Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

La page est créée Jérémy Leroy
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Yearbook     International

Urban and Railway Transport Studies
Mastère Spécialisé®
de l’École des Ponts ParisTech
Systèmes de Transports
Ferroviaires et Urbains
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Urban and Railway Transport Studies
                                                                                     International Yearbook
Encadrants à l'École des Ponts ParisTech                                                                  2018

En collaboration avec l’AFD
Hubert NOVE-JOSSERAND (ex-Banque mondiale et Systra)
                                                                                     Mastère spécialisé® de l’École des Ponts ParisTech
                                                                                  Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains

Ces mémoires constituent un travail à visée pédagogique dans le cadre d’un
diplôme universitaire et ne constituent en aucun cas une étude susceptible
d’être réutilisée dans un cadre commercial ou scientifique. Son contenu
n’engage que la responsabilité de ses auteurs.

These studies are academic works, made in an academic context. They
cannot be used for commercial or scientific purposes. Their content is the sole
responsibility of their authors.
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
             epuis sa création en 1747, l’École des Ponts ParisTech a
             toujours donné une place de choix aux infrastructures et a
             ainsi formé des générations d’ingénieurs qui ont participé
             à la réalisation des grands projets ferroviaires du monde
             entier, tels que Fulgence Bienvenüe, père du métro pari-
             sien, François Lacôte, un des pionniers du TGV au sein
             de la SNCF et d’Alstom, ainsi que Jean-Marie Duthilleul,
architecte des gares. Cette tradition demeure très vivante aujourd’hui
puisque l’école accueille plusieurs formations dédiées aux transports
et à la mobilité comme le Mastère Spécialisé® « Systèmes de transports
ferroviaires et urbains », créé en 2008. La qualité et l’intérêt des travaux
de nos étudiants, qui ne se dément pas année après année, nous a
conduit à les réunir dans un Yearbook pour vous les faire partager.

             ince its creation in 1747, École des Ponts ParisTech has always
             put infrastructure in the spotlight, training generations of
             engineers who went on to be part of major railway projects
             all around the world—such as Fulgence Bienvenüe, father of
             the metro in Paris; François Lacôte, one of the pioneers of TGV
             within SNCF and Alstom; as well as Jean-Marie Duthilleul,
             architect of numerous train stations. This tradition is still very
much alive today, since the school hosts several training courses dedi-
cated to transport and mobility, such as the “Railway and Urban Transport
System Engineering” Advanced Master®, created in 2008. Year after year,
the quality and relevance of our students' projects never waver, inspiring
us to collect them in a Yearbook to share them with you.

                          Sophie Mougard                                            Directrice de l’École
                                                                                    des Ponts ParisTech
                                                                                    École des Ponts
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
du Mastère Spécialisé®
L’édito de la directrice

                                                                                                                                                                                              A word from the Advanced Master’s
                           C                                                                                I
                                               ’est dans le cadre du Mastère Spécialisé® « Systèmes             t is for the “Urban and Railway Transport System Engineering”
                                               de transports ferroviaires et urbains » que les étudiants        Advanced Master® that students have to design a transport project
                                               réalisent un projet de transport dans une ville étrangère.       in a foreign city. That project consists of a feasibility study, similar to
                                               Il s’agit d’une étude de faisabilité, similaire aux études       those performed in the design stage of a project by offices such as
                                               amont en phase d’émergence, que réalisent les grands             Systra or Parsons. This collective study, allowing students to comple-
                                               bureaux d’études comme Systra ou Parsons. Ce travail             ment one another with their different savoir-faire, is carried out in the
                                               collaboratif, faisant jouer les complémentarités des             form of a short thesis.
                           savoir-faire, prend la forme d’un mini-mémoire.                                       This study has to develop a project that has never been made or stu-
                               Cette étude porte sur un projet qui n’existe pas encore et qui n’a pas       died before. That’s why, for the past 3 years, topics have been chosen
                           été étudié. Ainsi, les sujets sont choisis depuis 3 ans avec l’Agence fran-      together with the Agence française de développement and focused on
                           çaise de développement et concernent des transports de masse dans                mass-transit in megacities of developing countries, or countries the World
                           les grandes mégapoles en voie de développement ou des pays que                   Bank helps rebuild. But the students don’t go to the towns they study.
                           la Banque mondiale accompagne dans leur reconstruction. Mais les                 They make use of a large network of experts, embassies and financial
                           étudiants ne se rendent pas sur place. Ils sollicitent le vaste réseau des       institutions, online resources and... their own resourcefulness.
                           experts, des ambassades, des institutions financières, utilisent au maxi-             For the 2018 promotion, we have selected with the Agence française
                           mum des ressources documentaires sur le net et… leur débrouillardise.            de développement projects concerning three continents: Asia, Africa and
                               Pour la promotion 2018, nous avons sélectionné avec l’Agence fran-           South America. Two groups of students worked on railway subjects: one
                           çaise de développement, des projets situés sur trois continents : l’Asie,        across the Andes, between Argentina and Chile; the other on the missing
                           l’Afrique, l’Amérique du Sud. Deux groupes d’étudiants ont travaillé sur         link of the silk road, between Ankara and Tehran. The four other groups
                           des sujets ferroviaires : l’un sur une liaison transandine entre l’Argentine     had urban subjects: two about mass transit, one for Semarang in Indone-
                           et le Chili et l’autre sur le maillon manquant de la route de la soie entre      sia, the other for Hyderabad in Pakistan ; the last two on exclusive trans-
                           Ankara et Téhéran. Les quatre autres groupes avaient des sujets urbains :        port lanes: a tramway for Lusaka in Gambia and one between Taguig
                           deux projets pour un transport de masse, l’un pour Semarang en Indo-             and Makati in Philippines.
                           nésie, l’autre pour Hyderabad au Pakistan ; deux projets de TCSP : un                 Their summaries are at your disposal in this Railway and Urban
                           tramway à Lusaka en Gambie et un autre entre Taguig et Makati aux                Transport Studies' Yearbook. We hope that, just like the embassies, cities
                           Philippines.                                                                     and governments asking us to circulate these studies, you will clearly see
                               Vous pourrez en parcourir les résumés dans ce Railway and Urban              how interesting they are. We wish you a pleasant read and a good trip,
                           Transport Studies’ Yearbook. Nous espérons que, tout comme les ambas-            from the Silk Road to the Andes.
                           sades, les villes et les gouvernements qui nous demandent la diffusion
                           de ces études, vous serez sensible à la qualité de ces travaux. En vous
                           souhaitant bonne lecture et bon voyage, de la route de la soie à la cor-
                           dillère des Andes, en passant par Semarang et Lusaka.

