Summer 2018 Year 7 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

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Summer 2018 Year 7 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 7 French Revision Pack
M. Hempsted & Mme. Chevalley

Summer 2018 Year 7 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Introduction for parents and pupils:

Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming Summer exams.
It contains all the grammar and vocab that you have seen this year.
It also may contain things that you have not yet covered in detail –
but will need to know by the end of Year 8.

We want you to be in a good position going into next year so really
work on knowing those tenses !

The more you show off, the better your grade will be.

Remain positive and do your best !

Bon courage !

There are 3 types of regular verbs in French:

1. Verbs which end in ‘er’ - eg. Jouer – to play, Chanter – to sing
2. Verbs which end in ‘re’ – eg. Vendre – to sell, Répondre – to reply
3. Verbs which end in ‘ir’ - eg. Finir – to finish, Remplir – to fill

These verbs are called REGULAR VERBS, which means that they follow a
REGULAR pattern.

The endings change depending on who is doing the action – just like in Latin
(look out for the pronoun).

The pronouns are :

 Je                                       I

 tu                                       you (singular)

 Il /elle                                 he / she

 nous                                     we

 vous                                     you (plural)

 ils / elles                              they (m) / they (f)

      The present is used for :

•     Describing events that are happening now,
•     things that you usually do or things that do not change.

      The main thing to remember is that the present tense in French is
      used to say several things :

      for instance, il travaille means he works, he is working and he does work.
Some signposts to use with the present tense

                                    • Maintenant = now
                                 • Normalement = normally
                                   • D’habitude = usually
                             •   En ce moment = at the moment
                                       Aujourd’hui = today

ER verbs – take off the ER at the end and add :

                            Jouer (to play)

Je             E              je joue             (I play)

Tu            ES              tu joues            (you play)

Il /elle      E               il joue             (he plays)

Nous         ONS              nous jouons         (we play)

Vous          EZ              vous jouez          (you play)

Ils           ENT             ils jouent          (they play)

Put the correct version of the verb in brackets in the gap.

1.         Je ___________ la télévision dans ma chambre. (regarder)

2.         Je ___________ le musée en ville. (visiter)

3.         Tu ___________ le professeur en classe. (écouter)

4.         Il ____________ au rugby avec ses amis. (jouer)

5. Nous ____________ français en classe avec le prof. (parler)

6.     Elles ____________ au collège en autobus. (arriver)
IR verbs – take off the IR at the end and add :

                         finir (to finish)

Je          IS             je finis           (I finish)

Tu          IS             tu finis           (you finish)

Il /elle    IT             il finit           (he finshes)

Nous        ISSONS         nous finissons     (we finish)

Vous        ISSEZ          vous finissez      (you finish)

Ils         ISSENT         ils finissent      (they finish)

     1. Il __________________ les devoirs de français (finir)

     2. Ma mère _________________ une robe dans le magasin (choisir)

     3. Nous ___________________ l`été (grandir)

     4. Tu ________________________ beaucoup (réfléchir)

     5. Ils __________________ dans dix minutes (atterrir)

     6. Elle _____________________ une marche sponsorisée (accomplir)

RE verbs – take off the RE at the end and add :

                         vendre (to sell)

Je          S              Je vends                  (I sell)

Tu          S              tu vends                  (you sell)

Il /elle    --             il vend                   (he sells)

Nous        ONS            nous vendons              (we sell)

Vous        EZ             vous vendez               (you sell)

Ils         ENT            ils vendent               (they sell)
There are some verbs that don’t follow the regular pattern we have just
        seen. These are called irregular verbs.

        The main ones that you need to be able to use are :

                                Present tense irregular verbs

 avoir (to have)        être (to be)            aller (to go)          faire (to make)

   j'         ai       je           suis        je        vais       je           fais

   tu         as       tu            es         tu        vas        tu           fais

 il/elle      a      il/elle         est      il/elle      va      il/elle        fait

  /on                 /on                      /on                  /on

 nous       avons    nous         sommes       nous      allons    nous         faisons

 vous       avez     vous           êtes       vous      allez     vous          faites

ils/elles    ont    ils/elles       sont     ils/elles   vont     ils/elles      font

       This is what you are going to do and it’s one of the easier tenses to master.

