou-Rjeilly                            Melissa Plaxton
           Adjoint au Directeur                          Vice Président
           du bureau                                     Canada
           de représentation du Liban          
           Afrique du Nord

          Florence Corre                                  Robin Darby
          Souscriptrice Sénior                            Souscriptrice Sénior
          Québec - Ontario                                Canada Ouest - Ontario

          Jonathan Garellek
          Souscripteur & Actuaire

SPÉCIALITÉS                                          $

     “Nos équipes de spécialistes vous conseillent dans la
             recherche de solutions techniques.”
SPÉCIALITÉS                                                                 $

          Hervé Nessi
          Directeur de la Souscription

          Antoine Poidatz                                 John Lenormand
          Directeur                                       Souscripteur Sénior
          Monde                                           Transport et Énergie,
                              Terrorisme et
                                                          Political Violences

          Yamilet Morote                                  Emilie Le Gal
          Souscriptrice                                   Souscriptrice
          Crédit Caution                                  Marine, Aviation
          Département Spécialités                         & Spatial, RC, Pollution
          & Global Risques                      


       “Nos experts sont à votre écoute pour trouver
        ensemble des solutions. Service et proximité
              sont au cœur de notre relation."

          Hervé Nessi
          Directeur de la Souscription

          Christine Gueyffier                                Lucas Gahat
          Directrice                                         Souscripteur
          France                                             France

          Bo Werkstrom                                    Bertrand Petras
          Souscripteur Sénior                             Souscripteur Sénior
          Moyen-Orient                                    Moyen-Orient et
                            Afrique du Nord

              Mehdi Tariq                                  Olivier Collignon
              Souscripteur & Actuaire                      Souscripteur Sénior
              Moyen-Orient et                              Amérique Latine
              Afrique du Nord                              Péninsule Ibérique


          Ning Jing Liu                               Samuel Weil
          Souscriptrice & Actuaire                    Souscripteur & Actuaire
          Asie                                        Israël

           Jérémie Pentel

Research Update:

Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group
Research Update:
Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable
May 4, 2020   CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group
Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable
May 4, 2020                                                                                                         PRIMARY CREDIT ANALYST
- CCR Re has reported a steady improvement in its technical results over the past two years. It is                  Olivier J Karusisi
  100%-owned by Caisse Centrale de Reassurance (CCR) and we now consider it to be core to the                       Paris
  group, rather than highly strategic. We equalize our ratings on core subsidiaries with the                        (33) 1-4420-7530
  unsupported group credit profile (GCP)--in the case of CCR group, this is 'a'.                                    olivier.karusisi
                                                                                                                    PRIMARY    CREDIT ANALYST
-- Although
   CCR Re hasCCR  Re andaits
               reported       parent
                            steady      CCR will suffer
                                     improvement         some
                                                     in its    investment
                                                            technical       losses
                                                                      results       following
                                                                              over the   past twotheyears.
                                                                                                            It is   SECONDARY
                                                                                                                    Olivier       CONTACT
                                                                                                                            J Karusisi
   100%-owned webystill expect
                     Caisse     the group
                             Centrale    de to maintain a robust
                                            Reassurance            capital
                                                            (CCR) and      buffer
                                                                       we now      at the it
                                                                               consider    'AAA'  level
                                                                                              to be coreinto the    Paris
                                                                                                                    Marc-Philippe Juilliard
   group, ratherwhile
                 thanCCR    willstrategic.
                        highly   remain supported     by a
                                            We equalize     state
                                                          our     guarantee
                                                              ratings on corebecause    it is awith
                                                                              subsidiaries      provider
                                                                                                    the of          (33) 1-4420-7530
   unlimited reinsurance
   unsupported              coverage
                 group credit    profilefor natural the
                                         (GCP)--in  catastrophes
                                                         case of CCRingroup,
                                                                      France.this is 'a'.                           olivier.karusisi
                                                                                                                    +(33) 1-4075-2510
-- We   are affirming
   Although   CCR Re ourand'AA'  rating on
                             its parent CCRCCR
                                                  sufferon its public
                                                         some         policy losses
                                                                investment   role and upgrading
                                                                                    following  theCCR Re to
                                                                                                   COVID-19         m-philippe.juilliard
   'A' becausewe
   pandemic,     of its
                          expectin  group
                                  the     status.
                                      group to maintain a robust capital buffer at the 'AAA' level in
                                                                                                                    ADDITIONAL  CONTACT
                                                                                                                    Marc-Philippe Juilliard
 - The           while CCR
        stable outlook        will remain
                          on CCR   mirrors supported  by a state
                                           that on France         guarantee
                                                            and the            because
                                                                     stable outlook  onitCCR
                                                                                          is aRe
                                                                                                 is    of
   unlimited reinsurance
   supported    by the group'scoverage
                                  uniquefor natural
                                         position  incatastrophes   in France.
                                                     the French natural    catastrophe insurance market             Insurance Ratings Europe
                                                                                                                    +(33) 1-4075-2510
- We   its strong capitalization.
           affirming our 'AA' rating on CCR based on its public policy role and upgrading CCR Re to                 m-philippe.juilliard
  'A' because of its change in group status.
                                                                                                                    ADDITIONAL CONTACT
- The stable outlook on CCR mirrors that on France and the stable outlook on CCR Re is
Rating     Action
    supported   by the group's unique position in the French natural catastrophe insurance market                   Insurance Ratings Europe
    and its strong capitalization.
On May 4, 2020, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AA' long-term insurer financial strength and             
issuer credit ratings on Caisse Centrale de Reassurance (CCR) and raised its ratings on CCR Re to
'A' from 'A-'. The outlook for both companies is stable.
Rating Action
On  May 4, 2020, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'AA' long-term insurer financial strength and
issuer credit ratings on Caisse Centrale de Reassurance (CCR) and raised its ratings on CCR Re to
'A'   Global
    from 'A-'.Ratings equalizes
               The outlook       its long-term
                           for both  companiesrating on CCR with the unsolicited long-term sovereign
                                               is stable.
rating on France (AA/Stable/A-1+). We believe the reinsurer shares an integral link with the French
government and that there is an almost-certain likelihood of government support if CCR
experiences any financial distress.

S&P    government-guaranteed    businesses
            Ratings equalizes its long-term are stated
                                            rating     by law
                                                   on CCR     (Insurance
                                                           with          Code, long-term
                                                                the unsolicited Art. 431) and
rating on France (AA/Stable/A-1+). We believe the reinsurer shares an integral link with the French
government and that there is an almost-certain likelihood of government support if CCR
experiences any financial distress.                                                                                                           May 4, 2020   1
CCR's government-guaranteed businesses are stated by law (Insurance Code, Art. 431) and                                                                                                           May 4, 2020   1
Research Update: Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable

include natural
Research Update:catastrophes,
                 Reinsurer CCR nuclear, terrorism,
                               Re Upgraded         and otherOn
                                            To 'A'   exceptional
                                                               Core Grouprisks. The
                                                                          Status;   details
                                                                                  Parent     of theAt 'AA'; Outlooks Stable
law's implementation were reaffirmed in an agreement between the government and the company
in 2017. The government has to provide financial assistance to CCR when claims in one accounting
year exceed 90% of the equalization and special reserve built up for this type of business.
include natural catastrophes, nuclear, terrorism, and other exceptional risks. The details of the
The French government recently announced a special plan to aid French businesses, especially
law's implementation were reaffirmed in an agreement between the government and the company
SMEs, to continue their activities and remain afloat despite the uncertainty created by current
in 2017. The government has to provide financial assistance to CCR when claims in one accounting
COVID-19 pandemic. This plan includes setting up a public reinsurance program, guaranteed by
year exceed 90% of the equalization and special reserve built up for this type of business.
the state, for trade credit insurance, to the tune of €10 billion. The government has charged CCR
withFrench    government
     implementing            recently We
                       this scheme.     announced
                                                             this plan  to aidthe
                                                                  confirms      French   businesses,
                                                                                  critical              especially
                                                                                            role CCR plays    for the
SMEs,   to continue
government     and fortheir  activitieseconomy.
                         the national    and remain afloat despite the uncertainty created by current
COVID-19 pandemic. This plan includes setting up a public reinsurance program, guaranteed by
We consider that CCR Re's prudent underwriting has enabled it to improve its technical
the state, for trade credit insurance, to the tune of €10 billion. The government has charged CCR
results--its net combined ratio stood at 98.1% at the end of 2019. (Lower combined ratios indicate
with implementing this scheme. We consider that this confirms the critical role CCR plays for the
better profitability. A combined ratio of greater than 100% signifies an underwriting loss.)
government and for the national economy.
Furthermore, CCR Re has progressively widened its geographical presence and increased its
We  consider that
diversification      CCR Re's
                  between    lifeprudent   underwriting
                                  and non-life             has enabled
                                                 lines of business.    We it  to improve
                                                                            anticipate     itsCCR
                                                                                         that  technical
                                                                                                    Re may be
results--its   net combined ratioclaims
affected by COVID-19-related          stood inat2020,
                                                 98.1%butat the
                                                            if weend
                                                                                  economiccombined    ratios
                                                                                               recovery,      indicate
                                                                                                          it could
better profitability.
achieve   a combinedAratiocombined
                               below ratio
                                      98% of    greater than 100% signifies an underwriting loss.)
                                             in 2021-2022.
Furthermore, CCR Re has progressively widened its geographical presence and increased its
CCR Re generates business globally, of which most stems from Europe, Asia, Canada, the Middle
diversification between life and non-life lines of business. We anticipate that CCR Re may be
East, and North Africa. Its business contributed approximately 36% of the group's gross premium
affected by COVID-19-related claims in 2020, but if we see a global economic recovery, it could
written in 2019, up from 33% in 2016. Given CCR Re's growing contribution to group business and
achieve a combined ratio below 98% in 2021-2022.
overall strategy, we expect the group to support the subsidiary in times of stress. It has
CCR  Re generates
demonstrated      thisbusiness    globally,
                       in the past,  when CCRof which  most stemssignificant
                                                   Re experienced      from Europe,     Asia,CCR
                                                                                    losses.   Canada,
                                                                                                   Re is the
                                                                                                         not Middle
East, and North
state-backed,     soAfrica. Its business
                     the group   support contributed      approximately
                                           came in the form                  36% of the
                                                                 of reassessment           group's gross premium
                                                                                       of exposures.
written in 2019, up from 33% in 2016. Given CCR Re's growing contribution to group business and
CCR Re's close operational and financial integration with the rest of the group further supports our
overall strategy, we expect the group to support the subsidiary in times of stress. It has
assessment of CCR Re's group status. The group's two entities share the same administrative
demonstrated this in the past, when CCR Re experienced significant losses. CCR Re is not
functions and risk management framework. Costs are allocated across CCR Re and the
state-backed, so the group support came in the form of reassessment of exposures.
state-guaranteed business. CCR Re also utilizes both the group's name and logo and is therefore
CCR  Re's
closely     closetooperational
         linked                  and of
                    the reputation    financial   integration
                                         the group.             with the
                                                      The company       hasrest
                                                                                 anthe  groupand
                                                                                     internal   further  supports our
target capitaloflevel
                         Re's groupwith
                                          the The   group's
                                               group's        two entities
                                                         targets.            share we
                                                                    Furthermore,     thebelieve
                                                                                          same administrative
                                                                                                  the parent would
functions andfunds
downstream       risk management       framework.
                        to CCR Re if the  subsidiary  Costs
                                                        failsare   allocated
                                                               to achieve      across CCR
                                                                            regulatory       Re and the
                                                                                         or internal  capital
targets. Our base casebusiness.
                                        Re also
                                                   and CCR both
                                                              Re the
                                                                  will group's
                                                                       maintain name    and logo
                                                                                  a robust         andbuffer
                                                                                             capital    is therefore
                                                                                                               at the
'AAA'    linked
      level      to the reputation of the group. The company has set an internal and regulatory
             in 2020-2021.
target capital level consistent with the group's targets. Furthermore, we believe the parent would
downstream funds to CCR Re if the subsidiary fails to achieve regulatory or internal capital
targets. Our base case assumes that CCR and CCR Re will maintain a robust capital buffer at the
'AAA' level in 2020-2021.
The stable outlook on CCR mirrors the stable outlook on France. This reflects our expectation that
the company will maintain its critical role to and integral link with the French government for at
least the next two years.
The stable outlook on CCR Re incorporates our view of the group's stable underlying credit quality
The stable outlook on CCR mirrors the stable outlook on France. This reflects our expectation that
before taking into account government support. As long as we continue to view CCR Re as a core
the company will maintain its critical role to and integral link with the French government for at
subsidiary, the rating on CCR Re will move in tandem with the unsupported group credit profile.
least the next two years.

