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CREA CONFERENCE 2018 STAFF CREA Conference is organized by Eventi Creativi for CREA Italia, a non-profit association based in Milan, in collaboration with Crea France. CREA is brought to you by - L’èquipe chargée de l’organisation de la Conference est la suivante: Laura Barbero Switalski Conference Coordinator & CPS Program Coordinator Matteo Catullo Community Events Coordinator Marketing & Communication - Finance Paolo Sbuttoni Sharing Circles & Expo Night Coordinator Marketing & Communication Sophie Gobet Conference Administrator Customer Care Tim Switalski Immersion Programs, Expo Workshops & Community Events Coordinator Sylvain Matte Expo Workshops Coordinator & Head of Logistic team Edouard Le Marechal Immersion Programs & Expo Night Coordinator - Marketing & Communication Laura Fedeli Sharing Circles Equipe française pour CREA Conference 2018 Catherine Tanitte CPS Programs Delphine Batton Immersion Programs Anthony Deydier & Patrice Henry Expo Workshops Olivier Michelet Sharing Circles “The Reds” Co-Heads of Logistic Team Alessia Berti & Corinna Grandi Eleonore Berger Luca Borghero Stefano Bricola Michelle Dolan Philoméne Le Maréchal Elodie Lefebvre Anna Petrafasa Marina Randich Irene Romagnoli Gui Sarkis Chiara Micalizzi 3
CREA Past Visitors Ils sont venus à CREA Accenture DHL NSE Consulting Actions Management Dodeca OMD Added Value DVLA Orange AIESEC EDF Peugeot Citroen Alcatel-Lucent ENEL Philips Alcemis ENGIE CRIGEN Play Bac Ales Research Europe Assistance Politecnico di Milano AstraZeneca Fontys University Procter & Gamble Axa Winterthur France Télécom Rabobank Bayer GE Medical System Région Bretagne BBC Georgian Court University Renault BBDO Great Place To Work Royal Mail Beaute Prestige Givaudan Seissmo Markt und Forschung BNP Paribas GlaxoSmithKline Solvay Bouygues Télécom Gombe University Stormz Bongrain Grenoble Université Tarkett Britvic UK Heineken The Camp BVA Helvetia Thinkx Intellectual Capital Buffalo State College IFAD (UNITED NATIONS) Ubisoft Cardif Assurances IFF Unesco CEA Commisariat à l’Energie Ingenico Unicredit Atomique Istituto Piepoli Università di Ancona Chanel Parfum Beauté Kalaapa Università di Bologna Christian Dior Parfums Kimberly Clark Università di Milano IULM CNRS - Centre National de la Koning Willem I College Università degli Studi di Urbino Recherche Scientifique Lactalis University of California Conseil de l’Europe La Banque Postale Irwine University of Coca Cola La Française des Jeux Cambridge COCD La Poste University of East Anglia Conseil Général de l’Isère LG Electronics University of Essex Coty/Lancaster Lexis University of Georgetown Cronopios LVMH Virbac Dassault Systemes Merck WM-data Danone Nestlé 4
THANKS TO… - MERCI À… Association CREA France CEF – Creative Education Foundation USA From CREA Conference A TRIBUTE TO ALEX OSBORN and SID PARNES Sid Parnes at CREA Alex Osborn CREA Quebéc MINDCAMP CANADA - CHILE - SOUTHWEST The International Center for Studies in Creativity The ICSC is a unique academic unit within Buffalo State, State University of New York. Since 1967, we have trained students, groups, teams and organizations to become more effective creative thinkers and problem solvers and to instill these skills in others. Foursight Blair Miller & Associates for ‘The Foursight Style Assessment Test’ which will be used in all Cps programs @ CREA. “FourSight: The Breakthrough Thinking Profile” is a leading assessment tool, designed to boost creative problem solving skills in individuals and groups. STORMZ Unleash your teams’ collective intelligence: Stormz enables you to design and facilitate collective intelligence sessions to generate innovative ideas, choose the most promising ones, turn them into tangible solutions and make informed decisions. Play4innovation - will happen Nov 16 - 17, 2018 in Berlin! iaf - Crea-Facilita (Milan - Italy 18/19/20 Ottobre 2018) The World Creativity and Innovation Week April 15 - 21 The purpose for World Creativity and Innovation Week is to build capacity for people to be open to new ideas and to make new decisions that make the world a better place and make their place in the world better too, without causing harm. WCIW began in Toronto, Canada in 2001 and is now celebrated in more than 40 countries.It’s totally volunteer, bootstrap and non-profit. COCD - Training en advies in creatief denken en creativiteit 5
CREA MAPS & ROOMS GRAND HOTEL VILLA BALBI Guest Rooms PROGRAM ROOMS: CONFERENCE SITES: Salone delle Feste + Atrio Registration - Hub Restaurant (Lunches & Dinners for All Participants) 6
CREA MAPS & ROOMS GRANDE ALBERGO Guest Rooms PROGRAM ROOMS Piazza Jensch HOTEL DUE MARI Guest Rooms PROGRAM ROOMS: Colombo Veranda 1 Veranda 2 HOTEL VIS-À-VIS Guest Rooms PROGRAM ROOMS: Sala Byron Sala Andersen HOTEL DEI CASTELLI Guest Rooms CONVENTO DELL’ANNUNZIATA (FONDAZIONE MEDIATERRANEO) EVENT SITES: PROGRAMS ROOMS: “The Church - Agave” Ginestra - Oleandro (Opening - Closing - Pub & Dance) Ginepro Café - Bar - Lounge PALAZZO DEL COMUNE PROGRAMS ROOMS: Sala Riccio PALAZZO FASCIE PROGRAMS ROOMS: Sala Bo Sala Espositiva 7
WELCOME BIENVENUE WELCOME TO THE ANNUAL CREA CONFERENCE: THE NEXT STEP ! THE CREATIVITY EVENT IN EUROPE: Crea Conference is the most important annual date in Europe devoted to creativity and innovation, focusing on the learning and application of methods, tools and techniques for the development of creative thinking. A GLOBAL GATHERING OF CREATIVITY PROFESSIONALS: Each edition, more than 200 participants from over 30 countries contribute to make Crea Conference a great international and multicultural event. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CREATIVITY TO SHINE: Professional facilitators in the field share their knowledge and experience in creativity, offering an exciting exchange of the newest and best practices, within a conference formula that is always renewed and on the cutting edge. AN EXPERIENCE OF PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: The learning and direct experimentation of creative processes, methods and techniques inspire and stimulate participants to improve their professional and personal life. Crea Conference 2018: “THE NEXT STEP!”