Outcome 8 - The world of work responds effectively to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

La page est créée Jean-Marc Huet
Outcome 8 - The world of work responds effectively to the HIV/AIDS epidemic

                                                            RESULTS BY INDICATOR

Indicator 8.1: Number of member States that, with ILO support, develop a national tripartite workplace policy on HIV/AIDS, as part of the national AIDS
To be counted as reportable, results must meet the following criterion:
    1. A national tripartite workplace policy is developed on the basis of the ILO code of practise on HIV/AIDS and the world of work (the HIV and AIDS
        Recommendation, 2010 (No. 200), will be used to guide the tripartite workplace policies

 Country/ Country          Measurement Criteria                          Result Achieved                                    ILO Contribution
  Outcome (CPO)
Botswana/                         1           The Botswana National Policy on HIV and AIDS and               - Provided technical support and guidance to
BWA178:                                       Employment has been reviewed in line with ILO                  establish an expanded HIV/AIDS Thematic
Government and                                Recommendation 200. The policy was developed with              Sub-Committee for the DWCP Steering
social partners adopt                         the participation of tripartite constituents and is awaiting   Committee and for an orientation session on
and implement                                 adoption and presentation to Cabinet.                          ILO Recommendation 200.
gender-sensitive HIV                                                                                         - Provided technical support and guidance in
and AIDS workplace                                                                                           the development and finalization of the Public
policies and                                                                                                 Service HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy. Was part
programmes                                                                                                   of the Technical Working Group that
                                                                                                             facilitated the process.
                                                                                                             - Organized and facilitated the integration of
                                                                                                             HIV/AIDS into the Labour Inspection
                                                                                                             - Supported the development of the form to

be integrated into the checklist.
                                                                                  - Supported a labour sector consultation
                                                                                  pertaining to the review and finalization of
                                                                                  the National HIV/AIDS Policy, in collaboration
                                                                                  with the National AIDS Coordinating Agency.
Burkina Faso   1   Mise en place du Cadre Tripartite de Lutte contre le           ‐   Appui technique à la création et les
                   VIH/Sida en milieux de travail (CTLS/MT) suite à                   activités du Cadre Tripartite de Lutte
                   plusieurs ateliers de concertations.                               contre le VIH, le Sida, les infections
                   Finalisation de la stratégie sectorielle de lutte contre le        sexuellement transmissibles (IST) et la
                   VIH, le sida et la Tuberculose en milieu de travail. Ce            tuberculose en milieu de Travail.
                   document tient lieu de politique sectorielle de lutte contre   ‐   Appui à la mise en œuvre de la
                   le VIH, le sida et la Tuberculose en milieu de travail a été       Déclaration Nationale Tripartite sur le
                   validé et adopté lors d’une réunion nationale tripartite           VIH/Sida et les IST en milieu de travail;
                   tenue en Avril 2010 à Ouagadougou. La stratégie                ‐   Contribution à la promotion et à la
                   sectorielle a été accompagnée d’un plan d’action                   diffusion de bonnes pratiques en matière
                   opérationnel.                                                      de lutte contre le VIH, le Sida, les IST et
                   Elaboration et mise en œuvre d’un plan d’action « Genre            la tuberculose en milieu du travail;
                   et VIH/Sida en milieu de travail » :                           ‐   Contribution à la constitution et tenue à
                      Elaboration et mise en œuvre d’un document de                  jour de la documentation (archivage) sur
                         stratégie de coordination du secteur de l’économie           le VIH, le Sida, les IST et la tuberculose
                         informelle dans la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA et TB            en milieu de travail ;
                      Vulgarisation des textes juridiques et administratifs      ‐   Appui technique à l’élaboration et mise
                         sur la lutte contre la stigmatisation et la                  en œuvre d’un plan d’action « Genre et
                         discrimination des travailleurs vivant avec le               VIH/sida en milieu de travail » ;
                         VIH/sida par les acteurs du monde du travail.            ‐   Appui technique à l’élaboration et la mise
                                                                                      en œuvre d’un document de stratégie de
                                                                                      coordination du secteur de l’économie
                                                                                      informelle dans la lutte contre le
                                                                                      VIH/Sida –IST et tuberculose
                                                                                  ‐   Vulgarisation des textes juridiques et
                                                                                      administratifs sur la lutte contre la
                                                                                      stigmatisation et la discrimination des
                                                                                      travailleurs vivant avec le VIH/Sida.

Burundi/ BDI901 :         1   Le document de politique nationale de lutte contre le Sida   Ateliers organisés avec l’appui technique du
 Le Burundi adopte un         sur le lieu de travail, validé au plan technique par les     BIT:
document de politique         partenaires tripartites et été adopté par le Gouvernement.   1.Atelier national de validation de la politique
nationale de lutte            Cette politique est assortie de trois annexes à savoir : i)  nationale de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA sur le
contre le VIH/SIDA en         un plan opérationnel du document de politique couvrant la    lieu de travail qui a connu la participation de
milieu du travail et          période 2011-2015, ii) un guide de suivi, et iii) un guide   35 personnes dont 09 femmes et 26 hommes
l'intègre dans son plan       de mobilisation des ressources.                              représentant le Gouvernement, Employeurs,
national de lutte conre                                                                    Travailleurs, Organisation de l'Economie
le VIH/SIDA                   La Recommandation n° 200 figure comme l’un des               informelle et de la société civile y compris
                              fondements du document de politique nationale VIH en         l’organisation des PVVIH ;
                              milieu du travail au Burundi et l’on y trouve tous ses       2.Atelier national de renforcement des 35
                              principes.                                                   représentants les mandants tripartites, les
                              Un pool de 32 formateurs constitués et que les formateurs acteurs clés du monde du travail y compris la
                              sont formés pour jouer un rôle multiplicateur en tant que société civile et l’association des PVVIH sur la
                              relais et vecteurs de l’approche VIH par le biais des quatre Recommandation n°200 ;
                              objectifs stratégiques du BIT au niveau des institutions et 3. Atelier national de formation des 32
                              de leur organisation respective.                             formateurs sur le Recueil des directives du
                                                                                           BIT, son manuel et sur la Recommandation n°
                                                                                           200 de l’OIT.
Cameroon/                 1   Le document de politique nationale concernant le VIH et Appui technique du BIT à:
CMR901:                       le Sida en milieu du travail a été élaboré en vue           1. L’élaboration du document de politique
La politique nationale        d’intégration dans le Plan stratégique national 2011-2015. nationale en collaboration avec l’ONUSIDA. La
concernant le                                                                             première consultation a vu la participation de
VIH/Sida sur le lieu du       Le Ministère du travail et de la Sécurité Sociale s’est     26 participants représentant les Ministères
travail intègre le Plan       approprié du leadership du processus d’élaboration du       clés, le GTC/SNLS, le Patronat, le secteur privé,
National Stratégique          document de politique nationale. Le document de politique les organisations syndicales et la société civile y
National 2011-2015            du Cameroun est fondé sur les principes de la               compris celle des PVVIH. Ces participants ont
                              Recommandation 200.                                         bénéficié également de la formation sur la
                              Le Plan Sectoriel de riposte au VIH et au Sida du Ministère Recommandation 200
                              des Postes et Télécommunication qui a été élaboré sur la 2. Ateliers de revue du PSN 2006-2010 et à
                              base des principes du Recueil des lignes directrices sur le l’élaboration-validation du PSN 2011-2015.
                              VIH et le Sida dans le secteur postal et la                 3. Au cours de l’évaluation du PSN 2006-2010,
                              Recommandation n° 200 de l’OIT est validé et adopté         le BIT a assuré le lead de l’évaluation de l’axe

