KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario

La page est créée Veronique Benard
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario

KINGSTON                              YOU
                                     2018 R
                                    GUIT  O

FOOD & DRINK • CITY DIRECTORY and so much more...
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
Photo by Atomazul/
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KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
                         Rob Kawamoto                                          Bryan Paterson
                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR,
                                                                                MAYOR OF KINGSTON
                          TOURISM KINGSTON

  Welcome to Kingston, a culturally active and           Welcome to Kingston, known as the
  vibrant four-season destination that is both           Limestone City and Canada’s first capital!
  historic and hip.
                                                         I invite you to take time to discover our
  Kingston is a welcoming, walkable and safe             beautiful city. With its lovely parks and trails,
  community, making it the perfect place for             stunning waterfront views and our charming
  a getaway. You’ll love the city’s waterfront           pedestrian-friendly downtown – filled with
  walkways, architecturally stunning street-             shopping, dining and the region’s best cultural
  scapes and only-in-Kingston attractions.               attractions – I know you will enjoy your stay
                                                         in our community.
  For the foodie, try the city’s locally brewed ales,
  fine wine and cuisine. For a cultural experience,      For more information on what’s happening in
  artistic legacies from the past and present            the city go to
  are woven throughout Kingston’s rich cultural
                                                         I hope you experience all our community has
  fabric everywhere you go.
                                                         to offer and enjoy your stay in Kingston.
  For more information, give our visitor experience
                                                         Until next time,
  centre a call at 1-888-855-4555. I’m sure you’ll
                                                         Bryan Paterson
  fall in love with Kingston.
  Rob Kawamoto
  Executive Director, Tourism Kingston
                Bonjour                                  Bienvenue à Kingston, connue sous le nom de
  Bienvenue à Kingston, une destination quatre           Limestone et comme la première capitale du
  saisons naturellement active et dynamique              Canada!
  qui est à la fois historique et branchée.              Je vous invite à prendre le temps de découvrir
  Sa communauté accueillante, accessible et              notre magnifique ville. Grâce à ses parcs et
  sécuritaire fait de Kingston l’endroit idéal pour      à ses pistes adorables, à ses magnifiques
  s’évader. Vous adorerez ses voies piétonnières         vues sur le bord de l’eau et à notre centre-
  sur le bord de l’eau, ses paysages ruraux              ville convivial pour les piétons rempli de
  magnifiques et ses attractions authentiques.           magasins, de restaurants et d’attractions
                                                         culturelles principales de la région, je sais que
  Pour les gourmands, goûtez dans cette ville à          vous profiterez de votre séjour dans notre
  des bières de type « ale » brassées localement         communauté.
  ainsi que d’excellents plats et vins. Pour vivre
  une expérience culturelle, le patrimoine               Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements
  artistique du passé et d’aujourd’hui forment le        sur les événements se produisant dans la
  tissu culturel et riche de Kingston, et ce, peu        ville, allez à
  importe où vous allez.                                 J’espère que vous pourrez profiter de
  Pour plus d’informations, téléphonez 1-888-            tout ce dont notre communauté a à offrir
  855-4555. Vous tomberez assurément en                  ainsi que de votre séjour à Kingston.
  amour avec elle. À la prochaine,                       À la prochaine,

  Rob Kawamoto                                           Bryan Paterson
  Directeur administratif de Tourism Kingston            Maire

                                                   join us!

                 stayinkingston                visitkingston1          visitkingston
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KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
                         4       WELCOME TO                                                        20     ARTS, CULTURE &
                                 THE LIMESTONE CITY                                                       ENTERTAINMENT

                         6       USEFUL CITY                                                       22     A RICH HISTORY
                                                                                                   24     THE GREAT
                         7       GETTING HERE                                                             OUTDOORS

                         9       8 SIGNATURE KINGSTON                                               25    KINGSTON’S
                                 EXPERIENCES                                                              FAMOUS
                         12      CALENDAR OF EVENTS
                                                                                                   26     LOCAL TOURS
                         16      THE INSIDE DISH
                                                                                                    27    FABULOUS
                         18      A SHOPPING                                                               FESTIVALS
                                                                                                    28    DAY TRIPS
                                                                                                           30 NOTABLE
                               artisan                                                                           KINGSTONIANS
                                                                                                                  31     DIRECTORY

                                                                                                                            68 MAPS

                          Editor Justine de Leyer                                          The Official Visitor Guide to Kingston is
                          Creative Director Megan Sampson                                  published by Kingston Publications for
                          Graphic Designers Fiona Dempsey, Rachel Sheldrake                Tourism Kingston. It is published annually and
                          Contributors Josephine Matyas
                                                                                           distributed to visitors through Tourism Kingston
                                                                                           and its partners. Kingston Publications is a
                          Cover Watercolour painting by local artist Anthony Buttazzoni
                                                                                           division of Postmedia Network Inc. No part of
                          Back Cover Photo by Ellen Young                                  this magazine may be reproduced in any form
                          Director, Media Nancy Bradshaw                                   without the written permission of the publisher.
                                                                                           Information published in the guide is current
Photo by Scott Adamson

                                                                                           at time of printing. Kingston Publications and
                                                                                           Tourism Kingston cannot be held responsible for
                                                                                           any errors or omissions in the material contained
                                                                                           herein. Users are encouraged to confirm
                             Post-consumer Recycled Content 10%
                             545 trees preserved for the future     Ecological savings     important details with individual vendors.
                             903,898 litres wastewater flow saved   are for all Kingston
                                                                    Publications           Canadian Second Class Mail. Registration 5273.
                             14,791 Kgs solid waste not generated
                             27,547 Kgs greehouse gases prevented   magazines              Copyright 2018 Kingston Publications. All rights
                             377,000,000 BTUs energy not consumed   combined.
                                                                                           reserved. Printed in Canada. ISSN 0710-9628

                                                                                                           n 3
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
     Home of Ontario’s only UNESCO World             et des scènes gastronomiques. Puisqu’elle
     Heritage Site — the Rideau Canal,               fait partie des villes les plus anciennes du
     including Fort Henry and the Kingston           pays, notre communauté comprend un
     Fortifications.                                 éventail d’éléments architecturaux à couper
                                                     le souffle et des musées et attractions de
     Kingston has it all. Our city is host
                                                     renommée mondiale. Nous hébergeons
     to year-round festivals, and vibrant
                                                     certains    établissements      universitaires,
     arts, culture and culinary scenes. As
                                                     sportifs et culturels de renom. De plus,
     one of the oldest cities in the country,
                                                     Kingston ne cesse d’être nommée comme
     our community is full of stunning
                                                     l’un des endroits idéaux pour y vivre.
     architecture and world-class museums
                                                     Nous sommes fiers de faire partie d’une
     and attractions. We’re home to some of
                                                     communauté active qui offre une variété
     the best academic, sport and cultural
                                                     de restaurants, de magasins, d’hôtels et de
     facilities in Canada, and are consistently
                                                     services se trouvant à quelques minutes de
     ranked as one of the best places to live.
                                                     marche de notre magnifique centre-ville.
     We pride ourselves in being an active
                                                     Située à la jonction du fleuve Saint-Laurent
     community, offering a wide variety of
                                                     et du lac Ontario, Kingston a remporté le titre
     restaurants, shopping, accommodation,
                                                     de « capitale offrant des conditions de voile
     services and more within walking
                                                     en eau douce remarquables ». Peu importe
     distance of our beautiful downtown.
                                                     vos centres d’intérêt, vous serez comblé à
     Situated where the St. Lawrence River,
                                                     Kingston. Découvrez davantage notre ville
     Rideau Canal and Lake Ontario meet,
                                                     en allant sur
     the city has earned its title as the
     “freshwater sailing capital of the world.”
     Whatever your passion, find your place
     in Kingston. Learn more about our city                  Bienvenidos
     at                            Hogar del único Lugar del Patrimonio
                                                     Mundial de la UNESCO de Ontario: el Canal
                                                     Rideau, que comprende el Fuerte Henry y las
                                                     Fortificaciones de Kingston.
              Bienvenue                              Kingston lo tiene todo. Nuestra ciudad
  Le canal Rideau, y compris le Fort Henry et        es anfitriona de festivales durante todo
  les fortifications de Kingston : le seul site en   el año, artes vibrantes y lugares de arte
  Ontario faisant partie de la liste du patrimoine   culinario. Al ser una de las ciudades más
  mondial de l’UNESCO.                               antiguas del país, nuestra comunidad
                                                     está repleta de impactante arquitectura,
  Kingston possède tout ce dont vous avez            museos y atracciones de primer nivel.
  besoin : elle organise des festivals à l’année,    Es el lugar en donde se encuentran los
  possède des œuvres d’art vibrantes, une culture    mejores     establecimientos   académicos,

