Pr Marie Schaer Université de Genève - 1er congrès national de l'autisme
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Comment l’eye-tracking et l’imagerie cérébrale permettent de mesurer les trajectoires de développement des jeunes enfants avec un TSA Pr Marie Schaer Université de Genève 1er congrès national de l’autisme, 10 novembre 2018 National Center of Competences in Research
Quelles interventions thérapeutiques pour l’autisme? ‣ Il n’existe pas de traitement médicamenteux ciblant les symptômes de l’autisme ‣ Les interventions les plus efficaces à ce jour sont comportementales
Intervenir précocement est primordial ‣ Une intervention précoce et intensive permet: de diminuer les symptômes de l’autisme d’améliorer la communication d’améliorer les compétences cognitives d’améliorer durablement le fonctionnement au quotidien, p.ex. meilleure intégration scolaire FIGURE 2 Dawson et al., 2010
Toutes les études confirment les bénéfices deARTICLES l’intervention précoce Randomized, Controlled Trial of an Intervention for Toddlers With Autism: The Early Start Denver Model AUTHORS: Geraldine Dawson, PhD,a,b,c Sally Rogers, WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Previous studies on the PhD,d Jeffrey Munson, PhD,e,f Milani Smith, PhD,e Jamie efficacy of early behavioral intervention for improving outcomes Winter, PhD,e Jessica Greenson, PhD,e Amy Donaldson, for preschool-aged children with autism have yielded promising PhD,g and Jennifer Varley, MSe 510067 2013 AUT0010.1177/1362361313510067AutismKlintwall et al. results. However, no randomized clinical trials of early aAutism Speaks; bDepartment of Psychiatry, University of North developmental behavioral intervention designed for toddlers with Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; cDepartment of Psychology, eUniversity of Washington Autism Center, Center on Human autism have been conducted to date. Development and Disability, and fDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This study assessed the efficacy of the Washington; dMIND Institute, Department of Psychiatry, Early Start Denver Model, a comprehensive developmental Article University of California Davis, Sacramento, California; and behavioral intervention, for improving outcomes of toddlers with gDepartment of Speech and Hearing Science, Portland State ASD. The intervention, which was initiated when children were Autism University, Portland, Oregon KEY WORDS Narrowing the gap: Effects of intervention less than 21⁄2 years, resulted in significant improvements in IQ, language, adaptive behavior, and autism diagnosis. 0(0) 1–11 © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions: on developmental trajectories in autism autism, behavioral intervention, cognitive function, developmental outcomes, early intervention DOI: 10.1177/1362361313510067 ABBREVIATIONS ASD—autism spectrum disorder ESDM—Early Start Denver Model ABA—applied behavior analysis abstract Lars Klintwall, Sigmund Eldevik and Svein Eikeseth NEW RESEARCH A/M—assess and monitor PDD—pervasive developmental disorder OBJECTIVE: To conduct a randomized, controlled trial to evaluate the NOS—not otherwise specified efficacy of the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), a comprehensive de- MSEL—Mullen Scales of Early Learning velopmental behavioral intervention, for improving outcomes of tod- ADOS—Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule VABS—Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales dlers diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Long-Term Outcomes of Early Intervention in 6-Year-Old AbstractMETHODS: Forty-eight children diagnosed with ASD between 18 and 30 RBS—Repetitive Behavior Scale This trial has been registered at months Although still of age were a matter randomly of some assigned debate, theretois1 of 2 groups: body a growing (1) ESDM inter- of research supporting Early and Intensive Behavioral Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (identifier NCT00090415). vention, which is based on developmental and applied behavioral analytic Intervention as the intervention of choice for children with autism. Learning rate is an alternative to change in standard principles andmeasure deliveredinbystudies trained oftherapists and parents for 2 years;rates or can be displayed graphically as developmental scores as an outcome early intervention. Learning doi:10.1542/peds.2009-0958 (2) referral trajectories, which are to community providers for intervention easy to understand and avoid commonly some of available in the counter-intuitive properties of changes in standard Annette Estes, PhD, Jeffrey Accepted for publication Jul 17, 2009 Munson, the community. PhD , Sally J. Rogers, PhD , Jessica Greenson, PhD , scores. The data used in this analysis were from 453 children with autism, previously described by Eldevik et al. Children Address correspondence to Geraldine Dawson, PhD, AutismJamie Winter, receiving RESULTS: Early PhD and , Geraldine Compared Intensive with Dawson, children Behavioral who PhDcommunity-intervention, received Intervention