Dsgd 104 interduction to graphic design san josé state university
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dsgd 104 interduction to graphic design san josé state university content map examples the following are examples of a variety of organizational techniques that might be employed in project one. the set is not meant to exclude the possibility of techniques not represented here.
the following three slides are from the book visual presentation of invisible processes by anton stankowski. the images represent a range of possibilities for the structure of information. more than one organizational structure might be appropriate for a project. the next slide shows three contrasting examples in structures that exist around us, and the slides that follow show twelve structural systems inspired by this range.
the following six slides are “concept maps” for the game of baseball designed by students at the institute of design, iit, in chicago. the instructor, hugh dubberly, has also taught the exercises at art center college of design in pasadena, and at san josé state university. these diagrammed systems group information into sets, show the relationships and overlaps between sets, and ultimately, through the interconnected words and phrases, provide a range of narratives for a viewer to learn about the game of baseball. the examples here differ in the groupings and hierarchies of information students used to describe the sport.
BASEBALL is played is a on a 2-Team sport Field consists of played by played in 9 se ctions v is e d s u p er called by Umpire Offensive team Defensive team Innings Infield (Diamond) Outfield Dugout Foul Territory is divided into consists of consists of consists of Main umpire Batter Runner Catcher Left fielder Short stop 1st baseman Pitcher Pitcher's mound Home plate 1st Base Left field gains loses 1st base umpire Right fielder 2st baseman 2nd Base Right field Advantage Turns stands on by getting Center fielder 3rd Base Center field by 2nd base umpire 3st baseman throws 3rd base umpire Based hit Strike out Run batted in Force out stand near Home run Tagged out stand on Stolen base Fly out Free base Called strike stands on swings to hit Bat Ball Baseball Concept Diagram Diagram Development, Institute of Design Instructor: Hugh Dubberly Team: Suzan Boztepe Chujit Jeamsinkul Soo-Jin Jeong Linda Pulik Napawan Sawasdichai Elisa Vargas
Terms B = Ball number (x < 4) F = Foul number H = Home run Pitcher Balls on base Batter become a Runner runs to my O = Out number (x < 3) Defensive team on Feild players take throws ball Ball hit runner base Rf = Forced run to field position Y batter S = Strike number (x < 3) Rf(x) Sc = Score my base = base runner is running to forced my base = base runner forced to run to (my base + 1) Conditions B(x): if x = 4 then balls on based N Save on my base else batter to plate F(x): if x < 2 then strike Y else ball caught (yes or no) Base hit H(x): 1] batters run home, tagging all bases 2] if any other runners then forced to run home 3] my base = homeplate Tagged out by O(x): if x = 3 then next 1/2 inning, teams alternate defensive team else new batter Home run Y N member Rf(x): if other runners on my base then (forced my based) else runner can run (yes or no) S(x): if x = 3, then strike out Y H(x) else batter to plate Sc(x): if my base = home plate, then team score = x + 1 Fly ball Next half inning Teams alternate Sc(x) Foul ball N Ball caught Y F(x) Y Bat hit ball Strike out O(x) Strike Offensive team sits One team member Batter at home Batter in dugout comes to field and plate N swings become batter N Y Called strike S(x) Baseball Process Diagram 2nd Iteration In strike Diagram Development, Institute of Design zone Instructor: Hugh Dubberly Team: Ball Suzan Boztepe N Chujit Jeamsinkul Soo-Jin Jeong Linda Pulik Napawan Sawasdichai Elisa Vargas B(x)
Defensive Team's Actions D B Balls on base Players take Home Run Pitcher throws Does the ball Y position in the field the ball hit the batter? C N Safe on my base Base Hit Offensive team Does the Y gets 1 point for runner cross each runner homeplate? Y N All runners attempt to run to Is any N Does the N the next base. runner Y ball go over Runner/base tagged by the backfield C possibilities are defensive fence? depicted below. team? N The ball is fair and Out and Batter become a Is the ball Total Out Number= Y runner caught? Out Number + 1 A N Total Foul Total Is it a Foul Y Number = Foul N Foul Ball? Ball + 1 Y Number