par le Gouvernement. Le programme de la réduction de la IV relatif au monde du travail et de la rédaction
                            vulnérabilité économique et sociale des femmes           des sections du monde du travail dans le
                            infectées/affectées par le VIH/Sida a été mise en place. nouveau PSN 2011-2015.
                                                                                     4. Organisation de l’atelier d’élaboration du
                                                                                     Plan Sectoriel des secteurs des postes et
                                                                                     télécommunications où le BIT a assuré le lead
                                                                                     dans la conduite du processus.
                                                                                     5. Elaboration et mise en œuvre par le BIT
                                                                                     d’une approche de renforcement des capacités
                                                                                     des femmes infectées/affectées de l’économie
                                                                                     informelle sur le développement de
                                                                                     6. Six coopératives de micro-finances dans cinq
                                                                                     régions du Cameroun pour l’accompagnement
                                                                                     des femmes affectées/infectées sur un package
                                                                                     incluant : formation en entreprenariat, gestion
                                                                                     du micro-projet, appui psychosocial, conseil sur
                                                                                     l’adhérence au traitement ARV. Le dispositif a
                                                                                     permis de porter à 360 le nombre de femmes
                                                                                     infectées qui ont bénéficié de l’appui technique
                                                                                     sur le développement de l’entreprenariat, à 148
                                                                                     le nombre de femmes qui ont eu accès à un
                                                                                     financement de leur micro-projet, et à 112
                                                                                     l’effectif de celles qui ont été inscrites dans les
                                                                                     mutuelles de santé communautaires.
Chad/TCD902:            1   La structure tripartite dénommée ‘Task force’ en charge     Appui technique du BIT:
Les mandants                du suivi de l’élaboration de la politique nationale de      1. L’élaboration du document de politique
tripartites élaborent       lutte contre le VIH et le sida en milieu du travail a été   nationale de lutte contre le VIH/SIDA en milieu
un document de              mis en place. Le document de politique nationale            du travail, en collaboration avec l'ONUSIDA.
politique de lutte          concernant le VIH et le Sida en milieu du travail élaboré   2. Formation des mandants tripartites et des
contre le VIH/SIDA en       par la ‘Task force’ tripartite                              acteurs clés sur la Recommandation 200 de
milieu du travail et                                                                    l'OIT.
mettent en oeuvre des       Le Ministère s’est approprié du processus et la capacité    3. Formation des formateurs sur le Recueil

programmes                     du Ministère du Travail a été renforcée pour assurer le       des directives pratiques du BIT, son manuel et
significatifs                  leadership de la riposte au VIH en milieu du travail          la Recommandation n° 200
                               .L’accord de l’ONUSIDA a été obtenu pour soutenir les
                               activités VIH en milieu du travail au Tchad
Congo/ COG126 :            1    Le document de politique nationale de lutte contre le        Appui technique du BIT pour:
La prévention du               VIH/Sida en milieu du travail élabore par une structure       1. L’élaboration du document de politique
VIH/SIDA sur les lieux         tripartite sous le patronat du Ministre du Travail et le      nationale et ses annexes;
de travail est                 Secrétariat Exécutif Permanent du Conseil National de         2. Formation des 45 formateurs sur le Recueil
renforcée par la               Lutte contre le SIDA. Une unité de lutte contre le            des directives pratiques du BIT, son manuel et
politique nationale            VIH/Sida en milieu du travail a été mise en place au          la Recommandation n° 200 ;
tripartite concernant le       Ministère du travail et de la sécurité sociale et est         3. Formation des mandants tripartites et des
VIH/SIDA                       opérationnelle.                                               acteurs clés sur la Recommandation 200 ;
                               Un pool de 45 formateurs a été constitué et devenu            4. Formation de 45 points focaux sur le Recueil
                               opérationnel pour que les formateurs sont aptes à             des directives du BIT et de son manuel, la
                               jouer un rôle multiplicateur en tant que relais et vecteurs   Recommandation 200 de l’OIT, le
                               de l’approche intégrée VIH par le biais des quatre            développement du Partenariat Public Privé, la
                               objectifs stratégiques du BIT au niveau des institutions      planification et le suivi/Evaluation.
                               et de leur organisation respective.
Democratic                 1   Le document de politique nationale tripartite de lutte        Appui technique du BIT à :
Republic of the                contre le VIH et le Sida en milieu du travail a été validé     1. La validation de la politique nationale a vu
Congo/COD202 :                 et adopté en présence du Vice Premier Ministre,               la participation des 47 représentants des
La prévention du               Ministre de l’Emploi, du Travail et de la Protection          mandants tripartites, des acteurs clés et des
VIH/SIDA sur les lieux         sociale. La politique nationale dispose d’un plan             partenaires;
de travail est                 d’exécution et d’un guide de suivi.                           2. Formation des formateurs sur le Recueil
renforcée par la               La politique nationale est fondée sur les principes de la     des directives pratiques du BIT, son manuel et
politique nationale            Recommandation 200 et le Recueil des directives du            la Recommandation n° 200 des représentants
tripartite concernant le       BIT ainsi que des autres instruments nationaux,               des mandants tripartites et des acteurs clés sur
VIH/SIDA                       régionaux qu’internationaux tels que l’UNGASS                 la Recommandation 200.
Ethiopia/ETH152:           1   A Strategy on HIV and AIDS and the world of work,             Provided support to the Ministry of Labour
Strengthened policy            based on the National workplace policy on HIV and             (MOLSA), the employers’ and workers’
framework on HIV and           AIDS, has been drafted with the involvement of the            representatives (EEF and CETU) in building
AIDS and the world of          ILO constituents to include the principles of                 their capacity to understand the principles of
work based on the              Recommendation 200. The strategy is a policy                  the Recommendation 200, and in designing

new Recommendation            document, tripartite in nature, which operationalizes            and managing policies and programmes.
on HIV and AIDS and           the policy adopted in 2009 by providing a results-based          Supported the training of 380 government
the world of work             framework for the implementation of the principles of            representatives and social partners on ILO
                              the policy. The document sets up clear roles and                 Recommendation No. 200.
                              responsibilities for the constituents.

