How is the meaning of complex lexemes constructed ? - A study of neoclassical compounds in French
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How is the meaning of complex lexemes constructed ? A study of neoclassical compounds in French Marine LASSERRE & Fabio MONTERMINI CLLE-ERSS, University of Toulouse & CNRS 1 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Summary 1. Introduction : the construction of meaning in complex lexemes 2. Neoclassical compounds 3. The data 4. Complex lexemes: a semantic network 5. Conclusion 2 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The construction of meaning in complex lexemes rule-based approaches rules are: selective deterministic construction of the meaning of complex lexemes : local relation between the derivate and its base 3 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The construction of meaning in complex lexemes pattern-based approaches more flexible observation of the existing lexicon “regular polysemy approach”, construction morphology (Booij 2010) onomasiological approaches (Štekauer 1996, Rainer 2012) lexical approaches (Roché 2010) 4 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The construction of meaning in complex lexemes Word formation patterns inserting a new complex word into a lexical network, to which other words constructed by the same WFP also belong dynamic model of morphological derivation other words in the lexicon = models 5 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Neoclassical compounds At least one constituent which is of Ancient Greek or Latin origin (“combining form”: CF) (1) anthropophage man+eat ‘anthropophagous’ (Greek) homicide man+kill ‘homicide’ (Latin) In French : inverted head-determiner order (2) homicide man+kill ‘homicide’ vs. homme-grenouille man+frog ‘frogman’ 6 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Neoclassical compounds Linking vowel (3) anthropophage man+eat ‘anthropophagous’ (Greek) homicide man+kill ‘homicide’ (Latin) Learned vocabulary 7 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Neoclassical compounds CFs ≠ affixes Not fixed position (4) graphologue write+word/study ‘graphologist’ logographe word/study+write ‘logographer’ Combination with prototypical lexemes, others CFs or with affixes (5) a. cancérologue cancer+word/study ‘oncologist’ insecticide insect+kill ‘insecticide’ b. phobique fear+-ique ‘phobic’ céphalée head+ée ‘headache’ 8 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The data -ie +ie -ie +ie CF -crate -cratie -logue -logie Original lexeme κρατος ‘power’ λογος ‘discourse’ Dictionaries 18 30 226 535 Google 146 230 562 455 [+human] [–human] [+human] [–human] ‘individual ‘specialist of a ‘specialty, ‘power’ exerting a power’ discipline’ discipline’ 9 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The data 1000 900 800 700 600 500 crate / cratie 400 logue / logie 300 200 100 0 [-ie] [-ie] and [+ie] in [+ie] common 10 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
The data fortuitous (6) a. argentcratie °argentcrate (< argent ‘money’) systematic b. macdocratie *macdocrate (
Complex lexemes: a semantic network Two models The “leader word model” (cf. Rainer 2005, Roché 2009, 2011, among others) “Distributed” organisation 12 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network Démocratie Aristocratie borrowed from Ancient borrowed from Ancient Greek (via Latin) Greek (via Latin) first attestation in French: 1 million occurrences 1370 (Google search, 3 May 2013) 30 million occurrences on the Net (Google search, 3 Greek meaning ‘power May 2013) exerted by the best’ original meaning ‘power Then ‘noble class’ exerted by the people’ 1817 ‘privileged social group’ semantic pattern ‘power semantic pattern ‘self- exerted by X’ valorising social group’ 13 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network (7) a. La composition du CES depuis sa création est un (savant ?) mélange de représentation des forces vives de la Nation et d’experts issus de la société civile. L’écueil est de ne pas tomber dans la démocratie des corps intermédiaires et/ou dans l’expertocratie. [ cabinet/reforme-ces-cese-identite.html] a. Des chaussures bâteaux, signe distinctif d’une part de la population que nous connaissons bien à Lyon : la cathocratie, ou bourgeoisie catholique. [] 14 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network (8) a. fricocratie < fric (‘money’) ‘power exerted in order to earn money’ corruptocratie < corruption (‘bribery’) ‘power obtained by means of bribery’ thalassocratie < thalasso- (‘sea’) ‘maritime supremacy’ b. bushocratie < [George W.] Bush ‘state ruled by G.W. Bush’ c. footocratie < foot (‘football’) ‘omnipresence of football’ “Ça fait 2 semaines qu’on se bouffe du foot à la télé, dans les bars, PARTOUT ! NON A LA FOOTOCRATIE !” 