HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier

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HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
3TQ – LM1 A



           Mr. Daussin

  SCHOOL YEAR 2019 – 2020
HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier

I.    Compétence finale communicative
      Au terme de ce chapitre, les étudiants seront capables de demander et de donner des
      informations sur la vie quotidienne.
II.   Objectifs
      §   Connaître et savoir utiliser les déterminants articles définis et indéfinis (a / an / the) ;
      §   Savoir prononcer le « the » en fonction des sons voyelles et des sons consonnes ;
      §   Connaître et savoir utiliser les déterminants démonstratifs (this, that, these, those) ;
      §   Connaître et savoir utiliser les noms de pays, de nationalités et de langues ;
      §   Connaître et savoir utiliser les mots interrogatifs ;
      §   Savoir former une phrase interrogative avec et sans mot interrogatif ;
      §   Savoir former la date en anglais ;
      §   Connaître et savoir former les nombres cardinaux et ordinaux ;
      §   Savoir exprimer et comprendre une date orale et écrite ;
      §   Connaître les règles d’utilisation et de formation présent simple ;
      §   Savoir conjuguer tout verbe aux formes positive, négative et interrogative du présent
          simple ;
      §   Connaître, savoir utiliser et placer correctement les adverbes de fréquence ;
      §   Comprendre et savoir exprimer des heures à l’oral et à l’écrit ;
      §   Connaître et savoir utiliser les expressions temporelles ;
      §   Savoir utiliser les prépositions de temps ;
      §   Connaître les habitudes quotidiennes, les routines ;
      §   Comprendre des descriptions d’habitudes à l’oral et à l’écrit ;
      §   Produire oralement et par écrit un message visant à décrire ses habitudes ainsi que
          les habitudes d’une tierce personne ;
      §   Comprendre à l’oral et à l’écrit les goûts alimentaires d’une tierce personne ;
      §   Savoir exprimer oralement et par écrit ses goûts alimentaires ;
      §   Savoir commander dans un restaurant ;
      §   Savoir orthographier, prononcer et utiliser tout le vocabulaire thématique ;
      §   Utiliser les aspects lexicaux et grammaticaux (vocabulaire et grammaire) à des fins

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
III.      Savoirs

                    Vocabulaire                                      Grammaire
 §      les déterminants articles définis           §    la phrase interrogative
 §      les déterminants articles indéfinis         §    la formation de la date
 §      les déterminants possessifs                 §    le présent simple
 §      les pays, les nationalités, les langues     §    l’emplacement        des    adverbes    de
 §      les nombres cardinaux et ordinaux                fréquence
 §      les adverbes de fréquence                   §    l’heure
 §      les habitudes, les activités quotidiennes   §    la formation d’une demande
 §      la nourriture                               §    la formation d’une suggestion
 §      les boissons                                §    l’expression de ses goûts alimentaires
 §      les hobbys                                  §    l’utilisation des prépositions de temps

IV.       Compétences
          §   Savoirs et savoir-faire linguistiques (SSFL)
          §   Compréhension à l’audition (CA)
          §   Compréhension à la lecture (CL)
          §   Expression orale (EO)
          §   Expression écrite (EE)

V.        Champ thématique

       Champ thématique 1 : Caractéristiques personnelles, de la famille et des amis :
     ð des informations et des demandes concernant l’identité.

       Champ thématique 3 : Vie quotidienne :
     ð des informations et des demandes relatives aux principales activités de la journée à la
         maison, à l’école, au travail et en vacances.

       Champ thématique 10 : Nourriture et boissons :
     ð des informations et des demandes sur les goûts alimentaires, les repas, les menus et les

VI.       Timing
          12 périodes de 60 minutes.

VII.      Évaluation
          §   Bilan (SSFL, CA, CL, EO et EE).
                                                                                      Bon travail !

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
1. Grammar : Articles

1.1. a / an

Les déterminants articles indéfinis sont exprimés par “a” ou “an”.
En anglais, un nom n’a pas de genre (masculin / féminin).

Look at the examples below !
                     a town                                           an apple
                   a fireplace                                        an igloo
                  a hamburger                                          an hour
                   a uniform                                          an honour
                     a year                                           an uncle

v Nous utilisons “……” avec tous les mots commençant par une consonne, un “h” prononcé,
   le “u” mouillé et la voyelle “y”.

   EX : a car (une voiture) – a hand (une main) – a utensil (un ustensile) – a yacht (un yacht)

v Nous utilisons “……” avec tous les mots commençant par a – e – i – o – u (toutes les
   voyelles sauf y) et un “h” muet (hour, honour, honest(y), heir).

   EX : an armchair (un fauteuil) – an emergency (une urgence) – an ice cream (une glace) –
   an uncle (un oncle) – an hour (une heure) – an honour (un honneur) – an heir (un héritier)

v L’article indéfini pluriel “des” ne se traduit jamais en anglais.

      EX : boys (des garçons) – girls (des filles) – flowers (des fleurs) – pupils (des élèves)

   Nous utilisons souvent le pluriel pour parler de généralités.

                          EX : Girls are often more rigorous than boys.

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
1.2. the

Il n’existe qu’un seul determinant article défini (le, la, l’, les) : the.
Néanmoins, il n’est pas toujours prononcé de la même manière.
Les règles de prononciation du “the” suivent celles des articles indéfinis (a / an).

                      /ðə/                                                 /ði/
                 son consonne :                                       son voyelle :
              toutes les consonnes                              les voyelles a – e – i – o
                  “h” prononcé                         “h” muet (honour, heir, honest(y), hour)
                   “u” mouillé                                         “u” normal
                    the bridge                                          the apple
                     the town                                          the entrance
                      the jar                                        the emergency
                    the plane                                         the ice cream
                     the boat                                           the oculist
                     the boy                                           the honour
                 the hamburger                                           the heir
                     the hand                                        the honest guy
                   the uniform                                           the hour
                    the yacht                                           the uncle
                  the young boy                                   the unknown person

Remarque :

Nous n’utilisons jamais “the” avec certaines catégories de mots :

o les prénoms et les noms (Helen, Helen Taylor,…) ;
o les noms de lieux (continents, pays, états, îles, villes, villages, montagnes,…) ;
    SAUF the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, the United Kingdom, the United States of America
o 3 noms (nature, society, space).

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier

1. Complete with “a” or “an”.

   a) …… cat                         i) …… flower                      q) …… orange
   b) …… hobby                       j) …… Italian car                 r) …… koala
   c) …… hour                        k) …… bicycle                     s) …… honour
   d) …… apple                       l) …… ice-cream                   t) …… boy
   e) …… uniform                     m) …… wheel                       u) …… hamburger
   f) …… school                      n) …… Algerian girl               v) …… yard
   g) …… heir                        o) …… university                  w) …… uniform
   h) …… honest guy                  p) …… yacht                       x) …… inn

2. Complete with a, an or the.

   a) This morning, I bought …… newspaper and …… magazine. …… newspaper is in my
       bag, but I can’t remember where I put …… magazine.
   b) I saw …… accident this morning. …… car crashed into …… tree. …… driver of
       …… car wasn’t hurt, but …… car was badly damaged.
   c) There are two cars parked outside : …… blue one and …… grey one. …… blue one
       belongs to my neighbours; I don’t know who …… owner of …… grey one is.
   d) My friends live in …… old house in …… small village. There is …… beautiful
       garden behind …… house. I would like to have …… garden like that.