       You need :

            1. The verb ‘aller’ (to go)
            2. The infinitive of the verb you’re going to do. (to ____, to make, to eat etc.)

               Useful time markers
               L’année prochaine =          next year
               La semaine prochaine =       next week
               Le week-end prochain =       next weekend
               Dans deux jours/heures =     in two days, hours
               Demain =                     tomorrow
               Ce matin =                   this morning
               Cet après-midi =             this afternoon
               Ce soir =                    this evening
               Maintenant =                 now
                                                           manger = to eat        acheter = to buy
                                                           aller = to go          travailler = to work
               Je             vais
                                                           faire = to make/do     être = to be
               Tu             vas                          visiter = to visit     avoir = to have
               Il/elle        va                           regarder = to watch    apprendre = to learn
               Nous           allons                       jouer = to play        prendre = to take
               Vous           allez                        arriver = to arrive    nager = to swim
               Ils/elles      vont                         partir = to leave      dormir = to sleep

1 Complete                                                    2 Complete

a. Maintenant je __________ écouter de la musique             a. I am going to go = Je v_ _ _ a_ _ er

b. Dans une heure elle __________ faire ses devoirs           b. We are going to play = Nous a_ _ _ _s
c. Ce soir nous __________ faire du shopping
                                                              c. She is going to eat = Elle v_ m_ng_ _
d. Cet après-midi il __________ jouer sur
l’ordinateur et après il ________ jouer au foot avec          d. I am going to swim = Je _ _ _ _ n_ g _ _
ses potes
                                                              e. They (F) are going to listen to some music =
e. Elles ___________ jouer au tennis                          Elles v_ _ _ écout_ _ de la musique

f. L’année prochaine je ______ faire du kick-boxing           f. We are going to read a book = Nous a_ _
                                                              _n_     li_ _ un livre
g. Ce matin nous n’__________ pas aller à l’école
                                                              g. Are you going to leave now ? = Tu _ _ _
                                                              part_ _ maintenant ?
To make a sentence negative –remember the rap –


Je joue au tennis = I play tennis

Je ne joue pas au tennis = I don’t play tennis

If the verb begins with a vowel (aeiou) then the ne becomes a n’  je n’écoute

      A toi de jouer! Can you make those sentences negative?

   Je répète (I repeat)=

   Je mange (I eat) =

   Je joue (I play) =

   Je ferme (I close) =

   Je bois (I drink) =

   Il est (he is) =


When we want to talk about what we’ve done, we use the past tense.

e.g I played tennis on Saturday

       We watched a film

In French you use the perfect tense. This is formed in the following way.

You take the present tense avoir (to have) + the past participle

Step1                                   Step 2

The present tense of avoir         +    Past participle


Tu as
                                        Er verbs          Ir verbs          Re verbs
Il/Elle a
                             Take off   ER                IR            RE
On a

Nous avons
                             Add          é                    i             u
Vous avez

Ils /Elles ont
                             Eg          Parler           Dormir             répondre

                                         Parlé                 Dormi         répondu
A     What would the past participles be of the following verbs?

    1. Manger                 Mangé                          ate
    2. Regarder            ………………………………                ………………………..
    3. Parler              ………………………………                ……………………….
    4. Jouer               ………………………………                 ……………………….
    5. Finir               ………………………………                ……………………….
    6. Choisir             ………………………………                ……………………….
    7. Répondre             ………………………………                ………………………
    8. Vendre              ………………………………                 ………………………
    9. Visiter              ………………………………                ………………………
    10. Attendre            ………………………………                 ………………………
    11. Inviter             ………………………………                 ……………………...

These past participles are irregular and don’t follow the same pattern as those above,
you have to put remember them

     B How would you say the following sentences in English?

