CAOT Professional Development calendar - March 2018 to April 2019 Calendrier de Développement professionnel de l'ACE
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CAOT Professional Calendrier de Développement Development calendar professionnel de l’ACE March 2018 to April 2019 Mars 2018 à Avril 2019 ∙
Table of Contents | Table des matières Professional Development by service / Développement Health promotion and wellness / Promotion de la santé 16 professionnel selon le service 3 et du bien-être Practice Evidence Webinars (PE) / Webinaires – données Professional Development by client age / Développement probantes dans la pratique (PE) 4 professionnel selon l’âge des clients 17 News & Resources Webinars (N&R) / Webinaires – ressources et nouvelles (N&R) 5 Young children (0-4 years) / Jeunes enfants (0 à 4 ans) 17 Workshops (WS) / Ateliers (WS) 5 School-aged children (5-12 years) / Enfants d’âge scolaire (5 à 12 ans) 17 Conferences / Congrès 10 Adolescents (13-19 years) / Adolescents (13 à 19 ans) 17 Mentorship On Demand / Mentorat sur demande 11 Adults (20-64 years) / Adultes (20 à 64 ans) 18 Occupational Therapy Networks / Réseaux en ergothérapie 11 Older adults (65+ years) / Personnes âgées (65 ans et plus) 19 Publications / Publications 12 Supporting your practice / Soutenir votre pratique 19 Periodicals / Périodiques 12 Professional Development by date / Développement Professional Development by area of practice / professionnel selon la date 20 Développement professionnel selon le champ de pratique 13 March 2018 mars 20 Mental health / Santé mentale 13 April 2018 avril 21 Cardiovascular and Respiratory / Cardiovasculaire et respiratoire 13 May 2018 mai 22 Service Administration / Administration de service 13 June 2018 juin 23 Educators / Éducatrices ou éducateurs 13 July 2018 juillet 24 Client Service Management / Gestion du service à la clientèle 14 August 2018 août 25 Cognitive / Cognitif 14 September 2018 septembre 26 Neurological and neuromuscular / Système neurologique et neuromusculaire 14 October 2018 octobre 27 Musculoskeletal / Système musculo-skelettique 14 November 2018 novembre 28 Digestive, metabolic and endocrine / Système digestif, December 2018 décembre 29 métabolique et endocrinien 15 January 2019 août 30 General physical health / Santé physique générale 15 February 2019 février 31 Vocational rehabilitation / Réadaptation professionnelle 15 March 2019 mars 32 Palliative and end-of-life care / Soins palliatifs et soins de April 2019 avril 33 fin de vie 16
Professional Development by service Développement professionnel selon le service Practice Evidence Webinars (PE) Webinaires – données probantes dans la pratique (PE) a Affordable one-hour webinars to receive evidence-informed, a Webinaires abordables d’une durée d’une heure pour recevoir des renseignements occupation-based and practical resources and information et des ressources pratiques fondées sur l’occupation et les données probantes a Includes 10-15 minutes of Q&A a Incluent une période de questions et réponses durant de 10 à 15 minutes a Set time so you can plan ahead – typically 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. a Heure fixée à l’avance, ce qui vous permet de planifier à l’avance – habituellement (Eastern Time) de midi à 13 h (heure de l’Est) a Register at individual rate (for one individual person) or a Inscrivez-vous au tarif individuel (pour les personnes seules) ou au tarif institutional rate (groups of up to 25 people, participating from institutionnel (pour les groupes comptant jusqu’à 25 personnes et participant d’un up to 3 sites) maximum de trois emplacements) a Registrants receive access to recording and certificate of a Les personnes inscrites ont accès à l’enregistrement et à un certificat de présence attendance a Plus de 160 Webinaires – données probantes dans la pratique sur demande sont a Over 160 On-Demand Practice Evidence Webinars available – disponibles – l’accès est maintenant immédiat quand vous faites l’achat par access now immediate upon purchase from CAOT Store l’entremise de la boutique en ligne de l’ACE a CAOT Members and Associates save 50% a Les membres et les associés de l’ACE profitent d’une réduction de 50 % a Purchase a Practice Evidence Webinars bundle and save an a Achetez un forfait de Webinaires – données probantes dans la pratique et additional 20-75% off économisez entre 20 et 75 % de plus a Webinar FAQ provides answers to the most frequent questions aLa FAQ sur les Webinaires répond aux questions les plus fréquentes Individual rate Institutional rate Number of Practice Evidence Webinars (Purchased by CAOT Member or Associate) (Purchased by CAOT Member or Associate) Any 1 / Choix de 1 $50 $250 Any 5 / Choix de 5 $200 $1000 Any 10 / Choix de 10 $300 $1500 Any 15 / Choix de 15 $375 $1875 Annual upcoming pass/ Forfait annuel de $395 $1975 Webinaires à suivre Package of 40 (September 2015 to September 2016) / $395 $1975 Forfait de 40 (septembre 2015 à septembre 2016) Package of 90 (September 2012 to July 2015) / $495 $2475 Forfait de 90 (septembre 2012 à juillet 2015) Nombre de Webinaires – données probantes Tarif pour les individus Tarif pour les institutions dans la pratique (Acheté par un membre ou un Associé de l’ACE) (Acheté par un Membre ou un Associé de l’ACE) Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 3
Practice Evidence Webinars Webinaires – données probantes (PE) dans la pratique (PE) Visit for the detailed description Consultez pour la description complète and learning objectives of each Practice Evidence Webinar. Our Webinar FAQ et les objectifs d’apprentissage de chacun. Les réponses aux questions plus provides you with answers to the most frequent questions we receive. fréquentes se retrouvent dans notre FAQ. • Mar 6, 2018: Relationships in end-of-life care: An occupational perspective • Sep 25, 2018: Utilizing food skills group in mental health occupational therapy • Mar 13, 2018: Rehab and beyond: The integral role of occupational therapy across • Oct 09, 2018: A cultural competency model for occupational therapists working with the continuum of care with pediatric brain injury military and veteran families • Mar 20, 2018: Gender, sex and traumatic brain injury • Oct 16, 2018: Printing Like a Pro!: A free evidence-based resource to improve • Mar 27, 2018: Chronic conditions on-the-job: Inflammatory/autoimmune handwriting skills of elementary school children disorders • Oct 23, 2018: The use of computer-based cognitive training to improve everyday • April 3, 2018: Decision-making capacity assessment model function: What is the evidence? • April 17, 2018: From paper to practice: Clinical application of evidence-based • Oct 30, 2018: Sensory interventions for PTSD practice in seating and mobility • Nov 6, 2018: Leading change in your health care setting: Quality improvement primer • May 1, 2018: Arthritis and life hacks to tackle stigma • Nov 13, 2018: Environment as intervention: Evidence-based strategies to address • May 8, 2018: The occupation of sleep in pediatric occupational therapy: behaviour, perception, and falls in people with Alzheimer’s disease A family-centred approach • Nov 20, 2018: School-aged children with anxiety: Recognizing triggers and helping • May 15, 2018: The evolution of splinting: Non-traditional splint design the child develop a functional toolkit • May 22, 2018: An introduction to the BINI: Brain Injury Needs Indicator • Nov 27, 2018: Choosing coping strategies to promote engagement and recovery; an • May 29, 2018: Supporting families across the care continuum approach using Kolb’s adult learning model • Jun 5, 2018: There’s an app for that? Occupational therapy in a new era of mobile • Dec 4, 2018: Facilitating seamless transitions of adolescents with disabilities through technologies skill development • Jun 12, 2018: Innovative pacing and planning techniques following concussion/ mild traumatic brain injury • Dec 11, 2018: Occupational therapy approaches to anxiety with children and teens • Dec 18, 2018: Translating Clinical Practice into Real World Environments: Does What • Aug 7, 2018: Day camp intervention model for children with developmental We Teach Them Really Work? coordination disorder • Jan 15, 2019: Using mindfulness-based occupational therapy interventions with • Aug 14, 2018: Hospital based cognitive rehabilitation clients with chronic pain • Aug 21, 2018: Easing the strain of pain on the brain: Practical, evidence-informed • Jan 22, 2019: Driving assessment of clients taking medical marijuana strategies for teaching pain self-management skills to people with brain injuries • February 12, 2019: How can I address driving with my clients? Tips and resources from • Aug 28, 2018: Promoting cognitive vitality with seniors: Contribution of the a community of practice occupational therapist • Feb 19, 2019: Use of occupational performance models and frameworks by occupational therapists employed in strategic planning and policy environments • Sept 5, 2018: Vitalité cognitive des aînés • March 5, 2019: How to improve accessibility in Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ • Sept 11, 2018: Using an occupation and evidence-based approach to clients intervention for children with autism • April 16, 2019: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct Value in Promoting Sexual Health and • Sep 18,2018: Feeling stuck with your client: Navigating the therapeutic alliance Menstrual Hygiene Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 4
News & Resources Webinars Webinaires – ressources et nouvelles (N&R) (N&R) a Free access to information on projects, updates, resources and initiatives a Accès gratuit à des renseignements sur des projets, des mises à jour, des a Includes 10-15 minutes of Q&A ressources et des initiatives a CAOT Member exclusive a Incluent une période de questions et réponses durant de 10 à 15 minutes a Set time so you can plan ahead – typically 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. a Exclusif pour les membres de l’ACE (Eastern Time) a Heure fixée à l’avance, ce qui vous permet de planifier à l’avance – habituellement de midi à 13 h (heure de l’Est) a Recorded webinars, called On-Demand News & Resources Webinars, can be watched 24/7 a Webinaires enregistrés, nommés Webinaires – ressources et nouvelles sur demande, peuvent être visionnés en tout temps a Learning objectives and descriptions at a Objectifs d’apprentissage et descriptions à l’adresse a Webinar FAQ provides answers to the most frequent questions a La FAQ sur les Webinaires répond aux questions les plus fréquentes • Apr 11, 2018: CAOT-BC Mid-Year Update 2017-2018 (12:00 p.m. PT) Workshops (WS) Ateliers (WS) a 1- to 3-day live in-person events a Événements en personne d’une durée d’entre 1 et 3 jours a In-depth, evidence-informed and occupation-based information a Renseignements en profondeur basés sur les données probantes et a Practice hands-on skills, watch demonstrations, discuss case studies, ask l’occupation questions and network with other occupational therapists a Exercez des habiletés pratiques, regardez des démonstrations, discutez a Now with identified level of experience for target audience des études de cas, posez des questions et réseautez avec d’autres ergothérapeutes a CAOT Members save 33% on registration fees a Maintenant avec l’identification du niveau d’expérience pour le public ciblé a Workshop FAQ provides answers to the most frequent questions a Les membres de l’ACE économisent 33 % sur les tarifs d’inscription a Learning objectives and descriptions at a La FAQ sur les Webinaires répond aux questions les plus fréquentes a Add your name to the “other locations” survey at the bottom of Workshop a Objectifs d’apprentissage et descriptions à l’adresse webpages if you want to attend the Workshop in a different city a Ajoutez votre nom au sondage « autres emplacements » qui situe au bas des pages web des Ateliers si vous voudriez participer à l’atelier dans une autre ville Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 5
Workshops (WS) Ateliers (WS) Building the brain: A neurobiological approach to assessment and treatment Presented by Robin Harwell This two-day integrative, holistic workshop will provide you with a scientific and theoretical framework for assessment and treatment of ANY brain of ANY age. This workshop draws on the expansive brain-behavioral sciences to energize and empower any practice, demystifying the process of neuro-rehabilitation. These concepts and tools will be easily incorporated into your treatment setting. • October 19-20, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta • November 16-17, 2018 in Ottawa, Ontario • March 8-9, 2019 Metro Vancouver, British Columbia Childhood autism spectrum disorder: best practice Presented by Michèle L. Hébert, PhD This two-day interactive workshop is intended for occupational therapy professionals, researchers and OTAs interested in developmental disabilities and/or ASD best practice. • November 2-3, 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia • November 12-13, 2018 in GTA, Ontario Cognitive adaptation training introduction: Enhancing recovery in people with schizophrenia Presented by Raquel Williams and Joy-Ann Perry This two-day practical workshop will explore foundational knowledge of CAT principles, relevant assessment and evaluation tools. • December 6-7, 2018 in GTA, Ontario • April 4-5, 2019 in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia Cognitive behavioural therapy: Level 1 for occupational therapy Presented by Gord Hirano This two-day practical workshop is intended for occupational therapists who wish to understand what cog-nitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is and begin to use CBT approaches in their occupational therapy practice. • June 1-2, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta • September 14-15 in Burlington, Ontario Level 1 • September 17-18 in Burlington, Ontario • October 26-27, 2018 in Metro Vancouver, British Columbia • November 16-17, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta • March 22-23, 2019 in GTA, Ontario Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 6