3. Put in a, an or the.

   a) This house is very nice. Has it got …… garden ?
   b) It’s a beautiful day. Let’s sit in …… garden.
   c) I like living in this house, but it’s a shame that …… garden is so small.
   d) Can you recommend …… good restaurant ?
   e) We had dinner in …… very nice restaurant.
   f) We had dinner in …… bar restaurant in town.
   g) She has …… French name, but in fact she’s English, not French.
   h) What’s …… name of that man ?
   i) We stayed at …… very nice hotel – I can’t remember …… name now.

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
2. Grammar : Demonstrative pronouns

En anglais, les déterminants démonstratifs sont utilizes en fonction de la position (proche ou
éloigné) et du nombre (singulier ou pluriel) de l’objet.

       position / nombre                    singulier                     pluriel

            proche                           THIS                         THESE

            éloigné                          THAT                         THOSE

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
3. Vocabulary : Countries – Nationalities – Languages

                                 Where are you from ?
                               What’s your nationality ?
                            What language(s) do you speak ?

        Country                    Language                           Person
        Albania                    Albanian                        an Albanian
        Algeria                     Algerian                       an Algerian
       Argentina                  Argentinian                     an Argentinian
        Australia                  Australian                      an Australian
        Austria                     Austrian                        an Austrian
        Belgium                     Belgian                          a Belgian
         Brazil                    Brazilian                        a Brazilian
        Canada                     Canadian                         a Canadian
         China                      Chinese                         a Chinese
       Denmark                      Danish                            a Dane
         Egypt                     Egyptian                        an Egyptian
        England                     English             an Englishman, an Englishwoman
        Finland                     Finnish                           a Finn
         France                     French                 a Frenchman, a Frenchwoman
       Germany                      German                          a German
      Great Britain                 British                  a British person, a Briton
         Greece                      Greek                           a Greek
Holland / the Netherlands            Dutch                 a Dutchman, a Dutchwoman
          India                      Indian                          an Indian
         Ireland                      Irish                an Irishman, an Irishwoman
          Italy                      Italian                         an Italian
         Japan                      Japanese                        a Japanese
        Morocco                    Moroccan                        a Moroccan
     New Zealand                 New Zealand                     a New Zealander

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
Norway                      Norwegian                       a Norwegian
          Pakistan                      Pakistani                          a Pakistani
           Poland                        Polish                              a Pole
          Portugal                     Portuguese                      a Portuguese
          Romania                      Romanian                            a Romanian
           Russia                       Russian                            a Russian
          Scotland                      Scottish                             a Scot
            Spain                       Spanish                            a Spaniard
           Sweden                       Swedish                             a Swede
         Switzerland                     Swiss                              a Swiss
           Tunisia                      Tunisian                           a Tunisian
           Turkey                       Turkish                              a Turk
      the United States                American                        an American
            Wales                        Welsh                 a Welshman, a Welshwoman

1) Put the letters in the correct order and find the names of countries.

     a) iuaitsn               ………………………………
     b) isrsau                ………………………………
     c) prglaout              ………………………………
     d) ardnkem               ………………………………
     e) alifndn               ………………………………
     f) usltaraia             ………………………………

2) Complete.
   a) I am from ………………………… .
   b) Belgium has four surrounding countries : ………………………………………………
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .
   c) People living in Belgium are …………………………. .
   d) These are four countries where people speak English : ………………………………...
   e) At secondary school you have the possibility to learn different foreign languages :
       ………………………………………………………………………………………… .

HOMEWORK REVISIONS - 3TQ - LM1 A - Lycée Charles Plisnier
3) Make full sentences.

   Example : Bucharest is the capital city of Romania.

   a) Tokyo
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   b) Madrid
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   c) Vienna
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   d) Paris
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   e) Rabat
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   f) Cairo
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

   g) Ankara
       …………………………………………………………………………………………. .

4) Complete the descriptive text of this flag.

                                          This is the flag of the ……………………………………
                                          It is …………… , …………… and ………………. .
                                          It is made of fifty ………………… standing for the fifty
                                          …………………… and thirteen ……………………
                                          standing for the thirteen ……………………… from the
                                          past that have made up the USA.

5) What countries do those flags stand for ?

                                        SOME FLAGS

6) Complete the chart.

4. Grammar : Question words

1) Theory

                 Quoi ? Que ?
                  Quel(les) ?

                     Où ?                         ………………………

                   Quand ?                        ………………………

                  Quel âge ?                      ………………………

                 Comment ?                        ………………………

                  Pourquoi ?                      ………………………

                    Qui ?                         ………………………

                  Combien ?                       ………………………

               A quelle heure ?                   ………………………

             A quelle fréquence ?                 ………………………

             Lequel ? Laquelle ?
            Lesquels ? Lesquelles ?

              De quelle couleur ?                 ………………………

2) Exercises

1. Make meaningful sentences. Match.

          Where                                  one do you prefer?
          Why                                    are these jeans?
          Who                                    does she live?
          When                                   is your favourite sport?
          What                                   do you go to school?
          Which                                  are you always late?
          How                                    cousins have you got?
          How many                               does the train leave?
          How much                               is your mathematics teacher?
          What time                              do you usually go swimming?

2. Complete the questions with question words.

  •   …………………………’s your first name ?
  •   …………………old are you?

  •   ………………………’ s your address?

  •   ……………………………do you go to the cinema ”twice a month”

  •   ……………………do you live?

  •   …………………………………sisters has she got?

  •   …………………………………………… is he always late?

  •   ………………………’s your job?

  •   ……………………… ‘s your hobby?

  •   ……………………………………are they? “18 years old”

  •   …………………………’s the date today?

  •   ……………………………languages do you speak?

•   …………………………are you from?

   •   ……………………………’s your nationality?

   •   ……………………………’s your telephone number?

   •   ……………………………………does it cost?

   •   …………………………is this man over there?

   •   ……………………………do you go to school?

   •   ……………………………’s your favourite food/drink?

3. Match the questions to the correct answers.

 1. Who’s your English teacher?                  a) U2. Their music is fantastic.
 2. Who are your best friends?                   b) I’m Matt.
 3. Who’s your favourite band?                   c) I am.
 4. Who are you?                                 d) Mark and Laura.
 5. Who are Ken and Liz?                         e) It’s Mrs Simmons. She’s very nice.
 6. Who’s hungry?                                f) Ken and Liz? They’re kids in my class.

        1             2              3                 4              5             6

4. Complete with question words.

1. …………’s your favourite singer?


2. …………’s your favourite sport?


3. …………’s “verde” in English?

It’s “green”.

4. …………’s your father’s car?

It’s red.

5. ………… are you under the desk?

My book’s on the floor.

6. …………’s Sandra ?

She’s at school.

5. Reorder the words and write questions.

1. their / names? / are / what
2. your / footballer? / who / favourite / is
3. happy? / why / are / so / you
4. your / English book? / where / is
5. colour / your / what / is / schoolbag ?
6. your / is / English teacher ? / who

6. Write questions using what, where, why, who or how old.

1. ………………………………………………………………………..

It’s blue.

2. ………………………………………………………………………..

They’re red and blue.

3. ………………………………………………………………………..

He’s my best friend.

4. ………………………………………………………………………..

