La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
Articles in Bahasa Indonesia, English, French, German and Spanish                                        APRIL 2020

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail
de la CMER et de ses membres

         « On t’a fait connaître,
     homme, ce qui est bien et ce
    que l’Eternel demande de toi:
       c’est que tu mettes en pra-
    tique le droit,que tu aimes la
    bonté et que tu marches hum-
      blement avec ton Dieu. »
       — Michée 6:8 (Segond 21)

            ans cette situation sans    énergiques prises pour ralentir la pro-   publié des dizaines d’articles au cours
            précédent et en rapide      pagation du virus afin de mieux           des dernières semaines.
            évolution, la Communion     prendre soin des personnes                    Bien entendu, les conditions ne
            mondiale d’Églises réfor-   atteintes. »                              sont plus réunies pour permettre au
mées (CMER) tient ses engagements           « Il est navrant de constater que     Comité exécutif de la CMR de se
en tant que Koinonia mondiale           les réunions de culte ont été suspen-     réunir en Afrique du Sud pour sa
marquée par le discernement, la con-    dues dans de nombreux endroits et         réunion annuelle en mai. En raison
fession, le témoignage et la réforme                                              de cette situation toujours imprévi-
                                        néanmoins encourageant que tant de
commune. Vivre l’appel que Dieu                                                   sible, il est également difficile de
                                        personnes cherchent des moyens
nous adresse en tant que famille                                                  fixer une date pour une réunion en
                                        d’être fidèles à l’amour de Dieu et du
chrétienne mondiale «appelée à la                                                 2020.
                                        prochain, même en restant chez elles          Les églises hôtes sud-africaines
communion, engagée dans la justice»
                                        et en limitant leurs déplacements et      ont indiqué qu’elles accueilleraient
nous conduit d’abord à nous tourner
                                        leurs contacts sociaux, » constate la     volontiers le Comité exécutif en mai
vers Dieu qui est notre espérance et
                                        lettre.                                   2021, et des projets sont déjà en
notre fondement.
    « La pandémie du coronavirus            Des centaines de communautés          cours dans ce sens. Les responsables
touche le monde entier, et nous         dans les églises membres sont passées     de la CMER ont prévu une réunion
sommes tous touchés par son             à des services de culte en ligne, en      en novembre, et tenteront de se ren-
impact, » dit une lettre de la prési-   utilisant des outils tels que Facebook    contrer en face à face à une date plus
dente Najla Kassab et du secrétaire     live, Zoom et YouTube. Le Conseil         rapprochée si possible. Ils continue-
                                        de la zone Caraïbes et Amérique du        ront également à se réunir régulière-
général Chris Ferguson adressée à
                                        Nord (CANAAC) a mis en ligne sur          ment de manière virtuelle, en restant
toutes les églises membres de la
                                        son site web ( une         en contact étroit avec le secrétariat
CMER. « Nos églises et nos orga-
                                        page contenant des conseils des           général. Le travail programmatique
nismes régionaux répondent aux
                                                                                  et administratif de la CMER se
besoins de leurs membres, tant spiri-   églises membres, tandis que le bulle-
tuellement que physiquement, et         tin hebdomadaire de la CMER inti-
cherchent à coopérer avec les mesures   tulé « Member Churches News » a                                 suite à la page 3
La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
APRIL 2020                                                                                Reformed Communiqué

                      WCRC members respond
                      Member churches are responding to the pandemic.
                      Here are but a few stories (more can be found online at

Chaplains are on the front lines

             s the world trembles          choosing which patients to treat           ing fine today, though. Should I have
             in fear because of the        aggressively and which ones not to.        dinner with friends? What if I pick
             COVID-19 virus, Chris-            “Chaplains bring unique expertise      the virus up at work and bring it to
             tian Reformed Church in       to an ethics committee. Chaplains          friends? And vice versa. I’m sure I’m
North America (CRC) chaplains are          are trained to see the work of God in      not the only one hearing and facing
on the front lines in hospitals, clinics   all circumstances,” said Roelofs.          these questions daily, so I just wanted
and hospice-care centers.                  “When they sit on an ethics commit-        to share and offer up a prayer for all
    Also during this time, chaplains       tee, they broaden the picture.”            of us—for compassionate presence,
are serving in the military and in             In recent days, Roelofs has been       for wise decisions, for health and
many businesses.                           receiving stories from the field, giv-     safety in these challenging times.”
    “Our chaplains are specially           ing insight into the challenges chap-
trained, called, and ordained by the       lains are now facing. These stories        Lloyd Wicker, U.S. Navy
church, and sent by Jesus Christ to        portray some of the hardships              chaplain,Naval Air Station,
provide spiritual care to people in        involved in working in hospitals that      Sigonella, Italy
pain or in spiritual distress,” said       are urgently trying to navigate the        “Please continue to pray for Italy.
Sarah Roelofs, director of the CRC’s       virus crisis. They also speak of habits    Three weeks ago we had three cases.
Chaplaincy and Care office.                and practices that keep them close to      Today we have just under 54,000.
    “We have answered the call to          God as they work in the military           Just today we added nearly 6,557
minister in places and locations that      and in various other settings.             newly confirmed cases (793 died
are unsafe because we have been                Here are a few of those stories:       today). Most of the dead are elderly.
equipped and trained. The spiritual                                                   Hospitals are overwhelmed and
need is great. …We encounter and           Karen Norris, chaplain at
                                                                                      forced to turn away patients they
minister to people who are isolated        Stollery Children’s Hospital,
                                                                                      deem less likely to survive so that
from God and others as they strug-         Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
                                                                                      they can use their limited resources
gle emotionally, mentally, physically,     “In dealing with COVID-19, my              on those they think they can save.
and spiritually. We seek to provide        province went from our first uncon-        As a friend of mine said, ‘It may
care that encompases all of the            firmed case to 22/23 confirmed cases       seem like no big deal until it’s your
dimensions of wellness.”                   in a week. Two of my six colleagues        parents or grandparents getting
    Currently, Roelofs said, many          are in self-isolation for 14 days, one     turned away at the hospital.’ A week
chaplains are seeing the heartbreak-       for COVID-like symptoms and                ago I was one who leaned ignorantly
ing and disastrous effects of              another due to returning from              toward the notion that ‘This is just a
COVID-19 in their communities.             another country. So one-third of our       bad flu’—clearly that is not our real-
“They are experiencing firsthand the       team is missing. …A family I’ve fol-       ity. Being slow to act has had a great
immense strain on the already              lowed as an inpatient for nine             cost. This is by no means a call to
stressed medical system. Staffing in       months gave me a hug on discharge          panic…but it certainly is a call to
hospitals is lower as staff members        day, and I internally winced. Then,        PRAY. Clearing out your grocery
must self-quarantine,” she said.           as I was visiting with a newer family,     store doesn’t make a lot of sense…
    Adding to their work, many chap-       they acknowledged their fear of the        but it would be a good time to stop
lains also serve on hospital ethics        virus getting into the hospital, and I     diminishing the situation and com-
committees that are discussing how         realized I was sitting close to them       plaining about the inconveniences of
best to use health-care resources          and that that might have made them         events being canceled. Nothing
when, as many news outlets are             uncomfortable. I want to do my job,        should make you happier than being
reporting, rationing of these resourc-     but I also want to keep patients safe.     able to look back someday and say
es becomes necessary. This can             Because I had a scratchy throat, I did     your leaders overreacted by imposing
involve agonizing decisions about          not visit patients yesterday. I am feel-   safety measures.”