. BIENVENUE À CREA CONFERENCE : THE NEXT STEP ! LE GRAND ÉVÈNEMENT DE LA CRÉATIVITÉ EN EUROPE: Créa Conférence est l’évènement annuel le plus important d’Europe, consacré à la créativité et à l’innovation, à la diffusion des méthodes de pensée créative et à la formation aux principaux outils et techniques. UN RENDEZ-VOUS MONDIAL DES PROFESSIONNELS DE LA CRÉATIVITÉ: A chaque édition, près de 200 participants, venant de plus de 30 pays contribuent à rendre cette rencontre toujours plus internationale. UNE RENCONTRE POUR LE DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LA CRÉATIVITÉ: Des animateurs et facilitateurs, tous professionnels dans le secteur, tendent à diffuser et faire rayonner la créativité, grâce au renouvellement constant de la formule et à un échange sur les nouvelles expérimentations dans le domaine. UNE EXPÉRIENCE DE PROGRESSION PROFESSIONNELLE ET PERSONNELLE: Un apprentissage pratique et une expérimentation directe de la démarche et des techniques créatives renouvellent, ressourcent et stimulent chaque participant, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel. Créa Conference 2018 : “THE NEXT STEP !”. CREA PROGRAM 2018 PROGRAMME CREA 2018 CREA Conference offers a variety of programs in CREA Conférence offre aux participants une variété de programmes English and French. Participants learn the latest models, que leur feront découvrir les méthodes et les techniques les theories, tools and techniques in Creativity and Creative plus avancées en créativité et Creative Problem Solving, et plus Problem Solving, with a strong focus on applying them particulièrement sur comment les appliquer dans le cadre de leur to daily life and work. profession et de leur vie personnelle. PROGRAMMES DE BASE (2 ET 1/2 JOURS) CPS PROGRAMS (2 and 1/2 DAYS) Les programmes de base offrent aux participants une expérience CPS programs offer participants a rich experience, riche en apprentissage quant à comment penser et agir de façon plus targeted at skill development and designed around the créative. Ces programmes ciblent le développement de compétences main stages of the Creative Problem Solving Thinking et sont conçus en fonction des phases du modèle CPS Thinking Skills, Skills Model with a new emphasis on learning methods qui est déjà au centre des programmes de CREA depuis plusieurs and techniques from a variety of diverse creativity années) mais avec plus d’emphase sur l’apprentissage des méthodes models and frameworks. et techniques provenant d’une variété de modèles et cadres de Note: Coaching through CPS and Art Exploration référence. PROGRAMMES IMMERSION : 1 LE JEUDI ET 1 LE VENDREDI Journey programs duration is 2 Days Ces sessions intensives d’un jour exploreront toutes une facette ou une dimension de la créativité et de l’innovation qui est d’actualité IMMERSION PROGRAMS: 1 FOR THURSDAY, 1 FOR et pertinente dans notre société d’aujourd’hui. Elles offriront aux FRIDAY These immersive, one-day workshops will participants la chance de jeter un regard en profondeur sur une each explore an area of creativity and innovation that perspective spécifique de la créativité qui est reliée aux affaires, au is current and relevant to today’s world. They will développement personnel, aux méthodes, modèles et techniques de offer participants a chance to take an in-depth look la créativité. Les Programmes Immersion offriront un juste équilibre at a particular facet of creativity that can be related entre de nouvelles connaissances, basées sur la recherche et la to business, personal development, creativity models, pratique, et des opportunités pour les participants de mettre en methods and techniques. pratique et développer les compétences qui pourront être mise en pratique dans leur propre contexte. EXPO WORKSHOPS ARE A GREAT TASTE FROM THE EXPO WORKSHOPS : LES SAVEURS PROVENANT DU MONDE WORLD In addition to Cps Programs and Immersion ENTIER En plus des Programmes de base et Programmes Immersion, Programs, CREA Conference offers a variety of CREA offre une variété d’ateliers interactifs qui exposent les interactive workshops that will expose participants to participants à plusieurs perspectives variées de la recherche et de the many diverse perspectives of research and practice la pratique dans le domaine de la créativité. Ceci leur permet de in the field of creativity. personnaliser leur expérience d’apprentissage en choisissant parmi des ateliers interactifs offerts pendant la conférence. 8
CREA DAY BY DAY CREA 2018 Schedule Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 7.15 Morning Activities Morning Activities Morning Activities Morning Activities 8.15 8.15 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast 9.00 Breakfast 9.00 9.30 Expo Workshops 11.30 ARRIVEDERCI 12.30 12.30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch 14.00 14.00 Expo Workshops 15.30 Coffee Break 16.00 Expo Workshops 17.30 17.30 Personal Time & Personal Time Personal Time Connections & & 18.45 Connections Connections Sharing Circles Experience 19.00 19.15 Sharing Circles Sharing Circles Sharing Circles Labyrinth Experience Opening Experience Experience 20.00 20.00 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner 21.30 21.30 CONFERENCE Expo Night Expo Night SATURDAY OPENING NIGHT Workshops Workshops EVENT the next step 9
EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES - ACTIVITES DU JOUR TURN ON AND TUNE UP MIND AND BODY EVERYDAY AT 7:15 AM -CHAQUE JOUR A 7:15 Facilitator: Allie Middleton Engage with us at the beginning and end of each day to deepen your learning, bringing mind and body together! Meet each morning at 7:15 for guided meditation, followed by gentle yoga-based movements designed to stretch and open body and mind. Language: In English, with support in French. (Participants of all languages are welcome) Langue : Instructions en anglais avec support en Français (tous les participants sont les bienvenus) SHARING CIRCLES Each day the same small team, integrating a mix of partici- pants from all Programs and led by a Facilitator, will gather together to share learnings and insights. The Sharing Circles will be formed Wednesday at 7:15 pm. PLEASE CHECK YOUR “SHARING CIRCLE” GATE before departure of the experience PARTAGE EN EQUIPE Chaque journée, les mêmes petites équipes, intégrant des participants de tous les programmes et assistées chacune par un Facilitateur, se retrouveront pour partager les apprentissages et les éléments qui les auront inspirés au cours de la journée. Ces équipes seront composées Mercredi à 19:15. VEUILLEZ VÉRIFIER VOTRE PORTE DE “PARTAGE D’EQUIPE” avant le départ de l’expérience 10