Workshops (WS) Ateliers (WS) Cognitive behavioural therapy: Level 2 for occupational therapy Presented by Gord Hirano This two-day practical workshop is intended for occupational therapists who wish to further their cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) skills and increase their confidence in using CBT in their occupational therapy practice. • October 29-30, 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia Level 2 • November 19-20, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta • March 25-26, 2019 in GTA, Ontario Home modification and universal design: Advanced level for occupational therapists Presented by Kathy Pringle This one-day advanced workshop is intended for experienced occupational therapists who wish to further their knowledge and skills related to home modifications and universal design. • November 2, 2018 in GTA, ON • November 23, 2018 in Vancouver, BC Executive dysfunction: Improving the participation of adults with stroke and acquired brain injury Presented by Charlie Chung, PhD This one-day workshop will equip occupational therapists with skills to begin to profile executive function application in people with stroke and acquired brain injury during occupational performance. • August 23, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario • August 24, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario • August 27, 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia • August 28, 2018 in Vancouver, British Columbia • August 30, 2018 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan • August 31, 2018 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Anxiety interventions: Exposure therapy and relaxation skills training Presented by Randy Paterson This two-day interactive workshop equips occupational therapists with the fundaments to increase their competence and confidence in using two evidence-informed interventions for clients with anxiety: relaxation skills training and exposure therapy. • October 19-20, 2018 in Halifax, Nova Scotia • October 22-23, 2018 in Ottawa, Ontario Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 7
Workshops (WS) Ateliers (WS) Integrating occupational therapist assistants: Optimize outcomes (Online delivery) Presented by Heather Gillespie This one-day workshop is ideal for occupational therapists, OTAs and employers/managers in organiza-tions that wish to involve OTAs in the delivery of service in more appropriate and consistent ways. • October 15, 2018 in an online delivery Occupation and trauma: Expanding occupational therapy practice Presented by Megan Edgelow and Heidi Cramm, PhD This two-day workshop is intended for occupational therapists, OTAs and students in occupational therapy programs who work with adults with post-traumatic stress disorder or operational stress injury from any source. • May 3-4, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario Pediatric feeding and swallowing: Managing complex issues Presented by Sherna Marcus This one-day workshop is intended for occupational therapists who wish to further their knowledge and skills regarding different feeding and swallowing issues in infants and children. • June 1, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta Photo credit: Nicole Raftis • September 14, 2018 in Burlington, Ontario Sensory processing, trauma and attachment informed care Presented by Tina Champagne, OTD This two-day workshop will explore how sensory processing patterns are influenced by trauma, attach-ment, and mental health challenges and the impact on occupational participation. • April 20-21, 2018 in Mississauga, Ontario • May 11-12, 2018 in Halifax, Nova Scotia Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 8
Workshops (WS) Ateliers (WS) Substance use and misuse: Screening tools and interventions for occupational therapists Presented by Niki Kiepek, PhD This one-day workshop is intended for occupational therapists who wish to increase their capacity to select and use appropriate screening tools and interventions when working with adults who misuse substances or have a concurrent disorder. • March 19, 2018 in Leduc, Alberta • April 23, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario Very brief coaching skills for very busy professionals in healthcare Presented by Haesun Moon This one-day workshop is designed for very busy health professionals in a variety of practice settings who wish to incorporate brief evidence- based coaching strategies into their practice. • April 13, 2018 in Edmonton, Alberta • April 27, 2018 in Winnipeg, Manitoba • June 8, 2018 in Halifax, Nova Scotia Weaving mindfulness into clinical practice Presented by Patricia Dobkin The one- to two-day workshop is intended for occupational therapy healthcare professionals and students who want to enhance professional resiliency and to integrate mindfulness into their clinical practice. • March 16-17, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta • April 27-28, 2018 in Coquitlam, British Columbia Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 9
Conferences Conférences a Two- to three-day live in-person events a Événements en personne d’une durée de 2 à 3 jours a Learn the latest evidence and updates in a variety of occupational a Apprenez les toutes dernières données probantes et mises à jour dans therapy settings une variété de milieux ergothérapiques a Network with other occupational therapists a Réseautez avec d’autres ergothérapeutes a Ask questions a Posez des questions a Discounts for CAOT Members and Associates a Réductions pour les membres et les associés de l’ACE CAOT National Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia June 20 to 23, 2018 Congrès de l’ACE, Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique Du 20 au 23 juin 2018 Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 10