The Game of Baseball: Mapping its activities, rules, and structure Field of Play made up of Foul Territory Stadium made up of Field which consisting of played in a bounded by a Fair Territory consisting of Fence consisting of Top Outfield Infield split into which contains Nine Innings split into consisting of Pitchers Mound Batters Box First Base Second Base Third Base Bottom Baseball is a Game Nine Players who stands on who kneels in who watches who watches who watches consisting of played by consisting of Home Team ends each inning on in the on on on starts each inning on Two Teams Visiting Team Players won by the team with more ends each inning When on defense on Players consisting of Defense Offense When on offense Runs which takes turns being Second Right Fielder Center Fielder Left Fielder Short Stop Pitcher Catcher First Baseman Third Baseman tries to get Batter who could Base Runner Baseman become tries to get Involving offensive action Runs Rules Involving defensive action Involving action from by advancing offense and defense Three Outs Bases through through by to get to Walk: When the batter is by by Fielding Pitching awarded automatic advancement to first base. Batting Stealing Home Plate Walk to get Steal: When a base by getting by getting by taking runner runs to the by catching by making by making without next base between Strike Out Strike Zone: The area directly Fly ball: A ball hit into the air making pitches. Runner can One Run that has not yet touched the above home plate that is below Swing be tagged out. the batter’s armpits and above Four Balls Hit-by-Pitch ground their knees. by pitching in Force out: Occurs when a fielder, which could result in which could result in by getting pitched to outside while carrying the ball, tags a base that a base runner is forced to run Fly ball Force out Tags Error Full Swing Bunt to. Base runners are forced to run Strike Zone when another runner is running towards the base they're on. When batters hit a ball in fair territory, they are forced for for resulting in resulting in becoming a one of one of when the ball is to run to first base which scores at least hit over the Tag: Occurs when the fielder tags a One Strike One Ball base runner between bases while which results in holding the ball. which results which results which results in in in to reach Miss Foul Hit Error: A defensive mistake that results in a runner being able to advance a base Three Strikes advances which is one of Base Runner which results in Single Double Triple Home Run Single: A play in Double: A play in Triple: A play in Home Run: An which the batter which the batter which the batter offensive play in One Out advances to first base advances to second advances to third which the batter hits by hitting a fair ball base by hitting a fair base by hitting a fair the ball fair, but over and not getting out ball and not getting ball and not getting the outfield fence. out out All base runners run to home and score.
Start of game Set Up Game Set home team runs to 0 Set visiting team runs to 0 Set inning half to "top" Process Diagram: Baseball Eric Swanson Mark Faga Home team takes Hsin-Hsuing Liu defensive position with all 9 players on the field Tairan Sun New Batter Wait for pitch Pitch Base Running Add runs from this At Bat Somatat NaTakuatung Set strikes to 0 Andy Schultz Visiting team supplies Set balls to 0 batters Set "Batter"runs to 0 Fielding Wait for batter Pitcher starts Fielder catch Yes Other runners are Batter is "out," Batter steps up Batter outside Yes to return to to throw ball before it hits "forced" to touch stops running and to plate of batting box? batting box the ground? their base leaves the field No No Ball Contact Non-forced runners Yes Add Batter runs Yes Pitcher Yes Yes Yes YesBatter from All Ball stay Yes Ball within Yes Batter is "forced" (if any) to complete throw? Batter swing? Batter hit ball? can choose to run home team? bases empty? in bounds? outfied fence? to run to first base home team score to next base No Home team ahead, bottom of 9th or later No No No No No No Fielder with Add Batter runs Inning Yes Home team Yes Declare home When are players forced to run? Yes Ball hit ball tag runner Yes (if any) to >= 9 and "half" runs > visitor Fielder Yes team as winner Runner Declare "Balk" batter outside of between bases? visiting team score = "bottom?" team runs? Yes catch ball? on base attempt strike zone? to run? No No No No No No Fielder with ball tag Yes Runner is "out," Yes Yes + 1 to Ball in + 1 to base a runner is forced stops running and Strike count < 2? out count strike zone? strike count to before the leaves the field Yes runner? Out count = 3? No No No No Any +1 to Yes runners running Yes Runner on occupied Yes ball count + 1 to toward an occupied base is forced to Out count = 3? Strike count = 3? out count base? run to next base No No No Change Sides Change Innings Yes Ball count = 4? Yes Out count = 3? Has a Yes Yes base runner + 1 to No touched home Set outs to 