4 n
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
deportivos y culturales de Canadá y            lebenswertesten Orte. Wir sind stolz
                        permanentemente se califica a nuestra          auf unseren aktiven, gemeinschaftlichen
                        ciudad como uno de los mejores                 Lebensstil, der eine große Auswahl an
                        lugares para vivir. Es un orgullo ser una      Restaurants,       Einkaufsmöglichkeiten,
                        comunidad activa que ofrece una amplia         Beherbergungsstätten, Dienstleistungen
                        variedad de restaurantes, paseos de            und     mehr    in    Gehweite   unseres
                        compras, alojamiento, servicios y muchas       wunderschönen Stadtzentrums bietet.
                        cosas más a una corta distancia a pie de       Kingston hat sich mit der Lage am
                        nuestro bellísimo centro.                      Ontario-See, wo er in den St. Lawrence-
                                                                       Strom übergeht, den Titel „Süßwasser-
                        Situada en donde se unen el Río St.
                                                                       Segler-Welthauptstadt“ verdient. Wofür
                        Lawrence y el Lago Ontario, la ciudad
                                                                       auch immer Sie eine Vorliebe haben,
                        ha obtenido el título de la “capital de la
                                                                       in Kingston werden Sie fündig. Unter
                        navegación por agua dulce del mundo”.
                                                              erfahren Sie mehr über
                        Cualquiera sea su pasión, encuentre
                                                                       diese Stadt.
                        su lugar en Kingston. Obtenga más
                        información de nuestra ciudad en

                             Willkommen                              安大略省唯一的联合国教科文组织世界遗产所在
                        zu Ontarios einzigem Standort einer
                        UNESCO-Stätte des Weltkulturerbes —          金斯顿旅游资源极其丰富。我们的城市全年举办各
                        dem Rideau-Kanal mit Fort Henry und          种旅游活动,以及充满活力的艺术、文化及美食节
                        den Verteidigungsanlagen von Kingston.       日。作为加拿大最古老的城市之一,金斯顿有许多
                        In Kingston finden Sie alles. Unsere Stadt   们还拥有加拿大最好的学术、运动及文化设施,而
                        ist über das ganze Jahr hinweg Gastgeber     且一直被列为全加拿大最适合居住的城市之一。让
                        von Festivals und einer lebendigen           我们感到自豪的是,金斯顿是一个活跃的社区,在
                        Kunst-, Kultur- und Gourmetszene.            我们美丽的市中心,步行距离内就有各式各样的餐
                        Kingston präsentiert als eine der ältesten   饮、购物、住宿及服务等设施。
                        Städte im Land viele architektonisch
                        beeindruckenden        Bauwerke      sowie   由于坐落在劳伦斯河与安大略湖的交汇处,金斯顿
Photo by Dwayne Brown

                        Museen and Sehenswürdigkeiten von            被誉为“世界淡水帆船运动之都”。无论您的爱好是什
                        Weltrang. Wir beherbergen einige der         么,都可以在金斯顿找到要去的场所。
                        besten      akademischen,      sportlichen
                        und        kulturellen      Einrichtungen
                        in    Kanada     und     platzieren    uns
                        beständig als einen der weltweit

                                                                                     n 5
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario

            POPULATION:                                 LANGUAGE / LANGUE:
                                                         Primary language is English, with
                161,175                                government services and numerous
                                                        local business services available in
      GREATER KINGSTON                                 French. Kingston also enjoys thriving
               (Statistics Canada, 2016)               Asian, Greek, Italian and Portuguese
                                                      La langue principale est l’anglais, mais
                                                       les services gouvernementaux ainsi
        AVERAGE SUMMER TEMPERATURE:                    que plusieurs entreprises offrent des
        TEMPÉRATURE MOYENNE EN ÉTÉ:                   services en français. Kingston héberge
                                                       aussi des communautés asiatiques,

           20°C (75°F)                                  grecques, italiennes et portugaises

                                                  GENERAL HOURS
           -8°C                  (17°F)           OF BUSINESS /
                                                  HEURES D’OUVERTURE
  CLIMATE / CLIMAT:                               Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  Proximity to Lake Ontario yields a moderate     Retailers are generally open Thursday and
  climate with four distinct seasons.             Friday evenings until 8 p.m. or 9 p.m.

  La proximité du lac Ontario donne lieu à un     Chaque jour de 9 h à 17 h.
  climat tempéré avec quatre saisons distinctes   Les commerces sont généralement ouverts en
                                                  soirée le jeudi et le vendredi jusqu’à 20 h ou 21 h.

                                                            The e
  SISTER CITIES /                                           Ci
                                                                                                         Photo by Tim Forbes

  Scottsdale, Arizona; Cienfuegos, Cuba;
  Mianyang, China                                 NICKNAMES / LES SURNOM:
  Scottsdale, en Arizona; Cienfuegos, à Cuba;     The Limestone City, YGK, K-Town.
  Mianyang, en Chine.                             La ville de calcalre, YGK, K-Town.

6 n
KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario
                             BY CAR Kingston is located about                   EN VOITURE Kingston est située à mi-
                             midway between Ottawa, Montreal and                chemin entre Ottawa, Montréal et Toronto,
                             Toronto along Canada’s busiest corridor,           sur le corridor routier le plus achalandé au
                             Highway 401. Any of the following exits will       pays, l’autoroute 401. Toutes les sorties
                             bring you into the city: 611, 613, 615, 617, 619   suivantes vous permettent d’accéder à la
                             and 623.                                           ville : 611, 613, 615, 617, 619 et 623.

                             BY BUS Providing bus service to                    EN AUTOBUS Le terminus d’autobus
                             Kingston from locations across Canada,             de Coach Canada (situé au 1175, boul. John
                             the Coach Canada terminal (1175 John               Counter), qui dessert Kingston à partir de
                             Counter Blvd.) is easily accessible                différentes villes du Canada, est facilement
                             through Kingston’s transit system.                 accessible à l’aide du système de transport
                             Kingston Bus Terminal: 613-547-4916,               collectif de Kingston. Terminus d’autobus de
                             Kingston Transit: 613-546-0000 (www.               Kingston : 613-547-4916, Kingston Transit:
                                 613-546-0000         (

                             BY TRAIN The VIA Rail station                      EN TRAIN La gare VIA Rail (1800,
                             (1800 John Counter Blvd.), a short                 boul. John Counter), située à proximité
                             distance from major amenities and hotels,          des commodités et des grands hôtels,
                             provides travellers with convenient rail           offre aux voyageurs un point d’accès
                             service to and from the city. VIA Rail:            ferroviaire pratique. VIA Rail : 1-888-842-
                             1-888-842-7245,                     7245,

