European Commission - Daily News

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European Commission - Daily News

Daily News 27 / 01 / 2021
Brussels, 27 January 2021
REUNION DU COLLEGE: La Commission lance un débat sur les actions à mener pour faire
face aux conséquences du vieillissement de la population
La Commission européenne a présenté aujourd'hui un livre vert visant à lancer un vaste débat
politique sur les défis et les possibilités liés à une société européenne vieillissante. Elle expose les
conséquences de cette forte tendance démographique sur notre économie et notre société et invite le
public à exprimer son point de vue sur les actions à mener pour y faire face, dans le cadre d'une
consultation publique qui durera 12 semaines. Dubravka Šuica, vice-présidente chargée de la
démocratie et de la démographie, a déclaré: « Le fait que nous vivons plus longtemps et en
meilleure santé que les générations précédentes témoigne du succès et de la force de notre
économie sociale de marché. Mais cette situation pose également de nouveaux défis, et offre des
perspectives dont nous devons tenir compte. Ce livre vert lancera un débat sur les possibilités
d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel d'une population vieillissante - les moteurs de l'innovation qu'il
présente et les réponses politiques nécessaires. » Des plus amples informations sur le Livre vert sur
le vieillissement sont disponible dans le communiqué de presse, et la fiche d'information. (Pour plus
d'informations: Daniel Ferrie – Tél.: +32 229 86500; Sinéad Meehan–van Druten – Tél.: +32 229

COLLEGE MEETING: Rule of Law: Commission adopts next step in the infringement
procedure to protect judicial independence of Polish judges Today, the Commission decided to
send an additional reasoned opinion to Poland regarding the continued functioning of the Disciplinary
Chamber of the Supreme Court. The Commission considers that Poland violates EU law by allowing
the Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court – the independence and impartiality of which is not
guaranteed – to take decisions, which have a direct impact on judges and the way they exercise their
function. These matters include cases of the lifting of immunity of judges with a view to bringing
criminal proceedings against them, and the consequent temporary suspension from office and the
reduction of their salary. The Disciplinary Chamber is also deciding on matters related to labour law,
social security and the retirement of Supreme Court judges. By giving the Disciplinary Chamber
powers that directly affect the status of judges and the exercise of their judicial activities, the Polish
legislation jeopardises the ability of the respective courts to provide an effective remedy, as required
by the second subparagraph of Article 19(1) TEU. The mere prospect of having to face proceedings
before a body whose independence is not guaranteed creates a ‘chilling effect' for judges and can
affect their own independence. Poland has one month to reply to this additional reasoned opinion and
to take the necessary measures to comply with EU law, otherwise the Commission may refer the case
to the Court of Justice. The full press release is available online. (For more information: Christian
Wigand - Tel.: +32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko - Tel.: +32 229 63444; Jördis Ferroli – Tel.: +32
229 92729)

La Commission européenne place avec succès la première obligation SURE de l'UE pour
La Commission européenne a émis des obligations sociales pour un montant de 14 milliards d'euros
dans le cadre de l'instrument SURE de l'UE visant à protéger les emplois et les travailleurs.
L'émission se composait de deux obligations, dont 10 milliards d'euros à rembourser en juin 2028 et
4 milliards d'euros à rembourser en novembre 2050. La demande des investisseurs était élevée, ce
qui a permis une fois de plus à la Commission d'obtenir de très bonnes conditions de prix. Celles-ci
sont transmises directement aux États membres de l'UE. Johannes Hahn, commissaire européen
chargé du budget et des ressources humaines, a déclaré: « L'émission d'obligations SURE
aujourd'hui s'inscrit dans la continuité d'une réussite remarquable. Cette émission a montré une fois
de plus le grand intérêt du marché pour les obligations de l'UE. C'est une excellente nouvelle pour
l'UE en tant qu'émetteur. Cela nous donne confiance dans le fait que nous allons achever avec succès
l'émission de SURE et lancer le programme d'emprunts et de prêts NextGenerationEU. » Le Conseil a
approuvé un soutien financier total de 90,3 milliards d'euros en faveur de 18 États membres au titre
de SURE. En 2020, la Commission a déboursé un montant total de 39,5 milliards d'euros en faveur
de 15 États membres de l'UE: Italie, Espagne, Pologne, Grèce, Croatie, Lituanie, Chypre, Slovénie,
Malte, Lettonie, Belgique, Roumanie, Hongrie, Portugal et Slovaquie, à la suite de trois émissions de
l'UE SURE. Plus de détails figurent dans le communiqué de presse. (Pour plus d'informations: Balazs
Ujvari – Tél.: +32 4.60 760296; Claire Joawn – Tél.: +32 460 756859)

