Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -

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Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Présentation Générale

                         Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer
                                                      22 novembre 2018

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Avantages et inconvénients du dépistage actuel
                    (1 MMG / 2 ans entre 50 et 69 ans)

1. Réduit la lourdeur des traitements
2. Diminue la mortalité (20 %)

1. Faux positifs (2 à 10 %)
2. Surdiagnostic (10 à 20 %)
3. Cancers d’intervalles (25 %)
4. Risque des RX (1 cancer pour 1.000 femmes dépistées pendant 30 ans)
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -

                        RISQUE FAIBLE

                        RISQUE ELEVE

Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Objectif et stratégie

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Une étude clinique randomisée

                     pour comparer

le dépistage standard actuel basé sur l’âge (“Mammotest”)

  à un dépistage basé sur le niveau de risque individuel.
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Incidence Stade II +

              Age            individuel *

                                     * 1/ Age
6,5 ans: 2,5 + 4                       2/ ATCD
                                       3/ Densité
                                       4/ Score polygénique
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Présentation Générale - Call Center - Fondation Contre le Cancer 22 novembre 2018 -
Le poids des facteurs de risque dans le score global

       Biopsy                      History
         4%                          4%

           21%                  Age


Diminue t’on l’incidence des stades II+ ( mortalité) ?

1. Diminue t’on les inconvénients: faux négatifs
  (morbidité), surdiagnostics, cancers d’intervalle ?
2. Acceptabilité psychologique et sociale ?
3. Améliore t’on l’efficience économique ?
        This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
25/01/2019                                                                                         13
        research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
MyPeBS en bref

 • 7 pays
 • 85 000 femmes
 • 2 groupes:                         UK 10 000 women
                                      / 3 centres
                                                               Belgium 10 000
       Risque individuel                                       women / 3 regions
 • 6.5 ans       France 20 000
                   women / 30 areas
                                                                          Israel 15 000
                                                 Italie 30 000
                                                                          women / 9 centres
                                                 women / 6 regions
17/11/2018              Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                            14
                QUELLE STRATEGIE
              EST LA MEILLEURE !!!!

17/11/2018       Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting   15
Structure du Projet

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
MyPeBS consortium partners
 UNICANCER – trial sponsor and project coordinator
 Gustave Roussy – stats & study PI                                            University of Cambridge – study PI and genetics
 Statlife – risk calculation (BCSC)                                           Univ ersity of Manchester - investigation + psycho-socio + risk
 CNGE - GPs association                                                       calculation (TC)
 University Paris 13 – ethics and psycho-socio                                Loughborough University – radiology QC
 University Lyon1 - psycho-socio                                              Queen Mary University of London - Recommandations
 ARC Foundation – communication & dissemniation                               ICPV (independant cancer patients’ voice)- patients advocacy
 Santé Publique France – access to social security data

 Associate partners:: CGFL, CNG, screening structures,
 INCa, patients associations, gynecologists, radiologists etc
                                                                               Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Reggio Emilia-(AUSL-RE) –
                                                                               study PI + tomosynthesis
                                                                               Azienda Ospedaliera Città della Salute e della Scienza di
                                                                               Torino (CPO-AOU) - investigation + communication
                                                                               Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei
  Assuta medical centers - study PI                                            Tumori (IRST-IRCCS) - investigation
                                                                               Institute for Study and Cancer Prevention (ISPO)- investigation
                                                                               Im3D- imaging

                                                                               Associate partners: 2 other regions (Este-monselice and lombardy)
  ERASMUS University – medico-economics

                                                                              Institut Jules Bordet – Study PI
                                                                              European Cancer League, EONIX
Univ Californie San Francisco – WISDOM « sister » study                       Associate partners:: LUCK/CVKO, CCRef, Brumammo

17/11/2018                                             Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                                                     17
MyPeBS organization
                                                                                        WP4 - Economical            Cost
                                          Clinical trial                                                        effectiveness
WP8 – Management of the project

                                       WP1 – Sponsorship &                results

                                                                                                                                              USA WISDOM STUDY
                                          CT data flow                                                                             Exchange
                                                                                       WP5 - Sociological,        Adherence,     results, tools
                                                                                    ethical and psychological   attendance and
                                       WP2 - CT Investigation                                                    universalism
                                                                         set up
                                        WP3 - methodology                            WP6 - Communication           Inclusion
                                         and data analysis                            and dissemination         Dissemination

                                   Non inferiority then superiority
                                  of personalised screening strategy

                                                           WP7 - Recommendations

17/11/2018                                                       Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                                    18
MyPeBS’ governance bodies
                                        General Assembly
                               Decision making body re. the Consortium
                                         Executive Committee               Scientific advisory
                                         Project conduct (scientific and

