TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022

La page est créée Bernard Germain
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
22nd Franco-Irish
  Literary Festival

       8-10 April 2022
            Dublin Castle
Alliance Française Dublin

     Festival littéraire “Tabou”
         Féile litríochta ‘Tabú’

      Admission free #FILF22
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Taboo: Commonly        Dear public, dear friends,                                in this special gathering. The festival also aims to
                                                                                  build connections between the key elements of
    accepted as « a     These last two years have taken a major toll on           the literary world: authors, publishers and trans-
    cultural and / or   Culture and on all the artists that contribute to it.     lators.
                        Thanks to your enthusiastic support, the Franco-
            religious   Irish literary festival overcame this crisis with a re-   This festival owes its success and longevity to
         prohibition    markable digital edition in 2021. And now we are          our precious partners and sponsors who have
           affecting    delighted at long last to be able to welcome you
                                                                                  trusted us repeatedly, and we wish to thank them
                        back again in person to Dublin Castle this April.
        behaviours,                                                               for their great generosity. We very sincerely thank
                                                                                  The Arts Council, Foras na Gaeilge, Literature
  language, morals      What are the links between taboos and writing?
                                                                                  Ireland, and several Irish and French compa-
                        Over the course of these short few festival days,
[…] adhered to by a     we are going to discuss a wide range of taboos            nies, in particular the French laboratories Servier
      social group »    which are expressed, endured and described,               Monde for their faithful support over the years,
                        page after page in Francophone and Irish writing.         ever since the festival’s establishment. A special
         Dictionary     Despite a progressive liberation in certain socie-        word of thanks to Dublin Castle which has been
Trésor de la langue     ties, taboos remain pervasive in our daily lives.         the festival’s home for over a decade now. We
           française    Our festival guests will give us their opinions, and      are also very grateful to the media, who never fail
                        tell us about their own experiences and feelings in       to cover this wonderful event and have helped
                        relation to the subject. This year’s discussions will     it to become a cultural landmark in Dublin,
                        touch upon family, racial discrimination, health,         Unesco City of Literature, ensuring its reach both
                        sexuality, gender, as well as themes such as col-         at home and beyond these shores.
                        lective identity, culture and values. The role of
                        literature, history, language and words will be at
                        the heart of all these conversations. How do we           We would like to express our deepest gratitude
                        determine what is ‘taboo’, and what is not? What          to all the writers and the moderators for joining
                        can we say, what should be silenced? Must eve-            us here. You are the cornerstone of this festival.
                        rything be said at any cost? Nineteen writers and         Finally, to all the book lovers attending this event,
                        historians from diverse languages and cultures            we are incredibly grateful for your loyalty and
                        will share with you their experiences and invite          constant enthusiasm, which has made this fes-
                        you to explore these ideas with them.                     tival possible for twenty-two years.

                        Ever since the establishment of our festival, the         Mariam Diallo
                        Alliance Française and the French Embassy in              Cultural Counsellor
                        Ireland have joined forces in order to achieve the        French Embassy in Ireland
                        same goal: to develop and reinforce contempo-                                                 Fabienne Clérot
                        rary Irish and French literature, and to create an                                                   Director
                        exciting showcase for all the writers who take part                                 Alliance Française Dublin
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Tabou : Communément accepté comme « un                                   de découvrir la littérature contemporaine irlandaise et française
                                                                         et constitue une vitrine pour tous les auteurs qui y participent.
interdit d’ordre culturel et/ou religieux qui pèse                       Il favorise également la création de liens entre les acteurs du
sur le comportement, le langage, les mœurs […]                           monde littéraire, écrivains, éditeurs et traducteurs.
respecté par une collectivité »                                          Le festival doit son succès et sa pérennité à de précieux parte-
Dictionnaire Trésor de la langue Française                               naires et sponsors qui lui font confiance et dont nous soulignons
                                                                         la générosité. Nous remercions très sincèrement The Arts
                                                                         Council, Foras na Gaeilge, Literature Ireland, entreprises
                                           Cher public, Chers amis,      irlandaises et françaises, avec une mention toute particulière
                                                                         pour les laboratoires français Servier Monde et Dublin Castle
Ces deux dernières années ont été particulièrement difficiles pour       dont le soutien a été indéfectible depuis la toute première édi-
la culture et pour tous les artistes qui la représentent. Grâce à vos    tion. Nous sommes également très reconnaissants envers les
chaleureux encouragements, le Festival littéraire a surmonté cette       médias qui chaque année, accompagnent ce bel événement
crise avec une édition digitale 2021 remarquable et nous sommes          devenu une référence à Dublin, ville Unesco de la littérature et
très heureux de pouvoir vous accueillir de nouveau à Dublin Cas-         en assurent le rayonnement dans le pays.
tle en avril prochain.
                                                                         Nous tenons aussi à saluer chaleureusement la présence de
Quels sont les rapports entre les tabous et l’écriture ? Pendant         tous les écrivains, véritables acteurs de ce festival ainsi que les
notre festival, nous allons parler des divers tabous que les littéra-    modérateurs. Quant à vous, chers participantes et participants,
tures francophones et irlandaises ont écrits, subis, et décrits au fil   c’est avec une immense reconnaissance que nous vous remer-
des pages. Malgré la progressive libération de certaines sociétés,       cions pour votre fidélité et votre enthousiasme, sans lesquels ce
les tabous demeurent omniprésents dans nos vies quotidiennes             festival ne serait pas à l’aube de son 22ème anniversaire.
Les invités du Festival nous parleront de leurs positions, de
leurs expériences et de leurs ressentis. Cette édition 2022              Nous vous attendons nombreux les 8, 9 et 10 avril prochains
abordera la famille, les discriminations raciales, la santé, les         pour partager ces rencontres, moments incontournables de la
sexualités et les genres, ainsi que l’identité collective, la cul-       scène culturelle dublinoise.
ture et ses valeurs. Le rôle de la littérature, de l’histoire, de la
langue et du langage sera au cœur de toutes ces discussions.
Qu’est-ce qui est tabou ou ne l’est pas ? Que peut-on dire ou ne         Mariam Diallo
pas dire ? Faut-il tout dire à tout prix ? 19 écrivains et historiens    Conseillère culturelle
de langues et cultures différentes vous inviteront à partager leurs      Ambassade de France en Irlande
expériences et à en débattre ensemble.
                                                                                                                           Fabienne Clérot
Depuis sa création, l’Alliance Française de Dublin et l’Ambassade                                                               Directrice
de France en Irlande organisent conjointement le festival                                                     Alliance Française de Dublin
avec le même objectif : développer et renforcer les liens entre
l’Irlande et la France. Le Festival offre ainsi au public l’occasion
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Friday 8 April                           7pm Performance
Alliance Française Dublin                Incipit – An chéad leathanach – Premières Pages
Admission free - Booking required        Featuring all guest writers
1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2               Presented by Éamon Ó Ciosáin & Jean-Philippe Imbert