COLLEGE MEETING: a new Director-General for the department for interpretation and three
new Heads of the Representation in Spain, Latvia and Slovenia
Today, the European Commission has decided to appoint Ms Genoveva Ruiz Calavera as Director-
General of the Directorate-General for Interpretation (SCIC). In appointing Ms Ruiz Calavera to this
function, the Commission avails itself of an experienced professional who has the extensive skills
necessary for this challenging function which is crucial to the successful engagement with
stakeholders. Ms Ruiz Calavera has a strong management track record as well as an in-depth
understanding of the institutional context acquired throughout her distinguished career in the
European Commission. Since 2016, Ms Ruiz Calavera, a Spanish national, has been working as
Director for the Western Balkans in the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
Negotiations (NEAR). Prior to that, she occupied different Head of Unit functions in the Service for
Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) and in the Directorate-General for the External Relations (RELEX).
She joined the Commission in 1992, serving at the Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs
Union for seven years, having previously worked for eight years in the private sector in Spain and
Belgium. The date of effect of this decision will be determined later. The Commission has also
appointed three new Heads of the Representation in Spain, Latvia and Slovenia. Ms María De Los
Angeles Benítez Salas will take up her duties as Head of Representation in Madrid on 1 April 2021.
On 16 April 2021, Ms Zane Petre and Ms Jerneja Jug Jerše will start in their new functions in Riga
and in Ljubljana, respectively. Heads of Representation act as the official representatives of the
Commission in the Member States under the political authority of President Ursula von der Leyen.
You will find more information on the appointments of the Heads of Representation in this press
release. (For information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Claire Joawn - Tel.: +32 229 56859)

Financial services: Commission adopts equivalence decision for US central counterparties
The European Commission today adopted an equivalence decision determining that the United States
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regime for US central counterparties (CCPs) is
equivalent to EU rules. Today's decision is an important first step for US CCPs registered with the
SEC to be recognised in the European Union. It will allow such US CCPs to apply for recognition by
the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA). Once recognised by ESMA, these US CCPs
will be able to provide central clearing services in the EU. Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner
responsible for Financial Services, Financial Stability and the Capital Markets Union, said: “This
decision is a significant first step in the process of recognising US CCPs registered with the US
Securities and Exchange Commission in the European Union. We look forward to continued good
cooperation between EU institutions and agencies, and the US Securities and Exchange
Commission.” Today's decision complements the existing equivalence decision for US CCPs regarding
the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), which was adopted in 2016 (more
information here). (For more information: Daniel Ferrie – Tel.: +32 229 86500; Aikaterini Apostola –
Tel.: +32 229 87624)

COVID-19: Team Europe supports African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to access finance
through digital technology
The European Commission, together with the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
(OACPS), has signed today a new initiative of €14.5 million with the United Nations Capital
Development Fund (UNCDF) to unlock the potential of digital finance. This will benefit more than
600,000 women, youth and entrepreneurs across African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. “Today
more than ever, digital technologies have a central role to increase access and usage of affordable
financial products and services that meet people and business needs as well as accelerate economic
recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. This is why, as reflected in our EU Strategy with Africa, we
want to join forces with Africa to foster a digital transformation that also helps us close the digital
gender divide”, said Jutta Urpilainen, Commissioner for International Partnerships. “If we want to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, digital solutions are key to create more jobs and
improve basic services such as health and education”, she added. Mobile money is the provision of
financial services through mobile technologies. It allows paying bills and transferring money by using
mobile apps and creates new opportunities for businesses and individuals. For more details, please
consult the press release and the new Digital 4 Development Hub, launched in December by the
Commission, aimed at building strong ties across the globe to make the digital revolution an
opportunity for everyone. (For more information: Ana Pisonero – Tel.: +32 229 54320; Gesine Knolle
– Tel.: +32 229 54323)