exhibited significantly steeper developmental trajectories than Speaks, 4120 Bioinformatics Building, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. E-mail: gdawson@ children inchildren who received the control group,ESDM in bothshowed significantand intelligence improvements in IQ, adap- However, there was a considerable variability adaptive behaviors. tivelearning in individual behavior,rates and autism within diagnosis. the group Tworeceiving years afterEarly entering andintervention, Intensive Behavioral Intervention. This variability could Objective: We prospectively examined evidence partly be explained PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). for the ESDM groupthe by the with onintensity the community-intervention-as-usual average improved 17.6 standard of the treatment, scorebypoints partly (1 SD: 15 children’s (COM) intake group.quotient age-equivalents. Age intelligence sustained effects of early intervention based on Copyright © 2009 by the American Academy of Pediatricsat intake did anot points) follow- compared co-vary with The with 7.0 2 groups points learning inrate. were not group the comparison significantly different in terms of relative to base-
Un consortium suisse en intervention précoce ‣ 5 centres universitaires ont combiné leurs efforts pour évaluer l’efficacité de l’intervention précoce ‣ Chaque centre propose une intervention précoce, intensive et scientifiquement validée ‣ Mandat de l’OFAS de mesurer le Basel UKBB GSR (Peter Weber / Bettina résultat de l’intervention précoce en • Tillman) autisme, ayant aboutit à une recommandation du Conseil • Basel KJPK (Klaus Schmeck / Evelyn Herbrecht) Fédéral et à la prise en charge d’un forfait de prestations d’intervention • Lugano EOC (Gian Paolo Ramelli) précoce par l’AI • Zürich KJPDZH (Ronnie Gundelfinger) ‣ Actuellement, 130 enfants ont été • Genève OMP (Stephan Eliez / Marie Schaer / recrutés Hilary Wood de Wilde)
L’intervention précoce en Suisse ‣ Après une année d’intervention: Diminution de la sévérité des symptômes autistiques, particulièrement réduction du déficit dans les interactions sociales et la communication Augmentation significative des compétences de communication Tendance à un gain cognitif ADOS - Score global de sévérité ADOS - Affect social Vineland - Communication p=0.0008*** p=0.001** VABS-II - Communication (SS) p=0.0013** 8 75 8 ADOS - Total Severity Score ADOS - Social Affect 7 70 7 6 65 6 5 5 60 4 4 55 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 Visits Visits Visits n=59
L’expérience de Genève en intervention précoce
L’intervention précoce à Genève, dirigée par Hilary Wood de Wilde ‣ Depuis 2010, les CIPAs (Centre d’Intervention Précoce en Autisme) offrent une intervention intensive suivant le Early Start Denver Model (Rogers & Dawson, 2010) ‣ Ce programme suit la motivation et les intérêts de l’enfant, et renforce la communication réciproque entre le psychologue et l’enfant par un focus sur les affects positifs ‣ 20h de thérapie par semaine, 5 jours par semaine, pour une durée de 2-2.5 ans ‣ Actuellement, 36 enfants âgés de 1 à 4 ans bénéficient de cette approche
L’intervention précoce à Genève, dirigée par Hilary Wood de Wilde ‣ Un programme très structuré mais ludique individualisé pour chaque enfant qui vise à développer l’envie de l’enfant d’entrer en contact, augmenter ses capacités de communication, de partage d’intérêts, et son autonomie dans la vie quotidienne
François Robain Mesurer la réponse au traitement ‣ Plus l’intervention commence tôt et est intensive, meilleur est le bénéfice ‣ Cela souligne l’importance d’établir un diagnostic très précoce, ce qui n’est pas toujours facile sur la seule base des symptômes *p = 0.03154 Percentage 50 p = 0.03591 (%) *R2 = 0.08888 100 R2 = 0.1253 du score ADOS Gain cognitif (%QI) 0 Delta DQ 50 SS Total Diminution 2 3 4 5 -50 0 Réduction 2 3 4 5 -100 âge au débutage Child's duattraitement T1 Child'sduage âge au début at T1 traitement -50 * * Réduction de la sévérité des symptômes autistiques après un an Gain cognitif après un an n = 50 enfants avec TSA âgés 1.6 à 5 ans (3 ans en moyenne); tout type de traitements confondus Robain et al., in prep
La Boussole, un centre dirigé par Martina Franchini ‣ Un nouveau programme de soutien au développement précoce pour les enfants à risque d’autisme ou de troubles associés pour les tout-petits (
A quel âge peut-on diagnostiquer l’autisme? Age des premières interrogations des parents 2007 2017 Avant Avant Avant 11 mois 24 mois 4% 6 mois 20% 20% 20% 44% Après 26% 18 mois 36% Entre 11 et Avant 30% Avant 18 mois 18 mois 12 mois ‣ 56% des parents identifient des ‣ 76% des parents identifient des signes avant l’âge de 18 mois signes avant l’âge de 18 mois Chawarska et al., JADD 2007 Matheis et al., 2017, Dev Neurorehab ‣ Malgré que les parents s’inquiètent de plus en plus tôt, les cliniciens manquent d’outils fiables pour augmenter leur certitude dans le diagnostic avant l’âge de 15-24 mois
Comment les outils de recherche peuvent-ils nous aider à diagnostiquer plus tôt et à mieux comprendre l’autisme?