They’re on your desk.

5. ………………………………………………………………………..

She’s in her car.

6. ………………………………………………………………………..

My dog’s not here.

7. ………………………………………………………………………..

It’s pizza.

8. ………………………………………………………………………..

She’s twelve.

7. Write personal answers to the questions.

1. What colour is your schoolbag ?


2. Who’s your favourite singer?


3. What’s your favourite colour ?


4. Who’s your English teacher ?


5. Where’s your school ?


6. How old are you ?


5. Grammar : Dates

                  1er – the first                           st
                  2ème – the second                         nd
                  3ème – the third                          rd
                  4ème – the fourth                         th
                  5ème – the fifth                          th
                  6ème – the sixth                          th
                  7ème – the seventh                        th
                  8ème – the eighth                         th
                  9ème – the ninth                          th
                  10ème – the tenth                         th
                  11ème – the eleventh                      th
                  12ème – the twelfth                       th
                  13ème – the thirteenth                    th
                  14ème – the fourteenth                    th
                  15ème – the fifteenth                     th
                  16ème – the sixteenth                     th
                  17ème – the seventeenth                   th
                  18ème – the eighteenth                    th
                  19ème – the nineteenth                    th
                  20ème – the twentieth                     th
                  21ème – the twenty-first                  st
                  22ème – the twenty-second                 nd
                  23ème – the twenty-third                  rd
                  24ème – the twenty-fourth                 th
                  25ème – the twenty-fifth                  th
                  26ème – the twenty-sixth                  th
                  27ème – the twenty-seventh                th
                  28ème – the twenty-eighth                 th
                  29ème – the twenty-ninth                  th
                  30ème – the thirtieth                     th
                  31ème – the thirty-first                  st

Remarques :
1) De manière générale, nous ajouterons toujours « …… » .

   SAUF pour …… , …… , …… , …… , …… , …… et …… .

2) Lorsque le nombre se termine par 1, nous ajoutons « …… », venant de first. ( SAUF ……

3) Lorsque le nombre se termine par 2, nous ajoutons « …… », venant de second. ( SAUF
   …… )

4) Lorsque le nombre se termine par 3, nous ajoutons « …… », venant de third.   ( SAUF
   …… )

Règle :


Exemples :
                                    Thursday 13th May 1995
                                     Monday 31st July 2005
                                  Saturday 3rd November 2010
                                Wednesday 22nd February 1886

Remarque :

La lecture de la date diffère de son écriture.

Reprenons les exemples susmentionnés :

 •   Thursday 13th May 1995
 ® Thursday the thirteenth of May 1995

 •   Monday 31st July 2005
 ® Monday the thirty-first of July 2005

 •   Saturday 3rd November 2010
 ® Saturday the third of November 2010

 •   Wednesday 22nd February 1886
 ® Wednesday the twenty-second of February 1886

Fonctions langagières :

                             à l’écrit : …………………………………………………………
 What’s the date today ?
                             à l’oral : ………………………………………………………….

                             à l’écrit : …………………………………………………………
 When is your birthday ?
                             à l’oral : ………………………………………………………….

1. Write the following dates in English.

   a) Mardi 4 novembre 1952.


   b) Jeudi 23/12/2012.


   c) Mercredi 14-05-2001.


   d) Samedi 31 janvier 2006.


   e) Lundi 11/06/2000.


   f) Dimanche 2 aout 1885.


   g) Vendredi 30-10-2007.


   h) Mercredi 22-03-1998.


   i) Lundi 13/09/2005.


   j) Jeudi 25 janvier 2002.


2. Complete the following table.

      Events         Dates         Written date       Oral date

 New Year’s Day      01/01          1st January   The first of January

 Valentine’s Day     14/02

 St. Patrick’s Day   17/03

 St. George’s Day    23/04

     Summer          21/06

  Back To School     01/09

    Halloween        31/10

      Winter         21/12

    Christmas        25/12

   Your birthday

3. Ask and answer questions.

   a) When’s your birthday ?

   b) When were you worn ?

   c) When do we celebrate … ?

       a) Valentine’s Day
       b) Christmas
       c) New Year’s Eve

6. Grammar : Simple Present

1. Utilisation

Le présent simple s’utilise pour parler des …………………………… et des ……………….
………………………… .

2. Formation

Prenons l’exemple du verbe « to work ».

 Forme …………………….                 Forme …………………….                 Forme ……………………
            I work                        I don’t work                    Do I work ?
          You work                     You don’t work                    Do you work ?
      He / She / It works         He / She / It doesn’t work       Does he / she / it work ?
           We work                      We don’t work                    Do we work ?
          You work                     You don’t work                    Do you work ?
          They work                    They don’t work                   Do they work ?

De manière générale, il suffit de prendre le ………………… sans « …… ».
SAUF à la ………………………………… où l’on ajoute un « …… » ou « …… ».

3. Règles d’orthographe

Ø Si le verbe se termine par -sh, -ch, -x, -ss, -o, on ajoute « …… » :
       o to wash : ………………
       o to watch : ………………
       o to relax : ………………
       o to miss : ………………
       o to go : ………………

Ø Si le verbe se termine par une consonne + y, le y devient « …… » et on ajoute « …… » :
       o to study : ………………
       o to try : ………………

4. Remarques

Ø A la forme négative, il est nécessaire d’utiliser l’…………………… « ……… ».
   C’est cet auxiliaire qui va prendre la marque de la négation (………).
   EX : I don’t study my lessons.
         He doesn’t like spiders.

Ø A la forme interrogative, il est impératif de respect l’ordre suivant :

   ……………… + ……………… + …………… + ………………… + ………………… ?
                       Do / Does                              sans « to »

Ø « don’t » est la forme contractée de « do not »
   « doesn’t » est la forme contractée de « does not ».

5. Réponses brèves (= short answers)

   Les Anglais ne se contentent jamais de répondre par « oui » ou « non » à une question.
   Ils reprennent à chaque fois le sujet et l’auxiliaire.

               Question                   Positive short answer             Negative short answer
         Do you speak English?                   Yes, I do.                      No, I don’t.
          Do I speak English?                  Yes, you do.                     No, you don’t.
     Does he/she/it speak English?         Yes, he/she/it does.              No, he/she/it doesn’t.
         Do you speak English?                 Yes, we do.                      No, we don’t.
         Do we speak English?                  Yes, you do.                     No, you don’t.
        Do they speak English?                 Yes, they do.                    No, they don’t.

/!\ Pour les réponses brèves négatives, il est obligatoire d’utiliser la forme contractée. /!\

6. Exercises

1) Use the following verbs in the present simple form.   Positive form

   1. I usually ………………… (go) to school.
   2. They often ………………… (visit) us.
   3. You ………………… (play) basketball once a week.
   4. Tom ………………… (work) every day.
   5. He always ………………… (tell) us funny stories.
   6. She never ………………… (help) me with that !
   7. Martha and Kevin ………………… (swim) twice a week.
   8. In this club people usually ………………… (dance) a lot.
   9. Linda ………………… (take care) of her sister.
   10. John rarely ………………… (leave) the country.
   11. We ………………… (live) in the city most of the year.
   12. Lorie ………………… (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
   13. I ………………… (bake) cookies twice a month.
   14. You always ………………… (teach) me new things.
   15. She ………………… (help) the kids of the neighbourhood.
   16. London ………………… (be) in England.
   17. It ………………… (be) hot in summer.
   18. She ………………… (drive) very well.
   19. They ………………… (open) the store at 8:00.
   20. Linda ………………… (be) a very pretty girl.
   21. I ………………… (have) several jobs.
   22. Water ………………… (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
   23. My sister ………………… (speak) English.
   24. He ………………… (have) a big apartment.
   25. A triangle ………………… (have) three corners.
   26. My birthday ………………… (be) in June.
   27. Books ………………… (have) pages.
   28. Dogs ………………… (be) good friends.
   29. I ………………… (work) hard.
   30. My first name ………………… (be) Jackson.

