25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege

25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege

25 jaar Rota

25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
de beginselen
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege

Dit nummer van Haec Olim-Collage geeft een overzicht van 25 jaar internatio-

nale werking met vijf Europese scholen. Wij hebben geen weet van een project

dat langer standhoudt, zelfs nog steeds springlevend is. Toen in 1991 de groep

voor het eerst samenkwam bestond er nog geen ‘Comenius’. Er waren alleen

bilaterale uitwisselingen om de talenkennis in Europa te stimuleren. Wij mogen

dus terecht fier zijn om het pionierswerk dat tussen de deelnemende scho-

len is gebeurd: Hattingen, Lincoln, Zaragoza, Sarlat, Schijndel, Tres Cantos en

Brugge. Dat is een voldoende reden om uit de archieven zaken te plukken die

de herinnering aan die fantastische jaren levendig te houden.

Bij dit nummer kreeg ik hulp van Griet De Brul voor het opzoekingswerk en de

selectie van de teksten; Danny Van Tieghem bracht de archieven bij elkaar.

Hartelijk dank vooral aan allen die Rota ‘on the field’ hebben opgebouwd: de

talrijke leerkrachten uit de genoemde scholen en de meer als tweeduizend leer-

lingen die bij het project betrokken waren.
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
Sy mposium
E uropé en Brugge

1 0-12 m ay 1991

Mes Amies,

C’est un très grand honneur pour moi de pouvoir vous souhaiter le bienvenu au
Collège Saint Louis à Bruges. J’en suis persuadé que cet heure, cette journée avec
vous tous, sera qualifié comme un moment historique. Nous sommes ensemble afin
d’échafauder une structure internationale entre écoles secondaires. Je le ressent
comme un travail de pionnier.

Pendant les dernières années, Le Collège Saint Louis a organisé plusieurs rencontres
internationales. Je veux mentionner les échanges bilatéraux entre des écoles Belges,
francophones et néerlandophone, qui continuent à exister. Ces contacts sont le fil
rouge de nos rencontres interculturelles : les visiteurs ont presque le même pro-
gramme que les élèves de notre école. Suivre les cours dans une autre école est déjà
une expérience de XX
Il y a deux ans qu’on a essayé une autre formule lors de notre fameux ‘British Day’.
Pendant une journée l’école Britannique de Bruxelles, était notre hôte. C’était une
journée de discussions très intéressantes. De même notre expériment l’année passée
auquel le Gymnasium de Hattingen a participé. Pendant ces trois jours d’approfon-
dissement dans la problématique de l’Europe unifié, on a été honoré de la visite
de notre ministre de l’éducation, Mr. Coens, et de l’ancien premier ministre M. Leo
Comme je le disait tantôt, nous nous trouvons à l’aube d’un nouveau temps. Le
monde psychologique de nos élèves s’agrandit. Ils vivent dans un monde beaucoup
plus vaste que le nôtre à l’âge de 17 ans. Il est nécessaire de leur apprendre à vivre
dans une réalité multiculturelle. Voilà le premier but de notre rencontre.
Deuxièmement il faut créer une structure qui nous facilite l’organisation d’un
échange. Je crois que le lien d’amitié entre les responsables des diverses écoles,
rend plus facile la construction de nos échanges.
Notre troisième but doit être de poser les fondement sur lesquelles il soit possible
de construire une grande maison européenne. Une maison avec plus que cinq ou six
chambres... J’espère que notre organisation sera de sorte que d’autres écoles soient
intéressées et désireuses à y participer. L’effet multiplicateur est très important.
Je termine en disant que beaucoup de gens ont manifesté une vivante intéresse pour
notre projet. D’abord il y a notre Inspecteur Générale de l’Enseignement Catholique
dans le diocèse de Bruges. Puis le Ministre de l’Enseignement de la Communauté
Flamande, qui lors d’un interview à la radio, a mentionné notre organisation comme
exemple d’une dimension européenne au niveau de l’enseignement secondaire.
Même la Communauté Européenne a été mis au courant. En mars dernier, des direc-
teurs de collèges et de lycées ont tenu un congrès européen à Barcelone. Le repré-
sentant de la Communauté, semble-t-il, a invité les responsables à organiser des
modèles d’échanges qui soit à la fois multinationales et multiplicateurs. Avec l’aide
de l’AFS, j’ai présenté notre rencontre comme exemple d’un tel projet.
Mes amis, je vous offre ce verre en espérant que les journées qui vont suivre seront
intéressantes en enrichissantes.
                                                                     Ko en Sey naev e
                                                                        1 0 m ai 1 9 9 1
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege

In 1989 and 1990, 27 years ago, the Sint-Lodewijkscollege already had
some experience with multilateral exchanges. But there were three spe-
cific reasons to start a new project:
• We were looking for schools willing to organise a similar multilateral
   project themselves, in which we could then participate of course. A
   bit of a lazy attitude, I know.
• We wanted to make a connection with historical cities all over Eu-
                                                                             How did we start this Rota connection? The first Rota meeting was or-
                                                                             ganized in Bruges. In 1991 five persons in charge of different schools
                                                                             came together to discuss a long term cooperation. This cooperation
                                                                             continues until today and we have every intention to continue it for
                                                                             many years to come. Even though we had the intention to work side
                                                                             by side with our students, there was only one youngster around the
                                                                             table at the time: the 16 year old son of Bernard Podevin from Sarlat.
   rope.                                                                     Sarlat was suggested by Jo Berten. With my deputy headmaster Willy
• We wanted partners ready to engage the school in an international          Verbanck I travelled to Sarlat by car in three days. I also remember
   and intercultural context.                                                there was an unexpected bout of snow, and leaving the school on the
So we found Lincoln, Hattingen, Sarlat and Saragossa on our way.             hill, I took a wrong exit, an exit with a staircase I couldn’t see because
When in 2000 Sarlat could not continue Schijndel from the Netherlands        of the snow! Also in those days, Christina Baselga, a Spanish teacher,
stepped into the project, and a few years later, in 2002, Saragossa was      met with our students in the European centre of Ryckevelde. The con-
replaced by Tres Cantos, near Madrid.                                        nection with England came through church authorities. Johan Delbaere,
International cooperation can be one of the highlights in a teacher’s        an English teacher at our school, was a member of the oecumenical as-
professional career. Organising the Rota week taught us a new meth-          sociation of the dioceses of Bruges, Lincoln and Nottingham. He knew
odology.                                                                     a few people over there and invited David Cox and Andrew Stokes, the
Rota is a synonym for creativity. Teachers learn how to be a coach in-       Precentor of the Cathedral of Lincoln. The head of Hattingen was well
stead of an instructor. Rota is a space for experiment. Visiting another     known to us, as we shared a partner school in Visé. So we agreed to
school, teachers experience a different school system, sometimes they        organise by turns a meeting for 15 to 20 students from each country.
discover exciting teaching materials and new physical conditions for         Looking for a name for our association, we tried our knowledge of Latin:
teaching. One school has a swimming pool, another has a special class        Rotatio Europearum Scolarum….. a mouthful that gave us some diges-
room for the arts, or a first class library, or a campus with the greatest   tive problems. But as David Cox is a distinguished Rotary member in his
diversity, or a strong intellectual tradition, or green surroundings. Dur-   town, he made the suggestion to simply abbreviate the name to ROTA.
ing the many preparation weekends and teachers in resident experi-           During these 25 years the impact of Rota can hardly be underestimated!
ments, teachers became each other’s trainees. They talked about their        More than 2000 students were active members of the project. Rota
teaching - and as a consequence shortened their nights. They visited         created a strong friendship between teachers from the different coun-
their colleagues’ lessons and sometimes were offered the lectern (teach-     tries, and I am very glad that each school sent a delegation of teachers
ing desk).                                                                   who were active in developing our project to this 25th anniversary. And
For students Rota broadens the horizon of their minds. International         among the headmasters as well… yes … a friendship for life sprang
work directs the youngsters towards more autonomy and responsibil-           up between them.
ity. And likewise their nights were shortened during Rota week. During       Rota is already a fabulous project in in the history of all our schools. We
the holidays they agreed to meet up in other countries, preferring the       must be grateful to all the teachers and students who has been involved
southern countries…!                                                         during the last 25 years.
For the school leaders Rota is extremely important. It opens up the                                                                   K o e n S e yn a e v e