0 No Batter Runs plate? Innings >= 9? No No Yes Runners between Visiting team Yes bases? on the field? +1 to innings No No Fielder tosses ball to pitcher Set inning half Set inning half to "bottom" to "top" Visiting team Home team takes the field takes the field Steal Attempt Walk Home Run Batter has hit a "Home Run" Pitcher throw Yes Fielder Yes Yes + 1 to Batter advances ball to fielder before tag runner Out count = 3? out count to first base runner reaches with ball? base? No No No Runner on occupied Runner on Yes Base being Yes Runner on third Yes Runner See who wins Runner has advanced to base advances to third base? runs to home advance to "stolen"base occupied? next base next base? No No Home No Home team Set inning half Yes team runs = visiting +1 to Inning +1 to takes the field to "top" team runs? Runner runs Runner leaves base before Batter Runs Runner returns to toward base fielder catches fly ball previously occupied Base being Yes First base No base +1 to j Batter always N/A advanced to Batter runs Not occupied forced to run to 1st home base? Runner on Yes Runner on second Yes No j Base runner forced Base runner forced second base? runs to home Home j j Declare home New base Yes Occupied to 2nd, batter to touch 1st before team have more +1 to team winner home plate? forced to run to1st running runs? Batter runs No Second base No force N/A +1 to No Not occupied No Batter Runs j Force on third Base runner forced Declare visiting j Set new base to Occupied to touch 2nd before team winner "occupied" running Runner on Yes Third base Runner on second No force N/A first base? runs to home Not occupied No Force at home j Base runner forced Occupied j to touch 3rd before +1 to running Batter Runs Home plate No force N/A Not occupied Batter runs to home Occupied Not possible +1 to Batter Runs End of game
Baseball How to Play Baseball Concept Map is a Objective that counts the most after 9 to determine Game Run/s Winner Game ends Innings Inning: A unit of a baseball game consisting of a turn at bat and three outs for each team. attempts to prevents positioned in Right field Outfielders Center field counts as 1 played by is made up of Defense Left field 4 Bases uses a positioned at First base Second Infielders base Glove rounding all Glove: Padded leather hand 2 covering that protects a Shortstop Third base Teams alternate between fielder's hand and makes it easier for him to catch a baseball. Participants Rules Catcher Pitcher Game begins total of 4 results in attempts to generate Balls 1 Base determined by when pitch misses Ball throws a Strike Zone: An imaginary area a ball must pass through to be Umpire Strike called a strike. The strike zone is the width of home plate and Zone extends from the bottom of the knee cap to the uniform Out: One of three required retirements of an offensive team letters across a player's chest. during its half-inning at bat. receives a and swings a which results Batter to safely gain at least Pitch Bat Strike Praima Chayutsahakij Yu Guo Brian Herzfeldt Mike LaManna Pitch: When the pitcher in a determined by when pitch crosses throws a baseball to total of 3 results in the catcher. 1 Out Strikes is made up of Bat: Wooden implement Offense into used to hit a baseball. counts as 1 which transforms the can be Foul Batter Hit on a Base Struck Runner/s advances 1 or more by Pitch Pitching/Hitting meaning it's can be Home counts as 1 Baseball Run consists of 4 Bases Diamond Markers known as as a result of counts as Advancing Caught Runner 2 Foul Out of Environment Lines Foul lines: Extend from determine whether or not the hit ball is In Play meaning it's Fair or Play home plate and intersect the both 1st and 3rd base ID546 Diagram Development Spring 2000 and continue out to can be allowing the the foul poles. Fly ball Dropped and be The fielder either touches A batted ball forces a runner To make a throw A ball hit into a base with his body or to advance to another base that enables a the air on an arc. Pitcher's the fielder touches the and the fielder possessing teammate to put The slightly elevated runner with the ball before the ball tags that base out a base runner. then ground on which Mound the runner reaches the bag. before the runner reaches it. a baseball pitcher stands Ground is Fielded in order to Tag Out or Force Out or Throw Out ball Fielding/Scoring A batted ball that rolls or bounces on the ground. Also known as a grounder. To catch or pick a hit ball and then to throw it to a teammate. Outfield Fence Definitions: Morgan, Joe and Lally, Richard. Baseball For Dummies: A Reference for the Rest of Us. Chicago: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc., 1998. Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, Inc, 1999.
