Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica

La page est créée Cédric Raynaud
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
AVRIL 2019
                VOLUME 31 - N° 4

                                                                Fokus Psoriasis
                                                                Seite 10
Multiomics mit Stripping:
die nicht befallene Haut spricht                                Focus Psoriasis
Multiomics sur stripping:                                       Page 10
la peau non lésionnelle parle
Seite/Page 8

Die Paget-Krankheit ist immer
epidermalem Ursprungs
La maladie de Paget est toujours
d’origine épidermique
Seite/Page 4

SGDV Basel Vorprogramm
SSDV Bâle pré-programme
                                                               Seite/Page 13
Seite/Page 20

         Arbeitsgruppe Infektiologie / STI                                Klinische Fälle aus USZ
         Groupe de travail infectiologie / IST                            Cas cliniques de USZ
         Seite/Page 36                                                    Seite/Page 40

   Dieses Heft wrde für die Fortbildung der Schweizer Dermatologen dank einer Hilfe die folgenden Firmen realisiert:
      Ce numéro a été réalisé grâce à une aide pour la formation continue des dermatologues suisses des firmes:
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica


Wirkstoff: Diclofnac-Natrium

  Pharmacode                                           Menge                                                Bezeichnung                                                                                 FAP*

  7426305                                              25g                                                  Gel 30 mg/g                                                                      CHF 24.30
  7426311                                              50g                                                  Gel 30 mg/g                                                                      CHF 42.80
                                                                                                                                                                                                  *exkl. Mwst

Solacutan® 3% Gel Z: Diclofenac natrium (30 mg/g) I: Aktinische Keratosen. D: Erw.: 2×tgl. 0,5 g/25 cm2 während 60–90 Tagen, max. 5 g tgl. KI: Überempfindlichkeit gegenüber Diclofenac und Hilfsstoffen Schwan-
gerschaft (3. Trimenon, 1. und 2. Trimenon «FI»), Stillzeit (grossflächig, langfristig, Brust). IA: Wechselwirkungen mit Sonnenschutzpräparaten wurden nicht untersucht, weshalb eine gleichzeitige Anwendung
vermieden werden sollte. UW: Konjunktivitis, Hyperästhesie, Muskelhypertonie, lokalisierte Parästhesien, Dermatitis (einschliesslich Kontaktdermatitis), Ekzem, Hauttrockenheit, Erythem, Ödem, Juckreiz, Ausschlag,
schuppiger Hautausschlag, Hauthypertrophie, Hautulkus, vesiculo-bullöser Ausschlag. Liste: B. Stand der Information: 02/2017. Zulassungsinhaberin: Dermapharm AG, 6331 Hünenberg. Ausführliche Informationen
siehe oder

                                                                 Dermapharm AG • Bösch 104 • 6331 Hünenberg
                                                                 Tel. 041 785 63 40 • Fax 041 785 62 89 • •
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
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                                                                                                                                                    Redaktionsbüro, Bureau éditorial:

DERMATOLOGICA HELVETICA                                                                                                                             JH Saurat: Chefredaktor, Editeur en chef
                                                                                                                                                    M Harms: Chefredaktor StV, Editeur en chef adjointe
Avril 2019 - Volume 31 - N° 4                                                                                                                       A Navarini: Assoziierter Redaktor, Rédacteur associé
                                                                                                                                                    C Hsu: Redaktor für die Social Media, Editeur sur les médias sociaux
                                                                                                                                                    Carine Herreras ( Redaktionsbüro, Bureau éditorial
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                                                                                                                                                    A Navarini: Weiterbildung der Assistenzärzte, Formation post-graduée des
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    20                                          Vorprogramm – Pré-programme SSDV                                                                    JP Grillet: Humor, Billet d’humour
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                                                                                                                                                    M Tomasik: Neues aus dem Generalsekretariat, Nouvelles du secrétariat général
    36                                          Sujets de formation post-graduée et                                                                 N Griesser: Neue Mitglieder, Nouveaux membres
                                                                                                                                                    Neues aus den kantonalen Dermatologengesellschaften, den Kommissionen
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                                                                                                                                                    Ständige Kommission für Kommunikation, Commission permanente pour la
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                                                                                                                                                    députés pour la Suisse alémanique

