COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers

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COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers

                                       2021 - 2022

COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers
                       NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022

                                                 Table of Contents

    Corpus Christianorum – Series Latina			                                                                          2

    Corpus Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis			                                                                3

    Corpus Christianorum – Series Graeca			                                                                          8

    Corpus Christianorum – Lingua Patrum		                                                                          11

    Corpus Christianorum – Autographa Medii Aevi		                                                                  12

    Corpus Christianorum – Conciliorum Oecumenicorum Generaliumque Decreta                                          13

    Corpus Christianorum in Translation 			                                                                         14

    Corpus Christianorum – Scholars Version			                                                                      17

    Sacris Erudiri			                                                                                               18

    Reminders: volumes published between the foregoing catalogue and April 1st 2021                                 19

    Brepolis Online Databases			                                                                                    20

    Order Form			                                                                                                   21

    This catalogue covers the period from from April 1st 2021 until March 31st 2022.
    The latest news and an up-to-date overview of all (nearly) published titles of Corpus Christianorum can be found on
    our website .

COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers


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COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers
       The Series Latina comprises critical editions of all the Latin texts from the first eight centuries of the Christian era. Taking into account the most
       recent patristic research and studies, each critical edition is provided with full critical and source apparatus and preceded by an introduction, the most
       important part of which is the description of the manuscript tradition.

    Prosper Aquitanus                                     postérité, d’un Cassien soupçonné d’hété-              qu’entretiennent en l’homme la grâce divine
                                                          rodoxie pour ce qui concerne les questions             et le libre arbitre ; il en vient à extraire et à
    Liber contra collatorem                               de la grâce et du libre arbitre.                       condamner douze propositions, à ses yeux
    Jérémy Delmulle (ed.)                                                                                        contraires à la doctrine augustinienne validée
                                                          Théologien laïc, devenu à Marseille le princi-         par l’Église, qui jetteront pour des siècles un
    approx. 250 p., 5 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2022,       pal porte-parole de la doctrine augustinienne          certain discrédit sur l’orthodoxie de Cassien
    approx. € 180                                         contre les moines provençaux qui l’avaient             en matière d’anthropologie théologique.
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-57078-5                      ou mal comprise ou violemment critiquée,
    Series: CCSL, vol. 68                                 Prosper d’Aquitaine (ca. 390 – ca. 455) a
    Publication scheduled for February 2022               emprunté, pour les besoins de la polémique,
                                                          aussi bien la prose que les vers. Son Liber contra
                                                          collatorem, dirigé contre lui qui fait figure du           Jérémy Delmulle est chargé de recherche à
                                                          monachisme, pont entre l’orient et l’occident,             l’Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes
    P remier lecteur et critique des Collationes          et auteur des Collationes, est avec son Carmen             (CNRS), où il est responsable de la Section
                                                                                                                     de Codicologie, d’histoire des bibliothèques et
    de Jean Cassien, Prosper d’Aquitaine, en              de ingratis la pièce maîtresse de sa production.
    démontrant l’argumentation de son adver-              Prosper s’y livre à une lecture rigoureuse et              d’héraldique.
    saire marseillais dans son Contra colla-              extrêmement critique de la treizième confé-
    torem, a forgé l’image, qui a eu une grande           rence, consacrée aux questions des rapports

2                                                             CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES LATINA
COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers
   T he Continuatio Mediaevalis assembles Christian texts from the Carolingian era to the end of the Middle Ages. It also includes works absent from
   Migne’s Patrologia Latina or published elsewhere in a deficient way.

Andreas de Sancto Victore                          A ndrew of Saint Victor was one of the most          Hebraeos.” Scholars have seen Andrew of St
                                                   prominent biblical scholars of the twelfth cen-      Victor as standing at the cradle of a scholarly
Opera IV                                           tury. He was a regular canon of the Parisian         interest in the Biblical text, which influenced
Expositio super Ysaiam                             abbey of St Victor, which in the twelfth cen-        scholars such as the fourteenth-century
                                                   tury had developed into a prestigious center         Franciscan Nicholas of Lyra, and, in the long
Frans van Liere (ed.)
                                                   of spiritual learning, closely connected to          run, reformers such as John Wycliff, Martin
                                                   the nascent university in Paris. Because of his      Luther, and John Calvin.
lxviii + 355 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 250         frequent use of Jewish exegetical materials,
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58983-1
                                                   Andrew’s commentaries are a rich source for
Series: CCCM, vol. 53C
Available                                          the history both of biblical hermeneutics and
                                                   of inter-religious dialogue during the Middle           Frans van Liere holds a Ph.D. in medi-
                                                   Ages. His Isaiah commentary caused outrage              eval studies from Groningen University and
                                                   among medieval Christian scholars because it            is Professor of History at Calvin University,
                                                   eschewed traditional christological interpreta-         Grand Rapids, MI (USA).
                                                   tions, and instead offered a reading “secundum

Haymo Autissiodorensis                             É dition des commentaires authentiques               par Haymon l’ont été, du moins au départ,
                                                   d’Haymon d’Auxerre sur les quatre pre-               de façon dispersée. Ainsi s’explique que les
Commentarii in                                     miers petits prophètes, et de trois commen-          commentaires authentiques de Joël, Amos
prophetas minores e schola                         taires anonymes alternatifs qui en tiennent          et Abdias fassent défaut dans une partie de la
Autissiodorensi, pars prima                        lieu dans une partie de la tradition manus-          tradition manuscrite, où ils ont été remplacés
                                                   crite                                                tantôt par les commentaires de Jérôme, tantôt
Commentarii in Osee,                                                                                    par des commentaires médiévaux anonymes,
Ioelem, Amos, Abdiam                                                                                    mais anciens, qui sont également édités dans
                                                   Haymon d’Auxerre avait entrepris de com-
Monseigneur Roger Gryson (ed.)                                                                          ce volume.
                                                   menter la série des Douze prophètes, mais,
                                                   comme son commentaire d’Ezéchiel, cette
427 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 235                  entreprise est restée inachevée. Haymon n’a
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59659-4                   expliqué que les quatre premiers petits pro-            Monseigneur Roger Gryson, professeur émé-
Series: CCCM, vol. 135F                            phètes; les huit autres l’ont été par son confrère      rite à l’Université catholique de Louvain, est
Available                                                                                                  connu notamment par ses travaux sur l’histoire
                                                   Heiric (CCCM 135G, 2020), qui fut son élève,
                                                   puis son successeur à la direction de l’école           des institutions ecclésiastiques dans l’antiquité,
                                                   de Saint-Germain d’Auxerre. Au contraire                l’arianisme latin et la critique textuelle de la
                                                   de ceux-ci, transmis en bloc par une tradition          Bible latine.
                                                   uniforme, les quatre commentaires composés

