Summer 2018 Year 6 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

Summer 2018 Year 6 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 6 French Revision Pack
M Hempsted & Mme Chevalley


Introduction for parents and pupils:


Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming summer exams.
Please don’t worry too much, little and often works best!
The exam will be fun and will allow you to show off all that you have
learnt this year.
Just do your best and put in the same brilliant effort that you do in

Bon Courage!
Revision tips
Look, say, cover, write, check.

Learn this French words as you would your English spellings. Use the 5 steps below to learn how to spell
any word.

     1. LOOK – Look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.

     2. SAY – Say the word to yourself or out loud to practise pronunciations.

     3. COVER – Cover up the word when you feel that you have learned it.

     4. WRITE – Write the word from memory.

     5. CHECK – Check the word against the original. Did you get it right? If not, what did you get wrong?
        Spend time learning that bit of the word again. Try again until you get it right.


Cognates are words that look similar in French and in English. Try to use these cognates to help you revise
– but be careful with spellings! Sometimes there are little differences for example: Afrique     Africa


Like in English French words have sound patterns too. These patterns contain the same letters,
remembering these phonics will help you to spell words correctly. While revising you could write lists of
words that sound similar:

Pêche                                       Patinoire

Planche                                     Voile

Post-it Notes

Still struggling to remember those tricky spellings, or those verbs? Try writing them out on post-it notes
and sticking these notes somewhere you will see them 3 or 4 times a day. On the mirror? On your lap-top?
On your wardrobe door?
Ma routine quotidienne (daily routine)
French              English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

à                   at

Je me réveille      I wake up

Je me lève          I get up

Je me douche        I shower

Je m’habille        I get dressed

Je prends le        I take my
petit-déjeuner      breakfast

Je me brosse        I brush my
les dents           teeth

Je vais à l’école   I go to school

à pied              By foot

en voiture          By car

en vélo             By bike

Je rentre à la      I go back home

Je prends le        I take my snack

Je fais mes         I do my
devoirs             homework

Je regarde la       I watch TV

Je mange            I eat

Je fais la          I do the
vaisselle avec      washing up
ma sœur.            with my sisters

Je me couche        I go to bed
     What time isit ?

           “Quelle heure est-il?”

                  une      heure

                                               et quart.
                  deux                         et demie.
                  trois                        moins le quart.
                  six      heures
Il est
                  dix                              cinq
                                           (moins) quinze
                  midi                             vingt
                  minuit                           vingt-cinq

                                      Example: Il est huit
                                      heures et quart.

                                    Remember! In French
                                    we always read the
                                    small hand first (to say
                                    the hour). Then we add
                                    the minutes to the
         Have a go at translating these sentences!

              1. I wake up at 7:00. ________________________________________

              2. I brush my teeth at 7:15. __________________________________

              3. I get dressed at 7:30 ______________________________________

              4. I go home at 4:45 ________________________________________

Au collège
French                  English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Le français             French

Le dessin               Art

Le sport                Sports

Le théâtre              Drama

La technologie          Technology

La géographie           Geography

La musique              Music

L’histoire              History

L’anglais               English

L’informatique          ICT

Les maths               Maths

Les sciences            Science

C’est amusant           It’s fun

C’est intéressant       It’s interesting

C’est ennuyeux          It’s boring

C’est facile            It’s easy

C’est difficile         It’s difficult
Le/La prof est sympa          The teacher is

Le/La prof est trop           The teacher is
sévère                        too strict

Nous avons beaucoup           We have a lot
de devoirs                    of homework

C’est ma matière              It’s my
préférée                      favourite school

La récréation                 Break

Le déjeuner                   Lunch time

On Mondays /         Le lundi/mardi
Tuesdays/Wednesdays/ /mercredi
Thursdays/ Fridays   /jeudi/vendredi

Les sports
French             English             1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Le basket          Basketball

Le billard         Snooker

Les cartes         Cards

Le football        Football

Le hockey sur      Ice-hockey

Le rugby           Rugby

Le tennis          Tennis

Le tennis de       Table-tennis
table/ le ping-

Le volley-ball     Volleyball

When adding an opinion about something, you need to remember to add the
correct version of the word ‘THE’. These are in brackets after the words above.

                                                              But =

        Therefore, if I wanted to say “ I hate rugby, but I love football” =

                   “Je déteste le rugby, mais j’adore le foot”

To extend yourself :

Try using the following comparatives to make your writing more interesting!

      Plus = more                  moins = less               que = than

      E.g. J’aime le tennis parce que c’est plus intéressant que les cartes.

  1. I like ice hockey because it’s more fun than chess.

   2. I don’t like volleyball because it is less interesting than basketball.


Les opinions
French            English          1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Tu aimes….?       Do you like…?

J’adore...        I love…

J’aime…           I like

Je n’aime pas     I don’t like

Je déteste        I hate

C’est super       It’s great

C’est bien        It’s good

C’est nul         It’s rubbish

Ça va             It’s OK

Le foot, ça va    Football is OK

J’adore le        I love hockey

J’adore jouer     I love to play
au basket         basketball.

J’adore faire du I love to ride
vélo             my bike

Quand? (When)
English           French           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

In summer         En été

In winter         En hiver
In spring         Au printemps

In autumn         En automne

On Mondays        Le lundi

On Thursdays      Le jeudi

Every day         Tous les jours

I play football   Je joue au foot
in Spring.        au printemps.

