Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper

Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper

                                                                                                                                           Visit us today for the best deals in town | Bester Street,
Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                              Nelspruit, Mpumalanga | 013-752-3735 |
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Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns
                  Deur Dirk Gallowitz en   het ‘n wegholsukses met uitstekende        2019 Dakar-uithouren gaan deelneem. Ek       teen volspoed ‘n hindernis tref, die lug
                Andre de Clerk             herverkoopwaarde geword. Ek voorsien       het die lewensverrykende ervaring gehad      invlieg om danksy swaartekrag etlike meter
                  Toyota SA het in Julie   dat die nuwe model selfs nog beter         om in die navigatorsitplek langs Giniel      verder op die grond neer te pletter.
                2018 die Suid-Afrikaanse   gaan doen.                                 vasgemaak te sit, terwyl hy oopketel en        Ek was immer dankbaar dat ek so styf
                mark bederf met ‘n nuwe      Die Suid-Afrikaanse bekendstelling       teen nekbreekspoed die V8-aangedrewe         met die renharnas in die sitplek vasgetrek
                Hilux Dakar Edition        was in die Kalahari se rooi sandduine      Gazoo Hilux oor hindernisse en dik           was en het na elke trefslag verwag dat ‘n
                dubbelkajuit-4x4 in        naby Askam en gepas ook ter plaatse        sand looi.                                   wiel of twee gaan afval!
                handrat en outomaties.     waar die Toyota Gazoo Racing-span met         Die openbaring vir my was die
                Die vorige model was       Dakarwenner Giniel de Villiers, die nuwe   ongelooflike aanslag wat die toerusting en
as ‘n beperkte model bekendgestel en       renbakkie toets wat aan die                meganika moet verduur wanneer Giniel                       Vervolg op blasdy 2

Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
2                                                                                                                                                                                 Tuesday November 6, 2018

                                                                                                            Moet nie dat die nuwe Toyota
                                                                                                                                                                 met dieselfde ywer en spoed aan te pak.
                                                                                                                        Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
                                                                                                                                                                 Dit doen hy uur na uur elke weekdag
                                                                                                                                                                 vir die grootste gedeelte van agt maande
                                                                                                              Dit alles terwyl Giniel uitdrukkingloos die        as deel van die Toyota Gazoo-renspan
                                                                                                            Hilux beheer asof dit ‘n babastootwaentjie           se voorbereiding om die volgende
                                                                                                            in ‘n winkelsentrum is! Die minder as                Dakar Woestynren van meer as 9 000
                                                                                                            20 km-roete is in etlike minute afgeblits,           uitmergelende kilometer suksesvol te
                                                                                                            waarna Giniel vinnig aan sy ingeneurs                kan voltooi! Ek glo saam met Glyn Hall
                                                                                                            instruksies sou gee om klein verstellings te         en sy Toyota Gazoo Racing-renspan dat
                                                                                                            maak, net om minute daarna dieselde roete            dit vanjaar Giniel se beste kans is om as
                                                                                                                                                                 wenner in ‘n Toyota gekroon te word.

                                                                                                                                                                     Maar meer oor die nuwe Hilux
                                                                                                                                                                     Dakar Edition
Thought of the week                                                                                                                                                 Die nuweling vertoon veel meer
                                                                                                                                                                 modern as die uitgaande model waar veral
    “The mind once enlightened cannot                                                                                                                            die nuwe sierrooster en hoofligte met
    again become dark.”                                                                                                                                          LED-dagryliggies geïntegreer, visueel
    Thomas Paine                                                                                                                                                 tref. Toyota SA het toestemming gekry
                                                                                                                                                                 om vir die eerste keer die Bedoeïen-
    “Do not train a child to learn by force                                                                                                                      lapbedekte kop wat as die Dakar-kenteken
    or harshness; but direct them to it                                                                                                                                 wêreldbekend geword het, op die
    by what amuses their minds, so that                                                                                                                                 nuwe Dakar Edition te gebruik en dit
    you may be better able to discover                                                                                                                                       onderskei die model duidelik
    with accuracy the peculiar bent of the                                                                                                                                     van die gewone modelle.
    genius of each.”                                                                                                                                                             Hierdie kenteken pronk ook
                                                                                                                                                                                  weerskante op die rolstaaf,
    Plato                                                                                                                                                                          agter op die bakklap en
                                                                                                                                                                                   onder op elke voordeur.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Swart aksentuering is
                                                                                                                                                                                    deesdae baie gewild en
                                                                                                                                                                                    Toyota het dit mildelik
                                                                                                                                                                                    buite asook binne die
                                                                                                                                                                                    kajuit gebruik met die
                                                                                                                                                                                   Dakar Edition. Die
                                                                                                                                                                                  nuwe Dakar-bakkie is op
                                                                                                                                                                                Toyota se Raider-model
                                                                                                                                                                 geskoei, maar is met heelwat stylbybehore
                                                                                                                                                                 binne en buite toegerus om die Dakar
                                                                                                                                                                 Edition visueel spesiaal te maak. Die
                                                                                                                                                                 nuwe sierrooster is swart, terwyl die breë
                                                                                                                                                                 swart luginlaat met ‘n fyn heuningkoek-