Saturday 9 April                                                                       Main
Castle Hall, Dublin Castle
Admission free
Dame Street, Dublin 2

9.45am Doors Opening

10am Opening Speech by Vincent Guérend
French Ambassador to Ireland

10.30am Panel discussion
                                                               Sunday 10 April
                                                               Alliance Française Dublin
Taboo and Families – Tabú agus an
                                                               Admission free
Teaghlach – Famille et Tabou                                   1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2
With: Fanie Demeule, Irène Frain, Hervé Le
Tellier, Áine Ní Ghlinn                                        11am Panel discussion
Moderator: Julie Rodgers
                                                               Taboo, Identity and Society – Tabú,
11.30am Panel discussion                                       Aitheantas agus Sochaí – Tabou, Iden-
Taboo and Race – Tabú agus cine –                              tité et Société
Tabou et Race                                                  With: : Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser, Hervé Le
With: Oein De Bhairduin, Pap Ndiaye, Rita Sakr                 Tellier, Eoin Mc Namee, Áine Ní Ghlinn
Moderator: Éamon Ó Ciosáin                                     Moderator: Michael Cronin
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
12.30pm Panel discussion                                12.45pm Interview
Language and Taboo – Tabú agus                          With: Jan Carson
                                                        Moderator: Martin Doyle
Focail – Tabou des Mots
With: : Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser, Micheál Ó         1.45pm Interview
Conghaile, Anne Serre                                   With: John Boyne
Moderator: Jean-Michel Picard                           Moderator: Jean-Philippe Imbert

3pm Panel discussion
Taboo, Health and the Body – Tabú,                      Buswells Hotel
Sláinte agus an Cholainn – Les Corps                    Admission: from €10 - Booking required
Tabou                                                   23 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2
With: Fanie Demeule, Kevin Power, Vanessa
Moderator: Sinéad Mac Aodha                             4pm Reading & Musical Acts
                                                        Literary Cabaret
4pm-5pm Book Signings                                   Cabaret Liteartha
                                                        Cabaret Littéraire
4.15pm Panel discussion
                                                        Presented by Bethencourt Productions. Spon-
Taboo and Sexuality – Tabú agus                         sored by Buswells Hotel. Book on
Cúrsaí Gnéis – Sexe et Tabou
With: Niamh Campbell, Hervé Le Tellier, Keith
Moderator: Jean-Philippe Imbert

5.30pm Interview                                  Events in English, Irish and French. Simultaneous interpreting
With: Vanessa Springora                           is provided in English and French.
Moderator: Zelda Chauvet
                                                  Admission free for all events (except the Cabaret) on a first
6.15pm Doors closing                              come/first served basis. To avoid disappointment, we advise
                                                  people to come early. Booking is required for the reading perfor-
                                                  mance on Friday evening and the cabaret on Sunday evening.

                                                  Programme subject to change, visit
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Festival                                     The
Exhibitors                                   Library                       INTERNATIONAL BOOKS
                                                                           18 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Saturday 9 April                      The French Library                   International Books
All day at Dublin Castle
                                    With a bright, redesigned and        International Books are the lan-
                                    multiform space, the Alliance        guage specialists in Ireland. You
                                    Française’s library is a vital ad-   can find books by writers par-
We thank all the exhibitors who
                                    dition to the expansion of French    ticipating in the Festival 2022 in
will be present all day at Dublin
                                    culture in Ireland.                  their shop located at 18 Frederick
Castle on the second day of the
                                    Come and enjoy its physical and      Street South Dublin 2.
                                    digital collections and a new
                                    range of recurring events for all    Their pop-up shop will feature
                                    ages.                                works by all our guests and other
                                                                         titles for all ages on the theme of
                                    The French Library will be show-     “Taboo”. Alliance Française Mem-
                                    casing the revolutionary online      bers get 10% off!
                                    platform Culturethèque.

TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Come and discover novels,
comics, magazines in French
and English, online platforms
and apps for all ages... and
sample some gorgeous food!