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
Reformed Communiqué                                                                                  APRIL 2020

Albert Kae, substance-abuse                unit now has to take place over the       La pandémie modifie:
program chaplain, Los                      phone or computer. I also need to         suite de la page 1
Angeles (California, USA)                  check in with people who work for
Union Mission                              me, and I need to listen to and pray
                                           for them. The role of the chaplain is
“Our mission is very busy right now        to be calm in a very anxious time. I
because we are the only mission open       know the virus is here at the mission,
here on skid row. The most vulnerable      but I take precautions. When I go
of people are right outside our doors.     home at night, I wash my clothes and      poursuit, mais aussi sous forme
How can we turn them away? Fortu-          take a shower before I go in to greet     électronique.
nately we have a public health clinic
inside the mission that can respond to
                                           my wife.” •                                   « Alors même que ce
                                                                 —Chris Meehan,      monde, déjà tombé entre les
them. A lot of the counseling I have                        CRC Communications       mains des voleurs, est en pleine
with those living on the addiction                                                   période de perturbation mar-
                                                                                     quée par une pandémie en pro-
                                                                                     gression, la CMER comprend
Presbyterian Church of Ghana                                                         que Dieu est à l’œuvre et que
                                                                                     nous devons être fidèles à son
provides support for                                                                 appel, » exprime la lettre.
                                                                                     « Nous devons être particuliè-
coronavirus medical team                                                             rement vigilants en cette
                                                                                     période de crise pour protéger
                                                                                     les pauvres et les faibles, pour

                                                                                     promouvoir la cause de la jus-
           he Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) has decided to provide lunch
                                                                                     tice et veiller à ce que l’injus-
           every day for one hundred medical staff working at the three designated
                                                                                     tice ne soit pas commise. »
           health centres managing coronavirus/COVID-19 cases in the country.
                                                                                         La CMER fait ceci parce
              The health centres are the Greater Accra Regional Hospital (Ridge
                                                                                     que nous « croyons que Dieu
Hospital) Tema General Hospital, and the Ga East Government Hospital.
                                                                                     est un Dieu de justice. Dans
    The intervention by the PCG is aimed at supporting the government’s efforts
                                                                                     un monde de corruption, d’ex-
to control and manage the spread of the virus in Ghana, which has recorded 68
                                                                                     ploitation et d’avidité, Dieu est
cases and two deaths.
                                                                                     d’une manière particulière le
    The moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana,
                                                                                     Dieu des indigents, des
Joseph Obiri Yeboah Mante presented the first lunch on behalf of the PCG to the
                                                                                     pauvres, des exploités, des
medical staff at the Ridge Hospital in Accra.
                                                                                     injustes et des maltraités
    He also presented 30 boxes of Salem Mineral Water produced by the PCG
                                                                                     (Psaume 146, 7-9) » comme le
and 30 cartons of soft drinks to the medical staff.                                  souligne la Confession d’Accra.
    The items were received by the Greater Accra Regional Director of Health Ser-        « Nous devrions tous com-
vices, Charity Sarpong, during a brief ceremony in Accra.                            prendre que nous ne faisons
    Mante said the church has recognized the invaluable contributions of the med-    pas cela seuls, mais avec l’aide
ical staff working hard to ensure that the coronavirus does not spread; hence the    de Dieu et le soutien de toute
decision to provide them with lunch to motivate them to continue to work for the     la Communion. Nous devons
nation.                                                                              nous soutenir mutuellement
    He also said the PCG, which is one of the largest denominations in the coun-     dans la prière et accroître nos
try, has been following the challenges confronting the nation in the wake of the     efforts pour être en contact les
coronavirus pandemic.                                                                uns avec les autres, par une
    The moderator urged all and sundry to adhere to the recommended safety           communication forte et le par-
measures put in place by the Ghana Health Service and other health experts.          tage des défis et des besoins -
    Sarpong thanked the PCG for the timely gesture and said it would go a long       ainsi que de l’inspiration, » dit
way to motivate the health workers.                                                  la lettre. « Restons tous en
    She also assured the church that they would continue to work hard to ensure      contact étroit, nous soutenant
that the virus does not spread and those who have already contracted the virus       mutuellement dans la prière et
would also be well managed so as to recover.                                         l’action et en servant les autres
    She urged other institutions and organizations to come and support in diverse    pour la gloire de Dieu. » •
ways to make the fight against the spread of the virus successful.
                                      —George Larbi, Presbyterian Church of Ghana

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
APRIL 2020                                                                             Reformed Communiqué

Parking lot church
First Presbyterian Church of Verona, New Jersey, worshiped drive-in style on Sunday