                             BY PLANE Along with convenient                     EN AVION En plus d’offrir des vols
                             flights daily between Kingston and                 quotidiens pratiques entre Kingston et
                             Toronto, Kingston Airport features                 Toronto, l’aéroport de Kingston offre un
                             customs border service, charter service,           service transfrontalier de douanes, des
                             sightseeing tours and flying lessons.              vols nolisés, des visites guidées et des
                             Kingston Airport (1114 Len Birchall Way):          cours de pilotage. Aéroport de Kingston
                             613-389-6404,              : 613-389-6404,,
                             Air Canada Regional: 1-888-247-2262,               Air Canada Régional : 1-888-247-2262,

                             BY BOAT If you plan to come to                     EN BATEAU Si vous prévoyez
                             Kingston by boat, there are two city-              visiter Kingston en bateau, la ville compte
                             operated and several privately owned               deux marinas exploitées par la Ville et
Photo by Scott Adamson

                             marinas. Confederation Basin Marina                plusieurs marinas privées. Confederation
                             (City of Kingston): 613-546-4291 ext.              Basin Marina (Ville de Kingston) :
                             1823 (Seasonal); Portsmouth Olympic                613-546-4291 ext. 1823 (Saisonnier);
                             Harbour (City of Kingston): 613-546-               Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (Ville
                             4291 ext. 1800; Collins Bay Marina: 613-           de Kingston) : 613-546-4291 ext. 1800;
                             389-4455                                           Collins Bay Marina : 613-389-4455

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KINGSTON YOUR2018 VISITOR GUIDE - South Eastern Ontario




     CITY                        KMS            MILES                        TORONTO                      WATERTOWN
                                                                                        LAKE ONTARIO
     Ottawa                     197             122                       HAMILTON         ROCHESTER      SYRACUSE
     Toronto                    262             163        90
     Montrèal                   288             179
     Niagara Falls              390             242             CLEVELAND                U.S.A.
     Quèbec City                550             342
     Watertown                  102             63                                             PHILADELPHIA           L’Amable

     Syracuse                   212             132                                                     Bancroft
     Buffalo                    421             262
     Rochester                  342             213                                     WOLFE ISLAND FERRY:
     Detroit                    621             386                                     Free ferry runs year-round:
     New York City              609             378                                            613-545-4664
     Philadelphia               620             385                          
     Boston                     645             401
                                                                FROM KINGSTON                             FROM WOLFE
     Cleveland                  738             459                                                         ISLAND
     Pittsburgh                 780             485             6:15 a.m.       5:00 p.m.               5:45 a.m.      4:30 p.m.
     *Source: Google Maps                                       7:15 a.m.       6:00 p.m.               6:45 a.m.      5:30 p.m.
                                                                8:30 a.m.       7:00 p.m.               7:45 a.m.      6:30 p.m.
                                                                9:30 a.m.       8:00 p.m.               9:00 a.m.      7:30 p.m.
  FERRY SERVICE                                                 10:30 a.m.      9:00 p.m.               10:00 a.m.     8:30 p.m.
  Travel between Kingston, Wolfe Island and the                 11:30 a.m.      10:00 p.m.              11:00 a.m.     9:30 p.m.
  United States by ferry. The Wolfe Island Ferry                12:30 p.m.      11:20 p.m.              12:00 p.m.     10:40 p.m.
  travels between downtown Kingston and Wolfe                   2:00 p.m.       12:40 a.m.              1:15 p.m.      12:00 a.m.
  Island year-round and departs from the inter-
                                                                3:00 p.m.       2:00 a.m.               2:30 p.m.      1:20 a.m.
  section of The Tragically Hip Way and Ontario
  Street. Horne’s Ferry offers seasonal service be-             4:00 p.m.                               3:30 p.m.
  tween Wolfe Island and Cape Vincent, N.Y.

                                                                  HORNE’S FERRY (COST APPLIES):
  SERVICE DE TRAVERSIER                                             Operates from May until late fall:
  Déplacez-vous entre Kingston, l’île Wolfe et les               613-385-2402 (CAN) | 315-783-0638 (US)
  États-Unis par traversier. Le traversier de l’île               
  Wolfe offre durant toute l’année un service de
  navette entre le centre-ville de Kingston et l’île              FROM WOLFE                               FROM CAPE
  Wolfe depuis le terminal situé à l’intersection de                ISLAND                                  VINCENT
  The Tragically Hip Way et de la rue Ontario. Le               8:00 a.m.       2:45 p.m.               8:15 a.m.      3:00 p.m.
  traversier Horne offre un service saisonnier entre            9:15 a.m.       3:45 p.m.               9:30 a.m.      4:00 p.m.
  l’île Wolfe et Cape Vincent, dans l’État de N.Y.              10:15 a.m.      4:45 p.m.               10:30 a.m.     5:00 p.m.
                                                                11:15 a.m.      5:45 p.m.               11:30 a.m.     6:00 p.m.
          VISITOR EXPERIENCE CENTRE:                            12:15 p.m.      7:00 p.m.               12:30 p.m.     7:30 p.m.
          1-888-855-4555                                        1:15 p.m.                               2:00 p.m.
          209 Ontario St., facing City Hall
          Hours are extended during Festivals and Events

  JANUARY 2-APRIL 30                                       SEPTEMBER 4 – OCTOBER 8
  Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.                Sunday – Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
  Friday – Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.                Thursday – Saturday: 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

  MAY 1 – JUNE 30                                          OCTOBER 9 – DECEMBER 30
  Sunday – Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.                Sunday – Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
  Thursday – Saturday: 9:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.               Friday – Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

  JULY 1 – SEPTEMBER 3                                     DECEMBER 24: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
  Sunday – Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.                DECEMBER 25 AND 26: Closed
  Thursday – Saturday: 9:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.               DECEMBER 31: 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
                                                           JANUARY 1: Closed
8 n
8 Signature
                        EXPERIENCES                       see the
                                                      city's historic
                          The easiest way to see       waterfront
                         it all is with the K-Pass,
                         an all-inclusive ticket to
                        Kingston’s top museums
                             and attractions,
                          including the Trolley
                            Tour, 1000 Islands
                         Cruises, Fort Henry and
                        more. One pass, one price.
Photo by Dwayne Brown

                                                       THOUSAND ISLANDS CRUISE
                                                   n 9
                                                  Kingston Experiences
                                                      Only have a few days to explore the city? Here
                                                    are some of the top ways to experience the allur-
                                                     ing mix of work and play, modern and historic,
                                                       peaceful and energetic that’s unique to the
                                                                     Limestone City.
                               by Tim

                                                                                                 2. FORT HENRY
1. KINGSTON                                                                                      Stand on the highest point in
PENITENTIARY                                                                                     Kingston and indulge in a little
                                                                                                 time travel. Fort Henry National
Step inside Canada’s oldest
                                                                                                 Historic Site is a UNESCO
penitentiary, tour the grounds
                                                                                                 World Heritage Site, a Kingston
and hear the dark tales of the
                                                                                                 treasure and a living history
country’s pre-Confederation-
                                                                                                 museum in Canada’s largest
era lock-up. Right across the
                                                                                                 fortification west of Quebec
street, in the former warden’s
                                                                         Photo by Dwayne Brown

                                                                                                 City. In July and August enjoy
residence, get up close with
                                                                                                 the world-famous Sunset
the “tools of the trade” at
                                                                                                 Ceremony. Haunted Fort Fright
Canada’s Penitentiary Museum,
                                                                                                 creates a spooky experience in
dedicated to the history of our
                                                                                                 autumn, and come winter the
federal penitentiary system.
                                                                                                 fort is lit up with the impressive
                                                                                                 light and sound show of Lumina

                                         4. KINGSTON
                                         Sit back and take a guided
                                         tour on the Kingston
                                         Trolley Tours. The city’s
                                         signature red trolley bus
3. THOUSAND                              provides all-day Hop-On,
                                         Hop-Off service on a
ISLANDS CRUISES                          75-minute narrated route
For a soothing landscape of              connecting nine of the
water and cottage islands,               city’s top tourism sites,
hop aboard a Kingston 1000               including historic City Hall,
Islands Cruises sightseeing              the Royal Military College,
excursion along the city’s               Fort Henry, Kingston’s
historic waterfront (90 minutes)         famous penitentiaries and
or into the heart of the scenic          the Queen’s University
Thousand Islands (three hours).          campus.
Sightseeing cruises, sunset
dinner cruise and dining cruises;
options include lunch and dinner
with entertainment.
                                                 see the city