L’hypothèse de la motivation sociale Réduction de l’orientation sociale Déprivation en expériences sociales Réduction des opportunités Diminution de pour un apprentissage “l’apprentissage social” cognitif adéquat Déficit de spécialisation des régions Développement incomplet cérébrales concernées par le du potentiel cognitif traitement de l’information sociale (résumée par Chevallier et al., TICS 2012)
an head- and eye-turning responses to the three stimuli are shown in 3. Separate ANOVAs (Subjects x Treatments) were applied and revealed Développement typique de l’orientation sociale wing. turning 46.3, df = 2, 46, p < .OOOl. A Tukey test (alpha = 0.05) was then used Déjà dans les premières heures après la A partir de 33 semaines de mine the critical differences (in degrees) between responses to the three naissance, le nouveau-né s’oriente vers With q = 3.44 the critical difference was found to be 6.2”. Thus responses grossesse, les foetus s’orientent des stimuli qui ressemblent à des visages déjà vers des stimuli qui ressemblent . Mean head and eye turning for the face, scrambled and blank stimuli. à des visages s 40 ‘3 m g 30 a c 8 20 0 5 = 10 0 Q Q Q Face Scrambled Blank Johnson et al., Cognition 1991 Figure 2. The Mean Reid et al., of Number Current Biology Fetal Head 2017 Turns to the Stim The mean number of head turns made toward (left two bars) and a
Mesurer l’orientation sociale avec l’eye-tracking Projet de recherche en autisme, Genève Ami Klin & Warren Jones
60 60 95% CI 50 50 LETTER Fixation time (%) Fixation time (%) Eyes Orientation 40 sociale chez des enfants qui développent Mouth un TSA 40 doi:10.1038/nature12715 30 30 Attention 20 to eyes is present but in decline in 20 RESEARCH LETTER 2–6-month-old infants later diagnosed with autism 10 Body 10 1,2,3 1,2,3 Warren Jones & Ami Klin Object 0 a b 0 2 3 4 5 6 9 12 1,2 15 18 24 2 3 c 4 5 Deficits in eye contact have been a hallmark of autism since the Data were collected at 10 time points: at months 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, Age as condition’s initial description3. They are cited widely (months) a diagnostic 18 and 24. We studied 110 infants, enrolled as risk-based cohorts: feature4 and figure prominently in clinical instruments5; however, n 5 59 at high-risk for ASD (full siblings of a child with ASD19) and e f the early onset of these deficits has not been known. Here we show in n 5 51 at low-risk (without first-, second- or third-degree relatives g a prospective longitudinal studyEyes 70 that infants later diagnosed with with Mouthat 36 months. For details 70ASD). Diagnostic status was ascertained autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) 60 ASDdecline in eye fixa- on60 TD exhibit mean study design, clinical characterization of participants, and experi- tion from 2 to 6 months of age, a pattern not observed in infants who mental procedures, see Methods and Supplementary Information. Fixation time (%) 50 50 Of the high-risk infants, 12 met criteria for ASD20 (10 males, 2 females), do not develop ASD. These observations mark the earliest known 6 mois, diagnostiqué 619mois, développement indicators of social disability in infancy, but also falsify a prior indicating a conversion rate of 20.3% . One child from the low-risk 40 hypothesis: in the first months of life, this basic mechanism of social plus 40 tard cohort avec was also un with diagnosed TSAASD. Given the small typique number of girls adaptive action—eye looking—is not immediately diminished in in30 30 the ASD group, we constrained current analyses to males only, 11 infants later diagnosed with ASD; instead, eye looking appears to ASD (10 from the high-risk cohort and 1 from the low-risk), and 25 begin at normative levels prior to decline. The timing of decline typically 20 20 developing (all from the low-risk cohort). highlights a narrow developmental window and reveals the early Des courbes de croissance de At each testing session, infants viewed scenes of naturalistic care- 10 F(1,34) = 11.9, key role in giver P =a 0.002 10 interaction (Fig. 1a, b) while their visual F(1,34) = scanning 0.002, P was=measured 0.965 derailment of processes that would otherwise have l’engagement social visuel canalizing typical social development. Finally, the observation of with eye-tracking equipment. The 36 typically developing and ASD 0 0 a children viewed 2 3 in this decline 4 5eye6 fixation—rather 9 12 than15 outright 18 absence—offers 24 2 3 4 2,384 5 6 trials9ofASD video 12 scenes. typique pourraient être utilisées 15 18 24 ge in fixatioin promising opportunity for early intervention that could build on d 100 Control comparisons tested for between-group differences e 100 in atten- 4 pour dépister l’autisme the apparent preservation of mechanisms subserving reflexive ini- tion4to task and completion of procedures. There were no between- group80differences in duration of data collected per child 80 (typically 2 orientation towards the eyes. tial Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) affect approximately 1 in every 2 60 5 71.25 (27.66) min, ASD 5 64.16 (30.77) min, developing 60 data given 0 88 individuals6. These disorders are lifelong, believed to be Jones congenital, mean (standard deviation), with t34 5 0.685, P 5 0.498; two-sample & Klin,asNature 0 40 2013 s (%) –2 are among the most highly heritable of psychiatric conditions . and 7 t-test with 34 degrees of freedom, equal variances); or 40 in the distri-
