Assessment Booklet 1: Translation, reading and writing

La page est créée Sophie Bernard
Year 8 French Summer 1 – Reading & Translation
              Assessment (Home Learning week 7-8)

Assessment Booklet 1:
Translation, reading and writing

[To be completed after your Home Learning Booklet – please
complete under test conditions. Do not use your Subject
Knowledge Organiser.]

 *Answers are at the back of this booklet so you can self-mark your
tests after you’ve finished. Then, identify areas you need to revisit to
                         gain more confidence.

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Guidance for completing MFL assessments:

The work inside this assessment booklet contains enough work to cover (at least) the final 4

hours of lesson time you would have had in this half-term, it is therefore expected that you

spend a similar amount of time completing the tasks. You can also complete some

additional using your subject knowledge organiser to aid your preparation and/or green for

growth. This work can be done in small chunks and/or with regular breaks.

The assessments are based on activities/tasks from your lessons. This means that there is
nothing in your assessment that has not been covered in class. There are instructions
provided in English for each task that you have to complete.
Below are some suggested timings for the assessments to help guide you in
managing your work:

    -   Grammar revision = 1 hour (including revising key verbs (visiter), activities/places &
        opinions – E.G mind maps, lists, SKO, flashcards and/or using BBC Bitesize)
    -   Translation assessment = 1 hour (including marking & correcting any errors)
    -   Reading assessment = 1 hour (including reading time/making notes on your paper &
        working out any unknown words/phrases)
    -   Writing assessment = 1 hour (including planning time & both tests)

All answers to the assessments are attached at the back of this booklet. This means that
once you have completed your tests, you can mark these yourself to see where you have
made good progress and which areas you may need to revise further.
Remember - you do not need to print out the work - you could just read it on screen and
work in an exercise book or on lined paper. There are also printed copies of the booklets
available to pick up from school if you cannot access them on a screen.
Please complete this work by the deadline set on ClassCharts by your teacher (this half-
term ends on Friday 22nd May). After this, you can use your assessments to guide your
revision/green for growth. For example, if you need to improve your grammatical knowledge
of the present tense after your grammar test, you may want to create a mind map of verb
endings or visit websites such as BBC Bitesize.
If you have any questions about the work, please don't hesitate to get in touch via the
Contact page on the school website.

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Reading 1
A Complete this email describing what Manon does in town. Fill in the gaps using
    the correct words from the box below. (3rd Step)

    souvent      à pied       magasins      cher      le bus      un coca    retrouve         très   visiter

     Je vais Example: souvent                au centre-ville.
     D’habitude, je prends (1)                       . Ce n’est pas (2)                   .
     Je (3)                    mes amis devant le cinéma. On aime faire les
     (4)                  . On va au café pour boire (5)                       .
     C’est (6)                   sympa.

                                                                             Marks               Step

B Read this postcard from Rémi about a trip to Paris. What does he say about the
    different places he went to? Write the correct letter next to each picture. (4th Step)
                                                                               a     scary
    Paris est très joli. Hier, on a visité la tour Eiffel: c’était
                                                                               b     boring
    fabuleux. Puis on a visité le Louvre. À mon avis, c’était bizarre.
    Nous n’avons pas visité la cathédrale de Notre-Dame parce
                                                                               c     free
    que c’était fermé. Puis on a fait une balade en bateau-mouche.             d     fantastic
    Mes amis n’ont pas aimé ça, mais à mon avis, ce n’était pas mal.           e     not bad
    Après, nous avons visité les catacombes. C’était effrayant. Le             f     rubbish
    soir, on est allés voir un feu d’artifice. C’était gratuit!                g     closed
                                                                               h     pretty
                                                                               i     weird
Example:                  h

1                                       2                                3

4                                       5                                6

                                                                             Marks               Step

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Reading 2
A Read this account of Nadège’s trip to Paris. Then write the letters of the things she
    did in the correct order in the boxes provided. (4th Step)