             s she pondered how          ed in their vehicles. The pastor, who     She didn’t know that I was trying to
             to lead worship while       played classical violin in her previous   imagine something like a drive-in
             keeping the safety of       career, accompanied a pair of singers     church, though I was stuck on the
             congregants who may be      in hymns.                                 technology question of how to get
affected by COVID-19 uppermost               “On Sunday morning, I had the         sound into the cars,” Rubier-Capron
in her mind, Lynn Rubier-Capron          sense that congregants were excited,”     said. Hathaway’s encouragement
remembered her childhood, when           said Rubier-Capron. “Some unex-           “helped me step into the idea and
she used to see movies at the drive-     pected people came. One is in the         look for solutions.”
in.                                      at-risk population. She was devas-            Rubier-Capron preached on a
    Would that model work for the        tated when she heard we wouldn’t          familiar epistle passage— 1 Corin-
50-60 people who normally worship        have church” in the sanctuary.            thians 13:1-13 , “The Gift of Love,”
at the 126-year-old First Presbyterian       Liz Hathaway, First Presbyterian      which Paul concludes by mentioning
Church of Verona, New Jersey, USA?       Church’s education facilitator, live-     faith, hope and love.
    It turns out it worked quite well.   streamed worship after having spread          On faith, Rubier-Capron told
    On Sunday, 15 March, about a         the word about parking lot church         worshipers this: “When we name our
dozen cars pulled into the church                                                  fear we discover that is not the whole
                                         via social media beforehand. Wor-
parking lot as they normally would                                                 of who we are. The challenge we face
                                         shipers passed the peace by simply
                                                                                   is real. But suddenly we have access
on a Sunday morning. But this time,      rolling their car windows down a bit
                                                                                   again to a large perspective,” faith in
drivers and passengers stayed in their   more to wave to their neighbors.
                                                                                   the “God who created us, God who
vehicles and cracked a window as             Rubier-Capron credited Hatha-
                                                                                   redeems us and God who sustains
they prepared their hearts and minds     way’s insight and creativity for mak-
to worship God.                          ing the church’s initial foray into           On hope, she discussed the walk
    Rubier-Capron and the worship        parking lot worship successful. “She      in the park she’d taken the day
team used a portable microphone          was thinking of drive-through             before as a break from sermon prepa-
and speaker to reach worshipers seat-    church and texted me with the idea.       ration. “I walk in the park a lot,” she
                                                                                   said. “For the first time, I saw entire
                                                                                   families out walking with the chil-
    Taiwan effectively addresses virus                                             dren and their pets together. This
    Excluded from the World Health Organization and having learned hard            enlivened my hope—God is redeem-
    lessons from past epidemics that originated in China, the Taiwanese            ing all things and God will redeem
    government responded quickly to the rise of COVID-19 and is now seen
                                                                                   this situation as well. I have already
    as an effective example in containing the virus.
                                                                                   seen signs of it, like (Saturday) in the
    The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) did its part by following guide-       park.”
    lines from the Taiwan Center for Disease Control.                                  Then there’s love: “We are social
    The PCT suspended the work of churches in shared buildings and severe-         distancing as an act of love,” she
    ly restricted the activities and numbers able to gather in independent         said, “love for our neighbour, whom
    buildings. Face-to-face Easter services were suspended entirely and            we don’t want to become ill; love of
    many churches moved to online worship.
                                                                                   ourselves; and love of our society,
    Worship services were streamlined, eliminating choirs, shortening hymns        which needs time to shore up our
    and inviting members to put their offerings in bags by themselves.             medical responses to the unique
    Doors and windows were fully opened during services and seating stag-          coronavirus.”
    gered and limited to no more than 100 people, all of whom were tested
                                                                                       “We think it’s meaningful to this
    for temperatures upon entering, given hand sanitizer and required to
                                                                                   community that they know their
    wear masks. As able and necessary, churches also distributed sanitizers
    and masks to their members. Instead of handshakes, greetings were
                                                                                   church is still here,” Rubier-Capron
    exchanged with a nod.                                                          said. “We are willing to sacrifice not
                                                                                   being in the sanctuary together if it
    “What Taiwan has done might appear to be foresight, but it is simply
    applying the famous dictum of public health—prevention is better than
                                                                                   means we will help flatten the
    cure—in its literal sense,” said a PCT member.                                 curve.”•
                                                                                                         —Mike Ferguson,
                                                                                                 Presbyterian News Service

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
Reformed Communiqué                                                                                      APRIL 2020

Uniting in adversity

            niting Churches around        one another in a time of emotional,       Looking Ahead
            the Australia either closed   physical and financial stress,” said      The president and synod moderators
            their doors or held limited   Baker.                                    will meet via videoconference to
            worship from Sunday, 22           New South Wales/Australian            reflect on the life of the Uniting
March, as they adapted to life in         Capital Territory (NSW/ACT) Mod-          Church and review the pastoral chal-
the global coronavirus COVID-19           erator Simon Hansford and General         lenges ahead.
pandemic.                                 Secretary Jane Fry wrote to presby-           Palmer is urging Uniting Church
    Australian people, governments,       teries and congregations with a “very     members to get in touch directly.
companies and institutions have           strong recommendation” that con-              “I invite you to send through to
struggled through a tumultuous and        gregations should not be meeting in       us, your requests for prayer, your
occasionally chaotic few weeks, dur-      person in any gathering.                  stories of hope, the particular
ing which the virus has continued to          “We note the clear advice that        challenges you are facing in your
spread locally, sparking panic buying     has been provided by government           regions, so that we can focus our
in supermarkets.                          health authorities, about the impor-      time together and pastorally support
    Football matches are now playing      tance of acting early for the benefit     you, as you faithfully serve Christ
to empty stadiums, live entertain-        of the whole society,” said the NSW/      through the life and witness of the
ment productions are all being can-       ACT leadership team.                      Uniting Church across Australia,”
celled, as are major events like Syd-         “Early action will minimize the       said Palmer.
ney’s Royal Easter Show and               likelihood of becoming infected,              “I am very conscious that many
ANZAC Day services.                       slow the rate at which the virus          of you continue to be deeply affected
    For churches, many practical and      spreads, flatten the curve of the inci-   by drought, the aftermath of bush-
pastoral challenges lie ahead, not the    dence of serious cases, and assist the    fires and flooding, as well as the
least of which are the expected toll      medical and hospital systems in           impacts of the global pandemic.
of the virus, particularly among          responding to seriously increased             “The ways we celebrate Easter
older Australians, and the economic       demands. Our commitment to the            will be significantly affected, and
hardship borne of the containment         common good mandates that we              you will know the best ways for your
measures.                                 proceed in this direction.”               local communities to observe Easter.
    “Now, more than ever, as follow-          The advice to cancel worship was          “The message of Easter speaks
ers of Jesus, we are called to embody     taken on the same day the Federal         into all of our contexts. God’s grace
God’s love and compassion in our          Government announced new guide-           poured out into our world, through
world,” said Uniting Church in Aus-       lines for public gatherings, limiting     the Risen Christ brings hope and
tralia President Deidre Palmer in a       indoor meetings to less than 100 and      love into the deepest corners of
pastoral letter to the church.            outdoor meetings to less than 500.        despair and suffering, and brings
    In a time when many Australians       On 20 March, the Federal Govern-          transformation and new life, through
are feeling frightened and alone,         ment increased this recommendation        the steadfast love of God for every
Palmer and other Uniting Church           for social distancing for indoor gath-    one and the whole creation.
leaders are urging members to             erings to four square metres per              “May God sustain you with love
respond compassionately and cre-          person.                                   and strength, as you serve Christ in
atively to the changed circumstances.         The Synods of Victoria and Tas-       these rapidly changing and challeng-
    “As members of the wider com-         mania, South Australia, Western           ing times,” said Palmer.•
munity, and as the body of Christ         Australia and the Northern Synod                   —United Church in Australia
called to exercise love for our neigh-    have indicated that Congregations
bours, we are committed to partici-       can proceed with worship services
pating in our society in wise, faithful   and gathered activities with strict
and responsible manner,” said David       hygiene measures and social distanc-
Baker, moderator of the Synod of          ing, working within state and federal
Queensland.                               government guidelines.
    “We have our part to play both in         Some congregations within these
limiting the spread of the disease        Synods have moved to cancel their
itself, and in helping our wider com-     worship services and other activities
munity learn new ways of caring for       in response to local circumstances.

