La page est créée Jean-Luc Leblanc

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THE CANADIAN GUNNER                                                                 L’ARTILLEUR CANADIEN

Volume 42                                                                                                          March 2008
                                                                                                                   Mars 2008

    Captain-General, The Royal Regiment                                   Capitaine-général le Régiment royal
            of Canadian Artillery                                              de l’Artillerie canadienne
       Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II                                       Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II
Colonel Commandant, The Royal Regiment                                 Colonel commandant, le Régiment royal
           Of Canadian Artillery                                              de l’Artillerie canadienne
  Brigadier General E.B. Beno, OMM, CD                                  Brigadier Général E.B. Beno, OMM, CD
            Senior Serving Gunner                                             Artilleur en service principal
      Lieutenant General J. Arp, CMM, CD                                   Lieutenant Général J. Arp, CMM, CD
                Director of Artillery                                              Directeur de l’Artillerie
             Colonel J.R.C. Lacroix, CD                                           Colonel J.R.C. Lacroix, CD
         Commander Home Station                                      Commandant de la garnison Régimentaire
 Lieutenant-Colonel J.J. Schneiderbanger, CD                         Lieutenant-colonel J.J. Schneiderbanger, CD
                    Editor-in-Chief                                                    Rédacteur en chef
                        Vacant                                                               Vide
                 Managing Editor                                                 Directeur de la rédaction
             Captain G.M. Popovits, CD                                          Capitaine G.M. Popovits, CD
                     Production                                                            Production
                    The Shilo Stag                                                        The Shilo Stag
                      Printers                                                            Imprimeurs
                  Leech Printing Ltd.                                                  Leech Printing Ltd.

  The Canadian Gunner is published annually and is financed            L’Artilleur canadien est une publication annuelle financée par
by the RCA Regimental Fund and subscriptions.                       le Fonds régimentaire de l’ARC et a par les abonnements.
  The views expressed by the authors are their own and do not          Les opinions exprimeés sont celle desauteurs et elles ne re-
necessarily reflect official policy.                                flétènt pas nécessairement les politiques officielles.
  All copy and photos submitted become the property of The             Tous les textes et les photos soumis deviennent propriétés
Canadian Gunner unless accompanied by a statement that              de l’Artilleur canadien, à moins qu’ils ne soient accompagnés
they are on loan and are required to be returned.                   d’un avis indiquant qu’ils ne sont que prêtés et qu’ils doivent
  Scholars may feel free to quote from articles in The Cana-        être retournés.
dian Gunner in whole or in part, provided that normal source           Les étudiants peuvent citer en tout ou en partie des articles
acknowledgement is made. The editors, in this respect would         de l’Artilleur canadien, à condition d’en citer la source. Dans ce
appreciate a copy of all works using The Canadian Gunner as         même domaine, les rédacteurs aimeraient recevoir un exem-
source material.                                                    plaire de tout travail citant l’Artilleur canadien comme ouvrage
                                                                    de référence.

Canadian Gunner                                                 1
Table of Contents
Mot du Colonel Commandant/
Message from the Colonel Commandant .......................................................................................................................4

Mot du Directeur de L’Artillerie/
Message from the Director of Artillery ............................................................................................................................6

1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery .................................................................................................................8

2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery ...............................................................................................................10

5é Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada ....................................................................................................................12

4th Air Defence Regiment, RCA ....................................................................................................................................14

Royal Canadian Artillery School
École d’artillerie de campagne, ...................................................................................................................................16

Royal Canadian Artillery Band ......................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment and
84th Independent Field Battery, RCA ...........................................................................................................................18

2nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA..................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

3rd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ..................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.....................................................................................................19

6é Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, ARC .................................................................................................................20

7th Toronto Regiment, RCA ...........................................................................................................................................21

38th CBG Artillery Tactical Group
• 10th Field Artillery Regiment • 26th Field Artillery Regiment • 116th Independent Field Battery

11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................24

20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................25

49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA ................................................................................................................................26

62é Régiment d’artillerie de campagne, ARC ...............................................Article Not Submitted/Aucun Article soumis

                                                                                          2                                                             L’Artilleur Canadien
1st Air Defence Regiment
(Landmark and Renfrew Scottish), RCA.......................................................................................................................27

18th Air Defence Regiment, RCA ..................................................................................................................................28

RHQ RCA/QGR ARC ...................................................................................................................................................29

RCA Museum/
Musée de l’ARC............................................................................................................................................................30

Règlements de la compétition pour l’essai en Mémoire du Colonel Geoffrey Brooks/
The Colonel Geoffrey Brooks Essay Rules and Submission Deadlines.......................................................................31

Proud Supporters of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery/
Les supporters fier nos contributeurs au La Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne ................................................32

Regimental Fund Financial Statement 07-08/
État de Compte du Fond Régimentaire 07-08 ..............................................................................................................33

The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Listing by Rank/
Liste par Grade du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne ......................................................................................34

Canadian Gunner                                                                      3
Message from the                                                               Mot du
  Colonel Commandant                                                         Colonel Commandant
 Gunners everywhere,                                                        Les artilleurs sont partout

 This truly is a great time to be a Gunner. Our place on the                 C’est un temps exceptionnel pour être artilleur. Notre place
“Right of the Line” is widely understood and embraced. We have             en ordre de préséance est bien comprise et appréciée. Nous
stepped up to the operational demands of force generation,                 avons répondu aux demandes opérationnelles de mise sur pied,
force protection and force projection – putting rounds where they          de protection et de projection de la force – visant là où c’est
need to be in support of the all arms and services team on the             nécessaire pour assurer le soutien de toutes les équipes d’armes
battlefield. We are a significant force enabler and force multiplier       et de services sur le champ de bataille. Nous sommes une force
– be it acquiring targets, engaging targets, coordinating fires            significative multiplicatrice de force –qu’il s’agisse d’acquisition
or collecting and collating tactical information. Because of our           ou d’engagement d’objectifs, de coordination des tirs ou de
stellar performance on operations we have received innumerable             collecte et de rassemblement de renseignements tactiques.
accolades – the most important of which come from soldiers on              À cause de notre performance fulgurante lors des opérations,
the ground, both Canadian and Allied. The infantry ciphers on              nous avons reçu d’innombrables accolades – la plus importante
our guns clearly demonstrate the trust, respect and gratitude              provenant des troupes au sol, tant canadiennes qu’alliées. La
that we have earned.                                                       façon dont l’infanterie regarde nos obusiers démontre clairement
                                                                           la confiance, le respect et la gratitude que nous avons mérités.
 The men and women in the Artillery, Regular Force and Reserve,
are outstanding. Not only those on operations, but those who                 Les hommes et les femmes de l’Artillerie, de la Force régulière
train, support and equip them. And behind every Gunner you’ll              comme de la Réserve, sont exceptionnels. Non seulement ceux
find a family and a network of friends and supporters. The vast            en opération, mais aussi ceux qui les entraînent, les soutiennent
Gunner network reaches into every headquarters, unit and town              et les équipent. Derrière chaque artilleur, il y a sa famille et
in Canada – and I cannot thank them enough for the support                 tout un réseau d’amis et de supporteurs. Le vaste réseau des
to our troops. We serve as one family, that has a tremendous               artilleurs est présent dans tous les quartiers généraux, toutes les
outreach and reach-back – and let’s use this network to build on           unités et les villes du Canada – et les mots me manquent pour
the current momentum.                                                      les remercier assez pour tout le soutien témoigné envers nos
                                                                           troupes. Nous servons comme une famille, avec un immense
  I have noted that our keys to success have been being soldiers           rayonnement et recevant beaucoup de la collectivité – c’est
first and foremost, as well as being professional Gunners; and             pourquoi il faut utiliser ce réseau pour développer encore plus
looking after our people. I will not belabour the former – we              l’élan actuel.
are skilled professionals (world class) in our business and it is
obvious to me that we are superb soldiers – fit, tactically astute,         J’ai remarqué qu’au cœur même de notre succès se trouvaient