school climate, it begets an interest in international approaches of edu-
cation and learning. International teacher trainings become very com-
mon. A lot of schools of our group received an international award from
their government. In November 2015 the Sint-Lodewijkscollege was
proclaimed as the Flemish school with the most participations in Come-
nius. Thanks to our European curriculum we are now considered the
most important CLIL school in our country. The Sint-Lodewijkscollege,
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
ROTA                                                 I - 1992
  Date                       23-29 February 1992

  Organizing school          Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Theme                      The Town as a melting pot of cultures

  Participating Schools      Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                             Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                             Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                             Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                             Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Workshops                  Heritage and culture
                             Socio - economy
                             European politics
                             Image-mirage (starting from Asterix)

ME D IA W O R K S H OP                                                       THE CULTURAL EVEN IN G

Dès la connaissance du projet Rota, je n’ai pu refuser la proposition per-   Last night’s cultural evening proved to be most interesting and en-
mettant une rencontre entre pays européen et une vision de la future         tertaining, with each country producing excellent standards of work.
unité européenne. Dans ce projet, il y a plusieurs ateliers ou thèmes dont   Different methods of presenting each country’s culture and way of
le « Média workshop ».                                                       life were used which added to the variety of the evening. The au-
Le groupe « Média workshop » englobe les activités journalistiques, ra-      dience appeared to be watching with great interest and the mood
diophoniques et vidéographiques. Les caractéristiques me poussant à          after the presentations made it evident that everyone was enjoy-
m’inscrire sont les moyens technique mis à notre disposition, le besoin      ing themselves. This sense of enjoyment was also shown through
absolu de parler une langue étrangère et l’imagination me mettant dans       the audience’s involvement in clapping to songs and tunes and the
la peau d’un grand journaliste.                                              high levels of applause during the evening. It was obviously difficult
Grace à des sponsors, nous avons à notre service des ordinateurs, des        for many people to understand some of the presentations since the
caméscopes et un professionnel nous donnant des conseils et une radio        majority of each one, if not all of it was presented using the mother
locale nous prêtant quelques minutes d’écoute.                               tongue. This shouldn’t have posed too much of a problem though,
En conclusion, les activités du groupe « Média workshop » sont le moyen      since from the slides and pictures shown, it was mostly obvious what
de conjuguer les domaine linguistiques et les domaines techniques.           was being said.
                                                     St éphane C hev ri er                                                                  Sarah
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
Fragmenten uit ‘The Daily’                                               Fragmenten uit ‘The Daily’
van woensdag 26 februari 1992                                            van vrijdag 28 februari 1992

Co r v i – M u z ik ale slap st ick                                      W O RKSHOPS

Théâtre Du Bilboquet                                                     Image-Mirage
De vier heren van CORVI zijn instrumentale virtuozen en zijn absoluut    Aujourd’hui le groupe “image-mirage” s’est lancé dans une expérien-
niet te missen in het genre dat wij voor het gemak “musicomedy”          ce amusante mais tout à la fois sérieuse. Ils sont par groupe de deux
hebben gedoopt.                                                          à quatre personnes et ils étudient des bandes-dessinées d’Asterix
Boccherini op een xylofoon, een accordeon uit een Italiaanse film,       dans une langue étrangère. C’est un bon moyen de dialoguer. Mais
een eenzame tuba: een kwartet om u tegen te zeggen. De muziek is         le groupe « image-mirage » est chargé d’une chose très importante :
de kapstok waarvan de wat getroubleerde verhoudingen tussen de           ils rétablissent la vérité quand un pays à une fausse image d’un autre
heren worden opgehangen. Zonder woorden, maar met een gees-              pays. C’est pour cette raison que beaucoup d’allemands sont inscrit
tige mimiek en de vaardigheid van een heuse sneltekenaar wordt er        dans le groupe. Ces activités sont très intéressantes, le groupe a déjà
zeer veel verteld.                                                       fait la visite d’un musée. Avec une ambiance formidable le groupe ne
Slapstick, cartoon, grappige personages – kortom beschaafd enter-        peut que s’épanouir. On arrive à l’aboutissement de Rota-semaine et
tainment dat stilaan zijn plek krijgt op de podia.                       le groupe « image-mirage » est une réussite.
                                                                                                                                      S té pha n e
Reactie op de voorstelling                                               Politics
Tuesday evening’s performance of Corvi was very successful. It was       Today, the politics group was working with Ludo Goderis, a freelance
a perfect example of doing something to laugh with without having        Flemish cartoonist who was showing them how to draw cartoons!
the language problems. The faces of the musical comedians were           However the cartoons were more than just Tom and Jerry, they were
tremendous. I thought they had a congenital disorder or something        satirical cartoons designed to display young people’s views of poli-
but at the end, when they took off their hats, they were completely      tics in Europe. We saw examples of typical stereotyping of traditional
normal. They also interacted with the public and personally I think      dress, for example the Germans in Lederhosen and the French wea-
the joke with the deputy headmaster with his little klaxon was one       ring berets, and also in culture with the British snobbery and Spanish
of the best. The drawings were marvellous and of course the music        bull fighting as well as the parody of the contradictions within Euro-
was very good too. So, to make it short, I liked it, it was very good    pean politics. As we can see, these budding young politicians will try
humour and I hope I’ll see them again sometime.                          their hand at anything.
                                                               So fi e                                                  M a tthe w a n d S a r a h