Martina Franchini Vers de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic: Mesurer l’intérêt social avec l’eye-tracking Garçon contrôle, 24 mois Preference for biological vs non-biological motion The figure aside shows that the Control toddlers who demonstrated a Time spent on biological motion ASD visual preference for dynamic 100% geometric objects compared to biological motion were 80% exclusively toddlers with ASD. 60% However, one toddler with ASD 40% Preferential interest for geometric objects Garçon avec autisme, 23 mois had a strong preference for biological motion. To further 20% understand this phenomenon, we examined whether this high 0 interest in people was related to 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 the severity of autistic symptoms Age (in months) in this patient. For that purpose, we examined Time spent on biological motion Control the relationship between the 100% ASD visual preference for biological motion and the ADOS score at 80% different domains. 60% As shown aside, the only toddler with ASD with high interest for 40% biological motion was also the one with lower impairment in 20% communication and lower severity in the ADOS reciprocical social 0 0 2 4 6 8 interaction domain. Paradigme inspiré de Pierce et al., 2011 ADOS Communication Score This “particularly social” toddler with ASD was diagnosed with ion severe autism at 11 months of
Martina Franchini Un déficit d’intérêt social dans l’autisme? Preference for biological vs non-biological motion Au moment du diagnostic: Time spent on biological motion Moins d’intérêt Control The figure aside shows that the ASDsocial chez toddlers les who demonstrated a Après une année: visual preference for dynamic enfants avec TSA, geometric mais La variabilité d’intérêt social prédit l’évolution biological avec 100% objects compared to motion were 80% une grande hétérogénéité exclusively toddlers with ASD. Change in ADOS severity after one year 60% However, one toddler with ASD 50% R=-0.67 had a strong preference for Preferential interest 40% biological motion. To further for geometric objects p=0.001 Percentage of time spent on biological motion 20% understand this phenomenon, we p
François Robain Prédicteurs de la réponse au traitement ‣ Même si la mise en place précoce du traitement reste le facteur le plus prédicteur d’une évolution favorable, l’orientation sociale est un facteur spécifique de l’enfant qui module la réduction des symptômes ADOS (%) *p = 0.03154 ADOS (%) du scorePercentage p = 0.0592 p = 0.03591 50 Percentage *R2 = 0.08888 R2 = 0.09054 100 50 R2 = 0.1253 (%QI) 0 du score Delta DQ 50 SS Total Diminution Gain cognitif 2 3 4 5 0 SS Total Diminution 20 Preference for biological vs non-biological 40 motion 60 80 100 The figure aside shows that the Control toddlers who demonstrated a Time spent on biological motion ASD -50 100% visual preference for dynamic 0 -50 geometric objects compared Réduction to biological motion were 2 3 4 5 Réduction 80% exclusively toddlers with ASD. 60% However, one toddler with ASD 40% Preferential interest had a strong preference for for geometric objects biological motion. To further Child's age at T1 âge au débutage duattraitement âge au début du traitement 20% understand this phenomenon, we -50 examined whether this high -100 Child's T1 degré Sociald’orientation sociale Orienting at start 0 -100 Age (in months) interest in people was related to 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 the severity of autistic symptoms in this patient. For that purpose, we examined Time spent on biological motion Control the relationship between the 100% ASD visual preference for biological motion and the ADOS score at 80% different domains. 1. Précocité de l’intervention 60% As shown aside, the only toddler 1. Précocité de l’intervention 2. Orientation sociale à T1 with ASD with high interest for 40% biological motion was also the one with lower impairment in 20% communication and lower severity in the ADOS reciprocical social 0 0 2 4 6 8 interaction domain. ADOS Communication Score This “particularly social” toddler with ASD was diagnosed with Time spent on biological motion severe autism at 11 months of * 100% Control age and already benefitted from ASD 10 months of specific social 80% enrichment. At the time of * * evaluation, he did not meet the 60% full criteria for autism diagnosis 40% but only for autism spectrum disorder. This case report lends 20% support to the fact that socially enriched therapies can help to 0 interest children in people and 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 lower the severity of their ADOS Reciprocical Social Interaction Score communication impairments. The tight relationship between symptom severity and interest Time spent on biological motion Control ASD for geometric object may however 100% not to hold true for all domains, as Réduction de la sévérité des symptômes autistiques après un an the visual preference seems less 80% Gain cognitif après un an predictive of the severity of 60% repetitive behaviors. Although very preliminary and 40% based on the limited sample size collected to date, we are convinced 20% that these results are highly 0 promising to uncover the 0 1 2 3 mechanisms by which the Sample of the video stimuli, shown to ADOS Repetitive Behaviors Score severity of symptoms can be children using the eye-tracking device for a total duration of 2 minutes. lowered in children diagnosed with autism. n = 50 enfants avec TSA âgés 1.6 à 5 ans (3 ans en moyenne); tout type de traitements confondus Robain et al., in prep