31. I ………………… (love) you.
32. This ………………… (weigh) 20 kilograms.
33. Ron ………………… (seem) serious.
34. We ………………… (like) tomatoes.
35. The boy ………………… (want) to play.
36. You ………………… (need) to sleep.
37. They ………………… (agree) with me.
38. She ………………… (hear) something strange.
39. The box ………………… (contain) food.
40. Emma ………………… (appear) sad.
41. David ………………… (know) how to fix a car.
42. Daniel and Liz ………………… (seem) happy.
43. This ………………… (smell) bad.
44. I ………………… (believe) you.
45. We ………………… (be) number one !
46. I ………………… (go) to the city once a wekk.
47. You ………………… (play) the guitar very well.
48. She never ………………… (visit) me.
49. Tom always ………………… (find) new ways to do things.
50. Ann ………………… (want) to speak.
51. Toronto ………………… (be) in Canada.
52. Cars ………………… (have) wheels.
53. My mother ………………… (have) a big house.
54. We ………………… (play) a lot.
55. They ………………… (sell) fruit and eggs.
56. The building ………………… (be) on fire.
57. Marta ………………… (seem) sad.
58. I usually ………………… (help) my neighbours.
59. His brother rarely ………………… (leave) town.
60. My father ………………… (work) in a bank.
61. Daniel ………………… (fly) to Paris once a year.
62. She never ………………… (do) her homework.
63. Lisa ………………… (try) to help her sister.

64. Mark ………………… (go) home at seven.
65. The baby ………………… (cry) every night.
66. He ………………… (miss) her a lot.
67. Joe ………………… (study) really hard.
68. A boy ………………… (kiss) a girl.
69. Joana ………………… (buy) new stuff all the time.
70. Tim ………………… (watch) this show every night.
71. Sara ………………… (say) this all the time.
72. The teacher ………………… (teach) us new things.
73. Barbara ………………… (wash) the dishes.
74. Nick ………………… (play) tennis twice a week.
75. This girl always ………………… (push) somebody.
76. Isabella ………………… (enjoy) listening to music.
77. David never ………………… (mix) milk and eggs.
78. The bee ………………… (buzz).
79. Taylor ………………… (fix) cars.
80. My father always ………………… (carry) a heavy briefcase.
81. Sam ………………… (do) her homework in the evening.
82. Mrs Nelson ………………… (correct) a lot of tests.
83. We usually ………………… (write) on the blackboard.
84. I ………………… (like) attending football matches.
85. My parents ………………… (work) a lot.
86. My sister never ………………… (tidy) her bedroom.
87. We ………………… (go) to the beach on Sunday.
88. When I ………………… (be) on holiday, I always ………………… (buy) souvenirs.
89. Kelly ………………… (drive) too fast. It ………………… (be) dangerous.
90. My mother ………………… (clean) the floor every day.
91. My dog sometimes ………………… (bark) at night.
92. They often ………………… (tell) jokes.
93. It often ………………… (rain) in winter.
94. My cat ………………… (eat) fish.

2) Use the following verbs in the present simple form.   Negative form

   1. I ……………………… (not ride) horses.
   2. You ……………………… (not sell) cars.
   3. He ……………………… (not bring) gifts.
   4. She ……………………… (not take) pictures.
   5. It ……………………… (not cost) so much.
   6. We ……………………… (not seem) so happy.
   7. They ……………………… (not buy) new products.
   8. Michael ……………………… (not dance).
   9. Michel ……………………… (not run) fast.
   10. Tim and Kate ……………………… (not work) every day.
   11. Lucas and Clara ……………………… (not eat) meat.
   12. I ……………………… (not swim) much.
   13. You ……………………… (not ski) at all.
   14. It ……………………… (not hurt).
   15. We ……………………… (not give up).
   16. I ……………………… (not dance).
   17. He ……………………… (not have) breakfast in the morning.
   18. She ……………………… (not speak) English.
   19. They ……………………… (not make) dinner.
   20. We ……………………… (not study) at all.
   21. My sister ……………………… (not do) her homework.
   22. My friends ……………………… (not sell) their clothes.
   23. Anna ……………………… (not dream) about her cat.
   24. Alison and Jack ……………………… (not argue) about stupid things.
   25. My mother ……………………… (not clean) the windows at weekends.
   26. My father ……………………… (not cut) the grass in winter.
   27. The teacher ……………………… (not write) the answers on the blackboard.
   28. We ……………………… (not drive) too fast.
   29. You ……………………… (not buy) meat.
   30. It ……………………… (not rain) in summer.
   31. My dog ……………………… (not drink) milk.

3) Use the following verbs in the present simple form.
                                                         Interrogative form

   1.   ………………………… (I wake up) at five ?
   2. ………………………… (you go) to work by train ?
   3. ………………………… (she drink) coffee every morning ?
   4. ………………………… (he smoke) ?
   5. ………………………… (it hurt) ?
   6. ………………………… (we dance) ?
   7. ………………………… (they travel) ?
   8. ………………………… (Emma cook) well ?
   9. ………………………… (Alexander exercise) regularly ?
   10. ………………………… (I look) well ?
   11. ………………………… (you rest) enough ?
   12. ………………………… (William work) too hard ?
   13. ………………………… (they travel) often ?
   14. ………………………… (Anthony go) to sleep too late ?
   15. ………………………… (you bake) cakes ?
   16. ………………………… (your mother clean) the bathroom ?
   17. ………………………… (you speak) Russian ?
   18. ………………………… (it rain) in autumn ?
   19. ………………………… (your dog) bark at night ?
   20. ………………………… (we make) our beds in the morning ?
   21. ………………………… (she try) to do her best ?
   22. ………………………… (I look like) my mother ?
   23. ………………………… (you want) to see me tomorrow evening ?
   24. ………………………… (you like) eating pizza ?
   25. ………………………… (he study) his lessons ?
   26. ………………………… (she do) her homework ?
   27. ………………………… (they do) the ironing themselves ?
   28. ………………………… (you be) American ?
   29. ………………………… (you have) any brothers and sisters ?
   30. ………………………… (you can) swim ?
   31. ………………………… (he can) ride a bike ?