    12. Lire              lu                  read

         1. J’ai joué au football
    13. Boire              bu        ……………………………………………………………………………

    14. Voir              vu               ……………
         2. J’ai mangé de la pizza   ……………………………………………………………………………
    15. Faire              fait             ……………

         3. J’ai visité le château
    16. Prendre             pris     ……………………………………………………………………………

        4. J’ai invité mes amis      ……………………………………………………………………………

        5. J’ai attendu l’autobus    ……………………………………………………………………………

        6. J’ai regardé le film       …………………………………………………………………………

        7. Nous avons joué au volley …………………………………………………………………………
8. Nous avons mangé une glace ………………………………………………………………………

  C Add the part of Avoir which is needed to make the past tense

     1. J’………… joué au badminton

     2. Il………… mange un hot dog

     3. Nous ………….bu du thé

     4. Vous ………….. regardé la télé

     5. Ils/elles …………… fait leurs devoirs

  D Can you write 4 sentences in the past in French?





Key phrases for the past tense :

L’année dernière = last year                 en 2017 = in 2017
La semaine dernière = last week              il y a deux mois = 2 months ago
Hier = yesterday
Le week-end dernier = last weekend
The perfect tense in French continued…

The perfect tense is made of 3 parts: the PERSON, ETRE or AVOIR and the
past participle.

Most verbs take ‘avoir’ as the auxiliary (meaning phrases start with ‘j’ai’, ‘il a’,

But some verbs in French take ‘être’ as the auxiliary instead, for example ‘je
suis allé’.

        Here is a table of pronouns and auxiliaries:


                   Pronoun              Auxiliary

                    Je                   suis                    I

                     tu                    es                  You

                     il                   est                   he

                    elle                  est                   she

                   Nous                sommes                   we

                   Vous                  êtes                   you

                    Ils                  sont                They m

                   Elles                 sont                 They f

    A. Fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun or auxiliary:

    1. Je _____ allé à la piscine.        I went to the __________________

    2. Il _____ allé au supermarché. He went to the _________________.
3. _____ sommes allés à la bibliothèque.

  4. = We went to the __________________.

  5. ______ est allée au parc.      She went to the __________________.

  6. Tu ______ allé à la maison.    You went to the __________________.

  7. _____ suis allée au collège.   I went to the ___________________.

Here is a handy way to remember which verbs take être.
Also most of these verbs have a clear STARTING point and END point.

                                  A  B

   When you have used être you need to remember to add the following
   onto the past participle when the pronoun is :

               Feminine                     E

               Masculine plural             S

               Feminine plural              ES

   Elle est allée                      = She went
   Nous sommes partis                  = we left
   Elles sont arrivées                 = they (f) arrived
   Ils sont retournés                  = They (m) returned
   Il est retourné                     = He returned

This tense is used when you want to say : would or could or should do something.
In fact, you have already know at least one conditional in French : je voudrais

The conditional is formed by using the infinitive + imperfect endings :

je ais        tu ais         il/elle/on ait       nous ions      vous iez      ils/elles

jouer (to play) je jouer + ais = je jouerais I would play
regarder (to watch) je jegarder + ais = je regarderais I would watch
finir (to finish) il finir + ait = il finirait he would finish

However, if it is irregular in the future tense, it also irregular in the conditional.

The main ones are :

être (ser)             aller (ir)             avoir (aur)        faire (fer)

This time you use the changed stem of the verb, then you add your normal

ending :

aller (to go) > ir je ir + ais = j’irais I would go

You have a go :

1. Si j’avais le temps, j’(aller) ____________ au cinéma
2. Je (jouer)____________au foot avec mes amis dans le parc.

3. J’(acheter)______________ une voiture de sport si je gagnais au loto.

4. Si j’avais l’argent, je (faire)____________ le tour du monde.

Si j’étais millionnaire = If I was a millionaire          Here are 2 great phrases
                                                          to use the conditional with!
Si j’avais le choix = If I had the choice


Everytime you are asked to write somewhere, go through the
following tick list to ensure you are adding enough detail :

WHEN – When is this happening ?
WHAT – What are youd oing ?
WHO – Who with ? Avec mon frère, mon collège , ma famille ?

