Résumé Trimestriel des opérations

La page est créée Jean-Pierre Louis

Résumé Trimestriel des opérations
                      (AU 30 JUIN 2016)

Quarterly Operational Summary
                    (AS OF 30 JUNE 2016)


    1.   Les renseignements contenus dans la présente publication concernent les projets, présentés par les Pays Membres Régionaux (PMR),
         en faveur desquels un financement a été approuvé par les Conseils d'Administration du Groupe de la Banque pendant les six derniers
         mois et ceux qui sont envisagés pour être soumis à l'approbation du Conseil pendant les six prochains mois.

    2.   De nouveaux projets y sont inscrits lorsque la Banque est convaincue qu'ils méritent d'être financés. Des projets déjà publiés dans ce
         rapport peuvent également être retirés lorsqu'il a été décidé de ne plus les traiter.

    3.   Si l'emprunteur est le gouvernement d'un pays, le nom et l'adresse du département, du ministère ou de l'organe chargé de la mise en
         œuvre du projet sont indiqués. Lorsque l'emprunteur est autre que le gouvernement, son nom est indiqué en lettres capitales.

    4.   Les titres et les descriptions des projets sont provisoires. La lettre (N) placée devant le titre du projet signifie que ce dernier est
         nouveau dans la présente publication. La lettre (R) indique que le projet a été révisé depuis la dernière publication.

    5.   Les détails concernant chaque projet indiqué dans la présente publication s'inspirent des données disponibles à la fin du trimestre
         considéré. Ces données sont mises à jour chaque trimestre au fur et à mesure du traitement du projet.

    6.   Le montant probable du prêt est provisoire sous réserve d'une révision après l'évaluation du projet.

    7.   Le terme "Groupe de la Banque" comprend la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD), le Fonds Africain de Développement
         (FAD) et le Fonds Spécial du Nigéria (FSN). Le montant probable du prêt est libellé en 1): UC.      F.A.T signifie Fonds
         d'Assistance Technique (dans le cadre du FAD).

    8.   Toute demande de renseignements concernant tel ou tel projet doit être adressée à l'organe d'exécution dans le PMR emprunteur et non
         à la Banque.

    9.   Pour toute information supplémentaire, veuillez contacter le

    1.   The information provided in this publication relates to projects in Regional Member Countries (RMCs), for which financing has been
         approved by the Boards of Directors of the Bank Group during the last six months and those which are expected to be submitted to the
         Boards for approval during the next six months.

    2.   New projects are listed in the publication after the Bank is satisfied that they are suitable for possible financing. Approved projects will
         be deleted from this document after two subsequent publications. Projects may also be dropped if a decision is made not to proceed
         with further processing.

    3.   If the Government of a borrowing country is the borrower, the name and address of the Department, Ministry or Agency which is
         expected to implement the project are given. If the Government is not the borrower, the borrower's name is given in capital letters.

    4.   The titles and descriptions of projects are tentative. The letter (N) before the project title refers to a new listing in this issue of the
         publication. The letter (R) indicates that the project has been revised since the last publication.

    5.   Details relating to each project shown in this issue of the publication are based on information available at the end of the quarter under
         reference. The information will be updated quarterly as project processing advances.

    6.   The amount of the probable loan is tentative and is subject to review after project appraisal.

    7.   Reference to "Bank Group" in this publication refers to the African Development Bank (ADB), African Development Fund (ADF) and
         the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). Probable loan is expressed in 1): UA -                         "TAF"     refers   to    Technical
         Assistance Fund loans under ADF.

    8.   All enquiries regarding information on any project should be referred to the Executing Agency in the borrowing RMC and not to the

    9.    For further information please contact the Division Chief in charge of the country


Procurement & Fiduciary Services Department (ORPF)
African Development Bank (www.afdb.org)
Headquarters – Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)
5 Avenue Joseph Anoma
01 B.P. 1387, Abidjan 01
Côte d'Ivoire
Tel.: +225 - 2020 4444
Fax: +225 - 2021 7753
Email: procurementpolicy@afdb.org

1/ Bank Unit of Account (UA) = 1.40 United States Dollars (USD) as at 30 June 2016.
                                          DE LA BANQUE AFRICAINE DE DEVELOPPEMENT (BAD)
                                             DU FONDS AFRICAIN DE DEVELOPPEMENT (FAD)
                                                ET DU FONDS SPECIAL DU NIGERIA (FSN)
                                                         (AU 31 MARS 2016)

                                                  THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)
                                                  THE AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FUND (ADF)
                                                    AND THE NIGERIA TRUST FUND (NTF)
                                                          (AS OF 31 MARCH 2016)

                                                                            TABLE DES MATIERES

                                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


  T U N I S I E............................................................................................................................................................................. 1

  E G Y P T ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

  M A R O C ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

  M A U R I T A N I E ............................................................................................................................................................. 6


  S O M A L I A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

  U G A N D A ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8

  K E N Y A .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9

  S O U T H S U D A N ......................................................................................................................................................... 10

  T A N Z A N I A ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11

  E T H I O P I A ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12

  R W A N D A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 14


  Z A M B I A ............................................................................................................................................................................ 16

  M O Z A M B I Q U E ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

  A N G O L A ........................................................................................................................................................................... 18

  S O U T H A F R I C A ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

  M A L A W I ........................................................................................................................................................................... 19

  S A O T O M E & P R I N C I P E ............................................................................................................................. 20

  Z I M B A B W E .................................................................................................................................................................. 21
S W A Z I L A N D………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

  B O T S W A N A……………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..22

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 22


  C A M E R O U N …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23

  REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO (RDC) ........................................................................................................... 24

  M A D A G A S C A R ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

  T C H A D ............................................................................................................................................................................... .25