                                                                                              (voorbeeld cartoons in het derde krantje pg 10)
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
Krantenartikel uit De Streekkrant – 06/02/1992

Sint - L o d ew ijk sc olleg e g aat internationaal

Het Sint-Lodewijkscollege, Magdalenastraat 30 in Sint-Andries, organiseert van 23 t.e.m. 29 februari a.s.
een internationale congresweek voor laatstejaars scholieren uit Groot-Brittannië, Nederland, Frank-
rijk, Spanje en ons eigen land. De jongeren zullen als het ware ondergedompeld worden in een Europees
informatief, cultureel en politiek bad.

De internationale congresweek heeft plaats onder de titel ‘Rota’, een       ropa na Maastricht’ door Europarlementslid Fernand Herman. Culturele
originele vinding van het Sint-Lodewijkscollege. Rota betekent draai-       hoogtepunten worden dan wellicht 24 en 25 februari. Op maandag 24
beweging en slaat op het beurtelings organiseren van de congresweek         februari presenteert elke delegatie 30 minuten een programma over de
door elk van de partners. Brugse jongeren zullen de komende vier jaar       eigen culturele accenten. Dinsdag 25 februari treedt het humoristisch
telkens in een ander land verblijven. Hoofdbedoeling is zich te confron-    gezelschap “Corvi” op met een muzikale slapstick.
teren met een vreemde cultuur en terzelfdertijd na te denken omtrent        Het is de bedoeling van Rota om een steeds verder uitdeinende groep
een globaal thema. Dit jaar luidt dit “De stad als smeltkroes voor cul-     te worden. Elke groep die bij de start betrokken was, zou na verloop
turen”. Daarbij wordt telkens vertrokken van een concrete invalshoek:       van tijd de motor moeten worden van een nieuwe groep. Via diverse
economische, politieke, culturele en literaire producties. Een media-       vormen van communicatie worden de groepen met elkaar in contact
groep, samengesteld uit leerlingen van alle participerende landen, zal      gebracht. In de grote schoolvakantie die volgt op het project worden
het gebeuren verslaan via de radio, een videofilm en de geschreven          individuele vakantie-uitwisselingen georganiseerd. Deelnemers dit jaar
pers. De zwaartepunten in het programma zijn de toespraak op 25 fe-         zijn het “Gymnasium Waldstrasse” uit Hattingen; “Goya Instituto” uit
bruari van Europarlementslid Jaak Vandemeulebroucke over ‘Het Euro-         het Spaanse Zaragossa; de “Christ’s Hospital School” uit Lincoln (Groot-
pa der Volkeren’, op 26 februari heeft ere-rector H. Brugmans het over      Brittannië); het “St. Joseph” uit Sarlat in Frankrijk en uiteraard het Brugs
‘Europa en het Oosten’ en tenslotte is er op vrijdag 28 februari ‘Het Eu-   college. g v db
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
25 jaar Rota Oudleerlingenbond sint-lodewijkscollege
ROTA II - 1993
Date                    22-27 March 1993

Organizing school       Lincoln Christs Hospital School

Theme                   The Town as a melting pot of cultures

Participating Schools   Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                        Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                        Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                        Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                        Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

Workshops               Drama
                                                                Uit de krantjes
                        Music                                   M edia gro ups visit t o
                        Townscape                               ‘The Linco lnshire Ec h o ’

                                                                After an exhausting walk down ‘Steep Hill’, the group arrived at the
                                                                Echo offices awaiting a tour from ‘Reg’. After a brief collective photo
                                                                session, we climbed four flights of stairs to begin our tour in the ad-
                                                                vertising department. From there we proceeded through the accoun-
                                                                tants’ section and then to the reporters’ and editors’ area. Following
                                                                this, we were shown how a newspaper was put together, printed
                                                                and distributed. It was a very interesting experience.

                                                                Le gro upe enviro nne me n t

                                                                La semaine a commencé par l’analyse de l’eau de chaque rivière de
                                                                pays représentes cette semaine a Lincoln. Les résultats Français ont
                                                                été négatifs : la Garonne est polluée. Mardi, visite de la « National
                                                                Rivers Authority » : il s’agit d’un laboratoire d’analyse de pollution. Il
                                                                y a 20 stations, chacune faisant 25 analyses de prélèvement par jour
                                                                et par station. Dans l’après-midi, vérification des tests fait la veille.

                                                                ROTA v isits Liverpoo l

                                                                Yesterday the ROTA group went to Liverpool. Arriving at school at
                                                                7.30 a.m., everyone’s faces reflected the previous night’s frivolities!
                                                                After a three hour coach journey, we approached Liverpool. The
                                                                Townscape group were the first to be reluctantly thrown off the bus
                                                                in to the bitter cold wind, to visit the city’s Cathedrals. The other
                                                                groups went to the “Beatle’s Experience”, and ended the morning
                                                                After dinner, all the groups went on the ‘Ferry across the Mersey’,
                                                                which proved to be a very ‘moving’ experience! (A little English joke!)
                                                                In the free time following, the Townscape group had a chance to go
                                                                to the “Beatle’s Experience”, whilst the others strolled around the
                                                                Albert Docks.
                                                                In the evening, we were entertained by “Sir” Ed Korolyk’s band,
                                                                which proved to be extremely popular.
ROTA                                                    III - 1994
   Date                       6-12 March 1994

   Organizing school          Lycée Saint-Josephe Sarlat

   Theme                      The Town as a melting pot of cultures
                              L’Homme d’hier et demain

   Participating Schools      Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                              Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                              Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                              Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                              Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