10 n
Kingston Experiences

                                                                                                      6. BELLEVUE
5. KINGSTON’S                                                                                         HOUSE
                                                                                                      Canada’s first prime
VIBRANT                                                                                               minister, Sir John A.
DOWNTOWN                                                                                              Macdonald, set down
May we brag? Kingston’s                                                                               Kingston roots in what
downtown is a sensory                                                                                 was once his “country
experience of city landmarks and                                                                      estate,” Bellevue House

                                                                                Photo by Tim Forbes
limestone architecture, craft                                                                         National Historic Site.
breweries, restaurants, patios and                                                                    Costumed interpreters
cafés, one-of-a-kind shops, and                                                                       transport visitors
colourful markets. It’s also the                                                                      through the ups and
hub for the city’s festivals and                                                                      downs of daily life in the
special events.                                                                                       1840s.                                                                                   nhs/on/bellevue/

                                        7. KINGSTON
                                        CANADIAN FILM
                                        Escape the wintertime chill by
                                        hopping from one screen to the
                                        next during the annual Kingston
                                        Canadian Film Festival, the world’s
                                        largest festival dedicated
                                        exclusively to Canadian film. Off-
                                        screen, take part in workshops,
                                        seminars, networking, industry
                                        guest appearances, music, comedy
                                        and interactive gaming exhibitions.

While smaller galleries and theatres
abound, the city’s three largest arts
venues are not to be missed.
The history-filled limestone walls of
The Grand Theatre have seen a mix of
world-class talent; it’s one of Kingston’s
best venues to savour theatre, symphony,
ballet, modern dance, variety, musicals
and comedy.
The performance venue at the Isabel
Bader Centre for the Performing Arts
is the newest home for musical events,
from choral to piano, jazz to symphony.
When acts roll into town and need
to go big, they land at downtown’s
premier large concert venue, the Rogers
K-Rock Centre, a 6,700-seat sports and                                  BADE
                                                                  ABEL       E
entertainment venue in the heart of                      T H E ISR E FO R T H T S
downtown , also home to the city’s OHL                   C E N T R M IN G A R
team, The Kingston Frontenacs.                           P E R FO,,
                                                                      amont                                        y Suzy L
                                                       Photo b
                                                                                             n 11
      of Events                                                WINTER
                                                               LUMINA                        REELOUT
          WITH TOP-NOTCH                                       BOREALIS                      QUEER FILM
          EVENTS IN EVERY                                                                    AND VIDEO
                                                               December 1 to
        SEASON, KINGSTON IS                                    February 19                   FESTIVAL
           A HOT SPOT OF
                                                                 February 1-10
                                                               The biggest event of
        ARTS ACTIVITIES AND                                    its kind in Canada, this
          SPECIAL EVENTS                                       magical multi-media
                                                                                             Showcasing the best
                                                                                             and brightest of LGBT+
                                                               sound and light experience
                                                                                             cinematic offerings from
                                                               at Fort Henry is inspired
                                                                                             around the world.
        (The following 2018 event locations,                   by “the joy of all things
      dates and times are subject to change.                   winter.” Set aside about
       Please contact organizers to confirm                    an hour for this must-see
          information before attending.)                       night walk, which spans
                                                               one km.

   FEB FEST                        CABIN FEVER                 KINGSTON      RAIL-O-RAMA
   February 1 to 28                February 3 to 4             CANADIAN      March 10 to 11   
                                                               FILM FESTIVAL
   Learn to love winter!           This premier winter
                                                               March 1 to 4                  CRHA
   Feb Fest features figure        antiques show held at           Be a kid again. Glimpse
   skating demonstrations, a       the Portsmouth Olympic                                    Canada’s rich railway
                                                               Screenings of top
   historic hockey series, free    Harbour features the best                                 history through model-train
                                                               Canadian films from
   public skating, live music      dealers from Ontario and                                  layouts, railway displays
                                                               emerging artists, award
   and much more.                  Quebec.                                                   and other activities for train
                                                               winners and fan favourites.
                                                               Find workshops, seminars      enthusiasts.

                                            good               and other events, too.


   KING CON                       MAPLE                 MEMORIAL                             LIMESTONE
   March 10 to 11                 MADNESS               CENTRE                               RACE                        March 10 to 18, 24    FARMERS                              WEEKEND
                                  to 25 & 31 to April 1 MARKET                               April 28 to 29
   A celebration of science
   fiction, gaming and comic                      March to December   
   books. Attend gaming           Take a tractor-drawn
   tournaments, workshops,                                     memorialcentre-               Challenge yourself in the
                                  wagon back to the sugar                                    area’s most scenic five-
   speakers and more.             bush and see how maple
                                                                                             kilometre, 10-kilometre
                                  syrup — a Canadian           This popular Sunday           and half-marathon races.
                                  favourite — is made. Warm    market showcases fresh        There’s even a two-
                                  up with some pancakes        local produce, artisan        kilometre kids fun run for
                                  and hot chocolate on this    crafts and more. During       those 12 years and under.
                                  perfect outdoor excursion.   January and February, it
                                                               is open at Princess Street
                                                               United Church.

12 n
Calendar of Events

KINGSTON                         HOMEGROWN                    BEAT                           CANNONBALL
PUBLIC                           LIVE                         BEETHOVEN                      CRUSH
MARKET                           May 5                        RUN                            June 9
April to November                   June 3                         A one-night festival treat   beatbeethovenkingston.         Test your strength,
Explore Ontario’s oldest         where you can catch          com                            determination and
                                 local bands and artists                                     team spirit in this high-
farmers market, held on                                       A race through downtown
                                 performing at some of                                       adrenaline obstacle race
Tuesdays, Thursdays and                                       Kingston that challenges
                                 the city’s top live music                                   at historic Fort Henry.
Saturdays in downtown’s                                       participants to complete
Springer Market Square. Watch                                 the course before the
for special events and an                                     Kingston Symphony
antique market on Sundays.                                    finishes playing 50
                                                              minutes of Beethoven’s

                                  check it out                best music.

FORT HENRY                      MUSIC IN                      FIRST                          DOORS OPEN
BEERFEST &                      THE PARK                      CAPITAL DAY                    KINGSTON
FOOD TRUCK                      June 14 to                    June 15                        June 16
FESTIVAL                        September 1             
June 9                           It’s been 176 years            doorsopen
                                                              since Kingston was                   A free lunchtime concert                                     Get a glimpse behind the
                                series held every Tuesday,    designated as Canada’s         scenes and tour Kingston’s
The perfect summer                                            first capital. See what
                                Thursday and Saturday in                                     landmark buildings,
kickoff. Sample beers                                         life was like back then.
                                parks across the city.                                       museums and galleries
from across Ontario, learn
                                                                                             for free.
about micro-brewing and
enjoy great eats from local
food trucks at this relaxed
outdoor festival.

 SKELETON                        ARTFEST
 PARK ARTS                       KINGSTON
 FESTIVAL                        June 30 to July 2
 June 20 to 24                  kingston
 An interactive, family-         A celebration of the
 oriented arts and music         creative arts with more
 festival that comes to          than 150 top artists and
 life in the centre of a         artisans from across
 thriving arts-oriented          Ontario and Quebec.          MOVIES IN THE SQUARE
                                                              June to September
                                                              Grab your lawn chair and enjoy free classic movies at dusk
                                                              every Thursday in Springer Market Square.