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                                                                                        Deadline: 7 November 2018
                                                                                       Publication Date : 13 November 2018
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Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                                                                                           3

 Hilux Dakar se flair jou flous nie
 roosterontwerp onder die buffer, ook         geskied, soos met die gewone Raider,
 in swart afgewerk is. Die misligte aan       steeds deur Toyota se jongste 2,8 liter-
 weerskante onder in die buffer, die          turboaangejaagde dieselenjin wat 130
 kanttrappe, deurhandvatsels, kantspieëls     kW lewer. Hierdie krag word deur
 en agterklapknip is ondermeer ook in         ‘n sesganghandratkas (420 Nm) of
 swart getooi.                                sesgang-outokas (450 Nm) pad toe
    Binne die kajuit is die Dakar Edition     gestuur met ‘n keuse tussen agterwiel- of
 selfs nog meer spesiaal. Anders                      vierwielaandrywing. Die bekende 4,0
 as in die gewone Raider is                                 V6-petrol-enjinmodel met 175
 die Dakar se dakvoering                                        kW en 376 Nm, is slegs in
 ‘n praktiese swart                                                4x4 beskikbaar en ook net
 materiaal. Die                                                      met ‘n outokas.
 grys materiaal-                                                         Nie lank na die
 bekleedsel oor                                                         bekendstelling het
 die sitplekke van                                                       ons die nuweling
 die Raider maak                                                         gekry om vir ‘n
 plek vir swart                                                           genotvolle sewe dae
 leerbekleedsel                                                           te evalueer. Ek het
 met grys stikwerk                                                        die sleutels vir ons
 in die Dakar                                                            4x4-ghoeroe Andre
 Edition. Die                                                           de Clerck gegee om
 voorpaneel in                                                         die 2018 Toyota Hilux
 die Dakar vertoon                                                    2.8 GD6-dubbelkajuit,
 stylvol met blinkswart                                             4x4-handrat Dakar
 panele, terwyl die                                              Edition onder meer in
 toereteller en spoedmeter                                    die tawwe Weskus-sand en
 nou oranje naalde teen ‘n wit                            veld te gaan toets en hier volg sy
 agtergrond vertoon. Die raakskerm-              indrukke:
 infopaneel bied nou satelietnavigasie as       “Die eerste en mees opmerklike verskil
 standaard.                                   tussen die nuwe Dakar en die gewone
    Terwyl die veranderings bloot kosmeties   Raider is die nuwe vooraansig van die
 is, het die meer as 500 km vanaf Upington    bakkie. Dit laat mens dink aan die groter
 tot by die toetsterrein buite Askam en       Tundra-weergawe wat in die VSA verkoop
 terug sekere “verbeteringe” onthul. Die      word. Die nuwe neus skep die indruk dat die
 kajuit was verbasend stil met min pad- en    voorste oorhang by die uitgaande model nou
 windgeraas, selfs teen platvoetspoed.        korter vertoon. Die volgende verskil is die
 Die nuweling het padvas en stuurgetrou       LED-hoofligte wat alreeds in ander lande
 gevoel met ‘n algehele verbetering in die    van die begin af beskikbaar was. Die ligte
 paddinamika op die teerpad. Later toe        gee die bakkie so tikkie meer flair. Volgens
 ons die sandduine en sandpaaie van die       my is die grootste en mees praktiese verskil
 Kalahari aangedurf het, het die Dakar        egter die swart leerbekleedsel wat nou as
 Edition ook beïndruk.
    Aandrywing by die Dakar Edition                       Vervolg op blasdy 4