                      Day to day
                  operational conduct

                                                                            Data monitoring
              TRIAL             Clinical Trial Steering Committee
                                                                              and Ethics
                                             Trial conduct
              level                                                           Committee

17/11/2018                       Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                      19
Design de l’Etude – Protocole

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
1. La participation à l’étude est volontaire et gratuite

2. Il n’y a rien à payer pour les examens de dépistage

3. Toutes les données sont « dé-identifiées ». Les chercheurs ne connaissent
   pas votre identité, sauf le médecin que vous verrez
4. Vous pouvez gérer toutes vos données sur votre page privée de la plate-
   forme Web de l’étude

5. Il faut informer votre médecin traitant/gynécologue

6. Il faut rester attentive aux anomalies qui peuvent survenir dans vos seins

7. A la fin de l’étude, vous serez avertie des résultats

8. Vous êtes libre de quitter l’étude (il faut le signaler !)
Recrutement des femmes
                                      40-70 ans
                                  (pendant 2,5 ans)

                                                                          Critères d’ Inclusion
                                                                          Critères d’Exclusion


                                                             Score de risque

              Dépistage Standard
             (1 x/2 ans chez 50-69)
                                                      Dépistage selon le niveau
                                                      de risque (4 sous-groupes)

                                  Suivi pendant 4 ans
Recrutement des femmes
                                      40-70 ans
                                  (pendant 2,5 ans)

                                                                          Critères d’ Inclusion
                                                                          Critères d’Exclusion


                                                             Score de risque

              Dépistage Standard
             (1 x/2 ans chez 50-69)
                                                      Dépistage selon le niveau
                                                      de risque (4 sous-groupes)

                                  Suivi pendant 4 ans

Pour participer IL FAUT:

1. Être une femme entre 40 à 70 ans (inclus)
2. Parler couramment le néerlandais, le français ou l’anglais
3. Avoir un numéro NISS et être en ordre de mutuelle
4. Disposer d’une adresse e-mail et d’un GSM
5. Etre d’accord de suivre la procédure du protocole
6. Signer le Consentement Informé

Ne peuvent PAS participer les femmes qui ont:

1. Un antécédent de CANCER DU SEIN (invasif ou « in situ »)
2. Un antécédent de biopsie avec ANAPLASIE ATYPIQUE
3. Un antécédent de RADIOTHÉRAPIE THORACIQUE (lymphomes)
4. Une mutation génétique à très haut risque (BRCA1/2, TP53 …)
5. Une mastectomie BILATÉRALE
6. Une mammographie anormale avec examens COMPLÉMENTAIRES
Recrutement des femmes
                                      40-70 ans
                                  (pendant 2,5 ans)

                                                                          Critères d’ Inclusion
                                                                          Critères d’Exclusion


                                                             Score de risque

              Dépistage Standard
             (1 x/2 ans chez 50-69)
                                                      Dépistage selon le niveau
                                                      de risque (4 sous-groupes)

                                  Suivi pendant 4 ans

1. 40-49 ans : pas de MMG
         pour les 45+: une MMG au début; pour les 40-49: une MMG à la fin

1. 50-69 ans : MMG tous les 2 ans (« Mammotest »)
Recrutement des femmes
                                      40-70 ans
                                  (pendant 2,5 ans)

                                                                          Critères d’ Inclusion
                                                                          Critères d’Exclusion


                                                             Score de risque

              Dépistage Standard
             (1 x/2 ans chez 50-69)
                                                      Dépistage selon le niveau
                                                      de risque (4 sous-groupes)

                                  Suivi pendant 4 ans

1. BAS RISQUE     : risque de cancer du sein dans les 5 ans = 1/110
         -> pas de mammographie

2. RISQUE MOYEN : risque de cancer du sein dans les 5 ans = 1/60
         -> mammographie tous les 2 ans (Echo si seins denses)

3. RISQUE ÉLEVÉ : risque de cancer du sein dans les 5 ans = 1/30
         -> mammographie tous les ans (Echos si seins denses)

4. RISQUE TRÈS ÉLEVÉ: risque de cancer du sein dans les 5 ans = 1/16
         -> examen d’imagerie tous les 6 mois (en alternance une
         mammographie+Echo et une Résonance Magnétique)
Screening strategy in the stratified

Lauby-Secretan 2015, Kerlikowske 2015, Shousboe Ann Int Med 2011, Trentham- Dietz 2016, Evans 2016 2017

   17/11/2018                                    Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                      18
Le Rendez-Vous d’inclusion
       (avec le médecin ou l’infirmière
                de recherche)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
VISITE 1 (60’)
1. Signature du Consentement Informé
2. Ouverture de votre espace privé sur la plate-forme « MyPeBS »
3. Répondre aux questionnaires:
     •   antécédents personnels et familiaux
     •   style de vie
     •   connaissance sur le dépistage, anxiété, compréhension
4. Randomisation
SI « Dépistage Standard »: STOP - prise de RV pour le prochain Mammotest.