The stable outlook on CCR Re incorporates our view of the group's stable underlying credit quality
before taking into account government support. As long as we continue to view CCR Re as a core
Downside scenario
subsidiary, the rating on CCR Re will move in tandem with the unsupported group credit profile.
We could lower our ratings on CCR if we were to lower our ratings on France. Although unlikely at
this stage, any indication of a weakening of the company's critical role for or integral link with the
French government might also prompt us to consider lowering the long-term rating on CCR,
Downside scenario
We could lower our ratings on CCR if we were to lower our ratings on France. Although unlikely at
this stage, any indication of a weakening of the company's critical role for or integral link with the                                                                                            May 4, 2020   2
French government might also prompt us to consider lowering the long-term rating on CCR,                                                                                            May 4, 2020   2
Research Update: Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable

Research    by several
         Update:       notches.
                 Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable

We could lower the ratings for CCR Re if:

- Increased claims severity limited CCR's financial flexibility to support CCR Re in adverse market
potentially by several
  conditions,  causingnotches.
                       us to revise downward the unsupported group credit profile.

We could
- CCR    lower
       Re's    the ratings
            profitability   for CCR Refor
                          deteriorated if: a prolonged period, causing us revise downward its group
  status, or we considered CCR Re's importance to the group's overall strategy had changed.
- Increased claims severity limited CCR's financial flexibility to support CCR Re in adverse market
  conditions, causing us to revise downward the unsupported group credit profile.

- CCR Re's profitability deteriorated for a prolonged period, causing us revise downward its group
Upside scenario
   status, or we considered CCR Re's importance to the group's overall strategy had changed.
We could raise our ratings on CCR if we took a similar action on the sovereign, and we expected
that CCR would maintain its critical role for and integral link with the French government.
We could scenario
         raise our ratings on CCR Re if we took a similar action on the group, and we expected CCR
Re to maintain its core status within the CCR group.
We could raise our ratings on CCR if we took a similar action on the sovereign, and we expected
that CCR would maintain its critical role for and integral link with the French government.

Ratings    Score
We could raise      Snapshot
               our ratings on CCR Re if we took a similar action on the group, and we expected CCR
Re to maintain its core status within the CCR group.

Ratings Score Snapshot
Ratings       Score Snapshot
Business Risk Profile                                                                                                Strong

    Competitive position                                                                                             Strong
  IICRA Score Snapshot                                                                                               Intermediate

Financial Risk Profile
Business                                                                                                             Strong

    Capital and earnings
    Competitive position                                                                                             Excellent

    Risk exposure
    IICRA                                                                                                            High

Financial    structure
          Risk Profile                                                                                               Neutral

   Capital and earnings                                                                                              a

  Risk exposure                                                                                                      High

    Funding structure                                                                                                Neutral

Anchor*                                                                                                              Adequate

  Comparable ratings analysis
Modifiers                                                                                                            0

Additional notches to strengthen or weaken the rating because of parental support or sovereign
    Governance                                                                                                       3
rating considerations
    Liquidity                                                                                                        Adequate
Financial Strength Rating                                                                                            AA
    Comparable ratings analysis                                                                                      0
*This is influenced by our view of Caisse Centrale de Reassurance's unique position in the French natural catastrophe market and its strong
Additional   notchesstrong
capacity to generate to strengthen   or weaken
                           earnings through      the rating because of parental support or sovereign
                                            the cycle.                                                               3
rating considerations

Financial Strength Rating                                                                                            AA

Related Criteria
*This is influenced by our view of Caisse Centrale de Reassurance's unique position in the French natural catastrophe market and its strong
capacity to generate strong earnings through the cycle.