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    Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019                                                                                                                                                                              3
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals. Both
                                             Warts Escape The Immune                              conventional and network meta-analyses (with
                                             System Just Like Melanoma                            a frequentist approach) were conducted on R
                                                                                                  software. The P-score was used to rank different
                                             Expression of PD-L1 and PD-1 in Cutaneous Warts      treatments.
                                                                                                  Results: Network meta-analysis of 17 rando-
                                             W.Y. Yu, et al.                                      mized controlled trials (1676 patients) showed
                                             Department of Dermatology, University of Cali-       that PPD (purified protein derivative vaccine, OR
                                             fornia, San Francisco, USA                           39.56), MMR (measles, mumps, rubella vaccine,
                                                                                                  OR 17.46) and interferon β (OR 15.55) had the
                                             Background: Cutaneous warts have high preva-         highest efficacy in terms of complete recovery
                                             lence and cause significant morbidity. Unders-       at the primary site compared with placebo. Re-
                                             tanding the mechanisms by which warts evade          garding complete recovery at the distant site,
                                             the immune system may lead to targeted and           autoinoculation (OR 79.95), PPD (OR 42.95), and
                                             improved treatments.                                 MMR (OR 15.39) were all statistically superior
                                             Objective: To determine whether cutaneous war-       to placebo. According to the P-score, MMR was
                                                                                                  more effective than other modalities in reducing
         S e l e c t e d b y J H S AU R AT

                                             ts express programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)
                                             and to characterize expression of programmed         the recurrence rate at the same site.
                                             death 1 (PD-1) within the immune infiltrate in in-   Limitations: Relatively small sample size in some
                                             flamed lesions.                                      comparisons and variability in baseline characte-
                                             Methods: 44 biopsies of cutaneous warts were         ristics.
                                             retrieved from the Department of Dermatopa-          Conclusion: PPD and MMR were the most effec-
                                             thology archives of the University of California,    tive in achieving complete primary and distant
                                             San Francisco. Biopsies were stained with he-        recovery (along with autoinoculation for distant
                                             matoxylin and eosin, anti-PD-L1 monoclonal           recovery) and reducing the recurrence rate at the
                                             antibody, and inflamed cases were stained with       same site compared with cryotherapy and other
                                             anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibody.                       immunotherapeutic modalities.
                                             Results: PD-L1 was expressed on keratinocytes
                                             in cases of verrucae vulgares (12/30, 40%) and       Journal of the American Academy of Dermatolo-
                                             myrmecia (7/14, 50%), and was associated with        gy, 2019, 80, Issue 4, 922-930.e4
                                             an interface inflammatory reaction. PD-1 was ex-
                                             pressed by the inflammatory infiltrate in verrucae
                                             vulgares (21/24, 88%) and myrmecia (5/8, 63%).
                                             Limitations: This was a retrospective observatio-
                                             nal study conducted at a single institution.
                                             Conclusions and Relevance: Many cutaneous
                                                                                                  The Epidermal Origin for
                                             warts express PD-L1, suggesting that HPV may
                                             use this pathway to promote immune dysfunc-
                                                                                                  Paget’s Disease Proven
                                             tion. This discovery may help to explain the re-     By Genomics

                                             calcitrance of warts to current therapies and pro-
                                             vides a rationale for investigating anti-PD-1 im-    Whole-Exome Sequencing Reveals Frequent Mu-
                                             munotherapy as a potential treatment for warts.      tations in Chromatin Remodeling Genes in Mam-
                                                                                                  mary and Extramammary Paget’s Diseases
                                             Journal of the American Academy of Dermatolo-
                                             gy, 2019.                                            G. Zhang, et al.
                                             Doi:     Department of Pathology, Shantou University
                                                                                                  Medical College, Shantou, Guangdong, China