   Workshops                  Drama

L’info 2


The main aim of the Gastronomy group is to prepare and cook the menu
for the meal on Thursday evening. The menu is to remain secret until
then. There will be seven courses and two wines.
The group prepare one section of the meal every day. This involves not
being able to work the computers and wearing ridiculous hats. It also
means to involve being female as there are only three boys in the group.
The meal will be cooked in the school kitchen.
The entire group finds the work interesting. The English and Germans
think that the meal will be difficult to prepare while the French say it will
be easy. The Spanish agree with the French, except for the preparation
of the “foi gras”. The Belgians claim that they simply cannot cook and
therefore any meal would be difficult to prepare. Overall, people seem
to be having more problems with the computers at this stage than with
the food.
However, the menu looks very good and should be delicious on Thursday
                                                            Tara de C o zar
L’info 3

Sous la direction de Monsieur Loubet, la troupe répète toute la jour-
née dans la salle du théâtre de Saint Joseph.
Elle travaille à l’élaboration d’un spectacle de mime qui sera pré-
senté vendredi soir à l’ancien théâtre de Sarlat. Le décor et les cos-
tumes ont été réalisés sous la conduite de Mademoiselle Delmas
Pour éviter les barrières qu’auraient créés les langues, les mime a
été choisi comme moyen d’expression. Le but de ce spectacle est,
outre le fait qu’il permet aux participants de s’exprimer sur scène,
d’amener des jeunes de pays différents à se connaître en travaillant
sur un même projet.
                                               Ch ar l ot t e Lam o g li a

La salida estaba prevista para la una y media, pero se retraso media
hora. Por fin, todos en el microbus, recorrieron los 30 kilometros que
les separaban de su destino : la fabrica de papel y la granja.
Un conferenciante dio una charla sobre los temas que mas interesa-
ban al grupo: Ecologia, estructuracion y funcionamiento de la fabri-
ca papelera... se repartieron unos auriculares para poder escuchar
correctamante las explicaciones que les daba. Para completar las
visita pusieron un video. Como final de la salida, se dio lugar a un
turno de preguntas con las que se saciaron las curiosidades de los
Llegamos al collegio a las cinco para preparar la actuacion interna-
                                                     Marta y Dani el
L’info 4

Deze week heerst er in ons college een andere sfeer, ik zou zeggen,
een nieuwe geest die zelfs de zon doet schijnen en ons hart verwarmt.
Hij heet Vriendschap en is krachtig genoeg om de taalgrenzen te over-
schrijden, om jongeren die toch zo verschillend zijn tot een eenheid te
Een geest die van ieder mens een wereldburger maakt en ons helpt Rijk
Gods te verwezenlijken, een Rijk dat geen grenzen kent en waar alles
universeel en harmonieus is.
Een voorbode van het Pinksterfeest hier deze week in Sarlat
                                             Bernard Cerles, p ri ester.

Q u an d l e silen ce est d ’or                                                M y impressions
Chut! Soudain, Mardi soir, le silence a envahi la salle du théâtre du          o f the RO TA week
collège…                                                                       I think everybody has worked hard this week: the students in the work-
Le langage est devenu geste … et le regard a créé l’espace …                   shops, the host families for accommodating us into their lifestyles and
Un mime professionnel, Philippe Bizot, venu de Bordeaux, a en quelques         putting themselves to a lot of trouble for us and not least the teachers,
secondes séduit les spectateurs.                                               both of this school and the four visiting schools for putting so much ef-
Le geste a traduit le vécu de l’homme de la naissance à la mort … en           fort into ROTA III before and during the week.
passant par l’enfance « la dent de lait », l’adolescence « la classe » …       I also think everybody has got a lot out of it: the ability to work in a
Subjugué, l’ensemble des lycéens a écouté avec attention les explicati-        team, especially in a team with five different nationalities in it, is proba-
ons données par Philippe Bizot, qui en quelques termes empruntés au            bly one of the most valuable things to come out of ROTA III.
théâtre japonais, a révélé comment le geste devient langage …                  There has also been the lighter side of ROTA shown throughout the
L’interprétation mimée de la chanson de Michel Jonasz « Tombent les            week with lots of laughter, singing and the making of new friends. At
feuilles » a clos ce spectacle d’excellente qualité.                           first for a lot of people I think there was a communication problem,
Cette soirée restera gravée dans la mémoire des participants à la se-          especially with host families and teachers, but as the week progressed
maine Rota                                                                     and everybody’s ears got tuned to the French language, most people
                      Isabel l e Del mas Saint -Hil air e – Eq ui p e Médi a   could at least understand the general ideas of what was being said,
                                                                               even if they could not understand every word.
My i mp r ession s                                                             I think we all should thank the French for being so patient with us when
o f t he ROT A w eek                                                           we find it hard to understand them (and when we have tried to practice
This week has been a valuable insight into the lifestyles of different         our French!!).
countries. As all the participants are European I thought that the culture     All in all, ROTA III, in this beautiful (and warm!!) town of Sarlat, has
would be much the same but when I arrived I noticed that people be-            been an experience that I, for one, will never forget. The school and
have and act completely differently than to in England.                        the people of Sarlat have been very kind and helpful and the students
This comes as a shock at first and it makes you feel very awkward, but         of all five countries have made strong friendships which will carry on
the host families make you feel very welcome and soon you feel at              beyond ROTA III.
home.                                                                          I hope we have all learned the importance of good European relations.
The trips to sites of interest around Sarlat have been both interesting        I think more schools should have projects like ROTA as the future of
and informative. They have been made even better by the beautiful              Europe lies with our generation.
warm and sunny weather on Tuesday and Wednesday.                                                                                           A m a n da W r a y

The week has been very tiring, mostly because of the difficulty in trying
to communicate in so many different languages. Also, the journey here
took a long time to recover from.
However, all in all, ROTA III has gone very well and has been an enjoy-
able week for all the participants.
                                                          Tara de C o zar
ROTA IV - 1995
Date                    19-25 March 1995