Books by invited writers will be         Le Goudalier                        Silk Road Café
available for sale and signings.
                                   Le Goudalier is a Dublin-based       Silk Road Café is situated in the
                                   online grocery store specializing    grounds of Dublin Castle over-
                                   in everyday French and Belgian       looking its beautiful garden.
                                   regional products, including Côte    The café is a popular meeting
                                   d’Or chocolates, sweets, waffles,    place for artists and lovers of
                                   sauces, cheeses, preserves and       healthy & fresh food based on
                                   charcuteries.                        the Middle Eastern and Mediter-
                                                                        ranean cuisine.
                                   Le Goudalier will be there to pre-
                                   sent a selection of regional fla-    Silk Road Café will be providing
                                   vours from France and Belgium,       coffee, tea and pastries in be-
                                   including Easter chocolates!         tween events.

TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Opening Night                                         The Franco-Irish Literary Festival is delighted to host this
                                                      unique live event for its opening: Incipit, Premières Pages,

                                                      An chéad leathanach inviting all writers to read the first page
                                                      of their latest book.

                                                      The evening will be introduced by Jean-Philippe Imbert, Pro-
An chéad leathanach                                   fessor of Comparative Literature and Sexuality Studies at
                                                      DCU, and Éamon Ó Ciosáin former lecturer in French in NUI
Premières Pages                                       Maynooth.

                                                      Guests: Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser, John Boyne,
Featuring all guest writers                                     Niamh Campbell, Jan Carson, Oein De
                                                                 Bhairduin, Fanie Demeule, Irène Frain, Hervé
Presented by Éamon Ó Ciosáin & Jean-Philippe Imbert                 Le Tellier, Eoin Mc Namee, Pap Ndiaye, Áine
                                                                      Ní Ghlinn, Micheál Ó Conghaile, Kevin

Friday 8 April at 7pm
                                                                        Power, Keith Ridgway, Anne Serre,
                                                                         Vanessa Springora.

Alliance Française                                                                                 Admission free
1 Kildare Street                                                                                Booking is required.
Dublin 2
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Festival Launch                Special Event

    Femmes,                                Literary Cabaret
                                           Cabaret Liteartha - Cabaret Littéraire
                                           Sunday 10 April - 4pm
   & Tabous                                Buswells Hotel, 23 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2

                                           A Literary Cabaret of Death & Sensuality exploring the taboo of
        Talk with Ailbhe Smyth,            sexual desire and death instinct.
          Emmanuelle Josse &               Bethencourt Productions presents a Franco-Irish cabaret of dra-
Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser               ma, dance, music and nervous laughter. Inspired by the erotic
                                           power turned violent in Oscar Wilde’s Salome, the philosophy of
     Moderated by Jean-Philippe Imbert     Georges Bataille, the mysticism of Jean Genet and the Theatre
     Professor of Comparative Literature   of Cruelty of Antonin Artaud. New writing by Paula Lonergan and
            & Sexuality Studies at DCU     Mark Wale explores the taboo of murder, together with social
                                           and racial inequality in recent Irish crime.

  Thursday 24th March 7.30pm               Admission: from €10 - Booking required on

              Centre Culturel Irlandais
                    5 Rue des Irlandais
                   75005 Paris, France

                       Admission free
                       Booking advised
TABOO 22nd Franco-Irish Literary Festival 8-10 April 2022
Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser                                           John Boyne
(France)                                                               (Ireland)

Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser is a Franco-Austrian author. Her          John Boyne was born in 1971 in Dublin. He is the author of thir-
writing mixes theory and fiction. She stages bodies which feel         teen novels for adults, six for younger readers and a collection
desire, hunger, and physical exertion, sparking action and re-         of short stories. His 2006 novel The Boy in the Striped Pyja-
vealing the exercise of power. Currently she is carrying out doc-      mas sold 11 million copies worldwide and has been adapted
toral research in creative writing entitled: Écrire avec les Affamé-   for cinema, theatre, ballet and opera. John has won three Irish
es, manières de manger dans la littérature contemporaine. Her          Book Awards and many other international literary awards and
texts have been diffused in the form of books, reviews (A.O.C, La      his novels are published in over 50 languages. His most recent
Déferlante, Sabir), exhibitions during public performances (Villa      novel, The Echo Chamber, was published in August 2021 and
Belleville, Centre Pompidou) or in the form of radio pieces (Ra-       became an immediate #1 Bestseller. It is currently being adapt-
dio Marais, DUUU radio).                                               ed for television.

Estelle Benazet Heugenhauser est autrice franco-autrichienne.          Né à Dublin en 1971, John Boyne est l’auteur de treize ro-
Son travail d’écriture mêle théorie et fiction.Y sont mis en scène     mans pour adultes, de six romans jeunesse et d’un recueil
des corps qui s’éprouvent où désir, faim, dépense des corps            de nouvelles. Paru en 2006, son roman The Boy in the Striped
engendrent l’action et révèlent l’exercice du pouvoir. Actuelle-       Pyjamas (Le garçon en pyjama rayé) s’est vendu à 11 millions
ment, elle mène une recherche doctorale en création littéraire         d’exemplaires à travers le monde et a été adapté au cinéma,
intitulée : Écrire avec les Affamées, manières de manger dans          au théâtre, à l’opéra et en ballet. John a reçu trois Irish Book
la littérature contemporaine. Ses textes sont diffusés sous forme      Awards ainsi que de nombreux prix littéraires internationaux et
de livres, dans des revues (A.O.C, La Deferlante, Sabir), dans         ses romans ont été traduits en plus de 50 langues. Publié en
des expositions lors de performances publiques (Villa Belleville,      août 2021, son dernier roman, The Echo Chamber, est très vite
Centre Pompidou) ou sous forme de pièces radiophoniques                devenu un best-seller et est en cours d’adaptation pour le petit
(Radio Marais, DUUU radion).                                           écran.
Niamh Campbell                                                      Jan Carson
(Ireland)                                                           (Northern Ireland)