                                             CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS                                                                       3
COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers
Gerardus Magnus,                                    Common Life in Butzbach and collabora-             the translations and the source texts. Lengthy
    Anthonius Henricus Viersen,                         tor of the proto-humanist Gabriel Biel. The        introductions complete the volume.
    Ioannis Rusbrochius,                                source texts had originally been composed
    Godefridus Wevel                                    in Middle Dutch, by the great Brabantine
                                                        mystic Jan van Ruusbroec (1293-1381) and
    Opera omnia, V, 2                                   by Godfried Wevel, one of his fellow canons           Rijcklof Hofman (1958-) is Research
    Versiones latinae                                   regular at Groenendaal near Brussels from             Fellow at the Titus Brandsma Instituut,
                                                        1360 until his death in 1396. Another editio          Radboud University, Nijmegen (The
    mysticorum                                          princeps completes the volume: a Middle               Netherlands) and at the Department of
    R. Hofman, M. van den Berg,                         Dutch adaptation of Meister Eckhart’s Reden           Practical and Missional Theology, Faculty
    G. De Baere (eds.)                                  der Unterweisung, the main source for Wevel’s         of Theology and Religion, University of
                                                        Vanden twaelf dogheden. This adaptation was           the Free State (South Africa), and editor of
    642 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 380                   probably compiled in Grote’s entourage,               the Gerardi Magni Opera Omnia, published
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59135-3                    if not by him personally, and is here edited          in CCCM, vol. 172, 192 & 235. Marinus
    Series: CCCM, vol. 172A                             as Eyn boeck van der gelatenheit. The publica-        van den Berg (1949-) has published several
    Available                                           tion of Grote’s adaptation of Eckhart and the         Medieval Dutch texts. Together they have
                                                        accompanying convincingly underpinned                 published Gerardi Magni Opera Omnia,
                                                        analysis may mean a landslide for the proper          Pars II.2. Scripta contra simoniam et propri-
    E   ditio princeps of two Latin translations        assessment of Eckhart’s reception in the              etarios (CCCM, 235A). Guido de Baere
    made by the late medieval Dutch Church              Low Countries and adjacent territories in             (1940-) is best known as editor in chief of
    reformer Geert Grote (Gerardus Magnus,              modern western Germany during the later               Jan van Ruusbroec, Opera omnia (CCCM,
    1340-1384) and a revised edition of another         Middle Ages. Each of the edited texts is ac-          101-110).
    translation, made by Anthonius Henrici              companied by an apparatus comparatiuus, in-
    de Viersen (fl. 1460-1490), Brother of the          dicating in detail all discrepancies between

    Extractiones de Talmud                              offers an apparently unbiased presentation of      led to the final condemnation of the Talmud in
                                                        the Talmudic passages following the sequence       Paris in the year 1248.
    per ordinem thematicum                              of the Talmudic treatises, the second one,
    Ulisse Cecini, Óscar Luis de la Cruz                which may be called the thematic Talmud
    Palma, Alexander Fidora &                           translation, organizes these texts along with
    Isaac Lampurlanés Farré (eds)                       other materials according to thirteen chapters.
                                                                                                              Ulisse Cecini is a Latin philologist who
                                                        The titles of these chapters clearly betray the
                                                                                                              is active as a postdoctoral researcher at the
    lix + 442 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 295             polemic intention of the thematic translation,
                                                                                                              Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Óscar
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59493-4                    namely: “On the authority of the Talmud and
                                                                                                              de la Cruz Palma is Professor of Latin
    Series: CCCM, vol. 291A                             its praise”; “On the sages and teachers of the
                                                                                                              Philology at the Universitat Autònoma de
    Available                                           Talmud”; “On the blasphemies against Christ
                                                                                                              Barcelona. Alexander Fidora is ICREA
                                                        and the Holy Virgin”; “On blasphemies against
                                                                                                              Research Professor in the Department
                                                        God”; “On what is said against the Christians”;
                                                                                                              of Ancient and Medieval Studies of the
                                                        “On errors and heresies”; “On sorcery”; “On
    I n the year 1244/45, the first Latin translation   dreams”; “On the world to come”; “On the
                                                                                                              Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Isaac
                                                                                                              Lampurlanés Farré is a postdoctoral
    of the Talmud was completed in Paris. This          Messiah”; “On stupidities”; “On immoral and
                                                                                                              researcher at the Università degli Studi di
    translation, which is known as the Extractiones     impure things”; and “On fables”. It was this
    de Talmud, is extant in two versions. While         second version, which also incorporated addi-
    the first version, edited in CCCM 291 (2018),       tional materials from other Jewish sources, that

4                                              CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS
COR PVS - NEW AND FORTHCOMING TITLES 2021-2022 - Brepols Publishers
Radulfus (Radulphus) Brito                               C    e volume contient l’édition critique            aux conséquences extrêmes les positions de
                                                                                                              Godefroid de Fontaines, son maître. L’édition
                                                         de la deuxième rédaction du commentaire
Questiones super Librum                                  de l’Éthique à Nicomaque écrit par Raoul             critique de la première rédaction a été publiée
Ethicorum Aristotelis                                    le Breton au début du xive siècle. Le texte          en 2008 (Studia artistarum, 17).
Iacopo Costa (ed.)                                       est transmis par le seul ms. Vat. lat. 2173 et
                                                         pose des problèmes importants de critique
approx. 900 p., 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2022,         textuelle, notamment en ce qui concerne sa
approx. € 530                                            relation avec les manuscrits transmettant la
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58478-2                         première rédaction. Plusieurs aspects du texte          Iacopo Costa est chargé de recherche au
Series: CCCM, vol. 294                                   sont susceptibles d’intéresser les historiens           CNRS (PSL, LEM, Aubervilliers) et membre
Publication scheduled for February 2022                  de la philosophie et de la théologie médié-             de la Commission Léonine. Ses travaux portent
                                                         vales : l’auteur entend porter, sur la morale           sur la réception de la morale aristotélicienne
                                                         d’Aristote, un regard théologique, il revoit            au xiii e et au xiv e siècle et sur l’histoire de la
                                                         un certain nombre de positions qu’il avait              philosophie et de la théologie morales latines.
                                                         adopté dans la première rédaction, et élabore
                                                         une forme radicale d’intellectualisme, portant

Raimundus Lullus                                         This work by Ramon Llull, originally com-            epistemological project of the Majorcan: to
                                                         posed in Catalan (‘Art de fer e solre questions’),   establish a new general science that overcomes
Opera latina XXXIX (64)                                  was written in Rome in 1295. It is also known        the difficulties inherent in scholastic-Aristote-
Ars ad faciendum et                                      as Lectura super Artem inventivam et Tabulam         lian science, to apply its method to the articles
solvendum quaestiones                                    generalem, as it attempts to make the Ars inven-     of the Christian faith, and to create a universal
                                                         tiva veritatis (op. 44) and Tabula generalis (op.    scientific system as a solid basis for the other
Joan Carles Simó Artero (ed.)                            53) more approachable. In the prologue Llull         sciences.
                                                         expresses his wish for this work to be translated
lxxxv + 788 p., 3 b/w ills, 1 col. ill., 155 x 245 mm,
                                                         into Latin. It belongs to the so-called ency-
2021, € 495
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58677-9                         clopaedic writings in the Lullian production,
Series: CCCM, vol. 301                                   and the author announces a thousand ques-
Available                                                tions related mainly to theology. The present
                                                         work aims to provide a general technique ap-            Joan Carles Simó Artero holds a bachelor’s
                                                         plicable to any subject, a practical usage of the       degree in classical languages and a PhD in
                                                         Ars inventiva veritatis and the Tabula generalis.       Philosophy and Letters from the University of
                                                         In general, Llull develops some aspects dealt           the Balearic Islands, where he is an associate
R   amon Llull on asking and solving ques-               with in op. 44 and op. 53 in order to solve             professor.
tions: critical edition of the Ars ad facien-            possible objections or to experiment with
dum et solvendum quaestiones                             new procedures. It is another step in the great