Organizing school       Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen

Theme                   The Town as a melting pot of cultures

Participating Schools   Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                        Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                        Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                        Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                        Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Modern Technologies
  Electronic mail
  Music – dance
	Newspaper                                                      Uit de krantjes
  Photography and Design
  Broadcasting                                                  M USIC AND M O V EMEN T
  Video                                                         one way of making international friends
  Ruhr Area                                                     Nowadays, music is said to be “cool” and “an easy way to make
  Drama and Pantomime
                                                                friends”, so we took a look into the world of music and movement.
                                                                When we came into the music room, we were all amazed about
                                                                the conversation the musicians had without words. The things
                                                                they have already achieved as a tight group in such a short time
                                                                is astonishing. Each and every one of the members has heaps of
                                                                talent. The group is working on improvisations of the Eurovision
                                                                song which will be presented together with the movement group
                                                                on Friday night. The dancers are now improvising dance to lots of
                                                                different kinds of music and have a lot of enthusiasm for it.
                                                                                         Kathari na Rauh a n d H e l e n R o e l a n ts
dark and mysterious
The assembly hall looked dark and strange when we entered with pen,
paper and camera. The actors try to lay stress on hands and feet, by
using black-lights and white straps and gloves. For Friday they are
going to interpret some poems from all different nations participating in
ROTA. The meaning of this ROTA project quickly became clear when the
actors had problems communicating. So instead of words, they used
their hands, feet and everything they could possibly lay their hands on.
                                Hel en Roel ant s and K athari na Rauh

blood, sweat and tears
After some conversation problems, because Dieter can’t speak English
very well, two of us joined the Ruhr-Area group on their excursion. The
rest of us wrote some articles about our trip and the first meeting with
the host families. After the real journalism started, we rushed through
the halls and barged into the workshops. While we were playing jour-
nalists, some of us stayed in the computer-room to lay-out our first
issue. The atmosphere is comfortable and really feel at ease.
                                Hel en Roel ant s and K athari na Rauh

So what is E-Mail? Many people are under the impression that it is too
technical to understand but this is not so as I have discovered this week.
Not only it is possible to obtain and send out messages to all the other
ROTA schools, it is also possible to gain access to 5 million computers
around the world. The information is sent from the server computer to
the receiver computer via the MODEM and telephone lines. This infor-
mation is decoded by the MODEM so that it can be understood by the

P ra c t i c a l w ork
wit h mo dern t ech n olog ies
Blink me up, Scotty!
This workshop gives a possibility to connect complicated technology
with creative work. First the members of this group had to create a spe-
cial shape on which they painted for example a house, a face, … . Then
they established a special technology called “Flip-Flop”. This is a thinga-
mabob with some wires and two coloured lights which are flashing
alternately. Finally they use this construction as decorative badges.
                                                                       Ev a
ROTA V - 1996
Date                    March 1996

Organizing school       Instituto Goya Zaragoza

Theme                   The Town as a melting pot of cultures

Participating Schools   Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                        Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                        Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                        Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                        Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

ROTA VI - 1997
  Date                       16-22 March 1997

  Organizing school          Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Theme                      Beyond the year 2000

  Participating Schools
    Lincoln Christs Hospital School
    Instituto Goya Zaragoza
    Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
    Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
    Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge
  	Nad Aleji Praha (guest)

  Workshops                  Literature
                             socio-economics : European citizenship

Ro t a II – 1997-2001                                                       stadslandschap te schilderen in de diverse stijlen die elk van de deelne-
Met de tweede cyclus van Rota gaan we het derde millennium in. Daar-        mende landen hebben ontwikkeld in de loop van de Europese kunstge-
om luidt de titel ‘Beyond the year 2000: change and continuity’.            schiedenis: beginnend met de primitieven en eindigend in de abstrac-
Het jaar 2000 wordt spontaan als een breukjaar aangevoeld. In het           ten.
verleden deden zich allerhande millenarische fenomen voor. Het jaartal      In de workshop Geography zal men vooral laboratoriumwerk verrich-
heeft de waarde van een evaluatiemoment voor het verleden en tegelijk       ten. Bodemstalen worden onderzocht en met elkaar vergeleken. Hier
een extreme verwachting van een totaal nieuwe toekomst. Men kan             wordt vooral veldwerk verricht.
zich dus de vraag stellen of en wat er gaat veranderen in het derde         Tenslotte zal de groep Media via internet een wereldwijde connectie
millennium. Daarop wil Rota II zich focussen.                               proberen te maken. Een deelgroep zal de invloed van de media op het
Uit de vele invalshoeken hebben de leerkrachten van Brugge gekozen          denken en doen van de bevolking bekijken. De resultaten zullen tot
voor de studie van het landschap als test-case voor de veranderingen        expressie gebracht worden in een video-installatie. Dezelfde werkgroep
en de continuïteit. Inderdaad, niets is ‘conservatiever’ als de kavels in   is ook verantwoordelijk voor het realiseren van een periodiek over de
de landbouwgrond, en toch is gedurende de laatste vijftig jaar ook niets    Rota-dagen.
zo drastisch veranderd als het landschap waarin we leven.
In een aantal workshops worden die veranderingen nauwer bekeken.            W hat was achiev ed
De groep Economics bekijkt het landschap als de drager van de econo-        Workshop Arts
mische activiteiten. De inplanting van industrie, de opbouw van ver-        1. Three large mural acrylic paintings and 10 small ones were ready by
keersinfrastructuur, het niveau in welvaart, de nabijheid van een haven,       the end of the ROTA-week. The large murals will be permanently at
… het zijn zovele facetten van de verandering. De concrete casus zal           the Sint-Lodewijkscollege.
zijn hoe de verkoopscentra zich ontwikkelen.                                2. Six brochures containing quality reproductions of 5 landscape pain-
In Literature bestudeert men de invloed van het landschap op de lite-          tings from each country were made. The paintings illustrate one ar-
raire productie. Brugge wordt bestudeerd vanuit de literaire bronnen           tistic style in which their country’s painters excelled, i.e. surrealism
uit de diverse deelnemende landen. Tegelijk worden de wederzijdse              for Spain, impressionism for France, art nouveau for Czechia, expres-
invloeden van de talen op het semantische veld van de topografie on-           sionism for Germany, Flemish Primitivism for Belgium, David Hock-
derzocht.                                                                      ney/Turner for Britain. The reproductions in the brochure are large
Arts zal het landschap in diverse kunstuitingen (schilderkunst, film, fo-      (20 x 30 cm) because they can then be shown and used in classes.
tografie, muziek) benaderen. Men zal een poging doen om een Brugs              The brochures were copied and sent to all partners. Textual com-
ment were added on themes, the style and the techniques used in
   landscape painting. This involved some theoretical work and study.
   The texts can be in your own language, although Czechs and Belgi-
   ans are advised not to do so. These brochures should be sent to the
   partner-schools by the end of January.
Didactic value
- The preparation was done in arts lessons of the 4th form
- More pupils could thus be involved in the preparatory stages
- The brochure can be used in arts lessons
- The mural is a contribution to the hosting school and is provided
   with didactic information in the process of creation.