THE LABYRINTH - LE LABYRINTHE Location: in the beach in front of Villa Balbi OPENING: Thursday Night 7:15 pm - Vendredi 19:15 Facilitator: Anthony Hyatt Labyrinths have been known to the human race for over 4000 years. The archetypal design is universal with one, well defined path that leads us to the centre and back out again. The labyrinth holds the answers and we, as pilgrims or travelers, need only follow the path to reach the center, perhaps the center of the self. It is a journey into the direction of ourselves. It is encountering one's self and emerging alive and creative. The labyrinth (a metaphor, a symbol to explore) The labyrinth has one path that leads to the center and back to the exit. This path takes all the space, so there are no other paths or tracks to discover. Only one path to the center, one to the exit, no crossroads or alternatives, or magic games. The Catholic metaphor teaches you that if you see God at the center of the labyrinth, he would seem close to you however reaching him is a long and torturous journey. Indeed, as we learn from experience, when we have a project, an objective, we need times and patience to reach it. Have a good journey. The labyrinth: how to use it ? 1) Stop at the entrance, in the little circle before you. 2) Take one step back and imagine yourself placing your body beside the little circle. Ask it to wait for you patiently. 3) Step back into the little circle and take three deep breaths. At the end of the third breath, catch a question that is going through your mind at the moment. A new question, one you have never asked yourself before even if it isn’t original, something like “What will I have for dinner tonight ?”, etc. 4) Enter the labyrinth and walk to the center, listen to the suggestions the labyrinth is giving you. 5) Once you get to the center, take your time, check if the question is still the same, it may have changed, maybe even just by a detail (subject, verb, adjectives ... ) 6) With this question, visit the center, asking yourself: Who? What? Why? Where? How? When? 7) Come back by the same path and listen carefully to the answers given by the labyrinth. 8) At the exit, stop in the little circle, invite the body you left waiting to join you. 9) Thank the labyrinth and write down what seemed important to remember. Les labyrinthes existent depuis plus de 4000 ans. Le chemin d’entrée et de sortie qui mène au centre du labyrinthe ne doit rien au hasard dans cet archétype universel. Pas de fausses pistes ni d’impasses. Le labyrinthe possède la clé et nous, pèlerins ou voyageurs, n’avons qu’à suivre le chemin jusqu’au centre, peut-être aussi pour nous recentrer. Cette rencontre avec notre moi intérieur permet de se régénérer et de faire émerger la créativité. Le labyrinthe (une métaphore, un symbole à parcourir) Le labyrinthe a un seul chemin qui va au centre, et qui est le même pour sortir. Ce chemin occupe tout l’espace, il n’y a donc pas d’autres voies ou parcours a découvrir. Une seule voie vers le centre, une seule voie pour sortir, sans bifurcations ou alternatives, ou jeux de prestidigitation. La métaphore catholique ap- prend que si tu vois Dieu au centre du labyrinthe, il te semble proche mais l’atteindre est un parcours long et tortueux. Ainsi, comme l’expérience nous l’apprend, quand nous avons un projet, un objectif, il faut du temps et de la patience pour l’atteindre. Bonne route. Le labyrinthe : comment le pratiquer ? 1) Arrête-toi à l’entrée, dans le petit cercle de- vant toi. 2) Fais un pas en arrière et imagine-toi en train de déplacer ton corps à côté du petit cercle. Demande-lui de t’attendre tranquillement et patiemment. 3) Revients dans le petit cercle et respire profondément trois fois. A la fin de la troisième fois attrape une question qui te traverse l’esprit en ce moment. Une nouvelle question, que tu ne t’es jamais posée auparavant, même si elle est banale 4) Rentre dans le labyrinthe et marche jusqu’au centre et écoute les suggestions que te fait le labyrinthe. 5) Arrivé au centre, prends ton temps, vérifie si la question est toujours la même , elle pourrait avoir changé même si ce n’est qu’un détail (sujet, verbe, complément objet, adjectifs). 6) Visite le centre avec la nouvelle question, en te demandant : qui ? quoi ? pourquoi ? où ? comment ? quand ? 7) Reviens en arrière par le même chemin et écoute avec attention les réponses que te suggère le labyrinthe. 8) A la sortie, arrête-toi dans le petit cercle, invite le corps que tu as laissé t’attendre à te rejoindre 9) Remercie le labyrinthe et isole-toi pour noter ce qui te semble important à retenir. 11
ENGLISH CPS PROGRAMS CREATIVITY FOUNDATIONS Facilitators: Delphine Batton and Erik op ten Berg - Susan Robertson and Dan Bigonesse This program is recommended for those who are unfamiliar with Creative Problem Solving (CPS) or with the deliberate practice of creativity. The CPS process has undergone continuous development and research since it was first developed in the 1950s. This program is based on the most recent developments in the evolution of the CPS model. It will introduce participants to the CPS Thinking Skills Model and to the dynamic balance of divergent and convergent thinking that supports it. Participants will have an opportunity to explore and enhance their own creativity. They will gain a deeper awareness of their own preferred style of expressing creativity using the FourSight self-assessment and learn how to leverage this knowledge to work more effectively with others. There will be an opportunity for participants to learn and practice fundamental tools and techniques that can be applied to develop creative solutions to real challenges. Participants will be able to: • Assess their individual thinking style preferences for working within the creative process. • Understand the Creative Problem Solving: Thinking Skills model and how it can be used to overcome creative challenges;- • Experience the dynamic balance of divergent and convergent thinking and how to use it to produce creative results;- Identify personal characteristics, behaviors and attitudes that can promote and inhibit creativity. COACHING THROUGH CPS Facilitators: Tim Switalski and Newell Eaton Knowledge of Creative Problem Solving is required to participate in this program. Coaching has become a popular and accepted approach to help people to learn new behaviors, to develop their potential, and to achieve their goals in both their professional and personal lives. Coaching has also become an important leadership style in organizations and is considered a core competency for anyone who wants to achieve success in the business world. It is considered a necessary companion for learning and mastering any skills where discipline and practice are involved. This highly interactive program will explore how coaching can be practiced within the framework of Creative Problem Solving to become a powerful approach to addressing challenges and opportunities in our lives and at work. Participants will learn and apply coaching skills that can be used to proactively focus on opportunities and challenges related to change. Participants will be able to: • Develop a set of skills that are essential to effective coaching practice, including listening, questioning, goal- setting, focusing, exploring insights, and committing to action; • Apply Creative Problem Solving as a framework for coaching practice; • Examine the nature of change and learn ways to identify opportunities and overcome challenges that stand in the way of positive outcomes; and Create a developmental plan for improving one’s confidence and competence as a coach. 12