                                                                                                 Imagine yourself behind the wheel. Choose a road. Anywhere. With the new C-Class AMG
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Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
4                                                                                                                                              Tuesday November 6, 2018

    Hierdie moderne tog tawwe Dakar skrik vir niks nie
                                                      “Die Hilux se veldryvermoë maak dit           reeks opkikker met onder andere die
             Vervolg vanaf blasdy 3                 steeds ‘n relatief ‘maklike’ bakkie om          nuwe vooraansig wat verkope ‘n verdere
    standaard in die Dakar-model dien, asook        van die pad af moeiteloos te ry. Veldry,        hupstoot gaan gee.
    die swart afwerking van die dakvoering en       sandry, moeilike terrein ingesluit, die            Pryse van die Dakar Edition-modelle
    panele in die kajuit.                           nuweling het alles gedoen wat vereis is         begin by R470 300. Ingesluit by die
       “Ek kon nie spesifiek bepaal wat             en elke uitdaging sonder enige probleme         verkoopprys bied Toyota SA ‘n verbeterde
    verander is aan die veerstelsel nie, maar       suksesvol oorkom. Hierdie ‘gemaklike’           diensplan op die 2,8 GD6-modelle van
    kon tog agterkom dat die nuwe Dakar             veldryvermoë dra verseker ook by tot            vyf-jaar/90 000 km tot nege dienste/
    Edition beter hanteer op die teer sowel         die Hilux Raider en nou ook die Dakar           90 000 km, terwyl die 4,0 V6-model
    as grondpad. Ek dink ek moet net noem           Edition se gewildheid en status as              verhoogde ses dienste/90 000 km-periode
    dat die Dakar Hilux in 4x4-formaat met          topverkoper in sy segment.”                     (voorheen vyf jaar). Die waarborgperiode
    die volgende as standaardtoerusting               Toyota SA gaan binnekort sy hele              is steeds drie jaar/100 000 km.
    beskikbaar is: voertuigstabiliteitbeheer
    (VSC), aktiewe traksiebeheer (A-Track),
    elektroniese remkragverspreiding (EBD),
    remhulpbeheer (BAS), anti-sluitremme
    (ABS), Heuwelaanskakelhulp (HAC),
    Heuwel-afhulp (DAC) sleepwa-
    swaaibeheer (TSC) en ewenaarslot - slegs
       “Dit het vir my gevoel asof Toyota die
    A-track by hierdie nuwe weergawe op laer
    revolusies laat inskakel. Die stelsel reageer
    derhalwe vinniger en teen laer revolusies
    as met die vorige model. Die Hilux Dakar
    se ewenaarslot werk ook soos die res van
    die Hilux-reeks wat net in laestrek inskop,
    en ‘n mens moet steeds die ‘TRC’-knoppie
    vir ‘n paar sekondes inhou alvorens die
    rekenaar die stelsel heeltemal uitskakel.
       “Die Hilux se wiel-atrikulasie bly ook
    steeds baie prakties vir veldry, met die
    gevoel dat die bakkie heeltyd vastrapplek
    soek. Die standaard bande kan verkieslik ‘n
    bietjie papper gery word om die ritgehalte
    te verbeter. Wees maar net versigtig
    wanneer die druk tot 1BAR verlaag word,
    want dit mag dalk gebeur dat te min rubber
    tussen die grond en die wiel beskikbaar is
    op harder oppervlaktes wat die band dan
    makliker kan beskadig.