Workshop media
The workgroup media was separated in two groups                            Workshop literature
1) working with video                                                      - This workshop generated comparative translations of ware poets in
- A video compilation of TV-programs (intro from the news, sports ma-        each language. These translations were dramatized on the night of
   gazine, … etc.) was made.                                                 the presentations and will be published in the survey brochure.
- A video letter of between 5-10 minutes was made.                         - A useful comparative list of literary works on Bruges and Flemish
- A script was developed on the following theme: “How can images             land/townscape has been drawn up. The books were studied by the
   help to create a better world?”. Every country wrote a story-board in     participants.
   a different language.                                                   - Pupils co-operated in writing a literary diary with impressions on
   The processes of making the film were laid down in a day-too-day          Flemish landscape.
   script useful for future recordings.
                                                                           Workshop Socio-economics
2) working with internet
- A ROTA-homepage and internet site were developed by the partici-         - This workshop studied urban landscapes in order to determine
   pants.                                                                    wealth and purchasing power within the region.
                                                                           - The workshop drew up a plan and a map of a shopping street ( a
                                                                             main and by-street) of Bruges.
                                                                           - The workshop developed comparative statistical materials on wealth
                                                                             (how the citizens/youngsters spend their salary on several products
                                                                             in each country). The statistical materials were worked into diagrams
                                                                             which were displayed at the presentation and will be published in
                                                                             the survey brochure.

Workshop Environment
- This workshop spotted the evolution of our landscape and human
  intervention on the landscape. Models for a future line of environ-
  mental behaviour in order to safeguard the environment for future
  generations were developed and were already used in French field-
- Useful research on urban development by means of old maps and
  photographs was done. Soil maps and maps on functional distri-
  bution of space were drawn up in order to give a good idea of the
  regions compared.
- Results were processed and published in a report with recommen-
  dations for a better environment. The report was displayed in an
  exhibition on the night of presentations.
ROTA VII - 1998
Date                    14-21 March 1998

Organizing school       Lincoln Christs Hospital School

Theme                   Beyond the year 2000
                        Change and continuity

Participating Schools   Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                        Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                        Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                        Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                        Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge
                        Haslev Gymnasium Denmark (guest)

Workshops               Drama

                                                           The aims o f Ro ta V II
                                                           1. To meet new people and make new friends
                                                           2. To achieve curricular outcomes
                                                           3. To leave everyone wanting ROTA to continue

                                                           Comments of participants:
                                                           Several Germans were sure that the week had developed team-
                                                           work “working with lots of different nationalities”, while a Belgian
                                                           was convinced that the ROTA week had helped him/her learn about
                                                           “helping/starting projects”. One British student observed drily that
                                                           he thought ROTA will have sparked a development of his letter-wri-
                                                           ting skills, while another is encouraged to find out how she might
                                                           be able to visit her new friends in the holidays.
                                                           A Dane commented that: “being an exchange student opened my
                                                           mind to other cultures and I have always found different people
                                                           A Spaniard felt his/her attitude to other people had been trans-
                                                           formed by “eliminating prejudices and bringing us closer to new
                                                           cultures and new forms of understanding life”.
Re po r t o n t h e R ot a                                                  The games evening
f o o d wo r ksh op                                                         Thursday

During the Rota week I participated in the food workshop. This involved     On the Thursday evening of ROTA a games evening, organised by
designing and making your own cake and a box for it to be stored in. To     Miss Leigh, was held in the main hall in order to test the wits of
help us with this assignment excursions were made to the local super-       the six different nationalities against each other on topics such as
market where we were given a talk about manufacturing novelty cakes         European flags, famous people and world currencies. Each country
and the ingredients needed to make them.                                    was divided into two teams with the aim of totalling their two scores
Later in the week everyone participating in Rota visited York and assign-   together producing a grand total and thus a winning country. At the
ments were given to each group. For the food workshop this involved         end of the first few rounds it was the Danish teams which were lea-
finding where foods on the market originated from and what weight           ding, closely followed by the Germans and the Belgians.
they were sold in. Also students were given the opportunity to visit        Then came the more light hearted rounds such as dancing to music
small supermarkets in the centre.                                           (international of course!) and games of Twister. Finally we had a Eu-
I greatly enjoyed participating in this week and hope to be involved in     rovision Song Contest style karaoke competition which was won in
European integration in the future.                                         superb fashion by the British team’s rendition of “Great balls of fire”.
                                                  by K aty Merai , LC HS    At the end of e very enjoyable evening it was the German team that
                                                                            finally took the honours.
ROTA VIII - 1999
  Date                       13-20 March 1999

  Organizing school          Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen

  Theme                      Beyond the year 2000
                             Change and continuity

  Participating Schools      Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                             Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                             Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                             Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                             Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge
                             Liceum Ogolnoksztatace Siemianowice (guest)

  Workshops                  Drama
                             Population development
                             Structural changes in European regions
                             Working with masks
                             Music and movement
                             Analysis of traffic dynamics

Uitleg workshops

Wo r k s ho p
‘An al y si s of t raffic d y n a mics’
The aim of this workshop is to develop and apply a mathematical model to
describe the conditions of an optimal flow of traffic (in contrast to the present
situation). The students will use an algebraic software, similar to Derive, running
on a TI 92 calculator. Learning and training to use this programme will be the
first stage of the project, planned to take one day only.
Artikel uit ‘Stadt Spiegel’ 18-03-1999

Schüler und Schülerinnen
ROTA IX - 2000
  Date                        26 March – 1 April 2000

  Organizing school           Lycée Saint-Josephe Sarlat

  Theme                       European Citizens in the 21st Century

  Participating Schools       Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                              Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                              Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                              Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                              Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Workshops                   Préhistoire
                              Présence Greco-Romaine dans notre quotidien
                              Gastronomie : Banquet Gaulois
                              Environnement : Restauration des grands
                              poissons migrateurs
                              Les chemins vers Compostella
                              Multimedia : aux sources de l’information

Wo r k s ho p
« L es C h em in s d e Com po stelle:
Ch em i n s de l’E u rop e »

1) Objectifs de l’atelier:
   Vivre l’expérience des pèlerins venus de toute l’Europs, en route vers Santiago
   et comprendre en quoi Compostelle a pu souder les pays européens.
2) Contenu de l’atelier:
   Marche de 15 kms maximum par jour et visites culturelles sur le Chemin.
3) Participants inscrits à cet atelier:
   Ils doivent aimer marcher et ils doivent être résistants (ils porteront leur sac à
4) Travail préparatoire:
   Chaque pays enverra à Sarlat 4 chansons entraî-
   nantes dans sa langue, avec la traduction à coté
   soit en anglais, soit en français, afin de constituer
   un carnet de route.
ROTA X - 2001
  Date                       24-31 March 2001