Niamh Campbell’s debut novel This Happy was published in            Jan Carson is a writer and community arts facilitator based in
2020 and nominated for the An Post Irish Book Awards, the           Belfast, Northern Ireland. She has published several novels and
Kate O’Brien Award, the John McGahern Book Prize, and the           a short story collection, Children’s Children, two micro-fiction
Kerry Group Irish Novel of the Year Award. In 2020 she won the      collections, Postcard Stories 1 and 2 and a short story col-
Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award. She was awarded the         lection, The Last Resort. Her novel The Fire Starters won the
prestigious Rooney Prize for Literature in October 2021. She is     EU Prize for Literature for Ireland 2019, the Kitschies Prize for
2021 writer-in-residence at UCD and lectures in English at May-     Speculative Fiction 2020 and was shortlisted for the Dalkey
nooth University. She lives in Dublin. Her latest book, We were     Book Prize 2020. Her third novel, The Raptures has just been
young, has just been published.                                     published to critical acclaim.

Publié en 2020, le premier roman de Niamh Campbell This             Installée à Belfast en Irlande du nord, Jan Carson est écrivaine
Happy a été nominé pour le An Post Irish Book Awards, le Kate       et animatrice d’ateliers d’art communautaire. Elle a publié plu-
O’Brien Award, le John McGahern Book Prize et le Kerry Group        sieurs romans et un recueil de nouvelles, Children’s Children,
Irish Novel of the Year Award. La même année, Niamh a reçu le       ainsi que de deux recueils de micro-fiction Postcard Stories 1
Sunday Times Audible Short Story Award. Elle a reçu le prestig-     and 2 ainsi que d’un recueil de nouvelles The Last Resort. Son
ieux prix Rooney de littérature en octobre 2021. Elle est auteure   roman The Fire Starters, a reçu le Prix Européen de Littérature
en résidence 2021 à University College Dublin (UCD), enseigne       pour l’Irlande en 2019, le Kitschies Prize for Speculative Fiction
l’anglais à l’université de Maynooth et vit à Dublin. Son dernier   2020 (Prix des littératures de l’imaginaire) et a été nominé pour
livre, We were young vient d’être publié.                           le Dalkey Book Prize 2020. Son troisième roman, The Raptures,
                                                                    vient d’être publié et a été acclamé par la critique.
Oein De Bhairduin                                                       Fanie Demeule
(Ireland)                                                               (Québec)

Oein DeBhairduin is a creative soul with a passion for poetry,          Fanie Demeule was born in 1990 in Longueil (Québec). She
folk herbalism and preserving the beauty of Travellers tales, say-      holds a PhD in Literary Studies from the Université du Québec in
ings, retellings and historic exchanges. He is the manager of           Montréal where she is a lecturer. She also works as an editor for
an education center and a long-time board member of several             the publishing companies Tête première and Hamac. She is the
Mincéirí community groups. He has been vice-chair of the Irish          author of the novels Déterrer les os, 2016 (published in English
Traveller Movement and a council member of Mincéir Whidden.             under the title Lightness), Roux clair naturel, 2019, Mukbang,
He seeks to pair community activism with cultural celebration,          2021 and Highlands, 2021. She has also written an illustrated
recalling old tales with fresh modern connections and, most of          book Bagels, 2021 and several short stories published in jour-
all, he wishes to rekindle the hearth fires of a shared kinship.        nals and anthologies.

Doté d’une âme creative, Oein DeBhairduin se passionne pour             Fanie Demeule est née en 1990 à Longueuil (Québec). Elle
la poésie et la phytothérapie populaire et s’attache à préserv-         est titulaire d’un diplôme de doctorat en études littéraire de
er la beauté des récits de Gens du Voyage, des dictons, des             l’Université du Québec à Montréal, où elle enseigne. Elle tra-
contes réimaginés et des échanges historiques. Il est directeur         vaille aussi à titre d’éditrice pour les éditions Tête première et
d’un centre éducatif et membre du conseil d’administration de           Hamac. Elle a signé les romans Déterrer les os (2016), Roux
plusieurs associations communautaires de Gens du Voyage                 clair naturel (2019), Mukbang (2021) et Highlands (2021), le livre
(Mincéirí) : il a, entre autres, l’honneur d’avoir été vice-président   illustré Bagels (2021), ainsi que plusieurs nouvelles dans des
du réseau Irish Traveller Movement et membre du conseil de              revues et collectifs.
l’association Mincéir Whidden. Il cherche à allier militantisme
communautaire et célébration culturelle en remettant en mé-
moire des récits anciens aux résonances modernes et souhaite
plus que tout raviver la flamme d’une affinité partagée.
Irène Frain                                                           Emmanuelle Josse
(France)                                                              (France)