                                                                                                  Paget's disease (PD) is an intraepidermal adeno-
                                                                                                  carcinoma of the skin at the breast (mammary
                                                                                                  PD) or urogenital locations (extramammary PD
                                             Intralesional Immunotherapy                          [EMPD]). At present, there is lack of clarity on
                                                                                                  PD’s pathogenesis, the relationship between its
                                             of Warts. Should be Promoted?                        subtypes, and its lineage link with the under-
                                                                                                  lying invasive carcinomas. Here we describe that
                                             Intralesional immunotherapy for the treatment
                                                                                                  mammary PD and EMPD have similar mutational
                                             of warts: A network meta-analysis
                                                                                                  profiles, with the most frequent recurrent mu-
                                                                                                  tations occurring in the chromatin remodeling
                                             S. Salman, et al.
                                                                                                  genes, such as KMT2C (MLL3, 39%) and ARID2
                                             Department of Dermatology and Venereology,
                                                                                                  (22%), with additional recurrent somatic muta-
                                             Tanta University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine,
                                             Tanta, Egypt

                                             Background: Without clear evidence, selecting
                                             among the existing immunotherapeutic options
                                             for warts remains challenging.
                                             Objective: Through network meta-analyses, we
                                             aimed to evaluate the comparative efficacy of
                                             different intralesional immunotherapeutic mo-
                                                                                                  Figure 1. KMT2C, the most highly mutated gene in Pa-
                                             dalities.                                            get’s disease, is a histone methyltransferase that typi-
                                             Methods: We included randomized controlled           cally catalyzes H3K4me1 at gene enhancers to poise
                                             trials comparing intralesional immunotherapeu-       enhancers for gene activation, loosening the overall
                                             tic modalities to cryotherapy, placebo, or imi-      chromatin structure in order to more easily allow gene
                                             quimod. All outcomes were presented as odds          transcription to occur

4                                                                                                                    Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *, 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                       i s che
                                                                                                                                                                                                  te m e
                                                                                                                                                                                               Sys rst-Lin *, 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fi rapie
                               Erste orale Fumarat-Therapie                                                                                                                                      The
                               bei Plaque-Psoriasis*, 1
                               O    Wirksame Therapie1–5
                               O    Individualisierte Anwendung1, 2, 6
                               O    Fumarate – bewährt in der Langzeittherapie4, 7, 8


                      Referenzen: * Skilarence® Indikationen/Anwendungsmöglichkeiten: Skilarence® wird angewendet zur ausschliesslichen Behandlung von Hautmanifestationen erwachsener Patienten mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Plaque-
                      Psoriasis, die eine systemische Arzneimitteltherapie benötigen.1. Fachinformation Skilarence®.; Stand: Oktober 2018 2. U. Mrowietz et al., Efficacy and safety of LAS41008 (dimethyl fumarate) in
                      adults with moderate-to-severe chronic plaque psoriasis: a randomized, double-blind, Fumaderm®- and placebo-controlled trial (BRIDGE); Br J Dermatol. 2016 Aug;176(3):615-623 3. Ghoreschi K, et al., Fumarates improve
                      psoriasis and multiple sclerosis by inducing type II dendritic cells. J Exp Med. 2011 Oct 24;208(11):2291-303 4. Antonios G.A. Kolios et al., Swiss S1 Guidelines on the Systemic Treatment of Psoriasis Vulgaris; Consensus
                      Guidelines; Dermatology 2016; 232: 385–406 DOI: 10.1159/000445681 5. Thaçi D et al., Efficacy and safety of fumaric acid esters in patients with psoriasis on medication for comorbid conditions - a retrospective evaluation,
                      J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2013 May;11(5): 429–35. doi: 10.1111/ddg.12059. Epub 2013 Feb 21 6. U. Mrowietz et al. Dimethylfumarate for psoriasis: more than a dietary curiosity. Trends mol med 2005; 11 (1): 43–48. 7. D.
                      Pathirana et al., European S3-Guidlines on the systemic treatment of psoriasis vulgaris—Update 2015—EDF in cooperation with EADV and IPC. European Dermatology Forum Guidelines [Online] 2015 [Updated]. Available
                      at: 8. Fachinformation Fumaderm® Stand: Februar 2018
                      Kurzfassung Fachinformation: Skilarence® 30 mg magensaftresistente Tabletten / Skilarence® 120 mg magensaftresistente Tabletten. Z: 1 Tablette Skilarence® 30 mg enthält 30 mg Dimethylfumarat. 1 Tablette Skilarence® 120
                      mg enthält 120 mg Dimethylfumarat. Sonstige Bestandteile: Kern: Lactose-Monohydrat, mikrokristalline Cellulose, Croscarmellose-Natrium, hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid, Magnesiumstearat; Beschichtung: Methacrylsäure-
                      Ethylacrylat-Copolymer (1:1), Talkum, Triethylcitrat, Titandioxid (E171), Simethicon, Skilarence® 120 mg zusätzlich: Indigocarmin (E132), Natriumhydroxid. I: Ausschliessliche Behandlung von Hautmanifestationen erwachsener
                      Patienten mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis, die eine systemische Arzneimitteltherapie benötigen. D/A: Zum Einnehmen im Ganzen während oder unmittelbar nach einer Mahlzeit. Behandlung mit niedriger
                      Anfangsdosis beginnen, dann schrittweise steigern. Vor und während der Behandlung Blutbild, Nierenfunktion und Urinstatus sowie Leberwerte regelmässig kontrollieren, ggfls. Dosis anpassen. KI: Überempfindlichkeit gegen
                      den Wirkstoff oder einen der Hilfsstoffe, schwere Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltraktes, schwere Leber- oder Nierenfunktionsstörungen, Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit, Leukopenie < 3,0 x 109/l, Lymphopenie < 1,0 x 109/l
                      (bei Therapiebeginn), bekannte Infektion mit dem Humanen Immundefizienz-Virus (HIV), bekannte schwere aktive Infektionen (z.B. Tuberkulose, Hepatitis B und C), progressive multifokale Leukenzephalopathie (PML) oder
                      Verdacht auf PML, gleichzeitige Behandlung mit systemischen Anticholinergika. VM: Vor Behandlung: Es muss ein grosses Blutbild (einschliesslich Differentialblutbild und Thrombozytenzahl) vorliegen. Während der Behandlung:
                      in den ersten 4 Monaten alle 4 Wochen und danach alle 8 Wochen ein grosses Blutbild mit Differentialblutbild erstellen. Handlungsbedarf bei Leukopenie/Lymphopenie gemäss ausführlicher Fachinformation. Bei schweren