Aides d'État: la Commission autorise une aide publique de 2,9 milliards d'euros accordée
par douze États membres pour un deuxième projet paneuropéen de recherche et
d'innovation portant sur l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des batteries
La Commission a autorisé, en vertu des règles de l'UE en matière d'aides d'État, un deuxième projet
important d'intérêt européen commun (« PIIEC ») visant à soutenir la recherche et l'innovation dans
la chaîne de valeur des batteries. Dénommé projet « European Battery Innovation », a été élaboré et
notifié conjointement par l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, la Belgique, la Croatie, l'Espagne, la Finlande, la
France, la Grèce, l'Italie, la Pologne, la Slovaquie et la Suède. Ces douze États membres fourniront
jusqu'à 2,9 milliards d'euros de financement au cours des prochaines années. Ce financement public
devrait permettre de mobiliser 9 milliards d'euros supplémentaires en investissements privés. Ce
projet vient compléter le premier PIIEC relatif à la chaîne de valeur des batteries, que la Commission
a autorisé en décembre 2019. Le projet couvrira l'ensemble de la chaîne de valeur des batteries:
l'extraction des matières premières, la conception et la fabrication des cellules et des packs de
batteries et, enfin, le recyclage et l'élimination dans le cadre d'une économie circulaire, en mettant
fortement l'accent sur la durabilité. La Commission a constaté que le PIIEC proposé remplissait les
conditions requises énoncées dans sa communication sur les projets importants d'intérêt européen
commun (PIIEC). Elle a notamment conclu ce qui suit : (i) le projet contribue à un objectif commun
en soutenant une chaîne de valeur stratégique pour l'avenir de l'Europe ; (ii) le projet est
extrêmement ambitieux, étant donné qu'il vise à développer des technologies et des processus allant
au-delà des technologies actuelles ; (iii) Le projet est extrêmement ambitieux, étant donné qu'il vise
à développer des technologies et des processus allant au-delà des technologies actuelles ; (iv) l'aide
octroyée à chaque entreprise se limite à ce qui est nécessaire et proportionné et ne fausse pas
indûment la concurrence et (iv) des effets d'entraînement positifs seront générés dans toute
l'Europe. Sur cette base, la Commission a conclu que le projet était conforme aux règles de l'UE en
matière d'aides d'État. Le communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne. (Pour plus d'informations:
Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tél.: +3 229 90526; Giulia Astuti – Tél.: +32
229 55344)