4) Use the following verbs in the present simple form.
                                                         Positive, negative and
   1. Christopher ………………… (drive) a bus.                  interrogative forms
   2. We ………………… (have) some money.
   3. ………………… (you watch) films ?
   4. They ………………… (not work) for us.
   5. I ………………… (love) dancing.
   6. She ………………… (have) many friends.
   7. Alexis and her husband always ………………… (come) for summer.
   8. ………………… (he draw) well ?
   9. James ………………… (not remember) me.
   10. Laura ………………… (be) a beautiful girl.
   11. I ………………… (not eat) cheese.
   12. Cats ………………… (like) sleeping.
   13. You ………………… (be) a smart boy.
   14. She ………………… (wash) the dishes every evening.
   15. ………………… (you be) ready ?
   16. I ………………… (be) ready.
   17. My mother ………………… (not speak) Italian.
   18. Our dog ………………… (have) four legs.
   19. My mother always ………………… (worry) about me.
   20. Health ………………… (be) very important.
   21. We ………………… (not take part) in this project.
   22. ………………… (your mother work) in a hospital ?
   23. ………………… (they miss) the train ?
   24. What ………………… (be) your first name ?
   25. Where ………………… (you live) ?
   26. Why ………………… (you be) always late ?
   27. Lisa ………………… (not wear) any glasses.
   28. Luke ………………… (say) sorry when it is necessary.
   29. ………………… (your parents live) near your school ?
   30. ………………… (you have) a red car ?
   31. They ………………… (not know) what to do.
   32. ………………… (he not do) his homework ?

5) Use the verbs in brackets in the simple present form.

a) We usually (play) …………………… cards in the evening.
b) My father (carry) …………………… a heavy briefcase when he (go) ……………………
   to work.
c) She (drink) …………………… too much wine.
d) She always (miss) …………………… the bus because she (get up) ………………… too
e) You (arrive) …………………… late.
f) Water (boil) …………………… at 100° Celsius.
g) She (wish) …………………… you a merry Christmas.
h) My parents (go) …………………… on holiday in summer.
i) He (watch) …………………… television every evening.
j) Samantha (invite) …………………… her friends once a month.
k) We (eat) …………………… fish on Fridays.
l) I (buy) …………………… a lot of clothes and my parents are angry because I (spend)
   …………………… a lot of money.

6) Conjugate the verbs in brackets in the simple present form.

a) She (eat, +) …………………… hamburgers in a fast food restaurant twice a month.
b) He parents (go, +) …………………… on holiday twice a year.
c) (You – visit, ?) …………………… your grandparents every week?
d) He (play, -) …………………… football at the weekend.
e) He (play, +) …………………… on Wednesdays afternoon.
f) We (swim, +) …………………… once a week. It (be, +) …………………… very healthy.
g) Where (your cousins – live, ?) ………………………………………… ?
h) They (live, +) …………………… in Brighton.
i) The doctor (come, +) …………………… once a month and (examine, +)
   …………………… my grandfather.
j) Why (she, phone, ?) …………………… you so often? (you, love, ?) ……………………
k) He often (oversleep, +) …………………… and (miss, +) …………………… the bus.
   That’s why he (arrive, +) …………………… late at school. He (say, +)
   …………………… he (hear, -) …………………… his alarm clock.

l) He (hate, +) …………………… reading. He never (buy, +) …………………… any books.
m) What time (the plane, leave, ?) ………………………………………… ? It (take off, +)
   …………………… at 9.30.
n) He (write, +) …………………… to me every December and (wish, +) ……………………
   me a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
o) My husband (go, +) …………………… on business trips.
p) The teacher (know, -) …………………… the names of all his pupils.
q) (your best friend, help, ?) ………………………………………… you when you (be, +)
   …………………… in trouble?
r) When my daughter (catch, +) …………………… the plane and (go, +) ……………………
   on holiday, she (carry, +) …………………… a heavy suitcase with a lot of things she
   (need, -) …………………… .
s) A mother (worry, +) …………………… about her children.

7) Here is your teacher’s timetable. Write sentences describing it.

               Monday             10.15pm                      Cinema
               Tuesday             5.35pm                      Dentist
             Wednesday             2.00pm                  Swimming pool
              Thursday             12.30am                Lunch with sister
                Friday             7.25pm                Run with best friend
              Saturday             08.50am                    Shopping
               Sunday              4.20pm            Correct tests and homework


7. Grammar : Adverbs of frequency

1) Theory

             La fréquence est souvent exprimée par des adverbes de fréquence.

                           always               …………………………
                          usually               …………………………
                         generally              …………………………
                           often                …………………………
                         sometimes              …………………………
                           rarely               …………………………
                        hardly ever             …………………………
                           never                …………………………

Règles :
•   De manière générale, l’adverbe se place toujours ………………… le verbe.

                 EX : I always go to the swimming-pool on Monday evening.

•   L’adverbe se place ……………… le verbe “to be”.

                         EX : I am always happy to meet my friends.

•   Lorsqu’un verbe est composé (deux parties ou plus), l’adverbe se place toujours
    …………… l’auxiliaire et le verbe principal.

                  EX : I don’t always go to the cinema on Saturday evening.

2) Exercises

   1. Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.

  a) I / at school / arrive / never / late
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .

  b) do/help/him/you/sometimes/?
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .

  c) my     friend    /   in   the   evening   /   plays   /   usually   /   on   her   computer
       …………………………………………………………………………………… .

  d) often / do / often / go shopping / ? / your parents
           …………………………………………………………………………………… . .

  e) John / Tim / work / and / always / after school
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .

  f)   angry/you/are/often/?
       …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  g) never / she / music / listens / to
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  h) sometimes / rains / it
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  i) we / the / usually / door / close
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  j) late / my / is / always / brother
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  k) to/often/they/place/come/my
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  l) on/have/Fridays/we/test/a/always
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  m) exercises / easy / usually / the / are
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .
  n) buy / I / never / clothes / expensive
           …………………………………………………………………………………… .

2. Rewrite the sentences and put the adverb in the correct place.

a) She answers the phone. (never)


b) My parents are angry with me. (sometimes)


c) I win the competitions. (usually)


d) It rains at the weekend. (often)


e) My mother gets up early. (always)


f) We watch DVDs on Sunday afternoons. (always)


g) The ice creams in that shop are very good. (usually)


3. Complete the sentences with adverbs of frequency. Use the table below.

                                              toujours                    ++++
                                           habituellement                 +++-
                                              souvent                     ++--
                                               parfois                    +---
                                               jamais                      ----

a) My cat / ++++ / sleeps / on my bed. …………………………………………………

b) She / ---- / chases / birds. …………………………………………………………….

c) She / is / ++-- / hungry. ………………………………………………………………

d) She / +--- / watches / TV. …………………………………………………………….

e) She /+++- / stays out all night. ……………………………………………………….

8. Grammar : Times

1) Theory

  a) Asking for the time

                             What time is it ? = What’s the time ?
  b) Telling the time

                                              It’s …
     §   l’heure pile

                                      It’s … o’clock

         EX : 3.00 : it’s three o’clock AM. – 17.00 : it’s five o’clock PM.

     §   la demi-heure

                                     It’s half past …

         EX : 2.30 : it’s half past two AM. – 18.30 : it’s half past six PM.

     §   le quart d’heure

                               It’s (a) quarter past / to …

         EX : 7.15 : it’s (a) quarter past seven AM. – 15.45 : it’s (a) quarter to four PM.