Un déficit primaire dans le système cérébral de la récompense? ‣ L’intégrité des connections du système de la récompense est directement corrélée à l’intensité des difficultés sociales CSD overlaid on the Fractional Anisotropy map CSD on the Fractional Anisotropy map Tractographic reconstruction from VTA to accumbens using spherical ROIs in MNI space d circuits and childhood autism | 2800141; 2795–2805 BRAIN 2018: | 2799 BRAIN 2018: 141; 2795–2805 K. Sup Downloaded from re 2 Mesolimbic reward pathway in children with ASD and typically developing children. Using analytical procedures illustrated Supekar, Kochalka, Schaer et al, Brain 2018 . 1, white matter tracts connecting the NAc and the VTA, the major subcortical nodes of the mesolimbic rewardFigure cted in each child in both cohorts. Six exemplar participants (three ASD, three typically developing) from thewith 3 Structural pathway, ASD. primary (A)and cohort, Density six deficits in mesolimbic reward pathway and its association with social interaction impairments in c could be reliably of the NAc-VTA tracts was significantly lower in children with ASD compared to typically developing children
were presented with the same visual stimuli in the same order. Holger Sperdin were rechecked and electrodes were readjusted where needed second block was then acquired (animated cartoon; animated condition of interest: dynamic social images). The experimen tracking to ensure children were looking at the screen. The w Les réseaux cérébraux du traitement de l’information sociale hour. We used stringent criteria and only participants with th subsequent analysis. Eye-tracking measurements Eye-tracking data were recorded with the TX300 Tobii eye-trac of 300 Hz). In order to analyse and quantify differences in visua bioRxiv preprint first posted online Aug. 30, 2017; doi: The copyright holder for this preprint (which was n peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. ‣ La diminution de l’intérêt social a un impact sur le développement des régions du cerveau spécialisée dans Figure 6. Exemplar single time frame of the normative gaze pattern for each group on one random time fram for an individual participant. The face has been blurred on purpose to preserve anonymity but was fully visible le traitement de l’information sociale experiment. DOI: Sperdin et al. eLife 2018;7:e31670. DOI: Sperdin et al., eLife 2018
Nada Kojovic Quelles conséquences d’une réduction de l’orientation sociale? Développement typique Un garçon avec trouble du spectre de (n=19, 3.8±1.3 ans) l’autisme (5 ans) ‣ Les interactions sociales sont complexes
Des “normes” de cognition sociale 2 3% a ge : av e r 100% Congruence Proximity 50% 17% av era 0% ge 0 50 100 150 : 3% Time(s) Kojovic et al., in preparation
Des “normes” de cognition sociale Décours temporel de l’enregistrement du regard Correlations avec les 100% mesures cliniques 60% from norm Congruence 60% Proximity from norm 40% 50% 40% Proximity 20% 17% R2=0.265 20% Kernel density estimation 0% 0% distribution estimates R =0.265p=0.001 2 0 5 5010 15 100 15020 p=0.001 optimally the deviation of every Expressive Time(s) language single point from (VABS-II) 0% 5 a 10 15 20 Expressive language (VABS-II) multifocal distribution 60% 60% Proximity from norm Proximity from norm 40% 40% 20% 20% R2=0.225 R2=0.273 p=0.004 p=0.001 0% 0% 40 60 80 100 120 40 60 80 100 120 Communication (VABS-II) Socialization (VABS-II) Kojovic et al., in preparation
Reem Jan Traitement de la scène sociale à l’âge de 4 ans Moins d’activation des régions dorsofrontales dans le groupe avec TSA pourrait refléter une moindre compréhension de la séquence et structure des interactions sociales Plus d’activation des régions pariétales supérieures suggère que les enfants avec un TSA traitent cette scène sociale comme une information visuospatiale IPL Map 3 SFG/MFG SFG/MFG ASD < TD ASD > TD SPL SPL SFG Map 4 SFG ACC p
Nada Kojovic 2 à 4 ans: une période critique pour apprendre les interactions sociales ‣ En grandissant, les enfants Typique Autisme avec un développement typique développent une exploration visuelle de plus en 2 ans 2 ans plus ciblée ‣ Pendant la même période, les enfants avec TSA se 3 ans dispersent de plus en plus 3 ans dans leur exploration des interactions sociales Autisme 4-5 ans 4×105 4×105 4×105 4×105 Typique * Median contour surface Median contour surface Median contour surface Median contour surface 4-5 ans *** *** 3×105 3×105 3×105 3×105 *** *** 2×105 *** 2×105 *** 2×105 2×105 *** *** 1×105 1×105 1×105 1×105 0 0 0 0 2 y.o. 3 y.o. 4-5 y.o. 2 y.o. 3 y.o. 4-5 y.o. 1 2 SD1 3 1 2 R 1 3 2 3 M M SD SD AD SD M M N RM M R S R R R O O A A A A O O O O N n=45 avec autisme & 47 développement 4×105 typique* 4×105 4×105 N N N N η2 = 0.15 η2 = 0.43 η2 = 0.48 surface surface tour surface *** 4×105 4×10 *** 5 4×105 η2 =*** 0.43 η2 = 0.48 * η2 = 0.15 3×105 3×105 3×105 surface surface surface *** 4×105 *** Kojovic et al., in prep 4×105 *** * 4×105 η2 = 0.15 *** η2 =*** 0.43 η2 = 0.48 tour tour 3×105 3×105 3×105 rface rface rface *** *** 2×105 2×105 *** 2×105 *** ***