                                                                                     n 13
Calendar of Events

                               FORT HENRY                      BUSKERS                          THE KICK &
                               WORLD                           RENDEZVOUS                       PUSH FESTIVAL
                               HERITAGE                        July 5 to 8                      July 19 to August 12
                               CEREMONY                        Jugglers, acrobats,              Six theatre companies team
                               July 4 to August 29             dancers, singers, musicians,     up to fill the downtown core
                                                               comedians, fire-eaters           with exciting performance
CANADA DAY                              and magicians hit the            art events, including
CELEBRATIONS                   Experience the iconic           streets for this world-class     theatre, dance, comedy and
                                                               buskers’ festival.               music.
July 1                         pomp and pageantry on
                               Wednesday nights, with            music by the Fife and
Celebrate Canada’s birthday    Drums of Fort Henry and

                                                                                                                              Photo by Dwayne Brown
in style with an annual        the Drill Squad Artillery
parade, live music and other   Units followed by a
outdoor entertainment          spectacular fireworks
before a spectacular           display.
evening fireworks display at
the waterfront.

KINGSTON                       FORT HENRY                        CANADIAN                       CHEF COOKING
CANADIAN                       ANNUAL                            GUITAR                         DEMOS
OPEN OF                        TATTOO                            FESTIVAL                       July to August
FISHING                        July 23                           July 27 to 29        
July 20 to 22                        Watch some of Kingston’s          An annual event that              Enjoy a large gathering
                                                                                                top chefs and restaurateurs
                               showcases the musical                                            cook up delicious dishes
Top bass anglers compete                                         of guitar cultists,
                               drills and skills of military                                    using local ingredients,
in this three-day, pro-                                          makers, players
                               bands from across Canada                                         Saturdays in Springer
amateur event. Catch                                             and lovers.
                               and around the world,                                            Market Square.
the weigh-in live at
Confederation Basin,           complete with a grand
hosted by celebrities          fireworks finale.
from the World Fishing                                                                               yummm

PRINCESS                       K-TOWN TRI                      WOLFE                            KINGSTON
STREET                         August 5                        ISLAND MUSIC                     SHEEPDOG
                                                               FESTIVAL                         TRIALS
August 4                       Athletes from around the
                                                               August 10 to 11                  August 10 to 12            world come to swim, bike        wolfeislandmusic-                kingstonsheepdogtrials.
Princess Street closes
                               and run in this annual                     com
                               triathlon. Additional
to traffic and becomes a                                       A music festival featuring       The world’s best trial
                               options available for long-
pedestrian paradise, while                                     some of the nation’s best        border collies and their
                               and short-course events,
shops and community                                            up-and-coming artists.           handlers compete to herd
                               a duathlon and relays.
groups take over the                                           You’ll feel like you’re in       sheep around a skill-
sidewalk with great deals                                      another world, but it’s just     testing course. Side events
and entertainment.                                             a free 20-minute ferry ride      include sheep shearing,
                                 ut and
                          come o thletes
                                                               from downtown.                   artisan booths, food,
                                                                                                entertainment and more.
                         suppor ll over
                           from a ld!
                             the wor
14 n
Calendar of Events

                         1000 ISLANDS                  WOMEN’S ART                    LIMESTONE                       KINGSTON
                         POKER RUN                     FESTIVAL                       CITY BLUES                      RIBFEST AND
                         August 17 to 18               August 19                      FESTIVAL                        CRAFT BEER
                          womensartfestival-             August 23 to 26                 SHOW
                                                                    September 7 to 9
                         Kingston hosts more than
                                                       A non-juried festival of
                         60 powerboats competing                                      Experience four days and        kingstonribandbeer-
                                                       original artwork created by
                         from all over North                                          nights of blues at various
                         America. The best place to    200+ local women artists       venues in downtown
                                                       and artisans. Browse their                                     Barbecued chicken and
                         catch the action is along                                    Kingston, featuring an
                                                       work in beautiful City Park,                                   ribs, great craft-brewed
                         the downtown waterfront.                                     outdoor concert Friday
                                                       plus enjoy live music, a                                       beer, live entertainment
                                                                                      night and a final show in
                                                       silent auction, a pop-up                                       and more. Admission is
                                                                                      Springer Market Square
                                                       food market and plenty of                                      free but donations will be
                                                                                      Saturday night.
                                                       activities for the kids.                                       accepted for the Partners
                                                                                                                      in Mission Food Bank.

                         KINGSTON                      KINGSTON                       FALL FOR                        KINGSTON
                         MULTICUL-                     FALL FAIR                      KINGSTON                        WRITERSFEST
                         TURAL ARTS                    September 13 to 16             September 24                    September 26 to 30
                         September 11                  Enjoy the midway,              One of Kingston’s best-         Four days of bookish delight
                                                       agricultural displays and
                                                               loved festivals is filled       and inspiration in Canada’s
                                                       shows, entertainment,          with food samplings from        most literary town.
                         Live music, dance             children’s activities,         some of Kingston’s finest
                         performances, artist          crafts and other classic       dining establishments,
                         demonstrations,               entertainment at the           all in support of Hospice
                         traditional food and          188th fall fair.               Kingston.
                         activities that celebrate
                         cultures from around the

                         FORT FRIGHT                   ART AFTER                      FALL                            FAT GOOSE
                         October                       DARK                           COLOURS                         CRAFT FAIR
                                October 5                      WEEKEND                         November 30 to
                                                         October 7 to 8                  December 1
                         During its annual
                         haunted transformation,       Local galleries open their               
                         experience the darker         doors to the public to                                         Discover the best and
                                                                                      Enjoy Kingston’s stunning
                         side of Kingston’s            share some of the city’s                                       brightest in art, craft
                                                                                      fall colours with a hike
                         history, featuring spooky     best contemporary art.                                         and design. Discover the
                                                                                      along area trails or from
                         animatronics and live scare   Explore beautiful spaces                                       creative handmade works
                                                                                      a canoe or kayak on the
                         actors along with Fort        and the latest exhibits                                        of artisans from Kingston
                                                                                      reservoir. Rentals available.
                         Henry’s many ghosts.          with fellow visual arts                                        in a vibrant and social
                                                       enthusiasts.                                                   atmosphere.
               e Brown

                                                                      there is always something
Photo by Dwayn

                                                                        going on in Kingston!

                                                                                                                n 15
   Inside Dish
             CRAFT YOUR
             PERFECT DAY                                         UNIQUE
                                                                 COFFEE SHOPS
                                                                      Juniper Cafe
  Craft breweries are bubbling over in Kingston, and               At the Tett Centre,
  there’s a large diversity of beer styles to choose from.         it’s so close to the
                                                                   water it’s almost in
  King’s Town Beer Company is a “neighbourhood brewery”           the water. Fair-trade
  with a long bar designed for sampling and socializing.          coffee and a menu of
  All beers are made on-site, with no chemicals or artificial      dishes are all made
  preservatives.                                                         in-house.

  Kingston Brewing Company holds the title of Ontario’s                Northside
  oldest brewpub – and it’s so cosy that the microbrewery           A menu and vibe
  is just in the back of the bar.                                   inspired by pure
                                                                   passion for the café
  MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Co. uses ingredients like            culture of Melbourne,
  hops, wheat, barley and pure groundwater from the                  Australia. Try a
  family farm near Bath to create unique flavours.                scoop of ice cream in
                                                                     your iced latte.
  Riverhead Brewing Company was new to Kingston in
  2017. They are a restaurant, retail store and brewery all in            Sipps
  one, and they serve a great brew.
                                                                    Order coffee with
                                                                    a front-row seat
  Skeleton Park Brewery uses heritage recipes traced to
                                                                   to Springer Market
  local breweries as far back as the 1700s, including the
                                                                   Square, whether for
  signature Skeleton Park Amber 6.6.
                                                                   the farmers market
                                                                    in summer or the
  Spearhead Brewing Company is brand new to Kingston,
                                                                  skating rink in winter.
  and it’s a big operation. Check out their large location in
  Kingston’s west end for good beer and good food.
                                                                  South Paw Cat Café
                                                                                            Illustrations by Kristen St. Pierre

  Stone City Ales brews on a small scale using modern               Sip a cappuccino
  techniques to create classic and seasonal beers (the                 and enjoy a
  Brewmaster does have a thing for IPAs).                           decadent dessert
                                                                    (including vegan)
  Wolfe Island Springs Craft Brewery produces small-                 while scratching
  batch beers in Wolfe Island’s former craft cheese factory,       one of the resident
  using pure spring water from two island artesian wells.           (adoptable) cats.