ENGLISH CPS PROGRAMS THE ART OF FACILITATION Facilitators: Ismet Mamnoon and Tim Hurson with Maggie Dugan Knowledge of Creative Problem Solving is required to participate in this program. Skillful facilitation is now being recognized as a core competency for creating dynamic group settings where people are able to collaborate and make high-quality decisions. By definition, a facilitator is one who contributes structure and process to interactions so that groups are able to function effectively, explore important issues and achieve their collective goals. This generally leads to higher levels of buy-in, active participation and empowerment to take responsibility for action. This program will focus on understanding and developing best practices for effective facilitation of the creative process, from appraising client’s objectives, to managing the physical and psychological environment, handling difficult situations and promoting functional behaviors for the accomplishment of the groups’ goals. Participants will have an opportunity to practice and receive feedback through a variety of simulations and exercise, using the Creative Problem Solving process and applying a variety of techniques that will bring their facilitation experience from good to great. Participants will be able to: • Assess their strengths and weaknesses related to group facilitation with a specific focus on group management, process management and communication skills; • Demonstrate, through the use of a variety of simulations and exercises, the ability to effectively navigate the CPS process in a group facilitation; • Identify and experience best practices that foster individual’s abilities to facilitate a group, boosting collaboration and handling curves; • Pinpoint specific facilitation skills that are in need of improvement and create a personal plan for the development of these identified skill areas. EMOTIONS AS FUEL FOR CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING An Art Exploration Journey Facilitators: Clara Kluk and Sylvain Rouillard Delivered in English with French support Knowledge of Creative Problem Solving is required to participate in this program. Imagine a painter painting….Of course this artist relies on technique and skills. It’s quite easy to imagine that this painter also has to be in a certain state of mind, an emotional availability, in order to be permeable to what emerges from within, to be playful in a certain way. What about YOU when you are engaged in a creative problem solving process? What about your client or group if you are a facilitator? This workshop is an opportunity to explore, using artistic media, the emotions that could become fuel for each phase of the creative problem solving process. It will also be an opportunity to discover activities aimed at bringing the client or the group, at every step of the process, closer to a fertile and different emotional state. Participants will be able to: • Identify the specific emotions that could enrich each phase of the creative problem solving process and experiment and reflect on these emotions through artistic media; • Develop strategies that will emotionally prepare an individual or a group to fulfill the tasks associated with each phase of the problem solving process; and • Experiment with artistic expressions as opportunities to take risks, have fun and create. 13
PROGRAMMES CPS FRANÇAIS FONDEMENTS DE LA CRÉATIVITÉ Animateurs : Yvane Piolet and Patrice Henry Ce programme est recommandé pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas le Creative Problem Solving (CPS) ou ne pratiquent pas la créativité de façon structurée. Le processus CPS a été l’objet de recherches et de constante évolution depuis sa création dans les années 1950. Ce programme est basé sur les développements les plus récents de l’évolution du modèle CPS. Il fera découvrir aux participants le modèle des habilités de pensées du CPS et l’équilibre dynamique entre la pensée divergente et convergente qui le soutient. Les participants auront l’occasion de découvrir et d’enrichir leur propre créativité. Ils prendront davantage conscience de leur style préféré quant à l’expression de leur créativité grâce à l’outil d’auto-évaluation FourSight et apprendront à tirer parti de cette information pour travailler plus efficacement avec les autres. Les participants auront l’opportunité d’apprendre et aussi de pratiquer des techniques et outils fondamentaux qui peuvent être appliqués pour développer des solutions créatives à des problèmes réels. Les participants seront en mesure : • D’évaluer leurs propres préférences en termes d’habiletés de pensée lorsqu’ils travaillent avec le processus créatif; • De comprendre le modèle des Habiletés de pensée du processus CPS et comment il peut être utilisé pour relever les défis créatifs; • D’expérimenter l’équilibre dynamique entre la pensée divergente et la pensée convergente et comprendre comment l’utiliser pour produire des résultats créatifs; • D’identifier les caractéristiques, attitudes et comportements personnels qui peuvent favoriser ou inhiber la créativité. L’ART DE LA FACILITATION Animateurs : Catherine Tanitte and Yves Chambert-Loir La connaissance du processus Creative Problem Solving (CPS) est nécessaire pour participer à ce programme. Le talent de la facilitation est maintenant reconnu comme une compétence essentielle pour générer des dynamiques de groupe qui rendent efficaces la collaboration et la prise de décision collective. Par définition, un Facilitateur est celui qui définit les structures et le processus d’interactions nécessaires à rendre le groupe fonctionnel, capable d’explorer des solutions pertinentes et d’atteindre des objectifs définis collectivement. Cela implique le plus souvent un haut niveau d’adhésion, de participation et d’engagement à agir de la part des