                                                                                          425533R                                                                 425446NH

Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5


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R319 300. Term: 60 months. Interest rate:                            • FUSO FJ16-230 LWB at only R10 823                                 current retail chassis/cab price is valid only                      and/or latest truck by selected other names,
Prime + 1% (11%). Deposit: R47 895.                                pm - Offer calculated on a FUSO FJ16-230                              on selected competitor models up to 15                              they will not just take it, but they will take it
Balloon 25%: R79 825. Total instalments/                           LWB chassis cab. Retail price: R709 700.                              tons, fitted with volume or drop-side body.                         at 95% of its current retail price. So what are
Repayments: R443 425.                                              Sales price: R557 900. Term: 60 months.                               • Finance provided by FUSO Finance,                                 you waiting for? Campaign offer ends at the
     • FUSO FK13-240 at only R10 556 pm -                          Interest rate: Prime + 1% (11%). Deposit:                              a division of Mercedes-Benz Financial                              end of November 2018.
Offer calculated on a FK13-240 chassis cab.                        R83 685. Balloon 25%: R139 475. Total                                  Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an                                   Hurry, before prices increase with effect
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R553 900. Term: 60 months. Interest rate:                             FUSO FJ26-280 at only R16 069 pm -                                  No.18 604) and Credit Provider (License                            are now available at your nearest outlet.
Prime + 1% (11%). Deposit: R83 085.                                Offer calculated on a FJ26-280 chassis cab.                            No.NCRCP80).                                                       To order, configure a truck as well as get
Balloon 25%: R138 475. Total instalments/                          Retail price: R952 800. Sales price:                                    • Pricing excludes body                                           more information on FUSO’s products and
Repayments: R775 435.                                              R848 400. Term: 60 months. Interest rate:                                • Subject to stock availability                                  authorised selling outlets, customers can log
      • FUSO FJ16-230 SWB at only R10 664                          Prime + 1% (11%). Deposit: R127 260.                                      • Offer valid while stocks last                                 on to

        3                                                     5                                                 8
  201                                                   201                                                 201

 VW Poloo Vivo 1.4                134 000km             Renault Sandero 1.6            43 000km             Nissan Micra 1.2                         7 000km
 Tredline Tiptronic 5 Dr                                Stepway 5Dr                                         Active Visia 5Dr
                             R119 900                                            R119 900                                                  R139 900
     6                     R10                                6                R10                              4                        R10                              5                     R10                              5                 R10
  201                            000
                                                        201                          000
                                                                                                            201                                000
                                                                                                                                                                      201                             000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             201                         000
                                          HB                                                     HB                                                     HB                                                        HB                                             SH B
                                              ACK                                                     ACK                                                   ACK                                                     ACK                                                ACK

 Opel Corsa
         rsa 1.0T                  59 0000km            VW Poloo Vivo GP 1.6           59 000km             Renault Duster 1.5                   91 000km             Mazdaa 3 1.6                     105 0000km            Nissan X-Trail 1.6           145 0000km
 Ecoflex Essentia 5Dr                                   Trendline 4 Dr                                      Dci Dynamique                                             Original 5Dr                                           Dci XE
                             R159 900                                            R159 900                                                  R164 900                                               R189 900                                           R199 900
        5                  R10                              5                  R10                                8                      R10                              5                     R10                                5               R10
  201                            000
                                                        201                          000
                                                                                                            201                                000
                                                                                                                                                                      201                             000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             201                         000
                                         SH B                                                 HB                                                           HB                                                     HB                                                 HB
                                                  ACK                                             ACK                                                        ACK                                                    ACK                                                 ACK

 Mazdaa 3 1.6 Dynamic             107 0000km            Ford Kuga
                                                               ga 1.5                  65 000km             Mazdaa 2 1.5                         13 000km             Isuzu KB 250 D-TEQ               143 000km             VW Golff VII 1.4              51 000km
 A/T 5 Dr                                               Ecoboost Trend A/T                                  Dynamic A/T 5Dr                                           LE P/U D/C                                             TSI Comfortline 5Dr
                             R199 900                                            R219 900                                                  R229 900                                               R249 900                                           R259 900
        5                  R10                                7                R10                              6                        R15                              5                     R10                              6                 R10
  201                            000
                                                        201                          000
                                                                                                            201                                000
                                                                                                                                                                      201                             000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             201                         000
                                             HB                                                  HB                                                     HB                                                     HB                                                 HB
                                               ACK                                                 ACK                                                      ACK                                                    ACK                                                ACK