16 n
Inside Dish

             LONGSTANDING                                        FARMERS
             EATERIES IN THE CITY                                MARKETS
                                                                    Kingston Public
Some restaurants are tried and true with roots that                     Market
run deep. Kingston isn’t short of competition, with               Farmers and artisans
the most restaurants per capita in Canada. However,                set up at Ontario’s
the following places have been around for decades                    oldest farmers
                                                                   markets (est. 1801)
and are loved by locals and tourists alike.
                                                                     every Tuesday,
                                                                     Thursday and
                                                                  Saturday in Springer
AquaTerra                       Le Chien Noir
                                                                     Market Square.
If you came to Kingston         This classic French bistro is
looking for a waterfront        in the heart of Kingston’s
view, enjoy it while you dine   downtown. Their menu                Memorial Centre
at the beautiful AquaTerra.     features French classics            Farmers’ Market
Try one of their superb         and delicious farm-to-               Kingston shows
steaks or a seafood dish.       table dishes prepared with             off its foodie
                                fresh, local ingredients. In        personality at the
Chez Piggy                      the summer, their colourful         Sunday market at
This Kingston dining            courtyard terrace is a            the Memorial Centre.
landmark features an            popular spot.                      The market is 100%
eclectic, international menu                                       producer-run, with
that is always interesting,     Public House                       all products being
using the best ingredients      If you want to talk about         grown or produced in
and staying true to             longstanding, experience           the Kingston area.
ethnicity of the cuisine.       true history at the Public
                                House. This Scottish pub
Diane’s Fish Shack &            once served as Sir John A.
Smoke House                     Macdonald’s law office.
At Dianne’s, classic east
coast kitchen meets the         Windmills Café
flavours of Baja Mexico –       “Fusion” is the word, for
think lobster rolls along       both the menu and the
with ceviche and barbecue       upscale-yet-relaxed décor.
with a Mexican twist.           Famous for its weekend
                                brunch – so much more
Grecos                          than your usual bacon-
For over 25 years Grecos        and-eggs experience.
has been a mainstay
in the city for freshly         Wooden Heads
prepared, classic Greek         The traditional wood-fired
and Mediterranean food.         pizzas are a must. Inspired by
Its quality ingredients and     sauces made from scratch
rich flavours are not-to-be-    – from traditional pesto to
missed.                         curried lobster veloute – and
                                dozens of toppings.

                                                           n 17
                      ONLY IN KINGSTON
                      SPECIALTY SHOPS DOWNTOWN
                      BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS

  Looking to do a little window-shopping? Stroll Kingston’s downtown, where many
  stores are family-owned and operated; some are small boutiques and galleries
  specializing in unique and one-of-a-kind pieces. While this list isn’t comprehen-
  sive, here are a few examples of those places.

  1000 Islands Soap Company carries                  Kingston Sunday Antique Market at
  natural soaps, body care products,                 Springer Market Square is where vendors
  natural skincare healing and remedies.             display antique furniture, vintage and                              estate jewelry, collectibles, crafts,
                                                     glassware, and goodies from local
  Cooke’s Fine Foods and Coffee claims               bakeries.
  to be Canada’s oldest food merchant,     
  having been built in 1865. Shelves are
  stocked with imported goodies, roasted-            Martello Alley is an artists’ collective and
  on-site coffee beans and gift basket               gallery tucked into a historic alley where
  items.                                             you can find original and printed artwork                                as well as a place to meet the artists and
                                                     see their work in progress.
  General Brock’s Commissary sells         
  only locally produced products from
  Upper and Lower Canada. Enjoy their                Verde Alternatives is filled with natural,
  storefront inspired by the bygone                  organic, healthy, non-toxic, recycled
  era, and peruse local artisan cheeses              and reusable items for a greener planet.
  and meats, preserves and mustards,       
  sweets, handcrafted goods and more.                                                       E OIL
                                                                                     ON OLIVPANY                                                            KINGST   COM

  Kingston Olive Oil Company features
  oils from olives grown and pressed by
                                                  by Marc

  small artisans and farmers from around
  the world. Tasting bar of gourmet oils and
  balsamic vinegars.

                            taste before
                              you buy

18 n

                                         BLACK DOG POTTERY                                   CRAFT
                                                                                           FAIRS AND
                                    THE                                                      Kingston’s seasonal

                                    CREATIVE                                                 fairs, markets and
                                                                                           festivals are filled with
                                                                                          items that make perfect

                                    LIFE                                                  souvenirs and presents.

                                    WHERE TO FIND                                            ArtFest Kingston
                                                                                               fills City Park in
                                    ARTISAN PRODUCTS                                         summertime with
                                                                                            booths of more than
                                    BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS                                   150 artists and artisans
                                                                                           offering a wide variety
                                                                                              of one-of-a-kind,
                       Creativity starts at home in Kingston with makers of                 beautiful creations.
                       all kinds. Here are a few suggestions of where to find                 June 30 – July 2.
                       unique and locally made mementos and gifts.                                 kingston/

                                                                                               Fat Goose Craft
                       Black Dog Pottery                Kingston Glass Studio &                 Collective is a
                       downtown gallery and studio      Gallery offers classes             group of craftspeople
                       specializes in porcelain décor   and showcases the work              creating affordable,
                       items, housewares, tableware     of local glass artists.           high-quality handmade
                       and gifts.          goods. The annual holi-
                                                                                          day-season juried craft
                                                                                           exhibition and sale is
                                                                                           filled with unique, lo-
                                                                                           cally made products.
                                                                                               Nov. 30 – Dec. 1.

                                                                                           Kingston Handloom
                                                                                           Weavers & Spinners
                                                                                          hold an annual weaving
                                                                                           and spinning sale of
                                                                                            members’ creations.
                                                                                                Tett Centre.
                                 KINGSTON ARTIST                  KINGSTON GLASS        
                                       SU SHEEDY                 STUDIO & GALLERY

                                                                                             Kingston Potters’
                       Cornerstone Canadian             Meraqi Art Annex offers             Guild offers classes
                       Art & Craft sells                an eclectic collection of art      and workshops year-
Photos by Tim Forbes

                       Canadian-made works              created by Kingston-area             round, with annual
                       representing local artisans      artists including jewelry,           shows and sales in
                       as well as crafters from         pottery, handmade soap, art           springtime and at
                       across the country.              cards, prints, sculpture, glass   Christmas. Tett Centre.
                    art, metalwork and wood 

                                                                                         n 19

             TUNES 7                                             GET TO
             NIGHTS A WEEK
  In Kingston, music is being made every night of the                  MUSIC
  week. Here’s a sampling of where you can get your                  FESTIVALS
  groove on.                                                      Canadian Guitar Festival,
                                                                the large gathering of guitar
                                                                cultists, makers, players and
  Monday: The Toucan hosts a rotation of soul, funk, R&B,         lovers, is held on the last
  Motown, and alt-country/alt rock in an Irish pub setting.            weekend of July.                                         