                                                                       4                                               L’Artilleur Canadien
capable of multi-tasking and fully attuned to all operational             les soldats avant tout, mais également le fait d’être des
matters. The second point, looking after our people, has never            artilleurs professionnels et que l’on prenne soin de nos gens.
been so important as it is today. It is evident that our success          Je ne m’attarderai pas sur le premier point – nous sommes
is the direct result of the determination, dedication, intellect          des professionnels reconnus (au niveau mondial) dans notre
and self-sacrifice of our Regimental family members, several              domaine, et il est évident à mes yeux que nous sommes de
of whom we have lost on operations. There are also several                superbes soldats – en forme, fins tacticiens, polyvalents et
wounded, and many carrying wounds that are not readily visible.           totalement en accord avec les questions opérationnelles. Le
I know that Senator/General Dallaire is constantly reminding all          second point, prendre soin de nos gens, n’a jamais été aussi
Canadians to care for the wounded, and their families. We all             important que maintenant. Il est évident que notre succès
have a role to play supporting the Regimental family, so please           est le résultat direct de la détermination, du dévouement, de
do what you can. To me, looking after our people includes                 l’intelligence et du sens du sacrifice des membres de notre
ensuring a high standard of professionalism, discipline, ethical          famille régimentaire, dont plusieurs ont malheureusement
conduct and battle worthiness – set the bar high.                         perdus la vie en opération. Nous avons eu également plusieurs
                                                                          blessés, et beaucoup d’autres encore portent des blessures qui
   I ask that all Gunners actively support our efforts in the             ne sont pas encore visibles. Je sais que le sénateur et général
RCA Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation sets                     Dallaire rappelle constamment à tous les Canadiens de prendre
out to get the Gunner message out. I personally believe that              soin des blessés de leur famille. Nous avons tous un rôle à jouer
our Heritage outreach efforts contribute directly towards our             dans le soutien de la famille régimentaire, alors faites ce que
operational capacity. I believe that morale, esprit-de-corps,             vous pouvez. Pour moi, prendre soin des nôtres est synonyme
cohesion, teamwork and networking are force enablers and                  de haut niveau de professionnalisme, de discipline, de conduite
force multipliers. Knowing from where we come, what we are                éthique et de valeur au combat – mettez la barre haute.
all about, and where we are going will all help us build on our
successes and keep the current momentum going. To this end,                 Je demande à tous les artilleurs de soutenir de façon active
please participate in our Heritage efforts, and encourage others          nos efforts au sein de la fondation du patrimoine de l’ARC. La
to do so. My personal thanks to Major General (Ret’d) John Arch           fondation du patrimoine a pour but de faire passer le message
MacInnis and Lieutenant General (Ret’d) Mike Jeffery, and all             des artilleurs. Je crois personnellement que nos efforts de
the Heritage team for bringing the Foundation to its current level,       sensibilisation à l’égard de notre patrimoine contribuent
and for their initiatives to keep up the momentum.                        directement à améliorer notre capacité opérationnelle. Je pense
                                                                          que le moral, l’esprit-de-corps, la cohésion, le travail d’équipe
  On behalf of all Gunners, thanks to General MacInnis who                et le réseautage sont des développeurs et des multiplicateurs
servedd as Colonel Commandant for six years, and did a superb             de forces. Sachant d’où nous venons, qui nous sommes et vers
job. Th
      hanks John Arch. And, lastly, I am proud to be your Colonel         quoi nous nous dirigeons nous aidera à bâtir sur nos succè   ès et
Comm mandant. I will do my best to serve the interests of the Royal       nous permettra de maintenir l’élan actuel. À cette fin, partic
Regimment and our Regimental family.                                      aux efforts de notre fondation et encouragez vos pairs à fairre de
                                                                          même. Je tiens à remercier personnellement le Major-gén      néral
    d Shooting. Ubique                                                    (à la retraite) John Arch MacInnis et le Lieutenant-général (à la
                                                                          retraite) Mike Jeffery, de même que toute l’équipe du patrimmoine
                                                                          pour avoir mené la fondation à son niveau actuel et pour leur
                                                                          initiative à maintenir le rythme.

                                                                            Au nom de tous les artilleurs, merci au Général MacInniss qui
                                                                          a servi en tant que colonel commandant pendant six ans et a
                                                                          effectué de l’excellent travail. Merci également à John Arch
                                                                                                                                     h. Et
                                                                          enfin, sachez que je suis fier d’être votre colonel commanddant.
                                                                          Je ferai de mon mieux pour servir les intérêts du Régimen  nt de
                                                                          l’Artillerie royale et de notre famille régimentaire.