                              The principles of the Recommendation are reflected in
                              the strategy, including the focus on vulnerable groups,
                              their rights, expanding the sectoral approach and the
                              need to develop and implement workplace policies and
Ghana/ GHA152:            1                                                                    Provided technical assistance and hands-on
Reduced incidence of          13 national-level policies were developed for the following      training to constituents for policy development
HIV/AIDS infection            informal sectors in 2011: drinking bar operators,                and programme implementation. To date, the
and improved                  federation of market traders, tailors and dressmakers,           Ghana Employers’ Association and the Ghana
protection of infected        caterers, farmers, small-scale industries, cooperative           Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS have been
and affected people           private transport association, garage owners, beauticians,       supplied with over 150 Toolkits under the
through non-                  credit unions, the Ghana Private Road Transport Union,           Global Fund Round 8 project aimed at
discriminatory policies       the Progressive Transport Owners Association and the             equipping trained peer educators to let them
                              Union of Traders Association.                                    offer comprehensive education to their
                              These policies were developed with the involvement of the        workmates.
                              tripartite constituents that are part of the existing Informal
                              Sector HIV Steering Committee.                                   Reinforced ongoing work within the target
                                                                                               enterprises to expand access to treatment, care
                                                                                               and support. Pursued a dual approach by
                              The National Tripartite Workplace Policy was reviewed to         mobilizing in-house services at enterprise level
                              include ILO Recommendation 200 (2010).                           and linking to community-based services, with
                              Three public sector organizations: the Ghana Prison, the         the support of collaborating NGOs. Specifically,
                              Office of the Head of Civil Service and the Ministry of          peer educators trained under the project are
                              Trade received ILO technical assistance to finalize their        given STI referral forms to link up colleagues
                              workplace policies.                                              identified with sexually transmitted infections to
                                                                                               access treatment at public health facilities.

Kenya/ KEN103:          1   The Ministry of Roads developed Policy Statements and        Provided technical inputs to the review of the
Sector policies and         Guidelines for mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the roads       Policy Statements, ensuring that the ILO Code
legislation that            sub-sector. The policy has a national impact because the     and the R200 principles were integrating into
address HIV/AIDS at         transport sub-sector is among the biggest employers in       the document. Facilitated technical tripartite
the workplace in            the country and is among the most affected by the            consultations with the Ministry of Roads and
accordance with the         epidemic. As the sector attracts migrant construction        the social partners to provide them with
ILO Code of Practice        workers, the policy addresses this specific issue in         information and tools for the policy
and international           particular.                                                  development process.
labour standards            The main principles of the ILO Code of practice and
adopted                     Recommendation, 2010 (No.200) are integrated in the
                            policy. The policy sets out the institutional framework of
                            the implementation modalities and roles of the key
Lesotho/ LSO127:        1   - The Lesotho Labour Code Amendment on HIV/AIDS and          - Provided technical support and guidance for
Government and              Employment has been reviewed and adopted through the         the review of the Labour Code Amendment in
social partners adopt       tripartite constituents (National Advisory Council on        line with ILO Recommendation 200.
and implement               Occupational Safety and Health), and is in line with ILO     - Facilitated and provided guidance in the
gender-sensitive HIV        Recommendation 200. The Labour Code Amendment Act            establishment and staffing of the Lesotho
and AIDS workplace          is the National Policy on HIV and AIDS and Employment in     Business and Labour Coalition on HIV/AIDS and
policies and                Lesotho.                                                     Tuberculosis. The Coalition’s secretariat was
programmes                                                                               established to coordinate the HIV/AIDS and
                                                                                         tuberculosis response for the private sector,
                                                                                         and includes employers' and workers'
                                                                                         - Organized and facilitated the integration of
                                                                                         HIV/AIDS into the Labour Inspection Checklist.
                                                                                         Supported the development of the form to be
                                                                                         integrated into the checklist.
                                                                                         - Provided technical guidance and orientation
                                                                                         to Coalition staff and opened dialogue between
                                                                                         the Ministry of Labour and the Coalition.

                                                                                         - Supported a labour sector consultation

pertaining to the representation of the private
                                                                                          sector in the Country Coordinating Mechanism,
                                                                                          focusing on the implementation of HIV/AIDS
                                                                                          workplace policies and programmes.
Liberia/ LBR151:       1   The National Rubber Plantations HIV and AIDS Policy            - Provided technical assistance to conduct the
Strengthened policy        (first sectoral policy of Liberia) was developed by            High Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Survey.
framework to reflect       tripartite constituents, rubber plantations, the Ministry of   - Provided support to conduct the gap assessment
the new labour             Agriculture and the Rubber Planters Association of             survey.
standard on HIV and        Liberia.                                                       - Supported the development of the National
AIDS                                                                                      Rubber Sector HIV and AIDS Workplace Policy.
                           The policy is based on ILO Recommendation 200 and
                           substantively tackles the rights and benefits of workers       -Provided technical assistance with policy
                           affected/infected by HIV, as well as their families and        development, training and facilitation.

                           The development process of this policy included:
                           ‐ release of new data on workers’ and employers’
                              vulnerability to HIV and AIDS within Liberia’s rubber

                           ‐   raising awareness and national concern to develop
                               HIV and AIDS programmes in workplaces, based on
                               serious demand;

                           ‐   enhancement of employers’ and employees’
                               knowledge on the importance of HIV and AIDS
                               workplace programmes.