Trajectoires atypiques de développement cérébral: le “cerveau social” entre 2 et 4 ans ‣ Entre l’âge de 2 ans et de 4 ans, les enfants avec un TSA ont des trajectoires atypiques de développement du plissement cortical dans les régions qui traitent l’information sociale Libero, Schaer et al., Cerebral Cortex 2018
Figure S1 Le “cerveau social” entre 6 et 18 ans Supratentorial Total gray matter Supratentorial * Total grayVolume matter de matièreTotal grisewhite matter ‣ Si on mesure la structure 1150 p=0.885 1150 * 760 p=0.530 800 * 500 p=0.139 f =** cérébrale, il y a peu de f = 0.005 f = 0.021 0.049 Volume (cm3) Volume (cm3) Volume (cm3) Volume (cm3) Volume (cm3) 1100 740 750 480 1100 différences consistantes 720 700 5 460 Figure qui émergent malgré 1050 de 1050 700 650 440 nombreuses études 1000 1000 680 600 420 6 to 12 12 to 18 18 to 30 30+ 6 to 12 12 to 18 18 to 30 30+ ls D ls ls D D tro AS tro tro AS AS on on on Cortical Subcortical C C C 600 * Correlation entre 68 l’élargissement cortical ‣ En analysant les IRM de Cortical Subcortical 580 etp=0.391 la sévérité des * symptômes Volume (cm3) Volume (cm3) 66 près de 1'000 p=0.277 550 Volume (cm ) Volume (cm3) 3 f = 0.036 66 f = 0.028 64 participants collectés 560 Significance (FDR
Le “cerveau social” à l’adolescence et l’âge adulte A l’adolescence et à l’âge adulte, toutes les études d’IRM fonctionnelles reportent des différences d’activation du “cerveau social” chez les personnes avec un TSA 2 | Brain 2012: Page 2 of 15 Cortex frontal et pariétal inférieur (“système des neurones en miroir”) S. J. Gotts et al. (comportement de perception d’action et d’imitation) Cortex préfrontal médial (mentalisation, autoanalyse) Cortex temporal antérieur (connaissances des règles et préceptes sociaux) Amygdale (processus de l’émotion) Downloaded from http://brain.o Sulcus temporal supérieur (processus de mouvement biologique et direction du regard de l’autre) gyrus fusiforme (reconnaissance des visages) Figure 1 Areas of the ‘social brain’. A set of brain regions are commonly co-activated across a range of social tasks: the medial and Figure adaptée de Gotts et al, Brain, 2012 ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the posterior cingulate/precuneus, the amygdala and anterior hippocampus, the anterior temporal lobes,
Résumé intermédiaire ‣ Même si une réduction de l’orientation sociale émerge déjà pendant la 1e année de vie, c’est surtout entre 2 et 4 ans que l’écart commence à se creuser en termes de compréhension des interactions sociales et de développement cérébral ‣ La période de 2 à 4 ans représente donc une fenêtre d’opportunité pendant laquelle une intervention ciblant le développement des compétences sociales est primordiale
Directions futures (I)
in the analyses. Peaks (P1, N170, and Nc) were mean 2.6, SD 1.3; CI, mean 3.6, SD 2.0), MSEL Verbal identified for each electrode using automatic peak IQ (ESDM, mean 45.3, SD 17.5; CI, mean 48.1, SD 21.2), detection software and verified by inspection (E.J.H.J.). and MSEL Nonverbal IQ (ESDM, mean 83.6, SD 13.3; Components were measured within the following time CI, mean 79.2, SD 11.3; F1,27 o 2.5, p 4.13, for all windows (from stimulus onset): P1 was 50 to 200 ms, comparisons). Children with ASD who provided artifact-free data at the outcome compared with those who did not provide data at baseline had lower ADOS FIGURE 1 Electrodes in the anterior and posterior left L’intervention précoce change-t-elle le cerveau? Social scores (F1,46 ¼ 5.2, p ¼ .03) and higher MSEL and right hemisphere regions (gray) and anterior and Verbal IQ (F1,46 ¼ 9.9, p ¼ .003) but did not differ in posterior central regions (black). Note: EAR, COM, and ADOS Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors (F1,46 ¼ 1.9, REF are anatomically marked locations for EEG sensor net p ¼ .2) or MSEL Nonverbal IQ (F1,46 ¼ 0.06, p ¼ .8). placement. EEG Protocol and Measurements The EEG was recorded while 140 unique color photographs of female faces (70) and toys (70) were DAWSON presented in random order on a monitor. Facial images et al. ‣ Peu d’études à ce jour ont were chosen to reflect the ethnic and racial diversity of the surrounding area. Objects were common toys containing no facial features. Images were approxi- mesuré l’impact de mately 12 cm wide by 15 cm high and shown against a standard gray background (28 cm wide by 23 cm high). The EEG data were recorded from 128-channel FIGURE 4 Differences in patterns of brain activation in geodesic sensor nets (recorded online with reference Spe l’intervention précoce intensive to the vertex) at 250 Hz, with amplification set at children with typical development, Early Start Denver 1,000", and bandpass filtering at 0.1 and 100 Hz. Cur Model (ESDM) intervention, and community intervention. Children were presented with trials consisting of 500- SD ms baseline, 500-ms stimulus presentation, and 1,000- sur le développement cérébral Note: Dependent variables are log EEG spectral power ms post-stimulus recording periods followed by a (ESD during viewing of the faces minus objects. Positive y and random intertrial interval (0 to 500 ms). Testing was terminated when the child had attended to 100 trials or F1,26 negative a scores indicate greater brain activation during was no longer attending. Trials were rejected if the child was not attending to the picture (recorded online by an in th viewing of people’s faces than of objects. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY SD VOLUME 51 NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER 2012 1153 p¼ CI, ‣ Une des premières études high Vine montre qu’après 2 ans 15; Soci SD d’intervention précoce ESDM, (ESD F1,27 on observe une normalisation (ESD F1,27 de la réponse cérébrale grou beh lorsque l’enfant regarde des Com 65.4 photos de visage p¼ Soci mea Dawson et al., JACAAP 2012 F1,25 ESD