Mentorship On Demand Mentorat sur demande a Ideal program for new graduates, internationally educated occupational a Un programme idéal pour les personnes nouvellement diplômées, les therapists, or those who are entering a new area of practice ergothérapeutes formés à l’étranger ou ceux qui entrent dans un nouveau a Through a facilitated matching process, be paired with a mentor for a domaine de pratique period of 6 months to work towards your professional goals a Par l’entremise d’un processus d’appariement facilité, soyez apparié avec a Start the program and receive mentorship when you need it un mentor pendant une période de six mois pour travailler sur vos objectifs professionnels a Includes free resources a Commencez le programme et recevez du mentorat quand vous en avez a Exclusive to CAOT Members and Associates besoin a Program to be released during the 2017-2018 membership year a Inclut des ressources gratuites aTo sign up as a mentor, visit a Exclusif pour les membres et les associés de l’ACE a Programme à être lancé au cours de l’année d’adhésion 2017-2018 aPour vous inscrire en tant que mentor, visitez l’adresse Occupational Therapy Networks Réseaux en ergothérapie a Build capacity and network with other occupational therapists in a specific a Réseautez avec d’autres ergothérapeutes dans un domaine de pratique area of practice spécifique et mettez ce dernier en valeur a Exclusive and free for CAOT Members and Associates a Gratuit et exclusif pour les membres de l’ACE Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 11
Publications Publications a Assessment tools, workbooks, textbooks and other materials a Des outils d’évaluation, des guides, des manuels et d’autres outils a Affordable 24/7 access to in-depth information a Accès abordable à des renseignements en profondeur en tout temps a For your convenience, many publications are available in hard copy or a Plusieurs publications sont disponibles en copie papier ou en livre e-book formats électronique a CAOT Members and Associates save up to 25% off Publications a Les membres et les associés de l’ACE profitent de 25 % de réduction sur les publications Recent publications Publications récentes Acting Ethically? Recovery Education Program: Habiliter les enfants à l’occupation: Author: Marie-Josée Drolet For Inpatient Mental Health L’approche CO-OP Guider l’enfant dans Providers la découverte de stratégies cognitives pour améliorer son rendement Authors: Shu-Ping Chen and occupationel au quotidien Terry Krupa Auteurs : Helene J. Polatajko, Angela Mandich Periodicals Périodiques aAccess Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, Occupational Therapy Now aL’accès à la Revue canadienne d’ergothérapie, Actualités ergothérapiques et 11 and 11 international journals revues internationales aUpdates on research and clinical applications that you can access 24/7 to aDes mises à jour sur la recherche et les applications cliniques auxquelles enhance your evidence-based practice vous avez accès en tout temps pour rehausser votre pratique fondée sur les aFree for CAOT Members and Associates données probantes aGratuit pour les membres et les associés de l’ACE j a n uj a rnyv/i feer b/ fr éu va r iye r2 02 1081 8• •v ov loul m ume e2 02 0• •1 1 February 2013 80(1 ) février Dans ce numéro Lettre aux prochains finissants Christl Bradley Le jeu de bascule de la vie : La quête d’équilibre d’une assistante de l’ergothérapeute atteinte de sclérose en plaques Alanna Veitch Adopter une approche réflexive de l’éthique lorsque les familles manquent les rendez-vous de leur enfant en ergothérapie Michelle Phoenix, Laura Fischer, Kaitlyn ISSN: 0008-4174 Walsh et Cheryl Missiuna Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 12
Professional Development by Développement professionnel selon area of practice le champ de pratique To use this table of contents, please consult the areas of practice most pertinent Pour utiliser cette table des matières, veuillez consulter les champs de pratique to you for a list of Professional Development opportunities in chronological les plus pertinents à vous pour une liste des opportunités de Développement order. Please note that the Webinar and Workshops are offered in the language in professionnel en ordre chronologique. À noter que les Webinaires et les Ateliers which they were advertised. sont offerts dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été annoncés. Mental health / Santé mentale : CAOT-BC Networking & Education • PE: Occupational therapy • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: • PE: Choosing coping strategies to Day in Burnaby approaches to anxiety with children Navigating the therapeutic alliance promote engagement and recovery; • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: and teens • PE: Leading change in your health an approach using Kolb’s adult Level 1 for occupational therapy (Basic) • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: care setting: Quality improvement learning model • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: Navigating the therapeutic alliance primer • PE: The occupation of sleep in Level 2 for occupational therapy • PE: Hospital based cognitive • PE: How to improve accessibility in pediatric occupational therapy: A (Intermediate) rehabilitation Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ family-centred approach • WS: Weaving mindfulness into • WS: Working with clients with clients • WS: Sensory processing, trauma and clinical practice vision loss: Skills for all occupational • PE: Use of occupational performance attachment informed care • WS: Substance use and misuse: therapists models and frameworks by • WS: Childhood autism spectrum Screening tools and interventions for • PE: Utilizing food skills group in occupational therapists employed disorder: best practice occupational therapists mental health occupational therapy: in strategic planning and policy • PE: Occupational therapy • PE: Decision-making capacity Occupation in recovery environments approaches to anxiety with children assessment model • PE: Sensory interventions for PTSD and teens • WS: Occupation and trauma: Educators / Éducatrices ou • PE: How to improve accessibility in Expanding occupational therapy Cardiovascular and Respiratory/ éducateurs : Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ practice Cardiovasculaire et respiratoire • PE: Choosing coping strategies to clients • PE: There’s an app for that? promote engagement and recovery; • PE: Using mindfulness-based • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: Occupational therapy in a new era of an approach using Kolb’s adult occupational therapy interventions Navigating the therapeutic alliance mobile technologies learning model with clients with chronic pain • WS: Anxiety interventions: Exposure • PE: Therapeutic use of art: Evidence • PE: Translating clinical practice into • PE: Supporting families across the therapy and relaxation skills training and clinical guide real world environments: Does what care