membres du groupe. Ce programme sera centré sur la compréhension et le développement des meilleures pratiques pour faciliter efficacement le processus créatif, depuis l’évaluation des objectifs du client jusqu’à la gestion de l’environnement physique et psychologique, la prise en main des situations difficiles et la mise en œuvre de comportements qui garantissent l’atteinte des objectifs. Les participants pourront pratiquer l’animation et de recevoir des feedbacks à travers différents exercices et simulations. Ils le feront en utilisant Creative Problem Solving et en appliquant diverses techniques qui leur permettront de faire un bond et de passer du stade de « bon animateur » à « excellent » ! Les participants seront en mesure : • D’évaluer leurs forces et leurs faiblesses relatives à la facilitation de groupe en particulier sur la gestion du groupe, la gestion des processus et des compétences de communication; • De démontrer, grâce à l’utilisation d’une variété de simulations et d’exercices, de leur la capacité utiliser efficacement le processus de CPS dans une facilitation de groupe; • D’identifier et expérimenter les meilleures pratiques qui favorisent les aptitudes d’un individu à faciliter un groupe, à stimuler la collaboration et à gérer les passages délicats; • D’identifier les aptitudes et compétences en facilitation qui ont besoin d’être améliorées et formuler un plan d’action personnel. 14
PROGRAMMES CPS FRANÇAIS LES EMOTIONS AU SERVICE DU CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Un voyage exploratoire dans l’art Animateurs : Clara Kluk and Sylvain Rouillard Proposé en anglais avec support en français La connaissance du processus Creative Problem Solving (CPS) est nécessaire pour participer à ce programme. Imagine a painter painting….Of course this artist relies on technique and skills. It’s quite easy to imagine that this painter also has to be in a certain state of mind, an emotional availability, in order to be permeable to what emerges from within, to be playful in a certain way. What about YOU when you are engaged in a creative problem solving process? What about your client or group if you are a facilitator? This workshop is an opportunity to explore, using artistic media, the emotions that could become fuel for each phase of the creative problem solving process. It will also be an opportunity to discover activities aimed at bringing the client or the group, at every step of the process, closer to a fertile and different emotional state. Participants will be able to: • Identify the specific emotions that could enrich each phase of the creative problem solving process and experiment and reflect on these emotions through artistic media; • Develop strategies that will emotionally prepare an individual or a group to fulfill the tasks associated with each phase of the problem solving process; and • Experiment with artistic expressions as opportunities to take risks, have fun and create. 15
ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAMS THURSDAY April 19 DANCE WITH YOUR DRAGONS: LEADING CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE Facilitators: Liz Monroe-Cook and Branko Broekman The dragons of transformation and leadership are personal limits, organizational mindsets, and the challenges of complexity. People who have the task or opportunity to lead significant change can sometimes be intimidated by the fuzzy front end of it. Are you curious about how best to apply the lessons of creativity to your leadership? In this immersion, participants will experience an active introduction in how to enlarge and enhance your influence. You will focus on yourself, on others and on the environment in order to create the dance floor for the “dance with dragons.” Learning Objectives: • Identify the personal features that allow you to walk the talk of a creative leader – transform yourself; • Set the climate for innovative mindsets in your organization – transform climate; and • Leverage the paradoxes that come with your challenges and opportunities – transform dilemma. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE, SYNERGY AND GENERATIVE COLLABORATION Facilitators: Cora Robinson and Paolo Sbuttoni ‘Collective Intelligence’ is about how to apply the very latest collaboration thinking and practice to drive more innovative solution finding with and through others, using a variety of Immediate, concrete, easy-to-use approaches. You will learn what we mean by Collective Intelligence, Synergy and Generative Collaboration, and the benefits. We will explore the science of collaboration and why collective Intelligence is a mindset and an attitude requiring emotional intelligence, which can be developed. Using the five steps in Generative Collaboration, you will enter the Collective Intelligence Zone, and explore the fundamental processes of sharing information and ideas and finding resonance – helping you to develop the disciplines of collective intelligence.Finally, you will learn to implement the ‘Mastermind’ group process: a key application of collective intelligence, with some great tips on how to best facilitate this process with others. Learning Objectives: • Apply the Success Factor Modeling Collective Intelligence Model to drive effective collaborative working; • Understand how to best apply the science of collaboration; and • Learn to use the Mastermind group coaching process to leverage the collective intelligence of the group. DESIGN FOR TRANSIENCE: PIVOTING ORGANIZATIONAL VALUE IN COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTS Facilitators: Ana Matic and Goran Matic Are you working with creativity, change and innovation while managing complexity? This workshop will provide you with tools to help identify, define and reimagine new value in organizations and complex environments. Ideally suited for impacts involving many stakeholders, we will explore usable methods for resilience – from the individual to the large-scale. At the end of the immersion, you will be able to use practical tools for pivoting the perception of ‘core value’ in the midst of change - with specific methods to map and manage both organizational and individual journeys through the underlying complexity, in order to enable unique value propositions for key leaders, customers and communities. Learning Objectives: • Learn to thrive within complexity by leveraging effective design tools for working with ‘wicked problems’ and complex challenges; • Connect disconnected views by effectively integrating diverse levels of individual, organizational and communal experience; and • Create new opportunities by enabling your key stakeholders to recognize new value and unlock transformational capabilities 16