the following shows the interconnectedness of multiple sets of information next to simple introductory paragraphs.
the following is a detail of a large list of information sets placed in strict columns, followed by a panel with fewer text sets and large groupings of photographic information.
the following arranges text in the conceptual manner of a map, based on the actual location of elements in the list.
the next slide groups content by type: icons, lists, and prose. the example following that groups the information in much the same manner, but then shows the interconnectedness of the information in table form.
the final example mixes icons and text together in a complex concept map
Industrie de Eurodac Légendes http://www.etno.be/ # pour la R Normalisation Européenne Le 11 décembre 2000, les Etats-membres nn e ec bras exécutif européen inte rnation a ée o ont adopté la décision n°2725/2000 créant op n finances p le ns n ne trôle de io ganisatio "Eurodac",institution destinée à établir un # Police Européenne anti-émeutes Banque Eur truc de iques (I ion Organisat Corps européen des Gardes-Frontières ub s # des brev Fonds Européen fichier des empreintes digitales des s in s t i t u t l Concept: Blicero, Francesca, Niz, Brian, Bureau en projet en projet tion et le pour les Réfugiés demandeurs d'asile et des immigrants d'études. Cette carte a été conçue, réalisée et clandestins, et de déterminer l'Etat formation Un plan d'action pour la ACP (77 pays con responsable de l'examen de la demande 'In "gestion intégrée des Or diffusée pour le Forum social de Florence, 2002 d'Afrique, des Caraïbes N d ets Sc T et du Pacifique d'asile. sw de frontières extérieures" de s OSAI) de Systeme bureaudetudes@freesurf.fr signataires de hengen (source: l'Union européenne, prévoyant Office da sup Dé www.universite-tangente.fr.st po érieures la Convention de http://europa.eu.int/scadplus/leg/en/lvb/l3 ho la mise en place progressive ) strasbourg Lomé) ve alimentaire 3081.htm) be gr d'une police commune des Office ement (BE RD lop Agence frontières, a été présenté, p et Européenne Enfopol it es fr mardi 7 mai, à Bruxelles par européen vétérinaire Office de de le commissaire européen à la des brevets l'Environnement justice et aux affaires COREPER I coopération intérieures, Antonio Vitorino. EuropeAid Agence Européenne (LE MONDE | 08.05.02 | Europol # The Regional Industrial mation sur 16h50) Property Programme (RIPP) onal de l for l Eurojust ati Office, association, agence mettant en œuvre une forme de normalisation : 'in # Mandat d'arrêt européen 'éd a au Intern éseau d Con rrenc ucation en Direction territoriale productive ideologique epistemologique re e Générale cu ciai uro Direction Centre européen pour di du pé E (r le développement ése Générale Réseau ju commerce en (RJE) de la formation Justice et Direction générale IC e professionnelle Europol, créé en vertu du traité de R E uro affaires de la pe) EURYD (Cedefop) # Passeport Delphine Maastricht de 1992, est l'organisation fiscalité et de intérieures l'union douanière Direction de Agence européenne de police européenne; elle a pour # # ARGO Programme # # LEADER + # Youth Programme mission d'améliorer l'efficacité et la la Politique EUCLID WS/FINREAD Le RJE est un réseau coopération des forces de police dans Fiscale Direction programme programme Norme ou standard programme de Directive or Audiovisual décentralisé entre des les États membres afin de prévenir et Générale de combattre le terrorisme, le trafic de du de recherche judiciaire ou de production normalisation programme de Eureka avocats européens et des stupéfiants et d'autres formes grave de européen policier (biens, services) territoriale police idéologique juges qui travaillent dans le criminalité internationale organisée. marché Global Alliance domaine pénal, destiné à les aider à European Frits intérieur for échanger rapidement des informations, alors Police Task-force of European Police Commissioners Bolkestein Direction Transnational que EUROJUST est un service centralisé. Le RJE Academy Pascal Générale Education dispose de relais spécialisés dans chaque Etat- Lisbon, April 2000 Lamy (GATE) membre, qui peuvent être contactés et sollicités de en vue d'une aide.