                                                                           Visez juste! Ubique

Canadian Gunner                                                       5
Message from the                                                            Mot du
      Director of Artillery                                                Directeur de L’Artillerie
 Fellow Gunners                                                             Chers artilleurs,

 Gunners are not only relevant but are key players in the combat             La présence des artilleurs est non seulement pertinente, mais
arms team; Gunners are and should be proud of their heritage,              également essentielle dans l’équipe des armes de combat. Les
and of their current and future contributions to fighting wars and         artilleurs sont et doivent être fiers de leur patrimoine, ainsi que de
keeping the peace; Gunners play a key advisory role throughout             leurs contributions actuelles et futures tant en temps de guerre
the chain of command; and last but not least Gunners are the               que dans les opérations de maintien de la paix. Les artilleurs
masters of their destiny, therefore we are to speak on Gunner              jouent un rôle de conseiller clé dans la chaîne de commandement.
issues, act on Gunner issues and we are NOT to accept second               Et enfin, et ce point est non le moindre, les artilleurs sont les
chair to anyone. We must first and foremost educate ourselves              maîtres de leur destinée. Par conséquent, nous devons parler
and then those supported arms commanders at all levels of                  des questions qui touchent les artilleurs, prendre les mesures qui
command, without getting into our traditional “black box mode”             s’imposent en tant qu’artilleurs, et nous n’accepterons JAMAIS
that we have been accused of in the past. Guns, and FOO /                  d’être relégués à l’arrière banc. Nous devons d’abord et avant
FAC, and Missiles appear to be well understood but the rest of             tout nous instruire, puis ceux qui soutiennent les commandants
the Artillery capabilities, new and key enablers on the battlefields       d’armes à tous les niveaux de commandement, sans retourner
of today and tomorrow, are not. In short Gunners must be the               dans notre mode « boite noire » traditionnel comme nous avons
SME of their domain and we must sustain this never-ending                  été accusés de le faire dans le passé. Les obusiers, les OOA/
educational process. We have regained our rightful place at The            CAA et les missiles semblent être bien compris. Mais le reste
Right of Line and our goal is to ensure we never give cause for            des capacités de l’artillerie, tant nouvelles que comme outils clé
second thought. I am relying on all of you to do just that.                sur le champ de bataille d’aujourd’hui et de demain ne le sont
                                                                           pas. Bref, les artilleurs doivent être les experts en la matière
  The Gunner successes achieved over the past year, overseas               dans leur domaine et nous devons soutenir ce processus
and at home, are attributable to the outstanding leadership and            d’éducation permanent. Nous avons repris notre place légitime
professionalism of each and everyone of you. Retired or Serving,           dans l’ordre de préséance et nous devons nous assurer que
Regular or Reservists, you all have made personal sacrifices and           nous ne laisserons jamais cette place prise par quelqu’un qui
you have made a difference in countries far beyond the shores of           pensera pour nous. Je fais confiance à tout le monde ici pour
our borders. You have all performed superbly and came through              cela.
in spades but there was a price to pay. Yes some have made the
ultimate sacrifice in protecting their fellow countrymen and those           Les succès enregistrés par les artilleurs cette année, tant
less fortunate than ourselves.                                             outre-mer qu’au pays, sont attribuables au leadership et au

                                                                       6                                                L’Artilleur Canadien
Families with deep sad hearts and anxiety watched loved                     professionnalisme exceptionnels de chacun d’entre vous.
ones leave the comfort of their home, not once but twice or                   Retraités ou en service, membres de la Force régulière ou de la
more, to support our war effort in Afghanistan; to support                    Réserve, vous avez tous consentis à des sacrifices personnels
those who were on the road to high readiness in Wainwright                    et vous avez fait la différence dans des pays situés bien au-
or other training bases far from home; or to attend and support               delà de nos frontières. Vous avez tous servis de façon superbe
operational and career courses for weeks if not months on end.                et exceptionnelle, mais il y a eu un prix à payer. Oui, certains
To all, well done, and to the families thank you for your support.            ont dû faire le sacrifice ultime pour protéger nos compatriotes et
God bless you all.                                                            ceux qui sont moins chanceux que nous.

  Taking care of our soldiers and families has, is and will be our              Des familles au cœur brisé et anxieuses voient leur être cher
focus for The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery. We have                   quitter le confort du foyer, non pas une fois mais deux fois ou
exceptional men and women wearing the gunner hat badge. We                    plus encore, pour soutenir notre effort de guerre en Afghanistan;
have families that support those who wear our hat badge. Like                 pour soutenir ceux qui sont sur en voie d’acquérir le statut de
any member of a family, we must give our undivided attention                  haute disponibilité opérationnelle à Wainwright et aux autres
when problems come to the surface and need to be addressed.                   bases d’instruction loin du foyer; ou encore pour suivre ou
The CF Care of Injured Program is an all-encompassing program                 enseigner des cours professionnels et opérationnels pendant
that will ensure our soldiers and families get the best care and              des semaines sinon des mois. À tous, beau travail, et aux
support possible. Challenges exist in meeting those goals                     familles merci de votre appui. Que Dieu vous protège tous.
set out by CDS and CLS, but The Regimental family and our
Association can go a long way to mitigate problems and bring                     Prendre soin de nos soldats et de nos familles a toujours été
issues to light in order to forge a spirit of compassion and care             au cœur du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne et cela
that will serve us well in the future. This is a no fail mission so get       continuera de l’être. Les hommes et les femmes qui portent
engaged and do what is right.                                                 l‘insigne de l’artillerie à leur béret sont exceptionnels. Nos
                                                                              familles soutiennent ceux qui portent cet insigne au béret.
 As your Director, it has been an honour and pleasure to serve                Comme tous membres d’une famille, nous devons accorder toute
with you. To all good luck and good shooting.                                 notre attention lorsque des problèmes apparaissent et doivent
                                                                              être réglés. Le programme universel de prestation de soins aux
 Ubique                                                                       blessés des Forces canadiennes veille à ce que nos soldats et
                                                                              leurs familles reçoivent les meilleurs soins et soutien possibles.
                                                                              C’est certes un défi pour atteindre ces objectifs qui sont exigés
                                                                              par le CEMD et le CEMAT, mais la famille régimentaire et notre
                                                                              association peuvent faire beaucoup pour mitiger les problèmes
                                                                              et bien les présenter de façon à forger un esprit de compassion
                                                                              et de soins qui nous servira bien dans l’avenir. C’est là une
                                                                              mission à laquelle nous ne pouvons faillir, alors mettez vous y à
                                                                              fond et faites ce que doit.

                                                                               En tant que directeur, c’est un honneur et un plaisir de servir
                                                                              avec vous. À tous, bonne chance et visez juste !