State aid: Commission approves €230 million Czech scheme to support companies affected
by coronavirus outbreak
The European Commission has approved an approximately €230 million (CZK 6 billion) Czech
scheme to support companies affected by the restrictive measures imposed by the Czech
government to limit the spread of the coronavirus (in particular the obligation to keep premises
closed). The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework. The public support
will take the form of direct grants. The scheme will be open to companies active in all sectors, with
the exception of those active in the financial sector. The amount of the aid per company will depend
on the number of employees (including self-employed cooperating with the company) and on the
number of days during which the company was affected by the restrictive measures in the period
from 9 October 2020 until 10 January 2021. The aim of the scheme is to address the liquidity needs
of the beneficiaries and to help them to continue their activity during and after the outbreak. The
Commission found that the Czech scheme is in line with the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. In particular, the support will not exceed (i) €100,000 per company active in the
primary production of agricultural products, €120,000 per company active in the fishery and
aquaculture sector and €800,000 per company active in all other sectors; and (ii) the aid will be
granted at the latest by 30 June 2021. The Commission therefore concluded that the measure is
necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a
Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary
Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the measures under EU State aid rules. More
information on the Temporary Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the
economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic can be found here. The non-confidential version of the
decision will be made available under the case number SA.61234 in the State aid register on the
Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved. (For more
information: Arianna Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344; Maria
Tsoni – Tel.: +32 229 90526)
Concentrations: La Commission autorise l'acquisition de la division ferroviaire du Groupe
Consolis par TowerBrook Capital Partners
La Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations,
l'acquisition de quatorze filiales composant la division ferroviaire du Groupe Consolis SAS, basée en
France, par le fond d'investissement TowerBrook Capital Partners L.P., basé aux États-Unis. La
division ferroviaire du Groupe Consolis SAS est active dans la conception, la fabrication et la
distribution de solutions en béton pour la construction de réseaux ferroviaires. TowerBrook Capital
Partners est un fond d'investissement opérant sur les marchés européens et américains, disposant
d'un portefeuille de sociétés actives dans les secteurs de l'industrie, de la santé, de la finance, des
biens de consommation, des télécommunications et des médias. La Commission a conclu que la
concentration envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence dans la mesure où les
entreprises ne sont pas actives sur le même marché ou sur des marchés liés ou complémentaires. La
transaction a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure simplifiée de contrôle des concentrations.
De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans
le registre public des affaires sous le numéro d'affaire M.10103. (Pour plus d'informations: Arianna
Podesta – Tel. +32 229 87024; Maria Tsoni – Tel.: +3 229 90526)


Déclaration commune de la vice-présidente Jourová et du commissaire Reynders à la veille
de la Journée de la protection des données
A la veille de la Journée de la protection des données, Věra Jourová, vice-présidente chargée des
valeurs et de la transparence, et Didier Reynders, commissaire chargé de la justice, ont fait la
déclaration suivante: « La protection de notre vie privée fait partie de l'ADN européen : le 28 janvier,
la Journée de la protection des données de cette année marque le 40e anniversaire de la «
Convention 108 » du Conseil de l'Europe, le seul traité international sur la vie privée. Aujourd'hui, les
règles européennes en matière de protection des données sont devenues la référence et un modèle
suivi dans de nombreuses régions du globe. La valeur d'un régime efficace de protection des données
est devenue encore plus évidente avec la pandémie de coronavirus. De nouvelles solutions
numériques, telles que les applications de traçage, ne peuvent fonctionner que si les citoyens ont
confiance et se sentent bien protégés contre les abus. Le règlement général sur la protection des
données (RGPD) est la pierre angulaire de l'approche axée sur l'humain de Europe en matière de
technologies numériques, il soutient les citoyens et leur donne les moyens d'agir. Des règles strictes
en matière de protection des données font partie de la solution pour lutter contre la pandémie. Elles
nous seront aussi utiles, étant donné que la transition vers des sociétés et des économies fondées
sur les données s'accélère encore davantage. Les Européens peuvent en être sûrs : dans l'UE, vos
données personnelles vous appartiennent. » La déclaration complète est disponible ici. (Pour plus
d'informations: Christian Wigand — Tél. + 32 229 62253; Katarzyna Kolanko — Tél.: + 32 229
63444; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.: + 32 229 92729)