                                                CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS                                                                            5
Pseudo-Sisbertus Toletanus                       La Exhortatio poenitendi (CPL 1227), el             inicial divulgó la denominación, que fue pro-
                                                     Lamentum poenitentiae (CPL 1533) y la Oratio        gresivamente puesta en duda y es hoy rechaza-
    Opera omnia                                      pro correptione uitae (CPL 1228) constituyen        da; su nombre se conserva como mera desig-
    Exhortatio poenitendi,                           un corpus altomedieval de temática peni-            nación. Los indicios disponibles, de hecho, no
    Lamentum poenitentiae,                           tencial, tradicionalmente impreso entre las         apuntan hacia un origen hispánico, sino hacia
                                                     obras espurias de Isidoro de Sevilla. Los dos       un autor italiano o galo del s. VIII d. C. La
    Oratio pro correptione                           primeros son textos poéticos: la Exhortatio         presente edición, basada en un nuevo estudio
    uitae                                            está compuesta en un tipo particular de hexá-       directo de toda la tradición conocida, ofrece el
    Álvaro Cancela Cilleruelo (ed.)                  metros rítmicos, mientras que el Lamentum es        primer texto crítico completo del corpus.
                                                     un himno alfabético en septenarios trocaicos
    512 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 305                rítmicos. La Oratio, por su parte, es una obra
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59247-3                 en prosa puesta en boca del pecador arrepenti-
    Series: CCCM, vol. 307                                                                                  Álvaro Cancela Cilleruelo es doctor en
                                                     do. Sirviéndose de los Synonyma de Isidoro de
    Available                                                                                               Estudios del Mundo Antiguo con una tesis en la
                                                     Sevilla, entre otras fuentes, el autor desarrolla
                                                                                                            que ofreció un estudio de conjunto y edición crí-
                                                     una exhortación a la penitencia compuesta en
                                                                                                            tica del corpus atribuido a Pseudo-Sisberto de
                                                     el estilo sinonímico popularizado por la obra
                                                                                                            Toledo. Es en la actualidad Profesor Ayudante
    U   n corpus altomedieval en prosa y verso       La atribución moderna al obispo Sisberto de
                                                                                                            Doctor de Filología Latina en la Universidad
                                                                                                            Complutense de Madrid.
    sobre la penitencia                              Toledo, depuesto en el año 693, fue propues-
                                                     ta por Justo Pérez de Úrbel en 1926. Su éxito

    Compilatio singularis                            Zudem hebt sie sich von den meisten anderen         in sich eine Liste altfranzösischer Sprichwörter
                                                     Exempelsammlungen durch das ihr zugrun-             nebst deren lateinischen Nachdichtungen,
    exemplorum                                       deliegende Gliederungsprinzip ab, welches           Proben der Vagantenpoesie des Hugo Primas
    Alexander Loose (ed.)                            sich an der Dreiteilung der mittelalterlichen       und weitere Verse erbaulichen und unterhalt-
                                                     Christenheit in Säkularklerus, Regularklerus        samen Inhalts.
    cxl + 853 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 495          und Laienstand orientiert: Streng hierar-           Der lateinische Text der Sammlung ist stel-
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59308-1                 chisch geordnet, werden der Reihe nach              lenweise von altfranzösischen Einsprengseln
    Series: CCCM, vol. 308                           Geschichten über die Mitglieder dieser drei         durchsetzt, die in einigen Fällen das Ausmaß
    Available                                        Stände erzählt. Von den Päpsten bis hinab zu        kleinerer Gedichte erreichen. Er wird hier zum
                                                     den Theologiestudenten, von den Äbten und           ersten Mal vollständig nach allen drei bekann-
                                                     Abtissinnen bis hinab zu den Laienbrüdern und       ten Überlieferungsträgern, Handschriften

    K   ritische Edition einer spätmittelalter-
                                                     Beginen, von den Kaisern und Königen bis hi-
                                                     nab zu den gesellschaftlichen Randexistenzen
                                                                                                         des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, kritisch heraus-
    lichen Exempelsammlung                           wird vor uns das ganze Panoptikum der spät-
                                                     mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft entfaltet. Dem
    Die Compilatio singularis exemplorum ist         so entworfenen Abbild der Menschenwelt
    eine Exempelsammlung, die gegen Ende             werden in den ersten Teilen der Sammlung
    des 13. Jahrhundert von einem anonymen           eine Marienvita, zahlreiche Marienmirakel,             Alexander Loose ist Latinist und hat im
    französischen Dominikaner zusammenge-            Hostienwunder, Kreuzzugsgeschichte und ei-             Fach Mittel- und Neulatein an der Martin-
    stellt wurde. Sie enthält neben vielen auch      nige Geschichten über die Engel vorangestellt.         Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg promo-
    anderweitig breit und variantenreich über-       Lediglich der letzte, vermutlich sekundär hin-         viert.
    lieferten Stoffen einiges sonst nur selten er-   zugefügte Teil der Sammlung weicht von der
    haltene oder gänzlich unbekannte Erzählgut.      Gesamtkonzeption des Werkes ab. Er vereint

6                                             CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS
Anecdota rustica                                    H ow did the least educated rows of the             personal notes for private use. They were surely
                                                    clergy get in touch with basic and more subtle      meant to be circulated and to last – as they
Textus minores ad                                   religious teachings? Access to literacy was not     apparently did. This volume collects some of
aedificationem pertinentes                          the rule in the Early Middle Ages, but rather       these texts, which appear to be related with
prout in codicibus saec.                            the exception. However, even the lowest rows        one another in different ways. The collection,
VIII-X asseruati sunt                               of the Church were expected to be able to take      however, is not and could not be intended to
                                                    care of their parishes. Therefore, the clergy was   be complete.
Javier Soage (ed.)                                  expected to be provided a certain knowledge.
                                                    Oral transmission might have played the most
approx. 250 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022, approx. € 175
                                                    important role in the formation of the lowest
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59912-0
Series: CCCM, vol. 311                              clergy. Still, several compositions have sur-
                                                    vived which might have also served this aim.           Javier Soage (1991, Spain) carries out re-
Publication scheduled for March 2022
                                                    These are rather simple, hardly original texts         search in Latin literature from the Middle
                                                    with friendly displays and oversimplified ap-          Ages (PhD 2017, Univ. of Salamanca) and
                                                    proaches to central matters of the Christian           the Early Modern Period (2016-2020, Trier;
                                                    faith. Most of such compositions do not reach          2021 Trier, Barcelona).
                                                    the highest standards of the time – nor do
                                                    they attempt to do so. Yet, they are not mere

                                 An alphabetical onomasticon containing all authors and anonymous texts published in the CCCM can
                                 be downloaded from

                                           CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONTINVATIO MEDIAEVALIS                                                                    7
       T  he Series Graeca has been set up with the explicit aim of filling the gaps in the Patrologia Graeca and redoing editions published elsewhere in
       a deficient way. Priority is given to post-Nicene authors, thus completing the Berlin corpus. The works of Gregory of Nazianzus are published in the
       subseries Corpus Nazianzenum. The series also includes editions of Greek translations of and Byzantine commentaries on the works of Thomas
       Aquinas issuing from the Thomas de Aquino Byzantinus project.