Malawi/ MWI151:        1   A national tripartite HIV/AIDS workplace policy was            -Developed and tested labour inspection tools,
Enhanced efforts to        developed. It incorporates ILO Recommendation No. 200          including HIV/AIDS workplace issues, in nine
mitigate the impacts       (2010) and was approved by the Principal Secretaries of        districts of Malawi.
of HIV and AIDS and        the Government.                                                -Conducted an advocacy meeting with the
TB in informal and                                                                        Parliamentarians HIV and AIDS Committee in
formal workplaces          A tripartite-plus task force was formed to develop an          March 2011 to speed the process of adoption of

made                         implementation plan for the National HIV/AIDS Workplace         the policy in Parliament.
                             Policy.                                                         - Advocated for HIV and AIDS workplace
                             Capacity of the Ministry of Labour was strengthened to          programming within the National HIV/AIDS Policy.
                             take a lead role in the implementation of the national          -Organized informal sector groups to facilitate
                             HIV/AIDS workplace policy, in line with the Malawi Decent       implementation of the national HIV/AIDS
                             Work Country Programme.                                         workplace policy at the grassroots level.
                                                                                             - Trained labour inspectors.
Mali/ MLI905 :           1   Politique nationale de lutte contre le VIH/Sida en milieu de    - Organisation d’un atelier d’information et
Extension de la mise         travail validée par les mandants tripartites avec l’inclusion   d’échanges sur la revue et la validation des
en œuvre des                 de Recommandation 200 sur le VIH/Sida et le monde du            Termes de Reference de l’étude pour
politiques et                travail comme instrument de référence.                          l’élaboration d’une Politique Nationale en
programmes sur le            Le document de Politique a fait un état des lieux en milieu     milieu de travail entre les membres du comité
VIH SIDA sur les lieux       de travail et ensuite décliner des orientations pertinentes     tripartite et les mandants tripartites avec la
de travail                   afin de définir les rôles et responsabilités des mandants.      participation des réseaux des PVVIH
                             De plus, conformément aux termes de référence de                - Appui technique pour la collecte de données
                             l’étude, référence a été faite sur le recueil de directives     sur le milieu de travail, analyse situationnelle
                             pratiques du BIT et la recommandation 200. Un aspect            des différents documents nationaux et
                             dimension genre a été inclus dans le document de                politiques de santé, ‘gender mainstreaming’
                             Politique. Le document a été validé par l'ensemble des          sur l’élaboration d’un draft de politique
                             représentants employeurs, travailleurs et la partie             nationale et appui à la préparation
                             gouvernementale du 24 au 25 Novembre 2011. Notons               - Appui à l’organisation d’un atelier
                             que cette Politique en milieu du travail tient compte de        tripartite pour la restitution et la validation du
                             tous les secteurs formels et informels, tous les travailleurs   document de politique nationale.
                             définis par le BIT y compris les travailleuses du sexe.
                             Enfin, le document a pris en compte de la situation des
                             personnes handicapées en milieu de travail.
Namibia/NAM151:          1   The Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on             - Provided technical support for the finalization
Government and               HIV and AIDS and Employment (National Tripartite                of the Tripartite Memorandum of
social partners adopt        Agreement) on the implementation of the workplace               Understanding on HIV/AIDS and Employment.
and implement                programmes was developed, adopted and signed. The               - Facilitated and provided technical support to
gender-sensitive HIV         MOU is between the Ministry of Labour and Social                strengthen the visibility and participation of the
and AIDS workplace           Welfare, the National Union of Namibian Workersand the          Ministry of Labour and social partners in the
policies and                 Namibian Employers’ Federation.                                 finalization of the National Strategic Framework

programmes                                                                                for the HIV and AIDS Response.
                            A National Code on HIV/AIDS and Employment was
                            developed in line with ILO Recommendation 200.
                            The national tripartite HIV/AIDS workplace policy
                            framework was finalized. It includes the National Code on
                            HIV/AIDS and Employment, which is linked to the Labour
                            Act, and is aligned with ILO Recommendation No.200
Senegal/ SEN129 :       1   Document de politique nationale intégrant le Genre et         1. Organization d’un atelier d'informations et
Le monde du travail à       prenant en compte totalement les principes de la              d'échanges sur la revue et la validation des
des capacités               Recommandation n° 200, élaboré avec l'implication du          Termes de Referencede l'étude pour
renforcées pour la          Comité National tripartite. La politique nationale souligne   l'élaboration d'une Politique Nationale en milieu
lutte contre le VIH         importance de prendre en compte la dimension genre            de travail entre les membres du comité
SIDA                        dans les activités VIH au Sénégal                             tripartite et les mandants tripartites avec la
                            L'élaboration de politiques nationales de lutte contre le     participation des réseaux des PVVIH.
                            VIH et le sida dans le secteur des mines et le secteur du     2. Organization d’un atelier sur la collecte de
                            tourisme. Les deux politiques sectorielles sont basées sur    données sur le milieu de travail, l'analyse
                            les principes de la Recommandation n° 200                     situationnelle des différents documents
                                                                                          nationaux et politiques de santé.
Sierra Leone/           1   The following national/sectoral workplace policies have       Provided technical support in the
SLE152:                     been developed or reviewed to include the principles of       development of the mining sector and the
National HIV/AIDS           Recommendation 200. The policies have been developed          teachers’ union policies; supported the
workplace legal             by tripartite constituents and have a national scope of       tripartite process through consultations at
framework and               implementation:                                               country and provincial level.
policies reflect new        - mining sector workplace policy on HIV and AIDS
international labour        - education sector workplace policy on HIV and AIDS
standards                   - teachers' union policy on HIV and AIDS.

                            The world of work has been integrated into the national
                            HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2011-2015, with social protection
                            as one of the measurable outcomes.

                            A two-year Operational Plan (2011 – 2012) was developed

and outlines in detail the activities to be implemented to
                           achieve the desired results.
South Africa/          1   The National Tripartite-Plus Policy on HIV and AIDS and      - Provided technical assistance in the review of
ZAF176:                    Employment (also referred to as the South African Code of    the South Africa Code of Good Practice on Key
Enhanced workplace         Good Practice on Key Aspects of HIV/AIDS and                 Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Employment,
responses to the           Employment) was revised and adopted through the              including its Technical Assistance Guidelines.
HIV/AIDS epidemic          tripartite constituents, to ensure alignment with the ILO    - Facilitated a National Policy Dialogue on
                           Recommendation 200 on HIV/AIDS and the world of work.        HIV/AIDS and the World of Work at a National
                           The policy is linked to the Employment Equity Act.           AIDS Conference.
Swaziland/             1   The National HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy has been            ‐     Provided guidance in the establishment of
SWZ152:                    reviewed and adopted and reflects the principles of              a National Steering Committee on
Government and             Recommendation 200. The tripartite constituents were             HIV/AIDS and Wellness.
social partners            actively involved in the process of drafting, revision and
develop a national         discussion, through the National Steering Committee on     ‐     Provided technical support to conduct a
tripartite workplace       HIV/AIDS and Wellness that was established and linked to         situation analysis of national HIV/AIDS
policy on HIV/AIDS         the Labour Advisory Board.                                       workplace policies and programmes,
                                                                                            including wellness.
                           Based on the policy document, a specific text on HIV/AIDS
                           and Employment is being discussed by the tripartite       ‐      Strengthened the capacity of the
                           constituents for inclusion in the Employment Act.                constituents and partners to design,
                                                                                            implement, monitor and evaluate
                                                                                            programmes in line with Recommendation

                                                                                        ‐   Assessed of National HIV/AIDS Workplace
                                                                                            Policy situation, using national expertise.