  C O N G O………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………….…26

  G A B O N ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….26

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ………………………………………………………………………………………..……27


  C A P V E R T ..................................................................................................................................................................... 28

  G H A N A................................................................................................................................................................................ 28

  B E N I N .................................................................................................................................................................................. 29

  N I G E R I A .......................................................................................................................................................................... 30

  C O T E D’I V O I R E ....................................................................................................................................................... 33

  G A M B I A ............................................................................................................................................................................ 34

  S E N E G A L ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34

  T O G O ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 35

  G U I NE E ............................................................................................................................................................................... 35

  M U L T I N A T I O N A L ............................................................................................................................................. 36

  R E G I O N A L .................................................................................................................................................................... 38

                                                                 Directeur/Director: J. KOLSTER

                                                                      Tel. 00216 71 10 2065

                                 Montant probable
                                   & source de                                                                                         Service de
            Organe d’éxécution     financement                                                                                        consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                             PROJET ou PROGRAMME

            Executing Agency        Amount &                                                                                          Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                                            PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                 Financing source                                                                                       Service
                                   (Million UA)

                                                                     T U N I S I E

                                                    Programme d'appui à la modernisation du secteur financier (PAMSFI)

                                                    Le PAMSFI a pour but de contribuer à créer les conditions nécessaires pour
                                                    une croissance économique accélérée, résiliente et inclusive à travers un
                                                    renforcement du rôle du secteur financier dans le financement de l’économie
                                                    et des couches vulnérables. Il vise en particulier à accompagner l’émergence
                                                    d’un nouveau modèle de développement pour la Tunisie, dans lequel le
                                                    secteur privé peut se développer et créer de l’emploi sur tout le territoire
                                                    tunisien, et où les segments défavorisés de la population peuvent contribuer à
                                                                                                                                                    Présentation au Conseil
Ministère des Finances            212,7 (BAD)       la croissance et en bénéficier. Les objectifs spécifiques du programme sont le
                                                                                                                                                    en juillet 2016
                                                    renforcement de la gouvernance du secteur financier et son
                                                    approfondissement à travers l’amélioration de l’accès des populations et des
                                                    entreprises aux services financiers et la diversification des instruments
                                                    financiers. Le PAMSFI se décline en deux composantes complémentaires : 1.
                                                    Amélioration de l’inclusion financière pour une réduction des disparités
                                                    sociales et régionales et 2. Renforcement de la résilience du secteur financier
                                                    et développement des marchés de capitaux pour un financement efficient de
                                                    l’économie. (catégorie environnementale III).

                                            Montant probable
                                              & source de                                                                                            Service de
           Organe d’éxécution                 financement                                                                                           consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                         PROJET ou PROGRAMME

            Executing Agency                   Amount &                                                                                             Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                                                        PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                            Financing source                                                                                          Service
                                              (Million UA)

                                                                                    E G Y P T

                                                               Neoen Egypt Solar project

                                                               The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce
                                                               carbon emissions; it will improve socio-economic development by improving
                                                               standards of living and there are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during
                                                                                                                                                                  Board    presentation
                                                               construction phase and up to 30 during operations. The project is a proposed
              SPV - Cairo                    10,58 (ADB)                                                                                                          scheduled for July
                                                               25 MW solar photovoltaic project to be implemented under the Egyptian
                                                               Solar PV FiT Program. The plant will be constructed on a 50 hectare site at
                                                               Benban, 40km north of Aswan, where the direct solar radiation is 2280
                                                               kWh/m2. The project site is on unoccupied and un-vegetated desert land free
                                                               from existing structures, is not prone to external shading and is relatively flat.

                                                               Shapoorji Pallonji Energy Egypt SAE
Shapoorji Pallonji Energy Egypt SAE
                                                               The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce
Shapoorji Pallonji Infrastructure Capital                                                                                                                         Board    presentation
                                             14,11 (ADB)       carbon emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during
Co. Pvt. Ltd. SP Center, 41/44, Minoo                                                                                                                             scheduled for July
                                                               construction phase and up to 30 during operations. The Shapoorji Pallonji
Desai Marg, Colaba Mumbai-400005, India                                                                                                                           2016
                                                               Project entails the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a
Contact: Preetam Chandra
                                                               turnkey solar PV project with a nominal capacity of 50 MW, and will be
                                                               located in Benban, Egypt.

                                             Montant probable
                                               & source de                                                                                        Service de
            Organe d’éxécution                 financement                                                                                       consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                                         PROJET ou PROGRAMME

            Executing Agency                    Amount &                                                                                         Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                                                        PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                             Financing source                                                                                      Service
                                               (Million UA)

                                                                Delta for Renewable Energy Project

                                                                The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation capacity and reduce
                                                                carbon emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs created during
                                                                construction phase and up to 30 during operations. I is a design, construction
Canadian Solar - UK Project Ltd                                 and operation of a 50 MW solar power project to be implemented under the
                                                                                                                                                               Board    presentation
68 Lombard Street, EC3V 9LJ, London,          14,11 (ADB)       Egyptian Solar Photovoltaic Feed-in Tariff (“FiT”) Program, an initiative
                                                                                                                                                               scheduled for July
UK                                                              where the Government of Egypt (“GoE”) seeks to implement 2,300 MW of
(contact : Guido Prearo)                                        Solar PV projects. The project will be constructed in Benban, 40km north of
                                                                Aswan, and where the direct solar radiation is 2,280 kWh/m2. The Egyptian
                                                                Electricity Transmission Company (“EETC”) will construct the required
                                                                substations and transmission lines with interconnection cost of EGP 0.53m
                                                                per MW. Financial close is expected in Q3 2016, and construction is
                                                                expected to last approximately one year.