 Directrice du
 Mastère Spécialisé®
  « Systèmes de
 transports ferroviaires
 et urbains »
                                               Françoise Manderscheid                                                            Françoise Manderscheid
 Advanced Master's

  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
The Advanced Master®
                                           Il était une fois le Mastère Spécialisé®                          Once upon a time there was the "Urban and Railway
    Le Mastère Spécialisé®
                                « Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains »                           Transport System Engineering" Advanced Master®

                             L                                                                               T
                                      e Mastère a été créé en 2008 pour pallier la pénurie d’experts                     he Advanced Master was created in 2008 to make up for the
                                      ferroviaires pour la RATP, la SNCF Alstom, Bombardier, Siemens,                    shortage of railway experts for RATP, SNCF Alstom, Bombardier,
                                      etc. Cette formation propose une vision d’ensemble du système                      Siemens, etc. This training course provides an overview of the
                                      ferroviaire et urbain, selon une approche multidisciplinaire, inté-                railway and urban system, using a multidisciplinary approach
                                      grant les aspects techniques, économiques et règlementaires.                       with technical, economic and regulatory angles. It is aimed at
                                      Elle s’adresse à des professionnels ayant déjà plusieurs années                    professionals with several years of experience in transport. Stu-
                                      d’expérience en transport. Les étudiants y apprennent à conce-                     dents learn how to design, operate and maintain a variety of
                             voir, exploiter et maintenir les différents transports guidés, qu’il s’agisse   guided transport systems, including trains, subways, trams and BRT, as
                             de trains, de métros, de tramways ou de Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), ainsi          well as their infrastructure. A particular emphasis is put on mass transit,
                             que leurs infrastructures. On insiste particulièrement sur le mass-tran-        since rapid urbanization means that high-capacity transportation beco-
                             sit dans un contexte où l’urbanisation galopante rend indispensable le          mes essential to cope with congestion and pollution.
                             recours à des modes de transport fortement capacitaires pour faire face             Nearly 160 professionals teach and supervise students on collective
                             à la congestion et à la pollution.                                              projects. Indeed, the training course relies heavily on them: the design of
                                 Près de 160 professionnels participent à l’enseignement et enca-            an infrastructure, the design of a signalling plan and the design of rolling
                             drent les étudiants sur des projets collectifs. En effet, l’enseignement du     stock. Specifically, the latter happens to be the design project for a new
                             Mastère s’appuie sur plusieurs grands projets, notamment le tracé d’une         transport system in a foreign country; the summary of these studies can be
                             infrastructure, la conception d’un plan de signalisation et la conception       read in this very publication.
                             d’un matériel roulant. Ce dernier se trouve être le projet de conception            The Advanced Master gives students the title of “International Experts
                             d’un nouveau système de transport à l’international, dont vous pouvez           in Railway and Urban Transport System Engineering”. In the same class,
                             lire les résumés dans le présent ouvrage.                                       there are design or maintenance engineers, operating or signalling experts,
                                 Le diplôme confère aux élèves le titre d’ « experts internationaux en       systems engineers, economists, project managers… Today, the alumni
                             systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains ». Se côtoient dans une          form a network of 350 students in more than 20 countries. The value of
                             même promotion ingénieurs de conception ou de maintenance, experts              this network lies in the variety of student profiles and experiences. Many of
                             en exploitation ou en signalisation, ingénieurs systèmes, économistes,          them are involved in teaching and organizing visits or study tours, which
                             chefs de projet. Aujourd’hui les anciens élèves du Mastère constituent          also contribute to the vitality of the Advanced Master® and its international
                             un réseau de 350 alumni présents dans plus de 20 pays. La richesse              reputation.
                             du réseau réside dans la variété des profils et des expériences des étu-
                             diants. Beaucoup d’entre eux s’impliquent dans l’enseignement et l’or-
                             ganisation de visites ou de voyages d’études qui participent aussi à la
                             vitalité de la formation et à sa notoriété internationale.

                                                 Françoise Manderscheid                                                          Françoise Manderscheid

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                   5
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Enseigner le ferroviaire à l’École
                                     Railway classes at the École
                                                                                             1832 Charles-Joseph MINARD

                                                                      Amédée BOMMART         1842

                                                                                             1852 Jacques MANIEL


                                                                       François JACQMIN

                                                                    Louis-Charles SEVENE

                                                                                                    }   Pierre Dominique BAZAINE-VASSEUR

                                                                                             1880 Jules MARTIN

                                                                          Charles BRICKA     1891

                                                                                             1899 Désiré FOUAN                                               Extrait du Cours de chemins de fer de Pierre Dominique Bazaine-Vasseur de 1873. École nationale des ponts et chaussées, 4°23037, en ligne

                                                                        Albert DESCUBES      1918                                                            Page from Pierre Dominique Bazaine-Vasseur from 1873.

                                                                                             1927 André MARTINET

                                                                     Louis CAMBOURNAC        1940

                                                                                             1951 Georges CHAN

                                                                     Charles FEYRABEND       1961

                                                                                             1968 Robert BIAIS

                                                                            Jean ALIAS
                                                                                         }   1972

                                                                                             1985 Philippe ROUMEGUERE

                                                                             Pascal LUPO     2003          Création du Mastère spécialisé®
                                                                                                        « Systèmes de transports ferroviaires et urbains »

                                                                                             2008               Birth of the Advanced Master

                                                                         Paul BOUVAREL       2013

                                                                                                    }   Françoise MANDERSCHEID                               Extrait du Journal de mission en Allemagne d’Albert Petsche, Ferdinand Conesson et Louis Goury, 1884. École nationale des ponts et chaus-
                                                                                                                                                             sées, Ms. 3153, en ligne sur
                                                                                                                                                             Page from a 19th century students’ project journal
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Table of contents
 11   Improving the Ankara-
      Tehran Rail Link

                                   23   A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
                                        in Hyderabad, Pakistan

      Design of a mass
      transportation system in
      Semarang, Java (Indonesia)

                                   47   Feasibility study of
                                        Taguig MRT, Philippines

      Implementing a Bus
      Rapid Transit system
      in Lusaka, Zambia

                                        Reopening of a railway
                                        service between Chile
                                        and Argentina

84    La promotion 2017-2018
      The Students

                                   86    Le voyage à Shanghai
                                         The trip to Shanghai

      La Source,
      diffuseur de savoirs
      The library

Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Improving the Ankara-Tehran
               Rail Link

                           Yann BAILLOT-NOMANT
                           Richard BALANSARD
                           Emma CHASSET
                           Bertrand LAUDE
                           Benjamin LEDUNE
                           Marie-Rose NAWFAL

10                                               11
Yearbook - 2018 Urban and Railway Transport Studies - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link                                                                                                                                      Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link