After teaching in high schools and lecturing at Sorbonne Uni-         Emmanuelle Josse is a freelance publisher who founded the
versity, Irène Frain chose to devote herself entirely to writing      journal La Déferlante along with journalists Marie Barbier, Lu-
novels and biographies. Her experience as a journalist for major      cie Geffroy and Marion Pillas. Conceived as a forum in which
weekly newspapers gave her a taste for investigative journal-         to bring together academic, journalistic and activist knowledge,
ism and reinforced her taste for long-distance travel. She has        this independent quarterly publication gives an account of the
distinguished herself with her passion for issues concerning the      post-#MeToo era by discussing feminist debate and examining
status of women and has won many literary prizes including the        major social issues through a gender prism.
Prix Interallié in 2020.
                                                                      Éditrice free-lance, Emmanuelle Josse a créé, avec les journal-
Après un parcours de professeur en lycée et à l’Université de         istes Marie Barbier, Lucie Geffroy et Marion Pillas, la revue La
la Sorbonne, Irène Frain a choisi de se consacrer entièrement         Déferlante. Pensée comme un lieu de diffusion et de rencon-
à l’écriture, romans et biographies. La pratique du journalisme       tre des savoirs universitaires, journalistiques et militants, cette
dans de grands hebdomadaires français lui a donné le goût de          publication trimestrielle indépendante raconte le monde post
l’enquête et renforcé son goût des voyages lointains. Elle s’est      #MeToo en synthétisant les débats féministes et en examinant
signalée pour sa passion des enjeux de la condition féminine          les grandes questions de société au prisme du genre.
et a remporté de nombreux prix littéraires, dont le Prix Interallié
en 2020
Hervé Le Tellier                                                      Eoin McNamee
(France)                                                              (Ireland)

A mathematician by training, then a journalist, a graduate of the     Eoin McNamee was born in Kilkeel, Co Down. He has written
Centre de Formation des Journalistes in Paris, Hervé Le Teillier      seventeen novels including Resurrection Man, 2004, The Ultras,
is a Doctor of Linguistics and a specialist in constrained litera-    2004, The Blue Trilogy, The Vogue, 2018 and The Marauders,
ture. A member of the Oulipo, Hervé Le Tellier is the author of       2022. He also writes for cinema, radio and television. He is Di-
several noteworthy books which include Assez parlé d’amour,           rector of the Oscar Wilde Centre in Trinity College Dublin.
2009, published in English under the title Enough About Love in
2011, Toutes les familles heureuses, 2017, published in English       Eoin McNamee est né à Kilkeel dans le comté de Down. Il est
under the title All Happy Families, 2019, and Moi et François         l’auteur de dix-sept romans parmi lesquels Resurrection Man,
Mitterrand, 2016. In 2013, he was awarded the Grand Prix de           1994 (paru en français sous le titre Le Trépasseur), The Ultras,
l’humour noir for his Contes liquides.                                2004, The Blue Trilogy, The Vogue, 2018 et The Marauders,
                                                                      2022. Il écrit également pour le cinéma, la radio et la télévision
Mathématicien de formation, puis journaliste, diplômé du Centre       et dirige le Centre Oscar Wilde de Trinity College à Dublin.
de formation des journalistes à Paris, Hervé Le Tellier est doc-
teur en linguistique et spécialiste des littératures à contraintes.
Membre de l’Oulipo il est l’auteur de plusieurs livres remarqués,
parmi lesquels Assez parlé d’amour 2009, Toutes les familles
heureuses 2017, Moi et François Mitterrand, 2016. Il a reçu en
2013 le Grand Prix de l’humour noir pour ses Contes liquides.
Pap Ndiaye                                                          Kevin Power
(France)                                                            (Ireland)

Pap Ndiaye is a specialist in the social history of the United      Kevin Power is the author of two novels, Bad Day in Blackrock,
States with a focus on minorities. He also studies minorities and   2008 and White City, 2021. He won the Rooney Prize for Irish
their situation in France (history and sociology of Black popu-     Literature in 2009. His writing has appeared in The New Yorker,
lations). He graduated from the École Normale Supérieure de         The Guardian, Irish Times, The Dublin Review, The Stinging Fly,
Fontenay-Saint-Cloud and is agrégé. He holds a PhD in History       and many other places. He teaches in the School of English,
as well as an MA from the University of Virginia. His latest work   Trinity College Dublin.
Les Noirs américains, de l’esclavage à Black Lives Matter was
published in October 2021. He is currently director of the Musée    Auteur de deux romans, Bad Day in Blackrock (2008) et White
national de l’histoire de l’immigration.                            City (2021), Kevin Power a reçu le Rooney Prize for Irish Lit-
                                                                    erature en 2009. Ses écrits ont paru dans The New Yorker, The
Pap Ndiaye est spécialiste d’histoire sociale des États-Unis,       Guardian, The Irish Times, The Dublin Review, The Stinging Fly
particulièrement des minorités. Il s’intéresse également aux        et bien d’autres publications. Il enseigne à la faculté d’anglais
situations minoritaires en France (histoire et sociologie des       de Trinity College à Dublin.
populations noires). Normalien, agrégé et docteur en histoire,
il est également diplômé de l’université de Virginie (M.A.). Son
dernier ouvrage Les Noirs américains, de l’esclavage à Black
Lives Matter est paru en octobre 2021. Depuis mars 2021, il est
directeur général du Palais de la Porte Dorée (Aquarium tropi-
cal | Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration).
Keith Ridgway                                                       Rita Sakr
(Ireland)                                                           (Lebanon / Italy)