    Manuel II Palaeologus                               the text and palaeographical evidence in the          evidence in the Letter enables us to identify the
                                                        earlier version (Vat. gr. 1107) suggest that al-      anonymous critic with Manuel Calecas, plac-
    Opera theologica                                    though a major part of the treatise was written       ing its composition ca. 1396.
    De processione Spiritus                             in Paris, Manuel continued revising the text af-      The edition of these texts, accompanied by
    Sancti, De ordine in                                ter his return to Constantinople, with the help       three apparatuses (locorum parallelorum, criticus
                                                        of his fellow theologian Macarius Macres. The         and fontium), is preceded by a Bibliography, an
    Trinitate, Epistula ad                              edition is based on the revised version (Barb. gr.    Introduction and a study of the manuscript
    Alexium Iagoupem                                    219) copied by an anonymous scribe belong-            tradition with detailed description of the
    Charalambos Dendrinos (ed.)                         ing to Manuel’s circle. The treatise comprises        extant manuscripts, an examination of the
                                                        a brief Preface by the Emperor, a précis of the       texts, the relations of the manuscripts, and the
    clii + 438 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022, € 380            syllogism put forward by the Latin in defense         stemmata codicum, followed by indices locorum
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-52807-6                    of the dual procession of the Holy Spirit, and        Sacrae Scripturae, nominum and verborum.
    Series: CCSG, vol. 71                               Manuel’s refutation of the Latin arguments in
    Publication scheduled for February 2022             156 chapters, followed by the unpublished dis-
                                                        course On the Order in the Trinity.
                                                        The volume also comprises an edition of                  Charalambos Dendrinos is Senior Lecturer
                                                        Manuel’s Letter to Lord Alexius Iagoupes, pre-           in Byzantine Literature and Greek
    T he volume comprises the editio princeps           served in two manuscripts (Par. gr. 3041 and             Palaeography, and Director of The Hellenic
                                                                                                                 Institute at the History Department, School
    of the treatise On the Procession of the Holy       Barb. gr. 219). In this long epistolary discourse,
    Spirit by the Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus         addressed ostensibly to his oikeios Alexius              of Humanities, Royal Holloway, University
    (1391-1425). The lengthy treatise was written       Iagoupes, but in reality, to an anonymous                of London, and Director of the University of
    in response to the tract of an anonymous Latin      Latinophron, Manuel defends his views on                 London Postgraduate Working Seminar on
    monk, presented to the Emperor during his           the study of theology and, to some extent, his           Editing Byzantine Texts.
    sojourn in Paris (1400-1402). Information in        imperial duties towards the Church. Internal

    Florilegium Coislinianum                            Southern Italy. A research team based at the          Coislinianum and other relevant Byzantine
    Δ-Ζ                                                 KU Leuven has already published several sec-          florilegia such as Sacra, Corpus Parisinum, and
                                                        tions of the anthology. The present volume            Loci communes of a Ps.-Maximus the Confessor.
    José Maksimczuk (ed.)                               offers the first critical edition of three signifi-
                                                        cant sections, namely, Books Δ-Z. The Greek
    approx. cxxxviii + 150 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022,
    approx. € 210                                       text is based on the collation of more than 25
    Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58862-9                    witnesses and is accompanied by a set of appa-
    Series: CCSG, vol. 91                               ratuses: manuscripts, sources, parallels in other
    Publication scheduled for March 2022                anthologies, titles, apparatus criticus, appara-         José Maksimczuk was born in Buenos
                                                        tuses of comparison with sources and other an-           Aires, where he studied Classics (graduated in
                                                        thologies, and marginalia. The critical edition          2012). He holds a PhD in Classics from KU
                                                        is supplemented with a philological introduc-            Leuven (2018). Currently he is a postdoctoral
    T   he Florilegium Coislinianum is a Byzantine      tion which explores the manuscript tradition,            researcher at Hamburg University (Cluster of
    alphabetical anthology compiled sometime            offers a complete textual study of the wit-              Excellence ‘’Understanding Written Artefacts’’).
    between the end of the ninth and the begin-         nesses that contain excerpts from Books Δ-Z,
    ning of the tenth century, most probably in         and studies the links between the Florilegium

8                                                     CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECA
Nicetas Thessalonicensis                               The Dialogi sex de processione Spiritus Sancti by      The critical edition of these influential six dia-
                                                       Niketas, metropolitan of Thessaloniki, once            logues, edited for the first time in their com-
Dialogi sex de processione                             known unproperly as “of Maroneia”, is one of           plete form, offers one of the most original and
Spiritus Sancti                                        the most outstanding polemical works against           innovative texts on the Filioque discussion and
Alexandra Bucossi &                                    the Latins, written in the form of a dialogue,         witnesses to the existence in the twelfth cen-
Luigi D’Amelia (eds)                                   of the Comnenian era. Niketas (first half of           tury of an uncommon way of interpreting the
                                                       the 12th c.) is commonly considered a “lati-           inter-Trinitarian relationship and to the usage
cxiv + 285 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 270               nophrone” theologian, since he was “prepared           of Aristotelic philosophy for interpreting the
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58640-3                       to accept the Latin wording” (A. Kazhdan,              procession of the Holy Spirit.
Series: CCSG, vol. 92                                  Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and
Available                                              Twelfth Centuries, Berkeley 1985, p. 189), and
                                                       his Dialogi are the only Byzantine twelfth-cen-           Alessandra Bucossi is associate professor of
                                                       tury writings on the discussions with the Latin           Byzantine Studies at Ca’ Foscari University
                                                       Church where Greek and Latin speakers reach               of Venice. Luigi D’Amelia is a research
The most original and innovative Byzantine             an agreement on the procession of the Holy                fellow at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
text on the Filioque discussion                        Spirit “through the Son”, and where the Latin’s           within the “RAP (Repertorium Auctorum
                                                       arguments turn out to be ultimately longer                Polemicorum)” project funded by Ca’ Foscari
                                                       and more persuasive than the Greek’s mostly               University of Venice and Labex RESMED.
                                                       brief and provocative replies.

Isaac Argyrus,
Iohannes Cantacuzenus
                                                       I saac Argyros was a leading astronomer
                                                       and theologian of the late 14th century, who
                                                                                                                 Ioannis Polemis is full Professor of Byzantine
Isaaci Argyri Opera                                    wrote several works against the Palamites
                                                                                                                 Literature at the University of Athens,
omnia theologica necnon                                in the tradition of his teacher and mentor
                                                                                                                 Department of Philology. He specializes in
                                                       Nicephorus Gregoras. Former emperor John
Iohannis ex-imperatoris                                Cantacuzenus composed a lenghty treatise
                                                                                                                 Byzantine philosophical and theological litera-
Cantacuzeni Oratio                                     against Argyrus, which is published here along
                                                                                                                 ture of the 14th century.
adversus Argyrum                                       with the three surviving treatises of Argyros.
Ioannis D. Polemis (ed.)

lxxxi + 266 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 240
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59275-6
Series: CCSG, vol. 93

Ioannes Gattus (Gatti)                                 Cardinal Bessarion’s great defense of Plato,           and arguments, especially from Thomas
Notata, seu Tractatus                                  the In Calumniatorem Platonis, written in re-          Aquinas’ writings, that made up the new Book
                                                       sponse to George of Trebizond’s Comparatio             III of the 1469 In Calumniatorem Platonis.
qui erat fons Libri III                                Philosophorum Platonis et Aristotelis and first        Thus, Giovanni Gatti’s treatise played a major,
Operis Bessarionis In                                  published in 1469, was the first substantial           though anonymous role in the Plato-Aristotle
Calumniatorem Platonis                                 statement of Platonism in the Plato-Aristotle          controversy for the rest of the Renaissance as
                                                       Controversy of the Renaissance. Bessarion,             Bessarion’s work became in its turn a much-
adversus Georgium                                      however, had first written the In Calumniatorem        used authority and source of information.
Trapezuntium                                           a decade earlier, in 1459, without the massive
John Monfasani (ed.)                                   Book III of the 1469 edition proving that
                                                       medieval scholasticism supported Bessarion’s
lxiv + 185 p., 1 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 155   interpretation of Plato and Aristotle. With
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59362-3                       the discovery of the treatise Notata by the
Series: CCSG, vol. 94                                                                                            John Monfasani is Distinguished Research
                                                       Dominican theologian Giovanni Gatti, we
Available                                                                                                        Professor at The University at Albany, State
                                                       now know the source of Bessarion’s newfound
                                                                                                                 University of New York, and former Executive
                                                       erudition in medieval scholasticism. Bessarion
                                                                                                                 Director of the Renaissance Society of America.
                                                       initially attempted to incorporate Gatti’s
The previously unknown source of Book 3                Notata whole cloth into the In Calumniatorem
                                                                                                                 He has long published on Greek émigrés to
                                                                                                                 Renaissance Italy.
of Cardinal Bessarion’s In Calumniatorem               Platonis, but in the end he exploited it as a store-
Platonis                                               house of the scholastic references, quotations,