                                                                                        ‐   Disseminated ILO Recommendation 200
                                                                                            and engaged constituents and key players
                                                                                            in the world of work.

United Republic of     1   The National HIV and AIDS Policy has been revised to         Provided technical support for the revision of
Tanzania                   articulate HIV/AIDS interventions in the workplace,          the National HIV and AIDS Policy, which has
                           based on Recommendation 200. The role of public and          been incorporated into workplace

private sectors, as well as in the formal and informal      programmes, in compliance with
                          economy, has been highlighted as part of the response       Recommendation 200. Supported social
                          against HIV and AIDS in the workplace. The                  partners’ participation in the process of
                          Association of Tanzania Employers was appointed as a        UNDAP and National HIV and AIDS policy
                          focal organization for mobilizing the country’s private     formulation.
                          sector, with increased involvement of workers’

                          A specific outcome on HIV and AIDS workplace
                          programmes was included in the United Nations
                          Development Assistance Plan, 2011/15 (UNDAP). This
                          provides legitimacy to the ILO and other UN agencies to
                          support government and private sector counterparts to
                          give effect to the HIV and AIDS workplace interventions.
                          The ILO has been recognized by TACAIDS as the lead
                          agency in promoting economic empowerment
                          interventions (employment creation and strengthening)
                          that target vulnerable groups as a means of reducing
                          vulnerability to HIV.
Zambia/ ZMB151: 1         A national HIV and AIDS workplace policy was developed      Supported the development of the policy,
A national HIV and        based on Recommendation 200, under the supervision of       including drafting, through consultations with
AIDS workplace policy     the National HIV and AIDS Workplace Response                stakeholders and recruitment of a consultancy
and sector policies, as   Coordination Team. The Policy is the result of the demand   team to lead the process of field interviews with
appropriate,              from the Ministry of Labour to develop a policy framework   constituents in different provinces.
developed with the        that is agreed among constituents and other stakeholders.   Supported constituents to organize advocacy
involvement of the        The policy’s measures are meant to inform and guide         among key stakeholders, consult with
tripartite constituents   workplaces in the public and private sectors, as well       representatives of ten key sectors in Zambia and
                          as civil society, when designing HIV and AIDS workplace     launch the policy in three provincial capitals.
                          policies and programmes. The first set of
                          measures targets the government, with a view to creating
                          an enabling legal and policy framework for gender-
                          responsive HIV and AIDS workplace polices. The second
                          set of measures is specifically for the workplace, with

measures formulated to address the ten principles of the
                                  ILO’s Code of practice, with some focus on special groups
                                  such as people living with disabilities.
Zimbabwe/                 1       The Minister of Labour and Social Services has developed 1. Mobilized resources for workplace
ZWE129:                           and launched sectoral HIV and AIDS policies for the motor programmes for employers’ and workers’
Reduced incidence of              industry, textile industry and energy sector.             organizations, which supported capacity-
HIV and AIDS                                                                                building initiatives for policy and programme
infection and                     Statutory Instrument (SI 202, 1998)-Labour Relations      development for both workers’ and employers’
improved protection of            (HIV and AIDS) and the Public Sector HIV and AIDS         organizations.
infected and affected             workplace policy have been reviewed in line with the
people through non-               Recommendation 200 to address issues of gender and        2. Provided technical support in the drafting of:
discriminatory policies           human rights and update key sections of the instrument, (i) the Global Fund Round 10 national proposal;
                                  particularly on treatment.                                (ii) the sectoral HIV and AIDS policies; (iii) the
                                                                                            Zimbabwe National HIV/AIDS Strategy Plan
                                  Zimbabwe National HIV/AIDS Strategy Plan (ZNASP)          (ZNASP) 2011-2015; and (iv) the training
                                  2011-2015 has been adopted with the private sector and manual and the HIV and AIDS workplace
                                  workplaces highlighted as areas of interventions. Trade   communication strategy.
                                  unions, employers and governments are mentioned as key
                                  stakeholders. A corresponding indicator for workplace     3. Supported World of Work (Employers and
                                  programmes has been included in the monitoring and        Workers) interventions.
                                  evaluation framework.
                                                                                            4. Developed Regional Workplace
                                                                                            Communication Strategy for HIV / AIDS

                                                                                              5. Developed and published Training Manual on
                                                                                              HIV and AIDS Policies and Programmes in the
                                                                                              World of Work.
China                         1   The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the        Provided technical assistance to
                                  China Enterprise Confederation collaborated with the All-China     introduce and elaborate on
                                  Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) and developed a national        Recommendation 200 in developing the
                                  policy integrating HIV and AIDS programming in the                 policy. Technical assistance given to

construction sector. This policy calls for inclusion of HIV          build the capacity of ACFTU affiliates in
                                education and referrals for HIV-related health services as part      Anhui and Xinjiang provinces and
                                of the curriculum of night schools set up by state construction      Beijing to implement the policy.
                                companies for their workers.

                                The policy is in line with the ILO Code of Practice on HIV and
                                AIDS in the World of Work and Recommendation 200,
                                particularly regarding reducing risk behaviors, elimination of
                                workplace discrimination and ensuring access to care, support
                                and treatment.
Philippines                 1   A national HIV workplace policy formulated through tripartite-plus Provided technical inputs consistent
                                consultation was adopted in 2010 under the Department Order        with the ILO Code of Practice in the
                                No. 102-10, a series of 2010 Guidelines for the implementation of formulation of the National HIV
                                HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control in the Workplace. The          workplace policy. Participated in a
                                policy provides guidance to enterprises on the key principles for series of consultation meetings to
                                guiding programmes, including non-discrimination in employment, provide input throughout the policy
                                medical confidentiality, and access to prevention, care and        development process.
                                support through the workplace.
Sri Lanka/ LKA106:          1   A tripartite national policy on HIV and AIDS in the world of work,
                                                                                                Provided technical support for a situation
The Government and              which takes into account the ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS   assessment, review of existing policies,
social partners develop         and Recommendation 200, was officially adopted in 2010. The     and drafting and finalization of the policy
and implement policies in       policy covers formal and informal economies, self-employed and  through tripartite consultations, together
line with the ILO Code of       migrant workers, including their spouses and children.          with the National AIDS Programme and
Practice for HIV AIDS in                                                                        other stakeholders (including associations
the workplace                   The Government Cabinet has requested the Ministry of Labour to of people living with HIV).
                                partner with the Ministry of Health—the nationally designated
                                focal agency on HIV response—to implement this newly adopted
                                national policy, as part of the national HIV and AIDS response.
Thailand                    1   To give effect to ILO Recommendation 200, tripartite partners in     Provided technical assistance through a
                                Thailand, working with the Thai Business Coalition on HIV and        series of four consultative meetings
                                AIDS and the National AIDS Commission, developed a national          with labour and health officials that
                                policy to provide guidance to enterprises on establishing            included participation of tripartite
                                workplace programs on HIV and TB. The policy outlines the key        partners. Reviewed early drafts of the

components of workplace HIV and tuberculosis programmes        policy to ensure conformity with
                                      including awareness and training, employment rights,           Recommendation 200. Produced an
                                      confidentiality and access to treatment, care and support.     analysis of the key missing components
                                                                                                     of the early draft, particularly lack of
                                      Under the coordination of the National AIDS Commission and the coverage of tuberculosis issues and lack
                                      Thai Ministry of Labour, tripartite partners updated the 2007  of recognition of informal sector
                                      policy on HIV and AIDS in the world of work, which focused on  workers, and relayed suggested
                                      inclusion of workplace TB response into the former policy. The changes to the policy working group.
                                      new policy also extends coverage to the informal sector.