 Ford Ranger
        anger 2.2                  99 0000km            Toyota RaV 4 2.0               84 000km             Nissan X-Trail 2.5                   49 000km             BMW 320D                          86 0000km            Ford Ranger
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     nger 2.2              33 0000km
 Tdci XLS 4x4 P/U D/C                                   GX A/T                                              Se 4x4 Cvt (T32)                                          M-Sport A/T (F30)                                      Tdci XL 4x4 P/U D/C
                             R279 900                                            R279 900                                                  R299 900                                               R309 900                                           R329 900
        8                  R15                                8                R10                                7                      R20                                7                   R10                                4               R20
  201                            000
                                                        201                          000
                                                                                                            201                                000
                                                                                                                                                                      201                             000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             201                         000
                                             HB                                                  HB                                                        HB                                                 SH B                                                SH B
                                               ACK                                                    ACK                                                       ACK                                                    ACK                                                ACK

 Mazda CX-3 2.0                    12 000km             Mazda CX-3 2.0                     7 000km          Ford Ranger
                                                                                                                   anger 2.2                     89 00
                                                                                                                                                    000km             Mazda BT-50 2.2                   38 0000km            Mercedes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   es Benz                 81 000km
 Dynamic A/T                                            Individual A/T                                      Tdci XLS 4x4 P/U D/C A/T                                  Tdi SLE P/U D/C                                        ML 350 Bluetec
                             R334 900                                            R369 900                                                  R389 900                                               R399 900                                           R509 900


 Tel: 013-757-3800 | | Madiba Drive (R40), Riverside Park, Nelspruit
Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
6                                                                                                                                                      Tuesday November 6, 2018

This Tiger is a burning, bright triumph on the road
Brain Cheyne                                       reassuring to know that the electronics had       on the Sport. It still has a large analogue
                                                   my back.                                          rev counter, flanked by a small LCD screen.
   The Triumph Tiger Sport is a bit of a lost         In Sport mode, the power delivery is           Other touches include a USB socket under
child in the Triumph line-up. As it turns out      smooth and precise. Grabbing a handful of         the seat and a 12V auxiliary socket. The
though, this bike seems to be the gifted one       throttle to pass slow moving traffic hurls the    latter is, however, positioned on the left-
in the family.                                     bike forward and became rather addictive.         hand side under the tank, so it is rather
   Triumph has the off-road biased Tiger           There is a slight vibration at around the         impractical for anything other than heated
range on the one hand and the Speed Triple         5 000rpm mark and it is noticeable in the         clothing.
road bike on the other. In the middle of           mirrors.                                             Because the Tiger Sport is aimed at
these two sits the Tiger Sport. It borrows            Opening the throttle just a bit more was all   touring, I was glad to see cruise control as
its engine from the Speed Triple with the          it took to make the problem go away.              standard on this model. The upright riding
upright riding position of the Tiger.                 The front of the bike has a very effective     position and wide handlebars also help with
   The engine has lost a little bit of the grunt   windshield that operates mechanically. The        all-day comfort.
of the Speed, but makes the Sport a more           Sport also gets                                      The footrests are a tad high for my legs,
docile bike to live with. With a 106Nm of          handguards to                                     and I initially thought I would feel cramped.
torque available at 7 000rpm, the Sport can        keep wind and                                     It bothered me far less than I anticipated
still be a handful.                                flying critters                                   because the generous seat allows for plenty
   For that, there are three selectable ride       away from                                         of movement while on the go.
modes: Sport, Road and Rain. When I                your digits.                                          At R168 000 you will be hard pressed to
received the bike, the first smattering of            There is no                                      find a 1000cc bike with so much character
rain of the season started falling, and it was     TFT screen                                            as the Tiger Sport. The three-cylinder
                                                                                                          triple is smooth and has a throaty
                                                                                                           exhaust note, even with the standard
                                                                                                            pipes. I’m glad that Triumph hase
                                                                                                             reintroduced us to its forgotten child.


Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                                                                                     7

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Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
8                                                                                                                         Tuesday November 6, 2018

               Shane Snyman (award-winning service manager at Palm Motors), Marthinus de Bruin (Citybug), Ananjé de Bruin, Jacques Esterhuizen,
               Jason Swart and Dirk van der Merwe.