WHERE – en France, en Espagne, à Paris, au cinéma, dans le parc ?

HOW ? Add an opinion here- this needs to match the tense.

               Present              C’est (it is)

               Past                 C’était (it was)

               Future               Ça va être (it’s going to be)

               Conditional          Ça serait (it would be)

Here is some key vocabulary that we have seen this year. We haven’t
put EVERYTHING as you will have most of it in your head already
(yes you really do !)

Le transport
Je vais en …

 vélo                                    I go by bike

 voiture                                 I go by car

 train                                   I go by train

 ferry                                   I go by ferry

 bateau                                  I go by boat

 avion                                   I go by plane

 montgolfière                            I go by hot-air balloon

Most of the transports that you ‘ll need to know take EN to mean ‘by’

One exception to this rule is :

Je vais à pied

Pourquoi ?

 Parce que c’est…                        Because it’s…

 pratique                                practical

 rapide                                  fast

 confortable                             comfortable

 ennuyeux                                boring
cher                                      expensive

 sûr                                       safe

 moderne                                   modern

 dangereux                                 dangerous

Je suis allé(e) à Paris en train parce que c’est rapide.


Je vais au collège à pied parce que c’est pratique.


           plus = more             moins = less            que = than

                        c’est plus cher = it’s more expensive

        c’est moins dangereux qu’en train = it’s less dangerous than by train

que en = qu’en                           que à pied = qu’à pied

                     Je vais = I go    Je suis allé(e) = I went

   1. I go by hot-air balloon because it’s less boring


   2. I went by car because it’s more fast (quicker).

3. I go by boat because it’s less dangerous than by plane.


Chez le médecin

To say that something hurts or aches you need to use the phrase :

                                J’ai mal..
Then depending on the part of the body you’re talking about you need to follow
it with :

                                  Masc = au

                                 Fem = à la

                                  Pl. = aux

Here are a few examples of body parts and their gender :

 masculine                  Feminine                   plural
 dos = back                 jambe = leg                dents = teeth

 ventre = stomach           tête = head                oreilles = ears

 pied = foot                gorge = throat             yeux = eyes
French           English          1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt
J’ai mal…
…au bras         My arm hurts

…au dos          My back hurts

…au ventre       I have a
                 stomach ache
…à la gorge      I have a sore
…à la tête       I have a
…à la jambe      My leg hurts

…aux dents       I have a
…aux oreilles    I have an ear
Je tousse        I ‘m coughing

J’ai froid       I’m cold

J’ai de la       I have a fever
Je me suis       I’ve broken my
cassé(e) le      arm
Je me suis       I’ve broken my
cassé(e) la      leg

    I have toothache = J’ai mal aux dents

   J’ai mal à la jambe = ___________________________

   I have a back ache = ____________________________

   J’ai mal aux yeux = ______________________________
Helping out at home (Pour aider à la maison…)

   Always start the sentence with , « pour aider à la maison…. »

French             English           1st attempt   2nd attempt    3rd attempt

Je passe           I hoover
Je fais mon lit    I make my bed

Je lave la         I wash the car
Je fais la         I do the
vaisselle          washing up
Je mets la         I lay the table
Je débarasse       I clear the
la table           table
Je sors les        I take out the
poubelles          bins
Je range ma        I tidy my room
Je promène le      I walk the dog

   See whether you can work out what’s being said here...

      1. Normalement pour aider à la maison, je sors les poubelles et je
          range ma chambre. Je déteste ranger ma chambre !
      2. La semaine dernière j’ai lavé la voiture bleue de ma mère,
          c’était amusant mais un peu ennuyeux.
      3. Le week-end prochain, je vais faire la vaisselle avec ma mère
          dans la cuisine à huit heures et demie. Ça va être génial !
      4. De temps en temps je mets la table et je passe l’aspirateur.
      5. Si j’avais le temps pour aider à la maison, je promènerais le
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