  Tuesday: At Olivea, find magnificent jazz overlooking         The annual Homegrown Live
                                                                 Festival features the city’s
  Market Square, with casual fine dining and an alternating     favourite bands, raising pro-
  ensemble of Kingston’s finest jazz musicians.        ceeds for the Joe Chithalen
                                                                  Music Instrument Lending
  Wednesday: Midweek is a great time to stop in for live          Library.
  music at The Mansion. A Kingston staple, they offer an
                                                                     Limestone City Blues
  eclectic range of music every night of the week.
                                                                    Festival dominates the                                                 downtown in late August for
                                                                  four days of blues in every
  Thursday: The RCHA Club presents live bands from                style and genre. downtown
  Thursday to Sunday, with a rotating cast of players    
  covering blues, jazz, rock, folk and Celtic.          limestone-city-blues-festival
                                                                 What started as a modest
  Friday: Friday Night Jazz @ Montes unleashes a trove          summer solstice celebration
  of jazz standards to launch the weekend.              has grown into the
  montesjazzbar/                                                     Skeleton Park Arts
                                                                Festival, a non-profit multi-
  Rock ’n’ roll bands at BLUMartini are a sure-fire dance-
                                                                  disciplinary showcase of
  floor filler.                                    local and world-stage art-
  Saturday: Weekends at Merchant Tap House are
  rocking with a fusion of food, drink and live music.          In mid-August, hop the free                                            ferry to the Wolfe Island
                                                                Music Festival for an eclectic
  Musiikki’s coffee-whiskey-music bar has a small indoor         mix that may include punk,
                                                                                                  Photo by Ivica Kljucar

  space and a fantastic back patio showcasing some of           country, hip-hop, rock ’n’ roll
  Kingston’s best homegrown musicians.          or electronica. wolfeisland-
  Summertime only: Confederation Basin is a regular stage        See calendar of events on
  for Kingston-based artists at festivals and special events.    page 10 for festival dates.

20 n

                                                 BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS

                                                free admission

                           The arts are quintessential Kingston,
                           a city overflowing with makers and                                           AGNES ETHE
                           creators of all kinds.                                                              ART CE NT RE
                                                                          Photo by Tim
                           The Agnes Etherington Art Centre is a
                           public art gallery with a rich exhibition of
                           national and international works of art.
                           The collection of more than 16,500 works
                           is regarded as the premier university fine
                           art holding in Canada. Pieces include          Kingston Glass Studio
                           paintings from the Dutch Golden Age,           & Gallery showcases
                           including several by Rembrandt.                one-of-a-kind glass,
                                                ceramics, wood, stone,
                                                                          mixed media and
                           Art After Dark showcases the downtown’s        textiles artwork by
                           excellent galleries and artists as they open   dozens of emerging
                           their doors to the public twice a year in      and established artists.
                           spring and fall. 

                           Gallery Raymond is Kingston’s largest          Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre, in the
                           commercial gallery representing some           Tett Centre, is a non-profit cultural
                           of the area’s finest artists. Bi-monthly       collaboration that nurtures innovation
                           exhibitions focus on the work of new and       and experimentation by celebrating
                           emerging local artists.     the presentation, interpretation and
                                                                          production of contemporary visual, time-
                                                                          based and interdisciplinary arts. The centre
                                                                          has exhibition space, a resource library and
                                                                          workspace housing media arts equipment
                                                                          at affordable rental rates.

                                                                          Studio 22 is devoted to contemporary
                                                                          Canadian Art, representing a diverse range
                                                                          of artists in a variety of mediums, from
                                                                          photography, graphics, oils and acrylics to
                                                                          bronze, stone and steel sculpture.
Photo by Guillaume Nolet


                                                                                     right beside the Isabel
                              MODERN FUEL ARTIST-RUN CENTRE IS IN                     Bader Centre for the
                              THE BEAUTIFUL TETT CENTRE ON THE
                                                  WATERFRONT.                           Performing Arts

                                                                                           n 21
                         History                                                                  Photo by Michael Lea

                                     5 ESSENTIAL STOPS
                                     FOR THE HISTORY BUFF
                                     BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS
                                                                                               go see this
                       Kingston boasts some of the richest history in Canada, a
                       testament to its United Empire Loyalist history and heritage.

                       1. Once called the “Citadel of Upper          2. Kingston City Hall is a masterpiece of
                       Canada,” Fort Henry National Historic Site    19th-century classical British Renaissance
                       was built on the crest of a peninsula as      architecture, dominating the downtown
                       part of a strategy to guard the entrance to   streetscape. Built with the idea that
                       the Rideau Canal. The current stone-block     Kingston would become the permanent
                       fort was completed in 1836 and at the time    capital of the United Canadas, the 1844
                       was considered a bombproof, state-of-         building has housed a bank, dry goods and
                       the-art marvel of modern engineering.         the body of Sir John A. Macdonald as it lay
                       In summer, join in the pomp and               in state.
                       circumstance as the majesty of thundering
                       cannons is recreated at the world-famous
                       Sunset Ceremony.

                                          FORT HENRY NATIONAL
                                                  HISTORIC SITE
                                                                                                                   Photo by Scott Adamson
Photo by Mark Bergin

                                                                                           KINGSTON CITY HALL

22 n

                                MARTELLO TOWERS              HISTORICAL
5 ESSENTIAL STOPS                                                 Haunted Walk

FOR THE HISTORY BUFF                                          Experience at Fort Henry
                                                                Costumed guides tell
                                                               the eerie history of Fort
3. Together with Fort Henry, the Rideau Canal and              Henry, Kingston’s 19th-
the imposing Martello Towers are part of Ontario’s            century military fortress,
                                                                 including the many
only UNESCO World Heritage Site. The canal connects
                                                              supernatural encounters.
Kingston to Ottawa via a series of dozens of locks. Inside
Murney Tower – built in 1846 as part of the Martello
fortifications – are collections of military and domestic
artifacts of 19th-century Kingston.                             Kingston City Hall                                    National Historic Site
                                                                 Free guided tours of
4. The presence of Sir John A. Macdonald is still strong        downtown’s City Hall,
in Kingston – streets are named after him, statues of him        built when Kingston
preside over green spaces, and historical plaques mark         was the first capital of
the buildings where he lived or practised law. His home          Canada. Self-guided
has been restored at Bellevue House and the Sir John A.        tours are also available
                                                                year-round in English,
Macdonald Gravesite National Historic Site is found at
                                                                  French, Mandarin,
his family plot in Cataraqui Cemetery.
                                                                German and Spanish.
historic-cataraqui-cemetery                                          CityHallTours

5. The PumpHouse museum preserves an era when                 Kingston Walking Tours
shipbuilding and locomotive manufacturing dominated
                                                                   More than a dozen
Kingston’s industrial scene and the pump house’s
                                                              walking tours of Kingston
massive boilers worked non-stop.
                                                                 in English and French
                                                                  are available for free
                                                                download onto mobile
                                                                devices from both the
                                                                Google Play and Apple
                                                                   App stores (search
                                                              “Kingston Walking Tours”).
                                                               Once downloaded, tours
                                                                  do not require Wi-Fi

                                                                   BELLEVUE HOUSE
                                                                         Photo by Tim Forbes

                                                             n 23
     Outdoors                                                          LITTLE CATARAQUI CREEK
                                                                           CONSERVATION AREA
                                                                             Photo by Scott Adamson

                   UNIQUE OUTDOOR
                   ACTIVITIES                                         lights up at night
                   IN KINGSTON
                   BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS

                                                                                                Photo by Annalisa Boccia
                  ON AND UNDER THE WATER                            SKATING IN THE SQUARE

  1. On and under the water                       4. Skating in the Square
  Kingston’s clear waters, numerous               Join the crowd at Springer Market Square,
  shipwrecks and wealth of dive shops make        just behind City Hall, for Kingston’s
  it the freshwater diving capital of Canada.     most unforgettable outdoor ice skating
  And as the “freshwater sailing capital          experience.
  of the world,” the city is home to CORK
  – Canadian Olympic Training Regatta             5. Kingston’s Motorcycling Scene
  Kingston. The winds on Lake Ontario make        Bikers have long-known that Kingston is
  Kingston perfect for sailing, windsurfing       one of the world’s best-kept motorcycling
  and kiteboarding.                               secrets. Head east for the world-famous
                                                  Thousand Islands, north to the Canadian
  2. K&P Trail                                    shield for lakes and rock, west to Prince
  This year-round, multi-use trail was built      Edward County and south to Cape Vincent
  along an abandoned rail bed converted           along the Great Lakes Seaway Trail.
  for walking and non-motorized vehicles.