Si « Dépistage en fonction du risque »:
5. prélèvement de salive pour l’analyse génétique
6. Prise de RV pour VISITE 2 (5 à 8 semaines)
VISITE 2 (20’)
1. Annonce du niveau de risque
2. Calendrier pour le suivi des 4 prochaines années
Consentement général sur le protocole de l’étude
Consentements facultatifs
1. J’accepte de laisser le reste de mon ADN pour d’autres études dans le
    domaine de l’oncologie
2. J’accepte que mes données soient croisées avec celles du Registre
    National du Cancer, du programme de dépistage, ou des mutuelles
3. J’accepte que le matériel génétique et les images soient utilsiées pour
    des recherches ultérieures
4. J’accepte que mon médecin traitant soit informé de ma participation
Le suivi

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
1. Faire les examens selon le programme établi

2. Introduire les dates et les résultats des examens dans la plate-forme Web

3. Répondre aux questionnaires (3 mois, 1 an, 2 ans)

4. Signaler les événements qui peuvent modifier le niveau de risque
   (symptômes et examens complémentaires, cancer du sein ou des ovaires
   dans la famille)
Risk result sheets

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
Is there anything I                  Is there anything
  can do to reduce                      else I need to
      my risk?                              know?
Yes there are some things that you   You need to remain aware of your          MYyPEBS ID:
can do to minimize your risk of      breast health: in case you feel           Tube ID : n°123456789
breast cancer                        something abnormal in one of your
                                     breasts, please refer to your
                                     treating physician (abnormal lump,
                                     change in shape, liquid flow...)
Maintain a healthy body                                                        Personal Breast
                                                                               Cancer Risk
                                     Where can I get more
Eat a healthy diet with                                                        Evaluation and
plenty of fruits and
                                     information on risk
                                     reduction?                                Screening Program
                                     Institut National du cancer: [to be
                                     adapted to each country]:
Limit the amount               of
alcohol you drink                    prevenir-depister/Reduire-les-risques-

Exercise regularly                   You may find additional information on
                                     risk reduction measures on:
    17/11/2018                          Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting                       38
What is my breast                         What personalised                        Questions?
   cancer risk?                                screening                            If you want more detailed information on your
                                                                                    risk estimation
                                             programme is                           Please ask your investigator who will be able to
                                                                                    provide more details
Compared to the average                    proposed for me?                         If you think your risk estimate may need
for your age, your breast                                                           reevaluation
                                                                                    Please enter new data that may change your risk
cancer risk is Average                                                              estimation (new cancer in your family, new data
                                                                                    on a breast biopsy, etc) into your personal
                                                                                    MyPeBS portal
                                                                                    Your risk level will be reestimated and a new
                                                                                    sheet sent to you if your risk category has
             Average                      The     proposed screening                changed!
                                          programme for you is as
                                                                                    Queries about the MyPeBS study or result
 In this risk category, about                                                       You will find a FAQ on your MyPeBS personal
                                                                                    portal. For medical questions, please ask your
     1 in 70 women may                                Mammogram        Ultrasound   MyPeBS investigator or personal physician.
   develop breast cancer                                                            If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer
                                          Oct 2019          -              -
   within the next 5 years.                                                         Please refer this diagnosis in your personal
                                                                                    MyPeBS portal. Being part of MyPeBS does not
                                                                                    change your care.
                                          Oct 2020          x              x
                                                                                    For more information on MyPeBS trial and
                                          Oct 2021          -              -
  Bases of your risk estimation :
  This estimation was done using the
                                          Oct 2022          x              x
   information you provided in your
      questionnaires + your breast           You will receive notices for these
mammographic density + your saliva test     examinations 2 months before the
   result (Polygenic risk score (PRS))               scheduled
                                           Stakeholders         timing Meeting
                                                         & Investigators                                                  39
What is my breast                         What personalised                        Questions?
   cancer risk?                                screening                            If you want more detailed information on your
                                                                                    risk estimation
                                             programme is                           Please ask your investigator who will be able to
                                                                                    provide more details
Compared to the average                    proposed for me?                         If you think your risk estimate may need
for your age, your breast                                                           reevaluation
                                                                                    Please enter new data that may change your risk
cancer risk is High                                                                 estimation (new family history, new data on a
                                                                                    breast biopsy, etc) into your personal MyPeBS
                                                                                    Your risk level will be reestimated and a new
                                                                                    sheet sent to you if your risk category has
                 High                     The    suggested screening                changed!
                                          programme for you is as
                                          follows:                                  Queries about the MyPeBS study or result
 In this risk category, 1 in 20                                                     You will find a FAQ on your MyPeBS personal
                                                                                    portal. For medical questions, please ask your
 to 60 women may develop                              Mammogram        Ultrasound   MyPeBS investigator or personal physician.
   breast cancer within the
                                          Oct 2019          x              x        If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer
          next 5 years.                                                             Please refer this diagnosis in your personal
                                                                                    MyPeBS portal. Being part of MyPeBS does not
                                          Oct 2020          x              x        change your care. You can remain on study after
                                                                                    a diagnosis of breast cancer.