Canadian Gunner                                                           7
1st Regiment
                                  Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
   A Battery                                                             2008 looks the same. Many changes are in store for the
   Domestic operations and training have kept A                          Battery, but what won’t change is the professional, dedication
Battery very busy in 2007.   From activities in British                  and fighting spirit of A Battery soldiers.
Columbia,    Florida, Saskatchewan,     Alberta    and
right here in Shilo, A Battery has been at full tilt.                       B Battery
                                                                            It has been a busy year for B Bty which all began in January
   For domestic operations, 2007 has been a noteworthy year.             07, when the initial planning for TF 1-08 began to take shape.
A Battery provided two troops for Avalanche Control, the first           This included many new elements for the Regiment, which
between 19 Feb and 26April and the second between 14 November            included Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radar, Hostile Artillery
2007 and 16 January 2008. Between the two troops over six                Locating Operators and Mini Unmanned Air Vehicles. The
hundred rounds were fired in support of Parks Canada keeping             new systems saw the addition of an entirely new Troop
Roger’s Pass open for traffic. Further, between April and June           within the Battery. This also meant new courses and training
A Battery was placed on alert to fight flooding in BC. A Battery         opportunities on systems that were accessible only to B Bty.
did not deploy, but were on 24 hours notice to do so if need be.
                                                                          By April, the Battery was in full force on their way to beginning
   The Battery supported training for task force 01-08, about to         Individual Battle Task Standard Training. This began at CFB
deploy to Afghanistan. From firing anti-tank rockets, to firing in       Dundurn, with the rigorous task of getting as much of the
support of HALO training, to supporting EX MAPLE GUARDIAN                individual training completed as possible. This was an excellent
in Wainwright, the                                                                                                  opportunity for those
Battery has played                                                                                                  new to the Battery to
an integral role in                                                                                                 begin working with
ensuring that deploying                                                                                             their    new    teams.
forces receive top-                                                                                                 Overall,       Exercise
notch          training.                                                                                            IRON SIGHT was a
                                                                                                                    success and it was an
   Elements from A                                                                                                  excellent beginning to
Battery deployed to                                                                                                 a long and demanding
Florida in November                                                                                                 training          cycle.
to      participate     in
multinational training.                                                                                                The       Battery
Providing fire support                                                                                           continued with their
to    live     and    dry                                                                                        pre-deployment
forward air controller                                                                                           training within the
training. They were                                                                                              area of CFB Shilo,
complimented           on                                                                                        with the exceptions
their professionalism                                                                                            of the Forward Air
and             technical                                                                                        Controllers,       who
acumen by our allies.                                                                                            were deployed within
                         B Bty wins the Kingston Cup.                                                            the United States to
   However, it was not                                                                                           complete their training
all work. Throughout                                                                                             with the American Air
the year we had several golf and family days to reward good              Force. The Battery now had to work on the Troop deployment
work and help bring the Battery family together in an informal           and tactic skills. The continued training in Shilo allowed the
setting. All were well received and were much needed breaks.             standard to be set and gave everyone the confidence they
                                                                         needed to carry on with more difficult training. With the
   Many troops from A Battery are now moving to C Battery to             completion of Exercises PRECISION STRIKE I and II, the
augment them as they begin the work-up training for their own            Battery was fully equipped with M777s and Surveillance Target
deployment on task force 03-09. As well the Battery Commander,           Acquisition gear and, despite having to overcome equipment
Major James Allen, will be deploying to Afghanistan with the             shortages and manning changes, they were ready to join
Kandahar Reconstruction Team where he will be coordinating               the Battle Group for even more training at CFB Wainwright.
relief and reconstruction efforts in our area of responsibility.
                                                                           With the onset of summer leave, all members of B Bty
   In all 2007 has been an interesting year for A Battery and            were able to spend much needed time with their families and
                                                                     8                                              L’Artilleur Canadien
friends to begin the gruelling two month Exercise DESERT                   along with an Afghan interpreter and five soldiers serving with 3
RAM and MAPLE GUARDIAN. With this final stage in the TF                    PPCLI. Jeff leaves his partner, Sylvie Secours and their son Ry.
1-08 training, the element of B Bty were able to effectively train
within the Battle Group and gave everyone a chance to see                     The Battery held a change of command on 2 April 2007
what life would be like in Afghanistan. The Brigade Commander              that saw Maj Chris Comeau hand over command to Maj Todd
was impressed with the work done by all elements of the Battle             Scharlach. The BSM’s pace stick was presented to WO (now
Group and deemed that they were, in fact, ready to deploy.                 MWO) Carl Roehl from MWO Dave Poss. WO Todd Buchanan
                                                                           was promoted to his current rank as of 17 October 2007.
   After returning to Shilo, B Bty took Christmas leave, which for
many would be the last chance to see their families. Everyone                 On 2 April, F Tp became part of B Battery for TF 1-08.
returned refreshed and eager to deploy. The Battle Group                   Supporting F Troop and the remainder of B Battery workup
continued with finalization training which included cultural               training kept C Battery busy until early November when we
                                                                           kicked off our first “Regimental School” cycle getting us ready
                                                                           for TF 3-09. In Early December, a small group of C Battery
                                                                           soldiers attending Ex MENTON DAYS in Fort Lewis, Washington,
                                                                           USA where we received our US Jump Wings. Immediately
                                                                           upon return from Fort Lewis, the battery defeated HQ Battery
                                                                           in the annual hockey competition for the Hugsweir Cup.

                                                                              All in all, it has been a successful year for the sub-unit better
                                                                           named “C Detachment” at one point - with less than 10 mbrs
                                                                           during Spring 2007 - now numbering over 100 all ranks since
                                                                           the merger with A Battery in January 2008, aiming towards
                                                                           stand-up for TF 3-09 later this year.

                                                                              Headquarters & Services Battery
                                                                              2007 was an exciting year for Headquarters & Services
                                                                           Battery with opportunities for various training and several
                                                                           changes in the command structure. The past year witnessed
D Troop defends the Gun Line.
                                                                           the change of command between LCol P.J. Williams and LCol
                                                                           T.J. Bishop. It was also the opportunity to welcome Maj D.B.
awareness briefings. This included the social, economic and                Jones as 2IC and MWO D.L. Poss as BSM. The Battery
political situation of Afghanistan and the complexity of the               was also pleased to see the promotion of Capt R. Moon,
culture. These briefings gave insight into the life of the people of       Capt M.J. Draho and Capt S.K. Fortin to the rank of Major.
Afghanistan and shed new light on the true meaning of the mission.
                                                                              On the training side, many soldiers from various trades
   With deployment drawing near, B Bty was honoured to have                were detached to reinforce Task Force 1-08 that will deploy
many of their members’ accomplishments recognized by both                  in Afghanistan in early 2008. The TF training in Wainwright
CLS and CDS Commendations. MBdr JMJ Vandamme, Bdr                          offered a great opportunity to practice convoy movement
JAC Grajewski, Bdr NW Osadchuk, MBdr KL Stocker and Bdr                    between Shilo and Wainwright for the exercise DESERT RAM.
PY Gregoire were given Commendations for their efforts in                  Some soldiers also had the opportunity to work as OPFOR
the community and in assisting others when in need. Also,                  during the exercise MAPLE GUARDIAN and develop their
there were three well deserved promotions for Sgt GE Higgins,              understanding of the Afghan culture. Our soldiers also used
Sgt JRES Perreault and Sgt CR Herbert. All three will be in                the WES (Weapons Effects Simulation) system that enhanced
command positions within the TF 1-08 manning.                              the interest of the training and the understanding of the threat
                                                                           they were facing. Of course, the Battery conducted several
   B Bty continued to put the finishing touches on the pre-                individual courses like HLVW, MLVW and the T-LAV drivers.
deployment training with and Ambush Range and the final
issue of arid kit. With all the training completed and everyone
ready to get on the plane, Troops began taking their final days
of leave to be with their loved ones before deployment. This
proved to be both an emotional and exciting time for B Bty. All
ranks of B Bty are anticipating an exhilarating and challenging
tour and looking forward to returning home.