Commissioner Gabriel to attend online launch event for the release of the new Erasmus+
Tomorrow, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel,
will participate in an online event to promote the release of the new Erasmus+ app. More than 2,600
people are expected to follow the event - students as well as representatives of student organisations
and higher-education institutions. Registration is possible up to 11:00 CET tomorrow. Commissioner
for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel, commented: “The launch of
the new Erasmus+ app is part of a larger plan to open the unique Erasmus+ experience to more
young people – not just in higher education, but in schools, in vocational education and training, and
in adult learning too. This is an important step in continuing to build the Erasmus community – a
community that helps one another, that shares a European student identity, and embodies the
values of what has become a calling card of the EU – the Erasmus generation.” At the event, a panel
will discuss the benefits of the app as a tool to support mobility and help achieve a European
Education Area by 2025. Developers of the app will showcase the new features and discuss further
developments. The first Erasmus+ mobile app was launched in June 2017 in the context of the 30th
anniversary of the Erasmus+ programme and has been downloaded nearly 100,000 times to date.
The new Erasmus+ mobile app is one of the key deliverables of the European Student Card Initiative,
allowing students to have a digital one-stop-shop to find all the information, support and services
they need for a successful mobility period abroad. It will also be fully connected to the Erasmus
Without Paper Network used by universities, allowing for easier and more transparent administrative
processes for mobile students and their sending and receiving universities. (For more information:
Sonya Gospodinova – Tel.: +32 229 66953; Sinéad Meehan - van Druten - Tel.: +32 2 29 84094)

Commissioners Reynders and Johansson taking part in informal videoconference of Justice
and Home Affairs Ministers on 28-29 January
Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, and Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson,
will take part in the informal videoconference of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers tomorrow and on
Friday. Tomorrow, Commissioner Johansson will join Home Affairs Ministers for a discussion on the
way forward as regards the Pact on Migration and Asylum, which the Commission presented in
September last year. In the afternoon, Ministers will discuss the state of play as regards the
Schengen area in the context of coronavirus-related measures restricting movement and the lessons
that can be drawn from that on the future of Schengen, ahead of the presentation by the
Commission of a new Strategy on the future of Schengen later this year. Ministers will then discuss
the future of Europol, the EU Agency for law enforcement cooperation, after the Commission
proposed to strengthen its mandate last month. A press conference with the participation of
Commissioner Johansson will take place tomorrow after the meeting at +/- 18.00 CET, which will be
streamed live on EbS+. On Friday, Commissioner Reynders together with Justice Ministers will
reflect on the challenges faced by vulnerable adults in cross border situations. The participants,
joined by Commissioner Johansson, will then exchange views on criminal law and intellectual
property rights, focusing on the connection between counterfeiting and organised crime. Afterwards,
the Ministers will discuss the challenges and solutions in digitalisation of justice. A press conference
with the participation of Commissioner Reynders will take place on Friday after the meeting at +/-
17.40 CET, which will be streamed live on EbS+. (For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32
229 53156; Christian Wigand – Tel.: +32 229 62253)

EU Cohesion policy: Kick-off of the 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and
Ionian Region
The 5th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) that will start
tomorrow and will be dedicated to the recovery of the Adriatic and Ionian Region in the context of
the coronavirus pandemic. Co-organised by the European Commission and the Republic of Serbia,
the event will focus on the strongly affected tourism sector, the cultural and creative industries, as
well as on the digital and green transitions in the region. Commissioner Ferreira and Commissioner
Várhelyi will open the Forum together with ministers from Serbia and Slovenia. Commissioner for
Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira, said: “This Macro-regional Strategy provides a very important
strategic instrument to help the region tackle the coronavirus pandemic, promote a balanced and
inclusive recovery and foster regional convergence. These developments are essential to underpin the
Western Balkans' European path”. Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement
Olivér Várhelyi, added: “The EU´s Economic and Investment plan for the Western Balkans will be
key for the post-pandemic recovery by creating transport, energy and digital infrastructure
connections throughout the region and with the EU. Frameworks such as the Adriatic and Ionian
Initiative, and the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region fit well into this approach. The
regional cooperation you facilitate, and the good neighbourly relations you reinforce, support and
ease the accession of Western Balkans to the EU.” The Forum will provide a dialogue platform for the
public and stakeholders to share their expectations and ideas on shaping the future of the Adriatic-
Ionian Region. The EUSAIR, launched in October 2014, covers a region of more than 70 million
people in four EU Member States (Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia) and five countries of the Western
Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia). Register to
attend the online event. (For more information: Vivian Loonela - Tel.: +32 229 66712; Veronica
Favalli - Tel.: +32 229 87269)
Eurostat: communiqués de presse
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