                                                       CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECA                                                                          9
Severianus Gabalensis                               and Armenian. Where they exist, the Greek          each edition we introduce the results of our
                                                         originals are published in new critical edi-       research on the textual history of each sermon
     Sermones (graece,                                   tions; three sermons are thus presented in a       across the languages, with respective stem-
     armeniace et georgice)                              facing Greek-Georgian edition: De caeco nato       mata codicum. We study previous editions as
     Sergey Kim (ed.)                                    (CPG 4236a.4), In illud: Genimina viperarum        well, proceeding to punctual comparisons in a
                                                         (CPG 4236.3), De pace (CPG 4214). The ser-         number of tables. Three indexes conclude the
     approx. 450 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022, approx. € 255   mon In illud: Christus est Oriens (CPG 4235)       volume: one of biblical quotations, one of the
     Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-58863-6                    is only extant in Georgian, with the exception     sources and literary parallels and one of vocab-
     Series: CCSG, vol. 96                               of two Greek fragments. The homily De ad-          ulary based on our bilingual editions.
     Publication scheduled for March 2022                ventu Domini super pullum (CPG 4246.1/4287)
                                                         is published in a new parallel Armenian-
                                                         Georgian edition. Two large Armenian frag-
     E ight sermons of Severian of Gabala                ments De Davide (CPG 4246.2) and In illud:
                                                                                                               Sergey Kim, Ph.D. at the Sorbonne
     which are preserved not only in Greek, but          Confiteor tibi, Domine (CPG 4295.17a, with
                                                                                                               University and the Institut Catholique de Paris
     also in Armenian and Georgian                       its short Syriac portion) and the Armenian
                                                                                                               (2014), is an Orthodox priest who studies the
                                                         homily In venerabilem trinitatem (CPG 4248)
                                                                                                               patristic and liturgical heritage preserved in
     The volume is dedicated to the edition of           have extremely scarce manuscript traditions.
                                                                                                               Latin and Greek, in Old Georgian, Classical
     eight homilies by Severian of Gabala, a             French translations accompany the texts only
                                                                                                               Armenian and Coptic, in Syriac, Arabic and
     prominent preacher from early fifth century         preserved in ancient Caucasian versions. In
                                                                                                               Slavonic, as well as in Ethiopic.
     Constantinople, transmitted in the two              the General Introduction we describe the
     ancient Caucasian languages, viz. Georgian          manuscript witnesses in great detail. Preceding

     Gregorius Nazianzenus                               Les Lettres théologiques de Grégoire de            intéressant pour mieux connaître la langue et
                                                         Nazianze, rédigées en 382 et adressées à           les techniques de traduction de l’Antiquité tar-
     Epistulae 102 et 101                                Clédonius (CPG 3032), sont transmises en           dive et apporte des informations précieuses sur
     Versio latina I                                     grec avec les discours ; il en va de même de       les états anciens du texte grec.
     Alessandro Capone (ed.)                             cette ancienne traduction latine qui, dans le
                                                         plus ancien manuscrit, Florence, Laur. San
     xxxvi + 101 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2021, € 95            Marco 584, comme dans ses copies, accom-
     Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59512-2                    pagne les discours 19 et 45 et le poème Ad
     Series: CCSG, vol. 99                               virginem (Carm. I, 2, 3).
     (Corpus Nazianzenum, vol. 32)                       Le texte latin est édité dans l’ordre des textes      Alessandro Capone est depuis 2008
     Available                                           dans la tradition manuscrite (Epist. 102 et           professeur de littérature chrétienne ancienne à
                                                         101), qui a de bonnes chances de correspondre         l’Université du Salento, à Lecce (Italie).
                                                         à la réalité chronologique. Ces deux lettres
                                                         constituent des documents importants de
     P   remière édition critique de la version          la polémique anti-apollinariste. Le texte est
     latine anonyme des Lettres 102 et 101 de
     Grégoire de Nazianze

10                                                       CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SERIES GRAECA
    L ingua Patrum is a series of monographs and edited collections on language, grammar and style in the writings of early Christian and
    medieval authors.

Apollonius Dyscole                                        A  pollonius Dyscole et Priscien : histoire                   l’histoire de la réception de ces deux gram-
et Priscien : Transmettre,                                d’une réception                                               mairiens essentiels pour mieux comprendre
                                                                                                                        comment s’est constitué, à travers ruptures et
traduire, interpréter                                     Apollonius Dyscole, grammairien philologue                    continuité, une discipline cumulative comme
Éléments d,une histoire                                   d’Alexandrie du deuxième siècle de notre                      la grammaire.
                                                          ère, fondateur de la syntaxe dans la tradition
problématique                                             européenne, est considéré depuis l’Antiquité                  Table des matières:
Frédéric Lambert &                                        comme un des plus grands grammairiens
Guillaume Bonnet (éd.)                                    grecs. Son œuvre est en tout cas certaine-
                                                          ment la synthèse la plus aboutie de l’héritage
324 p., 2 b/w ills, 155 x 245 mm, 2021, approx. € 135                                                                       Frédéric Lambert, professeur de Linguistique
                                                          des grammairiens grecs et plus largement
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59608-2                                                                                            à l’université Bordeaux Montaigne, est l’auteur
                                                          de tous les philosophes et rhéteurs qui ont
Série: CCLP, vol. 13                                                                                                        de plusieurs articles sur Apollonius Dyscole.
Publication prévue pour janvier 2022
                                                          réfléchi sur le langage. Priscien, qui professait
                                                                                                                            Guillaume Bonnet, professeur de langue et
                                                          à Constantinople quatre siècles plus tard, a
                                                                                                                            littérature latine à l’université de Bourgogne,
                                                          abondamment cité et transposé au latin les
                                                                                                                            est l’auteur de plusieurs articles sur Priscien et
                                                          analyses d’Apollonius, dont il est le premier
                                                                                                                            il fait partie du groupe Ars Grammatica.
                                                          traducteur et transmetteur. Ce recueil de
                                                          contributions se propose de faire le point sur

Ars et commentarius                                       L a grammaire dans le commentaire de
                                                          Servius à Virgile
La grammaire dans                                                                                                           Alessandro Garcea est Professeur de Litté-
le commentaire                                            La grammaire présente dans le commentaire
                                                                                                                            rature latine et histoire des textes à Sorbonne
                                                                                                                            Université. Daniel Vallat est Maître de
de Servius à Virgile                                      de Servius à Virgile reste encore peu connue.
                                                                                                                            conférences en Latin et Grec à l’Université
Alessandro Garcea &                                       Mélangées à de nombreuses notes de toutes
                                                                                                                            Lumière Lyon 2.
Daniel Vallat (éd.)                                       sortes, les scolies grammaticales constituent
                                                          des remarques ad locum et forment un discours
approx. 350 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022, approx. € 145         fragmenté et nécessairement partiel. Les seize
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59375-3                          contributions du présent volume mettent en
Série: CCLP, vol. 14                                      valeur ce contenu grammatical en s’intéressant
Publication prévue pour mars 2022                         à la portée pédagogique, artigraphique et phi-
                                                          lologique de l’ars commenti de Servius.