Keith Ridgway is a Dubliner and Londoner. He is the author of       Rita Sakr is lecturer in postcolonial and global literatures at May-
five novels, including A Shock, 2021, Hawthorn & Child, 2013,       nooth University. Among various other publications, she is the
and Animals, 2011. His first novel The Long Falling, 2004, won      author of Monumental Space in the Post-Imperial Novel and of
the Prix Femina Étranger, and he is a recipient of the Rooney       ‘Anticipating’ the 2011 Arab Uprisings, co-editor of The Ethics of
Prize for Irish Literature.                                         Representation in Literature, Art and Journalism: Transnational
                                                                    Responses to the Siege of Beirut and co-director/ co-producer
Keith Ridgway est dublinois et londonien. Il est l’auteur de cinq   of the RCUK-funded documentary on Beirut, White Flags. Rita
romans, parmi lesquels figurent A Shock (2021), Hawthorn &          researches and serves on public engagement initiatives and
Child (2013) et Animals (2006). Son premier roman The Long          funded research projects focused on forced displacement.
Falling, 1998 (paru en français sous le titre Mauvaise Pente) a
été couronné du Prix Femina Étranger. Keith a également reçu        Rita Sakr enseigne la littérature postcoloniale et la littérature
le Rooney Prize for Irish Literature.                               mondiale à l’université de Maynooth. On lui doit, entre autres,
                                                                    Monumental Space in the Post-Imperial Novel et ‘Anticipating’
                                                                    the 2011 Arab Uprisings. Elle a également coédité The Ethics
                                                                    of Representation in Literature, Art and Journalism: Transna-
                                                                    tional Responses to the Siege of Beirut et coréalisé et copro-
                                                                    duit le documentaire sur Beyrouth White Flags, financé par le
                                                                    Research Councils UK (RCUK). Rita effectue des projets de
                                                                    recherche et contribue à des initiatives d’engagement publique
                                                                    sur les déplacements forcés.
Anne Serre                                                               Ailbhe Smyth
(France)                                                                 (Ireland)

Anne Serre is the author of fifteen books: novels, short stories         Ailbhe Smyth is an academic, a feminist and an activist who
and fiction. From Les Gouvernantes, 1992 (in English The Gov-            established the first centre for women’s studies in Ireland and
ernesses) to Un Chapeau léopard, 2008, Les Débutants, 2011               was co-director of the Together for Yes national referendum cam-
(in English The Beginners) or Petite table, sois mise ! 2012. She        paign on abortion.
uses in turns a male or a female narrator alternately, investi-
gating love, friendship, desire, insanity, family and the writer’s       Ailbhe Smyth, universitaire, féministe, et activiste, a créé le pre-
mystery, with a clear language that is often tinged with irony.          mier centre d’études féminines d’Irlande et a co-dirigé la cam-
Au Cœur d’un été tout en or, 2020, was awarded the Prix Gon-             pagne du Together for Yes (la campagne autour du réferendum
court de la Nouvelle. Her work has been published in the United          pour l’avortement).
States, England, Spain and Germany.

Anne Serre est l’auteur d’une quinzaine de livres : romans,
nouvelles, récits fictionnels. Depuis Les Gouvernantes, 1992, en
passant par Un chapeau léopard, 2008, Les Débutants, 2011, ou
Petite table, sois mise !, 2012, elle utilise tour à tour un narrateur
ou une narratrice, explore l’amour, l’amitié, le désir, la folie, la
famille et le mystère de l’écrivain, dans une langue limpide non
dépourvue d’ironie. Au cœur d’un été tout en or, 2020, a été cou-
ronné par le Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle. Elle est publiée aux
États-Unis, en Angleterre, en Espagne et en Allemagne.
Vanessa Springora                                                      Irish Language Writers
                                                                          Supported by Foras na Gaeilge
Vanessa Springora is a French publisher, writer and film director.
In January 2020, she published Le Consentement, published

                                                                                                  Áine Ní Ghlinn
in English under the title Consent: a memoir, a personal story
which recounts how, when she was fourteen years old, an au-
thor who was 36 years her senior, exercised control over her.
The book was awarded the prix Jean-Jacques Rousseau de                                           Áine Ní Ghlinn is a poet and
l’autobiographie and the Grand prix des Lectrices de ELLE and                                    children’s writer with 35 books
generated an international media coverage. It is has been trans-                                 published. These include six col-
lated in 30 countries.                                                                           lections of poetry for adults and
                                                                                                 a range of novels, stories, pic-
Vanessa Springora est une éditrice, réalisatrice et autrice fran-                                ture books, drama and poetry for
çaise. En janvier 2020, elle publie Le Consentement, un récit                                    young adults and children. She
personnel qui relate l’emprise exercée sur elle, à l’âge de qua-                                 is the curent Laureate na nÓg,
torze ans, par un écrivain de 36 ans son aîné. L’ouvrage, cou-                                   Ireland’s Children’s Literature Lau-
ronné du prix Jean-Jacques Rousseau de l’autobiographie et           reate (2020 – 2023). Her poetry and young adult novels explore
du Grand prix des Lectrices de ELLE, a connu un retentisse-          a range of taboo themes, including grooming and sexual abuse.
ment médiatique international. Il est actuellement traduit dans
30 pays.                                                             Áine Ní Ghlinn est poète et écrivaine pour enfants. Elle a publié
                                                                     35 livres, dont six recueils de poésie pour adultes et une série
                                                                     de romans, de récits, de livres d’images, de pièces de théâtre
                                                                     et de poèmes pour jeunes adultes et enfants. Elle est l’actuelle
                                                                     Lauréate na nÓg (2020 – 2023). Son dernier recueil de poé-
                                                                     sie Rúin Oscailte a été présélectionné pour le prix Gradam Uí
                                                                     Shúilleabháin du livre en irlandais de l’année 2021. Ses poèmes
                                                                     et romans pour jeunes adultes explorent différents thèmes atour
                                                                     du tabou, incluant les abus sexuels.