(source: Laeken European Bilderberg, Bilderberg, la Concurrence ttee for Council, 2001) Trilaterale Trilaterale mi eil Eur sta an com Direction de Direction Cons opée ndardiz la Culture, de ERT Générale la Politique de 1998-1999 Fondée en 1983 par 17 # Leonardo Da Vinci l'audiovisuel Fondé en 1995, le Transatlantic Business de n pe Mario et du Sport Dialogue (TBD) est incontestablement la plus aboutie des alliances internationales entre des Antonio President de des plus importantes Cour de Justice la Concurrence ati on Euro entreprises et des Etats. l'assemblée sociétés européennes, la Depuis son institution en Bilderberg, Monti Stratégies Vitorino générale Table ronde européenne 1954, la Cour a eu à membre de Coopération Contrairement à d'autres groupes de lobby, il des industriels en es Trilaterale # Tempus Direction agit pour le compte du gouvernement Banco Santander regroupe aujourd'hui 45. traiter plus de 9000 affaires et a rendu plus éd R Nationale Comit égions américain et de la Commission européenne Portugal Depuis sa création, elle a Générale pour identifier "les barrières au commerce de 4000 arrêts, qui Comité ou conseil Direction de la Table-ronde, conseil, de transatlantique" - dans les faits, toute exercé une influence constituent la # ATLAS effectuant une formeCommission parlement européen réglementation ou proposition politique ne décisive sur la jurisprudence Direction # Socrates la Culture figurant pas à l'agenda industriel de l'autre Commission, en donnant communautaire. Lorsque Chambre Générale de normalisation européenne # Media + et de Internationale rive de l'Atlantique. Les 150 plus grandes naissance à des celle-ci touche à du Commerce des l'Éducation entreprises du Business Dialogue ont tenté de organismes officiels l'interprétation des Affaires retarder, d'affaiblir ou même de démanteler des Institu économiques et une large palette de réglementations sur comme le défunt traités, elle peut on bliques d' tio Financières Observatoire européen inances ti Competitiveness Advisory Pu LEADER ns rope (EUR s profondément modifier burson Organisa Direction de ALIS Eu # l'environnnement ou la protection du La Chambre European marsteller Démocrates Group et à des groupes Supérieure Observatoire européen la Jeunesse consommateur, y compris un plan d'embargo Transatlantic leur esprit, sans que le internationale de Police de l'emploi (OEE) et de la de l'UE sur les produits cosmétiques testés sur Business de pression spécialisés public en ait égions Academy Chrétiens sR société Civile Commerce basée à Paris, Communautaire les animaux. Le Business Dialogue a joué un Dialogue comme l'Association pour connaissance. En 1982, d'E est le lobby industriel sF blée de rôle clef dans le lancement, à Doha en l'Union monétaire en par exemple, la Cour international le plus O Direction novembre 2001, du nouveau round de urope ( de SAI) de négociations de l'OMC. Après le 11 Europe. Son travail actuel se prononça contre cinq grand et le plus influent, Co ntr ôl e Générale Société de septembre 2001, les producteurs d'armes de lobby est visible dans Etats-membres qui rassemblant plus de des Alßan observatoire École américains et européens on pris la tête du le plan d'action