                                                            Partnership to connect

                                                            Matthys Ferreira                                  and integrity, transparency and committed to
                                                                                                              service beyond the norm. This is why we are
                                                               Since its inception in 1994, even at times     doing business with them.
                                                            struggling to find parts and quality service         “And you know in our business, downtime
                                                            providers in the beginning, Citybug has been      is a no-no, so Palm Motors has committed
                                                            seeting benchmarks like no other similar          themselves to even servicing our buses after
                                                            company in the Lowveld.                           hours so as to not disrupt our schedules and
                                                               On October 30 the company took delivery        commitment to our customers.”
                                                            of eight VW Crafter passenger carriers               “We have seven routes which we
                                                            from Palm Motors in White River. “These           service daily - five of these being
                                                            vehicles will enable us to yet again, open        22-seater routes, and this is where we are
                                                            up and explore a new direction within our         experiencing serious growth. Also with a
                                                            business model,” said owner and well-             fuel consumption index of between 8,9 and
                                                            known Mbombela businessman, Jacques               10,3km/litre, our vehicles and our drivers,
                                                            Esterhuizen.                                      have proved to be exceptionally efficient.
                                                               And just by the way, the VW Crafter won           “One has to add though that our drivers
                                                            the World Van of the Year title in 2017, so it    are carefully selected and some of them have
                                                            is absolutely the latest and the greatest from    been with Citybug for 18 years or longer. To
                                                            the VW stable at this time. “We have used         sustain the demand for the Citybug service,
                                                            similar buses - different brands and older        we are considering establishing more offices
                                                            generation Crafters - before,” said Jacques.      in other provinces soon and re-opening
                                                               “But the service and commitment from           routes that has now become more viable.”
                                                            every single person at Palm Motors - well,           “We are connecting loved ones. We carry
                                                            it’s just unmatched in the local industry. It’s   people, and we do it with great care and
                                                            a people’s company with authentic values          respect because we subscribe to God’s

Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                                                                                      9

even more loved ones
principles and ethics. And, we apply the      area, it puts us in a unique position in terms
five Ps: proper planning prevents poor        of parts availability and service. The Crafters
performance. This is why our business is so   come with a five-year, 120 000km service
blessed,” concluded Jacques                   plan and a two-year unlimited kilometre
   Dirk van der Merwe, dealer principal at    warranty.
Palm Motors: “This is an important fleet        And well yes, we really had to pull out
deal and, also the                                                     all the stops (and we     Shane Snyman and Juanita Brinkman
biggest to date for                                                    just loved it) to get
us at Palm Motors.          We carry people, and we do it with eight of these Crafters           coming up rosebuds ....
These Crafters are         great care and respect because we together for Citybug,
VW’s newest offering.
Citybug is a longtime
                               subscribe to God’s principles           so we are thus looking
                                                                       forward to adding
customer, as they do                                                   value to its fleet, the
have some previous generation Crafters in     service they render and our relationship.”
their fleet.                                    Well folks, success is seldom an individual
   “So these eight Crafters are a tremendous  effort and when one connects enthusiastic
extension to Citybug’s fleet. It will also    commitment and authenticity with the
increase our footprint in the Lowveld and of  intention to make a difference and add
course, with Citybug traveling all over South value, the results almost always set new
Africa, this added exposure is extremely      benchmarks and standards. Methinks that
valuable for VW. Palm Motors is one of        this partnership, Citybug, Palm Motors,
15 van centres across South Africa and with   LVM and others, is connecting the dots on          Marthinus De Bruin recieving the keys
so many Crafters (government fleets) in our   all levels.                                        from sales executive Jason Swart.

