Autumn 2018 Year 5 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School

La page est créée Morgane Bruneau
Autumn 2018 Year 5 French Revision Pack - Name - Ripley Court School
Name: …………………………………………..

Year 5 French Revision Pack
Mme. Chevalley & Mme Welmers

Introduction for parents and pupils:


Here is your French revision pack for your upcoming autumn exams.
Please don’t worry too much, the best thing is little and often!
The exam will be fun and will allow you to show off all that you have
learnt so far this year.
Just do your best and put in the same brilliant effort that you do in

Watch out for:

    Spellings that you always spell wrong! Look through your books to
     make sure!

    Accents may also cause you problems – be aware of these
     (especially on père, mère, frère)

    Verb endings

    Mon/ma/mes

    Plurals - aux, -s , s’appelle / s’appellent, habite/habitent

Bon Courage!
Revision tips
Look, say, cover, write, check.

Learn this French words as you would your English spellings. Use the 5 steps below to learn how to spell
any word.

     1. LOOK – Look carefully at the word for at least 10 seconds.

     2. SAY – Say the word to yourself or out loud to practise pronunciations.

     3. COVER – Cover up the word when you feel that you have learned it.

     4. WRITE – Write the word from memory.

     5. CHECK – Check the word against the original. Did you get it right? If not, what did you get wrong?
        Spend time learning that bit of the word again. Try again until you get it right.


Cognates are words that look similar in French and in English. Try to use these cognates to help you revise
– but be careful with spellings! Sometimes there are little differences for example: Afrique     Africa

The cognates in this unit are:





Colour coding

Use pink and blue crayons to colour in masculine and feminine words.

Post-it Notes

Still struggling to remember those tricky spellings, or those verbs? Try writing them out on post-it notes
and sticking these notes somewhere you will see them 3 or 4 times a day. On the mirror? On your lap-top?
On your wardrobe door?

Show off

An exam is your chance to show off everything that you know about a topic – so add colour, size and use a
variety of vocabulary etc. at every opportunity to show the examiner how great you are!
My family and friends
French          English         1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

J’ai…           I have…

Je n’ai pas     I don’t have…

Tu as… ?        Do you
As-tu … ?

Un frère        A brother

Une sœur        A sister

Un frère qui    A brother
s’appelle…      who is

Deux sœurs      Two sisters
qui             who are
s’appellent….   called…..

Je suis         I am

Fils unique     An only child
(m)             (m)

Fille unique    An only child
(f)             (f)

Mon ami         My friend (m)

Mon copain

Mon amie        My friend (f)

Ma copine

Mon demi-       My half-
frère           brother/step-

Ma demie-       My half-
sœur            sister/step-
Mon frère         My brother

Ma sœur           My sister

Mon père          My father

Ma mère           My mother

Mon grand-        My
père              grandfather

Ma grand-         My
mère              grandmother

Mon oncle         My uncle

Ma tante          My aunt

Ma famille        My family

Mes parents       My parents

Mes grands-       My
parents           grandparents

Voici             Here is/are…

Voilà             That is/those

elle s’appelle    She is called

il s’appelle      He is called

Elles             They are
s’appellent (f)   called

Ils s’appellent

Il/Elle a … ans   He/she is …
                  years old

 In my family there are 5 people ; my mum, my dad, my brother, my sister and me.

 Dans ma famille il y a cinq personnes; ma mère, mon père, mon frère, ma sœur et moi.

 My brother is called Bob.
Mon frère s’appelle Bob.

 Here is my mum who is called Shirley.

 Voici ma mère qui s’appelle Shirley.

French            English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

J’ai              I have

Un animal         An animal

des animaux       Animals

Une araignée      A spider

des araignées     Spiders

Un chat           A cat

des chats         Cats

Un cheval         A horse

des chevaux       Horses

Un chien          A dog

Un cochon         A guinea pig

Un hamster        A hamster

Un lapin          A rabbit

Un oiseau         A bird

des oiseaux       Birds

Un poisson        A fish

Un serpent        A snake

Une souris        A mouse

Une tortue        A tortoise

Je n’ai pas       I don’t have a
d’animal.         pet.
Describing people
French           English           1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Je suis…         I am…

Tu es…           You are…

Il est….         He is….

Elle est….       She is….

Ils sont         They (masc) are

Elles sont       They (fem) are

Petit            Small

Petite (f)

Grand            Tall

Grande (f)

De taille        Of medium
moyenne          height

Actif            Active

Active (f)

Bavard           Chatty

Bavarde (f)

Gourmand         Greedy

Gourmande (f)

Marrant          Funny

Marrante (f)

Paresseux        Lazy

Paresseuse (f)

Sportif          Sporty

Sportive (f)
Sympa                Nice

Timide               Shy

Un peu               A bit

Assez                Quite

Très                 Very

 Hair and eyes

French                       English                  1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

J’ai…                        I have…

Tu as…                       You have…

As-tu… ?                     Do you have… ?