                                          Oct 2021          x              x        For more information on MyPeBS trial and
  Bases of your risk estimation :         Oct 2022          x              x
  This estimation was done using the
   information you provided in your
      questionnaires + your breast           You will receive notices for these
mammographic density + your saliva test     examinations 2 months before the
   result (Polygenic risk score (PRS))               scheduled timing                                                      40
                                           Stakeholders & Investigators Meeting
What is my breast                           What personalised                      Questions?
   cancer risk?                                  screening                          If you want more detailed information on your
                                                                                    risk estimation
                                               programme is                         Please ask your investigator who will be able to
                                                                                    provide more details
Compared to the average                      proposed for me?                       If you think your risk estimate may need
for your age, your breast                                                           reevaluation
                                                                                    Please enter new data that may change your risk
cancer risk is very high                                                            estimation (new family history, new data on a
                                                                                    breast biopsy, etc) into your personal MyPeBS
                                                                                    Your risk level will be reestimated and a new
                                                                                    sheet sent to you if your risk category has
             Very High                      The    suggested screening              changed!
                                            programme for you is as
                                            follows:                                Queries about the MyPeBS study or result
  In this risk category, more                                                       You will find a FAQ on your MyPeBS personal
                                                                                    portal. For medical questions, please ask your
   than 1 in 17 women may                               Mammogram           MRI     MyPeBS investigator or personal physician.
    develop breast cancer
                                            Oct 2019          x              x      If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer
    within the next 5 years.                                                        Please refer this diagnosis in your personal
                                                                                    MyPeBS portal. Being part of MyPeBS does not
                                            Oct 2020          x              x      change your care. You can remain on study after
     Genetic counselling is                                                         a diagnosis of breast cancer.

       recommended.                         Oct 2021          x              x      For more information on MyPeBS trial and
  Bases of your risk estimation :           Oct 2022          x              x
  This estimation was done using the
   information you provided in your            You will receive notices for these
      questionnaires + your breast            examinations 2 months before the
     17/11/2018density + your saliva test              scheduled
                                             Stakeholders         timing Meeting
                                                           & Investigators                                                 41
   result (Polygenic risk score (PRS))
What is my breast                         What personalised                        Questions?
   cancer risk?                                screening                            If you want more detailed information on your
                                                                                    risk estimation
                                             programme is                           Please ask your investigator who will be able to
                                                                                    provide more details
Compared to the average                    proposed for me?                         If you think your risk estimate may need
for your age, your breast                                                           reevaluation
                                                                                    Please enter new data that may change your risk
cancer risk is Low                                                                  estimation (new family history, new data on a
                                                                                    breast biopsy, etc) into your personal MyPeBS
                                                                                    Your risk level will be reestimated and a new
                                                                                    sheet sent to you if your risk category has
                 Low                      The    suggested screening                changed!
                                          programme for you is as
                                          follows:                                  Queries about the MyPeBS study or result
  In this risk category, less                                                       You will find a FAQ on your MyPeBS personal
                                                                                    portal. For medical questions, please ask your
 than 1 in 100 women may                              Mammogram        Ultrasound   MyPeBS investigator or personal physician.
   develop breast cancer
                                          Oct 2019          -              -        If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer
   within the next 5 years.                                                         Please refer this diagnosis in your personal
                                                                                    MyPeBS portal. Being part of MyPeBS does not
                                          Oct 2020          -              -        change your care. You can remain on study after
                                                                                    a diagnosis of breast cancer.

                                          Oct 2021          -              -        For more information on MyPeBS trial and
  Bases of your risk estimation :         Oct 2022          x              x
  This estimation was done using the
   information you provided in your
      questionnaires + your breast            You will receive notices for this
mammographic density + your saliva test     examination 2 months before the
   result (Polygenic risk score (PRS))               scheduled
                                           Stakeholders         timing Meeting
                                                         & Investigators                                                   42

                            + e-learning module

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
In Belgium

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
Folded leaflet



Thank you for your attention!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 755394
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