ENGLISH IMMERSION PROGRAMS FRIDAY April 20 BUILDING FUTURE ORGANIZATIONS FROM THE HERE AND NOW Facilitators: Ingrid De Clercq and Mark Harling Offered in English with French support This is an experiential workshop. We are not going to tell you how to make transformation for the future. We are going to create conditions for you to experiment with it. Our hope is that we will create our own group culture for the day and learn from it. We are asking you to take a step into the unknown and trust the process that we are offering. Together, we will explore new organizational structures and practices from the standpoint of building an authentic sharing group. Who knows what is going to emerge from our time together? There is only one condition. We ask for your commitment to stick with the process throughout the day. You can’t drop out! Learning Objectives: • Practice candor by speaking up and being responsible for the success of the group; • Learn to stay together through periods of doubt, anxiety, anger, depression, even despair… and maybe joy; and • Experience a way of transforming organizations by relating to each other with a difference. MANAGING THE EMOTIONAL SIDE OF CREATIVE LEADERSHIP: BUILDING BETTER RELATIONSHIPS IN OUR LIFE Facilitators: Laura Barbero Switalski and Luciano Boccucci A steady trend in the Leadership Development field has been a growing interest in Emotional and Social Intelligence. The research in this area clearly demonstrates that those who have it are much better at leading others than those who don’t, as our focus at work makes managing relationships increasingly more critical and challenging than simply accomplishing our task. This workshop will focus on how emotions impact our relationships in the multiple roles we plays in our life when we exercise our leadership and power of influence. As managers, facilitators, colleagues, spouses, parents or friends, we deal with relationships daily. Using the power of our mind and our body, we will learn how to recognize and manage our emotions in order to deliberately build positive and rewarding relationships in our life. We will embark in a journey to discover the leader we want to become, taking the next step to achieve higher level of creativity and collaboration when interacting with others. Learning Objectives: • Deepen their ability to listen to and recognize their own and other people’s emotions; • Explore ways that targeted Emotional and Social Intelligence competencies can be developed to build better relationships; • Understand the power of building stronger relationships to improve their ability to influence others; and • Develop a personal vision and identify the next steps to build better relationships in their life. TRANSFORM TENSION INTO COLLABORATION Facilitators: Tamara Christensen and Kim Larkin Let’s step into the tension and face our collaboration challenges! More and more in today’s fast-paced world, addressing complex business problems requires that diverse experts work well together. Unfortunately, collaborative efforts introduce dynamics that can present their own entirely new set of obstacles. We often think about tension as something to minimize or alleviate, especially in cross-functional teams. But what if maximizing tension were actually the key to innovation? We will identify and diagnose six dimensions of tension that pose obstacles for organizations and teams in their efforts to creatively solve problems. We will also use a variety of interactive experiences to explore ways that we can leverage competing forces to create a culture of energizing collaboration, creativity and engagement. Learning Objectives: • Identify six tensions of transformation that arise in individuals, teams and organizations during innovation efforts; • Explore how to use the innovation facilitator’s mindset to ease the tension; • Utilize a simple diagnostic technique to assess the sources of tension and opportunity for diverse challenges; and • UCollaborate to generate ideas for addressing specific tensions and challenges. 17
PROGRAMMES IMMERSION FRANÇAIS JEUDI 19 Avril LE TEMPO CRÉATIF TROIS TEMPS INSPIRANTS POUR PASSER À L’ACTION NOURRIS DE SOUVENIRS DU FUTUR Animateurs : Guillemette Goglio et Mathilde Sarré-Charrier Proposé en Français avec soutien (et supports) en Anglais Dans un monde où tout s’accélère, quand le temps de pause est un luxe, comment aborder votre futur avec force et sérénité ? Voici l’occasion de vous pencher sur votre futur et l’influencer, en trois temps. -Le spa créatif : prendre du recul pour prendre de l’avance ! Attentifs à vos sens, vous porterez un regard neuf pour aiguiser votre perception des signaux faibles. Vous expérimenterez des exercices sensoriels seuls, en duo et en groupe. - Retraite vers le futur : se projeter dans le futur et revenir avec un ancrage positif ! Vous reviendrez de ce voyage avec un souvenir du futur qui guidera vos actions vers les changements souhaités. Vous utiliserez les techniques de visualisation sur des sujets de tendances sociétales et expérimenterez les approches narratives. -Chorégraphie des premier pas : le « next step » c’est maintenant ! Vous jouerez avec les possibilités variées du futur et choisirez celles que vous souhaitez incarner. Vous serez prêts pour faire le premiers pas et passer à l’action ! Pour ce faire, vous explorerez des outils de scénarisation et de coaching. À la fin de cette session, les participants seront en mesure de : • Ressourcer leur créativité; • Développer leur écoute; • Se projeter dans le futur; • Faire le lien avec le CPS Ils auront expérimenté : la visualisation; - les techniques projectives; - les approches narratives; - un premier pas vers le plan d’action LA STRATÉGIE COCONSTRUITE, PREMIERS PAS VERS UN FUTUR COMMUN. Animateurs : Marie Pires et Aymeric Raoult Proposé en Français avec soutien (et supports) en Anglais Concevoir la stratégie d’une entreprise, c’est exactement le genre d’activité où le top management voudrait éviter de prendre des risques et de louper la marche … Il est alors tenté de suivre le même processus chaque année : quelques seniors managers accompagnés d’un cabinet de conseil stratégique, un déroulé « selon la procédure », pour formaliser une trajectoire stratégique d’une rassurante continuité. Dans notre entreprise, nous avons osé prendre le risque de faire autrement pour construire les prochaines étapes de notre développement en animant une démarche de co-construction du plan stratégique. Et pourtant, notre entreprise est on ne peut plus traditionnelle, filiale d’un grand groupe financier. Riches de notre expérience, nous souhaitons vous faire découvrir comment donner plus de puissance à un plan stratégique en utilisant des méthodes de créativité et de co-création pour aller plus loin, ensemble. Cette immersion vous permettra de découvrir, pas à pas, les différentes phases d’élaboration d’un VRAI plan stratégique et d’expérimenter des outils de créativité pour y arriver. À la fin de cette session, les participants seront en mesure de : • Appliquer divers outils du CPS et Business Model Canvas sur un méta- projet d’entreprise • Concevoir un plan stratégique en quelques étapes simples • D’impliquer ceux qui ne se sentent pas concernés ils auront expérimenté • L’élaboration d’un plan stratégique en mode co-création • Des outils pour définir une vision, identifier les axes stratégiques d’une entreprise et fixer des priorités. 18