Il a…                        He has…

Elle a…                      She has…

Les yeux                Blue/brown/grey/green
bleus/marron/gris/verts eyes

Les cheveux blonds           Blonde hair

Les cheveux bruns            Brown hair

Les cheveux noirs            Black hair

Les cheveux roux             ginger hair

Les cheveux courts           Short hair

Les cheveux longs            Long hair

Les cheveux mi-longs         Medium-length hair

Les cheveux frisés           Curly hair

Je n’ai pas de cheveux.      I don’t have any hair.
Read the sentences below each person and colour them in according to the
        description given.

J’ai les yeux roses et   J’ai les cheveux mi-      J’ai des petits yeux        J’ai les cheveux longs,
les cheveux verts,       longs et raides. Mes      verts et gris et j’ai les   blonds et frisés. J’ai de
longs et frisés.         cheveux sont roux. J’ai   cheveux courts et           grands yeux bleus.
                         les yeux noirs.           bruns. J’ai les cheveux

        Colour in the hair and eyes of the people below and write some sentences to
        describe them. Remember that hair and eyes are both plural in French, so all
        adjectives need to be plural as well. Add an s! Stretch yourself – can you describe
        them using il and elle instead of je?
Useful Verbs and Grammar hints
 Avoir – to have
French             English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Avoir              To have

J’ai               I have

Tu as              You have

il/elle/on a       He/it/she/we

Nous avons         We have

Vous avez          You have

ils/elles ont      They have

 être – to be
French             English            1st attempt   2nd attempt   3rd attempt

Être               To be

Je suis            I am

Tu es              You are

il/elle/on est     He/it/she(we) is

Nous sommes        We are

Vous êtes          You are

ils/elles sont     They are
Fill in the gaps:

      To be

                    To have
Making something negative:
      To make a verb negative, use ne…..pas.

      It forms a sandwich around the verb:

       Je suis (I am)               Je ne suis pas (I am not)

      If the verb begins with a vowel or an h use n’…..pas

       J’ai (I have)                je n’ai pas (I have not)

       Ne / n’                                verb                         pas

Try making these sentences negative. The verb is underlined to help you:

   1. je suis français = ____________________________________________________

   2. je regarde ‘Eastenders’= ______________________________________________

   3. je joue au cricket = __________________________________________________

   4. j’aime les maths = ___________________________________________________

   5. j’habite à Paris = ____________________________________________________
Mon, Ma, Mes – Ton, Ta, Tes
 These are called possessive adjectives. That means that the noun that follows belongs to someone. In
 English they are my, your, his, her etc.

 In French the possessive adjective must change according to whether the thing that follows is masculine,
 feminine or plural. (It does not depend on who is speaking!)

                                    Masculine                   Feminine                   Plural

My                          Mon père                    Ma mère                  Mes parents

Your                        Ton frère                   Ta sœurs                 Tes grandparents

His/her                     Son oncle                   Sa tante                 Ses sœurs

 Exception: For singular nouns beginning with a vowel or h you use mon, ton, son regardless of whether
 it is feminine or not. This is why we say “mon amie” when we are talking about a female friend.

 Try to put the correct possessive adjective in front of these words:

       Mon, ma or mes?                      Ton, ta or tes?                     son, sa or ses?

       1. _____ père                        6. _____ père                       11. _____ père

       2. _____ mère                        7. _____ mère                       12. _____ mère

       3. _____ parents                     8. _____ parents                    13. _____ parents

       4. _____ cousine                     9. _____ cousine                    14. _____ cousine

       5. _____ chien                       10. _____ chien                     15. _____ chien

 Making things plural
 Some nouns don’t just add an –s.

          Words enging in –al change to –aux
           un animal  des animaux

          Words ending in –eau change to –eaux
           un oiseau  des oiseaux
What will be in the exam ?
The exam will mostly focus on what we have done in Unit 2 (all the vocabulary and grammar here!)

There will be listening, speaking, reading, grammar and writing tests.

Have a look at the paragraphs that you have written about your family and pets. You may be required to
write something similar to this for the writing part of the exam:

Je m’appelle Sébastien.
Dans ma famille il y a quatre personnes ; ma mère, mon beau-père,
mon demi-frère et moi.
Moi, je suis de taille moyenne. Je suis actif et marrant. J’ai les
cheveux longs et noirs et les yeux verts.
Mon demi-frère s’appelle Thibaud, il a cinq ans. Il est grand et
J’ai un petit hamster marron, il s’appelle Speedy.
Et toi, as-tu des frères ou des sœurs ? As-tu un animal chez toi ?
Au revoir
   1. What do you learn about his appearance?


   2. What is his personality like?


   3. What do we know about his family?

A toi! Can you write a similar text to answer Sébastien’s email?











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