   Table des matières
   1. Aperçu général de la grammaire et de la péda-          Juliana Wekel, Quod ad omnes pertinet: The                 4. Les frontières de l’ars commentarii
      gogie de Servius                                       Impersonal in Servius’ Commentaries                           Jared Hudson, Varronian etymologia in the Servian
      Frédérique Biville, Qu’y a-t-il de “grammatical”       Michela Rosellini, Exempla elocutionum in Servio              Commentaries to Virgil
      dans le commentaire de Servius à Virgile ?             Daniel Vallat, Servius et l’antiptose                         Fabio Stok, Servius entre philologie et grammaire
      Frances Foster, Learning Latin Grammar with                                                                          Gemma Bernadó Ferrer, Cornutus in Servius’
      Servius                                             3. Les exemples linguistiques : modèles et anti-modèles          Commentary
      Massimo Gioseffi, La grammatica di Servio. Prime       Giuseppe Ramires, Aspetti linguistici delle citazioni di      Alessandro Garcea, Le Dubius sermo plinien dans
      esplorazioni                                           Plauto nel Commento di Servio                                 le commentaire de Servius
                                                             Paolo De Paolis, Servio e le Verrine
   2. Les catégories grammaticales
                                                             Ute Tischer, Frequency as an Indicator of Regular
      Concetta Longobardi, Declinatio / declinare in         Language in Servius’ Commentaries
      Servio e nella teorizzazione grammaticale antica
                                                             Maria Luisa Delvigo, I difetti del poeta: vitium e
      Robert Maltby, Verbal Morphology and Syntax            soloecismus in Servio
      in Servius’ Virgil Commentaries and the artes

                                                         CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM LINGVA PATRVM                                                                                      11
         This series brings to the attention of scholars a range of medieval Latin texts which are preserved in manuscripts written personally by the author
         (autographs) or directly under his supervision (ideographs), and are of particular significance within their genre.

     Gli autografi di                                        La scrittura che li caratterizza è talmente osti-     Il punto di vista privilegiato è quello della
                                                             ca da essersi guadagnata, già nel Medioevo,           storia della cultura scritta: gli autografi di
     Tommaso d’Aquino                                        l’appellativo di littera inintelligibilis, e spesso   Tommaso sono analizzati nella loro materiali-
     Maria Cristina Rossi                                    viene considerata una scrittura assolutamente         tà come testimonianze importanti che aprono
                                                             personale. Quando si studiano le opere di un          spiragli di conoscenza sul lavoro intellettuale
     xx + 156 p., 291 b/w ills, 3 col. ills, 155 x 245 mm,   uomo considerato eccezionale, in effetti, è fa-       nel medioevo.
     2021, € 150                                             cile incorrere nell’errore di giudicare anomalo,
     Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-59789-8                        o straordinario, tutto ciò che egli produsse,
     Series: CCAMA, vol. 8
                                                             anche sul piano materiale. Obiettivo princi-
                                                             pale di questo lavoro è quello di descrivere la
                                                             scrittura di Tommaso e di inserirla nel suo con-
                                                             testo, esaminandola come un’espressione della
                                                             scrittura dei dotti del tempo.
     U   n nuovo studio paleografico e codicolo-             Il volume è suddiviso in tre parti. Dopo una
     gico degli autografi di Tommaso d’Aquino                descrizione codicologica dei manoscritti con-            Maria Cristina Rossi è ricercatrice in paleo-
                                                             servati, ci si concentra sulla scrittura attraverso      grafia latina all’Università di Pisa. Si occupa
     Di Tommaso d’Aquino, il più noto e studiato             una minuziosa descrizione dei fatti grafici.             principalmente di testimonianze scritte pro-
     teologo medievale, ci sono giunti cinque testi          Infine, a partire dagli elementi materiali rica-         dotte in Italia nel pieno medioevo e di scrittura
     autografi, che vengono presentati qui per la            vati dall’esame degli autografi, viene esaminato         nell’ambito delle università delle origini.
     prima volta all’interno di uno studio com-              il metodo di lavoro seguito da Tommaso e dai
     plessivo.                                               suoi collaboratori.

12                                                    CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM AVTOGRAPHA MEDII AEVI
   The series Conciliorum oecumenicorum generaliumque decreta publishes critical editions of the decrees of those church councils which are
   termed ‘ecumenical’, as well as those of the main ‘general’ councils whose authority is recognized by most Christian denominations or are accorded
   such status within the Roman tradition.
   Canonical reception, theological effect, the scholarly consensus are therefore applied as the main criteria of a work based on scientific parameters and
   on philological principles. However, as well as each scholar who needs definitive editions, also the theologian can trace the proper approach of his
   discipline and confession.
   When finished, the series will consist of seven volumes, spanning almost two millennia of conciliar decrees, all of them critically edited, indexed, and
   introduced by specialists. This unprecedented research program is conducted under the direction of Giuseppe Alberigo i.m. and Alberto Melloni.

The Councils of                                      T he selection of the decisions of the Synods
the Armenian, Syriac                                 of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox
and Ethiopian                                        Churches will illustrate the richness and vital-
Orthodox Churches                                    ity of the various Orthodox Churches. The
                                                     criteria employed are those of historic promi-
Alberto Melloni (ed.)                                nence and relevance today. The combination
                                                     of these two elements reduces considerably
approx. 550 p., 155 x 245 mm, 2022,                  the number of decrees which may be chosen,
approx. € 290                                        but still allows one to indicate individual and
Hardback: ISBN 978-2-503-54505-9                     unique characteristics of each type of synod.
Series: CCC OGD, vol. 5
Publication scheduled for March 2022

                      CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM CONCILIORVM OECVMENICORVM GENERALIVMQVE DECRETA                                                                    13
         The series Corpus Christianorum in Translation provides modern translations of patristic and medieval Greek and Latin texts that have been edited
         in one of the Corpus Christianorum series (Series Latina, Series Graeca and Continuatio Mediaevalis). These translations, which are published
         independently from the critical editions, are intended to render the texts edited in Corpus Christianorum accessible to those who do not have the
         opportunity to read them in the original language. For those conversant with the original language, the translations can serve as a tool for quick reference
         and an aid in interpreting the Greek or Latin text.

     Peter the Chanter                                      Peter the Chanter was a master at Notre-Dame             The source text of this volume appeared in
                                                            cathedral in Paris in the late 12th century.             Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaeualis
     The Abel Distinctions                                  Among his many works is The Abel Distinctions,           as Petrus Cantor, Distinctiones Abel (CCCM,
     Stephen A. Barney (transl.)                            an alphabetized collection that treats key               288-288A). References to the corresponding
                                                            words by ‘distinguishing’ their various symbol-          pages of the Corpus Christianorum edition are
     726 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2021, € 75          ic meanings in accordance with the traditions            provided in the margins of this translation.
     Paperback: ISBN 978-2-503-59393-7                      of biblical exegesis. The work was innovative
     Series: CCT, vol. 37                                   in form and deeply conservative in content.
                                                            Of special use to preachers who would shape
                                                            a sermon around such sets of distinctions, it
                                                            also appealed in general to clerics and laity in-
                                                            terested in biblical meaning and allegory. The               Stephen A. Barney has been Associate
                                                            Abel Distinctions may have been the first collec-            Professor of English at Yale University and is
     T   he Abel Distinctions translates the first          tion of its kind; it spawned dozens of imitators
                                                            through the next two centuries and more. Its
                                                                                                                         Emeritus Professor of English at the University
                                                                                                                         of California, Irvine.
     edition of Peter the Chanter’s innovative
     ‘symbol dictionary’ from the late twelfth              immense popularity and influence is indicated
     century.                                               by its nearly ninety extant manuscripts.