                                                                     File agus údar do dhaoine óga a bhfuil 35 leabhar foilsithe aici.
                                                                     Scríobhann sí do dhaoine fásta agus do dhaoine óga de gach
                                                                     aois. Ina cuid filíochta agus ina húrscéalta do dhéagóirí, cíorann
                                                                     sí téamaí ar nós mí-úsáid ghnéis, mealltóireacht agus ábhair
                                                                     thoirmiscthe eile. Tá sí ina Laureate na nÓg (2020 – 2023). Bhí
                                                                     an cnuasach filíochta is déanaí dá cuid, Rúin Oscailte ar ghe-
                                                                     arrliosta Ghradam Uí Shúilleabháin 2021. Déanann sí ábhair
                                                                     thoirmiscthe a chíoradh ina cuid filíochta agus ina scéalta do
                                                                     dhéagóirí, ina measc, mealltóireacht agus mí-úsáid ghnéis.
                                                                                                      Ó Conghaile
                                                                                                  Micheál Ó Conghaile is from
                                                                                                  Connemara. He established the
                                                                                                  publishing company Cló Iar-Chon-
                                                                                                  nacht in 1985, and he is a member
                                                                                                  of Aosdána. He writes in Irish, and
                                                                                                  has published poetry, short stories,
                                                                                                  a novel, plays, and a novella, and
                                                                       has also done several translations. He has won The Butler
                                                                       Literary Award from The Irish American Cultural Institute and
                                                                       The Hennessy Literary Award. His most recent publication is
                                                                       Laethanta Sona, 2021, a translation of Beckett’s Happy Days.

                                                                       Originaire du Connemara, Micheál Ó Conghaile a créé la
                                                                       maison d’édition Cló Iar-Chonnacht en 1985. Membre de
                                                                       l’association Aosdána. Il écrit en irlandais et a publié de la poé-
20 years of supporting the Irish Language                              sie, des nouvelles, un roman, des pièces de théâtre ainsi qu’un
                                                                       roman court. Il a également réalisé plusieurs traductions et reçu
Foras na Gaeilge, the body responsible for the promotion of the        le prix littéraire Butler de l’Institut culturel irlando-américain
Irish language throughout the whole island of Ireland, was founded     ainsi que le prix littéraire Hennessy. Sa dernière publication,
in December 1999. Foras na Gaeilge is proud of its role in advis-      intitulée Laethanta Sona (2021), est une traduction de Happy
ing administrations, North and South, as well as public bodies and     Days (Oh les Beaux Jours) de Samuel Beckett.
other groups in the private and voluntary sectors in all matters re-
lating to the Irish language as well as the supportive projects it     Is mar scríbhneoir cruthaitheach is mó aithne ar Mhicheál Ó Cong-
undertakes with grant-aiding bodies and groups throughout the          haile, go háirithe ó foilsíodh a dhara cnuasach gearrscéalta An Fear
island of Ireland.                                                     a Phléasc (1997), an t-úrscéal Sna Fir (2000) a bhí ar ghearrliosta
                                                                       Dhuais Liteartha The Irish Times, agus an nóibhille Seachrán Jeaic
#AmharcSiar                                      Sheáin Johnny (2002). Sa Teach Seo Anocht a nóibhille is deirean-
                                                                       naí. Léirigh An Taibhdhearc trí dhráma dá chuid agus bronnadh breis
                                                                       agus tríocha duais Oireachtais air thar na blianta chomh maith le
                                                                       duais Stewart Parker/BBC Raidió Uladh, Duais Fhoras na Gaeilge/
                                                                       Sheachtain na Scríbhneoirí i Lios Tuathail, Duais Ionadaíochta an
                                                                       Choimisiúin Eorpaigh/Anois agus Gradam Uí Shúilleabháin. Tá ge-
                                                                       arrscéalta leis aistrithe go breis agus deich dteanga. Ball d’Aos Dána
                                                                       é. Ar na saothair is nuaí uaidh tá an dá aistriúchán Rogha Scéalta le
                                                                       Liam Ó Flaithearta agus dráma Beckett, Laethanta Sona.
Michael Brophy (Ireland)
Michael Brophy is Professor of French and Francophone Studies at University College Dublin. He has published widely
on contemporary French and francophone poetry, as well as on French Canadian literature and migrant writing in French.
Ecrits intimes, his edition of the diaries of the French poet Guillevic, appeared recently with Editions L’Atelier Contempo-

Zelda Chauvet (Switzerland)
Zelda Chauvet is a journalist, editorial producer and narrative consultant based in Switzerland. Specialised in culture,
she has been accompanying various public and private institutions in the promotion of their work for more than 10 years,
engaging with artists and defending innovative cross-cultural projects.

Michael Cronin (Ireland)
Michael Cronin is 1776 Professor of French at Trinity College Dublin and Director of the Trinity Centre for Literary and
Cultural Translation. He has published widely on questions of translation, language and culture. He is an elected member
of the Royal Irish Academy, the Academia Europaea, an Officer of the Ordre des Palmes académiques and a Fellow of
Trinity College Dublin.