                   C                                                                                        1. Challenges & Opportunities of New Silk Roads
                             e rapport propose une solution au goulot d’étranglement qui existe
                             en Turquie au niveau du lac de Van sur la liaison ferroviaire entre
                             Ankara et Téhéran, composante des nouvelles routes de la soie.              The New Silk Roads concept mainly encompasses Eurasian commercial itineraries
                    Cette situation de blocage n’empêche pas seulement les échanges écono-               along railways, roads and seas (northern route through Russia, northern route through
                    miques en provenance ou à destination des puissances émergentes de la                the Arctic, southern Route through Iran and Turkey or through the Malacca Straits, Ma-
                    région mais également les relations commerciales entre la Chine et l’Union           laysia and the Bab-el-Mandeb Straits, Djibouti). It is also a Chinese project under the
                    européenne. L’amélioration de cette liaison ferroviaire permettrait de créer
                                                                                                         name Belt Road Initiative (BRI) or One Belt One Road initiative (OBOR) and a Chinese-
                    un corridor de passage alternatif à celui passant actuellement par la Russie.
                    C’est dans ce contexte qu’une analyse des différents flux de trafic de marchan-      driven multilateral investment bank: the Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank (AIIB)
                    dises sera étudiée afin d’identifier l’intérêt du corridor sud des nouvelles         created in 2015.
                    routes de la soie. La traversée par ferry-rail du lac de Van sera présentée              The bilateral trade between China and the EU has reached € 520 billion in 2016,
                    pour mettre en évidence les faiblesses de ce chaînon manquant. Dans le but           of which two thirds are imported by the EU from China and one third is exported to
                    d’améliorer l’offre de transport à destination des chargeurs et des voyageurs,
                                                                                                         China by the EU. This volume has doubled between 2006 and 2016 and is mostly
                    un diagnostic territorial de la région du lac de Van et au-delà sera réalisé et
                    plusieurs itinéraires alternatifs seront proposés. Une analyse multicritères sera    transported by sea, which represents a 69% modal share. The main threats identified
                    effectuée pour établir un scénario de référence à partir duquel le système           on the southern sea route through the Malacca and Bab-el-Mandeb Straits, Djibouti,
                    sera conçu. La faisabilité technique, les principes d’exploitation et le modèle      are piracy and, from China’s perspective, the presence of US and Indian navy facilities.
                    économique de la solution proposée seront décrits en détails après quoi une              Rail forwarding stands for 1% of the total amount between China and the EU, mainly
                    description des différents jalons, acteurs et prérequis du projet sera proposée.
                                                                                                         for high-value or time to market products e.g. automotive spare parts, electronics,
                    L’étude s’achève par la perspective de montée en charge du corridor sud et
                    les différents leviers à disposition pour en augmenter la capacité et en faire un    clothing. A 95% share of rail freight between China and the EU is forwarded on the
                    itinéraire de fret ferroviaire d’envergure mondiale.                                 northern route through Russia. The southern route represents a longer but interes-
                                                                                                         ting alternative to the northern route, bypassing Russia. It also makes bilateral trade
                 Mots-clés : nouvelles routes de la soie, transport ferroviaire international de
                                                                                                         easier to and from the emerging economies of the region, Turkey and Iran, especially
                      marchandises, Chine, Union européenne, Iran, Turquie, lac de Van
                                                                                                         manufacturing goods and raw materials. It has drawn about half of the Chinese invest-
                                                                                                         ment into OBOR infrastructure projects and is a major opportunity to develop Chinese

                            his study presents a solution to the existing Van Lake bottleneck in
                                                                                                         exports, especially from its inner provinces, and access raw materials in the Eurasian
                            Turkey along the Ankara-Tehran railway, a major railway link in the
                            One Belt One Road vision. This situation limits international trade not      region. Turkey and Iran, through their national railway companies TCDD and RAI, have
                    only between the emerging economic powers in the Middle East and Asia, but           developed ambitious programs to develop their rail network and could benefit from
                    also between China and the European Union. Improving this railway link would         international freight traffic development induced by OBOR.
                    create an alternative corridor to the existing northern route through Russia.            Altogether, the southern route is expected to forward 408,000 twenty-foot equi-
                    In this regard, an analysis of the potential railway freight traffic volumes, i.e.
                                                                                                         valent unit (TEU) in 2027, of which the authors estimate that 215,000 TEU will flow
                    bilateral and multilateral trade, will be investigated to understand the inte-
                    rest in developing the southern route. The Van Lake train-ferry crossing will be     through the Iran-Turkey border, where the Van Lake bottleneck limits foreign trade
                    presented to highlight this missing link. A comprehensive study of the Van Lake      development.
                    region and beyond will be conducted, and several options will be proposed to
                    improve the transportation offer for freight and passenger customers. A multi-cri-
                    teria analysis will be provided to elect the best option, which will be presented
                    in terms of system design and technical feasibility. The study will then deal with
                    the proposed railway operations organization and its business model, along with
                    a description of the milestones, stakeholders and prerequisites of the project.
                    Finally, the study concludes with the perspective of the demand growth on the
                    southern route and the possible solutions to improve its capacity and make it a
                    world-class freight corridor.

            Keywords: one belt one road, international railway freight transport, China, Euro-
                                  pean Union, Iran, Turkey, Van Lake

12                                                                                                                                                                                                            13
Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link                                                                                                                                                                 Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link

                                                                                                                                     Van Lake by the south (1), the second scenario bypasses the Van Lake by the north (2)
                                                                                                                                     and the third scenario connects the Ankara-Kars railway in Turkey to the Jolfa-Tehran
                                                                                                                                     in Iran, creating a railway link between Horasan, Turkey and Marand, Iran (3) further
                                                                                                                                     north. Based on a time and cost comparison, we have selected the scenario (1) which
                                                                                                                                     connects the Tatvan and Van railway stations.