     §   les minutes

                                    It’s … past / to …

         EX : 8.10 : it’s ten past eight AM. – 15.35 : it’s twenty-five to four PM.
     §   Remarques
         • En anglais, on exprime d’abord les minutes et, ensuite, les heures.
         •   Les Anglais n’utilisent que les nombres de 1 à 12.
         •   le matin (AM – ante meridiem) >< l’après-midi (PM – post meridiem)
         •   it’s midday (12h00) >< it’s midnight (00h00)

2) Exercises

1. Listen to the following times. Write them.

  a)                     f)                     k)   p)

  b)                     g)                     l)   q)

  c)                     h)                     m)   r)

  d)                     i)                     n)   s)

  e)                     j)                     o)   t)

2. What time is it ? Tell the following times.

     14h00       ………………………………………………………………………………

     03h15       ………………………………………………………………………………

     12h00       ………………………………………………………………………………

     21h30       ………………………………………………………………………………

     06h45       ………………………………………………………………………………

     13h25       ………………………………………………………………………………

     08h40       ………………………………………………………………………………

     00h00       ………………………………………………………………………………

     11h10       ………………………………………………………………………………

     22h35       ………………………………………………………………………………

     04h15       ………………………………………………………………………………

     15h25       ………………………………………………………………………………

     14h30       ………………………………………………………………………………

     10h50       ………………………………………………………………………………

     13h15       ………………………………………………………………………………

9. Vocabulary : Time periods

1) Days of the week

              Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

   Nous utilisons toujours la préposition « ……… » avec les jours de la semaine.

                                EX : On Monday I go to the gym.

2) Months of the year

        January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October,
                                   November, December.

   Nous utilisons toujours la préposition « ……… » avec les mois de l’année.

                      EX : In January we always wish a happy New Year.

3) Seasons

                              spring, summer, autumn (fall), winter

   Nous utilisons la préposition « ……… » avec les saisons.

                               EX : It is usually sunny in summer.

4) Moments of the day

                             morning, afternoon, evening, night, day

   Nous utilisons toujours la préposition « ……… » avec les moments de la journée.

                          EX : I always have breakfast in the morning.

   Cependant, nous utilisons la préposition « ……… » avec le mot « night ».

                                 EX : I never wake up at night.

   Pour parler de la journée, nous utilisons l’expression « during the day ».

                           EX : I always drink water during the day.

   Remarques :

   - « all day » et « all night » traduisent respectivement « toute la journée » et « toute la
   nuit ».
   - « tonight » se traduit par « ce soir ».

1) Complete the rows.

  a) Wednesday - ………………………… - …………………………
  b) ………………………… - Sunday - …………………………
  c) ………………………… - ………………………… - June
  d) ………………………… - September - …………………………
  e) January - ………………………… - …………………………
  f) ……………………… - autumn - ……………………… - ………………………

2) Complete with the right prepositions.

   a) ……… the afternoon I always finish school at 4.15 pm.
   b) ……… Wednesday I have dance lesson.
   c) ……… autumn sheets fall from the trees.
   d) ……… winter it often snows.
   e) ……… the morning I get up at about seven o’clock.
   f) We never eat sweets ………… the day.
   g) ……… Tuesday she goes to the hairdresser.
   h) ……… the evening I usually listen to music.
   i) ……… April we sometimes go on holiday to the sea.
   j) ……… September school starts again.
   k) My mother never cleans the house ……… night.
   l) Let’s go the the cinema ……………… .

3) Complete the following sentences.

   a) People make pancakes in ……………………… .
   b) In ……………………… we celebrate Christmas.
   c) On ……………………… pupils usually finish school at midday.
   d) Most people go on holiday in ……………………… .
   e) My English teacher was born in ……………………… .
   f) Most people relax on ……………………… .
   g) We have dinner in the ……………………… .

10. Vocabulary : Daily routines

                      Match the activites to the pictures.

                1) to listen to music
                2) to watch TV
                3) to play the guitar
                4) to dance
                5) to climb
                6) to sing
                7) to take pictures
                8) to cook
                9) to ride a bike = to cycle
                10) to ride a horse
                11) to walk
                12) to fish
                13) to make puzzles
                14) to garden
                15) to read a book
                16) to paint, to draw

1         2
                        3                          5

          6                 7         8       9

     10       11                12

                                 15           16
13                 14

              1) …………………………………………….
              2) …………………………………………….
              3) …………………………………………….
              4) …………………………………………….
              5) …………………………………………….
              6) …………………………………………….
              7) …………………………………………….
              8) …………………………………………….
              9) …………………………………………….
              10) …………………………………………….
              11) …………………………………………….
              12) …………………………………………….
              13) …………………………………………….
              14) …………………………………………….
              15) …………………………………………….
              16) …………………………………………….

11. Reading comprehension : Nipun’s weekly planner

Context : Here’s a page of Nipun’s weekly planner. You find it very interesting.
Task : Read it carefully. Then answer your teacher’s questions.

Discuss the following questions !

   •   What does he do in the morning ?
   •   What does he do in the afternoon ?
   •   What does he do in the evening ?
   •   What can’t he forget ?

12. Writing : My own weekly planner

Context : Here’s a page of your weekly planner.
Task : Complete it and then write a short text describing it.











13. Writing : My partner’s habits

Context : Your teacher is very interested in your schoolmate’s habits. You have a table of your
schoolmate’s habits below.
Task : Write a text in which you describe his daily routines.
Instructions : Use adverbs of frequency, hours and moments of the day.


14. Reading comprehension : Father and daughter

Context : You are reading an article in the newspaper.

Task : Read the text and answer the questions.

ð Read the text and answer the questions in English.

1) What’s his name?                         ………………………………………………

2) What’s his job?                          ………………………………………………

3) Where does he live?                      ………………………………………………

4) Is he married?                           ………………………………………………

5) How many children does he have?          ………………………………………………

  ð Complete his timetable.

                    Times                                Activities














15. Reading comprehension : Father and daughter

Context : You are reading an article from the newspaper about British habits.

Task : Read it and complete the table below in French.

      Personne                 Origine                        Fait(s) constaté(s)

16. Listening comprehension : Interview with a star

                                    Jelly 1 – CD 1 – Audio 34

Context : Ashley, a young journalist, is meeting Sebastian, a very popular star.

Task : Listen to the interview. Try to complete Sebastian’s weekly planner.

                                           WORK                         FREE TIME




17. Speaking : About my schoolmates

Context : You would like to get more information about your schoolmates’ typical weekday.
Task : Ask them what time they do the activities below.
                              Pupil A                Pupil B              Pupil C

   wake up / get up

     get dressed

     go to school

  come back home

 study one’s lessons
 do one’s homework

     have dinner

    take a shower

      go to bed

18. Writing : Stressed or healthy life ?

Context : You would like to compare people’s lives.
Task : Describe Suzy and Henry’s habits by writing descriptive texts.

About Suzy’s habits


             About Henry’s habits


19. Speaking : Asking and answering questions

Context : You are chatting with a friend about your everyday life.

Task : Ask him/her the following questions. Answer his/her questions.

20. Reading comprehension : Food preferences

Context : You found an article on the Internet about some teenagers’ food preferences.
Task : Read the article.

1) Highlight all names of food in the text.

2) Try to match these words with the following pictures.
   Write the names of food under the correct pictures.

3) Where are these teenagers from?

   ð ………………………………………………………………………………………… .

4) Complete the table below.

                                     What do they like eating ?




              What about you ?
1) And you, do you like eating…?

2) What do you like eating?

3) What don’t you like eating?

4) What do you like drinking?

5) What don’t you like drinking?

6) What’s your favourite dish?

7) What’s your favourite meal?

21. Vocabulary : Food preferences

1. Do you like eating fish?           Yes, …………………………………….. .

                                      No, ……………………………………… .

