WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA

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WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
                 W W W I N T E R W I N TEarly
                                         E R 2 02020
                                                2 0 E DEdition

A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic
Bonjour tout le monde! It is hard to believe that we are already seeing longer days and being greeted by the sounds of
spring. This year has been unprecedented to say the least, but what has remained consistent is our passion as
educators and our dedication to our students and our craft. This has been unwavering over the course of the last few
months and we will continue to demonstrate our dedication during these unique times.

This year the OMLTA/AOPLV has continued to be dedicated to supporting your professional practice. We continue to
collaborate with our partners, deliver practical, user-friendly best practices in language learning and support French
and International Languages education. Our focus has been on providing innovative best practices virtually through
our webinars, social media and our monthly e-Blasts. We continue to foster collaboration across our members we
facilitate opportunities virtually. We are committed to being the leader in professional learning and advocacy,
inspiring and connecting Ontario’s French and International Languages educators.

Over the course of this last year, the OMLTA/AOPLV has placed a renewed focus on providing virtual learning
opportunities for our membership. In October, we offered our first online webinar which was hosted by Durham
District School Board educators Wendy Chan and Meghan Watson. This past February, we offered our second webinar
which was hosted by Peel District School Board educator Erin Coulson and engaged educators in using technology to
support student engagement. Members continue to have access to the recording of these webinars and to the activities
and templates presented. Please refer to our Members' section of our website to access. We look forward to hosting
our May webinar that will focus on supporting oral communication skills through the CEFR lens.

As you know, the COVID-19 outbreak has created a challenging and unprecedented time for students, their families and
educators around the globe. The current COVID-19 outbreak has called upon us to unite as communities in order to
stop its spread. We continue to follow the recommendations of Public Health, Federal, Provincial and Municipal
governments, including the Ministry of Education. It was for this reason that the OMLTA/AOPLV made the difficult
decision to postpone our Spring 2020 conference. We encourage our members to continue to follow us online and
check for emails as we provide updates in a timely manner.

As we move forward within this unprecedented year, facing times that many of us have never seen before, I would like
to remind our members that we are a resilient community. I encourage all members to see this time as a opportunity to
connect with ourselves. It is not often that we are provided with such time to reflect meaningfully with ourselves and
loved ones. I would like to thank all of you who share your passion to the students of Ontario and your continued
support for the OMLTA/AOPLV. I would also like to thank our dedicated Board of Directors. I cannot thank this team of
dedicated professionals enough for their initiative, unwavering energy and complete dedication to our members.
                 Je vous souhaite du bonheur et de la santé et prenez soin de vous et de vos proches.
                                                 Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
A message from the Editor - Lisa Picerno
Bonjour chères lectrices et chers lecteurs,
The spring weather is approaching and our team continues to work on our members’ behalf during these
challenging times. Though the pause button has been hit for many of our traditional responsibilities, the
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association/Association ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
continues to work on educators' collective behalf. The group of 16 board members is committed to keeping this
association active and current while serving the needs of their members in regards to FSL and International
Languages in Ontario. We continue to strive to be both fiscally and ecologically responsible. Our association is
proud to have a professional team of directors with a variety of teaching experiences, language backgrounds,
and diverse strengths.Je suis tellement fière de faire partie d’une équipe si travaillante et positive.

In these challenging times in education, I would like you to consider becoming a mentor to another educator.
Many of our newer members to the field of FSL and International Language education would appreciate some
friendly guidance and feedback. By actively using the resources available to you as part of your OMLTA
membership, you and your peers enhance your network and broaden your knowledge. Consider contributing an
article to our monthly e-blast, participating in one of our organized events, or even joining the Board of
Directors in 2021 or beyond. A reminder that your membership is valid one year from the date of purchase.
Please login using your credentials on www.omlta.org and subscribe to have your membership automatically
renew via PayPal.

Suivez-nous sur les médias sociaux. Restez branché.es pour pouvoir vous inscrire à une de nos conférences ou à
un de nos événements. Vos commentaires sont bienvenus et nous vous encourageons de nous envoyer un
courriel (omlta@omlta.org) si vous souhaitez contribuer. Restez inspiré.es et motivé.es !