- Criteria | Insurance | General: Insurers Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019

- General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019
Related Criteria
- General Criteria: Rating Government-Related Entities: Methodology And Assumptions, March
- Criteria | Insurance | General: Insurers Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019

- General Criteria: Group Rating Methodology, July 1, 2019                                                                                                                May 4, 2020   3
- General Criteria: Rating Government-Related Entities: Methodology And Assumptions, March                                                                                                                May 4, 2020   3
Research Update: Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable

  25, 2015
Research Update: Reinsurer CCR Re Upgraded To 'A' On Core Group Status; Parent Affirmed At 'AA'; Outlooks Stable

- Criteria | Insurance | Property/Casualty: Assessing Property/Casualty Insurers' Loss Reserves,
  Nov. 26, 2013

  25, 2015| Insurance | General: Refined Methodology And Assumptions For Analyzing Insurer
- Criteria
  Capital Adequacy Using The Risk-Based Insurance Capital Model, June 7, 2010
- Criteria | Insurance | Property/Casualty: Assessing Property/Casualty Insurers' Loss Reserves,
  Nov. 26, Criteria:
- General   2013     Use Of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. 14, 2009

- Criteria | Insurance | General: Refined Methodology And Assumptions For Analyzing Insurer
  Capital Adequacy Using The Risk-Based Insurance Capital Model, June 7, 2010
Ratings List
- General Criteria: Use Of CreditWatch And Outlooks, Sept. 14, 2009

Ratings Affirmed

Ratings      List
Caisse Centrale de Reassurance

   Issuer Credit Rating

Ratings     Currency
        Affirmed                  AA/Stable/--

Caisse       Strength
       Centrale       Rating
                de Reassurance

   Issuer   Currency
          Credit Rating           AA/Stable/--

     LocalOutlook Action
           Currency               AA/Stable/--

   Financial Strength Rating To                    From

     Local Currency               AA/Stable/--

   Issuer Credit
Upgraded;        Rating
           Outlook Action

      Local Currency              A/Stable/--
                                  To               A-/Positive/--

    RE       Strength Rating

   Issuer   Currency
          Credit Rating           A/Stable/--      A-/Positive/--

      Local Currency                 A/Stable/-- A-/Positive/--
    Certain terms used in this report, particularly certain adjectives used to express our view on rating relevant factors,
   Financial Strength Rating
    have specific meanings ascribed to them in our criteria, and should therefore be read in conjunction with such
    criteria.  Please see RatingsA/Stable/--
      Local Currency                  Criteria at
                                                     A-/Positive/--               for further information. A description of each of
    S&P Global Ratings' rating categories is contained in "S&P Global Ratings Definitions" at Complete ratings
    Certain   termsis used
                      available  to report,
                            in this subscribers   of RatingsDirect
                                             particularly             at
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                                                                                                  ratings  affected
                                                                                                     view on  ratingby this rating
                                                                                                                    relevant  factors,
    have    can be meanings
                     found on S&P     Global
                                 ascribed   toRatings' public
                                               them in our     website
                                                            criteria, andatshould
                                                                           Use the Ratings
                                                                                  therefore be read in conjunction    with suchsearch
    box located
    criteria.     in the
               Please  seeleft column.
                            Ratings      Alternatively,
                                      Criteria          call one of the followingfor
                                               at         S&P  Global
                                                                                      further    Ratings numbers:
                                                                                               information.          Client Support
                                                                                                              A description of each of
    S&P      (44) Ratings'
         Global   20-7176-7176;       London Press
                             rating categories       Office (44)
                                                 is contained   in20-7176-3605;    Paris (33)
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    69-33-999-225; Stockholm (46) 8-440-5914; or Moscow 7 (495) 783-4009.                        Complete ratings
    information is available to subscribers of RatingsDirect at All ratings affected by this rating
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    69-33-999-225; Stockholm (46) 8-440-5914; or Moscow 7 (495) 783-4009.                                                                                                           May 4, 2020   4                                                                                                           May 4, 2020   4
AM Best Affirms Credit Ratings of Caisse Centrale de Réassurance
and CCR RE
July 23, 2020 12:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time