                                                                Alcazar Energy Egypt Solar One

                                                                The Project involves the development, construction, operation and
Alcazar Energy - Suite 802 – 803, Emirates
                                                                maintenance of a 50MW solar photovoltaic (“PV)” power plant and is being
Financial Towers, South Tower, DIFC,                                                                                                                           Board    presentation
                                              14,11 (ADB)       developed by Alcazar Energy Partners Limited and Enerpal International
P.O.Box 506672, Dubai, UAE                                                                                                                                     scheduled for July
                                                                S.L.U. This facility is located in the Benban Solar Park, which is 40 km north
Contact: Markus von Haniel                                                                                                                                     2016
                                                                of Aswan, Egypt. The Project will increase Egypt’s power generation
                                                                capacity and reduce carbon emissions. There are likely to be up to 150 jobs
                                                                created during construction phase and up to 30 during operations.

                                       Montant probable
                                         & source de                                                                                              Service de
           Organe d’éxécution            financement                                                                                             consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                    PROJET ou PROGRAMME

            Executing Agency              Amount &                                                                                               Consultants      Stage of Processing
                                                                                   PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                       Financing source                                                                                            Service
                                         (Million UA)

                                                          Damanhour Combined Cycle Power Plant

                                                          The main objective of the Damanhour power plant project is to support socio-
                                                          economic development in Egypt over the medium-term with expected GDP
                                                          growth of about 5 – 6% by expanding the power infrastructure thus
                                                                                                                                                                Board presentation
Holding Egyptian Electricity Company    98,05 (ADB)       improving the security and reliability of power supply to all economic
                                                                                                                                                                scheduled for
                                                          sectors. The project involves s three components: (i) Construction of 2x900
                                                                                                                                                                September 2016
                                                          MW combined-cycle power generation facility; (ii) Environmental
                                                          Monitoring; (iii) Insurance during project construction and (iv) Project
                                                          management and engineering services. (Environmental category I).

                                                                              M A R O C

                                                          Projet de renforcement de l’infrastructure ferroviaire

                                                          L’objectif sectoriel du projet est de contribuer à l’augmentation de l’offre de
                                                          transport ferroviaire entre Casablanca et Marrakech et l’amélioration de la         Services de
Office National Des Chemins de Fer      81,040 (BAD)      capacité d’accueil ainsi que de la qualité du service offert dans les gares entre                     Approuvé en Janvier
                                                                                                                                              consultants non
(ONCF)                                                                                                                                                          2016
                                                          Tanger et Casablanca, pour répondre aux besoins des trafics de marchandises         requis
                                                          et de voyageurs à l’horizon 2020. Le projet s’articule autour des trois
                                                          composantes suivantes : (i) construction des infrastructures ferroviaires ; (ii)
                                                          aménagements connexes ; et (iii) gestion du projet. (Catégorie
                                                          environnementale I).

                                          Montant probable
                                            & source de                                                                                          Service de
            Organe d’éxécution              financement                                                                                         consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                     PROJET ou PROGRAMME

            Executing Agency                 Amount &                                                                                           Consultants      Stage of Processing
                                                                                     PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                                          Financing source                                                                                        Service
                                            (Million UA)

                                                             Projet d’amélioration de la qualité et du service de l’eau potable

                                                             Le projet permettra de satisfaire les besoins en eau potable de plusieurs
                                                             agglomérations (Bouznika, Ben Slimane, Youssoufia et Safi) et d’améliorer
                                                                                                                                             Services de
ONEE – Branche Eau                                           la qualité d’eau (aération artificielle et ozonation) et les performances des
                                                                                                                                             consultants       Approuvé en juin 2016
                                           70, 642(BAD)      systèmes d’AEP existants (diminuer les pertes, optimiser l’exploitation, …).
                                                             Les différentes composantes du projet sont les suivantes : 1. Renforcement de
                                                             l’approvisionnement en eau potable des agglomérations urbaines ; 2.
                                                             Amélioration de la qualité d’eau au niveau du complexe de Bouregreg ; 3.
                                                             Amélioration des performances des systèmes d’AEP existants et 4. Appui
                                                             technique & gestion du projet. (Catégorie environnementale II).

                                                             Programme d’appui à la gouvernance de la protection sociale (PAGPS)

                                                             L’objectif du PAGPS est d’améliorer la protection sociale des Marocains, en
                                                                                                                                             Services de
Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances    95 981 (BAD)      particulier celle des femmes et des personnes en situation de vulnérabilité.
                                                                                                                                             consultants non   Approuvé en juin 2016
Direction du Budget                                          Pour atteindre cet objectif, le programme se concentre d’une part sur (i) le
                                                             renforcement du dispositif de gouvernance de la protection sociale et
                                                             l’optimisation de l’utilisation des ressources, et d’autre part, sur (ii)
                                                             l’amélioration de la couverture de la protection sociale et de la qualité des
                                                             services. (Catégorie environnementale III).

Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances                      Programme d’Appui au Renforcement de la Stabilité et de l’Inclusion
                                           110,6 (BAD)                                                                                                         Présentation au Conseil
Direction du Trésor et des Finances                          Financières (PARSIF)
                                                                                                                                                               en juillet 2016
Extérieures (DTFE)
                                                             Le Programme d’Appui au Renforcement de la Stabilité et de l’Inclusion
                                                             Financières (PARSIF), est structurée en deux composantes qui sont (i) le

                     Montant probable
                       & source de                                                                                            Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement                                                                                           consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME

Executing Agency        Amount &                                                                                             Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                                PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                     Financing source                                                                                          Service
                       (Million UA)
                                        renforcement du rôle des secteurs de l’assurance et de la retraite dans
                                        l’amélioration de la qualité de vie de la population et (ii) le renforcement du
                                        rôle du secteur bancaire et des marchés de capitaux dans le développement du
                                        secteur privé et dans l’amélioration de la qualité de vie de la population.
                                        (Catégorie environnementale III)

                                        Projet d'Appui au Programme National d'Economie d'Eau d'Irrigation
                                        au Maroc tranche II (PAPNEEI-II)
                                                                                                                                           Présentation au Conseil
                      48,708 (BAD)      L’objectif de ce projet est de promouvoir une irrigation intelligente à travers   Services de      en novembre 2016
                                        une utilisation durable et valorisante des ressources en eau d’irrigation dans    consultants
                                        un contexte de raréfaction croissante combinée à la maîtrise des coûts de         requis
                                        l’énergie utilisée dans l’irrigation.