                                                                                                                                        3. System Design of Tatvan-Van Railway
                                                                                                                                     For interoperability purposes, the system design is mainly based on the features of the
                                                                                                                                     existing Turkish railway network. As such, a standard-gauge single track is proposed for
                                                                                                                                     the Tatvan-Van railway to be operated by Turkish diesel engines only. Freight wagons
                                                                                                                                     authorized on the new line will be adapted to customer needs: car transporters, contai-
                                                                                                                                     ner flat wagons, open wagons and tank wagons, while locomotives will be leased from
                                                                                                                                     TCDD. The system design also contains innovative features: ERTMS level 1 is proposed
                                                                                                                                     and reservations are made for a double track and an electrification of the railway.
                                                                                                                                         The proposed railway line is designed for a maximum speed of 120 km/h in plains
                                                                                                                                     and 80 km/h in mountain areas, with a 15% maximum gradient. The curves shall
              Figure 1: Railway freight volumes forwarded or expected on the New Silk Roads. Source: © Andreas Schwilling (on        respect a minimal radius of 1,000 m in plains and 500 m in mountain areas. Three
              behalf of Roland Berger), Study: Eurasian rail corridors, September 2017, for UIC (International Union of Railways):   bridges longer than 1,500 m shall be built with reinforced concrete and an extensive
               ; modified by Bertrand Laude, 2018.                   use of long bridge decks, with at least 8 rows of piers each. Three tunnels shall be
                                                                                                                                     erected from a total length ranging from 2,300 to 4,000 m with a 45 to 50 sq. m. air
                                                                                                                                     section, allowing future electrification if necessary, and meeting the Tunnel Interope-
                 2. Diagnosis and Possible Solutions for Van Lake                                                                    rability Technical Specification (ITS) standards.
                 Bottleneck                                                                                                              As a single track, the Tatvan-Van railway will need several crossing points at
                                                                                                                                     Koprücük, Akdamar, Ciçekli and Bakaçik. Hot axle box detectors are also recom-
             The Van Lake is one of the few freight ferry-rails in the world, along with the Sassnitz                                mended for heavy freight and will be implemented near Koy Luca next to several 15%
             facilities on the Baltic Sea. The natural characteristics of the region explain the absence                             ramps and close to Van. The current Tatvan city station, which is an end station with
             of a railway link between Tatvan and Van, especially seismicity, since the Van Lake re-                                 a turnaround to Tatvan harbour station, will be adapted to a transit station; whereas
             gion is contiguous to the Anatolian, Arabic and Eurasian tectonic plates. Since 1983, six                               the current Van city station, between the Van harbour station and the Iranian border,
             earthquakes from 6.4 to 7.2 on the Richter scale have been recorded in the area. The                                    will be adapted to an end station—i.e. trains will stop there to change locomotives
             ground is elevated from 800 to 2,100 m and the soil around the lake is mainly metamor-                                  and drivers, and do a turnaround. Further modifications will be implemented on the
             phic, sedimentary and volcanic.                                                                                         station premises to allow diesel and sand supply for the engines and easy turnaround
                 The region is sparsely populated (below 1 inhabitant per square km), mostly by                                      for the trains. No depot will be built, since locomotives and wagons will be maintained
             Kurds, whose wish for autonomy or even independence represents a challenge for all                                      by their owners outside the Tatvan-Van railway premises. For performance purposes,
             countries in the area, especially Turkey. Bilateral relationship between Turkey and Iran                                authors also recommend to add a track and ballast renewal between Malatya and
             appear rather pragmatic and trade-driven despite political and religious antagonism                                     Tatvan, west of the Tatvan-Van railway.
             in the Middle East.
                 Based on a multi-criteria analysis, the authors of this essay have studied eight
             preliminary scenarios, of which three have been retained for deeper analysis. Among
             the three latter scenarios, which are all railway links, the first scenario bypasses the

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15
Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link                                                                                                                                                                              Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link

                                                                                                                               need 30 locomotives, excluding maintenance. Altogether, the freight operating
                                                                                                                               company (FOC) will need 33 locomotives. We have estimated the personnel needs at
                                                                                                                               72 drivers and 16 signallers, excluding the management of the FOC.
                                                                                                                                   The FOC will be responsible for the train movements and wagon delivery. It will
                                                                                                                               lease locomotives and wagons from a rolling stock operating company. Freight
                                                                                                                               vendors will access the Tatvan-Van railway through an international freight forwarding
                                                                                                                               company. Passengers will be able to travel on this line through the TCDD fare distri-
                                                                                                                               bution system. The rail network Infrastructure Operator (IO) will own the new railway
                                                                                                                               and as such be responsible for its maintenance and access through the selling of
                                                                                                                               train paths to the FOC and TCDD. The IO will also need to add five crossing points
                                                                                                                               on the section between Malatya and Tatvan in Baskil, Camliyurt, Mesedali, Demirkapi
                                                                                                                               and Kirik so that freight trains running in opposite directions can pass each other,
                                                                                                                               and so that passenger trains can pass freight trains if necessary. West to Malatya,
                                                                                                                               other Turkish freight train companies will be in charge of the wagons, whereas RAI
                                                                                                                               will be responsible for train operations in Iran. Authors also consider that the multila-
                                                                                                                               teral agreement regarding wagon ownership and administrative and border controls
                                                                                                                               of freight trains along the southern route will be signed when trains will start to run on
            Figure 2: Proposed Route for a New Rail Link between Tatvan and Van. Source: "Map of Lake Van" © Dogu Ari, 2015,   the Tatvan-Van railway. This agreement will allow freight wagons to run from China to
             CC-BY-SA (            Turkey and backwards with no need to change wagons and transfer freight at national
             dral_of_the_Holy_Cross.jpg; modified par Yann Baillot-Nomant and Marie-Rose Nawfal), modified by the students.    borders.

                4. Operations Organization of Malatya-Van Railway
            The services operated on the Tatvan-Van railway will be part of the Malatya-Van railway
            operations. Indeed, Malatya is an important railway hub in eastern Turkey, allowing
            westward connections to Ankara, Istanbul and beyond, as well as southward connec-
            tions to Adana and the major port of Mersin. Considering the railway traffic forecast and
            the empty trains circulating eastward due to an asymmetric flow of goods, authors
            have considered 6 freight trains each day in each direction, i.e. 3,600 trains every year.
            This means a 295,000 TEU capacity, i.e. 38% more than the total capacity needed for
            2027. In addition, 3 passenger trains will be operated each day in each direction, stop-
            ping at Malatya, Elazig, Mus, Tatvan and Van.
                Considering this level of service, three DE36000 locomotives will be necessary
            to pull the heavy freight trains. This tractive power is required to overcome rolling
            resistance during starting motion, and to keep an average speed of 60 km/h on 15%
            ramps. The three units connect at the head of the train through automatic coupling,
            which saves time and money.
                Diesel engines need a single driver, but trains will be operated with two drivers to
                                                                                                                               Figure 3: Stakeholders of the Proposed Tatvan-Van Railway. Source: © Emma Chasset and Yann Baillot-Nomant, 2018.
            meet the regulatory requirements in Turkey. Additional staff will operate in Malatya,
            Tatvan and Van stations to sort trains and wagons. The operational programme will

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    17
Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link                                                                                                                                                     Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link