AMSTERDAM--(BUSINESS WIRE)--AM Best has affirmed the Financial Strength Rating (FSR) of A+ (Superior)
and the Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating (Long-Term ICR) of “aa” of Caisse Centrale de Réassurance (CCR)
(France). Concurrently, AM Best has affirmed the FSR of A (Excellent) and the Long-Term ICR of “a” of CCR RE
(France). The outlook of these Credit Ratings (ratings) is stable.

The ratings of CCR reflect its balance sheet strength, which AM Best categorises as very strong, as well as its
adequate operating performance, favourable business profile and appropriate enterprise risk management
(ERM). The ratings also consider, in the form of rating enhancement, the explicit unlimited guarantee
provided by the Republic of France to CCR’s state-backed business.

CCR’s balance sheet strength assessment reflects the company’s strongest risk-adjusted capitalisation, as
measured by Best’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR). CCR’s capital position is reinforced by significant
equalisation and special reserves, which provide capacity to absorb its peak exposures to natural
catastrophe, terrorism and other exceptional risks. The balance sheet strength assessment also reflects CCR’s
high quality, liquid investment portfolio and conservative reserving practices.

AM Best considers CCR’s long-term operating performance track record to be adequate. Results are subject
to volatility given the nature of business written; however, the company has established significant
equalisation reserves, which can be released in loss-heavy years, as was the case in 2016 through 2018.
While loss ratios remained higher than historical norms, technical results improved in 2019, leading to a
non-life loss ratio of 85% (as calculated by AM Best before movement in equalisation reserve) compared with
91% for 2018.

CCR’s favourable business profile is underpinned by the role the company plays in the French public
reinsurance regime and its unique position as the principal reinsurer of natural catastrophe risks
underwritten in France, with an estimated market share of approximately 90%. CCR’s market offering of a
50% quota share, supplemented by an optional, unlimited stop loss treaty, is considered a competitive
The ratings of CCR RE reflect its balance sheet strength, which AM Best categorises as very strong, as well as
its adequate operating performance, neutral business profile and appropriate ERM. The ratings also consider,
in the form of rating enhancement, the strategic importance of CCR RE to CCR.

CCR RE’s balance sheet strength assessment reflects its strongest risk-adjusted capitalisation, as measured by
BCAR. The assessment also factors in the company’s low dependence on reinsurance, conservative reserving
practices, and its liquid and high quality investment portfolio. CCR RE’s standalone financial flexibility
improved following the issuance of EUR 300 million of subordinated debt in July 2020. Financial flexibility
remains constrained; however, by the clear segregation of activities and capital within the group.

CCR RE has been profitable since its creation as a stand-alone company in 2016, driven by the strong
performance of the company’s life reinsurance portfolio and by investment results supported by realised
gains. Non-life technical performance has improved steadily since 2016, as the company rationalised its
underwriting portfolio. AM Best expects this improvement to be maintained despite the return to top-line
growth in 2018 and 2019.
CCR RE has an established presence in the international reinsurance market, writing a well-diversified
underwriting portfolio and benefiting from the long-established CCR brand.
This press release relates to Credit Ratings that have been published on AM Best’s website. For all rating
information relating to the release and pertinent disclosures, including details of the office responsible for
issuing each of the individual ratings referenced in this release, please see AM Best’s Recent Rating Activity
web page. For additional information regarding the use and limitations of Credit Rating opinions, please
view Guide to Best’s Credit Ratings. For information on the proper media use of Best’s Credit Ratings and
AM Best press releases, please view Guide for Media - Proper Use of Best’s Credit Ratings and AM Best
Rating Action Press Releases.

AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the
insurance industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company does business in over 100 countries
with regional offices in New York, London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For
more information, visit

Copyright © 2020 by A.M. Best Rating Services, Inc. and/or its affiliates. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Pierre Tournier, CFA, FSA, CERA
Senior Financial Analyst
+31 20 30 5423

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