                                                                                                                   8                      '16                     '18

                                                                                                                   Nissan Patrol 5.6 V8         Mercedes Benz       Volkswagen GTi DSG
                                                                                                                             Premium              GLC 43 AMG
                                                                                                                       R1 025 000               R879 000                   R509 900
                                                                                                                   4                      '16
                                                                                                                                           16                     '10

                                                                                                                 Mercedes Benz ML350        Ford Ranger 2.2 XLS         Nissan 370Z Coupe
                                                                                                                             Blue Tec                  4X4 D/C                       Auto
                                                                                                                        R499 900                R378 900                   R289 900
                                                                                                                   6                      '12
                                                                                                                                            2                     '16

                                                                                                                 Isuzu KB250 Fleetside             Nissan Juke               Suzuki Super
                                                                                                                                                     1.6 Tekna                 Carry Auto
                                                                                                                        R209 900                R169 900                   R109 900

Styl wat pas by die legende se vermoëns - Lowvelder Epaper
10                                                                                              Tuesday November 6, 2018

                                   Putting adventurers’ skill
                                      Months of build up, anticipation and
                                   finally the big day dawned for the four
                                   contestants selected to compete in the
                                   Toyota Fortuner 4x4 Challenge. The 4x4
                                   challenge entails four public participants
                                   (obtained through the four media partners;
                                   Highbury Media, Media 24, Primedia
                                   Broadcasting and Tiso Blackstar) teaming up
                                   with four celebrities (or heroes in “challenge
                                   speak”), who are then tasked to compete in
                                   pairs alongside their trusty Toyota Fortuner
                                   steeds in a range of tasks.
                                      The 2018 event marked the third               place by way of drawing Fortuner keys
                                   installment, with the bar being set higher       marked with the hero names, the teams were
                                   than ever before. The challenges this year       determined as follows; Brandon Hulley and
                                   really amped up the fitness-endurance-           Steffi Van Wyk-Brink, Dominque Leclerq
                                   strength equation - the contestants were         and Giniel de Villiers, Danie Barnard and
                                   required to deliver maximum performance          Mapule Ndhlovu, and finally Jackie Moore
                                   throughout in order to claim the title and       and Ox Nché.
                                   prize. With Garmin, Specialized and                The first challenge consisted of a two-
                                   Reebok providing the necessary gear, the         person paddle from the Eastern Head,
                                   stage was set.                                   across the lagoon to Leisure Isle. Upon
                                      Scorching heatwave conditions in Knysna       arrival on shore, the teams were required to
                                   added an additional factor to contend with.      complete a tyre-shuffle puzzle. The second
                                   After the contestant-hero pairing took           task took place at the Pezula Hotel, where


Tuesday November 6, 2018                                                                                                                                                          11

and fitness to the test
the contestants set off on a trail run with                             The concluding round was the Mountain
navigational instructions being provided                             Bike sprint. Here the heroes were tasked
by a Garmin Fenix 5 Plus Smartwatch. The                             with jacking up their respective Fortuners
rolling pathways of Pezula gave way to the                           and removing two ropes under opposing
sound of frenetic footsteps, as teams sprinted                       tyres, while the challengers had to complete
in attempt to complete the 4,8-kilometre run.                        as many laps on their bikes in a 15-minute
   Day 2 was a major competition day with                            period.
five tasks outlined. The day kicked off with                            In the end Brandon Hulley (who entered
the mercury high and adrenalin pumping,                              via -947- and was teamed up with track-
as the teams competed in the Fortuner Pull,                          hero Steffi Van Wyk-Brink) was crowned
which also required a supplementary task                             Fortuner 4x4 Challenge champion for 2018.
involving the vehicle. The sheer strength                            Strong teamwork and support alongside
of hero Nché made the Fortuner look like                             Brandon’s incredible level of fitness
a featherweight. However, a cool head and                            ultimately earned the 19-year-old the keys to
logical thinking had as much sway as brute                           a brand new Toyota Fortuner 2.4 GD-6 4x4
strength.                                                            6AT.
   The next task would be something a little                            The three runner-ups did not leave
different with each hero-challenger pairing                          empty- handed though, as all the contestants
having to pick up state-of-the-art compound                          received a Specialized Epic Comp mountain
bows and aim for that elusive bullseye in                            bike and cycling gear, Garmin Fenix 5 Plus
the Archers’ Edge challenge hosted by the                            smartwatch and Reebok apparel to the value
Knysna Outdoor Archery Circuit (KOAC).                               of over R60 000.
   The fifth challenge was the gruelling                                Toyota South Africa Motors would
Specialized Epic Time Trial, where the                               like to thank the following sponsors
contestants had to use their impressive                              and partners who contributed to another
specialised mountain bikes to pedal up the                           hugely successful Fortuner 4x4 Challenge
gruelling Phantom Pass trail in the shortest                         campaign.
amount of time possible. The heat and
gradient took its toll on the challengers as
this task left them red-faced and gasping for
   After a well-deserved lunch break, only
two tasks remained; The Warrior obstacle
course and Mountain Bike Eliminator.
Unbelievably after five rounds, no clear
winner had emerged and it was really still
anyone’s game. After a testing obstacle
course set up by the Warrior/Advendurance
teams, the pairs had to use their Garmin
Fenix 5 Plus watches and supplied co-
ordinates to find items which would help
them construct a platform to cross a marsh.