                5. Financing of Tatvan-Van Railway                                                       and supply the whole system (mainly track and signalling sub systems) including the
            The Tatvan-Van railway project is estimated at € 3 billion, of which € 2 billion for the     appropriate studies in their field of expertise. The PMC will eventually supervise the
            design and build works, € 0.3 billion for the system supply and integration, and € 0.7       contractors so that contract requirements are met to ensure a smooth system integra-
            billion for the related engineering works between Malatya and Tatvan. The necessary          tion and delivery to the project owner. The project is expected to last an estimate of
            investment shall be provided by the Turkish national budget for a 40% share, an AIIB         13 years, including 1 year of preparation of investment agreements and PMC arrange-
            loan for a 30% share with interest at 2.5%, a European Investment Bank (EIB) loan for a      ments, 5 years of project studies, 5 years of engineering works and equipment supply
            20% share with interest at 2%, and a direct investment of the Qatar Investment Authority     and installing, and 1 year of system testing and integration.
            (QIA) for a 10% share. AIIB and EIB loans can easily be explained since the southern
            route will create an alternative to the northern route and serve both Chinese and Euro-
            pean interests. Qatar being the second Asian investor in Turkey explains the QIA share
            as well as the logistical support granted by Turkey to isolated Qatar during the 2017-
            2018 diplomatic crisis with the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members.
                 The IO managing the Turkish rail network will be responsible for maintaining
            the new single track and all related infrastructure assets between Tatvan and Van.
            As such, the average operational expenditures are estimated at € 3.5 million per
            annum, covered by the selling of access rights to TCDD, the passenger train operating
            company, and to the new FOC running between Tatvan and Van. For that purpose, the
            IO will price passenger train paths at € 3 per train-km, and freight train paths at € 6
            per train-km (compared to a € 8 rate per train-km through Getlink).
                 The FOC operating trains between Malatya and Van will bear an estimate of €
            46.5 million operational expenditures per annum, of which € 23.4 million of energy
            costs, € 12.9 million of train access charges, € 5.4 million of engine leasing costs and
            € 1 million of personnel costs. The FOC will forward an average load of 214,684 TEU
            per annum with a rate of € 227 per unit and show an average operational result of €
            2.3 million per annum. TCDD will operate passenger trains at its own commercial risk
                                                                                                          Figure 4: Project Management Organization for the Proposed Tatvan-Van Railway. Source: © Emma Chasset and
            between Ankara and Van.
                                                                                                                                                 Yann Baillot-Nomant, 2018.
                 The Net Present Value (NPV) of the project is estimated at € 853 million for both
            freight and passenger activities, whereas the NPV is negative when calculated sepa-              Among the few project challenges identified, the financing arrangements seem
            rately for freight or passenger activities. These results mean that the balance between      decisive to secure the project. It encompasses bilateral agreements between the
            the project investment and its socio-economic effect is only positive when combined          Republic of Turkey and the AIIB on the one hand, between Turkey and the EIB on the
            for both activities. As such, the internal rate of return is estimated at 8%.                other hand, along with an investment contract framework between the Turkish rail
                                                                                                         network IO and QIA. Another key issue involves a multilateral agreement between the
                                                                                                         States crossed by the southern route to smooth administrative and border controls
                6. Project Organization of Tatvan-Van Railway                                            on freight trains, especially between Turkey and Iran. Eventually, the industry will play
            The Turkish rail network IO will be the project owner. As such, it will initiate regulato-   a major role to ensure the success of the Tatvan-Van railway, including a locomotive
            ry and environmental procedures. A project management company (PMC) will assist              construction programme by TCDD to meet the FOC operational needs, a range of
            the project owner and conduct the detailed design and build studies, as well as the          interface agreements between the FOC and TCDD to arrange a smooth operational
            systems studies. It will also tender the engineering works and rail equipment supply         transition in Malatya and between the FOC and RAI to do equally so in Van.
            contracts on behalf of the project owner, who will be the sole signee of those contracts
            along with the contractors themselves. The contractors will lead engineering works

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Improving the Ankara-Tehran Rail Link

                7. Next Steps to Improve the Attractiveness of the
                southern route
            The authors have designed the Tatvan-Van railway as one of the many projects which
            could contribute to the development of the southern route. Indeed, further actions
            could be taken from west to east in order to develop its rail capacity. Major projects
            west of Malatya include the future running of freight trains through the Marmaray tun-
            nel below the Bosphorus in Istanbul and the future rail and road bridge bypassing Is-
            tanbul further north. The extension of the high-speed line from Ankara to Sivas towards
            Malatya is also an opportunity for freight trains to run on the conventional line. The
            conventional line in Turkey could be electrified and adapted for double track in the fu-
            ture and link the Tabriz-Tehran and Tehran-Turkmenistan double track electrified lines
            in Iran.
                 Further east, a long-term standard gauge line project between China and Iran
            running through Central Asia could end the double break-of-gauge in this part of the
            southern route. On a mid-term basis, trains could be adapted with variable gauge
            wheelsets when the technology is ready. Further south, the development of railway
            capacity in Pakistan and India appears to be an interesting opportunity including stan-
            dard gauge and freight-only railway projects.
                 Beyond railway capacity, the reinforcement of railway freight competitiveness is
            a major challenge that the industry needs to address. Express, fast or high-speed
            freight is a new concept that could bring attractiveness to New Silk Roads e.g. the
            reorientation of the Moscow-Kazan high-speed project for both freight and passenger
            purposes with a major Chinese support. The eventual rebalancing of freight flows
            is a major objective for freight train companies operating on the New Silk Roads to
            decrease the price per TEU and compete more efficiently with air and sea cargo.
                 Hence, the demand growth and the possible solutions to improve its capacity and
            competitiveness create a broad range of opportunities to make the southern route a
            world-class railway freight corridor.

A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in
        Hyderabad, Pakistan

                          Youcef ALLOUI
                          Virginie BASTIER
                          Ophélie TISON
                          Nicolas LOREILLE
                          Andrea PAOLI

22                                           23
A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan                                                                                                                A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan

                             epuis l’édification des premières cités, la mobilité a toujours été       Introduction
                             un élément-clé, venant tant structurer et dynamiser le territoire
                                                                                                    Pakistan is the 5th most populated country in the world with over 207 million inhabitants.
                             qu’influencer le quotidien des individus. Du fait de la croissance
                                                                                                    The staggering increase of the urban population generates multiple traffic challenges
                     démographique et des contraintes territoriales, les déplacements en
                     zone urbaine posent souvent de réels problèmes auxquels les élus               such as pollution, congestion and collisions. To cope with these issues, mobility has
                     locaux peinent à faire face. C’est le cas à Hyderâbâd, huitième ville la       become a major priority for Pakistan's greatest cities, each of them gradually acquiring
                     plus peuplée du Pakistan avec 1,7 millions d’habitants, dépourvue à ce         a Mass Rapid Transit system in order to structure their territory.
                     jour d’un réseau de transport public urbain en capacité de répondre à              As Hyderabad enters this dynamic, the goal of this project is to study the feasibility
                     la demande de mobilité de ses citoyens. Reposant sur un diagnostic             of a mass transport system on its territory.
                     territorial, une étude de flux et une analyse des caractéristiques tech-           The objective of this project is defined based on the city's current diagnosis
                     niques associées, l’étude de pré-faisabilité d’insertion d’un système          concerning the geographic, environmental, socio-demographic, economic, admi-
                     de transport de masse adapté aux besoins actuels et futurs préconise           nistrative and political contexts, as well as the transport network itself and its varied
                     l’implantation d’un réseau en plusieurs étapes. La première consiste           uses. This diagnosis was the main source of information that helped define the desired
                     à insérer une ligne de BHNS bi-articulé parcourant la ville d’ouest en
                                                                                                    paths and the development of an origin/destination matrix, an indispensable tool for
                                                                                                    traffic modelling. Different scenarios were established and the multi-criteria analysis
                                                                                                    for each of them led to a preferred line route. The transport demand was estimated
                       Mots-clés : BHNS, transport, pré-faisabilité, Hyderâbâd, Pakistan            on this line using the modelling software VISUM of PTV, which allowed us to choose
                                                                                                    the BRT.
                                                                                                        The description of this mass transit project includes the network sizing, the rolling
                                                                                                    stock choice, the technical characteristics of the system, the operation of the line, its

                           ver since the building of the first cities, mobility has always been     maintenance, the insertion constraints, the civil works’ conditions of realization, the
                           a key element in structuring the territory, with a strong influence      design and the signature of the system. This report also includes the cost of asses-
                           over the daily lives of individuals. In areas of demographic growth      sing the socio-economic and financial profitability of the project, associated with some
                     and increasing urbanization, travel often is a real challenge with which       planning elements.
                     local officials and public authorities struggle to cope. This is the case in
                                                                                                        Constraints raised by the territory analysis highlight the challenges of our project
                     Hyderabad, the eighth most populous city in Pakistan, with 1.7 million
                                                                                                    for developing a reliable sustainable transport system in Hyderabad. Our goal is to
                     inhabitants: to this day, no urban public transport network has been able
                     to meet the current mobility demand. Based on a territorial diagnosis,         improve access to activity hubs by connecting them to the existing network, so that
                     a mobility flow analysis and an analysis of the associated technical           an efficient modal share transfer can help resolve the pollution and traffic jam issues in
                     characteristics, this pre-feasibility study (for the creation of a mass        the city. To reach this goal, it will be necessary to integrate the transport system within
                     transport system able to respond to current and future transport needs)        the city development, establish a dedicated financing plan, control the investment
                     recommends the establishment of a transportation network in several            cost, and support local actors.
                     steps, the first being the insertion of a bi-articulated BHNS line running
                     through the city from west to east.
                                                                                                       1. Territorial diagnosis
                         Keywords: BRT, transport, pre-feasibility, Hyderabad, Pakistan
                                                                                                    The city of Hyderabad is located in the province of Sindh, in southern Pakistan. After
                                                                                                    Karachi, Hyderabad is the second most populated city in the province, with 1.7 million
                                                                                                       Characterized by a flat landscape and desert climate, the city is subject to various
                                                                                                    environmental threats such as floods (especially during the monsoon period), air
                                                                                                    pollution and water contamination.

24                                                                                                                                                                                                          25
A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan

                The population of Hyderabad has a growth rate of 3% and could exceed the                                               The road network supports 80% of the passenger and freight transport demands
            threshold of 3 million inhabitants by 2050. This rapid growth combines with an uneven                                  (the remaining 20% are divided between rail, fluvial and air transport). The main road
            population distribution to make mobility a major challenge. Due to the absence of an                                   network (N-5, N55 and M-9) is in good condition, but heavily congested (interurban
            effective urban planning policy (master plan), the first increase in population density                                buses entering the center contribute to the worsening of traffic). The secondary
            occurred in the old city center, followed by the neighborhoods of Latifabad and Qasi-                                  network includes small, narrow city roads that are not properly maintained, lacking
            mabad. The last spike in population growth happened in the periphery of Hyderabad,                                     sidewalks and road signs, which can lead to hazardous situations. To expand their
            creating a low density urban sprawl which is detrimental to any meaningful transport                                   roads, Hyderabad invested heavily in that secondary network and created seven new
            strategy and lacking the necessary infrastructures.                                                                    overpasses. However, their efforts were thwarted due to the steady growth in traffic.
                                                                                                                                       Since formal urban public transport does not exist in Hyderabad, the high rate
                                                                                                                                   of individual transportation (72% for motorbike and personal car) further supports the
                                                                                                                                   mobility demand of its residents. Informal public transport use, by those who cannot
                                                                                                                                   afford to own a car or a motorbike, is mainly ensured by private car, taxi or rickshaw
                                                                                                                                   (popular and low cost for a distance lower than 5 km).
                                                                                                                                       The territorial diagnosis, issues, and objectives to which the mass transport project
                                                                                                                                   endeavors to respond can be summarized as follows:

                                                                                                                                             Main points                            Challenges                    Project Goals and Objectives
                                                                                                                                           Heavy Pollution                        Environmental                         An environment-friendly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          system of transport
                                                                                                                                     Lack of accessibility to the          AccessibilityEmployment                  Interconnections between
                                                                                                                                    main clusters of attractiveness                                                residential areas and activity
                                                                                                                                      Degraded and congested              Alternative modes to indivi-                 An efficient public transport
                                                                                                                                      road networkAbsence of a             dual motorized transport
                                                                                                                                     formal public transit system
                                                                                                                                    Safety and security transport              Security and safety                Reliable and safe public trans-
                                                                                                                                             problems                                                                       port system
                                                                                                                                    Limited governance structure          A structured local transport                 A well-thought global and
                                                                                                                                                                                    network                               optimised network
                                                                                                                                                                    Table 1: Conclusions of the territorial analysis

                                                                                                                                      2. Flow modelling (four-step model) through Visum
                                                                                                                                   Thus far, no flow model or traffic study has been made for Hyderabad. Therefore, a
              Figure 1: Hyderabad population density estimations. Source: © Virginie Bastier and Ophélie Tison, 2018, with Qgis.   four-step model was developed using the PTV Visum software with the support of PTV
               The railway network serves Hyderabad by two stations: Hyderabad (center) and                                        group. Relying on justified hypotheses, the flow model aims to estimate the mobility
            Kotri (west). Hyderabad station is an important junction (2nd of Sindh after Karachi),                                 flows in 2018 and 2030.
            with roughly 17 daily stops for passenger trains. One airport serves Hyderabad with                                        The four-step model allowed us to build a model step by step with internally
            two flights per week (Islamabad and Lahore).                                                                           collected data, geographical approximation of the main mobility flow, and the possi-