continuum we teach them really work? • PE: Supporting families across the • PE: Driving assessment of clients • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: care continuum taking medical marijuana • PE: How to improve accessibility in Navigating the therapeutic alliance Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ • WS: Integrating occupational • PE: Using mindfulness-based • PE: Leading change in your health clients therapist assistants: Optimize occupational therapy interventions care setting: Quality improvement outcomes with clients with chronic pain • PE: An introduction to the BINI : primer Brain Injury Needs Indicator • PE: Innovative pacing and planning CAOT National Conference in techniques following concussion/ Vancouver, British Columbia from • PE: Supporting families across the Service Administration / care continuum mild traumatic brain injury June 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à Vancouver, Colombie- Administration de service : • WS: Very brief coaching skills for • WS: Childhood autism spectrum Britannique du 20 au 23 juin 2018 • PE: Supporting families across the disorder: best practice very busy professionals in healthcare care continuum Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 13
• WS: Home modification and Cognitive / Cognitif : • PE: There’s an app for that? • PE: The occupation of sleep in universal design: Advanced level for • WS: Home modification and Occupational therapy in a new era of pediatric occupational therapy: A occupational therapists universal design: Advanced level for mobile technologies family-centred approach • PE: A cultural competency model for occupational therapists • PE: Innovative pacing and planning • PE: Leading change in your health occupational therapists working with • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: techniques following concussion/mild care setting: Quality improvement military and veteran families Level 1 for occupational therapy traumatic brain injury primer • PE: Printing Like a Pro!: A free (basic) • PE: Easing the pain on the brain: • PE: There’s an app for that? evidence-based resource to improve • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: evidence informed strategies for self- Occupational therapy in a new era of handwriting skills of elementary Level 2 for occupational therapy management skills mobile technologies school children (intermediate) • PE: Feeling stuck with your client” • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: • PE: Leading change in your health • WS: Sensory processing, trauma and navigating the therapeutic alliance Inflammatory/autoimmune disorders care setting: Quality improvement attachment informed care • PE: Utilizing food skills group in • WS: Home modification and primer mental health occupational therapy: • WS: Very Brief Coaching Skills for Very universal design: Advanced level for • PE: Environment as intervention: Busy Professionals in Healthcare Occupation in recovery occupational therapists Evidence-based strategies to address • PE: Leading change in your health • WS: Occupation and Trauma: • PE: The occupation of sleep in behaviour, perception, and falls in care setting: Quality improvement Expanding Occupational Therapy pediatric occupational therapy: A people with Alzheimer’s disease Practice primer family-centred approach • PE: Facilitating seamless transitions of • PE: CAOT- Rehab and beyond: The • PE: Environment as intervention: • CAOT National Conference in adolescents with disabilities through integral role of occupational therapy Evidence-based strategies to address Vancouver, British Columbia from June skill development across the continuum of care with behaviour, perception, and falls in 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • PE: Use of occupational performance pediatric brain injury people with Alzheimer’s disease Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du models and frameworks by 20 au 23 juin 2018 • PE: Decision-making capacity • PE: Facilitating seamless transitions of occupational therapists employed assessment model adolescents with disabilities through • WS: Childhood autism spectrum in strategic planning and policy skill development disorder: best practice environments • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: Working with families to support • CAOT National Conference in • PE: Driving assessment of clients people with responsive behaviours in Vancouver, British Columbia from June taking medical marijuana Client Service Management / mid-late stage dementia (Part 1) 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • WS: Executive dysfunction: Improving Gestion du service à la clientèle : • PE: How to improve accessibility in Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du the participation of adults with stroke • PE: How to improve accessibility in and acquired brain injury Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ 20 au 23 juin 2018 Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ clients • PE: How can I address driving with • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: clients • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: my clients? Tips and resources from a Navigating the therapeutic alliance • PE: An introduction to the BINI : Brain Working with families to support community of practice Injury Needs Indicator • WS: Working with clients with people with responsive behaviours in • PE: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct vision loss: Skills for all occupational • PE: Leading change in your health mid-late stage dementia (Part 2) Value in Promoting Sexual Health and therapists care setting: Quality improvement • PE: Using mindfulness-based Menstrual Hygiene primer • PE: How can I address driving with occupational therapy interventions my clients? Tips and resources from a • PE: Use of occupational performance with clients with chronic pain Neurological and community of practice models and frameworks by • PE: Driving assessment of clients neuromuscular / Système occupational therapists employed • PE: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct taking medical marijuana neurologique et neuromusculaire : Value in Promoting Sexual Health and in strategic planning and policy • PE: Hospital based cognitive • PE: Translating clinical practice into Menstrual Hygiene environments rehabilitation real world environments: Does what we teach them really work? • PE: Arthritis and life hacks to tackle stigma • PE: Arthritis and life hacks to tackle stigma Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 14