Que fais-tu? What do you do?

French            English           1st attempt    2nd attempt       3rd attempt

Je joue au foot   I play football

Je joue au        I play tennis

Je joue aux       I play cards

Je joue aux       I play chess

Grammar: remember that when we play a sport we use jouer à. As you know à+le = au and à+les = aux so
with masculine singular sports = je joue au. With plural sports = je joue aux.

La musique
French            English           1st attempt    2nd attempt       3rd attempt

Je joue….         I play…..

…du               …the
saxophone         saxophone

….du violon       …the violin

…du clavier       …the keyboard

Je joue….         I play….
….de la guitare   …the guitar

….de la           …the trumpet

….de la           …the drums

Je ne joue pas    I don’t play an
d’instrument.     instrument.

Je chante         I sing

Une fois par      Once a week

Deux fois par     Twice a week

Trois fois par    Three times a
semaine.          week

Je joue bien      I play well

Je joue mal       I play badly

Un groupe         A band

Le week-end
French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

…j’aime/je        I like/I don’t
n’aime pas….      like…

…faire de la      …going
planche à voile   windsurfing

…faire du judo    …doing judo

….faire du skate …skateboarding

….faire du ski    …going skiing

…. faire du       …doing sport
…faire du vélo/   …cycling/

VTT               mountainbiking

….faire la        …cooking

....faire les     …shopping

…envoyer des      …texting

…jouer sur        …playing on the
l’ordinateur      computer

…regarder les     …watching
DVDs              DVDs

….surfer sur      …surfing the
l’Internet        Internet

…la lecture       …reading

….jouer sur la    …playing on my
console de jeu    games console

Les loisirs       Leisure

Au centre de loisirs
French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

On peut….         We can…

…faire de la      …go dancing

…faire de la      …do gymnastics

….faire de la     …go swimming

…faire du         …go bowling
…faire du patin   …go ice-skating
à glace

…faire du skate   …go

…jouer au         …play table
baby-foot et au   football and
flipper           pinball

…acheter les      …buy sports
articles du       things

…acheter plein    …buy lots of
de choses         things

Un bowling        A bowling alley

Une caféteria     A cafeteria

Un toboggan       A giant slide

Une patinoire     A skating rink

Une piscine       A swimming

Un gymnase        A sports hall

des courts de     Tennis courts

au centre de      At the leisure
loisirs           centre.

Les vacances
French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Je vais….         I am going…

…aller à la       …to go fishing
…faire de la      …to go
panche à voile    windsurfing

…faire de la      …to go sailing

…faire du         …to go camping

...faire du       …to go
canoë             canoeing

…faire du VTT     ….to go

...faire de       …to go horse-
l’équitation      riding

...lire           …to read

…rester           …to stay

…visiter les      …to visit castles
chateaux et les   and museums

J’ai mangé        I ate

J’ai joué         I played
Verbs + infinitive
This topic shows a lot of verbs that are always followed by the infinitive. A lot of the time it is very similar
to English so just think before you write. Remember – the infinitive in English always uses the word “to…”.
Exemple: aller = to go. In French the infinitive ends in –er/-ir or –re.

J’adore ( I love)

J’aime ( I like)

Je n’aime pas (I don’t like)

Je déteste (I hate)

On peut (we can)                                                       visiter… jouer… faire… acheter…

Je vais (I’m going)

Useful Verbs
Aimer – Aimer
        To like– to like                          Jouer – to play                          Faire – to do

          J’aime (I like)                          Je joue (I play)                          Je fais (I do)

       Tu aimes (you like)                      Tu joues (you play)                        Tu fais (you do)

 Il/elle/on aime (he/she/we like)        Il/elle/on joue (he/she/we plays)         Il/elle/on fait (he/she/we does)

      Nous aimons (we like)                    Nous jouons (we play)                    Nous faisons (we do)

      Vous aimez (you like)                    Vous jouez (you play)                    Vous faites (you do)

    Ils/elles aiment (they like)             Ils/elles jouent (they play)              Ils/elles font (they do)

                                       Aller – to go/to be going to

                                                Je vais (I go)

                                              Tu vas (you go)

                                      Il/elle/on va (he/she/we goes)

                                            Nous allons (we go)

                                            Vous allez (you go)

                                          Ils/elles vont (they go)
Translate following into ENGLISH.
1. J’aime jouer au basket avec mon frère.


2. Je déteste faire de l’équitation dans le parc.


3. Je vais faire du camping avec ma famille.


4. On peut faire du VTT à la montagne en France.

Translate following into FRENCH.
1. I don’t like to play football.


2. I love to play the violin at school.


3. We can go skateboarding at the leisure centre.


4. I’m going to visiter castle and museums with my family.

What will be in the exam ?
The exam will mostly focus on what we have done in Unit 5 and 6 (all the vocabulary here!)

BUT! You will also be asked to write a small text about your daily routine and school life. Have a look over
your work that you have written in your exercise books to help you prepare.

What can I do if I know all the vocabulary?
At the back of this pack there are the revision pages for this topic, there are blank pages for you to try and
then there are the answer sheets. Give them a go and then check your answers.

                          (The online version will not have these due to Copyright)
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