2. Do you like drinking water?        Yes, …………………………………….. .

                                      No, ……………………………………… .

3. What do you like eating?        …………………………………………………….. .

4. What don’t you like eating?     …………………………………………………….. .

5. What do you hate eating ?       …………………………………………………….. .

6. What do you like drinking?      …………………………………………………….. .

7. What don’t you like drinking?   …………………………………………………….. .

8. What do you hate drinking?      …………………………………………………….. .

9. What’s your favourite dish?     …………………………………………………….. .

10. What’s your favourite meal?    …………………………………………………….. .

11. How often do you eat … ?       …………………………………………………….. .

12. How often do you drink … ?     …………………………………………………….. .

22. Speaking : Food investigation

Context : You would like to know more about your schoolmates’ food preferences.. You decide
to lead an investigation in your class.
Task : Walk through the classroom, ask questions and complete the following table in
accordance with your schoolmates’ answers. Write down the names.

    Do you like eating bananas?                  Yes, I do.
    Do you like drinking beer?                   No, I don’t.

        Food & Drinks
















24. Writing : My schoolmates’ food preferences

Context : You would like to compare the results of your investigation.
Task : On the basis of your investigation, compare the results. Write 10 different sentences.
Follow the examples below.
Examples :
           Ø Nicolas likes eating mushrooms but he doesn’t like eating mussels.

           Ø Benjamin likes drinking wine but he doesn’t like drinking beer.

1) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

2) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

3) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

4) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

5) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

6) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

7) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

8) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

9) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

10) …………………………………………………………………………………………… .

25. Listening comprehension : Buying food and drinks

Context : You are in a snack bar. You hear different conversations between the waiter and
Task : Listen to those conversations and complete the following table.

                                     CUSTOMER N°1

    1. What would he like to eat?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

    2. How much is it?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

    3. How much money does the waiter give him back?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

                                     CUSTOMER N°2

    1. What would he like to eat?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

    2. How much are they?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

    3. How much money does the waiter give him back?
        ……………………………………………………………………………………… .

                 Jelly 1 – Unit 5 – Dialogue 5 – CD 1 – n°48

Customer 1:   Can I have a diet coke, please?

Waiter:       Certainly. Here you are.

Customer 1:   Thank you. How much is it?

Waiter:       It’s £ 2.50

Customer 1:   Here you are.

Waiter:       Thank you. Here is 50 p. change.


Customer 2:   Can I have some crisps, please?

Waiter:       Certainly. Here you are.

Customer 2:   Thank you. How much are they?

Waiter:       They are £ 2.40

Customer 2:   Here you are.

Waiter:       Thank you. Here is £ 7.60 change.

26. Vocabulary : Food and drinks

27. Speaking : In a snack bar – At the restaurant

           FOOD                    DRINKS
Crisps                   Glass of beer
£1.50                    £2.10
Piece of pie             Glass of coke
£2.50                    £1.50
Ham sandwich             Glass of still water
£3.20                    £1.50
Cheese sandwich          Glass of sparkling water
£3.20                    £1.50
Chocolate bar            Glass of coke
£2.10                    £1.70
Waffle                   Glass of orange juice
£3.25                    £1.80
Pancake                  Glass of red wine
£3.60                    £2.50
Pasta                    Bottle of red wine
£5.20                    £12.20
Pizza                    Glass of white wine
£7.60                    £2.50
Hamburger                Bottle of white wine
£3.15                    £12.20
Noodles                  Cup of coffee
£6.40                    £3.20
Chips                    Glass of milk
£3.50                    £1.85

28. Reading comprehension : Ordering in a restaurant

Context : Your British friend explains to you how to order in a restaurant.
Task : Reorder the dialogue.
       Yes, of course. Follow me, please. Here is your table.

       Are you ready to order ?

       I’ll pay cash. Here you are.

       Anything to drink ?

       Good evening, sir. Can I help you ?

       What would you like for the dessert ?

       Thank you.

       I would like to have a salmon salad, please.

       Ok, perfect. Do you want some bread ?

       Can I have the bill, please ?

       Good evening. A table for one person, please.

       A bottle of white wine, please.

       Thank you, sir. Goodbye.

       Can I have a piece of apple pie ?

       Yes, I am.

       What would you like for the starter ?

       A steak with French fries and tomatoes, please.

       No, thank you. I don’t like bread.

       What would you like for the main course ?

       Of course. Here you are. £48.60, please. Do you pay cash or by card ?


29. Vocabulary : At the restaurant

Step 1 :   WHO IS WHO ?



   1. ……………………………………

   2. ……………………………………

   3. ……………………………………

   4. ……………………………………


                          What would you like for the … ?

                               I would like to eat …

to wake up                   se réveiller
to get up                    se lever
to go to the bathroom        aller à la salle de bain
to get dressed               s’habiller
to brush my teeth            se brosser les dents
to wash my face              se laver le visage
to have breakfast            déjeuner, prendre le petit-déjeuner
to go to school              aller à l’école
to be at school              être à l’école
to have lunch                dîner
to have dinner/supper        souper
to arrive at school          arriver à l’école
to leave school              quitter l’école
to go home                   aller à la maison
to come back home            rentrer à la maison
to get back from school      revenir de l’école
to study my lessons          étudier ses leçons
to do my homework            faire ses devoirs
to watch TV                  regarder la television
to listen to music           écouter de la musique
to read a book               lire un livre
to sing                      chanter
to dance                     danser
to have/take a shower        prendre une douche
to have/take a bath          prendre un bain
to brush my hair             se brosser les cheveux
to have a coffee             prendre un café
to do the housework          faire le ménage
to start school at…          commencer l’école à…
to finish school at…         finir l’école à…

to go shopping                        faire les magasins, les courses
to check emails                       vérifier, checker ses mails
to relax = to rest = to chill (out)   se reposer
to sleep for eight hours              dormir 8 heures
to make (the) dinner                  préparer le souper
early >< late                         tôt >< tard
my own restaurant                     mon propre restaurant
a chef                                un chef, un cuisinier
to buy >< to sell                     acheter >< vendre
to talk to the customers              parler aux clients
to miss                               rater, manquer
to try                                essayer
to carry                              porter (une caisse)
to wear                               porter (un vêtement)
to eat                                manger
to drink                              boire
to swim                               nager
to phone                              téléphoner
to know                               savoir
to help                               aider
to oversleep                          faire la grasse matinée
to say                                dire
to hear                               entendre
to see                                voir
to smell                              sentir (avec son nez)
to touch                              toucher
to feel                               sentir (sentiment)
to taste                              goûter
to write                              écrire
to speak                              parler
to worry                              s’inquiéter, se faire du souci
to drive                              conduire

in the morning     au matin, le matin
in the afternoon   en après-midi, l’après-midi
in the evening     en soirée, le soir

to take away               emporter
takeaway                   à emporter
a dish, a meal             un plat
a diet                     un régime
to put on weight           prendre du poids
to lose weight             perdre du poids
a chicken breast           une poitrine de poulet = blanc de poulet
whole = entire             entier
a model                    un modèle
a boxer                    un boxeur
a writer                   un écrivain
the gym                    la salle de sport
to train                   s’entraîner
on (the) top               au-dessus
to fight                   se battre
a fight                    un combat
a cook                     un cuisinier
bread                      du pain
gingerbread                du pain d’épice
a loaf of bread            un pain, une miche
a slice of bread           une tranche de pain
a roll                     un petit pain
a bun                      un petit pain au lait
a cake                     un gâteau
a pancake                  une crêpe
a biscuit                  un biscuit
a lollipop                 une sucette
a sweet                    un bonbon