   C Battery
   As has likely been the case for all batteries across the Royal
Regiment, 2007-2008 has been a busy year for C Battery.
In keeping with our recent past, we deployed two FOO/FAC
parties with D Battery on their Afghan tour. C Battery has now
deployed members on all five Afghanistan tours since Canada’s
operational move to Kandahar – but that came with a significant
price on 4 July 2007 when Capt Jefferson Francis, who had
deployed with his FOO/FAC party to support 2 RCHA and the
2 RCR battle group on TF 1-07, was killed by a roadside bomb               Memorial for Captain Francis
Canadian Gunner                                                        9
2nd Regiment
                                   Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
   2007 was yet another operationally challenging and                    D Battery
rewarding year for the Second Regiment. It was also a year               In early February the members of D Battery boarded flights for
not without loss. Attached posted from 1 RCHA, Captain Jeff          their seven-month tour of duty in Afghanistan. As quickly as they
Francis paid the ultimate sacrifice as a contribution to the war     could conduct a handover with E Battery they were dispersed
in Afghanistan. Indeed, at some point last year, every member        across the southern end of the country, and tasked with providing
of the Regiment was deployed to Afghanistan, was training to         fire support to the 2 RCR Battle group in fifty-two combat
deploy to Afghanistan, or was engaged in supporting those            operations; twenty-three of which saw the guns fire in anger. In
deployed. The major highlights of 2007 include the consecutive       order to maximize the number of guns available for support at
deployment and reintegration of both E and D Batteries and, for      any given time, the Battery operated at the troop level for the
the latter half of 2007, the stand-up and preparation of F Battery   majority of the tour. There are numerous challenges inherent to
for deployment to Afghanistan with the 3 RCR Battle Group in         this type of deployment, and conditions were extremely austere.
fall 2008. Throughout this operationally challenging period, HQ      These deployments often extended past thirty days, particularly
Battery successfully supported all efforts while simultaneously      if our highly sought-after guns were deployed in support of British
force generating and deploying a significant number of specialists   and American operations. This was often the case, as the long
for service in Afghanistan. Last, but not least, the Regiment        range abilities and accurate fire offered by the M777s were the
retained responsibility for the Disaster Assistance Response         envy of coalition forces. Equipment-wise this tour also boasted
Team (DART) mission.                                                 the new lightweight counter-mortar radar and artillery sound

D Battery firing in Afghanistan.
                                                                 10                                             L’Artilleur Canadien
ranging systems, and once again Canada was at the forefront of              his property up for training, there are similarities to deploying in
new and innovative technologies in the operational environment.             Afghanistan. Damaging civilian property overseas can easily lose
By August the guns had made a significant contribution to the               you the support of local nationals, and hinder your operations. F
Canadian effort in Afghanistan, firing over 2300 rounds, and                Battery fs training then transitioned into live scenarios where the
dropping more than 100 aircraft bombs in support of the battle              gun troops dealt with a persistent and harassing enemy force. The
group and coalition partners.                                               enemy infiltrated the gun positions, set up improvised explosive
                                                                            devices (IEDs), and launched numerous ambushes. Each Troop
   Back in Canada the gunners were dismissed to a period of                 also spent a day at a live-fire force protection stand where mortars,
well-deserved leave, following which they became the next                   small arms, and even the 105mm C3 Howitzers were incorporated
generation of serving veterans of Afghanistan. Their next task              into the scheme of manoeuvre. The training was extremely
was to disseminate the lessons-learned from TF 1-07 to the                  successful at the soldier level, but it also challenged the leadership
members of F Battery, who had already begun their own work-up               with more advanced live fire applications including Danger Close
training. In addition to these mentoring tasks, the Battery also            missions, dismounted mortar raids, and fire plans. All gunners rose
provided support to the Instructor in Gunnery course, Theatre               to the occasion, and the Regiment looks forward to assisting them in
Mission Specific Training (TMST), and spent a memorable                     their future training endeavours and in their eventual deployment.
weekend in Toronto interacting with the Canadian public and
providing an Honour Guard for the Grey Cup.                                    Headquarters and Services Battery
                                                                               Often working behind the scenes, Headquarters Battery
   E Battery                                                                once again rose to the occasion. No different from the
   E Battery also contributed significantly to the mission overseas         other batteries, specialists from Headquarters Battery
this year. They rang in the New Year in the Zhari-Panjwayi                  found themselves deployed, or training to deploy, for the
district as members of the 1 RCR Battle Group, having deployed              mission in Afghanistan; some going out the door with the
to Afghanistan in August 2006. Their most gruelling battle was              Batteries, while others were attached to the NSE and the
the extremely well-documented Op MEDUSA, the first overseas                 FSG. Challenged with providing augmentation and support
operation where guns were employed in a near conventional                   across the Regiment, the Batteryworked tirelessly to ensure
role since Korea. Members of E Battery fired approximately                  equipment, technical support and supplies were provided,
2000 rounds of 155mm during this operation, and their tireless              both at home and abroad, resulting in effective execution
FOO parties controlled over 300 close air support and attack                of tasks assigned to the Regiment. Continuously balancing
helicopter sorties. Exhausted but proud, the gunners were                   individual training requirements, maintenance of vehicles,
content to pass the torch to their 2 RCHA brethren in February.             and logistical support in an extremely high Op-tempo
                                                                            environment, exemplifies the high level of professionalism,
  Although it can be anti-climactic returning to the unit, many             dedication and work ethic found within the battery. Ending
members of E Battery were given a new focus. They were to                   the year on a high note, the Battery played a pivotal role
enter the individual training system and earn qualifications that           in preparing vehicles and equipment, and subsequently
would allow them to redeploy with F Battery in August 2008.                 mounting them on trains in support of a Brigade controlled
Leading the way in artillery transformation, E Batteryalso took             confirmation exercise in Texas in the New Year.
the lead in surveillance and target acquisition (STA), setting
the parameters for the introduction of an STA battery within                   Reservists
the Second Regiment. One final critical task was assigned to                   The commitment, dedication and support provided by
E Battery; that of forming and manning the core of the Disaster             the reserves over the past year were second to none. The
Assistance Response Team (DART), should Canada be                           introduction of a third gun troop, and additional STA equipment
summoned to the aid of a country in distress.                               in theatre, combined with force generating two back to back
                                                                            rotations, not to mention, generating the foundation for the
   F Battery                                                                battery deploying in 2008, has brought with it a heavy burden
   Tasked with managing what remained of the Second                         in terms of manpower shortages. Fortunately the reserves have
Regiment earlier in the year, F Battery soon moved into the                 once again proved to be a valuable resource. There is no doubt
role of preparing for its own deployment in the Fall of 2008. The           that reserves were fundamental in the success of the Regiment
intensive preparatory training for deployment with the 3 RCR                this year. This year alone saw 130 reserve gunners already
Battle Group began over a year prior with individual and theatre            deploy to Afghanistan, while an additional 45 are well engaged
mission specific training (TMST), as well as collective training up         in high readiness training, and will deploy in 2008.
to level 4. These exercises were conducted to ensure that at the
stand up of the 3 RCR Battle Group in January 2008, F Battery                  Conclusion
is fully prepared to fulfill their roles of fire support as well as            This year at the Second Regiment saw elements of the
surveillance and target acquisition for the upcoming Battle Group           Regiment in all facets of the Managed Readiness cycle: One
level training, and for their eventual deployment to Afghanistan.           Battery returning from theatre and reintegrating back into the unit;
The Battery fs training has been rigorous, revolving around a               one battery deployed for seven months of the year; and one battery
complex and in-depth scenario based on real tactical situations             that commenced individual and collective training in preparation
appropriate to the Afghan theatre. The main objectives of the               for deployment to Afghanistan in August 2008. None of this would
training were to survive, move, and fight in an unconventional              have been possible without the support we received from Reserve
environment.                                                                Force units, the Field Artillery School, and our sister Regular Force
                                                                            Regiments, but the greatest appreciation that we feel is towards the
   By deploying in unconventional gun positions, such as the                families and the support systems of the soldiers themselves. There
Laurentian Township, the soldiers of F Battery were introduced to           is no doubt that the years ahead will hold the same challenges as
the concept of cooperating with the local population. While the land        this past year, but the Second Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse
they chose belonged to a local OPP officer who graciously offered           Artillery looks forward with determination and focus.