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan                                                                                                                                                                     A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan

            bility to compare several scenarios (through variation of socio-economic parame-                                      3. Network and system of transport’s characteristics
            ters inputs and the creation of the BRT line). Visum scenario manager allowed us
                                                                                                                                  3.1. Description of the route
            to construct a base scenario (2018) and compare it with multiple possible scenarios
            (2030, 2030 with BRT line).                                                                                      The layout of the Green Line has been refined to take into account the available foot-
                 The four-step model relies on the inter-zone flow of people, with each zone consi-                          prints and street types. Cross profiles were made in each street, respecting the inser-
            dered as an emitter and receptor of flow. The perimeter has been divided in 73 zones.                            tion principles and development recommended by French authorities such as CERTU1,
            The desired path per transport mode showed that the most loaded public transport                                 but adapted to territory specifications.
            (PuT) flow was from the west area to Hyderabad center (3,700 pphpd) during rush
                 The assignment analysis helped us define the optimal route for the transport
            network by the date of commission in 2030. Although several scenarios were consi-
            dered, the multi-criteria analysis led to a west/east route (that will be named "Green
            Line") with a forecast of 5,000 pphpd (PuT) during rush hour in 2030.

                                                                                                                                   Figure 3: Example of a new road layout. Source: © Youcef Alloui and Nicolas Loreille, 2018, with Streemix.

                                                                                                                                The average distance between stations is 500 m. The first implementation plan has
                                                                                                                             been defined according to the hypothesis on services, which may be reworked in later
                                                                                                                             phases with local authorities.

                                                                                                                                  3.2. Rolling stock’s main characteristics
                                                                                                                             In order to cope with the urban mobility and environmental issues as far as 2030, a 24 m
                                                                                                                             long bi-articulated BRT with a Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) and/or electrical motorization
                                                                                                                             is recommended. Indeed, with a rate of six passengers per m² and a 2.55 m width, the
                                                                                                                             resulting bus capacity will be able to handle the expected number of passengers per
              Figure 2: Mobility public transport demands – 2030. Source: © OpenStreetMap contributors; modified by Andrea   hour and per direction (pphpd) during peak time (5,500) with a 20% margin in 2030.
                                                      Paoli 2018, with PTV Visum.                                            Specific equipment is embedded within this system to offer a high quality of service. For
                                                                                                                             example, a static and dynamic passenger information system, heating and cooling sys-
               In regard to the territorial diagnosis and the level of traffic expected in 2030, it                          tem, easy access for persons with reduced mobility (low floor), 60 seats (28% of the total
            has been decided to set up a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. However, all the technical                            capacity), and CCTV will help increase the quality of service. Dedicated compartments
            characteristics of a tramway will be taken into account (platform width, lift, multitu-                          for women are suggested as well, for safety reasons. Since the insertion of a transpor-
            bular dimensioning...) to allow future evolution into this mode in a more distant future.                        tation system is a strong element of identity of a city, and the visual appearance of the

                                                                                                                             1. A public administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministry for an Ecological and Solidary Transition.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               29
A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan                                                                                                                                 A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan

            system influences its perception and attractiveness, specific attention will be paid to                   mended, implying that the maintenance criteria are to be included in the conception
            the design of the BRT, and particularly to the choice of its visual identity, as well as the              phase of the project. During the operation period, maintenance at three levels is de-
            arrangement of the stations and the signage system.                                                       fined for each component of the system (infrastructures, stations, rolling stock as well
                                                                                                                      as equipment). The three levels include routine maintenance, corrective maintenance,
                                                                                                                      and systematic and condition-based maintenance.
                3.3. Operation                                                                                            To insure good maintenance and to store the rolling stock fleet, two depot sites
            To insure optimal efficiency of the transport system, a priority at the crossroads with                   with maintenance facilities are scheduled to be built at the end of the line. As for
            traffic lights will be set up, as well as an operation for passenger information support                  operations, the maintenance operations require a trained staff, especially when it
            system (OSS) due to the technological advances of smartphones, in conjunction with a                      comes to the rolling stock.
            dedicated application on board of the vehicle that will be monitored in an operational
            command center (OCC) by trained staff. This system aims to keep passengers infor-
            med, safe, and entertained all along their journey. Additionally, specific road signaling
                                                                                                                         3.5. Civil engineering works
            as well as physical barriers will be deployed in order to forbid pedestrians from entering                The building of the BRT line requires consequent, large-scale construction: road work,
            the BRT lane.                                                                                             stations construction, sites of depot and maintenance facilities. The chosen executive
                 Thanks to these technical elements, the expected commercial speed is 24 km/h.                        conditions of building work and the construction phases are configured to limit nega-
            The operation is defined through the indicators below:                                                    tive impacts and to maximize quality of service. The principles of conception of the
                                                                                                                      construction work are as follows:
                              Characteristics                                              Values
                                                                                                                         • upkeep of the road traffic as much as possible during work;
                             Length of the line                                            13.4 km
                                                                                                                         • upkeep of the access to shops and houses;
                                 Round trip                                27 min (including 30s of parking time at
                                                                                                                         • work during daytime to avoid noise pollution during night time.

               Traffic used to dimension the transport offer                      65,000 passengers per day
                                                                                                                         The work phases will be spaced out in order not to block the entire city simul-
                            (with 30% of margin)
                                                                                                                      taneously. Temporary traffic routes will be established. A particular attention will be
                          Frequency at peak time                                            2 min                     paid to the preliminary steps, such as the rerouting of existing networks and the
                        Frequency at off-peak time                                          4 min                     property acquisitions that are traditionally responsible for delays in planning.
                              Operating times                            From 05:00 AM to 10:00 PM(conformed to
                                                                            existing BRT networks in Pakistan)           3.6. Costs and planning of the project
                             Type of servicing                                  Stop at each station (Omnibus)        The creation of this new system and network requires a clear institutional framework
              Number of vehicles in operation at peak time                                   34                       and the presence of a transport authority responsible for the regulation as well as the
                 Number of operational reserve’s vehicles                                     2
                                                                                                                      pricing policy management. This institution’s goal is to set up a strong public transport
                                                                                                                      policy (i.e. parking policy). Currently, the fare of a rickshaw ride is between 10 to 15
                Number of maintenance reserve’s vehicles                                      4
                                                                                                                      rupees. Based on a benchmark on transport ticket prices and average income, the
                                                   Table 2: Operational characteristics                               recommended price of a ride on the Green Line is fixed to 20 Rs (€ 0.14). Using that
                                                                                                                      hypothesis, traffic estimations, rolling stock features and civil engineering works, the
                                                                                                                      gain was put in regard with the estimated infrastructure and rolling stock costs. The
                3.4. Maintenance
                                                                                                                      socio-economic study of the project up to 2030 believes that the estimated net present
            The maintenance of the whole system and network is crucial, since it conditions its du-                   value is 67 million euros, and the associated internal rate of return (IRR) is about 28%.
            rability and life expectancy. A global strategy that will ensure lower total cost is recom-               The project is therefore judged profitable.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                             31
A Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in Hyderabad, Pakistan