                                                   M A U R I T A N I E

                                        Mauritanie - Banque pour le Commerce et l’Industrie

                                        Il s’agit d’une Ligne de Crédit pour le Financement du Commerce (LCFC)
                                        octroyée à la Banque pour le Commerce et l’Industrie (BCI).
                       7, 128 (ADB      La LCFC va permettre à la BCI de financer à un cout raisonnable les PME
                                                                                                                                           Approuvé en juin 2016
                      Private Sector)   dans le secteur agricole (acquisition de machines, outils de production,
                                        engrais et pesticides), transformation des produits agricoles (machines et
                                        produits intermédiaires) secteur de la pêche (achat de matériel, carburant), le
                                        secteur de la sous-traitance dans l'industrie minière et le transport.

                     Montant probable
                       & source de                                                                                          Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement                                                                                         consultants     Etat d’avancement
                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME

Executing Agency        Amount &                                                                                           Consultants     Stage of Processing
                                                                PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                     Financing source                                                                                        Service
                       (Million UA)

                                        Projet d’appui à la promotion des micros petites & moyennes entreprises
                                        et à l’emploi des jeunes (PAMPEJ)
                                                                                                                        Service de
                                        But du Projet: Promouvoir des MPE durablement rentables et assurer une                           Présentation au conseil
                       3,145 (ADF)                                                                                      consultants
                                        offre pérenne des services financiers inclusifs. Trois composantes : 1. Appui                    en septembre 2016
                                        à l’entreprenariat et à la création d’emplois ; 2. Opérationnalisation du
                                        FOREMI et Appui aux IMF et 3. Gestion du projet.


                                                                             Directeur/Director: G. NEGATU
                                                                                  Tel +254 20299 8232

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                              consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                             Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                            (Million UA)

                                                                                S O M A L I A

                                              Socio-Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants and Youth at Risk Project

                                              The overall development objective of the project is to promote sustainable reintegration of youth
                                                                                                                                                                        Approved in
Ministry of Labour and    3,00 (ADF/TSF)      at risk including ex-combatants. The specific objective is to equip these youth with the needed
                                                                                                                                                                        January 2016
Social Affairs                                social and livelihoods skills for sustainable reintegration into society and help enhance
                                              government’s capacity for tackling youth unemployment. The three components are: 1: Social
                                              and economic reintegration of the target youth; 2: Capacity building for youth empowerment; 3:
                                              Project Management. (Environmental Category III).

                                                                                 U G A N D A

Ministry of Water and                         Farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation Programme - Project 2 (FIEFOC2)
P.O. Box 20026.                               The project objective is to improve household incomes, food security, and climate resilience        Consultancy
                         55,34 (ADB)                                                                                                                                    Approved in
Kampala - Uganda                              through sustainable natural resources management and agricultural enterprise development. The       services required     January 2016
Tel: +256 414 505942
Email: mwe@mwe.go.ug                          Project has four components: 1. Agriculture Infrastructure Development; 2. Agribusiness
                                              Development; 3. Integrated Natural Resources Management and 4. Project Management.
                                              (Environmental Category II).

                          Montant probable &
                              source de                                                                                                                  Service de
  Organe d’éxécution        financement/                                                                                                                consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                  PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                              Amount &                                                                                                                  Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                              PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                           Financing source                                                                                                               Service
                             (Million UA)

                                               Water Supply and Sanitation Programme - Phase II
Ministry of Water and
Environment                                    The purpose of the Programme is to contribute to improved health and welfare of the population
P.O. Box 20026.                                through provision of safe water and sanitation services. The three components of the Project are:     Consultancy         Approved in
                          65,80 (ADF)
Kampala - Uganda                                                                                                                                     services required   February 2016
Tel: +256 414 505942                           1. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation; 2. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation and 3. Sector
Email: mwe@mwe.go.ug                           Program Support SPS. (Environmental Category II)

                                                                                     K E N Y A

Kenya National
Highways Authority                             Sirari Corridor Accessibility and Road Safety Improvement Project: Isebania-Kisii-Ahero
BlueShield Towers,                             (A1) Road Rehabilitation
Hospital Road, Upper
Hill | P.O. Box 49712 -                        Development objectives of the Project are to promote inter-regional and domestic trade and in
00100 Nairobi. Kenya.                          doing so, contribute to the Government of Kenya (GoK) socio-economic development and
                           165,060 (ADB)                                                                                                             Consultancy         Approved in March
Telephone: +254 020                            poverty reduction efforts by improving access to markets and enhancing transport efficiency.
8013842 | 020 4954000                          The specific objective is to improve regional transport connectivity by expanding and improving       services required   2016
Cell: +254 0731            7,882 (EU-AITF)
                                               road infrastructure (both trunk road and feeder roads) in order to facilitate freight and safe
330336 | 0700 423606                           passenger transport along the Sirari Corridor (Tanzania-Kenya-South Sudan), and within the Lake
                                               Victoria basin. The five (5) project components are: 1. Rehabilitation of trunk and feeder roads;
.ke                                            2. Project Management; 3. Technical Assistance to the Sector; 4. Road Safety Intervention and 5.
                                               Compensation and Resettlement. (Environmental Category I).