Canadian Gunner                                                        11
5e Régiment
                                          d’artillerie légère du Canada

    Le 5 RALC a connu une année mouvementée, marquée par la            vue de son déploiement en Afghanistan. Depuis le mois d’août,
préparation et le déploiement de plus de la moitié de ses effectifs    la batterie R se donne corps et âme à l’école régimentaire
vers Kandahar à l’été dernier. Par leur dévouement et ardeur au        conjointement à la batterie C&S qui fait des miracles pour
combat, cette batterie composite de 189 personnes, le personnel        appuyer la batterie R dans ses exercices. Voici donc un résumé
du Régiment au sein de l’escadrille TUAV, du quartier-général          des événements vécus par le 5 RALC durant l’année 2007.
de la Force opérationnelle interarmées-Afghanistan (FOI-A)
et les autres entités contribuent à bâtir un avenir meilleur pour          Le Régiment a débuté la saison du bon pied avec des cours
des milliers d’Afghans et par leurs actions, protègent fièrement       de conversion VBLC et chauffeur. Le Régiment a participé à
les Canadiens. Leurs faits d’arme et actes exemplaires face à          l’EX PIÈCE GELÉE durant la mi-janvier à Valcartier afin de se
l’ennemi vont glorifier l’héritage de notre régiment à tout jamais.    préparer pour l’entraînement interarmes qui allait suivre. Ce
                                                                       mois a d’ailleurs été le tremplin de la FO 3-07 qui s’est rendue
    Le Régiment a malheureusement été affligé par de tristes           à Fort Bliss, Texas afin de s’y entraîner dans le cadre de l’EX
nouvelles. Le 20 juillet, nous apprenions que l’adjum (ret) J.G.       RÉFLEXE RAPIDE, un exercice interarmes de niveaux 5-6
Deveau, quatrième SMB de la Bie Q en 1979-80 était décédé              (équipes de combat et groupement tactique). Cet entraînement
d’un arrêt cardiaque. Le Régiment est aussi attristé par le décès      rigoureux a motivé les troupes mais a été épuisant; une semaine
du Cplc Christian Duchesne de la 5e Ambulance de Campagne,             de relâche a donc été de mise afin que les membres puissent
décédé en Afghanistan. Il avait débuté sa carrière au 5e RALC          passer du temps avec leurs familles. La fin mars a été marquée
durant les années 90 et plusieurs se rappellent le passage de          par le changement de commandement du 5e Groupe-brigade
« Conan » dans nos rangs. Le bdr Roberge, ancien du Régiment           mécanisé du Canada entre le Col Guy Laroche et le Col Éric
affecté à l’ELRFC nous a aussi quittés en septembre et plusieurs       Tremblay, 18e commandant de notre régiment. Cette passation a
se sont déplacés à St-Jean sur Richelieu pour participer aux           eu lieu le 30 mars et fut une grande fierté pour notre Régiment.
funérailles. Enfin, l’adjum Daniel Mercier du 6e RAC, ancien
adjudant au Régiment est décédé le 23 novembre du cancer à                Une conversion au canon M777 a eu lieu en avril, ce qui
l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. Nous nous souviendrons d’eux.                  a non seulement qualifié les troupes sur ce système mais a
                                                                       également contribué à hausser le moral des artilleurs. Le fait
    La première moitié de l’année a été celle de la batterie X et la   d’avoir ce nouveau système d’arme numérisé et très performant
composante TUAV qui étaient en pleine montée en puissance.             au sein de notre Régiment est a eu un effet positif multiplicateur
Renforcée de plusieurs réservistes provenant des régiments             sur la perception de la pertinence des artilleurs sur le champ
d’artillerie du SQFT, cette batterie s’est déployée sur multiples      de bataille. Alors que quelques membres du Régiment ont pu
exercices afin d’atteindre un niveau de compétence élevé en            participer à l’exercice ATLANTIC STRIKE en Floride, les troupes
                                                                                         de la FO 3-07 (roto 4) se sont déployées pour
                                                                                         près de cinq semaines au CCEM Wainwright
                                                                                         sur l’exercice MAPLE GUARDIAN, un exercice
                                                                                         de haute intensité force contre force. Cet
                                                                                         exercice mémorable a permis de confirmer les
                                                                                         compétences acquises en vue des opérations
                                                                                         de combat en Afghanistan.

