De l'Instant Payment à un monde sans cut-off - AFTE
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De l’Instant Payment à un monde sans cut-off Organisé par la commission Cash Management International David Héleschewitz Xavier Aublet Agnès Sertillange ALTEN Vinci Faurecia Commission CMI Commission CMI Commission CMI
Pour nous accompagner (par ordre d’intervention) Sylvie Calsacy Nicolas Murat Dominique Beauchamp Philippe Gelis Patrick Siméon Worldline ESSILOR BPCE Kantox Amundi Responsable des affaires Responsable Cash Directeur Général Adjoint Président Directeur Responsable de la gestion publiques et Management & Back- Natixis Payment Solutions Général et Co-fondateur monétaire règlementaires Office 3
Pour nous accompagner (suite) Denis Mérendet Raphael Marek Fayza Arsan-Le Saux Laurent Majchrzak BARCLAYS Hervé Labbé SWIFT DANONE CACEIS BANK Head of Barclays Europe NowCP Key Account Director Cash Management Group Head of Products and Cash Management Co-fondateur SWIFT France Director Solutions Products 4
Présentations 1. La gestion des cut-off et ses pain points 2. Le paiement instantané Worldline Swift Barclays 3. Témoignage entreprises – les paiements - Danone Essilor 4. Les nouvelles plateformes NowCP Teepi 5. La gestion de la liquidité côté institutions financières - BPCE Barclays Insertion>Pied de page : Insertion>Pied de page : ajouter le nom de la réunion/commission 5 ajouter la date
Proposition de gestion de la liquidité temps-réel côté banque Dominique BEAUCHAMP C2 - Internal Natixis
Notifications Temps Réel 24/7 Temps réel 24/7 Monétique IP Monétique IP Request to Pay B2B / C2B Fichiers EDI IP Initiation Encaissements IP reception Décaissements B2B / B2C IP Initiation IP Fichiers EDI Open Banking/Acquisition IP API Temps Réel 24/7 Monitoring Temps réel 24/7 Placements Pooling 2 C2 - Internal Natixis
Instant Payment : Contexte & Cas d’usages Sylvie Calsacy, Head of Public and Regulatory Affairs in Worldline
Source BRI/BIS
Instant Immediate Real-time faster BIS definiton : fast payment” is defined as a payment” in which the transmission of the payment message and the availability of “final” funds to the payee occur in real time or near-real time on as near to a 24-hour and seven-day (24/7) basis as possible
Une gestion des risques plus fine…. Date de Inter- LAB LAT operabilité valeur … pour une modernisation des systèmes de règlements et des usages. Source :
2015 - Amsterdam Colère contre les banques à cause du temps de processing
100 K€ 1 Juil. 2020 36 pays SCT Insertion>Pied de page : Insertion>Pied de page : ajouter le nom de la réunion/commission 6 ajouter la date
Le marché néerlandais de l’instant payment Mise en place des options prévues par le scheme Des cas d’usage variés
Retour d’expérience sur l’utilisation du FP par le trésorier d’entreprise en UK Restricted - External
Retour d’expérience sur l’utilisation du FP par le trésorier d’entreprise en UK 1. Bref histoire de Faster Payments (FP) • La naissance de FP • L’offre FP • Le positionnement de FP dans l’écosystème des paiements GBP. 2. Une longue et lente adoption du scheme (étapes clés) 3. Expérience des augmentations de la limite du montant (passées et futurs) 4. L’écosystème autour de FP • Les expériences passées (pay by bank : Zapp, Paym…) • Les évolutions clés en cours (Open banking, Request to Pay, confirmation of payee) et principales difficultés rencontrées. 2 Restricted - External
Data obtained from UK Finance; UK Payment Statistic 2018 report & from Pay.UK Monthly Payment Statistic 1990 to Mar 2019 Data obtained from UK Finance; UK Payment Statistic 2018 report & from Pay.UK Monthly Payment Statistic 1990 to Mar 2019 3 Restricted - External
Retour d’expérience sur l’utilisation du FP par le trésorier d’entreprise en UK 5. Cas d’usages • Amex : marchants crédités plus vite • Instant credit and re-credit : wallets, Jeux en ligne • Instant refunds : remboursement tickets de train • Instant Pay by bank : vente de billets d’avions, dépannage voiture sur autoroute… • Payrolls : saisonnier ou secteurs spécifiques – BTP • Backup de bacs 5. Impacts sur les trésoriers d’entreprise au UK • Impacts on Cash pooling (notionnel, ZBA) • Impacts on the liquidity management o Encaissement, paiement : un mixte de gestion intraday et de prévisions o Un coût de liquidité à priori plus élevé, mais pas forcément 6. Projets d’évolution du scheme (migration vers ISO20022, alignement de la limite avec celle de bacs, reporting…) 4 Restricted - External