                                               Mile Connectivity Project II
The Kenya Power and
Lighting Company                               The project is aimed at extending low voltage system throughout the country so as to reach counties   Consultancy         Approved in June
Limited                     95,973 (ADB)
P O Box 30099 - 00100                          with low penetration rates. It is envisaged that this will result in accelerated economic growth at   services required   2016
Nairobi, Kenya

                           Montant probable &
                               source de                                                                                                                 Service de
  Organe d’éxécution         financement/                                                                                                               consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                                   PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                               Amount &                                                                                                                 Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                               PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                            Financing source                                                                                                              Service
                              (Million UA)

Stima Investment
Plaza, 2nd Floor,                               the micro-economic level in line with the Government’s vision 2030. The project includes the
Mushembi Road,                                  following components: 1. Construction of the distribution network including installation of energy
Parklands.                                      meters for the connection of residential and commercial customers; 2. Project supervision
Tel. +254 20 3201726
                                                consultant to assist Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited (KPLC) during the project
Smutwiri@kplc.co.ke                             implementation; 3. Capacity - building activities which will include training of KPLC’s team in
                                                project management and 4. Financial audit of the project accounts carried out on an annual basis.

                                                Menengai Geothermal
                                                                                                                                                                         Board presentation
                                                The project aims to develop the Menengai geothermal steam field to produce enough steam for                              scheduled for
                                                400 MW of power that will be generated by the private sector as independent power producers.                             October 2016

                                                                            S O U T H S U D A N

                                                Resilient Water Project for Improved Livelihoods in Juba (RWPILJ)

Ministry of Electricity,                        The purpose of the project is to improve water supply infrastructure and to contribute to improved                       Board presentation
                               4.95 (TSF)       livelihoods of people in Juba city. The Project has three components: 1: Institutional               Consultancy
Dams, Irrigation and                                                                                                                                                     scheduled for July
                                                Strengthening and Capacity Development, Capacity building of SSUWC staff; supply of project          services required
Water Resources                                                                                                                                                          2016
                                                vehicles and equipment; baseline studies; 2. Water Supply Infrastructure development: works,
                                                designs and supervision for water infrastructure and 3. Project management; project auditing;
                                                reporting and other support activities. (Environmental Category II).

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                        Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                                      consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                   PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                             Amount &                                                                                                                        Consultants      Stage of Processing
  Executing Agency                                                                PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                                     Service
                            (Million UA)

                                                                                  T A N Z ANI A

                                              Institutional Support Project for Good Governance III

                                              The proposed project’s broad development objective is to support Government of Tanzania in
Ministry of    Finance      12,00 (ADF)       promoting inclusive growth and macroeconomic stability by enhancing economic and financial                  Consulting          Approved in
and Planning                                  governance through more effective public financial management and improved business                         Services required   February 2016
                                              environment. The project has two components: 1. Enhancing the Effectiveness of Public
                                              Financial Management and 2. Creating an Enabling Environment for Private Investments.
                                              (Environmental Category III).

                                              Tanzania Mortgage Refinance Company (TMRC)

                                              This is a Partial Credit Guarantee (PCG) to support TMRC's Medium Term Note (MTN) program to raise
                                              long term funding from the local currency bond markets for on-lending to local banks for mortgage finance
                                                                                                                                                                              Approved in May
                            2,822 (ADB)       operations. The proposed MTN program will mobilize critical long term funding for the growth of
                                              Tanzania's housing finance markets, catalyzing the construction of medium and low-income
                                              housing. This should lead to improving the general living conditions of Tanzanians and creation
                                              of jobs in the construction industry.

                                              CRDB Bank PLC - Line of Credit

                                              This is a Long-term funding to support CRDB’s infrastructure financing projects (power and                                      Approved in May
                            84,666 (ADB)
                                              transport) and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in various sectors including                                           2016
                                              construction, manufacturing, transport and services. Tanzania’s economic development is
                                              constrained by infrastructure gaps and the low capacity of its port, airport and limited power

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                              consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                               PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                            Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                            PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                           (Million UA)

                                             supply are considered as bottlenecks towards stimulating exports as well as the promotion of the
                                             manufacturing sector, hence the Government of Tanzania’s emphasis on infrastructure
                                             investments as a national development priority. (Environmental Category IV A).

                                             Bagamoyo Sugar Infrastructure and Sustainable Community Programs (BASIC

                                             Project will address the objectives of the national development strategies objectives in Tanzania
                                                                                                                                                                     Board presentation
                           20.00 (ADF)       by commercializing the agriculture sector through assisting target communities to increase
                                                                                                                                                                     scheduled for
                           4.500 (NTF)       sugarcane production and other food crops through infrastructure development and improved and
                                                                                                                                                                     September 2016
                                             modern agricultural practices thereby boosting local household incomes and ensuring food

                                                                              E T H I O P I A

                                             Four Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Program
Ministry of Water,
Irrigation and Energy                        The purpose of the Project is to improve the health and socio economic development of the
                                                                                                                                                                        Approved in
Water Resources            54,75 (ADB)       population of the four beneficiary towns of Adama, Bichena, Adwa and Gode towns through             Consultancy
                                             increased access to sustainable water supply and sanitation services and improvement in service                            January 2016
Development Fund                                                                                                                                 Services required
(WRDF)                                       delivery.. The program has four components: 1-Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure, 2-
                                             Utility Efficiency and Capacity Development, 3-Environmental Management, 4-Project
                                             Management. (Environmental Category II).