Effet de l’intervention comportementale ‣ Même chez des bébés à risque de TSA, une intervention de type guidance parentale (10 sessions) permet déjà de modifier durablement l’activation cérébrale en réponse à des stimuli sociaux Figure 3. Electroencephalography (EEG) social and non screenshot from the stimuli (middle); and topography months in the normative cross-sectional control group ( (top) and nonsocial (bottom) video. PFR 5 promoting fir sectional; Long. 5 longitudinal. Jones et al., Autism Res 2017
Objectifs futurs pour notre projet de recherche ‣ Mesurer l’effet de l’intervention précoce sur: l’évolution des enfants à long terme les trajectoires de développement cérébral * ‣ Identifier des sous-groupes d’enfants à l’intérieur du spectre (a) de l’autisme, en particulier: (d) facteurs prédicteurs d’évolution facteurs prédicteurs de réponse à certains types de traitement (b) bioRxiv preprint first posted online Aug. 30, 2017; doi: The copyright holder for this preprint (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. (e) (c)
Directions futures (II)
Explorer des hypothèses alternatives ‣ L’hypothèse de la motivation sociale n’explique pas tous les symptômes de TSA Processus X ? ? ? Difficultés sensorielles Réduction de l’orientation sociale Intérêts restreints et comportements répétitifs Déprivation en expériences sociales Diminution de Réduction des opportunités pour “l’apprentissage social” un apprentissage cognitif adéquat Déficit de spécialisation des régions Développement incomplet du cérébrales concernées par le traitement potentiel cognitif de l’information sociale (résumée par Chevallier et al., TICS 2012)
F2,294 5 2.40, p 5 .09; group 3 age2: F2,274 5 1.87, p 5 .16), 1 RORB PCP4 indicating that the increase in EA-CSF in the HR-ASD group 1 1 relative to non-ASD groups was consistent over the interval 1 Des3 altérations cérébrales 2 2 3 non spécifiques 2 studied 3 du cerveau social (covariates included age, age2, TCV, sex, and site). 4 4 Direct 4 group comparisons and inspection of the model 5 5 5 parameter estimates indicated that, on average across the ‣ Il semble ywm avoir déjà pendant lathe vieHR-ASD in utero et had la première 6 6 6 wm study wm period, group 12.20 cm3 more EA-CSF année de vie des modifications than hors des the HR-negative régions group cérébrales (β 5 12.20, SE 5 3.96, t397 5 1 1 1 2 2 2 3.08,3 p 5 .002) and 12.14 cm3 more EA-CSF than the LR- qui traitent4 l’information sociale 3 3 4 negative 4 group (β 5 12.14, SE 5 4.10, t397 5 2.96, p 5 .003) 5 5 5 2 6 6 after6 controlling for age, age , TCV, sex, and site. There were wm wm no wmdifferences between the HR-negative and LR-negative Anomalies de migration neuronale Augmentation du volume du liquide céphalo-rachidien e-Color Composite of Multiple Markers A Low-Risk Infant with Normal MRI; ASD-negative at 24M 5.6 mm h Autism 11.0 mm B 6M 12M 24M Layer 2/3 B iled View of Panel E Inset Layer 3/4/5 High-Risk Infant with Increased Extra-Axial CSF; Diagnosed with ASD at 24M Layer 4/5 Layer 1 6/6b 2 3 4 5 5.8 mm 6 Layer 2/3 CALB1 wm 6M 12M 24M Layer 3/4/5 RORB Overlay Layer 5 PCP4 Stoner et al., NEJM 2014 Shen et al., Bio Psych 2017 Layer 6/6b CTGF
L’hypothèse d’un déficit de prédiction ‣ Nous comprenons le monde “I can’t emphasize enough how critical it is to understand that staying on a script is the sole means of keeping anxiety at a minimum. Even qui nous entoure en faisant the smallest breach becomes a crisis because all we register at that moment is unpredictability. We fear unpredictability above all else continuellement des because we are out of control of our environment.” prédictions sur ce qui va Completing the linkage to ritualistic behavior, Dora Raymaker, director of the Academic Autistic Spectrum Partnership in Re- suivre search and Education, writes: “The experience of many of us is not that ‘insistence on sameness’ jumps out unbidden and unwanted and makes our lives hard, but that “insistence on sameness” is actually a way of adapting to a confusing and chaotic environment. . .” ‣ L’expérience préalable sert The same argument applies to stimming, a term used to refer de filtre qui facilite la to self-stimulating behaviors. The seemingly compulsive need to stim and their oftentimes social inappropriateness raises the prédiction Fig. 1. (A) et évite A simple la system Markov surprise comprising probabilistically possibility that these behaviors might be elaborate involuntary linked depiction of the PIA hypothesis. Relationships between two events can be characterized by their streng Fig. 2. (A) A schematic states. The domains that serve as diagnostic criteriaseparation for autism (language (Δt). Sinha et al, PNAS 2014 motor ticks. However, parental reports indicate that stimming In this space, the interface between undetectable and detectable relationships marks the ASF, denoted by the processing, social interactions, and behavioral repertoire) can all posits hypothesis be modeled behaviors are most evident in situations of heightened external that autism is