PROGRAMMES IMMERSION FRANÇAIS VENDREDI 20 Avril UNE CAUSE, UN COMBAT, UNE IMAGE DESIGNEZ VOS PROJETS, MARKETEZ VOTRE VISION ET VENDEZ VOS IDÉES Animateurs : Géraldine Rimbault-Gaulard et Barthélémy Maillet Être visionnaire ce n’est pas tant « voir loin » qu’être capable de porter ses idées pendant longtemps. Rappelez-vous Jacques- Yves Cousteau, visionnaire dans ses combats la protection des océans, rappelez-vous Dieter Rams, designer visionnaire dans sa façon d’envisager nos rapports aux technologies : ils ont porté leurs messages comme un sacerdoce. Leur force a été d’inventer, de concevoir, de mettre en œuvre des technologies qui leur permettent d’éprouver leur vision, de la renforcer et de la faire évoluer dans le temps pour qu’elle ne semble jamais dépassée. Autour de leurs deux forces : communiquer et éprouver, ils ont bâti une vision robuste, capable de résister aux changements du monde. Surtout, ils ont été des génies dans la façon de communiquer (documentaires, signature visuelle bonnet rouge pour Cousteau ; langage et principe de design pour Rams) sur leurs idées pour être capable de fédérer industriels, politiques, intellectuels autour de leur vision. Etre visionnaire c’est aussi une question d’image : • L’image pour présenter, partager, confronter ses idées • L’image comme identité, marque, signature visuelle L’image jouera un rôle central dans cette immersion pour permettre aux participants, non seulement de construire une vision, mais aussi de l’exprimer, de la partager et de la signer. À la fin de cette session, les participants seront en mesure de : • Comprendre que construire une vision ce n’est pas juste avoir des bonnes idées pour un futur meilleur mais c’est surtout de les faire vivre pour qu’elles puissent émerger au moment opportun • Mettre en images un concept, une idée pour construire, consolider, partager, confronter une vision • Incarner leur vision dans un logo, une marque, une identité visuelle LE PASSAGE À L’ACTE RÉINVENTÉ Animateurs : Victoria Willis et Marisol Canadas Le monde est aujourd’hui trop complexe pour que l’implémentation de solutions, aussi brillantes soient-elle, ne soit pas un chemin de croix. Quand le contexte change en un clin d’œil , quand le temps étrangle les meilleurs plans, quand du coup les émotions nous submergent, comment pouvons-nous appliquer le plan d’action prévu ? Au milieu de la tourmente, nous devons garder à l’œil notre vision, tout en développant notre capacité à réinventer les façons de l’atteindre. Nous sommes convaincues que le changement peut être incarné et les visions concrétisées si nous conservons notre impétuosité créative. Ce n’est pas un processus linéaire qui nous permettra d’y parvenir, mais une posture inspirée, corporelle, émouvante, ouverte au présent et à l’avenir, qui nous permettra de naviguer dans le flot, d’alimenter en continu notre motivation à réaliser notre vision. Cette immersion vous conduira à reconsidérer vos démarches de réalisation, à la fois individuellement et collectivement. Venez expérimenter les étapes suivantes de façon différente ! On demande aux participants de venir avec en tête un objectif, une vision, quelque chose sur lequel ils réfléchissent, que ce soit dans leur vie privée ou professionnelle. À la fin de cette session, les participants seront en mesure de : • une façon différente d’agir au service de la vision • un regard enrichi sur le plan d’action et la stratégie • des questions-défis pour l’avenir • des activités et outils à utiliser avec vos équipes ou vos clients 19
EXPO WORKSHOPS @ CREA YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHOOSE OR SUBSCRIBE FOR EXPO WORKSHOPS. EXPO WORKSHOP ARE “OPEN” TO ALL THE PARTICIPANTS AT CREA 2018.· LES EXPOS/WORKSHOP NE NECESSITENT PAS D’INSCRIPTIONS PREALABLES, ILS SONT ACCESSIBLES A TOUS LES PARTICIPANTS DE CREA 2018. Please note that “Support in English” means that at least one presenter can communicate with participants in English, on an ad-hoc basis, to offer assistance, answer questions or help clarify key elements of a program; it does not imply that any part of this program will be delivered in English, nor that participants can expect continuous translation of the content or exchanges. Basic understanding and speaking fluency of French is required to attend this program. Veuillez noter que “Support en Français” signifie qu’au moins un présentateur peut parler aux participants en français, de façon ponctuelle, pour du soutien, des réponses à des questions ou clarifications. Cela n’implique pas que des parties de ce programme seront en français, ni qu’il y aura une traduction en continu du contenu ou des échanges. Une compréhension suffisante et la capacité d’échanger en anglais sont requises pour participer à ce programme. 20