     Girolamo di Stridone                                    Girolamo completa il Commentario al pro-                risulta aggiunta da un redattore al testo profeti-
     Commento al profeta                                     feta Abacuc nel 393 e lo dedica all’amico               co), anticipando e applicando il senso cristolo-
                                                             Cromazio, vescovo di Aquileia. Nel percorso             gico anche ai primi due capitoli grazie a inserti
     Abacuc                                                  esegetico che lo vede impegnato a spiegare              in cui annuncia proletticamente la venuta di
     Sincero Mantelli (trad.)                                l’intero corpus profetico, l’interpretazione di         Cristo.
                                                             Abacuc dipende fortemente da Origene, sulla             La versione latina originale del testo propo-
     approx. 180 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2022, € 40                cui eredità sorgerà proprio in quell’anno la fa-        sto in traduzione in questo volume è pub-
     Paperback: ISBN 978-2-503-59483-5                       mosa controversia. Girolamo offre un doppio             blicata nella collana Corpus Christianorum.
     Series: CCT, vol. 38                                    commento, al testo ebraico e a quello greco             Series Latina con il titolo Hieronymus –
     Publication scheduled for March 2022                    dei Settanta. Al primo dedica una spiegazione           Commentarius in Abacuc (CCSL 76-76A bis 1).
                                                             per lo più letterale, mentre al secondo è riser-        I rimandi alle pagine corrispondenti dell’edi-
                                                             vata l’esegesi di stampo allegorico. Un punto           zione sono forniti a margine di questa tradu-
                                                             qualificante del commento di Girolamo è la              zione.
                                                             coerenza interpretativa, che riesce a stabilire
     I l commentario al profeta Abacuc di                    anche fra l’esegesi dei primi due capitoli e il
     Girolamo raccoglie l’eredità di Origene e               terzo, il cosiddetto cantico di Abacuc, che ha              Sincero Mantelli (Parma, 1978), inse-
     offre un’interpretazione unitaria dell’opera,           la forma di un salmo. I suoi predecessori, no-              gna Storia della Chiesa e Patrologia presso la
     concentrandosi in particolare sulla compo-              tando una certa estraneità fra la vicenda storica           Facoltà Teologica dell’Emilia Romagna. Dal
     sizione in Dio di bontà e giustizia                     dell’oppressione di Nabucodonosor (cap. 1-2)                2018 è docente invitato presso l’Institutum
                                                             e il cantico, avevano dato di quest’ultimo testo            Patristicum Augustinianum di Roma. La sua
                                                             una lettura cristologica indipendente dall’in-              ricerca verte principalmente sull’edizione criti-
                                                             terpretazione della prima parte. Girolamo,                  ca di testi patristici e sull’esegesi dei Padri della
                                                             invece, riesce a congiungere nella sua esegesi              Chiesa.
                                                             anche quest’ultima parte (che verosimilmente

14                                                        CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION
L e traité De predicatione crucis, composé         Le texte latin, dont on trouvera ici la traduction,
                                                vers 1266-68 par Humbert de Romans, le cin-        a été édité dans Humbertus de Romanis, De
                                                quième maître général de l’ordre dominicain,       predicatione crucis (Corpus Christianorum.
Humbert de Romans                               est sans doute l’instruction la plus détaillée     Continuatio Mediaeualis 279). Des renvois aux
Traité sur la prédication                       pour les prédicateurs de la croix dont nous dis-   pages correspondantes de l'édition sont four-
                                                posons. L’auteur donne ses commentaires sur        nis dans les marges de cette publication.
de la croisade                                  des questions qu’il croit d’être les plus essen-
Valentin Portnykh (trad.)                       tielles pour prêcher la croisade, sans pourtant
                                                donner des sermons prêts à être prononcé: le
approx. 220 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2022, € 45        prédicateur est censé composer le sermon lui-          Valentin Portnykh a étudié aux Universités
Paperback: ISBN 978-2-503-59810-9               même en utilisant le traité comme manuel. Il           de Novossibirsk (Russie) et de Lumière Lyon 2,
Série: CCT, vol. 39                             procure aussi des extraits de la Bible et des          où il a obtenu le doctorat sous la direction du
Publication prévue pour mars 2022               textes non-bibliques pour le même but.                 Professeur Nicole Bériou. Il enseigne actuelle-
                                                                                                       ment à l’Université de Novossibirsk.

                                           All volumes in the series Corpus Christianorum
                                             in Translation are also available as eBook

                                               CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION                                                                       15
PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED IN THIS SERIES. For a full overview of all available titles, see
                           All titles are also available as eBook on

                 Translations from                          Liturgie                                           Jakob von Vitry
                  SERIES LATINA                                                                                Das Leben der Maria
                                                            Das Buch WarumZur Liturgie
     Anonymous                                              im 11./12. Jahrhundert                             von Oignies
     The Cambridge Gloss on                                 Lorenz Weinrich (Übers.)                           Iris Geyer (Übers.)
                                                            294 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, CCT 33, PB,            223 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 18, PB,
     the ApocalypseCambridge                                ISBN 978-2-503-58686-1, € 50                       ISBN 978-2-503-55108-1, € 50
     University Library Dd.X.16
     Colin McAllister (transl.)                             Hériman de Tournai
     167 p., 1 col. ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, CCT 36, PB                                                                 Translations from
     ISBN 978-2-503-58240-5, € 35
                                                            La restauration du                                           SERIES GRAECA
                                                            monastère Saint-Martin
                                                            de Tournai                                         Theodore Metochites
     Escritos medievales en honor
                                                            Paul Selvais (trad.)                               Poems
     del obispo Isidoro de Sevilla
                                                            200 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2019, CCT 32, PB,            Ioannis D. Polemis (transl.)
     José Carlos Martín-Iglesias (trad.)                    ISBN 978-2-503-58059-3, € 40
     359 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 29, PB                                                                    377 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 26, PB
     ISBN 978-2-503-57609-1, € 60                                                                              ISBN 978-2-503-57039-6, € 50
                                                            Giovanni Scoto Eriugena
     Liturgica                                              'Omelia' e 'Commento' sul                          Titus de Bostra
                                                            vangelo di Giovanni                                Contre les manichéens
     The Gothic Missal
                                                            Giovanni Mandolino (trad.)                         Paul-Hubert Poirier,
     Els Rose (transl.)
                                                            210 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, CCT 31, PB             Agathe Roman,
     373 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2017, CCT 27, PB
                                                            ISBN 978-2-503-57969-6, € 40                       Thomas Schmidt (trad.)
     ISBN 978-2-503-53397-1, € 50
                                                                                                               483 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 21, PB,
                                                            Pietro Comestore                                   ISBN 978-2-503-55017-6, € 60
                                                            La Genesi
     On the Trinity, Letters to
                                                            Gaia Lazzarini (trad.)                             Theognostos
     Cyprian of Carthage,
     Ethical Treatises
                                                            454 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018, CCT 30, PB             Treasury
                                                            ISBN 978-2-503-57596-4, € 65                       Joseph A. Munitiz (transl.)
     Jim L. Papandrea (transl.)
                                                                                                               310 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 16, PB,
     216 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 22, PB,
     ISBN 978-2-503-54491-5, € 50
                                                            Hermann de Reun                                    ISBN 978-2-503-55106-7, € 50
                                                            Pierre-Yves Emery (trad.)                          Mönch Markos
     Himnodia hispánica
     José Castro Sánchez (trad.)
                                                            757 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 25, PB             Asketische Schriften
     604 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2014, CCT 19, PB,
                                                            ISBN 978-2-503-55145-6, € 90                       Florilegium und
     ISBN 978-2-503-55274-3, € 90                                                                              drei Traktate
                                                            Guiberto di Nogent                                 Philipp Roelli (Übers.)
                                                            Le reliquie dei santi                              229 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2013, CCT 15, PB,
                 Translations from                          Matteo Salaroli (trad.)                            ISBN 978-2-503-53396-4, € 50
                                                            178 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 24, PB,
     Saewulf, Giovanni di                                   ISBN 978-2-503-55584-3, € 35                       Anastasios of Sinai
     Würzburg, Teodorico                                                                                       Questions and Answers
     Tre pellegrinaggi in                                   William Durand                                     Joseph A. Munitiz (transl.)
     Terrasanta                                             Rationale V.                                       264 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2011, CCT 7, PB,
     Silverio Franzoni &                                    On the Divine Offices                              ISBN 978-2-503-53512-8, € 50
     Elisa Lonati (trad.)                                   Timothy M. Thibodeau (transl.)
     306 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, CCT 35, PB                 228 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2015, CCT 23, PB,
     ISBN 978-2-503-58900-8, € 50                           ISBN 978-2-503-55550-8, € 50