                      Infektionen während der Behandlung ist eine Unterbrechung der Therapie zu erwägen. Monolithische Tabletten können bei unvollständiger Entleerung im Magen akkumulieren (nicht vorhersehbare Magendarmpassage und
                      Resorption). Skilarence® enthält Lactose. Patienten mit der seltenen hereditären Galactose-Intoleranz, Lactase-Mangel oder Glucose-Galactose-Malabsorption sollten dieses Arzneimittel nicht einnehmen. IA: Es wurden
                      keine Studien zur Erfassung von Interaktionen durchgeführt. Kombination mit anderen systemischen Psoriasis-Therapien (z. B. Methotrexat, Retinoide, Psoralene, Ciclosporin, Immunsuppressiva oder Zytostatika), anderen
                      Fumarsäurederivaten (topisch oder systemisch), oder nephrotoxischen Substanzen (z. B. Aminoglycoside, Diuretika, NSARs oder Lithium) vermeiden. Schwerwiegende oder anhaltende Diarrhö kann die Resorption anderer
                      Arzneimittel beinträchtigen. Die Wirksamkeit oraler Kontrazeptiva kann vermindert sein. Übermässigen Konsum (über 50 ml) von starken alkoholischen Getränken vermeiden. Impfungen während der Behandlung mit
                      Skilarence® wurden nicht untersucht. Eine Immunsuppression gilt als Risikofaktor für die Anwendung von Lebendimpfstoffen. SS/SZ: Anwendung nicht empfohlen bei Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter, die keine angemessene
                      Verhütungsmethode verwenden. Skilarence® ist während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit kontraindiziert. UW: Sehr häufig: Lymphopenie (10,0 %), Leukopenie, Flush-Symptomatik (20,8 %), Diarrhö (36,9 %), abdominale
                      Distension, Bauchschmerzen (40,1 %), Übelkeit (10,8 %). Häufig: Eosinophilie, Leukozytose, verringerter Appetit, Kopfschmerzen, Parästhesie, Erbrechen, Dyspepsie, Obstipation, abdominelle Missempfindung, Flatulenz,
                      Erythem, brennendes Gefühl auf der Haut, Pruritus, Fatigue, Hitzegefühl, Asthenie, erhöhte Leberenzymwerte. UW < 1% siehe www. P: Skilarence® 30 mg: 42 magensaftresistente Tabletten, Skilarence®
                      120 mg: 90 und 180 magensaftresistente Tabletten, Abgabekategorie: B. Ausführliche Informationen siehe Packungsbeilage oder, Stand der Information: Oktober 2018 ZI: Almirall AG, Alte
                      Winterthurerstr. 14, 8304 Wallisellen.
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
tions detected in genes previously not known to        are needed to confirm these observations of va-
                       be mutated in cancers, such as CDCC168 (34%),          riable responses.
                       FSIP2 (29%), CASP8AP2 (29%), and BIRC6 (24%).
                       In paired mammary PD and underlying breast             Journal of the European Academy of Dermatolo-
                       carcinoma samples, distinct gene mutations             gy and Venereology. 2019.
                       were detected, indicating that they represent          Doi: 10.1111/jdv.15457.
                       independent oncogenic events. Finally, multis-
                       tage EMPD tissue sequencing revealed KMT2C
                       gene occurring early in EMPD oncogenesis, and
                       that multifocal EMPD samples share the same
                       early gene mutations, suggesting clonal origin
                       of multifocal EMPD. Our results reveal similar ge-     Antibiotic Use by
                       nomic landscapes between mammary PD and
                       EMPD, including early aberrations in chromatin
                                                                              Dermatologists is Declining
                       remodeling genes. In addition, mammary PD and          but the Use after Surgical Visits
                       underlying breast ductal carcinomas represent
                       independent oncogenic events. These findings           is Increasing
                       provide approaches for developing diagnostic
                       tools and therapeutic interventions for PD.            Trends in Oral Antibiotic Prescription in Dermato-
                                                                              logy, 2008 to 2016
                       Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2019, 139,
                       Issue 4, 789-795.                                      JS. Barbieri, et al.
                                                                              Department of Dermatology, University of
                                                                              Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Phi-