Musculoskeletal / Système • PE: From paper to practice: Clinical mobile technologies • PE: CAOT - Innovative pacing and musculo-skelettique : application of evidence-based practice • CAOT National Conference in planning techniques following in seating and mobility Vancouver, British Columbia from June concussion/mild traumatic brain injury • PE: Translating clinical practice into real world environments: Does what we • PE: Arthritis: products and life hacks 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • PE: There’s an app for that? teach them really work? • PE: Hospital based cognitive Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du Occupational therapy in a new era of 20 au 23 juin 2018 mobile technologies • PE: Choosing coping strategies to rehabilitation promote engagement and recovery; an • WS: Working with clients with • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: • WS: Driving assessment of clients approach using Kolb’s adult learning vision loss: Skills for all occupational Level 1 for occupational therapy (basic) taking medical marijuana model therapists • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: • WS: Occupation and trauma: • WS: Best practice chronic pain Level 2 for occupational therapy Expanding occupational therapy General physical health / Santé management and assessment for (intermediate) practice occupational therapists physique générale : • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical • PE: Leading change in your health care • WS: Home modification and • PE: Translating clinical practice into real practice setting: Quality improvement primer universal design: Advanced level for world environments: Does what we • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: occupational therapists • PE: There’s an app for that? teach them really work? inflammatory/autoimmune disorders Occupational therapy in a new era of • PE: The occupation of sleep in pediatric • PE: Choosing coping strategies to • PE: From paper to practice: Clinical mobile technologies occupational therapy: A family-centred promote engagement and recovery; an application of evidence-based practice approach • CAOT National Conference in approach using Kolb’s adult learning in seating and mobility Vancouver, British Columbia from June model • PE: Pressure management 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • WS: Occupation and trauma: • WS: Best practice chronic pain Expanding occupational therapy • PE: Driving assessment of clients Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du management and assessment for practice taking medical marijuana 20 au 23 juin 2018 occupational therapists • PE: The evolution of splinting: Non- • PE: Hospital based cognitive • PE: There’s an app for that? • PE: Pressure management Occupational therapy in a new era of traditional splint design rehabilitation • PE: Driving assessment of clients mobile technologies • PE: Using mindfulness-based • WS: Working with clients with taking medical marijuana • CAOT National Conference in occupational therapy interventions vision loss: Skills for all occupational with clients with chronic pain therapists • PE: How to improve accessibility in Vancouver, British Columbia from June Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • WS: Driver screening: Increasing • PE: “Feeling stuck with your client” clients Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du occupational therapy competency and navigating the therapeutic alliance confidence • WS: Driver screening: Increasing 20 au 23 juin 2018 occupational therapy competency and • PE: Easing the strain of pain on the • WS: Integrating occupational therapist Digestive, metabolic, and confidence brain: Practical, evidence-informed assistants: Optimize outcomes endocrine / Système digestif, • WS: Integrating occupational therapist strategies for teaching pain self- • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very métabolique et endocrinien : assistants: Optimize outcomes management skills to people with busy professionals in healthcare • PE: “Feeling stuck with your client” brain injuries navigating the therapeutic alliance • WS: Very Brief Coaching Skills for Very • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: • WS: Working with clients with Busy Professionals in Healthcare Level 1 for occupational therapy (basic) • WS: Integrating occupational therapist vision loss: Skills for all occupational assistants: Optimize outcomes • PE: Visual impairment and home • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: therapists environment Level 2 for occupational therapy • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: • PE: How can I address driving with (intermediate) • PE: Hospital based cognitive inflammatory/autoimmune disorders my clients? Tips and resources from a • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical rehabilitation community of practice • WS: Pediatric feeding and swallowing: practice Managing complex issues • PE: Using mindfulness-based • PE: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: occupational therapy interventions Value in Promoting Sexual Health and • PE: There’s an app for that? with clients with chronic pain inflammatory/autoimmune disorders Occupational therapy in a new era of Menstrual Hygiene Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 15
Vocational rehabilitation / • PE: There’s an app for that? • PE: How to improve accessibility in Navigating the therapeutic alliance Réadaptation professionnelle : Occupational therapy in a new era of Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ • PE: Utilizing food skills group in mobile technologies clients mental health occupational therapy: • PE: Choosing coping strategies to promote engagement and recovery; • CAOT National Conference in • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: Occupation in recovery an approach using Kolb’s adult Vancouver, British Columbia from June Working with families to support • PE: A cultural competency model for learning model 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à people with responsive behaviours in occupational therapists working with Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du mid-late stage dementia (Part 2) military and Veteran families • PE: A mindful occupational therapy practice 20 au 23 juin 2018 • PE: Supporting caregivers across the • PE: Sensory interventions for PTSD • WS: Working with clients with care continuum • WS: Best practice chronic pain • PE: Leading change in your health care management and assessment for vision loss: Skills for all occupational • CAOT National Conference in setting: Quality improvement primer occupational therapists therapists Vancouver, British Columbia from June 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à • PE: Facilitating seamless transitions of • WS: Driver screening: Increasing • PE: Leading