la gestion de la liquidité temps-réel côté banque (état actuel et solutions envisagées) 1. Etat actuel • Comment Barclays gère sa liquidité en temps reel, 24/7/365? 2. Solutions en cours de développement • Comment limiter le surcoût de la liquidité induit par le 24/7/365? 5 Restricted - External
L’arrivée de l’instantanéité pour le trésorier d’entreprise Fayza ARSAN-LE SAUX
34 countries in SEPA zone 365 days reporting consequence All SEPA transactions (debit/credit) No cut-off Between 2 accounts in same bank in NL Files sent via e-banking or H2H De l’instant payment à un monde sans cut-off. 28/01/2020 2
Questions raised for current cashpooling model ? What daily forecast How to fund on WE What impact on What impact on cash for cashpool & target days ? bank O/D ? landing management participants? ZBA hours ? ? De l’instant payment à un monde sans cut-off. 28/01/2020 3
L’arrivée de l’instantanéité pour le trésorier d’entreprise Nicolas MURAT
Faster Payment et Cash Pooling, pas forcément un bon ménage Date de l’évènement: Avril 2018 Victime : Filiale E-commerce Carte d’identité de la victime: Filiale participant au cash pooling ZBA groupe avec HSBC Utilisation par la filiale des Faster Payment pour ses remboursements clients 2
Une solution toute trouvée? Pas vraiment… DIAGNOSTIC Le « Faster Payment » impose que les fonds soient disponibles sur le compte à l’instant même où la transaction est effectuée. Si les compte ne dispose pas des fonds suffisant, le Faster Payment est rejeté PRECISION: Les lignes intraday mise en place dans le cadre d’un cash pooling ne sont pas compatibles avec ce type de paiement, elles couvrent uniquement BACS or CHAPS 3
Une solution toute trouvée? Pas vraiment… INVESTIGATION HSBC a cherché une solution afin de pouvoir maintenir le nivellement à zéro et l’utilisation du service Faster Payment, mais aucune solution n’a été trouvée avec la technologie actuelle en place SOLUTION PROPOSEE Option 1: Ouvrir un compte courant non connecté au cash pooling et l’alimenter avant d’effectuer un Faster Payment Option 2: Modifier les options du ZBA afin de maintenir un pied de compte suffisant Insertion>Pied de page : 4 ajouter la date
NEU CP, THE MOST ATTRACTIVE SHORT … BUT NEGOCIATION PROCESSES AND POST- TERM MARKET IN CONTINENTAL EUROPE… TRADE INFRASTRUCTURES CAN BE IMPROVED Legal documentation can be drafted in Banque de France brings transparency NEU CP is traded over the phone or by Post-trade (delivery versus settlement) English and other languages and trust to the market chat infrastructures are reliable but there is room for improvement in terms of Legal and regulatory framework favors With outstandings of 270 billion Euros, Multiple term sheets are sent for a single efficiency: spot value date remains the international expansion: in the event of NEU CP is the 3rd Commercial Paper transaction: higher transaction costs and market standard default, the law of the issuing company market worldwide complex back office processes applies Standard trading hours could be 50 corporate issuers have joined the Difficulties in identifying the final extended NEU CP enables financial and corporate market since 2014. The corporate investor companies to issue at negative rates on outstandings remain high (~60 billion The ISIN code is rarely available rapidly all the short end part of the curve (less Euros) in spite of the Quantitative Easing than 12 months) ❝ There is a consensus among market players that most volumes will be traded on electronic platforms in the medium-term. Orange has brought together major market players to create the first commercial paper marketplace Thanks to its experience on the market, Orange launches the NowCP project in 2017 2
INTRODUCING SOMETHING NEW: Native Efficient Workflow DUAL DUPLICATED WORKFLOW NATIVE EFFICIENT WORKFLOW Dealer Issuer Dealer Investor Issuer Investor ISIN ISIN ISIN IPA Custodian Custodian ISIN IPA Custodian CSD CSD Euroclear Euroclear T2S T2S T2S Central Central Central Bank Bank Bank Instruction Native Efficient Workflow Voice trading Electronic Trading (GUI / API) Thanks to our streamlined processes, you can lower your operational risk drastically: say goodbye to uncertainty, welcome to the age of instant funding