                                              Lisa Picerno- Editor
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
L'apprentissage ne cesse jamais
                        Jean Wan (she/her/hers)
                     St. Clement’s School, Toronto

Lors ma visite récente à Washington pour une conférence d’enseignants de langues, j’ai rencontré une dame très
sympa. Elle était dans la soixantaine, une enseignante de français aux États-Unis, et on s’est mises à causer. Lors
de la discussion, je lui ai demandé pourquoi elle est venue, elle qui prendrait bientôt sa retraite. Elle m’a répondu :
« Parce que l’apprentissage ne cesse jamais pour moi. Si je peux apprendre une nouvelle chose qui peut améliorer
mon enseignement pour un élève demain, ça vaut la peine que je sois ici. »

Cette dame, expérimentée et toujours enthousiaste n’est qu’une des enseignantes parmi des milliers qui ne cessent
d’apprendre et d’essayer leur mieux pour les élèves. Plus j’assiste aux développements professionnels, plus j’en
suis convaincue. Cette année j’ai vécu deux expériences très différentes qui continuent toujours de m’inspirer à
chercher de nouvelles pistes d’apprentissage.

La première expérience s’est passée en mars dernier, lors du cours de QA, FSL - Part 3, offert par l'université York.
Un des bénéfices de ce cours était qu’il fallait que j’y aille en personne. C’est vrai que le cours se situait loin de
chez moi, qu’il faisait froid, il n’y avait pas de transport en commun qui m’aurait permis d’y arriver facilement - et
ce à chaque mercredi. Malgré tout cela, si je pourrais le refaire je ferais le même choix. Il n’y a aucun substitut
pour la dialogue, les échanges d’idées authentiques et les connexions avec mes nouveaux collègues de diverses
régions et divers conseils scolaires, ce qui n’aurait pas lieu dans un cours en ligne. J’ai appris et profité des
occasions de vivre des expériences authentiques francophones ici à Toronto, et même après le cours, beaucoup
d’entre nous continuons de nous soutenir et de nous encourager.

La deuxième expérience m’a amenée aux États-Unis, où j’ai assisté et présenté un atelier à la conférence annuelle
d’ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages). C’est une conférence énorme qui s’est
déroulée sur trois jours et demi, offrant des centaines d’ateliers et et réunissant autant d’exposants. Le fait d’en
apprendre sur des systèmes complètement différents du système ontarien est d’une valeur incommensurable.
Parmi la vingtaine d’ateliers auxquels j’ai assisté, je me suis renseignée sur nombreuses nouvelles idées et
tendances : ‘Enseigner à 90% dans la langue cible’, Comprehensible input, des applis et logiciels pour l’apprentissage
d’une langue...la liste est longue. J’ai aussi entendu des enseignants qui disaient : « J’enseignais pendant trente
ans de la même façon et j’ai changé mes pratiques il y a seulement deux ou trois ans. »

Tout au long de l’année, que ce soit dans des conférences, dans mon département, mon école ou dans des cours de
développement professionnel, que ce soit de nouveaux enseignants ou du personnel expérimenté, j’ai entendu
sans cesse les mêmes réflexions : « j’ai envie de m'améliorer et je peux le faire; je le fais pour moi mais surtout
pour mes élèves. »

Malgré la situation actuelle, je vis et j'enseigne toujours avec un vrai sens d’espoir et d’inspiration. Parfois une
nouvelle perspective n’aurait besoin que d’une tournure de phrase originale ou d'une reformulation simple
d’anciennes idées. On aurait ainsi un déclenchement de changements, petits ou grands, dans notre enseignement
pour stimuler le bien-être de nos élèves. Je suis soulagée de savoir que malgré des systèmes éducatifs différents et
des changements politiques et culturels qui surviennent autour de nous, je me trouve au sein d’une profession où
les membres suivent constamment de la formation continue pour leur propre développement, ainsi que pour le
bien de milliers d’élèves.
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
Directors in Action

We would like to recognize the enormous efforts from the following departing
OMLTA Directors:
Thank you to Jimmy Steele (2018-2019 President) whose term on the Board has
concluded. Beginning as a Director in the spring of 2010 where he started as a liaison
for language contests across the province. During his 10 years on the Board, he served
as a leader on many committees, spearheaded a wide variety of initiatives (including
our monthly e-blasts, Projet à Moncton with Nicole Czaja, and the Spanish AQ), led
several projects, produced and edited Communication for three years, and led three
OMLTA conferences. Jimmy estimates that he visited 30 different AQ and pre-service
classes to speak about the OMLTA during his time on the board and has loved
promoting the organization and its mandate to new educators in particular. He
always strived to lead with kindness while putting OMLTA members and his Board of
Director colleagues first. Danke schön! ¡Muchas gracias!