                                                                                           Le Lcol Grant Dame, désigné chef d’état-
                                                                                       major de la FOI-A, a remis le commandement
                                                                                       du 5e RALC au Lcol Dany Fortin le 12 juin. C’est
                                                                                       aussi lors de cette passation que nous avons
                                                                                       procédé au changement de SMR alors que
                                                                                       l’adjuc Jean Boivin, affecté à l’équipe provinciale
                                                                                       de reconstruction à Kandahar a été remplacé par
                                                                                       l’Adjuc Alain Grenier. Après un congé mérité,
                                                                                       le QG FOI-A s’est déployé en juillet et dès le
                                                                                       15 août, nos troupes se sont envolées vers
                                                                                       Kandahar. En tout, 213 membres du Régiment
                                                                                       sont déployés sur la roto 4. Vous comprendrez
                                                                                       que c’est donc avec un enthousiasme non
Changement de Command.                                                                 dissimulé que nous avons accueilli 14 nouveaux

                                                                   12                                             L’Artilleur Canadien
artilleurs qualifié du PP1 au mois d’août. Ils ont eu la chance             d’une cérémonie à la chapelle Ste-Jeanne D’Arc en octobre, en
d’être rapidement qualifié sur la pièce LG 1 et certains ont même           préparation à son ordination prévue au printemps 08. Le padre
eu la chance d’être qualifié en septembre à Wainwright sur le               Dubé est avec le Régiment depuis janvier 2005; il est donc bien
M777 grâce à l’appui inconditionnel du 1 RCHA. Ceux-ci ont                  implanté au sein de l’unité.
donc été placés sur la réserve opérationnelle de la roto 4.
                                                                                Le mois de décembre s’est entamé bien-sûr avec la célébration
     La journée historique du 22 août 07 restera gravée dans                de la Sainte-Barbe le 1er décembre à Shawinigan. Cette année,
l’histoire de notre jeune régiment alors que les membres de la              les officiers et sous-officiers supérieurs ont participé à ce dîner
troupe B de la batterie X tiraient un premier obus au combat. En            régimentaire où comme à chaque année, les artilleurs du SQFT
novembre, une portée record a été atteinte alors qu’un projectile           se réunissent pour fêter. La semaine suivante, malgré la neige
à portée rallongée RAP (« Rocket assisted ») a touché un objectif           abondante, s’est déroulé l’exercice BOMBARDE BORDÉE, un
à 33 960 mètres dans la vallée de Baluchi en Uruzgan, en appui              court exercice de tir confirmant les compétences acquises lors
aux forces hollandaises. Un vent arrière et une correction                  de l’école régimentaire. Cet exercice a mis un accent particulier
météo de « diminuer 5000 mètres » a permis au système de                    sur les techniques, tactiques et procédures de sécurité relatives
calcul de calculer les données qui dépassaient de loin la portée            au théâtre d’opérations en Afghanistan que le Régiment était en
maximale attendue de la pièce. Tiré en tir vertical, le vertex de la        mesure d’appliquer avec les ressources disponibles. Pour une
trajectoire a atteint 61 000 pieds AGL. La nouvelle sonde RS-92             24e année, le Régiment a appuyé Maison Partage en collectant
performe avec brio.                                                         plusieurs tonnes de vivres pour les familles en besoin dans la
                                                                            région de Québec.
    L’automne fut le point de départ pour la formation individuelle
du personnel identifié sur la FO 1-09 qui sera placée en haute                   La dernière semaine de décembre avant le congé a débutée par
disponibilité au printemps 2009. Cette école régimentaire                   une compétition de tir au pistolet pour les officiers et sous-officiers
incluait les cours de chef adjoint de pièce, de chauffeur roue,             supérieurs. Le tireur ayant obtenu le pointage le plus bas s’est vu
de mortiers et de technicien de poste de commandement et de                 attribuer le titre de tireur le plus « honnête » du régiment. C’est sans
reconnaissance et d’autres cours se poursuivront dès janvier                surprise du récipiendaire de cet honneur et aux sourires moqueurs
2008.                                                                       de la majorité des concurrents que le Slt LeBel s’est mérité cette
                                                                            distinction disons particulière. Le lendemain, le 12 décembre, avait
    Le Régiment a mis en place un programme de                              lieu la joute annuelle de hockey sur glace entre les sous-officiers
conditionnement physique solide qui met en valeur les habilités             et les officiers, suivie par la joute des bombardier-chefs contre les
de combattant. Comme à chaque année, 110 coureurs ont                       bombardiers et artilleurs. Vu le manque de joueurs en raison de
pu participer à la traditionnelle course Whalen de 5 km le 7                la mission et le manque, disons-le, d’un peu de talent du côté des
septembre, en l’honneur du sgt (ret) Éric Whalen, un petit                  officiers, la formule a été changée pour la joute annuelle. En effet, les
groupe en raison du déploiement. Le Cpl Jean-François Paulin                joueurs officiers et sous-officiers supérieurs ont donc été regroupés
du QMR a parcouru la distance avec un temps de 17 minutes 03                et le Commandant et le SMR ont pigé des joueurs pour équilibrer
secondes. Le Régiment a aussi participé au parcours du CCmdt                les forces. Ce fut un succès total car il a fallu des tirs de barrage afin
5e GBMC et c’est avec enthousiasme que nous participerons au                de mettre un terme à la rencontre. Il est à noter que les déboires
prochain défi. Lors de cette épreuve, la Capt Roseline Fernet,              du Slt LeBel ont continué durant cette partie. Après avoir compté
BK R s’est démarquée en gagnant la première place dans les                  deux buts lors de la rencontre, le SMR lui a fait confiance en tirs de
catégories de push-ups et chin-ups chez les femmes.                         barrage. Celui-ci a cependant échappé la rondelle devant le gardien
                                                                            adverse ce qui a contribué non seulement à la victoire de l’équipe
   Notre aumônier, le capt Michel Dubé, fut ordonné Diacre lors             du Commandant mais encore une fois, aux sourires moqueurs de
                                                                                                             tout le régiment. Enfin, le dîner de Noël
                                                                                                             du 14 décembre a couronné l’année.
                                                                                                             Le père Lafrance, M.Alain Côté, ancien
                                                                                                             joueur des Nordiques de Québec et le
                                                                                                             bdrc (ret) Lemay, tous impliqués dans
                                                                                                             la Maison Partage, ainsi que M. Roland
                                                                                                             Blackburn de l’Association québécoise
                                                                                                             de la fibrose kystique se sont joint à
                                                                                                             nous à ce dîner.

                                                                                                              En conclusion, le 5 RALC a été
                                                                                                          marqué de plusieurs événements
                                                                                                          notoires au cours de l’année. La
                                                                                                          dynamique de ce régiment est au niveau
                                                                                                          des plus intenses. Que ce soit pour les
                                                                                                          membres du Régiment déployés en
                                                                                                          théâtre hostile et loin de leurs proches
                                                                                                          ou les ceux qui font des pieds et des
                                                                                                          mains pour qualifier un maximum de
                                                                                                          gens sur nos systèmes d’armes, tous se
                                                                                                          rappellent que nous formons une famille
                                                                                                          et que nous travaillons conjointement afin
                                                                                                          de représenter les valeurs canadienne
M777 en Afghanistan.                                                                                      au pays et ailleurs.