INTRODUCING SOMETHING NEW: Native Efficient Workflow DUAL DUPLICATED WORKFLOW NATIVE EFFICIENT WORKFLOW Dealer Issuer Horizontal reconciliation Issuer Dealer Investor Issuer Investor ISIN ISIN ISIN IPA Custodian Custodian ISIN IPA Custodian CSD CSD Vertical reconciliation Euroclear Euroclear T2S T2S T2S Central Central Central Investor Bank Bank Bank Instruction Native Efficient Workflow Voice trading Electronic Trading (GUI / API) Instantaneity in the financial markets requires a global rethink of all front-to-back processes. To ensure that these two worlds, which live separately, communicate more and better
KEY EXPERTISES FROM THE ORANGE GROUP HAS BEEN MOBILISED BUT TECHNOLOGY IS AT THE SERVICE OF USERS Orange Global Solution for Business Customers Services & operations Private network Security Services Management (Reselled by OCD) Digital Process Solutions ID2S integration OGSB CS&O NowCP developement Support Level 3 ID2S & NowCP Orange Cyber Defense Orange Applications for Business Risks analysis DPS OBS OCD Security testing Direction des Services de Production Mutualisés OAB Orange Cloud for Business Support Level 1 & 2 ID2S & NowCP DSPM OCB NowCP Flexible Settlement physical platforms Neoclès Platform as a service Platform Flexible hosting Engine (development – phase 1) Servers and Switch Management (ID2S) Motorisation OLS 5
TEEPI Market Place Presentation to January 28th 2020
2 TEEPI DataHub The funds network TEEPI was created in late 2016 to meet new regulatory data exchange needs. CACEIS saw an immediate opportunity to simplify and give fresh impetus to relations between financial institutions and asset management companies. Built on a social network model, TEEPI allows the various players to communicate their regulatory data (Solvency 2, PRIIPS, MIFID) through an efficient and user friendly interface. In 2020, after two years of steady growth, TEEPI is preparing to make an other step ...
TEEPI DATA HUB 3 A data exchange network Asset Managers Institutional Asset Managers Institutional Asset Managers Institutional Institutional Asset Managers Institutional Institutional TEEPI Asset Managers Distributors
TEEPI DATA HUB 4 A mature platform covering all regulatory needs Designed around the needs of investors for simplified and efficient data collection Comprehensive and adaptable: Solvency II, PRIIPs, MIFID and IFI Designed for operational efficiency: ▶ Bulk processing of connections and transfers ▶ TEEPI LIVE for a monitoring of the workflows, TEEPI BOT for automation ▶ Adaptable to each organisation and its members (universe, roles, administration of accounts, etc.) A single model at CACEIS and on the market: ▶ Self CARE, independence of companies for managing their users and network ▶ Demand driven, innovative business model ▶ Inspired by social media
TEEPI DATA HUB 5 A platform built on success A successful model adopted by many financial players… Marketplace is the latest add-on to TEEPI, a data exchange platform chosen by numerous companies around the world. +1 300 000 A few examples of companies on TEEPI : +45 000 COMPANIES +400 REPORTS ISINS
6 TEEPI Market Place The funds network A new dimension
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 7 A fully digital a/c opening and transactional solution Asset Managers TA1 Institutional Asset Managers Institutional Asset Managers TA2 Institutional Institutional Asset Managers TA1 Institutional Asset Managers Institutional TEEPI Asset Managers TA2 Distributors
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 8 A new dimension Objectives: Launching a new Offering innovative Creating a unique platform aiming at solutions to new multi services boosting Fund investors by platform based on Distribution across leveraging on new a simple and user Europe technologies friendly design An innovative digital platform facilitating fund distribution in Europe: Fund selector Library of dynamic fund fact sheets Fund legal documentation (prospectus, annual reports, KIDs,...) Transmission of subscription/redemption orders Investors digital KYC (upcoming) Transfer agent access (upcoming) Fund units aggregator (upcoming)