    Le 14 juillet, j’ai visité Paris. D’abord, je suis montée en haut de la tour Eiffel et j’ai
    pris beaucoup de photos. La vue est magnifique. Puis j’ai visité le Louvre et j’ai vu
    la Pyramide, mais je n’ai pas vu la Joconde. Ensuite, j’ai fait les magasins. J’ai
    acheté une petite tour Eiffel pour mes parents. L’après-midi, j’ai fait une balade en
    bateau-mouche. Après, j’ai visité la cathédrale. C’était très beau. Vers dix-neuf
    heures, j’ai mangé au restaurant et j’ai pris le car à vingt heures, donc je n’ai pas
    vu le feu d’artifice.

A                    B                   C                  D                   E

F                    G                   H                  I                   J

1    Example:






                                                                   Marks            Step

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Reading 2
B Read these three accounts of visits to a museum. Then complete the grid below by
   putting a tick in the correct column. (5th Step)

    J’ai visité le musée le         Je suis allée au musée         J’ai visité le musée hier.
    weekend dernier. Il n’y         mercredi dernier. J’ai pris    J’ai attendu une heure
    avait pas de queue, donc        le métro et je suis arrivée    avant d’entrer mais j’ai
    on n’a pas attendu avant        à onze heures. J’ai            écouté mon iPod et ce
    d’entrer. Le musée était        attendu deux heures            n’était pas trop barbant. À
    assez intéressant, mais,        avant d’entrer dans le         mon avis, le musée était
    en général, je n’aime pas       musée! D’habitude, je          un peu bizarre, mais
    les musées. J’ai rencontré      n’aime pas visiter les         j’adore visiter les musées
    une très jolie fille et j’ai    musées mais c’était            et j’ai pris beaucoup de
    pris sa photo! Le magasin       fascinant. Le magasin          photos. Il y avait un
    était un peu cher mais j’ai     était fermé, donc je n’ai      magasin et j’ai acheté des
    acheté des souvenirs. On        pas acheté de souvenirs        souvenirs pour ma famille.
    a mangé au restaurant           ou de cartes postales, et      Je suis parti à seize
    avant de partir à quatorze      je n’ai pas pris de photos.    heures et je suis allé en
    heures.                         J’ai mangé au restaurant.      ville avec mes amis. Nous
    Philippe                        C’était un peu cher mais       avons mangé une pizza en
                                    c’était bon.                   ville.
                                    Anaïs                          Ahmed

                                                        Philippe          Anaïs      Ahmed

    Example: I went to the museum last weekend.            ✓
    1 I like going to museums.

    2 I didn’t take any photos.

    3 I didn’t eat in the museum restaurant.

    4 I met a girl.

    5 I didn’t buy any souvenirs.

    6 I didn’t have to wait.

                                                                  Marks           Step

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Translation assessment: French into English
A Translate the following sentences into English. (4th Step)

1 C’est ouvert le lundi. ______________________________

2 Je veux visiter la Tour Eiffel. ____________________________________

3 Il y a beaucoup de restaurants à Paris. _______________________________________


                                                                  Marks           Step

B Translate the following passage into English. (5th Step)

Je m’appelle Céline et j’adore Paris! Hier, j’ai visité la tour Eiffel avec mon amie Jennifer.
J’ai acheté des souvenirs and j’ai pris des photos. J’ai passé une journée géniale!




                                                                  Marks           Step

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Complete the 3 tasks below

Read the postcard and then use it to help you write a similar postcard
about a trip to a town of your choice.

Task 1.