     Paschasius Radbertus                                   Aelred de Rievaulx
     On the Body and Blood                                  Sermons. La collection de
     of the Lord and the Epistle                            Reading (sermons 85-182)
     to Fredugard                                           Gaëtane de Briey (trad.), Gaetano
     Mark Vaillancourt (transl.)                            Raciti (trad.), Xavier Morales (intro.)
     208 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, CCT 34, PB,                2 vol., 886 p., 156 x 234 mm., 2015, CCT 20, PB,
     ISBN 978-2-503-58391-4, € 40                           ISBN 978-2-503-55206-4, € 90

16                                                         CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM IN TRANSLATION
CHRISTIANORVM                                                                                                                          REMINDER

    This series aims to make available editions of complete texts for researchers and students in a handy and affordable format.
    Texts chosen for this series are reprints of the complete Corpus Christianorum volume(s) in question.

Maximus Confessor                                    Augustinus                                             Raimundus Lullus
Quaestiones ad Thalassium Retractationum libri II –                                                         Opera selecta
C. Laga, C. Steel (eds)   Confessionum libri XIII                                                           2 vols, cxliv + 1372 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,
                                                     A. Mutzenbecher, L. Verheijen (eds)                    ISBN 978-2-503-58045-6
1099 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                                                                Hardback: € 110
ISBN 978-2-503-58049-4                               678 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                            (instead of € 2485 for the 15 original volumes)
Hardback: € 95                                       ISBN 978-2-503-58051-7                                 Series: CCSV
(instead of € 310 for the original editions)         Hardback: € 70                                         Available
Series: CCSV                                         (instead of € 190 for the original editions)
Available                                            Series: CCSV                                           This set of two volumes includes a large selec-
The volume includes the complete text of                                                                    tion of works by Raimundus Lullus, as pub-
Maximus the Confessor’s Quaestiones ad                                                                      lished in fifteen different volumes of Corpus
                                                     The volume includes the complete text of
Thalassium, as published in Corpus Christianorum,                                                           Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis.
                                                     Augustine’s works Retractationum libri II and
Series Graeca, volumes 7 and 22.                     Confessionum libri XIII, as published in Corpus
                                                     Christianorum, Series Latina, volumes 57 and
                                                                                                                               Table of Contents
                                                     27 respectively.
Augustinus                                                                                                  VOLVMEN I

De trinitate libri XV                                                                                       Preface (by V. Tenge-Wolf)
                                                                                                            Opera et catalogi quae titulis abbreviatis citantur
W. J. Mountain, F. Glorie (eds)                      Guillelmus Durantus                                    Chronological catalogue of Ramon Lull’s works

cii + 777 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                    Rationale divinorum                                    (by F. Domínguez Reboiras, update by V. Tenge-Wolf)
                                                                                                            Addenda ad codices et editiones
ISBN 978-2-503-58050-0                               officiorum                                             opus 189: Vita coaetanea. 1311. Ed. H. Harada
Hardback: € 70
(instead of € 180 for the original editions)         A. Davril, T. Thibodeau,                               opus 212: Testamentum Raimundi. 1313. Ed. F. Domínguez
Series: CCSV                                         B. G. Guyot (eds)                                      opus 11: Liber de gentili et tribus sapientibus. ca. 1274-1283.
Available                                            2 vols, cx + 1604 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,              Ed. Ó. de la Cruz Palma
                                                                                                            opus 53: Tabula generalis. 1293-1294. Ed. V. Tenge-Wolf
                                                     ISBN 978-2-503-58048-7
The volume includes the complete text of             Hardback: € 110                                        opus 65: Arbor scientiae. VII. De arbore imperiali. 1295-1296.
                                                                                                            Ed. P. Villalba Varneda
Augustine’s De trinitate libri XV, as published      (instead of € 650 for the original editions)
in Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, volumes      Series: CCSV                                           VOLVMEN II
50 and 50A.                                          Available                                              opus 94: Liber de homine. 1300. Ed. F. Domínguez Reboiras
                                                                                                            opus 97: Rhetorica nova. 1301. Ed. J. Medina
                                                     This set of two volumes includes the com-              opus 107: De regionibus sanitatis et infirmitatis. 1303.
                                                                                                            Ed. J. Gayà Estelrich
Cassiodorus                                          plete text of Guillelmus Durantus’s Rationale
                                                                                                            opus 108: Ars iuris naturalis. 1304. Ed. J. Gayà Estelrich
                                                     divinorum officiorum as published in Corpus
Variarum libri XII –                                 Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis, vol-
                                                                                                            opus 120: De ascensu et descensu intellectus. 1305. Ed. A. Madre

De anima                                             umes 140, 140A and 140B.
                                                                                                            opus 121: De demonstratione per aequiparantiam. 1305. Ed. A. Madre
                                                                                                            opus 131: Liber disputationis Raimundi christiani et Homeri
A. J. Fridh, J. W. Halporn (eds)                                                                            saraceni. 1308. Ed. A. Madre
                                                                                                            opus 144: Liber de convenientia, quam habent fides et intellectus in
xxxiv + 597 p., 156 x 234 mm, 2018,                                                                         obiecto. 1309. Ed. F. Domínguez Reboiras
ISBN 978-2-503-58052-4                                                                                      opus 146: Liber de acquisitione Terrae sanctae. 1309. Ed. F.
Hardback: € 70                                                                                              Domínguez Reboiras
(instead of € 140 for the original edition)                                                                 opus 159: Liber correlatiuorum innatorum. 1310. Ed. H. Riedlinger
Series: CCSV                                                                                                opus 168: Disputatio Raimundi et Averroistae. 1310. Ed. H. Harada
Available                                                                                                   opus 190: Disputatio Petri clerici et Raimundi phantastici. 1311.
                                                                                                            Ed. A. Oliver, M. Senellart
                                                                                                            opus 198: Liber de secretis sacratissimae trinitatis et incarnationis.
The volume includes the text of Cassiodorus’s                                                               1312. Ed. A. Oliver, M. Senellart
Variarum libri XII. De anima, as published in                                                               opus 204: Liber de Ave Maria. 1312. Ed. F. Domínguez Reboiras,
Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, volume 96.                                                             A. Soria Flores

                                                 CORPVS CHRISTIANORVM SCHOLARS VERSION                                                                                               17
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