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                 Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                               consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                             Amount &                                                                                                                 Consultants      Stage of Processing
   Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                              Service
                            (Million UA)

                                              Basic Services Transformation Programme

Ministry of Finance                           The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and improved
and Economic                                  standards of living of Ethiopians. The purpose of the programme is to expand and deepen the                              Approved      in
                           180,00 (ADF)
Cooperation (MoFEC)                           provision of basic services with a focus on quality and equity of services provided. The                                 December 2015
                                              programme has two components, namely (i) Enhancing Quality and Equity in Basic Services; and
                                              (ii) Strengthen Accountability, Transparency and Citizens’ Engagement. (Environmental
                                              Category III).

                                              Mekele-Afdera-Dallol and Semers Afdera Power Supply for Industrial Development And
                                              Access Scale-Up Project

                                              The aims of the Project is to improve the socio-economic development and livelihood of the
                                              population of beneficiary regions through increased access to affordable & sustainable electricity                       Board presentation
The Ethiopian Electric      73,81 (ADB)       supply and improvement in service delivery. The components of the Project are: 1. Transmission       Consultancy
Power (EEP)                                                                                                                                                            scheduled for July
                                              Lines; 2. Substations; 3. Rural Electrification; 4. Consultancy Services; 5. Capacity building &     Services required
                                              Feasibility Study of Transmission Projects; 6. Distribution of advanced Cook stove & Solar
                                              Panels (PV) including capacity building and 7. Project Management, Audit, Resettlement,
                                              Compensation and ESMF. (Environmental Category 1)

                                                                                 R W A N D A

                                              Programme pour les compétences, l’employabilité et l’entreprenariat (SEEP) III
Ministère des Finances                                                                                                                                                 Présentation au
et du Plan                  35,9 (FAD)        L’objectif du programme consiste à soutenir la mise en œuvre des réformes tendant à développer                           Conseil en juillet
(MINECOFIN)                                   les compétences, Le SEEP III s’emploiera à améliorer la compétitivité et promouvoir la création                          2016
                                              d’emplois par le secteur privé. Par conséquent, le programme portera sur deux (2) composantes, à

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                                  Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                                consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                            Amount &                                                                                                                  Consultants      Stage of Processing
  Executing Agency                                                             PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                               Service
                           (Million UA)

                                             savoir : i) les Compétences et l’employabilité ; et ii) le Développement des entreprises et des
                                             affaires. assurer la pertinence des compétences et développer l’entrepreneuriat et les entreprises.
                                             (Catégorie environnementale III).

                                                                     M U L T I N A T I O N A L

                                             Kenya-Uganda-Tanzania - Lake Victoria Maritime Communications and Transport Project

                                             The development objective of the project is to encourage increased transport and trade on Lake                            Board presentation
Lake Victoria Basin        10,50 (ADF)       Victoria by improving maritime transport infrastructure including maritime communications,                                scheduled for
                                                                                                                                                   services required
Commission (LVBC)                            navigation safety aids, and maritime emergency search and rescue services. LVMCTP consists of                             March 2016
                                             three main components: 1-Establishment of a Maritime communications system for safety on
                                             Lake Victoria, 2- Maritime Transport for Lake Victoria Study, 3- Project Management and
                                             Capacity Building. (Environmental Category II).

                                             Uganda-Rwanda: Busega-Mpigi and Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo Roads Project

                                             The sector goal of the project is to contribute to socio-economic development, poverty reduction
Uganda National Roads                        and regional integration through an improved and sustainable transport system that links centers
Authority (UNRA) and                         of economic activity. The project objectives are two-fold: at regional level (for both countries),
                           64.44 (ADB)                                                                                                             Consultancy         Approved in June
Rwanda Transport
                                             the objective is to contribute to improving road transportation and trade facilitation along the      services required   2016
Development Agency
                          109.060 (ADF)      Northern and Central Corridors. At the national level, the objective is to contribute to improving
                                             transport services in the eastern Rwanda (Kagitumba-Kayonza-Rusumo area) and in central
                                             Uganda (Kampala, Wakiso and Mpigi districts) to stimulate and support local economic activities
                                             by reducing transport costs and travel time, and decreasing traffic congestion on the heavily

                     Montant probable &
                         source de                                                                                                           Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement/                                                                                                         consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                            PROJET ou PROGRAMME
                         Amount &                                                                                                           Consultants   Stage of Processing
Executing Agency                                                           PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                      Financing source                                                                                                        Service
                        (Million UA)

                                          traveled Kampala-Mpigi road section. The project components are: A- Uganda: 1. Civil works
                                          for the construction of Busega-- Mpigi express highway (23.7km) in one lot and cross-cutting
                                          issues; 2. Supervision Consultancy; financial and technical audit; 3. Studies and Institutional
                                          support and 4. Compensation B – Rwanda: 1. Civil works for the rehabilitation of Kagitumba-
                                          Kayonza-Rusumo road (208km) in three lots and cross-cutting issues; 2. Supervision Consultancy
                                          services; technical audit; 3. Studies; Institutional support and ancillary works and 4
                                          Compensation. (Environmental Category I).

                                                                       Directeur p.i./Ag. Director: K. MBEKEANI

                                                                             Tel +27 120036900 (ext. 8403)

                        Montant probable &
                            source de                                                                                                              Service de
  Organe d’éxécution      financement/                                                                                                            consultants    Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
  Executing Agency          Amount &                                                                                                              Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                                               PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                         Financing source                                                                                                           Service
                           (Million UA)

                                                                                    Z A M B I A

                                             Aquaculture Enterprise Development Project
                                                                                                                                                                Board presentation
                           33.00 (ADB)       The Project objective is to provide the necessary guidance to aquaculture development by scaling                   scheduled for
                                             up the aquaculture programme in high impact areas; implementing mechanisms to enforce quality                      October 2016
                                             standards while supporting small- and medium-scale enterprises in aqua-businesses in accordance
                                             with the Government of Zambia (GRZ) priorities.