Thank you to Michael Green (2016-2017 Past President) whose term on the Awards
and Nominations committee has now been completed. Merci beaucoup !

Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic (2019-2020 President)
A special thank you to Susanna, who served as President this past year while guiding the OMLTA
Board through an unpredictable time in public education. Her leadership allowed board members to
continue to work collaboratively on the OMLTA/AOPLV mission while advocating on behalf of
Ontario's French and International Languages educators.

Our Directors have been representing the OMLTA/ AOPLV in the community at the following events:
                *York University and OISE/University of Toronto - Faculty of Education
  FSL Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior Pre-Service classes - Nov. 2019 and Jan. 2020
                          *AIM Language Learning Conference - November 2019
  *Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board Strategies for FSL Seminar - Nov. 2019
                                 *OMLTA Fall Conference - September 2019
                        *CASLT AGM and Networking Sessions - September 2019
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
Coding in the language classroom with CS First
                                           Marisa Moser
                                Waterloo Region District School Board

Have you ever thought of using coding in the classroom but have been too afraid because you
do not know what you are doing? Been there! Experienced that! But, let me tell you, I
survived! The program CS First, by Google, uses Scratch coding and is a great way to introduce
students (and yourself) to coding. Coding is a creative way to engage your students and
promote oral and written communication in any language! I use coding in my classroom to
have dialogues between characters from our reading texts, in music to create personalized
songs and music videos and in math to make a variety of patterns. The opportunities are
endless. The best part? Google has lessons set up for you so that students can learn and follow
along. Some school boards are also offering training to teachers so that you can learn to code
and in turn, help your students. This is by no means a requirement for trying coding in your
classroom. Although I had absolutely no idea how to code, I embraced the idea and let my
students teach me. It was incredible what they were able to share with each other and teach
each other as well as teaching me. As teachers, we always feel a need to know everything but
this opportunity showed me that yes, it is okay to let my students take the lead and they rocked
it! I hope you will consider using coding in your classroom. You do not need 1-1 technology to
make this a great experience. Students can work in groups and on chromebooks or ipads.
Google is always there to help. There are also curriculum links provided for you along with step
by step lessons so why not give it a shot!

       Here is a link that you can use to check out coding and try it with your students!

                                                  2020 OMLTA/AOPLV
                                                  Annual General
                                                  DETAILS FORTHCOMING.
                                                  WATCH OUR WEBSITE AND YOUR E-MAIL
                                                  FOR UPDATES.

                                                  2020-21 Board of
                                                  Directors Vote
                                                  ALL MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING CAN
                                                  VOTE FOR THE NOMINATED BOARD OF
                                                  FOR FULL DETAILS, VISIT
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
Thank you to our newsletter sponsor: Écoutons, lisons, rions

Écoutons, lisons, rions ! is a resource uniquely designed to promote early French literacy skills
for primary FI students learning French in an anglophone milieu. The comical comptines,
stories, language activities and games contextualize the teaching of inferencing skills,
comprehension, vocabulary, basic sounds and phonological awareness to develop the student’s
emergent ability to understand, speak, read and write in French.

                    Visit bit.ly/EcoutonsLisonsRions for more information
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
Announcing Concours virtuel: Ensemble à distance

                 Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have had to cancel the
                                  2020 Provincial Concours d’art oratoire.

      In lieu of the traditional Concours, today CPF Ontario, with a number of partners, is launching
                  Concours virtuel — Ensemble à distance, ton expérience face au virus.

     We invite students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 across Canada to record and virtually post 1-3
minute videos, en français, sharing how they are spending their time while schools are closed and events
                                               are cancelled.

While this is an incredibly serious public health moment, as we’ve seen from towns in Italy and Spain, there
is power in sharing the experience together – to help raise each others' spirits and remind each other that
                               we’re in this together. Ensemble à distance.

Cash prizes total over $10,000 for students in Grades 6 - 12 who place in the top three in each category!

 All cash prizes will be matched with a financial donation to a registered charity of the student's choice.

For each submission made for students in Kindergarten through Grade 5, CPF will make a $10 contribution
                                          to Food Banks Canada.

 In addition, each submission will be entered into a random draw for two (2) round-trip tickets anywhere
      in Canada with Air Canada! Students under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

                     Deadline to submit videos through our website is May 2nd, 2020.

                  Visit https://bc-yk.cpf.ca/concoursvirtuel
                               for full competition details!
WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA WWWINTERWINTER 2020 EDITION - A message from the President - Susanna Beatrice-Gojsic - OMLTA
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