  Organizing school          Instituto Goya Zaragoza

  Theme                      European Citizenship in the XXIst Century
                             The roots of the third millennium

  Participating Schools      Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                             Instituto Goya Zaragoza
                             Lycée Saint Josephe Sarlat
                             Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                             Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Workshops                  Music
                             Internet / Press
                             Europe : trivial pursuit

Voorstelling scholen

Saint-Louis. Our school was founded in 1834. It was the first college in the
heart of Bruges. The catholic boys’ school soon developed into a highly res-
pected college, where all kinds of subjects are taught, from Greek to eco-
nomics and from biology to sports.
Also the possibilities for extra – cur-
ricular activities for students apart
from the lessons grew. The presi-
dium is an initiative from and for
the students. All kinds of groups
come out with the most creative
ideas. The culture-group shows off
with their free stage, the social-
group kicks off with a concert, the
newspaper brings out hot gossip
and hilarious articles and nature
entertains other students with a lot
of workshops. Being situated in an
historical and a romantic place, our
school has the opportunity to get in
touch with a wide variety of cultures. We have partnerships with a school
in Paraguay and Senegal, an exchange project with the island Pico in the
Atlantic, trips to Greece, the USA, Italy and last but not least ROTA. The fame
and fortune of our school is not only made by the principal and teachers, but
it’s made by the hard word of our students and our daily life. (Ora et labora)
ROTA XI - 2002
  Date                        28 April – 6 May 2002

  Organizing school           Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Theme                       7 Joys, 7 Senses
                              Bruges Cultural Capital of Europe

  Participating Schools       Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                              Elde College Schijndel
                              Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                              Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge
                              Gymnasium Arabska Praha
                              Ecole ça va Moskova
                              Escola Sao Roque Pico

  Workshops                   Drama                                          Uit krantje ‘The day after’ – dinsdag 30 april 2002
                              Video Art
                              Poetry                                         SN O O KER
                                                                             Belgium vs. England
                              Singing                                        Top snooker yesterday, not only in the Crucible in Sheffield, but also
                              Choreography                                   in Bruges, where there was an international meeting between Bel-
                                                                             gium and England. The teams consisted out of Mathew Pearce and
                                                                             Paul McCaffrey for England. Dieter Van Marcke defended the honour
Uit Collage 7 Joys 7 Senses                                                  of Belgium as well as your humble reporter.
                                                                             Belgium broke off and Van Marcke unfortunately potted the cue ball.
T he l o g o of                                                              England at the table with Paul McCaffrey to pot the first red. A period
SE V E N J OYS                                                               of safety play had arrived. Yours sincerely mishit a red, and the En-
SE V E N S ENS E S                                                           glish team got the possibility to build a break.
The logo of SEVEN JOYS SEVEN SENSES                                          The Belgian team needed three snookers, with only the Brown, Blue,
The logo of the project 7J/7S is both simple and very powerful. It is        Pink and Black left on the table. A bad safety shot by Dieter Van
playing with the number 7, which at one time is directed to the right,       Marcke gave the English the opportunity to finish the match. Mathew
at another to the left. The two figures in the middle face each other.       potted the Brown, missed the Blue, but we conceded.
7J/7S concerns the number 7: seven artists, during seven days, se-           The pot of the day though, was made by the outstanding Joachim
ven workshop locations… And with a little goodwill seventy foreign           Verplancke (still your humble reporter) who potted a ball situated
youths.                                                                      next to the balk line and against the cushion over two cushions and
The little red balls suggest a presentation of people. That’s correct!       over the entire width of the table into the lower left corner. A small
7J/7S is a cooperation of amateurs and professionals; a school and           spark of light in a period of darkness for Belgian snooker.
Bruges 2002 have clasped hands together. The chasm of a national                                                               J oa c him V e r pl a n cke
borderline, the difference in age, the possession of talent, or being
included in different structures, all of this will be bridged by our crea-   W hat is jo y for you?
tive play. We know the result will be unforgettable. Especially, after a     Astonishment.
week, the friendship is not to be obliterated.                               Having fun in what you do.
The obstinate staying away of the fourth red dot makes you watch the         Fulfilment.
logo. Maybe it is just waiting for your enthusiasm. With a little imagi-     Being creative without any limits.
nation you can also discover the number 2002 in the logo: the cultural       All over this place, as part of the entire project, the meaning of ‘joy’ is
year 2002, an unforgettable year.                                            being searched. As for our group, poetry and calligraphy, ‘joy’ means
                                                                             something different for everybody. We’ve had the joy in the darker
                                                                             sides of life, even more than the peaceful meaning of the word. So,
                                                                             in terms of conclusion, one has to look inside anyway, to find some-
                                                                             thing that can mean ‘joy’ for you.
Uit krantje ‘The day after’ – vrijdag 3 mei 2002
                                                                            Interv iew with the arti s t
                                                                            M ichiel van Cauwelae r t

                                                                            Workshop scenography
                                                                            Michiel van Cauwelaert (the artist of the workshop),
                                                                            how do you define “scenography”?
                                                                            In a theatre you have a big scene, expressing mostly texts. So with sce-
                                                                            nography we try to translate those texts into different kind of colours,
                                                                            forms and materials.
                                                                            Why did you accept the offer to come to this project?
                                                                            Well, I’m always working in projects of two or three months. A few
                                                                            months ago they asked me to participate in this project and I agreed