Martin Doyle          (Ireland)

Martin Doyle is Books Editor of The Irish Times, which he joined in 2007. He started his career in London in 1990 with
The Irish World, joined The Irish Post in 1992 and rose to become Editor before moving in 2001 to The Times. He edited
A History of The Irish Post (2000) to mark the newspaper’s 30th anniversary. He has an MA in French & German from the
University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Jean-Philippe Imbert (France)
Jean-Philippe Imbert is Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature and Sexuality Studies at Dublin City University. He
runs a Research Centre called EROSS (Expressions, Research, Orientations: Sexuality Studies). He researches and
publishes on literary and artistic representations of monsters and the monstrous in Mexican and French 20th and 21st
century literatures.
Sinéad Mac Aodha                (Ireland)

Sinéad Mac Aodha is the director of Literature Ireland. Current projects include curating a podcast series, Talking Transla-
tions, which presents duos of authors and their translators reading from recent works; and Seoda, a Dublin UNESCO City
of Literature collaboration where Irish short stories have been published in Korean, Québécois, Portuguese and Icelandic.

Éamon Ó Ciosáin (Ireland)
Éamon Ó Ciosáin has translated modern Irish-language literature into French and Breton. He first learned French at an
Irish-medium primary school in Dublin. He studied French and Celtic languages in Dublin and Rennes, and obtained
a doctorate on Irish migration to France in the 17th century. He has published on Franco-Irish relations and on Irish-
language and Breton-language topics.

Jean-Michel Picard (France)
Jean-Michel Picard is professor emeritus in the UCD School of Languages, Cultures & Linguistics, and a member of the
Royal Irish Academy. A specialist in Medieval Studies, he has published numerous works and articles, in particular on the
subject of Irish hagiographic literature, on Hiberno-Latin language and on the history of contacts between Ireland and the
European continent during the Middle.

Julie Rodgers (Ireland)
Julie Rodgers is Associate Professor and Subject Leader in French at Maynooth University, Ireland. Her research interests
include the following: Contemporary Women’s Writing in French; Feminism; Narratives of Mothering; Quebec Literature;
Migrant Writing; Contemporary French Cinema. Julie is the former president of ACSI and a member of ADEFFI.
Team                              Special Thanks
                                  Very special thanks to the           Christiaan Feehan                                Line Rivard
                                  Arts Council                         Event Manager, Office of Public Works,           Agent-General
Alliance Française                                                     Dublin Castle                                    Québec Government Office in London

1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2        Ba mhaith linn buíochas a            Mary Heffernan                                   Kathy Smyth
+353 (0) 1 638 1441               ghabháil le foireann Fhoras          General Manager, Office of Public Works,         Marketing Manager, Butlers Chocolates
                                                                       Dublin Castle        na Gaeilge                                                                                                   Karl Wallace
                                                                       Nora Hickey M’Sichili                            Head of Festivals, Arts Council
                                                                       Director, Centre Culturel Irlandais
                                  Suzie Beaulieu
Director                          Member Services Manager,
Fabienne Clérot                   Association Internationale des       Chantal Houdet
                                  Études Québécoises                   Director, Association Internationale
                                                                       des Etudes Québécoises
Festival Manager                  Brigitte Bertout
Christine Weld                    Political Affairs Attaché,           Pierre Joannon
                                  Québec Government Office in London   Former President, Ireland Fund de France
                                                                                                                        Photo Credits: Anne Serre © Sophie
Cultural Assistant                                                                                                      Bassouls / Vanessa Springora © JFPaga
                                  Bétrice Bihr                         Maureen Kennelly                                 / Fanie Demeule © Martine Doyon /
Charlie Egraz                     Executive Vice President,            Director, Arts Council                           Hervé Le Tellier © Francesca Mantovani /
                                  General Secretariat, Servier                                                          Micheál Ó Conghaile © Máire Uí Mhaicín
                                                                                                                        / Kevin Power © Steve Gallagher / Aine
                                                                       Lily Pol Neveu                                   Ni Ghlinn © Ger Holland / Jan Carson ©
                                  Augustin Blanc
The French Embassy                General Manager, Servier (Ireland)
                                                                       Acting Director-Political and Public Affairs,
                                                                       Québec Government Office in London
                                                                                                                        Frankie Quinn / Ailbhe Smyth © Mattia
66 Fitzwilliam Lane, Dublin 2
+353 (0) 1 277 5000

Cultural Counsellor               Contributors
Mariam Diallo

Literature Project Manager        Festival Photographer                Translators                                     Head Librarian
                                  Samuel Jay Patrick                   Marie Le Men                                    Annabelle Malandrin
Stéphanie Muchint
                                                                       Dorian Chevenet
                                  Interpreters                                                                         Artistic Director   Marie Delumeau                       Proofreader                                     Vincent Lavergne
#FILF22                           Sarah-Ann Kelly                      Irene Falvey
Easter Term
                                                                         On-site & Online French courses for
                                                                        Toddlers, Children, Teenagers & Adults

             Literature Ireland is the national organisation
              for the promotion of Irish literature abroad.
                We support Irish writers and writing by:

• running a translation grant programme for international publishers
• representing and securing opportunities for Irish writers at events
and festivals abroad
• managing the Irish stands at the London and Frankfurt book fairs
• hosting literary translators in Ireland
• organising an annual literary translation summer school
• publishing the annual New Writing from Ireland catalogue
• presenting the Talking Translations podcast with readings by Irish
writers and translators from across the world.


                                                                                         Alliance Française
                                                                                         1 Kildare Street, Dublin 2
                                                                                         +353 (1) 676 1732
Principal Funders

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