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 9 A 100% Digital Investor experience Fund selector Investors can make a quick selection of funds or search directly for a precise share class. User friendly multi criteria selection of Funds allowing to browse through an array of similar Funds Criteria can be modified at any time to refine selection Quick search by ISIN code or by fund name for direct access to Fund Fact Sheets Ideas to go further Favourite selection : saving a selection to watch an array of funds and be notified when new funds enter the matched criteria
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 10 A 100% Digital Investor experience Fund Fact Sheets Dynamic Library A simple and comprehensive layout to understand a fund at a glimpse Fund Fact Sheets Dynamic Library User friendly display of key characteristics and performance data Access to all Fund’s Documentation Ideas to go further Fund wish list : saving a share class for a future investment
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 11 A 100% Digital Investor experience Transmission of subscription/redemption orders Investors can make a quick selection of funds or search directly for a precise share class. Transmission of subscription/redemption orders Simple subscription/redemption journey with direct routing of orders and investor information to the Fund’s Transfer Agent Daily updates of order statuses based on information received from Transfer Agents Ideas to go further Trade documentation: for each trade or mass download of application form and contract notes
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 12 Upcoming Features in 2020 A fully fledged investor platform Investors Digital KYC 100% digital customer journey to collect the KYC information and document Quick and easy application form generation to facilitate subscription/redemption in new Funds Access to 3rd party Transfer Agents And external Funds Opening TEEPI to all Transfer Agents 100% digital account opening requests management Fund units aggregator Import of existing fund positions held with the various Transfer Agents Daily updates of positions held based on information received from Transfer Agents
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 13 TEEPI Market Place is going live in 2020 CACEIS is currently onboarding its first investors on TEEPI Market Place A Partnership with The full Digital KYC and the access to 3rd party TAs will be available AMUNDI in order to later in 2020, but TEEPI Market Place can already welcome Credit set-up the first Agricole Group clients. Two main targets have been defined and European Monetary some of the following clients are being approached or onboarded : Funds Distribution Amundi and CA-CIB Corporate Investors platform. CACEIS TA and webinvestor clients Onboarding roadmap PILOT PHASE JANUARY 2020 JUNE 2020 LATE 2020 AMUNDI AMUNDI OTHER ASSET MANAGERS USING 3rd MONETARY FUNDS + 4 OTHER MAJOR MONEY MARKET ASSET PARTY TAs MANAGERS ALL THEIR FUND RANGE To be extended soon ALL THEIR FUND RANGE to other major AMUNDI Money Market Asset + 4 OTHER MAJOR MONEY MARKET ASSET MANAGERS OTHER ASSET MANAGERS SERVICED BY CACEIS TAs Manager.. MONETARY FUNDS ALL THEIR FUND RANGE MARCH 2020 SEPTEMBER 2020
TEEPI MARKET PLACE 14 Why is it important for corporate treasurers ? Instant order Counterparty risk Lower cost Integration This increases the ability This provides immediate This erases the This lowers the costs of to integrate these new effect of the investment counterparty risk executing and holding solutions into process* into Money represented by any Money Market companies' own IS Market funds forms of intermediation or other UCITS funds (Portfolio Management Systems). New business model Thanks to new 100% digital process Each TEEPI user proposed to the technologies, which transmits becomes the direct treasurers have the choice market : free of orders without owner of the to connect to TEEPI or to charge for European technical cut-off to underlying fund units use APIs in order to import corporate and DATA and services in their each registrar institutional investors own system * Still one NAV per day
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