  3. Cycle Wolfe Island
  It’s just a scenic 20-minute ride on the free
  ferry to Wolfe Island to cycle the island’s
  signposted bike trails. There are four fairly
  flat bike routes marked with colour-coded
  signs, a swimming spot at Big Sandy Bay
  and lots of birding along the way.

24 n
     Waterfront                                                                                                     Photo by Tim Forbes

             A WATERFRONT
             TO REMEMBER
             WHAT YOU NEED
             TO KNOW                                                                                   FINDING
                                                                                                           Ahoy Rentals in
Kingston’s spectacular location makes it a watersport                                                   Kingston rents canoes,
                                                                                                           kayaks, stand-up
paradise. Why not launch a canoe, kayak, sailboat,                                                        paddleboards and
paddleboard or kitesail and be a part of the action?                                                    sailboats. You can also
                                                                                                       get instruction on sailing
                                                                                                        and paddling or book a
 Rent a canoe, kayak or SUP      The city’s eight-kilometre                                            barefoot sailing charter.
 (stand-up paddleboard) and      public Waterfront Pathway                                        
 paddle the city shoreline       passes right along the
                                                                                                            Fully equipped
 or the network of lakes and     popular downtown                                                         houseboats can be
 rivers that winds through the   harbour. It’s all part of the                                           booked for a few days
 jaw-dropping scenery of the     900-kilometre Waterfront                                               or by the week through
 Canadian Shield surrounding     Trust Trail that runs from                                             Houseboat Holidays,
 the city. There are popular     Niagara to Quebec and                                                     located between
 canoe and kayak routes          includes the southern                                                 Kingston and Gananoque.
 at Gould Lake and nearby        terminus of the Rideau Trail.                                 
 Frontenac Provincial Park.
                                                                                                            Just north of the
                                 Walk the shoreline along the
                                                                                                         city, Loughborough
 Hop onto the free Wolfe         century-old Royal Military
                                                                                                          Lake Marina rents
 Islander ferry for a            College. Stop and enjoy the
                                                                                                          utility boats, fishing
 spectacular view of             best spot in the city to get                                             boats and pontoon
 Kingston, RMC and Fort          a bird’s-eye view over the                                             boats.
 Henry. Wolfe Island is just     downtown from the
 a 20-minute ferry ride from     ramparts of historic Fort                                               Trailhead Kingston
 downtown Kingston, and if       Henry.                                                                      rents stand-up
 you’re going on foot or by                                                                            paddleboards, kayaks and
 bike, you can walk right on                                                                            canoes as well as basic
                                                                 Photo courtesy of

 with no wait.                                                                                          camping and paddling
 Get a whole new perspective
                                                                                                          Treasure Island
 – up close and personal –
                                                                                                         Marina (just east of
 on the Thousand Islands                                                                                 Kingston) rents stand-
 aboard a local cruise boat,                                                                                up paddleboards,
 with options ranging from                                                                                 jet skis, sailboats,
 short sightseeing jaunts                                                                              powerboats and cruisers.
 to leisurely sunset dinner                                                                  
 cruises.                         CRUISE SEEN FROM THE
                                  TIME SCULPTURE

                                                                                                      n 25
      Tours                                                              KINGSTON FOOD TOURS
                                                                Photo courtesy of Kingston Food Tours

                                                            looks good

                       WITH ALLURE
                       BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS

  What better way to see Kingston than to let
  a local guide you through the city? Kingston
  has tour options for interests of every kind.
                                                              CHICKEN TACOS FROM DIANNE’S,
                                                                     KINGSTON FOOD TOURS
  Beer & Bites                                  Kingston Gananoque Beer Tours
  Visit a variety of local pubs and             Celebrate small breweries making
  microbreweries with tastings of local         world-class beers! All tours include
  beers accompanied by delicious bites,         sampling of craft beers and tours
  while learning about Kingston’s historic      of the brewing process, where
  downtown.                possible.

  Fly Kingston                                  Kingston Sailing Tours
  Enjoy an exhilarating scenic flight over      Set sail on half-day, full-day or sunset
  Kingston and the 1000 Islands.                tours, or even custom sailing experiences,                              along the Kingston and Wolfe Island
                                                shorelines. kingstonsailingtours.wixsite.
  The Haunted Walk                              com/gvsailing
  Guides dressed in flowing black capes
  and carrying lanterns lead visitors through   Kingston Pen
  Kingston’s spooky, historic Sydenham          Get a close-up look at what life was like
  Ward.                         behind the walls of Canada’s oldest and
                                                most notorious maximum-security prison.
                                                                                                        Taco Photo by Suzy Lamont Photography

                                                Kingston Food Tours
                                                What better way to explore Kingston
                                                than to eat, drink and walk on a tour of
                                                downtown’s culinary best, sprinkled with
                                                insider tidbits about local culture, history
                                                and architecture.

                                                The famous Kingston Trolley Tours
                                                operate in all seasons! Popular in the
                                                summer (see Signature Experiences),
                                                there are also hour-long Architecture
                        THE HAUNTED WALK        and Historic tours that run in the winter

26 n
      Festivals                                                                                  TASTE OF KINGSTON
                                                                                                   Photo by Julia McKay

                       SAVE THE DATE
                       KINGSTON IS FULL OF FESTIVITIES
                       12 MONTHS OF THE YEAR
                       BY JOSEPHINE MATYAS

                                                                                                  big names

WINTER /                                              SUMMER                         FALL
SPRING                                                Skeleton Park Arts Festival    Kingston WritersFest
Feb Fest is for those who                             is an interactive, family-     celebrates the written
embrace Canadian winter,                              oriented arts and music        word and the art of literary
with a full month of free                             festival that comes to         expression, drawing some
public skating, hockey games                          life in the centre of a        of Canada’s biggest literary
and fun winter activities.                            thriving arts-oriented         stars.                                   neighbourhood.
                                                                                     Kingston Multicultural
                                                      Artfest Kingston celebrates    Arts Festival is a non-
                                                      the arts with more than        ticketed event of music,
                                                      150 top artists and artisans   artists and performance,
                                                      from across Ontario and        celebrating the cultural mix
                                                      Quebec.                        of the region.
                               Photo by Julia McKay

                                                      The annual Kingston
                                                      Buskers Rendezvous marks
                                                      the middle of summer with
                                                      street performances by
                                                      jugglers, musicians, fire-
                                                                                                                      Photo by Tim Gordanier

                  FEB FEST                            eaters and balloon artists.
Kingston Canadian Film
                                                      Taste of Kingston outdoor
Festival is the world’s
                                                      festival features samples
largest festival dedicated
                                                      from some of Kingston’s         KINGSTON MULTICULTURAL
exclusively to Canadian
                                                      best restaurants, all in                  ARTS FESTIVAL
                                                      support of the Canadian
Fort Henry Beerfest &                                 Diabetes Association.          Fall for Kingston is a family-
Food Truck Festival is                                          friendly culinary showcase
the perfect transition into                                                          in support of Hospice
summer. Sample beers from                                For dates as well as        Kingston. Food samplings
across Ontario and enjoy                               a comprehensive list of       from some of Kingston’s
classic food truck eats at                             all festivals and events,     finest dining establishments.
this relaxed festival.                                   see the calendar on
                                                                page 10.
                                                                                  n 27
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