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
APRIL 2020                                                                               Reformed Communiqué

WCRC Europe calls for prayers
and encouragement
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

     n these days we are experiencing great uncertainty.       islands are overwhelmed with the current situation and
     The fight against the spread of the Coronavirus           are expecting assistance from the European Union,
     requires measures which have great affects on our         including a political solution. We saw a Europe full of
     daily life. The public life of many European countries    selfishness and violence in its politics and not the Europe
is standing still. Experts want us to avoid our social         of peace, we are committed to.
contacts and we are all affected by the consequences of            In Athens, we visited “Faros,” the center for the
the Coronavirus.                                               accommodation and education of unaccompanied refu-
    As the Steering Committee of WCRC Europe, we               gee teenagers, which WCRC Europe had supported with
call you to pray for those who are suffering from the sit-     educational funds. We experienced both the passion of
uation especially the sick persons and their families. Let     their personnel and their hopeful anticipation for the
us also pray for those whose health puts them at higher        positive impact this experience had on the more than 60
risk and for those who are facing major changes in their       beneficiaries so far. We realized that there was an immi-
lives.                                                         nent need for more similar centers and learning projects
    In this crisis it is important to remember that we are     for the “unseen generation” of the unaccompanied refu-
not alone, and with Christ we have the power to stay           gee teens.
strong:                                                            During our time visiting these centers we truly saw
    “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of          that God was beside those who were suffering. In Ath-
power and of love and of sound mind.”                          ens, Lesvos and Chios we could recognize in the face of
    With this confidence we are able to accept the chal-       the refugees the image of our living God. He comes
lenge of our current situation and search for ways to help     from Syria, Afghanistan, Iran and other countries.
those who are extremely affected. As we see already in             As Christians, we have to raise our voices for the peo-
some European countries, we can build a community              ple who are suffering and those who are forgotten behind
without direct contact and we can look for a common            our own challenges. We have to raise our voices as well
spirit of hope and practical ideas of creativity to over-      for those who become victims of political machinations.
come this crisis.                                              Please do not forget those who are suffering.
    Even as the Coronavirus crisis is escalating, we must          Therefore we call you—even in times of uncertain-
not forget about the refugees in Europe, especially those      ty—to urge your governments to search for a solution for
who are in Greece. A few weeks ago, the President of the       the refugees in Greece.
European region of WCRC, Martina Wasserloos, the                   We encourage European churches to take up their
Treasurer, Kerstin Koch and the Vice President, Dimitris       calling as ambassadors of Christ, to raise their voices in
Boukis visited Athens and the Greek islands of Lesvos          unity, friendship and solidarity to those in need and
and Chios seeing people suffering from the current situa-      never resting in our pursuit towards a peaceful humanity.
tion. On the islands, children, women and men live in              As we trust in God, the creator of all humanity, in
terrible conditions. Often, they don’t have water or elec-     Jesus Christ, who redeemed us, and the Holy Spirit, who
tricity, and the eminent danger of the coming epidemic         broadens our horizons.  •
is extremely high. The refugees are waiting for a solution                                     —The Steering Committee
for their situation. All the while the citizens of the Greek                           of WCRC Europe, 17 March 2020

La pandémie modifie les méthodes de travail de la CMER et de ses membres - World Communion of ...
Reformed Communiqué                                                                                          APRIL 2020

Libertad religiosa basada en la justicia

            na consulta realizada
            reciente propuso valiosas
            medidas para encontrar un
            paradigma de pensamiento
fiel sobre el tema de “Libertad
religiosa o de creencia”.
     Veintidós líderes y lideresas eclesi-
ales y teólogos y teólogas se reuni-
eron en la localidad de Hattersheim
am Main, Alemania, del 25 al 27 de
febrero, para debatir este tema a la
                                             Farhana Nazir, Junaid Ahmed, Eve          ente dada por Dios, lo que significa
luz del aumento global de etno-
                                             Parker, Odor Balazs, HyeRan Kim-          que nuestros derechos están arraiga-
nacionalismos, la xenofobia, la intol-
erancia interreligiosa, la hegemonía         Cragg, Anna Case Winters y Abra-          dos en Dios”, la consulta declaró:
patriarcal y el racismo.                     ham Mathew.                               “Por lo tanto, no podemos hablar
     “Dado el aumento actual de etno-            En la declaración final de la con-    sobre libertad religiosa sin hablar de
nacionalismos que usan la religión           sulta se “reconoció que el clima glob-    la justicia y de la dignidad de todos
como marcadores de identidad y para          al actual requiere la cooperación         los seres humanos”.
legitimar la violencia, es imperativo        interreligiosa y la construcción de           La declaración continuó con una
que nosotros, como personas de fe,           alianzas comprometidas con un             condena enérgica de todas las formas
podamos apoyar la libertad de                mundo basado en la justicia y la lib-     de discriminación religiosa, opresión
religión y trabajar por un mundo en          ertad” y que “el tema de la libertad      y persecución. “Estamos llamados y
el que todas las personas de fe tengan       religiosa debe ubicarse al abordar la     llamadas a asumir una teología
la libertad de expresión, articulación y     cuestión de la justicia”.                 valiente, que sepa arriesgarse, y una
propagación de su fe “, dijo Philip              “Como un intelectual público          hospitalidad mutua y radical. Para
Vinod Peacock, secretario ejecutivo          musulmán comprometido con el              esto, podemos buscar ejemplos de
de justicia y testimonio de la Comu-         diálogo interreligioso por la paz y la    cooperación y apoyo religioso incluso
nión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas.         justicia, no he participado de un foro    en medio de la violencia religiosa.
     “La violación del derecho a la lib-     que me pareciera más hospitalario y       Reconocemos que solamente una
ertad religiosa o de creencias, especial-    receptivo al trabajo interreligioso que   comunidad con imaginación inter-
mente de las personas más vulnera-           éste en el que estamos involucrados e     religiosa puede desafiar los conceptos
bles, por parte de los actuales naciona-     involucradas aquí”, expresó Junaid        nacionalistas de religiosidad intoler-
lismos populistas que han cooptado           Ahmad, profesor de religión y políti-     ante que niegan la dignidad y las lib-
solapadamente la premisa moral de la         ca mundial en la Universidad Nacio-       ertades religiosas de las personas vul-
protección de la libertad religiosa para     nal Defensa (Pakistán).                   nerables. Hacemos un llamamiento a
sus propias agendas individuales, evi-           “Escuchar y relacionarse con          una teología vivida de resistencia,
dencia uno de las heridas morales más        teólogos y teólogas de raíz cristiana,    restauración y reconciliación”.
dolorosas y paradójicas de nuestros          activistas y líderes de opinión fue           “La relevancia y oportuna real-
tiempos “, afirmó Peniel Jesudason           una experiencia extraordinaria, justa-    ización de este encuentro se basa en su
Rufus Rajkumar, coordinador del              mente por las posibilidades que           visión de confrontar tales perversiones
programa para el diálogo interreligioso      ofrece en un mundo cada vez más           abusivas, explorando un modelo de
y la cooperación del Consejo Mundial         fragmentado por las ideologías (‘fun-     compromiso fiel que sea al mismo
de Iglesias                                  damentalismos’, tanto en su variedad      tiempo crítico con quien domina, com-
     Las contribuciones oficiales a la       religiosa como secular) que buscan        prometido con los y las vulnerables y
consulta fueron presentadas de diver-        promover las formas más peligrosas        ‘com-pasivo’ (compañerismo y pasión)
sas maneras con discursos de aper-           de autoritarismo, xenofobia y rac-        en su enfoque”, dijo Rajkumar.
tura de Heiner Bielefeldt, Lesmore           ismo, incluida la más alarmante de            La consulta fue organizada de
Ezekiel y Heidi Hadsel; estudios             nuestro tiempo: la islamofobia”, con-     manera conjunta por la Comunión
bíblicos de Mitri Raheb, Septemmy            tinuó Ahmad.                              Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas y el
Lankawa y Dianna Wright; y per-                  Recordando la afirmación de           Consejo Mundial de Iglesias y fue
spectivas regionales por parte de            Juan Calvin de que “todos los seres       posible gracias a la financiación del
Peggy Kabonde, Joas Adiprasetya,             humanos tienen una dignidad inher-        Otto per Mille (Italia).•
APRIL 2020                                                                               Reformed Communiqué