Anguilla/ AIA101:                 1     A national tripartite policy on HIV/AIDS and other life-   With a view to encouraging the adoption of
Tripartite constituents develop         threatening illnesses in the workplace, incorporating the key
                                                                                                   the national tripartite workplace policy: (a)
and implement HIV and AIDS              principles of the Recommendation and ILO Code of Practice, conducted a two-day tripartite skills-building
workplace policies and                  was drafted and presented to the Executive Council in      workshop on HIV/AIDS policy development
programmes                              Anguilla. The key goals of the policy include protection ofand provided technical support for the
                                        human rights and dignity, and elimination of stigma and    drafting of the national policy on HIV/AIDS
                                        discrimination in the workplace.                           and other life-threatening illnesses in the
                                                                                                   workplace; and (b) conducted a tripartite
                                        The policy is intended to be all encompassing and sets the sensitization session on Recommendation 200.
                                        minimum standards that must be implemented by all          Assisted the Permanent Secretary, Health and
                                        employers, trade unions and employee representatives, and Social Development in presenting the draft
                                        the Government. It establishes the responsibilities of all policy to the Executive Council in Anguilla.
                                        social partners and contains instructions on adapting the
                                        policy at the enterprise level.
Antigua and Barbuda/              1     A draft tripartite national HIV/AIDS workplace policy was       Convened a national tripartite skills-building
ATG151:                                 developed that incorporates and refers to Recommendation        workshop for the review of the existing
Tripartite constituents develop         200 and the ILO Code of Practice. The workplace policy          national HIV/AIDS workplace policy, including
and implement HIV and AIDS              developed in 2001 provided the basis for the drafting of the    a sensitization session on the ILO Code of
workplace policies and                  new national policy. The policy development process was         Practice and Recommendation 200.
programmes                              participatory and included civil society organizations and      Mobilized national expertise for the
                                        actors from all relevant sectors.                               development of the draft policy.
Brazil/ BRA106:                   1     Un Plan Sectorial tripartito fue elaborado sobre el VIH y el    Las actividades desarrolladas por la OIT para

National Policies and                 sida en el mundo del trabajo para los trabajadores del          contribuir a ese resultado incluyeron: acciones
programmes to address                 transporte en los aquaviarios. Participaron el Ministerio del   de movilización y sensibilización de los actores
HIV/AIDS in the world of work         Trabajo y Empleo y el Ministerio de Salud, asì como             tripartitos para la elaboración de la política
designed and implemented              dirigentes de los sindicatos de trabajadores en las vías        sectorial para el Sector de las Vías Acuáticas;
                                      acuáticas del país: la Federación Nacional de Trabajadores      asistencia técnica para la elaboración de los
                                      del Transporte en Vías Acuáticas y Afines (FNTTAA),             borradores de la política sectorial; facilitación
                                      Federación Nacional de Empresas de Navegación Marítima,         y moderación de los talleres y del proceso de
                                      Fluvial, Lacustre y de Tráfico Portuario (FENAVEGA).            discusión del documento base para la política;
                                                                                                      contribución financiera a la Nacional de
                                                                                                      Trabajadores del Transporte en Vías Acuáticas
                                                                                                      y Afines (FNTTAA) para la organización de los
                                                                                                      talleres de discusión del documento base para
                                                                                                      la política.
Chile/ CHL107:                    1   Durante el primer semestre del 2011, los mandantes              En noviembre del 2010, la OIT auspició el
Diálogo social sobre la               tripartitos llevaron a cabo una serie de talleres, encuentros   primer encuentro tripartito sobre el VIH y el
discriminación laboral asociada       y reuniones consultivas, resultando en la elaboración de        sector transporte en Chile. Un resultado
con el VIH/SIDA promovido,            una política tripartita nacional sobre VIH y sida PARA el       importante del encuentro fue el compromiso
con bases para una política de        sector transporte terrestre que incorpora los principios        tripartito de desarrollar una política nacional
trabajo tripartita sobre el           claves de la Recomendación 200 de la OIT.                       sobre el VIH y transporte antes del fin del
VIH/SIDA asentadas                                                                                    2011. Desde el comienzo de 2011, la OIT
                                                                                                      empezó a auspiciar una serie de reuniones
                                                                                                      consultivas con una gama amplia de actores:
                                                                                                      representantes del sector transporte,
                                                                                                      personas que viven con VIH y la comunidad
                                                                                                      gay-lesbico-trans. El resultado de estas
                                                                                                      reuniones y la asistencia técnica de la OIT a
                                                                                                      una mesa tripartita de redacción fue la
                                                                                                      redacción de dos primeros borradores de la
                                                                                                      política. Durante el segundo semestre del
                                                                                                      2011, la OIT sigue auspiciando encuentros
                                                                                                      consultivos y sigue dando apoyo técnico a la
                                                                                                      mesa tripartita de redacción.
Costa Rica/ CRI128:               1   A National Guideline on HIV and AIDS and the world on           Provided technical assistance and advice on:

Los constituyentes toman              work was adopted. The Guideline is based on the ILO Code        - elaboration of the terms of reference for the
medidas tendientes a reducir          of Practice and has been approved by the OSH National           guideline proposal;
los efectos del VIH/Sida en el        Council (where tripartite Constituents are represented),        - backstopping of the consultant;
mundo del trabajo                     following consultations with people living with HIV.            - monitoring of the consultation process;
                                      The Guideline has a national scope and is applicable for the    - revision of the final document;
                                      formal sector. It introduces HIV and AIDS prevention            - advocacy at the political level;
                                      within OSH programmes at workplace level.                       - training and facilitation for the preparation
                                                                                                      of the national guideline.
                                      The Guideline is being implemented at the Caja
                                      Costarricense del Seguro Social (CCSS) by trained staff,
                                      using the training toolkit.
Honduras/ HND128:                 1   National tripartite HIV/AIDS workplace policies elaborated      Contributed technical assistance and advice,
Los Constituyentes de la OIT          for the port sector and                                         specifically in:
incorporan y ejecutan acciones        the textile export processing zones.                            - elaboration of a baseline study;
para la sensibilización,              Both policy documents developed through a consultation          - elaboration of terms of reference for the
fortalecimiento de capacidades        process with ILO constituents, organizations of persons         policy consultation process;
y mejora del marco normativo          living with HIV and the National AIDS Commission. The           - follow-up and technical supervision of the
en torno al VIH/SIDA en el            policy document is based on Recommendation 200.                 consultation process;
mundo del trabajo                     Constituents were trained on the policies’ main principles.     - technical training;
                                                                                                      - design and printing of training materials.
                                      Workplace programmes were elaborated for both sectors in
                                      order to implement the policy. Training and advocacy
                                      materials about the policies were prepared.
Montserrat/ MSR101:               1   A national tripartite policy on HIV/AIDS and other life-        Provided technical support and advisory
Tripartite constituents develop       threatening illnesses in the workplace, incorporating the key   services for the development of the draft
and implement HIV and AIDS            principles of the Recommendation and ILO Code of Practice,      policy, including comments which were
workplace policies and                was developed. The policy addresses not only HIV and            incorporated into the draft national workplace
programmes                            AIDS, but sexually transmitted diseases and other chronic       policy.
Nicaragua/ NIC129:                1   A national HIV/AIDS workplace policy was elaborated for         Contributed through technical assistance and
Los constituyentes de la OIT          the textile export processing zones (maquilas) through a        advice, specifically:
toman medidas para reducir los        consultation process between ILO constituents,                  - elaboration of a baseline study;
efectos del VIH/SIDA en el            organizations of persons living with HIV and the National       - elaboration of terms of reference for the

mundo del trabajo                     AIDS Commission. The policy document is based on             policy consultation process;
                                      Recommendation 200.                                          - follow-up and technical supervision of the
                                                                                                   consultation process;
                                      Constituents were trained on policy implementation and       - technical training;
                                      policy building, which is applicable to other economic       - design and printing of training materials;
                                      sectors.                                                     - elaboration of the policy document.
                                      Policy implemented through HIV/AIDS programmes in three
                                      workplaces within the textile sector.
Paraguay/ PRY901:                 1   Los mandantes tripartitos del sector transporte han            La OIT dio asistencia técnica a los mandantes
Mandantes tripartitos en              adoptado una Declaración de interés tripartito y han           tripartitos para consensuar y redactar la
Paraguay habrán consensuado           desarrollado una política sobre VIH y SIDA en el ámbito del Declaración de interés tripartito. A pedido de
e iniciado el desarrollo de una       trabajo de las empresas de transporte del Paraguay. Este       los mandantes, la OIT brindó apoyo a varios
Política nacional sobre VIH y         documento está basado en la legislación nacional y en la       reuniones, talleres y encuentros con los
SIDA en el Lugar de Trabajo,          Recomendación 200 y ha sido consensuado por los                mandantes tripartitos a fines de facilitar la
enmarcada en la respuesta             mandantes. Además, se ha elaborado una política nacional elaboración de la política sectorial.
nacional a la epidemia,               tripartita para el sector transporte, basada en el marco de la
conforme a las                        Declaración de interés, que detalla acción concreta para
Recomendaciones de la OIT             responder a la epidemia a través del lugar de trabajo.
Saint Kitts and Nevis/            1   Tripartite constituents have produced a draft national       Provided technical advice to the tripartite
KNA126:                               tripartite workplace policy on HIV/AIDS, based on the        constituents for the development of a national
Tripartite constituents develop       Recommendation 200 and the ILO Code of practice. The         tripartite workplace policy on HIV/AIDS.
and implement HIV and AIDS            policy incorporates the key principles of the                Facilitated a two-day skills-building workshop
workplace policies and                Recommendation and outlines the responsibilities of the      on the “Development of a National Workplace
programmes                            tripartite partners in addressing HIV and AIDS in and        Policy on HIV and AIDS”, hosted in with the
                                      through the world of work.                                   Department of Labour in August 2011.
Saint Vincent and the             1   A national tripartite workplace policy on HIV and AIDS was   Provided technical support and advisory
Grenadines/ VCT176:                   developed. The policy development process included all       services for the development of a national
Tripartite constituents develop       relevant stakeholders and incorporates all of the key        tripartite workplace policy on HIV/AIDS. This
and implement HIV and AIDS            principles of the Recommendation and Code of Practice.       included the organization of a tripartite skills-
workplace policies and                                                                             building workshop held in 2010 and
programmes                                                                                         subsequent discussions with officials of the
                                                                                                   Ministry of Labour.
Europe-Central Asia

Armenia/ ARM102:               1   National HIV workplace policy developed by the
Tripartite constituents'           constituents' working group, as a result of consultations -Provided technical advice in regard to the
capacity to develop policies       between the Ministry of Labour and social partners.       procedures related to the adoption of
addressing HIV/AIDS in the                                                                   Recommendation 200 and its implications for
workplace is increased             Built on the principles of the ILO Recommendation 200, the constituents.
                                   the policy takes into account the findings of the          -Identified and hired an expert to finalize the
                                   legislation review on HIV and AIDS and its conclusions. legislation review on HIV in the world of work to
                                   The policy also emphasizes the importance of              be submitted to the constituents.
                                   partnerships between tripartite constituents and leading -Prepared a range of materials for use at the
                                   actors in HIV prevention (Republican AIDS Centre,         national seminar on Recommendation 200 and
                                   NGOs).                                                    HIV policy in the world of work, including
                                                                                             translation of the Recommendation 200 and
                                   The policy takes into account the potential of trade      guidelines for implementation.
                                   union and employers’ organizations to counteract HIV
                                   and AIDS in the world of work, in particular with regard
                                   to non-discrimination and reducing stigma. It
                                   specifically targets women, families of migrants, people
                                   with disabilities and health care workers, and focus on
                                   privacy and confidentiality for all workers and families
                                   affected by HIV/AIDS The policy takes into account the
                                   objectives formulated by the National Programme of
                                   Response to HIV Epidemics, thus contributing to its
Azerbaijan/ AZE153:            1   The national HIV/AIDS workplace policy was developed      Provided technical advice to assist in setting
Tripartite constituents'           in collaboration with social partners, based on the       up a working group to draft the policy
capacity to develop policies       principles of the Recommendation 200 and the ILO          concept and discuss procedures related to
addressing HIV/AIDS in the         code of practice on HIV and AIDS. It takes into account   the adoption of Recommendation 200 and
workplace is increased             conclusions and recommendations of the legislation        its implications for constituents. Identified
                                   review, in particular with regard to non-discrimination   and hired an expert to finalize the
                                   and social protection of people living with HIV or        legislation review on HIV in the world of
                                   affected by HIV.                                          work for submission to the constituents.
                                                                                             Gathered and prepared materials for the
                                   The policy focuses on HIV awareness raising for           national seminar on Recommendation 200