O u r v i ew s on t h e w ork s hops
The room of the cineasts. Eleven o’clock. People are sitting around the
table, listening to their teacher (= the artist Karen Vanderborght). Wat-
ching some video fragments. The engaged teacher wrote the theoretical
parts of their work with the camera on a blackboard. For us, it seemed
to be very schoolish.
Fortunately, this is only one part of their workshop. Every morning they
look to the videotape which they’ve made the day before. Then they
have the theoretical part, and every day they focus on a new subject.
Today they specialized themselves on movements. So, they watched a
fragment of “les glaneurs et la glaneuse”. They discussed a bit about
the camera movement and the fragments they saw.
In the afternoon they occupy themselves with the real filming work by
using their knowledge of the morning. So, if you are in front of a par-
ticipant of the videoteam, be careful because they are watching you!
                                                                            because I had spare time for this week and I really like to work with
                                                                            young people.
                                                                            What do you want to teach during this week?
                                                                            I don’t want to teach anything. I just want the participants to learn to
                                                                            interpret poems and express themselves in colours, forms, … .
                                                                            What do you feel like to work with different nationalities?
                                                                            Great! They are very enthusiastic. Especially the Czech people are very
                                                                            creative, but the others too!
I n t e r v i ew w it h t h e art ist
Lud wi g v an Gijseg em
Workshop singing
Why did you accept the offer to take part of this project?                     Do you think the language of music is universal?
I always say “yes” in my professional career. Every day of my if is dif-       Yes. When I agreed to take part in this project I did not know the people
ferent, because I engage in different, special projects. I think that pupils   I would work with. And so I was not sure which language they would
or all young people should get the opportunity to participate in projects,     speak. For this reason, I decided to search for songs without text. For
because my generation and me, we had also such an opportunity and              example, now we are practising on a song, which is called “The Rain”.
it helped us. That is why I want every generation to get such a chance         This is a song expressing the sound of rain. For this song, language is
and because of this I decided to take part in this project.                    not an obstacle and there are many songs like that. But this song is also
Do you work often with young people?                                           a good opportunity to create a special atmosphere.
Not that much. I taught till two years ago. I have not been working            What can we expect of the performance on Friday and Saturday?
with young people for two years now. So it was really time to do such a        Well, we’re performing a gospel song because people asked for it. Next
project involving young people. I want to pass on my knowledge in the          on the programme, there’s a piece called “The rain” with a small percus-
hope that the next generation keeps on doing that and the chain never          sion. It consists of sounds from different parts of the world. Again, it’s
ends. I do believe I have something to say to young people and this was        the translation of a variety of atmospheres in a musical way. The third
a great occasion to do so.                                                     piece is again a bit experimental with a chorus and all kinds of sounds
Are the different cultures, and especially the languages interesting           and texts. And then a Japanese song to finish off the evening. It’s called
to work with or are they more of an obstacle?                                  “Watashi” which means “I” or “Mine”.
In this short period of time, the languages cause some problems. So-
metimes, you lose time explaining. Or I just can’t find the right words
in English to get the message across with the necessary details. I’ve
noticed that the students help each other. So they don’t have a problem
with it, but sometimes I do.
ROTA XII - 2003
  Date                     29 March – 6 April 2003

  Organizing school        Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen

  Theme                    7 Joys, 7 Senses

  Participating Schools    Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                           Elde College Schijndel
                           Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                           Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge
                           Liceum Ogólnoksztalcace Siemanowice

    Fashion and values
    Books, films and magazines                                             Krantje 31/03/03
    Music and movement
  	National cuisine and cookery                                            At the to wn hall
                                                                           Am Montag wurden alle Teilnehmer im Rathaus herzlich empfangen.
                                                                           Der Bürgermeister Herr Liebig begrüßte alle ausländischen Gäste
                                                                           sehr herzlich. Er verwies auf die Bedeutung der internationalen Be-
Krantje 30/03/03                                                           gegnungen und gab einige Informationen über die Stadt Hattingen.
                                                                           Die Teilnehmer verfolgten den Vortrag des Bürgermeister. Damit
Sc h u l p r o j e kt e:                                                   alle die Ausführungen verstehen konnten, übersetzte Herr Dr. Nig-
7 J o y s – 7 S en ses                                                     gemann in Englisch.
Nachdem die Schulband den Abend eröffnet hatte, sprach der Schullei-       Nach dem Vortrag überreichte der Bürgermeister allen Gastschulen
ter Dr. Niggemann einige begrüßende Worte. Er stellte die teilnehmen-      einen neuen Videofilm über Hattingen.
den Länder aus Belgien, England, den Niederlanden und Polen vor. Alle
Schülerinnen und Schüler kamen auf die Bühne und wurden mit Applaus
Danach gab es ein internationales Büffet. Jedes Land brachte dazu beson-
dere Spezialitäten aus der Heimat mit. Alle Teilnehmer genossen die un-
terschiedlichen Köstlichkeiten.
Nach dem Essen spielte die Schulband erneut. Später wurde ein Spiel
durchgeführt, damit sich die Teilnehmer besser kennenlernen konnten.
Alle Teilnehmer bekamen ein Memorykarte um einen Interviewpartner zu
finden. Im Verlauf des Interviews mussten Fragen über Hobbys, Lieblings-
musik, Job Pläne und Ähnliches beantwortet werden.
Ende des Spiels wurden die Interviewzettel an eine Stoffwand geklebt, so
dass jeder die Gelegenheit hatte die anderen Ergebnisse anzusehen. Die
Stoffwand hängt während der ganzen Woche im Schülercafé.
ROTA XIII - 2004
  Date                       27 March – 3 April 2004

  Organizing school          Elde College Schijndel

  Theme                      7 Joys, 7 Senses

  Participating Schools      Lincoln Christs Hospital School
                             Elde College Schijndel
                             Waldstrasse Gymnasium Hattingen
                             Sint-Lodewijkscollege Brugge

  Workshops                  Painting with water
                             Creative writing
                             Creating a virtual water entertainmentpark
                             Acting / Dancing

A short introduction of some of the eight workshops

P a i nt i n g wit h w at er
In this workshop watercolours and Chines ink will be used. Water will be both inspiration and material. Also different kinds of surfaces will be used
to experiment. Students will work under direction of two artists in a real studio in ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The students should have special interest in
drawing and painting. During the week they will probably visit an artist and/or museum.

Cr e a t i v e writ in g
Under direction of two teachers who write poetry themselves the students will find their inspiration in water-related subjects. Using different types
of paper, ink and calligraphy they create an album which they will construct themselves in a hand bookbinding-shop in ‘s-Hertogenbosch by the
end of the week. Feeling for language as such will come in handy.

Cr e a t i ng a virt u al w at er entertainmentpark
Anything can happen in virtual reality, so students can create their own fantasies in this amusementspark. You don’t need to be a genius but you
must have more than average computerskills. Two teachers with all the knowledge and equipment needed will assist and instruct.

Sc i en c e
The topic will be the cycle of water. Students will research and create a model for a space-shuttle. They will also launch a small rocket in the end,
so their presentation goes ‘booom’. No special skills are needed, just interest in scientific research and experiments.

Co o k i n g
Working with and under a professional cook and baker in a very well equipped kitchen and bakery must be challenge for everyone. In an institute
for deaf children the students will work together with some deaf children. The students will create a professional dinner, they can make some
specialities form their own countries and they’ll learn to prepare some typical Dutch products. Of course, water is a very important ingredient
in kitchen recipes as well as in baking recipes. The Dutch and foreign specialities will be served and presented on Friday, presentation-evening.
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