Freedom of Religion:
Hearing All the Cries
Acknowledging Our Context                 were also chronically aware that           singular religious identity, either by

                                          these were a mere continuation of          practice or by family relationships.
           he World Communion
                                          what seems to be a global trend that       Often what is named as religious
           of Reformed Churches
                                          is denying the freedom of expression       violence in actuality involves, though
           is committed to the
                                          and articulation of religions. The         does not invoke, these other identi-
           flourishing of all of God’s
                                          rise of ethno-nationalisms, xenopho-       ties as well. We therefore recognize
creation. Throughout our history
                                          bia, interreligious intolerance, patri-    that in the context of polarization
we have discerned together the signs
                                          archal hegemony and racism globally        and religious nationalism, those
of the times and have confessed our
                                          has used various religious traditions      most vulnerable to violence are those
rejection of fascism and other forms
                                          to prop up their agenda. This is not       who are “othered” and reduced to
of tyranny, systematic evils and          only of deep concern but urgently          singular identities.
the denial of the fullness of life for    calls on us to confess our faith
all. Therefore, today as we witness       together, globally and ecumenically.       Analyzing Our Perspectives
a growing escalation in religiously       We further recognized that the pres-
fuelled hate crimes, and consequently     ent global climate necessitates inter-     We recognized and valued the
the denial of human dignity, and          religious cooperation and the build-       importance of the present legal
the freedom of religion, belief and       ing of alliances that are committed        framing of the freedom of religion or
expression, we cannot stay silent,        to a world that is predicated on jus-      belief and the protections it offers to
but are instead called to continually     tice and freedom.                          the vulnerable and the responsibili-
reform and be reformed. In line with                                                 ties required from states. We upheld
our 2017 General Council’s strong         Affirming Our Convictions                  the Universal Declaration Human
call to hear the cries of suffering                                                  Rights, article 18, which says:
                                          We affirm that our Scriptures assert
people, we call on our churches to                                                   “Everyone has the right to freedom
                                          the centrality of justice to our faith
take a side, the side of the oppressed.                                              of thought, conscience and religion;
                                          (Deuteronomy 16:20) and that God
It is for this reason that between                                                   this right includes freedom to
                                          requires justice from humanity
the 25th and the 27th of February         (Micah 6:4), and therefore the ques-       change his or her religion or belief,
2020, a group of 22 church leaders        tion of the freedom of religion must       and freedom, either alone or in com-
and theologians met in Frankfurt,         be located in the question of justice.     munity with others and in public or
Germany, to deliberate together and       We therefore approached this from          private, to manifest his or her reli-
find a faithful paradigm of thinking      the perspective of justice.                gion or belief in teaching, practice,
over the issue of the “Freedom of             The group was guided by the            worship and observance.”
Religion or Belief.”                      conviction that a framework of                 However, we also understood
    The choice of venue became par-       engagement must be grounded in             that in the present discourse the
ticularly significant since a few days    the experiences of the vulnerable and      right to freedom of religion or belief
before the meeting a person who           marginalized, those whose religious        as a human right emerges from a
professed a far-right agenda shot and     rights and identities have been vio-       particular Eurocentric, geopolitical
killed nine persons from “immigrant       lated and persecuted. Noting that in       perspective that attempts to create
communities” in the nearby town of        the context of religious violence, reli-   itself into the only paradigm from
Hanau. And neither was the time           gion often serves as an identity           which the freedom of religion can
insignificant since during our meet-      marker that serves as a rallying point     and must be seen. We were particu-
ing New Delhi, India, was wreaked         for underlying economic and mate-          larly cognizant that the present legal
by religiously justified violence that    rial interests. We were further aware      framework and even laws which pro-
was mainly directed towards its           that religion is only one of the many      tect religious freedom do not emerge
minority Muslim population. We            identities because as humans we bear       in a vacuum but instead from a
recognized the violence faced by          multiple identities which intersect        political economic context that
Christian communities in various          with each other, and as such can           materializes from and is in support
parts of the world including but not      make us more vulnerable to systems         of neoliberal imperial capitalism, in
restricted to Indonesia, Cameroon         of oppression—namely ethnicity,            other words “empire.” In such a situ-
and South Sudan. The group was            gender, caste, class and sexuality.        ation, religion and religious practice
made acutely aware of the urgency of      Indeed, it is also often the case that     are relegated to the private sphere
our task by these incidents, but we       several of us carry even more than a       and become a commodity to be con-