de l'UE prétendaient que la 1000 compagnies de Bilderberg, Pedro Relations # management de Parti politique Bilderberg, em Observatoire du marché unique (OMU) Comité économique et Direction de Transatlantic Business Dialogue, et en intitulé "Marche 2000 - Commission n'avait pas 130 pays. AR Trilaterale Solbes Trilateral extérieures http://www.etno.be/ l'image de marque social européen particulier d'un nouveau groupe de travail Lisbonne", qui promeut le droit d'édicter une E) Ass Mira instruments de la Convention de Lomé (CESE) l'éducation destiné à identifier "des moyens de renforcer une nouvelle libéralisation directive de sa propre STABEX (Stabilization system for nformation Wo One rld les profits sur... la nouvelle opportunité offerte et privatisation de initiative.L'argumentation Chris Patten agricultural export revenue) d'I Sc par l'importance accrue accordée au secteur l'énergie, des transports, reposait sur e Fonds européen de sw de h en Systèm l Fun de la sécurité". ura des télécommunications et l'interprétation de développement (FED) da ge n d www.tabd.org Struct SYSMIN (Special financing for mining products) http://ww des services postaux, l'article 86 (ancien Cour des État be strasbourg w.etno.be/ ainsi que des réformes article 90) traitant des comptes Français Cour des Comptes fr European néolibérales du marché entreprises publiques et européenne Européenne it es Viviane Roundtable of du travail et des systèmes des services. Depuis lors, Reding Industrialists (ERT) de retraite. Les la Commission peut Fonds Social compagnies pétrolières légiférer de son propre # Comité de direction État cour Système Réseau Européen (FSE) membres de l'ERT ont en chef dans ces domaines, effet un intérêt direct à sans que le Conseil des # Dir. charged with program management (justice et d'information Direction une croissance continue ministres ou le Mr. C. Patten (Commissaire chargé comptes) Générale du transport en Europe. Parlement y ait à dire. des Relations Extérieures), Président Office de coopération ploi euro de l'emploi La Commission a financé Le Mr. P. Nielson (Commissaire chargé EuropeAid em et des de nombreuses activités budget annuel de la du Développement et de l'Aide Enfopol pé ' de l'ERT sur les questions Cour s'élève à 131.3 ices de l Affaires sociales Humanitaire), Administrateur Général en (EURES de transport, notamment millions d'euros Mr. G. Verheugen (Commissaire Europol son étude de 1989 (source(source: Gérard nt E chargé de l'Elargissement) Union of Industrial consacrée à "La nécessité de Selys, me u Mr. P. Lamy (Commissaire chargé du rop n de renouveler Parle www.transnationale.org) erv and Employers Commerce) Direction de ) Gouvernance Confederations of l'infrastructure des Mr. P. Solbes Mira (Commissaire ée S Europe chargé des Affaires Economiques et l'aide Team (UNICE) transports en Europe". Membre Financières) humanitaire Union of Europe (f (www.xs4all.nl/~ceo/gre de José-Maria Industrial and Employers of enhouse/european.html) l'Opus Gil-Robles confederations of ut # Secretariat-General Europe The ture Gil- (UNICE) uru Agence européenne Dei Delgado Fu Anna President m) pour la sécurité et la santé au travail Diamanto- Poul Organisation Réseau européen Fédération professionnelle, poulou Cour de Justice des W (OSHA) Communautés Nielson One orld européenne d'interception des organisation d'employeurs, Stratégie Agence européenne Européennes (CJCE) de police télécommunications groupe d'intérêt ayant pour but Européenne ("Echelon" européen) d'infléchir la politique de l'Emploi européenne Direction Fondation Ìnstitut Générale pour la Reco Fu nd Robert Robert ne l Structura du en ns Schuman Schuman pé Parti tru http://www.etno.be/ Développement