                                                                              Importance: Dermatologists prescribe more oral
                       Naltrexone in Darier Disease:                          antibiotic courses per clinician than any other
                                                                              specialty, and this use puts patients at risk of an-
                       Not as good as in Hailey Hailey                        tibiotic-resistant infections and antibiotic-asso-
                                                                              ciated adverse events.
                       Variable response to low-dose naltrexone in pa-        Objective: To characterize the temporal trends in
                       tients with Darier disease: a case series              the diagnoses most commonly associated with
                                                                              oral antibiotic prescription by dermatologists, as
                       D. Boehmer, etal.                                      well as the duration of this use.
                       Dermatology, Technical University of Munich,           Design, Setting, and Participants: Repeated
                       Munich, Germany                                        cross-sectional analysis of antibiotic prescribing
                                                                              by dermatologists from January 1, 2008, to De-
                       Background: Darier disease is a rare autoso-           cember 31, 2016. The setting was Optum Clin-
                       mal-dominant genodermatosis with a loss                formatics Data Mart (Eden Prairie, Minnesota)
                       of function of a Ca2+ -ATPase pump (SER-               deidentified commercial claims data. Participants
                       CA2-pump). Clinically, the disease is characte-        were dermatology clinicians identified by their
                       rized by red-brown keratotic papules mainly in         National Uniform Claim Committee taxonomy
                       seborrhoeic areas and has only limited and un-         codes, and courses of oral antibiotics prescribed
                       satisfactory treatment options. Previously, low-       by these clinicians were identified by their Natio-
                       dose naltrexone was described as a successful          nal Drug Codes.
                       treatment option in Hailey-Hailey disease, a ge-       Exposures: Claims for oral antibiotic prescrip-
                       nodermatosis with a genetic mutation coding for        tions were consolidated into courses of therapy
                       a similar loss of function of a Ca2+ -ATPase pump      and associated with the primary diagnosis from
                       (hSPCA1-pump).                                         the most recent visit. Courses were stratified into
                       Objective: To assess the efficacy of low-dose nal-     those of extended duration (>28 days) and those
                       trexone as a treatment option in Darier disease.       of short duration (≤28 days).
                       Methods: Six patients with biopsy-proven Darier        Main Outcomes and Measures: Frequency of an-
                       disease (four had severe, one had moderate and         tibiotic prescribing and associated diagnoses.
                       one mild clinical manifestations). The patients        Poisson regression models were used to assess
                       received off-label therapy with naltrexone [5 mg       for changes in the frequency of antibiotic pres-
                       per os (p.o.)] and magnesium [200 mg p.o.]. Pa-        cribing over time.
                       tients were followed up every 4 weeks for mini-        Results: Between 2008 and 2016 among 985 866
                       mally 12 weeks. Upon clinical presentation, the        courses of oral antibiotics prescribed by 11 986
                       disease severity and subjective pain and itch          unique dermatologists, overall antibiotic pres-
                       scores were assessed, and standardized photo-          cribing among dermatologists decreased 36.6%