APRIL 2020                                                                              Reformed Communiqué

sumed along with other commodi-           enous traditions that see the earth       hand, enabled to see the impulse
ties. As long as any religion or reli-    itself as having rights and that our      towards religious freedom in Scrip-
gious tradition plays along with the      rights as human rights is intrinsically   ture, on the other hand, we could
rules of this game it is tolerated. But   connected to the rights of the earth.     also equally recognize that the Bible
we acknowledge that our faith com-                                                  has texts that call for the annihila-
pels us to speak in the public square     Admitting the Complexity of               tion of the other (Ezekiel 23) and
and have a prophetic voice.               Our Scripture and Tradition               towards genocide (Joshua 6)—calls
    It was highlighted that there are                                               that are problematically and violent-
places in which the right to freedom      Given this situation it is necessary      ly appropriated even today. We rec-
of religion was being upheld as the       that we imagine a framework for           ognize that the Bible is a site of con-
primary right and was being weapon-       religious freedom that is located in      tention and is often used against the
ized against the vulnerable. This is      and emerges from the cries of the         religious “other.” Yet we also note
particularly true in places where the     most vulnerable in our communities        that in Christ we are called to free-
freedom of religion or belief has been    and societies. It should offer a space    dom (Galatians 5:1) and that
hijacked by the dominant in order to      for their cries to not only be heard      includes the freedom of religion.
perpetuate discrimination against         but their perspectives to lead the            It is through the lens of the “oth-
minorities and the marginalized. As it    thinking on the freedom of religion.      ered” as we live out Jesus’ command
was noted that there is an increasing     Such attentiveness to the divine self-    to love your neighbour that we wit-
tendency among the majority to proj-      disclosure in the struggles of those      ness the moments of liberation in
ect itself as a “victim” and abuse nar-   beyond the boundaried and bordered        our Scriptures, where the bodies of
ratives of suffering to legitimize the    imaginations of the powerful should       the vulnerable find hope in the vul-
violence on the “other.”                  be the axis around which responses        nerable and silenced bodies of Scrip-
    We debated the role of the state      to this issue should be framed. This      ture. So we look to the persecuted
in the protection of the right to the     should be a deep listening to the sto-    woman who walks into the houses of
freedom of religion or belief. While      ries of those who have been abused        the religious elites to sit at the feet of
states should guarantee the right to      by religion that should disturb us        Jesus (Luke 7: 36-50); her presence
the freedom of religion, we recognize     and bend us out of shape, so that we      and the affirmation of Jesus shamed
that states are not neutral and that      as a church would be healed by            systems of prejudice that marginal-
even constructs of the secular state      those very people, we set out to heal.    ized her and regain her religious
are riddled with problems. Existing       We recognize that in many contexts        freedoms at the side of Christ. We
democratic institutions do not            it is Christian communities that are      look to the many stories of Jesus
always work to serve those who are        themselves vulnerable and are sub-        touching those who were considered
oppressed, and the church should          ject to violence. We recognize fur-       impure, transgressing boundaries of
challenge these institutions to serve     ther that even within one particular      purity and pollution and bringing
the cause of justice of all the           religious tradition there are minori-     healing (Mark 1:40-45; 10:46-52,
oppressed. Our common human sit-          ties who are oppressed and are            John 9), displaying to us what true
uation is not going to be helped by       oppressed precisely because of their      freedom of religious expression looks
universalizing one particular under-      theological traditions and embodied       like. We therefore recognize the vul-
standing of secular democracy.            vulnerabilities. We further recognize     nerable bodies of the faithful who
    We recognize that the right to        that women across all religious tradi-    resist societal and political dogmas
the freedom of religion or belief is      tions suffer the consequences of          of oppression, whose lives we must
indivisible from all other human          these toxic theologies and scriptural     bear witness to as we discern our
rights. For example, the right to the     interpretations that consign women        purpose and confess our sins.
freedom of religion cannot be used        to subservience and silence. Yet we           Similarly, we recognize the com-
to discriminate against sexual            also heard and acknowledged testi-        plexity of our own Reformed heri-
minorities as being practiced in cer-     monies of resistance and communi-         tage on the question of freedom of
tain countries. However, we also rec-     ties that offered hope.                   religion. During the Reformation
ognize that the present discourse on           We discerned the problems and        communities of refugees sought to
human rights is particularly anthro-      promises of our Scriptures on the         discern what it meant to have reli-
pocentric, ignoring the rights of the     subject of the freedom of religion or
earth. We seek to learn from Indig-       belief. While we were, on the one                           Continued on page 11

APRIL 2020                                                                                Reformed Communiqué