change in your health care Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du adolescents with disabilities through occupational therapy competency and setting: Quality improvement primer skill development confidence • PE: Feeling stuck with your client” 20 au 23 juin 2018 • WS: Substance use and misuse: • WS: Integrating occupational therapist navigating the therapeutic alliance • WS: Working with clients with Screening tools and interventions for assistants: Optimize outcomes vision loss: Skills for all occupational occupational therapists Palliative and end-of-life care / Soins therapists • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very • PE: How can I address driving with busy professionals in healthcare palliatifs et soins de fin de vie : • PE: “Feeling stuck with your client” my clients? Tips and resources from a • PE: A mindful occupational therapy navigating the therapeutic alliance • PE: How to improve accessibility in community of practice Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ practice • PE: Decision-making capacity • PE: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct clients • WS: Integrating occupational therapist assessment model Value in Promoting Sexual Health and • PE: Personal factors and types of assistants: Optimize outcomes Menstrual Hygiene physical tasks in workplace injury • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very Health Promotion and Wellness / • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: busy professionals in healthcare Promotion de la santé et du Level 1 for occupational therapy (basic) • PE: Occupational therapy’s role in bien-être • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: facilitating aging in place for clients • PE: Translating clinical practice into Level 2 for occupational therapy with advanced dementia real world environments: Does what (intermediate) • PE: Using mindfulness-based we teach them really work? • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical occupational therapy interventions • PE: Choosing coping strategies to practice with clients with chronic pain promote engagement and recovery; • PE: Driving assessment of clients an approach using Kolb’s adult • PE: Work-related traumatic brain injury taking medical marijuana learning model • PE: Using mindfulness-based • PE: Relationships in end-of-life care: An • PE: Arthritis and life hacks to tackle occupational therapy interventions occupational perspective stigma with clients with chronic pain • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical • PE: The occupation of sleep in • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: practice pediatric occupational therapy: A inflammatory/autoimmune disorders family-centred approach • WS: Occupation and trauma: • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: Working with families to support • PE: Innovative pacing and planning Expanding occupational therapy people with responsive behaviours in techniques following concussion/mild practice mid-late stage dementia (Part 1) traumatic brain injury • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 16
Professional Development by Développement professionnel client age selon l’âge des clients To use this table of contents, please consult the client ages most pertinent Pour utiliser cette table des matières, veuillez consulter les âges des clients to your practice for a list of Professional Development opportunities in les plus pertinents à votre pratique pour une liste des opportunités de chronological order. Don’t forget to consult the “Supporting your practice” Développement professionnel en ordre chronologique. N’oubliez pas section for additional resources. Please note that the Webinars and Workshops de consulter la section « Soutenir votre pratique » pour des ressources are offered in the language in which they were advertised. supplémentaires. À noter que les Webinaires et les Ateliers sont offerts dans la langue dans laquelle ils ont été annoncés. Young children (0 - 4 years) / • PE: Supporting caregivers across the • PE: Alternative driving methods for • PE: Occupation focus with children Enfants jeunes (0 à 4 ans) : care continuum people with muscle weakness with autism • PE: Translating clinical practice into • PE: There’s an app for that? • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very • PE: School-aged children with anxiety: real world environments: Does what Occupational therapy in a new era of busy professionals in healthcare Recognizing triggers and helping the we teach them really work? mobile technologies • PE: Rehab and beyond: The integral child develop a functional toolkit • PE: A mindful occupational therapy CAOT National Conference in role of occupational therapy across • PE: Printing Like a Pro!: A free practice Vancouver, British Columbia from June the continuum of care with pediatric evidence-based resource to improve 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à brain injury handwriting skills of elementary • PE: Occupational therapy approaches Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du • PE: From paper to practice: Clinical school children to anxiety with children and teens 20 au 23 juin 2018 application of evidence-based • PE: Day camp intervention model • PE: Em-POWERment: Power mobility • PE: Occupational therapy approaches practice in seating and mobility for children with developmental training methods for children and to anxiety with children and teens • PE: Sleep interventions with children coordination disorder adolescents with multiple severe disabilities • PE: Occupation focus with children • PE: The evolution of splinting: Non- • PE: Occupational therapy approaches with autism traditional splint design to anxiety with children and teens • PE: Alternative driving methods for people with muscle weakness • WS: Childhood autism spectrum • PE: Supporting caregivers across the • WS: Childhood autism spectrum disorder: best practice care continuum disorder: best practice • WS: Integrating occupational therapist assistants: Optimize • WS: Home modification and • WS: Pediatric feeding and swallowing: outcomes universal design: Advanced level for Managing complex issues Adolescents (13 - 19 years) / occupational therapists Adolescents (13 à 19 ans) : • PE: Rehab and beyond: The integral • WS: Home modification and role of occupational therapy across universal design: Advanced level for • PE: Translating clinical practice into the continuum of care with pediatric School age children (5 - 12 years) / occupational therapists real world environments: Does what brain injury Enfants d’âge scolaire (5 à 12 ans) : we teach them really work? • PE: There’s an app for that? • PE: Sleep interventions with children • PE: Translating clinical practice into Occupational therapy in a new era of • PE: A mindful occupational therapy real world environments: Does what mobile technologies practice • PE: The evolution of splinting: Non- we teach them really work? • PE: The International Dysphagia Diet traditional splint design CAOT National Conference in • PE: A mindful occupational therapy Vancouver, British Columbia from June Standardisation Initiative: A common • WS: Pediatric feeding and swallowing: practice 20 to 23, 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à language to benefit those with eating, Managing complex issues • WS: Sensory processing, trauma and Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique du drinking and swallowing difficulties • PE: How to improve accessibility in attachment informed care 20 au 23 juin 2018 • WS: Home modification and Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ • WS: Anxiety interventions: Exposure • PE: How to improve accessibility in universal design: Advanced level for clients therapy and relaxation skills training Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ occupational therapists clients Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 17
• WS: Sensory processing, trauma and • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: • PE: Gender, sex and traumatic brain • PE: Decision-making capacity attachment informed care Navigating the therapeutic alliance injury assessment model • WS: Anxiety interventions: Exposure • PE: Occupational therapy approaches to • PE: Assessing functional cognition • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: therapy and relaxation skills training anxiety with children and teens • WS: Best practice chronic pain Working with families to support people • WS: Best practice chronic pain • PE: School-aged children with anxiety: management and assessment for with responsive behaviours in mid-late management and assessment for Recognizing triggers and helping the occupational therapists stage dementia (Part 1) occupational therapists child develop a functional toolkit • PE: Pressure management • PE: From paper to practice: Clinical • WS: Integrating occupational therapist • PE: Printing Like a Pro!: A free evidence- application of evidence-based practice • PE: An introduction to the BINI : Brain in seating and mobility assistants: Optimize outcomes based resource to improve handwriting Injury Needs Indicator • PE: Facilitating seamless transitions of skills of elementary school children • PE: Dealing with dementia every day: • WS: Home modification and universal Working with families to support people adolescents with disabilities through • WS: Working with clients with vision design: Advanced level for occupational skill development loss: Skills for all occupational therapists with responsive behaviours in mid-late therapists stage dementia (Part 2) • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very • PE: Utilizing food skills group in • WS: Driver screening: Increasing busy professionals in healthcare mental health occupational therapy: • PE: Hospital based cognitive occupational therapy competency and rehabilitation • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: Occupation in recovery confidence Level 1 for occupational therapy (Basic) • PE: Using mindfulness-based • PE: Arthritis: products and life hacks • WS: Integrating occupational therapist • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: occupational therapy interventions with assistants: Optimize outcomes • WS: Occupation and trauma: Expanding Level 2 for occupational therapy clients with chronic pain occupational therapy practice • WS: Very brief coaching skills for very (Intermediate) • WS: Childhood autism spectrum busy professionals in healthcare • PE: The evolution of splinting: Non- • PE: Rehab and beyond: The integral disorder: best practice traditional splint design • PE: Innovative pacing and planning role of occupational therapy across the • PE: Occupational Therapy’s Distinct techniques following concussion/mild • PE: Supporting caregivers across the continuum of care with pediatric brain Value in Promoting Sexual Health and traumatic brain injury care continuum injury Menstrual Hygiene • PE: There’s an app for that? Occupational • PE: Personal factors and types of • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical physical tasks in workplace injury therapy in a new era of mobile practice technologies Adults (20 - 64 years) / Adultes • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: • PE: Decision-making capacity (20 à 64 ans) : Level 1 for occupational therapy (Basic) • PE: Therapeutic use of art: Evidence and assessment model clinical guide • PE: Translating clinical practice into real • WS: Cognitive behavioural therapy: • PE: From paper to practice: Clinical world environments: Does what we Level 2 for occupational therapy CAOT National Conference in Vancouver, application of evidence-based practice teach them really work? (Intermediate) British Columbia from June 20 to 23, in seating and mobility 2018 / Congrès de l’ACE à Vancouver, • PE: Choosing coping strategies to • PE: Relationships in end-of-life care: An Colombie-Britannique du 20 au 23 juin • PE: The evolution of splinting: Non- promote engagement and recovery; an occupational perspective traditional splint design 2018 approach using Kolb’s adult learning • WS: Weaving mindfulness into clinical • PE: Supporting caregivers across the • PE: Easing the strain of pain on the model practice care continuum brain: Practical, evidence-informed • PE: A mindful occupational therapy • PE: Using mindfulness-based strategies for teaching pain self- • PE: There’s an app for that? Occupational practice occupational therapy interventions with management skills to people with brain therapy in a new era of mobile clients with chronic pain injuries • PE: How to improve accessibility in technologies Canadian Health Care for LGBT2Q+ • WS: Substance use and misuse: • WS: Executive dysfunction: Improving • PE: Therapeutic use of art: Evidence and clients Screening tools and interventions for the participation of adults with stroke clinical guide occupational therapists and acquired brain injury • WS: Sensory processing, trauma and • PE: Occupational therapy approaches to attachment informed care • PE: Work-related traumatic brain injury • PE: Feeling stuck with your client: anxiety with children and teens Navigating the therapeutic alliance • WS: Anxiety interventions: Exposure • PE: Chronic conditions on-the-job: therapy and relaxation skills training inflammatory/autoimmune disorders Professional Development by service | Développement professionnel selon le service 18
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