                       graphs were obtained.                                  (1.23 courses per 100 visits) from 3.36 (95% CI,
                       Results: The clinical response to naltrexone va-       3.34-3.38) to 2.13 (95% CI, 2.12-2.14) courses per
                       ried after 12 weeks. The four patients with severe     100 visits with a dermatologist (prevalence rate
                       Darier disease showed worsening after initial          ratio for annual change, 0.931; 95% CI, 0.930-
                       improvement during the first 4 weeks, whereas          0.932), with much of this decrease occurring
                       the two patients with a mild to moderate clinical      among extended courses for acne and rosacea.
                       manifestation clearly improved, showing almost         Oral antibiotic use associated with surgical visits
                       full remission after 12 weeks with complete flat-      increased 69.6% (2.73 courses per 100 visits) from
                       tening of the keratotic papules.                       3.92 (95% CI, 3.83-4.01) to 6.65 (95% CI, 6.57-6.74)
                       Conclusion: Low-dose naltrexone did not have           courses per 100 visits associated with a surgical
                       an effect on severe Darier disease compared to         visit (prevalence rate ratio, 1.061; 95% CI, 1.059-
                       Hailey-Hailey disease, but it was beneficial in mild   1.063).
                       to moderate forms of the disease. Further studies
6                                                                                               Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
Conclusions and Relevance: Continuing to deve-
lop alternatives to oral antibiotics for noninfec-
                                                      NOTABLE NOTE
tious conditions, such as acne, can improve an-
tibiotic stewardship and decrease complications
                                                      Valaciclovir: a culprit drug for drug reaction
from antibiotic use. In addition, the rising use of
                                                      with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms not
postoperative antibiotics after surgical visits is
                                                      to be neglected
concerning and may put patients at unnecessary
risk of adverse events. Future studies are needed
                                                      We describe three cases of drug reaction with eo-
to identify the value of this practice and the risk
                                                      sinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) with
of adverse events.
                                                      proven causality by valaciclovir, illustrating this
JAMA Dermatology, 2019.
                                                      Valaciclovir as a possible cause of DRESS may be
Doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2018.4944.
                                                      neglected due to its weak notoriety and frequent
                                                      association with more highrisk drugs, such as
                                                      allopurinol or cotrimoxazole, especially in hae-
                                                      matological diseases, as illustrated by two of
                                                      our cases. The finding of drug causality based on
An Enzyme Defect in                                   chronological criteria should be considered with
                                                      this drug, and it should be included in the further
Disseminated Superficial                              allergological exploration of these patients.
Actinic Porokeratosis                                 British Journal of Dermatology, 2019, 180, pp666–
Novel mutations in mevalonate kinase cause dis-
seminated superficial actinic porokeratosis