Najla Kassab: Les églises protestantes
sont indispensables au Moyen-Orient

                   algré la terrible guerre civile, l›Eglise    libération des femmes du Moyen-Orient et leur a permis
                   chrétienne de Syrie est forte et s’engage    d›utiliser leurs talents et de bien contribuer à la société »,
«                  à prendre soin des personnes qui ont         a déclaré Mme Kassab. « Cela nous a aidés à faire l’expé-
                   été touchées par le conflit, » a déclaré     rience de la justice et de l’amour de Dieu. Ma présence
Najla Kassab, présidente de la Communion mondiale des           ici en est le résultat ».
Eglises réformées, lors de la conférence Stob qui a conclu          Mme Kassab a obtenu sa licence en éducation chré-
la série de conférences de janvier à l’Université Calvin.       tienne à la Near East School of Theology en 1987 et sa
    Mme Kassab a souligné que l’Université Calvin, à            maîtrise en divinité au Princeton Theological Seminary
Grand Rapids, dans le Michigan, aux États-Unis, était le        en 1990. En 1993, elle a été la première femme à recevoir
lieu où la Communion mondiale d’Églises réformées fut           la permission de prêcher au sein de son église, et en mars
fondée en 2010. Depuis, elle a participé à ses travaux et       2017, elle est devenue la deuxième femme à être ordonnée
fut élue présidente en 2017.                                    ministre au sein du Synode évangélique national de Syrie
    « C›est ici que notre voyage a commencé », a-t-elle         et du Liban.
déclaré. « 100 millions de membres de plus de 200 Églises           « Mon église a aidé à montrer la voie et a
du monde entier sont réunis au sein de la Communion             servi d›exemple et d›inspiration à d›autres églises
mondiale des Églises réformées pour parler de justice ».        protestantes », a-t-elle déclaré. Mme Kassab a également
    En tant que président de la CMER, Kassab se déplace         attribué aux églises protestantes le mérite d’avoir lancé
dans le monde entier pour des rassemblements et des             de vastes programmes de publication qui ont joué un
conférences. Mais à l’université Calvin, elle a concentré       rôle clé dans l’éducation et dans la traduction de la Bible
ses remarques sur l’Eglise réformée au Moyen-Orient, et         et d’autres documents dans de nombreuses langues du
plus particulièrement sur le Liban et la Syrie.                 Moyen-Orient.
    « Ces dernières années, il y a eu tant de souffrances et        « En outre, les églises protestantes ont joué un rôle
de pertes, surtout en Syrie. Le défi de l›Eglise est d’être     important dans le mouvement œcuménique. Nous avons
présente au milieu de cette douleur ».                          été appelés à nous ouvrir à d›autres églises et à travailler
    « Les églises là-bas sortent de leurs murs et aident les    plus étroitement ensemble. C›est une façon pour nous de
personnes dans le besoin », a déclaré Kassab, l’une des         vivre véritablement l›amour du Christ ».
premières femmes à être ordonnée dans le Synode évan-               La présence de l’Église s’est surtout manifestée par
gélique national de la Syrie et du Liban.                       l’enseignement primaire, surtout en cette période de
    « Le nombre de chrétiens diminue de plus en plus en         conflit le long de la frontière libanaise, où quelque 1,5
Syrie, » a-t-elle dit, « passant d›environ un million avant     million de réfugiés de la guerre en Syrie vivent dans de
la guerre à environ 400 000 aujourd›hui. Mais je crois          petits camps de fortune.
que l›Eglise est plus forte qu’avant la guerre. Je pense que        « Souvent, les gens ne sont pas à l›aise dans une église,
l’engagement de l’église dans cette région grandit. »           mais ils viendront dans nos écoles », a déclaré Mme
    Najla Kassab a esquissé l’histoire des églises réformées    Kassab lors d’une séance de questions et réponses après
au Moyen-Orient, en détaillant les améliorations que ce         sa conférence. « Les écoles sont des endroits où nous
petit groupe d’églises a apportées dans l’éducation, les        pouvons accueillir des élèves chrétiens et musulmans
services sociaux et le renforcement du rôle des femmes.         ensemble et construire des ponts ».
Des missionnaires presbytériens ont créé l’Université               Les parents souhaitent que leurs enfants fréquentent
américaine de Beyrouth - l’une des premières universités        ces écoles, qui offrent aux enfants un répit face aux
du Liban - au milieu du XIXème siècle. Plus tard, un            rigueurs de la vie dans un camp de réfugiés. À l’école,
hôpital et un orphelinat ont été reliés à cette université.     ils sont nourris, aidés à se laver et sont parfois autorisés à
    « Cette université a contribué à façonner notre             rester pendant un certain temps pour éviter les conflits
patrimoine et montre l›impact qu›une église minoritaire         dans les camps.
comme la nôtre peut avoir sur une nation », a-t-elle                « Il y a tellement de besoins. Nous aidons les gens à
déclaré.                                                        continuer à survivre », a déclaré Najla Kassab, qui s’est
    Toujours au milieu des années 1880, des mission-            consacré depuis des années au travail avec les femmes et
naires ont créé une École protestante américaine pour           les enfants. « Vous ne pouvez pas fermer vos portes aux
filles, qui a contribué à briser les préjugés et les restric-   réfugiés et dire que vous êtes une église.» »
tions sur la vie des femmes.                                        Ses commentaires sur le rôle de l’église contribuent à
    « L›éducation a contribué à l›autonomisation et à           raconter l’histoire générale du Liban, qui au début était
l›amélioration du statut des femmes. Elle a conduit à la        réticent à accepter tant de réfugiés. Mais cela a changé,

Reformed Communiqué                                                                                            APRIL 2020

                                                                   Freedom of Religion:
                                                                   continued from page 9

bien qu’il y ait toujours de nombreuses tensions, depuis           gious freedom. However, this was often an exclusive under-
que les horreurs de la guerre civile syrienne sont apparues        standing of religious freedom which meant religious free-
clairement.                                                        dom for the self and not for others. Yet we seek to draw
    « Nous ouvrons des écoles pour prendre soin des                inspiration from this same Reformed heritage. We looked
enfants. Ils sont l›espoir pour l›avenir. Mais à la fin de         to John Calvin who professed that all humans have inher-
la journée, votre cœur est brisé de les voir retourner au          ent God-given dignity, meaning our rights are rooted in
camp », a déclaré Mme Kassab.                                      God. In the language of Calvin, God has rights and these
    En ce qui concerne l’avenir, elle a affirmé que l’église       rights also offer human rights, including the right to free-
devra jouer un rôle important pour aider à la guérison et          dom and the right to justice. This is the God of the Cross,
à la réconciliation lorsque la guerre se terminera un jour         through whom we also derive our hope; therefore, denial of
et que de nombreux réfugiés retourneront chez eux en               such rights is denial of God in whose image we are made.
Syrie. Il sera particulièrement important de construire            We reaffirm the cross as the symbol of resistance against
des ponts entre les personnes de foi.                              religion and state where characterized by hegemony and
    « Nous devons encourager un dialogue de la vie »,              violence of dominant and dominating power. We therefore
a déclaré Mme Kassab. « Cela nous enrichit de grandir              cannot speak about the freedom of religion without speak-
avec les autres religions. Les musulmans sont aussi des            ing of justice and dignity of all humans.
enfants de Dieu. »                                                     We recognize both the complexities of our
    Elle a décrit comment, au milieu des ruines de la              own faith, Scripture and traditions and yet we also
guerre, de jeunes chrétiens et musulmans ont un jour               recognize our own failing to live up to our best ideals.
disputé un match de football passionné sous les yeux et            We recognize that the church has failed in its duty
les encouragements de nombreux spectateurs.                        towards others. We have been inward-looking and
    Dans la région où le judaïsme, le christianisme et l’is-       serving our own interests. We call for a self-critical
lam ont vu le jour, l’Église doit s’appuyer sur son message        assessment of our history and change in our practice.
d’amour fondamental. Même si les guerres font rage, l’es-
                                                                   Articulating Our Vision
poir peut durer si nous tenons d’abord à Dieu, a-t-elle dit.
    « Nous devons sauvegarder les aspects les plus                 We recognize the suffering that communities within our
modérés de la religion », a déclaré Mme Kassab. « Plus la          own communion face, we similarly recognize our own
violence est encouragée, plus nous sommes coincés avec             complicity. As ambassadors of Christ, called to work for
des attitudes de peur et de radicalisme ».                         justice and to be peacemakers, we strongly condemn all
    La série de conférences Stob est nommée en mémoire             forms of religious discrimination, oppression and perse-
du Dr Henry J. Stob, professeur à l’Université Calvin et au        cution.
Séminaire théologique Calvin, décédé en 1996. Le sujet de              In this context, we privilege the perspectives of the
la série de conférences est lié aux domaines de l’éthique, de      marginalized, the communities of imagination, those
l’apologétique et de la théologie philosophique.                   whose stories are shared through acts and arts of resis-
    Depuis 2017, la conférence Stob a été intégrée à la            tance. We heard such stories and upheld such exemplary
série de conférences de janvier et termine la série de             examples of cooperation and solidarity in interreligious
présentations sur une série de sujets d’actualité. Cette           communities for the sake of justice and freedom of all.
année, ces sujets comprenaient l’histoire de l’adoption            These communities display a resistance to the dogmas of
d’une petite fille d’Haïti par un journaliste de sport, un         the empire, despite and precisely through vulnerability.
regard sur la façon dont les médias sociaux affectent les          We heard the stories of communities broken by religious
jeunes et un appel à répondre au besoin d’eau potable              violence but who worked towards restoration and recon-
dans le monde.                                                     ciliation. In these stories we found hope!
    Najla Kassab a également participé au Symposium                    We are called to assume a theology of courageous risk
Calvin sur le culte, elle a rencontré les dirigeants de            and a radical and mutual hospitality. For this we can
l’Église réformée chrétienne en Amérique du Nord (CRC)             look to examples of religious cooperation and support
et de l’Église réformée en Amérique (RCA), toutes deux             even in the midst of religious violence. We recognize that
membres de la CMER, et elle a participé le dimanche à un           only an interreligious community of imagination can
culte conjoint de ces deux dénominations réformées.      •         challenge nationalist notions of intolerant religiosity that
                                                                   deny the dignity and religious freedoms of the vulner-
                                             —Chris Meehan,
                              Responsable des Communications       able. We call for a lived theology of resistance, restoration
                          de la CRC, a écrit l’article original.   and reconciliation. •
APRIL 2020                                                                            Reformed Communiqué