                                                                         M O Z A M B I Q U E

                                             Lurio Green Resources Integrated Forestry Project (LGR)

                                             LGR seeks to sustainably develop a 55,000 ha forest plantation, mostly Eucalyptus but also Pine
                                             and Teak in Nampula province, Mozambique. The project will also support the development of
Lurio Green Resources                        54,000 ha of outgrower plantations. LGR is expected to sequester large amounts of CO2 to                           Board presentation
                           24,80 (ADB)       generate carbon credits. The proximity to rail and port facilities in the Nacala corridor is a key
SA                                                                                                                                                              scheduled for
                                             consideration in locating a solid wood project in Nampula. The project will create the basis for a                 January 2016
                                             wood processing facility in a second phase.

                          Montant probable &
                              source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution        financement/                                                                                                              consultants   Etat d’avancement
                                                                                  PROJET ou PROGRAMME
   Executing Agency           Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                                                  PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                           Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                             (Million UA)
Ministry of Industry
and Commerce
Institute for Promotion
of Small and Medium
Enterprises (IPEME)                            Job Creation and Livelihood Improvement Project
Av .25 de Setembro
                                               The principal objective of this project is to: to support job creation, promotion of gender equality
nr. 1509, Maputo
                                               and poverty reduction amongst women and youth through skills development and
Phone:(+258)21305626                                                                                                                                                Approved in May
Fax: :(+258)21018356      4,530 (ADF)          entrepreneurship. The project includes the following three (3) components: 1. Enterprise Skills
Mobile :(+258)                                 and Poultry Value Chain Development; 2. Establishing the Labour Market Information System
                                               and 3. Project Management.
Contact Person: Clair
General Director,

                                               Humanitarian Relief Assistance related to the 2016 Drought Disaster
                          0,712 Special        The proposed emergency humanitarian assistance to be made available will help to assist the                          Approved in June
                          Relief Fund (SRF)    identified households with white maize and beans in order to meet their food requirements and                        2016
                                               livelihoods during the planned period and beyond. The key activities are: 1. Purchase of maize
                                               and beans and 2. Transportation, handling, storage and fumigation costs, audit and operating

                       Montant probable &
                           source de                                                                                                               Service de
  Organe d’éxécution     financement/                                                                                                             consultants    Etat d’avancement
                                                                               PROJET ou PROGRAMME
  Executing Agency         Amount &                                                                                                               Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                                              PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                        Financing source                                                                                                            Service
                          (Million UA)

                                                                                A N G O L A

                                            Policy Based Guarantee - Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Support Program

                                            The overarching development objective is to contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth by
                                            improving private sector investment and the business climate as well as public investment                           Board presentation
                         493,89 (ADB)       management. It will support the government in its efforts, during the current financial straits, to                 scheduled      for
Ministry of Finance                         increase the efficiency and effectiveness of public investment and implement programs to                            October 2016
                                            diversify the economy, critical in the context of declining oil revenue. To that end, the operation
                                            supports economic diversification and competitiveness that is at the center of the Government’s
                                            strategy. The proposed operation is articulated around two strategic and mutually reinforcing
                                            components: 1. Improve the Business Environment and Investment Climate; and 2. Improve
                                            Efficiency in Public Investment and Good Sector Governance.

                                                                        S O U T H A F R I CA

                                            Medupi Power Project - Supplementary Loan

                         470,00 (ADB)       The Purpose of the Project is to increase the country’s electricity generation capacity in order to                 Board presentation
Eskom Holdings
(SOC) Ltd                                   efficiently and reliably serve electricity demand in the country and the Southern Africa as a                       scheduled for
                         18,22 (AGTF)       region. The project components are civil works, housing, boilers, turbines, electrical equipment,                   March2016
                                            control and instrumentation, coal and ash handling plant, low pressure services, transmission
                                            integration and owner’s development cost. The Bank is financing the turbine and boiler
                                            components only. (Environmental category I).

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                              consultants    Etat d’avancement
                                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME
   Executing Agency          Amount &                                                                                                                Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                                                 PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                             Service
                            (Million UA)

                                              Eskom Transmission Improvement Project

                                              The corporate loan will assist Eskom, South Africa’s electricity company. This will enable                           Board presentation
                                              Eskom to increase its generation capacity, reduce reliance on expensive diesel-fired power                           scheduled for
                                              consequently contributing to its medium/long-term financial sustainability. This will breed new                      November 2016
                                              economic competitiveness in South Africa and the wider region. The program is aimed at
                                              restoring South Africa’s business competitiveness, while improving health (i.e. reducing
                                              respiratory deaths/accidents), promoting gender equality (e.g., women spending less time
                                              collecting firewood/business opportunities), and increasing access to ICT for the population.

                                                                                  M A L A W I

                                              Emergency Humanitarian Assistance to Mitigate the Effects of the 2015/2016 Drought

Department of Disaster                        The main objective of the proposed emergency humanitarian assistance is to meet the urgent and
                            0,709 (SRF)                                                                                                                            Approved in April
and Risk Management                           immediate needs of the affected households in the targeted districts. These resources to be made
Affairs (DoDMA).                              available will help to assist the identified households with white maize in order to meet their food
                                              requirements and livelihoods during the planned period and beyond. The key activities are: 1.
                                              Procurement of 2,551 MT food maize; 2. Transportation, handling, storage and fumigation costs
                                              for white maize and 3. Indirect Support costs.