Institut Banque Euro ct Populaire ion et le Déve Konrad Européen Adenauer pération Forum libéraux, Parti Coo in Groupe de conseillers politiques démocrates socialiste de Fonds européen de ter Économique et réformateurs développement (FED) n européen lo europée nat http://www.etno.be/ Mondial Aspen em pp (Davos) Neil t (BERD) ionale (EU en Institute, Italy Romano Verts/Alliance Gauche unitaire Kinnock libre européenne/ Gauche verte Fonds européen Prodi Vice-president européenne nordique m Institut President Günter Banque Fondation ou Fonds o ru Konrad d'investissement Union pour Europe des Verheugen Bilderberg, Office démocraties et (EIF) l'Europe européenne institut privé F européen F Adenauer européen de des différences OR Trilateral des nations Direction IC lutte n Euro ) Bilderberg, Elargissement International Bioindustry Europa Centre rhénan de sio anti-fraude Direction Trilaterale Com is péenne Forum prospective 60 Générale Bio m (IBF) européenne du Budget 30 Michaele Schreyer Public Procurement 10 Directorate Direction # MAPE programme Direction Générale Opus ropéenne d ntrale Euro des Réseaux Trans- de l'espace Dei eu Ce européens 'in pé Banque Banque Comité des Comité des vestissem enne (BC représentants permanents représentants permanents des Etats Membres des Etats Membres auprès de l'Union auprès de l'Union Loyola européenne européenne burson- Membre de de Palacio Direction European E) COREPER I COREPER II marsteller l'Opus Dei Vice-President des Academy en Irland Transports t (BEI) Grèce Espagne Agence Agence spatiale européenne (ESA) européenne de Philippe Reconstruction (AER) Busquin Agence Européenne Système Européen des Banques Centrales (ESCB) Fu nd l Structura Direction http://www.etno.be/ de # E.NIP - European Neuroscience Industrial Platform l'Énergie des Portugal Mi tr onseil PIP Plant Industry Platform Grande Fonds de nis # Italie Bretagne Belgique # ACTIP - Animal Cell Technology Industrial Platform es C Cohésion # CARDS programme for In nter fr a Direction Allemagne Ce CARDS programme: (Community Assistance for stu France Reconstruction, Development and Stabilisation) - 839 e Eu pean Biotechnologies million euros in the region (2001), 956 million euros cture Studie Michel in 2000. ro Barnier Fédération routière Encourage les # FAIP - Farm Animal Industrial Platform européenne c o o p e r a t i o n s transfrontalières, Th Direction transnationales et iner- s( Générale ECIS) regionales, i.e. la Industrial Development Fund for Portugal de la http://www.erf.be formation de partenariat EEE, Espace Economique Politique # Urban II # Interreg III transfrontaliers. Européen Régionale Direction L'accord sur l'EEE étend le Marché nd Supporte les stratégies Fu Générale uropéenn Unique de l'UE à trois des quatre innovantes pour la l Structura BIOTECH 2 (programme en biotechnologie) Recherche ne Cour pays de l'AELE (Norvège, Islande réhabilitation des villes et Directive sur la brevetabilité du vivant # et Liechtenstein. La Suisse a refusé des quartiers défavorisés Associatio # http://www.etno.be/ ed de l'AELE EEE, Espace Erkki d'en devenir membre en Franz e libre-é Economique European Liikanen Bilderberg, Européen novembre 1992, mais a Fischler # 2001-2006 Programme Pluriannuel indicatif Joint Research European Institut européen Trilateral cependant maintenu et développé Centre of Pharmacopoeia Organization des normes ses relations avec l'UE à travers Fonds the European for Technical de des accords bilatéraux élargis. européen de Commission E, Réseau d'Information Comptable Agricole (RICA) Euratom c ha L'EEE constitue un marché Direction Développement Commission Approvals télécommunications Direction nge AEL d'approximativement 380 millions régional (FEDER) (EOTA) (ETSI) Générale Générale de consommateurs et représente de l'agriculture Entreprises presque 18% des importations Réseau européen du Développement rural ctrotechnical mondiales et 20% des Ele L'AELE est une L'Observatoire est la structure d'animation du “Réseau européen du Développement rural”, exportations mondiales, hors St or réseau qui concerne tous les pays de l'Union européenne et qui a pour vocation de faciliter la an ommittee f n organisation David commerce intra-EEE. (2000) tio dardization ( Direction relation entre une grande diversité d'organisations: “groupes d'action locale” (GAL), sa Margot expérimentés ou débutants (entre 600 et 800 “micro-régions” rurales, dont 150 ayant internationale qui Byrne Direction di Générale bénéficié de LEADER I, sont impliquées dans LEADER II) ar Wallström comprend l'Islande, le Générale C d de la an an C e EN Liechtenstein, la de la St # MESA & Mobile Robotics LEC) Europ E Société de Observatoire Européen Pêche h Norvège et la Suisse. Le montant total de la contribution de l'Union européenne (UE) pour Leader+ pour c oa l'Information RURAL DEVELOPMENT LEADER Special Accession Programme for Agriculture and la période 2000-2006 sera de 2,020 milliards d'euros, financé par le FEOGA- pr Rural Development (SAPARD). Orientation. (source : http://www.rural-europe.aeidl.be/rural-fr/index.html) Ap w # LEADER + Ne Direction de Direction l Fun Les agriculteurs des zones défavorisées du point de vue agricole (montagne, zone TIA (MESA la santé de la Sécurité ura d à handicaps spécifiques, zones menacées d'abandon), peuvent se voir accorder Struct Organizational Direction Direction de la publique Alimentaire des indemnités compensatoires afin d'assurer l'exploitation continue des superficies Consommation http://ww ucturel Partners) Générale w.etno.be/ S tr agricoles, la préservation de l'espace naturel et la promotion de modes d'exploitation durables, qui tiennent compte en particulier des exigences Fonds de http://www.etno.be/ # SAPARD Programme environnementales. on (CEN # LEADER II ati l'Environnement Financial section "orientation" normalis Instrument for ) Fonds européen Common Market Organisation (CMO) Fisheries contribue aux réformes agricoles Guidance d'orientation Les objectifs de la PAC, tels que les énonce l'article 33 du traité CE, sont : Comit structurelles et au développement Mobile Broadband Specifications for Public Safety (FIFG) et de des zones rurales - d'accroître la productivité de l'agriculture en développant le progrès technique, en assurant le garantie agricole section "garantie" développement rationnel de la production agricole ainsi qu'un emploi optimum des facteurs de de é Office (FEOGA) production, notamment de la main-d'oeuvre; finance les dépenses eur en opé Conseillers alimentaire afférentes à l'organisation - d'assurer ainsi un niveau de vie équitable à la population agricole, notamment par le # Public Safety Partnership Project (EPP MESA) et vétérinaire commune des marchés relèvement du revenu individuel de ceux qui travaillent dans l'agriculture; Autorité - de stabiliser les marchés; (OAV) Européenne de Agricultural Committees - de garantir la sécurité des approvisionnements; Sécurité des Aliments (EFSA) Politique agricole commune (PAC) - d'assurer des prix raisonnables dans les livraisons aux consommateurs. Aux fins de la La PAC coûte environ 45 milliards d'euros chaque année, réalisation des objectifs précités, l'article 34 du traité CE prévoit l'établissement d'une Agence européenne soit à peu près de la moitié du budget de l'UE (source: Organisation commune des marchés agricoles (OCM). http://www.wsws.org/francais/News/2002/
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