Gender, Führung und 
Macht Schwerpunkte der Beratung

            ender, Führung und
            Macht standen im
            Mittelpunkt der
            ersten einer Reihe von
regionalen Konsultationen, die
Anfang Dezember im Nordosten
Indiens stattfanden.
    Diese Konsultation „ist eine Ein-
ladung an die Kirchen, unser Ver-
ständnis und unsere Praxis von Füh-
rung und Macht im Kontext der
Gerechtigkeit für alle Gender inner-
halb der kirchlichen Gemeinschaft
wie auch in der Familie und in der
Gesellschaft im weiteren Sinne neu
zu überdenken“, sagte Lalrindiki
Ralte in ihrer Grundsatzansprache.
„Es ist eine Einladung, die Bereit-
schaft zu haben, sich durch eine mit-         „Das Wort Gottes, die Bibel, gibt    Lehrkörper der theologischen Fakul-
einander geteilte Macht und eine          uns ein alternatives Verständnis von     tät, Kirchenleitern und Aktivisten
Leitung, die Raum für andere gibt,        Führung und Macht“, sagte sie.           zusammen.
zu verändern, damit wir gemeinsam         „Wenn Männer und Frauen gemein-              Die Konsultationsreihe soll das
zur Reife des Glaubens und der Pra-       sam Macht teilen, spiegeln sie das       Bewusstsein der Mitgliedskirchen
xis heranwachsen können“.                 Bild Gottes wider, das in ihnen vor-     der WGRK für Fragen der Gleich-
    „Da wir alle in einer patriarchali-   handen ist. Und die Macht zu herr-       stellung der Geschlechter und der
                                          schen soll nicht dazu benutzt wer-       geschlechtsspezifischen Gewalt
schen Gesellschaft geboren und auf-
                                          den, sich gegenseitig und die übrige     schärfen, Möglichkeiten für einen
gewachsen sind, nehmen wir patriar-
                                          Schöpfung auszubeuten und zu             Systemwandel für Frauen in Füh-
chalische Werte und Praktiken an,
                                          unterdrücken, sondern vielmehr           rungspositionen schaffen und Stu-
die Frauen untergeordnete und min-
                                          dazu, die Würde und das Leben            dien und Reflexionen zur Umset-
derwertige Positionen zuweisen“,
                                          aller, einschließlich der Ökologie, zu   zung der WGRK-Gender-Politik
sagte Ralte, der derzeit als Dekan
                                          bewahren und zu erhalten.                anbieten.
des Senats des Serampore Centre for
                                              „Dies ist besonders entscheidend
Theological Education by Extension                                                     Die WGRK-Gender-Politik ver-
                                          für die Kirche wegen unseres
fungiert, nachdem er zuvor viele                                                   sucht, die Vision der WGRK zu för-
                                          Anspruchs, der Leib Christi zu sein,
Jahre als Lehrkraft am Aizawl Theo-                                                dern, den Ruf zur Gemeinschaft und
                                          in dem alle Gläubigen von gleichem
logical College tätig war.                                                         das Engagement für Gerechtigkeit
                                          Wert und gleicher Bedeutung sind,
    „Aber Tatsache ist, dass, obwohl                                               zu verwirklichen, indem sie die Kir-
                                          unabhängig von Genderzugehgörig-
die Männer in der patriarchalischen       keit und allen anderen Trennungs-        chen befähigt und einlädt, sich an
Gesellschaft Macht und Autorität          merkmalen, die die Diskriminierung       Gottes verwandelnder Mission der
genießen, solange die Hälfte der          fortbestehen lassen“, sagte sie.         Geschlechtergerechtigkeit und Part-
Menschheit oder sogar mehr weiter-            Die Sitzungen zum Verständnis        nerschaft zu beteiligen.
hin untergeordnet und ausgeschlos-        von Gender, geschlechtsspezifischer          Die dreitägige Konsultation, die
sen bleibt, ist es auch den Männern       Gewalt und zur Analyse von Gender,       vom WCRC-Büro für Gerechtigkeit
nicht möglich, ein friedliches und        Führung und Macht aus biblischer,        und Zeugnis organisiert wurde,
würdiges Leben zu führen. Unter-          theologischer und ekklesiologischer      wurde von der Vereinigung Evange-
drücker und Ausbeuter des eigenen         Sicht wurden von Silpa Rani, Priscil-    lischer Kirchen, einem der jüngsten
Fleisches und Blutes zu sein, zerstört    la Rawade und Amrita Dasgupta            Mitglieder der Weltgemeinschaft
die Menschlichkeit der Menschen,          geleitet. Esther Ao und Salome Wes-      Reformierter Kirchen, ausgerichtet
und das Bild Gottes kann sich nicht       ley leiteten die Bibelarbeiten. Die      und durch die Finanzierung von
in ihnen widerspiegeln.                   Vortragenden setzten sich aus dem        Otto per Mille ermöglicht.•
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