butter           du beurre
margarine        de la margarine
jam              de la confiture
marmalade        de la confiture d’orange
rice             du riz
sugar            du sucre
flour            de la farine
cheese           du fromage
cornflakes       des flocons de maïs
porridge         du porridge
pudding          du pudding
cream            de la crème
custard          de la crème anglaise
an ice-cream     une crème glacée
an ice-cube      un glaçon
gravy            de la sauce
soup             de la soupe
an egg           un œuf
an omelet        une omelette
a fried egg      un œuf sur le plat
a boiled egg     un œuf à la coque
a poached egg    un œuf poché
scrambled eggs   des œufs brouillés
mustard          de la moutarde
(olive) oil      de l’huile (d’olive)
vinegar          du vinaigre
salt             du sel
pepper           du poivre
spices           des épices
garlic           de l’ail
parsley          du persil
thyme            du thym

a pip             un pépin
a stone           un noyau
the juice         le jus
a snack           un casse-croûte
breakfast         le petit-déjeuner
lunch             le dîner
dinner = supper   le souper
tea-time          l’heure du thé
a diet            un régime
hunger            la faim
thirst            la soif
starvation        la famine
good              bon
delicious         délicieux
wonderful         épatant
awful             horrible
bad               mauvais
sweet             sucré
sour              aigre, acide
spicy             épicé
bitter            amer
stale             dur
fresh             frais
juicy             juteux
rotten            pourri
tender            tendre
tough, hard       dur
ripe              mûr
nourishing        nourrissant
tasty             savoureux
tasteless         insipide
poisonous         vénéneux, toxique

fattening           qui fait grossir
underdone           pas assez cuit
rare                peu cuit
medium              à point
to eat              manger
to drink            boire
to have a drink     prendre un verre
to swallow          avaler
to sip              boire à petites gorgées
to digest           digérer
to taste            goûter
to starve           mourir de faim
to cook             cuisiner, faire cuire
to bake             cuire au four
to roast            faire rôtir
to peel             éplucher
to prepare          préparer
to cut              couper
to carve            découper (la viande)
to grill            griller
to fry              (faire) frire
to season           assaisonner
to squeeze          presser
to uncork           déboucher
to slim             faire un régime
to lose weight      perdre du poids
to put on weight    prendre du poids
to be on a diet     faire un régime
to be hungry        avoir faim
to be thirsty       avoir soif
to have breakfast   prendre le petit-déjeuner
to have lunch       dîner

to have dinner = to have supper   souper
to have a meal                    prendre un repas
vegetables                        les légumes
a potato                          une pomme-de-terre
a carrot                          une carotte
a turnip                          un navet
a tomato                          une tomate
an onion                          un oignon
cabbage                           du chou
a leek                            un poireau
a beetroot                        une betterave
a cucumber                        un concombre
a cauliflower                     un chou-fleur
a bean                            un haricot
French beans                      des haricots verts
green peas                        des petits pois
a lettuce                         une laitue
salad                             de la salade
a mushroom                        un champignon
a stick of asparagus              une asperge
a radish                          un radis
Brussels sprouts                  des choux de Bruxelles
spinach                           des épinards
fruit                             les fruits
a piece of fruit                  un fruit
an orange                         une orange
a banana                          une banana
a lemon                           un citron
an apple                          une pomme
an apricot                        un abricot
a melon                           un melon
a pumpkin                         une citrouille

a pear                           une poire
a cherry                         une cerise
a strawberry                     une fraise
a blackberry                     une mûre
a gooseberry = a (red) currant   une groseille (rouge)
a raspberry                      une framboise
blackcurrant                     du cassis
a peach                          une pêche
a grapefruit                     un pamplemousse
a fig                            une figue
grapes                           du raisin
a pineapple                      un ananas
a watermelon                     un pastèque
meat                             de la viande
beef                             du boeuf
pork                             du porc
veal                             du veau
roast beef                       du rôti de boeuf
ham                              du jambon
a sausage                        une saucisse
a steak                          un steak
a cutlet = a chop                une côtelette
a hamburger                      un hamburger
turkey                           de la dinde
chicken                          du poulet
snails                           des escargots
frogs legs                       des cuisses de grenouilles
a joint                          un rôti
fish and shellfish               les poissons et les crustacés
a fish                           un poisson
seafood                          les fruits de mer
shellfish                        les coquillages, les crustacés

salmon                       du saumon
a herring                    un hareng
a sardine                    une sardine
a trout                      une truite
a lobster                    un homard
a crab                       un crabe
a shrimp                     une crevette grise
a prawn                      une crevette rose
mussels                      des moules
oysters                      des huîtres
drinks                       les boissons
a drink                      une boisson
mineral water                de l’eau minérale
water                        de l’eau
sparkling water              de l’eau pétillante
wine                         du vin
beer                         de la bière
fruit-juice                  du jus de fruit
lemonade                     de la limonade
milk                         du lait
coffee                       du café
tea                          du thé
whisky                       du whisky
gin                          du gin
brandy                       du cognac
rum                          du rhum
champagne                    du champagne
an alcoholic drink           une boisson alcoolisée
a soft drink                 une boisson non alcoolisée
a portion of chips           un paquet de frites
It makes your mouth water!   Ca vous met l’eau à la bouche !
It’s a piece of cake!        C’est du gâteau !

He has a sweet tooth.                 Il aime les sucreries.
Don’t spill the beans!                Ne mets pas les pieds dans le plat !
                                      Ne vends pas la mèche !
He was as red as a beetroot.          Il était rouge comme une tomate.
It’s no use crying over spilt milk.   Ce qui est fait est fait.

WAITER / WAITRESS                                                    CUSTOMER
1. Welcoming                                                 1. Welcoming
   - Good morning/afternoon/evening , sir/madam.                - Good morning/afternoon/evening.
   - Can I help you ?                                           - Yes, of course. A table for one person / two people, please.
   - Yes, of course. Follow me, please.                         - Thank you.
   - Here is your table. Here is the menu.                      - Thank you very much.
2. Ordering                                                  2. Ordering
   - What would you like for the starter ?                      - I would like to have …
   - What would you like for the main course ?                  - I would like to eat …
   - What would you like for the dessert ?                      - Can I have … ?
   - Anything to drink ?                                        - Yes, please. …
   - Do you want some bread ?                                   - Yes, please. / No, thank you.
3. Serving                                                   3. Serving
   - Here is your starter / main course / dessert / drink.      - Thank you (very much).
   - Enjoy your meal !                                          - Thank you (very much).
   - Was it good ?                                              - Yes, it was delicious ! / No, it is disgusting.
4. Finishing                                                 4. Finishing
   - Yes, of course. Here’s the bill. £ … , … , please.         - Can I have the bill, please ?
   - Do you pay cash or by card ?                               - I’ll pay cash / by card.
   - Perfect, thank you very much.                              - Here you are.
5. Leaving                                                   5. Leaving
   - Goodbye, sir/madam. Have a good day !                   - Goodbye. Thank you. You too.
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