                                              Lilongwe Water Distribution Network System Project (LWDNSP)
                                                                                                                                                                   Board presentation
                                              The project will have three main components as follows: 1. a) Water Supply     Infrastructure                        scheduled for
                                              Development; 2. Sanitation and Hygiene and 3. Capacity Development and Project Management.                           November 2016

                         Montant probable &
                             source de                                                                                                                  Service de
  Organe d’éxécution       financement/                                                                                                                consultants       Etat d’avancement
                                                                                 PROJET ou PROGRAMME
   Executing Agency          Amount &                                                                                                                  Consultants      Stage of Processing
                                                                                PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                          Financing source                                                                                                               Service
                            (Million UA)

                                              Agricultural Infrastructure and Youth Skills Development in Agribusiness Project (AIYAP)

                                              The proposed project will enhance youth participation in agribusiness, agro-processing, value
                                              addition, crop diversification and market linkages. The project will contribute to increase in                            Board presentation
                            13.71 (ADF)       agricultural exports, import substitution, foreign exchange and job creation especially for the                           scheduled for
                                              youth. The project will have three main components as follows: 1. Infrastructure development; 2.                          September 2016
                                              Market Linkages, Agro Processing and Value Addition; 3. Youth empowerment actions and 4.
                                              Project Management and Institutional Strengthening.

                                                                S A O T O M E & P R I N C I P E

                                              National Land Use Plan Study Project

                                              The sector goal of the study is to contribute to sustainable poverty reduction by ensuring
                                              harmonious development of the national territory and better population and activity distribution,
Ministry of Public                            paying special attention to the constraints and potential of the natural environment, the socio-
Works, Infrastructure,      2,00 (FAD)        economic specificities of the regions, and environmental protection. The specific objective of the    Consultancy         Approved in
Natural Resources and                         study is to provide the Administration and local authorities with a planning framework that           services required   January 2016
Environment                                   prioritizes a coherent, integrated and inclusive approach to national land use. The main activities
                                              are: 1. Recruitment of consultants; 2. Preparation of the National Land Use Plan and District
                                              Master Plans; 3. Organization of validation workshops and 4. Capacity building, skills transfer,
                                              and training.

                       Montant probable &
                           source de                                                                                                                    Service de
  Organe d’éxécution     financement/                                                                                                                  consultants      Etat d’avancement
                                                                                PROJET ou PROGRAMME
   Executing Agency        Amount &                                                                                                                    Consultants      Stage of Processing
                                                                               PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                        Financing source                                                                                                                 Service
                          (Million UA)

                                                                             Z I M B A B W E

                                            Central Africa Building Society Zimbabwe(CABS)
Central Africa
                                                                                                                                                                        Approved in April
Building Society         17,745 (ADB)       I s’agit de l’octroi d’une facilité de financement du commerce (FC) à moyen terme en faveur de                              2016
(CABS)                                      Central Africa Building Society (CABS) pour soutenir l’expansion de ses activités de fourniture
                                            de financement du commerce aux entreprises et PME locales dans le secteur des échanges
                                            commerciaux au Zimbabwe.

                                                                            S W A Z I L A N D

                                            Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project - Phase II (LUSIP II)

                                            The objective of the project is to alleviate poverty in the project area by transforming the existing
                                            subsistence farmers into commercial farmers on irrigated lands producing both food and cash
Swaziland Water and                         crops (principally sugarcane). It is to support the development and utilization of the water
Agricultural                                resources of the Lower Usuthu River through provision of irrigation infrastructure to enable
Development                                 smallholder farmers to intensify and diversify their agricultural production building on existing       Consultancy         Approved in May
                         44,353 (ADB)
Enterprise Limited                          market linkages with the private sector. It is also aimed at establishing an effective management       services required   2016
(SWADE)                                     of infrastructure and equipment for the sustainable improvement of production and cost recovery.
                                            The LUSIP Phase II has four main components, namely: (i) Development of the Main
                                            Conveyance System (MCS); (ii) Development of Secondary Irrigation Pipe Network supplying
                                            the different irrigation blocks, each covering 100-700 ha; (iii) On Farm Infrastructure
                                            Development; and (iv) Project Management and Engineering Supervision.

                     Montant probable &
                         source de                                                                                                                 Service de
Organe d’éxécution     financement/                                                                                                               consultants    Etat d’avancement
                                                                             PROJET ou PROGRAMME
Executing Agency         Amount &                                                                                                                 Consultants   Stage of Processing
                                                                            PROJECT or PROGRAMME
                      Financing source                                                                                                              Service
                        (Million UA)

                                                                          B O T S W A N A

                                          Botswana Development Corporation (BDC) - Line of Credit

                                          The project aims to provide a sovereign guaranteed Line of Credit (LOC) to BDC amounting to
                                          BWP 850 Mln (USD 76.2 Mln) with a tenor of up to 15 years. The LOC will be used for on-
                                          lending to critical sectors in Botswana (see para 1.2 above) by mainly funding new investments       Consultancy
                                                                                                                                                                Approved in April
                                          through loans, with a preference for projects need capital to grow and that support local            services not
                       55,628 (ADB)                                                                                                                             2016
                                          participation. The LOC will strengthen BDC’s liquidity and ability to finance beneficiaries in its   required
                                          target sectors e.g. agri-business, clean energy and infrastructure, on appropriate terms. It will
                                          further enable BDC to grow its loan asset base and rebalance its portfolio by increasing its debt
                                          exposure in form of pure debt and quasi debt. This will improve cash-flow for BDC.

                                                                            L E S O T H O

                                                                  M U L T I N A T I O N A L

                                          Multinational - Abraaj Growth Markets Health Fund Africa

                                          The purpose of the project is to provide capital support to health care industries in Sub-Saharan                     Approved in March
                                          Africa (SSA) and catalyze private sector investment in the sector across SSA. The key activities                      2016
                       18,098 (ADB)
                                          are: 1. Catalyze investment from other investors; 2. Supervise Fund’s investments; 3. Exit
                                          investments in due time and 4. Effect distribution to all shareholders (capital, fees and income).
                                          (Environmental Category IV A)
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