workers, in particular in the road construction and          and HIV policy in the world of work.
                                   tourism industry. It emphasizes the role of labour           Translated Recommendation 200 and HIV
                                   inspectors in counteracting the spread of HIV. The           workplace guidance documents into Azeri.
                                   national policy takes into account the necessity of
                                   building in interests and needs of tripartite constituents
                                   into HIV/AIDS national coordinating schemes to ensure
                                   the world of work is introduced into national strategic
                                   policies and action plans on HIV and AIDS.
Kazakhstan / KAZ128:           1   The national policy on HIV workplace action focuses on       -Supported constituents with regard to
Tripartite constituents            the advantages of strong tripartite cooperation and          procedures related to the adoption of
develop policies on HIV/AIDS       builds on previous experience with developing and            Recommendation 200 adoption and its
in the workplace                   implementing tripartite agreements on HIV in the             implication.
                                   workplace in the administrative territories.                 -Provided technical assistance for the
                                   The policy is based on Recommendation 200 and the            finalization of the legislation review on HIV in
                                   ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and includes existing       the world of work for submission to
                                   mechanisms for tripartite cooperation to ensure the          constituents.
                                   sustainability of HIV workplace actions.                     -Prepared materials for the national seminar on
                                   The policy emphasizes awareness-raising at enterprise        the Recommendation 200 and HIV policy in the
                                   level and active use of ILO tools for industrial sectors     world of work.
                                   and increases the role of labour inspectors in HIV           -Translated Recommendation 200 and the
                                   prevention.                                                  guidelines on how to best develop a workplace
                                   Building on the strong tripartite cooperation from the       policy on HIV into Russian.
                                   national workplace HIV policy, the Kazakhstan Ministry       -Conducted a mapping of the HIV situation and
                                   of Labour and Social Protection included a provision on      identified cases of best practice.
                                   the implementation of Recommendation 200 in the draft
                                   Tripartite General Agreement for 2012-2014.
Tajikistan/ TJK152:            1   A tripartite-plus technical working group was                 -Established the position of national focal
Tripartite constituents'           established and has developed a policy document               point for HIV/AIDS and world of work to
capacity to develop policies       aiming to ensure gender equality and focusing on HIV          ensure support to the tripartite constituents to
addressing HIV/AIDS in the         response in rural areas. An HIV workplace prevention          develop a national policy on HIV/AIDS.
workplace is increased             component has been included into the national strategy        -Assisted constituents to mobilize funds to
                                   for occupational safety and health. Workplace                 support implementation of country activities;
                                   prevention measures among the young productive                - Provided technical assistance to constituents

population in vocational training schools and academia   for the review of the legislation with regard to
                                                  have been made a focus.                                  HIV in the world of work.
                                                                                                           - Translated Recommendation 200 and
                                                                                                           guidelines on how best to develop a
                                                                                                           workplace policy on HIV into Tajik.

Ukraine/ UKR151:            1                     National Tripartite Cooperation Strategy on HIV and    Provided technical support to constituents:
Increased capacity of                             AIDS in the World of Work in Ukraine has been               to draft the roadmap towards
constituents to develop and                       developed. It is fully based on the provisions of the          development of the national strategy
implement policies and                            Recommendation concerning HIV and AIDS and the                 and to draft the strategy itself;
programmes on occupational                        World of Work (No. 200) adopted in 2010, as well as on      through capacity-building on the
safety and health and                             the findings of the gender analysis.                           promotion of the Recommendation No.
HIV/AIDS at the workplace                                                                                        200 and development of the National
                                                                                                              conduct gender analysis on HIV and
                                                                                                                 AIDS and the world of work, which was
                                                                                                                 incorporated in the draft strategy;
                                                                                                              to organize a tripartite roundtable to
                                                                                                                 discuss the final draft of the strategy;
                                                                                                              to hold tripartite consultations to
                                                                                                                 discuss practical implementation of the
                                                                                                                 strategy and development of the
                                                                                                                 workplan, as well as translation of the
                                                                                                                 strategy into English and printing, for
                                                                                                                 further distribution among interested

Indicator 8.2: Number of member States where tripartite constituents, with ILO support, take significant action to implement HIV/AIDS programmes at
To be counted as reportable, results must meet the following criteria:

1. An HIV/ AIDS workplace programme is developed and launched during the biennium in at least five workplaces.
   2. The programme has been developed by a bipartite or tripartite HIV/AIDS workplace committee, and integrates the ten key principles of the ILO
      code of practise on HIV/AIDS and the world of work, and includes specific measures to address non-discrimination, gender equality, healthy work
      environment, social dialogue, no screening and confidentiality.

 Country/ Country Programme          Measurement
                                                                    Result Achieved                                   ILO Contribution
       Outcome (CPO)                   Criteria
Ghana/ GHA151:                      1,2               A tripartite HIV Informal Sector committee      Supported project through the Ghana AIDS
HIV/AIDS risk behaviours among                        was inaugurated in 2010.                        Commission, focusing on enterprises/workplaces in
targeted workers and communities                      13 sector-specific HIV workplace policies and   the informal economy.
reduced through education                             programmes were implemented, covering 89        Trained peer educators and provided technical
                                                      workplaces in the informal economy, based       assistance and advisory backstopping on the design
                                                      on ten key principles of the ILO Code of        of workplace programmes. Provided financial
                                                      Practice.                                       assistance for implementation through workplace
                                                                                                      interventions, including distribution of toolkits,
                                                      459 HIV peer educators and 101 peer             prevention packages and condoms.
                                                      counsellors were trained to reach most-at-
                                                      risk workers with HIV prevention packages.
                                                      42,270 informal sector workers were reached
                                                      by workplace interventions and peer
                                                      educators and counsellors.

                                                      255 managers were trained on specific
                                                      measures to address stigma and
                                                      discrimination in their workplaces, including
                                                      gender equality, healthy work environment,
                                                      social dialogue, no screening and
Kenya/ KEN102:                      1,2               Seven comprehensive workplace programmes        Assisted with the design of and implementation of
Decreased HIV/AIDS prevalence at                      on HIV and AIDS prevention and impact           HIV and AIDS workplace programmes.
the workplace                                         mitigation developed and launched through       Provided technical support for the supply chain
                                                      the supply chain mentorship programme in        mentorship programme to address HIV and AIDS in

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