EXPO WORKSHOPS ENGLISH The final schedule with time and rooms will be available at the Conference DOUBLE EXPO DAY WORKSHOPS (180 minutes) - Saturday Morning DRAWING ON YOUR IMAGINATION (Language: English support en Français) Facilitators: Valerie Reynaud and Yoel Kluk Our thinking preferences can be touched through drawing. One’s drawing can contain a large amount of information since it happens in two different moments: when you actually answer a specific question or task by drawing and when you share your drawing with another person. Neither require actual drawing skills, it is the action of drawing and sharing that uses different parts of your brain and involves different thinking styles. Over the years we have discovered how deep the conversations can be when explaining a post-it containing a simple drawing. Participants will be exposed to wonderful experiences: from the secrets of letting your hands flow, tricks to improve your drawings and CPS tools that have been (or might be) adapted to drawing. This will be a workshop where alphanumeric symbols will be forbidden. We will be creative, assertive, imaginative, evaluative and process oriented. Learning Objectives: • Experience a variety of ways to express your imagination through a simple drawing; • Identify and practice techniques that will improve your drawing abilities and raise you level of confidence and expressiveness; and • Explore a wide range of CPS tools that can be adapted and improved through drawing. THE ART OF DEBRIEF: THE STEPS OF GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK (Language: English support en Français) Facilitators: Maggie Dugan & Tim Dunne Debriefing an activity - any activity - is the best way to learn, to get better at your craft, and to make your life richer. For some of us, nothing is more fun than to back through a situation, and ask why do I do this, why did you do this, why did he or she do this, and what was I/you/he/she thinking or feeling in that moment. The agenda-less debrief is fun. It is often what we do, after all, over a glass of wine with a friend as we hash through somebody’s romantic escapades! Facilitators and trainers use debriefs as an after-action review for the purpose of extracting learning and inviting changed behavior. This reflection helps participants cement (and sometimes even discover) what they’ve learned. One step further: if you solicit a debrief in a professional environment, it’s a real opportunity, a voluntary inter-colleague request for feedback. Because debriefing has a huge feedback component to it, we’ll also explore the stance that helps us receive and optimize the information we get when someone takes the time to give us feedback. Feedback is a gift, something to be appreciated. Debriefing and feedback are like cousins in the same family tree. By understanding how they relate, we’ll understand more about how to do both more effectively. Learning Objectives: • Explore step-by-step methods for debriefing; • Discover shortcuts used by storytellers and trainers for richer debriefs; • Develop a Feedback mindset, to receive feedback so you get more of it; and • Practice giving and receiving feedback, on the spot. LEARNING FROM THE LABYRINTH (Language: English support en Français) Facilitators: Anthony Hyatt and Matteo Catullo It is widely known that labyrinths are places for contemplative journeys and meditation.They also are powerful tools for the facilitation of creative transformation. Our friend and colleague Joe Miguez spent the last decades of his life working with and sharing Labyrinth Xperiences around the world. He focused upon the architectural principles of “the lab” to design accessible labyrinth based creativity tools. Working with those tools we will be in awareness enhancing spaces where ideas emerge, there is self-discovery and our attention may become action-producing intention. We will, to quote Joe, “slow down so that we can go faster”. Learning Objectives: • Make a journey through a simplified version of the labyrinth. • Remember what they already knew. 21
EXPO WORKSHOPS ENGLISH DOUBLE EXPO DAY WORKSHOPS (180 minutes) - Saturday Morning MITODOLOGIA®: EXPERIENCING CREATIVITY THROUGH DRAMA AND GREEK MYTHS (Language: English) Facilitator: Paulo Benetti Using theater drama and the metaphors of Greek myths, MITOdoLOGIA® proposes that participants learn the Creative Problem Solving methodology in a more playful, fast, and profound way. In this session, participants will be given a role that will help them participate in the drama. This role contains metaphors of myths, archetypes, and situations that will facilitate the learning of the creative process. The whole process of creating and debriefing the drama will be highly interactive and lead by the facilitator. Learning Objectives: • Experience the power of metaphors granted by Greek myths, as a tool to explain the CPS process; • Understand how art helps to learn much faster and more deeply; • Have fun with the characterization of your myth; and • Take away a portable tool that they can use anywhere. RADICAL NEXT STEP THINKING (Language: English support en Français) Facilitators: Dorte Nielsen and Remi Sabouraud Welcome to our Radical Next Step Thinking game. Imagine you are the Director of a company. You are in charge of the vision and the strategy. You are going to play the game of “Radical Next Step Thinking”. A game designed to help you imagine a vision for the future. The game is set in a time of change. You will meet the unforeseen, the unexpected, crazy challenges, pressure from the market, obstacles, new shapes of A.I, disruption, natural catastrophes and climate change. We will explore various tools, techniques and radical interference to enhance visionary, strategic and ideational thinking. Step by step, we want you to practice thinking on your feet. We will challenge you to be flexible and radical in your thinking as you face the challenges of tomorrow. In this session participants will: • Play the game of “Radical Next Step Thinking”; • Challenge thinking habits and status quo; • Have fun! BOUFFON (Language: English support en Français) Facilitator: Massimo Agostinelli This double-expo will explore the world of Bouffon, a French performance art that combines elements of burlesque, commedia dell’arte, farce, gallows humor, parody, satire and slapstick. It is designed for non-artists of all ages and backgrounds, especially people without Bouffon experience and all those who have a strong desire to transform in an unforgettable way. You will be challenged, pushed, cajoled and tickled beyond your previously imagined limits. Enhance and liberate your creative thinking through this unique and empowering way to explore and develop your mental and physical range through games, simple improvisations and Bouffon performance skills, character development, ensemble thinking, collaboration and sore abs (from laughter). This is a life lasting experience that you will cherish forever. If you want or need to shake up your world, your group or yourself in the most amusing and entertaining way you can imagine... this should do the trick! Learning Objectives: • Understand the history and basic elements of Bouffon as a performance art; • Explore ways to stretch beyond your comfort zone a boost creative thinking through a variety of Bouffon techniques; and • Laugh until it hurts! 22
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