  J’ai passé deux semaines à Paris.
  Je suis allé en avion. J’ai visité la
  tour Eiffel et les Catacombes.
  C’était très intéressants. Aussi,
  j’ai fait une balade en bateau-

                                    Grade 3
     Write three or four sentences, adapting the example supplied by using
    different details. Your answers must be sentences and not single words.
 Write short sentences to say:
 ● where you went
 ● how long you spent there & what transport you used
 ● what you thought of the town / city, using two different adjectives
 ● two things that you saw or visited, whether you liked them or not and what
   you thought of them

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Read the postcard and then use it to help you write a similar postcard
about a trip to a town of your choice.

Task 2.

  Le mois dernier, j’ai passé deux
  semaines à Paris. Je suis allé en
  avion. J’ai visité la tour Eiffel et
  les Catacombes. C’était très
  intéressants. Aussi j’ai fait les
  magasins et j’ai fait une balade en
  bateau-mouche mais c’était cher

                                      Grade 4
   As Level 3, but make your writing more interesting by adding opinions and
   using adjectives, qualifiers, connectives and negatives. Also say where you
                            are going after the boat trip.

 Write sentences to say:
 ● where you went
 ● how long you spent there & what transport you used
 ● what you thought of the town / city, using two different adjectives
 ● two things that you saw or visited, whether you liked them or not and what
   you thought of them
 ● say that something was open, closed, free or full price
 ● that you went on a boat trip and what you thought of it
 ● where you went afterwards with your family or friends

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
Read the postcard on page 3 and then use it to help you write a similar
postcard about a trip to a town of your choice.

Task 3

                                    Grade 5
   As Level 4, but make your writing more interesting by adding time phrases,
  present tense, more past tense, a question using the 2nd person (tu) and say
                what someone else did using on, nous, il or elle.

 Write sentences to say:
 ● where you went
 ● how long you spent there & what transport you used
 ● what you thought of the town / city, using two different adjectives
 ● two things that you saw or visited, whether you liked them or not and what
   you thought of them
 ● say that something was open, closed, free or full price
 ● that you went on a boat trip and what you thought of it
 ● where you went afterwards with your family or friends
 ● ask a question in the past tense to the person you are writing a postcard to
 ● say what you are doing today (remember, this should be in the present

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
ANSWERS - Reading
Reading 1A (3rd Step)

This task tests the understanding of a short text in the context of going into town with friends. Pupils
fill in the gaps, choosing from the choice of words given. There are two distractors.

 1 le bus 2 cher 3 retrouve            4 magasins
 5 un coca 6 très

Reading 1B (4th Step)

This task tests the understanding of the main points and some details of a short text in the context
of a tourist visit to Paris. Although the perfect and imperfect tenses are used, the understanding of
these is not necessary to answer the questions. Pupils identify the correct adjective used to
describe the tourist attractions visited and write the correct letter next to each picture. There are two

 1d 2i        3g    4e     5a      6c

Reading 2A (4th Step)

This task tests the understanding of the main points and some details of a short text in the context
of a trip to Paris. Pupils put the activities of the visit in order. Although the past tense is used,
understanding of it is not tested. There are three distractors.

 2H 3I        4E     5J    6F      7C

Reading 2B (5th Step)

This task tests the understanding of three short texts in the context of a museum visit, with
references to the past and present tense. Pupils tick the correct column to show who made the
various statements.

 1 Ahmed      2 Anaïs     3 Ahmed
 4 Philippe   5 Anaïs     6 Philippe

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
ANSWERS- Translation
Translation into English (3rd–4th Steps)

 1 It is open (1) on Mondays. (1)
 2 I want (1) to visit the Eiffel Tower. (1)
 3 There are lots (1) of restaurants in Paris. (1)
 My name is Céline and I love Paris! (1) Yesterday, I visited the Eiffel Tower (1) with my friend,
 Jennifer (1). I bought some souvenirs (1) and I took some photos (1). I had a great day! (1)

ANSWERS- Writing
Your teacher will give you personalised feedback on any extended writing tasks you have
  completed. Please keep your work safe for this reason.

Studio 2 Rouge Assessment Pack
© Pearson Education Limited 2011
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