Canadian Gunner                                                        13
4th Air Defence Regiment
                                      The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery

   2007 has been another exciting year for 4th Air Defence           again called upon to support a variety of taskings. Throughout the
Regiment, RCA as we continue to force generate Airspace              year we deployed ASCC’s in support of Ex FINAL DRIVE, the final
Coordination Centres (ASCCs) for TF Afghanistan, as well as          exercise for the AOC, Ex MAPLE GUARDIAN and Ex SOUTHERN
force generating soldiers for the Operational Tactical UAVs.         BEAR as Brigade and Battle Group ASCCs. We also deployed
The Regiment also maintained two troops of Ground Base Air           ASCC’s in support of the CATCC, CMTC and Ex TRIDENT FURY,
Defence, and provided support to: the Royal Canadian Artillery       as well as for Ex BOLD QUEST in Fort Irwin, California. 4 AD Regt
School, CATCC, numerous exercises such as Ex FINAL DRIVE             will continue to support Domestic Operations, including Op PODIUM
and TRIDENT FURY, and conducted pre-deployment training              for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games. 4 AD Regt was
with the various Task Forces, throughout the year. In addition, we   also the IRU for the Atlantic Area for the past 18 months, and was
represented LFAA when we deployed a team to participate in the       responsible for any emergency response required in the Maritimes.
Nijmegan March and took on the task of leading and training the
LFAA CFSAC team. Finally, we completed the largest and most             Royal Canadian Artillery School Support
successful firing camp in the recent history of the Regiment. A         In 2007 the Regiment continued to provide support to the
busy schedule for a unit of slightly more than 250 personnel!        RCAS. 4 AD Regt deployed an ADATS Battery in March for Ex
                                                                     NIMROD GALE, the final exercise for the Battery Commanders
  Changes in Command                                                 course. The Regiment also provided ADATS troops for the DP
  2007 saw many changes in the command structure of the              1.2 AD Officers final exercise, Ex HOMEWARD BOUND, the DP
Regiment. Major Tim Hogan took over the Regimental 2IC               1 AD NCM course, as well as support to various courses such as
position. Major Jeff Schamehorn assumed Command of 128               the AD Tech, BMC, IG and AIG crses. The support provided to
AD Bty while Capt Paul Hillier took over the BK’s position and       the Artillery School has given the regiment an invaluable training
MWO Jim Reid as the BSM. Capt Lorne Plemel took over as the          opportunity, as well as helped to enhance the relationship between
Regimental Adjutant and Major Rod Embree became the Acting           our two units.
BC of 119 AD Bty with the deployment of Major Jean Pierre Dorris,
and Capt Rob Saunders took over as the BK.                              Nijmegen March
                                                                        The Nijmegen march is an annual tradition in which participants
    Task Force 1-07, 3-07 and ISAF HQ Deployments                    complete four consecutive days of 48 Km marches centred around
    2007 began with the departure of 38 personnel who became         the Dutch city of Nijmegen. This year, 4 AD Regt was represented
part of Task Force 1-07 and ISAF HQ. The TF 1-07 ASCC                by 11 of it’s members, including Capt Raylene Robertson, Lt
was manned by Capt Scott Lang, WO Joseph Stirmey, MBdr               Michael Hobson, Sgt Ken Gardy, MBdr’s Daniel Robichaud,
Chris Armstrong, Bdr’s James McKenna and Michel Allain, and          Peter Sova, MCpl’s Richard Paddock, Raymond Pruski, Bdr’s
the ASCC technician, MCpl Michael Lynch. The TUAV tp was             Joe Persico, Thomas Cyr, Sylvain Deslisle, and Remi Levesque.
manned by Capt Thomas Lee, Sgt Robert Keating, MBdr’s                These soldiers completed the exhausting work up training which
Frederick Brown, Colin Virgoe, Bdr’s Jim Aucoin, Cory Benoit,        started in April and included daily marches of over 30 kms. By the
Jean-Francois Boucher, Tyler Carnegie, Justin Corliss, Shaun         time they were depl to the NL they had logged approx 1000 km per
Kroeker, Michael May, David McNeil, Stephen O’Brien, Katherine       team member. They successfully completed the march without
O’Donnell, Levi Sheppard, George Spilkin, and Gnr’s Charles          losing a single person to injury or fatigue. Their determination
Berube and Francis Boivin. Finally, Bdr’s Ryan Mendes and            and dedication was yet another sterling example of 4 AD Regts
Mathew Reicker deployed as members of the OMLT, and MBdr             commitment to excellence.
Maxime Marcoux, Bdr’s Luc Martin, and Kurt Warren as members
of the PRT. WO Michael Cardona, MCpl Dwight Anderson, Bdr’s              Canadian Forces Small Arms Competition
Daniel Flynn, and Jamie Goguen, and Cpl’s Shawn Keenan, and              From 3-16 September, 4 AD Regt, as the LFAA OPI for the
Mark Munden deployed with the NSE. Bdr’s Christopher Lardner         CFSAC team, sent a team to participate in the Canadian Forces
and James Nicholson deployed as drivers for the BG HQ and            Small Arms Competition (CFSAC) and National Service Conditions
Bdr Dupuis deployed to ISAF HQ as a driver. In May a decision        Competition (NSCC) held at the Connaught Ranges near Ottawa,
was made to man the ASCC’s with 7 personnel, to locate it at the     Ontario. The team consisted of Regular and Reserve personnel
Bde HQ, and to be deployed for a nine month tour. This ASCC          from around the Atlantic area, and included, Lt Turmel Chiasson,
is manned by Major Jean Pierre Dorris, Capt Erik Andresen, WO        WO Mike Martin, MCpl Johnson, Bdr’s Legge, MacPherson,
Pierre Landry, Sgt Bruno Plamondon, MCpl James Jewers, and           Babin, Cordy, Rattie, Roberts, and Peters, Cpl Grondin, and Gnr’s
Bdr’s Thierry Champagne and Danny Martineau.                         Damphousse, and Besaw. 19 Soldiers of the LFAA team place
                                                                     in the top 50 shooters of the competition which totalled over 130
   Task Force and Army Support                                       participants. The team performed exceptionally well, most notably
   As the Air Defence Centre of Excellence, 4 AD Regt was once       Bdr Legge, who won Top Regular Force shot in the LFAA, and
                                                                 14                                            L’Artilleur Canadien
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