T. Zhu, et al.
Center for Medical Genetics, School of Life           Frequency of acne in lactoseintolerant adults:
Sciences, Central South University, Changsha,         a retrospective cross-sectional analysis within a
Hunan, China.                                         large Midwestern US patient population
BACKGROUND: Disseminated superficial actinic          The aim of this study is to assess the frequency of
porokeratosis (DSAP) is a rare autosomal domi-        acne in a large lactose-intolerant (LI) US patient
nant disease. In our previous research, we found      population diagnosed with acne compared to a
that a linkage region of DSAP in a large family is    non-LI patient population with acne in order to
located at 12q23·2-q24·1. Subsequently, the me-       provide further insight into dairy consumption
valonate kinase gene (MVK) was shown to be pa-        and acne. Findings in this study for both a signifi-
thogenic in DSAP.                                     cantly lower frequency of acne and a less severe
OBJECTIVES: To elucidate the mechanism by             acne, in LI patients compared to non-LI patients
which MVK mutations lead to keratinocyte apop-        with acne, contribute to the limited existing lite-
tosis and DSAP, and to report a new missense mu-      rature regarding dairy and acne. Importantly, this
tation, c.566 C>T (p.A189V), in MVK in a Chinese      is the first study to utilize physician-designated
DSAP pedigree.                                        diagnostic coding for LI as a measure of dairy ex-
METHODS: The half-life of wild-type (WT) MVK          posure. Further exploration of the role for IGF-1
protein and mutants was assessed using cy-            and an association between acne and dairy in-
cloheximide treatment of cells. Dimerization of       take seems warranted.
MVK was analysed by coimmunoprecipitation
and glutathione S transferase pull-down assay.        Journal of the European Academy of Dermatolo-
MVK kinase activity, production of cell choleste-     gy and Venereology, 2019.
rol, mitochondrial complex activity and apopto-       Doi: 10.1111/jdv.15441.
sis were detected, using the corresponding com-
mercial kits, in cells overexpressing MVK WT and
RESULTS: Mechanically, we demonstrated that
both the pathogenic p.A189V mutant and a spo-
radic mutation p.H312R (c.935A>G), which we
reported previously, have rapid degradation, de-             "It is not how much you read, but what you
creased kinase activity and reduced production               read that counts"
of cell cholesterol. Also, we found the p.H312R
mutation confers on the MVK protein an inability             Shelley, Walter B. "Advanced Dermatologic
                                                                                                             J O U R N A L C LU B

to dimerize. Further, we demonstrated that the               Diagnosis"
mutants are impaired in mitochondrial function               W.B. Saunders 1992
and lead to increased apoptosis.
CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide an important
basis for elucidating the mechanism by which
MVK missense mutations contribute to DSAP.

British Journal of Dermatology, 2018.
Doi: 10.1111/bjd.17596.

Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019                                                                    7
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
grin and the proportion of ω-hydroxy fatty acid
                       New Dimension in Clinical                                 sphingosine ceramide content in nonlesional
                       Research: Getting Big Data                                skin of children with AD FA+ were substantially
                                                                                 lower than in AD FA− and NA skin. These abnor-
                       From Normal Skin Superficial                              malities correlated with morphologic changes
                                                                                 in epidermal lamellar bilayer architecture res-
                       Stripping                                                 ponsible for barrier homeostasis. Shotgun me-
                                                                                 tagenomic studies revealed that the nonlesional
                       The nonlesional skin surface distinguishes atopic         skin of AD FA+ had increased abundance of Sta-
                       dermatitis with food allergy as a unique endo-            phylococcus aureus compared to NA. Increased
                       type                                                      expression of keratins 5, 14, and 16 indicative of
                                                                                 hyperproliferative keratinocytes was observed in
                       D.Y.M. Leung, et al.                                      the SC of AD FA+. The skin transcriptome of AD
                       National Jewish Health, Denver, USA.                      FA+ had increased gene expression for dendritic
                                                                                 cells and type 2 immune pathways. A network
                       Skin barrier dysfunction has been reported in             analysis revealed keratins 5, 14, and 16 were po-
                       both atopic dermatitis (AD) and food allergy              sitively correlated with AD FA+, whereas filaggrin
                       (FA). However, only one-third of patients with AD         breakdown products were negatively correlated
                       have FA. The purpose of this study was to use a           with AD FA+. These data suggest that the most
                       minimally invasive skin tape strip sampling me-           superficial compartment of nonlesional skin in
                       thod and a multiomics approach to determine               AD FA+ has unique properties associated with an
                       whether children with AD and FA (AD FA+) have             immature skin barrier and type 2 immune acti-
                       stratum corneum (SC) abnormalities that distin-           vation.
                       guish them from AD without FA (AD FA−) and
                       nonatopic (NA) controls. Transepidermal water             Science Translational Medicine, 2019, 11, 480,
                       loss was found to be increased in AD FA+. Filag-          eaav2685.