                 The creation of the Green Line is planned up to 2030 as follows:

                Steps              2019   2020     2021   2022 2023    2024       2025   2026   2027   2028   2029   2030

         Preparation and brief

            Concept and
          developed design

          Technical design

      Infrastructure and system
        tender file and action

       Rolling stock tender file
              and action

            Network tilting

       Civil engineering works

       Rolling stock reception

             Staff training


               Trial run

                                                      Table 3: General planning

            Pakistan is currently facing several major challenges. The demographic explosion and
            the densification of the urban areas have put a strain on basic services management.
            23% of the inhabitants are living below the poverty line.
                Pakistani urban planning puts the accent on the urban sprawl and favors the trans-
            formation of cities into expansive car-friendly suburban areas. Likewise, in Hyderabad,
            low-density suburban areas and important residential complexes are thriving. This
            model discourages the city center development of and creates a dependence on
            motorized modes, thus contributing to congestion and pollution.
                This pre-feasibility study recommends an institutional reform and the establish-
            ment of new urban governance principles. Additionally, a sustainable and environ-
            mental-friendly system as well as a network of transport will be profitable to the whole
            population. The BRT Green Line represents an opportunity to develop urban public
            transport in Hyderabad to respond to the 2030 demand. This study shows the neces-
            sity for the city to set up an efficient public transport system in order to interconnect
            the different areas of the city, in which the Green Line is just the first piece of the

Design of a mass
         transportation system
     in Semarang, Java (Indonesia)

                          Marouan BENHAMMADI
                          Julien DRU
                          Anne LAMBERT
                          Lalaina RAVONIMBOLA
                          Thomas RICHERT

34                                         35
Design of a mass transport system in Semarang                                                                                                                   Design of a mass transport system in Semarang

                             vec une superficie de 373 km² et une population de 1,6 millions          Introduction
                             d’habitants, Semarang est la cinquième ville d’Indonésie et la
                                                                                                   With more than 17,000 islands situated between the Indian and Pacific Ocean, the Re-
                             capitale de la province de Java Centrale. Elle est située dans
                                                                                                   public of Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world. It covers about 1,904,569 km²
                    une zone côtière hautement vulnérable aux risques d’inondations
                    couplés à des phénomènes de haute marée. La congestion routière                of land and is home to over 258 million people. Traffic congestion is one of the major
                    est aussi un problème majeur à Semarang. Elle s’explique par une               problems faced by Indonesian cities. To address this issue, the government is focusing
                    forte croissance démographique et le développement de l’activité               on the development of mass transportation projects. The Indonesian Ministry of Trans-
                    industrielle et commerciale. Puisque le système de transport en place          portation has launched several major projects such as the Jakarta Light Rail Transit
                    n’est pas efficace et sous-dimensionné, les habitants se tournent vers         project in 2017, the Surabaya MRT, and a similar project in Bandung.
                    l’utilisation de véhicules particuliers. C’est dans ce contexte que nous           This paper focuses on Semarang, the capital of the province of Central Java; with
                    proposons la mise en place d’un nouveau mode de transport. Après               a total area of 373.78 km² and a population of approximately 1.65 million, it is the fifth
                    l’analyse des centres d’intérêt et des flux de déplacement, un système         most populous city in the whole of Indonesia. Situated on the northern coast of Java
                    de transport aérien de type VAL sera proposé. Des études de faisa-             Island, Semarang is currently experiencing rapid population growth coupled with an
                    bilité technique et financière appuient l’intérêt de ce nouveau projet.
                                                                                                   expansion of its urban area, with a devastating impact on traffic.
                                                                                                       General overview information will be presented along with a diagnosis of the
                   Mots-clés : Semarang, étude de transport, VAL, faisabilité technique,           current situation in Semarang. It will be followed by an analysis of the current transpor-
                                                faisabilité financière                             tation system, based on a forecast of population volume, in order to create a proposi-
                                                                                                   tion for a new transportation system with full financial viability.

                                                                                                      1. Diagnosis of the current situation

                            major city in northern Indonesia, Semarang covers a total area of
                            373 km² and has a population of approximately 1.6 million people.      Semarang spreads over two cities and twenty-six districts. Below are listed the three
                            This city is highly vulnerable to floods due to heavy rains, coupled   main diagnoses of the current situation, on which our project is based.
                    with high tides phenomena. Road congestion is a major problem, which
                    has increased due to a rapid growth in industry and trade activities,
                    coupled with local population increase. Semarang possesses a Bus                  1.1. Demographic and hydrological diagnosis
                    Rapid Transit network which is currently both underused and undersized.
                                                                                                   The city’s trading activities were first developed by the Dutch authorities; it has been
                    This study seeks to determine why Semarang’s citizens opt to commute
                                                                                                   the province capital since 1950. The increase in population began in 1970 and has been
                    by other means. In order to solve those congestion issues, we propose a
                    new transportation system to encourage residents to reduce the use of          exponential ever since. The 2010 census shows a growth rate of 1.43% for Semarang
                    private vehicles. The proposed Light Rail Transit system serves the prin-      against 0.9% for the rest of the country.
                    cipal transit axes and major places of interest. To support this project, we       The Semarang population has increased from 1.4 million in 2005 to 1.65 million
                    also present technical feasibility and financial viability analyses.           in 2017. This growth can be attributed to the influx of people from the hinterland and
                                                                                                   suburbs area, drawn to the urban center to find job opportunities and better life condi-
                       Keywords: Semarang, LRT, technical feasibility, financial study             tions. Before 1970, statistics show that 75% of the population lived in rural areas, against
                                                                                                   25% in the urban center. After 1970, the Indonesian government launched an industrial
                                                                                                   policy which accelerated the rural exodus. By 2015, the rural and urban populations
                                                                                                   were roughly matched in numbers, which represented a considerable change for the
                                                                                                   city of Semarang. Following the establishment of a government agency, a university
                                                                                                   campus and industries outside the urban center, most inhabitants now choose to live
                                                                                                   in the suburbs.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                        37
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