15 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network ‘self valorizing social ‘power of’ group’ expertocratie cathocratie expertocrate cathocrate ‘power by ‘power in ‘power in’ ‘state where ‘omnipresence ‘who grants means of’ order to’ thalassocratie X exerts a of’ him/herself corruptocratie fricocratie thalassocrate power’ footocratie an corruptocrate fricocrate Sarkocratie Ø underserved sarkocrate power’ Ø administrocrate 16 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Xcratie 120 Lexicalized Non lexicalized 100 Xcrate 90 80 80 70 60 60 50 40 40 30 20 20 10 0 0 17 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network (10) a. Quand on a des convictions, on les défend à visage découvert, pas caché derrière un masque. Dans une vraie démocratie tout à fait d'accord. Hélas pas dans une mafiacratie ou un état qui ne reconnait pas son peuple après chaque élection, ce serait un geste suicidaire et stupide. b. La France est une vraie oligarchie et très près d’une mafiacratie et c’est ca la différence, le peuple n’a absolument rien a dire. c. En rapides tableaux, la caméra montre le «casse légal du siècle» opéré par l’ex- président argentin, avec la complicité active de la «mafiacratie» : ministres, parlementaires, industriels, syndicalistes... 18 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network Two models The “leader word model” (cf. Rainer 2005, Roché 2009, 2011, among others) “Distributed” organisation 19 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Xlogie 1000 Lexicalized 900 Non lexicalized Xlogue 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 20 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network ‘discourse’ dactylologie monologue ‘research on’ ‘set of’ cancérologie trilogie cancérologue heptalogue ‘practise of’ rirologie rirologue 21 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network λογος ‘discourse’ (> cardiologie ‘cardiology’) vs. λέγειν ‘collect’(> anthologie ‘anthology’) etymologic difference between the two no longer perceived by speakers unique word formation process exponent 22 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network (11) object: chaussettologie < chaussette (‘sock’) natural phenomenon: sédimentologie < sediment (‘sediment’) animal / plant: orchidologie < orchidée (‘orchid’) part of the body: cardiologie < cardio- (‘heart’) discipline / activity: bricologie < bricolage (‘do-it-yourself’) country / people américanologie < américain (‘American’) person / works of: mozartologie < Mozart disease: cancérologie < cancer (‘cancer’) drug / therapy: vaccinologie < vaccin (‘vaccine’) period: futurologue < futur (‘future’) … pifologue < pif (‘flair’) 23 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Lexicalized 40 Non lexicalized 20 0 24 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Complex lexemes: a semantic network (13) a. La piscinologie m'avait été fortement déconseillée ces derniers mois par le corps médical, en des termes laissant peu de place à la fantaisie : “c'est la piscine ou la médecine”. b. Un professeur en piscinologie pourrait il me dire quelle est la durée de vie du chlore lent ? 25 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Conclusion Meaning of neoclassical compounds cannot be described in a purely compositional manner is the result of the inclusion of a single word in a global lexical network Differences in the manner in which this inclusion is performed models represented by individual leader words (semantic catalysts) ‘distributed’ semantic models 26 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Conclusion 1) an apparently unique word formation pattern may in fact correspond to several, possibly connected, different (sub)schemas; 2) these patterns do not constitute closed classes, but attracting poles, and for each individual lexeme it is possible to measure its proximity with one or more of these poles; 3) the inclusion of a lexeme in one of these patterns, and consequently the construction of its meaning, is not merely the result of the sum of the meanings of the elements constituting it, but it is the result of a global lexical dynamic; 4) the analysis of individual and isolated examples of complex lexemes is not sufficient to have a clear view of the functioning of a morphological process; it is thus necessary to realise extensive studies that take into account new formations and their contexts of appearance. 27 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Thanks for your attention 28 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
Bibliography 29 NTWF - Sofia 30/05/13
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