accompanied by a shift of the ASF toward the upper left (red arrows) corresponding to a reduct as temporally evolving Markov systems. The computation relationshipsof that transition stimulation are weak and/or (27), have large suggesting temporal that spans. This shiftstimming renders some may be an relationships, interevent anxiolytic which are evident to probabilities is a key requirement for estimating a Markov invisible system. to those(B) The with response autism. tobands The vertical a chaotic world: indicate an attempt that different to on tasks rely drown out theofinflux the detection interevent relationships ove ‣ Un déficit de capacités prédictive chez les personnes avec task of transition probability estimation: from an observed temporal instance, whereashistory of unpredictable motor-control environmental and language learning operate in the information by social millisecond regime, self-generated interactions and planning involve of multiple state-to-state transitions, estimate P(BjA, conditional ofperiodic Δt); themanifestations Behavioral and, hence, more predictable information. Consider PIA may differ depending on which temporal regimes experience the thisASF shifts. As depicted greatest TSA pourrait représenter une hypothèse intéressante pour different probability of one state (“B”) given the other (“A”) and autism temporal subtypes may arise in part from ASF shifts of different kinds. duration, first-person account from Temple Grandin: Δt, beyond A’s occurrence. The PIA hypothesis states that autism may be expliquer divers symptômes associated with inaccuracies in estimating this conditional probability and, impairment causes “When I did stims such as dribbling sand through my fingers, it environmental hence, in one’s ability to discern predictive relationships between entities. calmedstimuli to appear me down. When Imore chaotic, stimmed, sounds that Given hurt mytheears prediction-reliant stopped. nature of leading to reduced habituation Mostand hence kids with greater these repetitive actions stress. autism do behaviorswith dynamic because objects, the PIA h it feels good in some way. It may counteract an plausible accountsensory overwhelming of the difficulties that its predictions regarding other traits one3. might expect Difficulties to in Interacting environment. with Dynamic. .” Objects. The dynamic tism encounter in such settings. find in ASD (Section 3), and open questionsworld and presents challenges to those with autism. The Autism implications ‣ La difficulté à prévenir les suites d’évènements s’apparente (Section 4). Wandering and Elopement Initiative Temple Grandin, Autism Asperger’s Digest, 2011 collaboration states that 4. Difficulties with Theory of Mind. Theory two in three “elopers” (autistic children who attempt to run ability toofascribe invisible causes to observ à vivre dans un monde gouverné par la magie, où les To summarize, a parsimonious interpretation the reliance NEUROSCIENCE 2. The PIA Hypothesis as a Partial Account away) of thehave a close call on Autism withrituals a traffic andinjury (39).behaviors stimming Accordingobserved to by in connecting autism ispast that history they with current beh relations entre les évènements sont obscures et qui peut Phenotype the Center for Advanced Rutgers Infrastructure emerge from, and and represent Transportation at to attempts a person actedthe minimize, likely a certain con- way, or anticipa to act, requires the estimation of a co Besides the aforementioned diagnostic domains, theUniversity, hypothesisthe vast majority sequences of(more than 75%) They unpredictability. of people allow for a proactive imposition devenir anxiogène. on the autism spectrum of impaired prediction can potentially account for a few other cannot drive of “sameness” on (40). In first-person an otherwise accounts, individuals with autism describe the difficulties they overwhelmingGiven a certain observation about a per environment. stances, what are the likely precursors leadi significant correlates of autism. had as children engaging2. in dynamic Sensory It is estimateda that games on the playground Hypersensitivities. similar vein,90% nearly whatofareallthe next stages in th
L’hypothèse d’un déficit de prédiction Ritualisation Un moyen de faire face à l’anxiété générée par l’imprévisibilité Surcharge sensorielle Par manque d’habituation Altérations des Déficit de théorie de l’esprit capacités Les interactions sociales sont complexes, et donc prédictives particulièrement vulnérable à un déficit de capacités prédictives Difficultés à généraliser Généraliser requière de s’appuyer sur les prédictions et associations, plutôt que sur les informations sensorielles uniquement Compétences isolées Dans des domaines qui sont le plus souvent statiques (mathématiques, recherche visuelle, dessin) et fortement basés sur des règles
Un effort conjugué entre clinique, intervention & recherche: Aurélie Irène Sara François Nada Marie Holger Sondes Sonia Lylia Les équipes du CIPA dirigées par Hilary Wood: La Fondation Pôle Autisme dirigée par Stephan Eliez Astrid Costes Mylène Richard Collaborations internationales: Evelyne Antonietti Celine Muffat Christine Nordahl (UC Davis) Patrizia Castellano & many others Vinod Menon (Stanford) L’équipe de la Boussole dirigée par Martina Franchini National Center of Competence in Research
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