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                                       Niel van den Bergh 082-782-1971 | Pieter Alberts 084-332-8346
                                                                                                                                                           NUMBI AUTO
         YEAR S IN

      2017 Ford Everest 2.2 TDCi XLS        2015 Volkswagen Polo GT 11.66       2017 Ford Everest 3.2 TDCi Limited 4x4   2016 Ford Kuga 1.5 Ecoboost
           4x4 6M/T 1 000km                          68 000km                               A/T 73 000km                    Ambiente 47 000km
              R419 900                              R155 000                                R449 000                            R229 900

       2013 Ford Kuga 1.6 Titanium        2015 Fordd Ranger 3.2 TDCii XLT 4x4       2013 Chevrolet Trailblaizer 2.8       2016 Ford Ranger 3.2 TDCi
             A/T 105 000km                        D/C A/T 73 000km                     Tdi LTZ A/T 100 000km             Super Cab 4x4 A/T 112 000km
              R209 900                              R329 900                                R229 900                            R269 900

12                                                                                                                                                           Tuesday November 6, 2018

 New Mustang Bullitt is as cool as Steve McQueen
   To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the      Bullitt’s understated persona.                 shout. It’s just cool, like Steve McQueen.”     to have the right attitude and it has to be
 iconic movie Bullitt and as effortlessly cool     An active-valve performance exhaust             Exterior paint choices are limited to        unique in some way from a Mustang GT.
 as the original Mustang in the movie, the       system is standard, with new black             Shadow Black and classic Dark Highland          More than anything, it has to be badass.”
 new Mustang Bullitt has been confirmed          NitroPlateT exhaust tips, retuned to give      Green - as worn in the movie. Other features      Local pricing and spec levels will be
 for local introduction next year in limited     the car its signature burble. A new open-      paying tribute to the car McQueen drove are     confirmed closer to local introduction.
 numbers.                                        air induction system and Shelby GT350          subtle chrome accents around a unique black
   The limited edition gets an upgraded,         intake manifold help deliver optimal           honeycomb grille and side windows, classic
 performance-tuned 5.0-litre V8 engine that      performance.                                   five-spoke heritage 19-inch aluminum
 delivers 358kW, pushing it to a top speed of      Other standard equipment includes a          wheels and red-painted BremboT brake
 270km/h.                                        heated leather steering wheel and 12-          calipers with larger rotors. There is minimal
                                                 inch all-digital LCD instrument cluster,       badging inside and out. Only a circular
 Limited edition                                 identical in function to the cluster           Bullitt logo emblem on the decklid adorns
   The new Mustang Bullitt is equipped           introduced on the 2018 Mustang, but with       the exterior.
 with a six-speed manual transmission with       a unique Bullitt welcome screen that starts       The leather-trimmed interior features
 rev matching, and the gear shifter features     with an image of the car rather than the       unique green accent stitching on the
 a white cue ball shift knob in a nod to the     standard pony.                                 dashboard, door panels, center console and
 original. Bullitt combines elements of the        “This new Bullitt is my favorite             seats.
 Mustang GT Premium and Performance              Mustang,” said Darrell Behmer, Mustang            “When making a Bullitt, there are certain
 Package content into a unique sports car that   chief designer. “With zero stripes, spoilers   things it absolutely must have,” said Carl
 maintains the original                                         or badges, it doesn’t need to   Widmann, Mustang chief engineer. “It has


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