                       Fig. 5. Keratin expression in nonlesional skin. Comparisons between groups for markers of keratin expression mea-
                       sured as cumulative reporter ion signal to noise: KRT5 (A), KRT14 (B), and KRT16 (C) all assessed at skin tapes 15
                       and 16 on nonlesional skin. In the boxplot, the solid horizontal line represents the median, and the filled circle
                       represents the mean. The box margins are the interquartile range, and the whiskers extend 1.5 times the interquar-
                       tile range. Observations outside the whisker are marked by an open circle. The annotations are the P values from
                       pairwise comparisons between groups obtained from a one-way ANOVA.

                                                                                                     Fig. 7. Network and relative impor-
                                                                                                     tance analyses. Network (A) of the
                                                                                                     intercorrelations between the mea-
                                                                                                     surements of TEWL (TEWL), total UCA
                                                                                                     (UCA), PCA (PCA), EOS CER/NS CER
                                                                                                     ratio (EOSNS), AD severity indices
                                                                                                     (EASI, NESS, and SCORAD), keratin
                                                                                                     expression (KRT5, KRT14, and KRT16),
                                                                                                     transcriptome PC1 (TPC1), the relative
                                                                                                     abundance of S. aureus (SAUR) and
                                                                                                     S. hominis (SHOM), and an indicator
                                                                                                     variable for AD FA+ (yes/no) based

                                                                                                     on peanut wheal size of ≥8 mm. TEWL
                                                                                                     measurements were done at STS 15;
                                                                                                     UCA, PCA and EOS CER/NS CER ratio
                                                                                                     were evaluated at STS layers 15 and
                                                                                                     16. The color saturation and the width
                                                                                                     of the connecting lines correspond to
                                                                                                     the strength of the Pearson correla-
                                                                                                     tion coefficient, and the color of each
                                                                                                     connecting line indicates a positive
                                                                                                     (red) or negative (blue) correlation.
                                                                                                     Connecting lines are only shown for
                                                                                                     significant Pearson correlations (P <
                                                                                                     0.01). Relative importance for predic-
                                                                                                     tion of AD FA+ (B) and TEWL STS 15 (C).

8                                                                                                       Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
                                                                                                                                   NEU BEI PSORIASIS-
                                                                                                                                          Wirksam ab Woche 11,2
                                                                                                                                          Klinische Erfahrung bis zu 3 Jahren3,4
                                                                                                                                          Gut verträglich
                                                                                                                                          vergleichbar zu Stelara® 5 und Enbrel®2

                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEU     ri a s i s -
                                                                                                                                                                                                     bei Psoritis+
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ar th
                                                                                                                                   * Mittelschwere bis schwere Plaque-Psoriasis
                                                                                                                                   + Aktive Psoriasis-Arthritis

Stelara®, Ustekinumab, Zulassungsinhaberin Janssen-Cilag AG. Enbrel®, Etanercept, Zulassunginhaberin Pfizer AG.
* Taltz® ist zur Behandlung erwachsener Patienten mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis indiziert, die auf andere systemische Therapien (einschliesslich Ciclosporin oder Methotrexat oder PUVA) nicht angesprochen
haben, bei denen diese Therapien kontraindiziert sind oder die diese Therapien nicht tolerieren. + Taltz®, alleine oder in Kombination mit konventionellen krankheitsmodifizierenden Antirheumatika (DMARD), ist zur Behandlung
erwachsener Patienten mit aktiver Psoriasis-Arthritis indiziert, die auf eine Behandlung mit einem oder mehreren DMARDs unzureichend angesprochen haben oder diese nicht vertragen haben.
1. Mease et al, Ixekizumab, an interleukin-17A specific monoclonal antibody, for the treatment of biologic-naive patients with active psoriatic arthritis: results from the 24-week randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled and
active (adalimumab)-controlled period of the phase III trial SPIRIT-P1, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2017;76:79-87. 2. Griffiths et al, Comparison of ixekizumab with etanercept or placebo in moderate-to-severe psoriasis
(UNCOVER-2 and UNCOVER-3): results from two phase 3 randomised trials, Lancet 2015; 386: 541–51. 3. Leonardi C, et al. Maintenance of Skin Clearance With Ixekizumab Treatment of Psoriasis: Three-Year Results From the
UNCOVER-3 Study. JAAD (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2018.05.032. 4. Chandran V et al. Efficacy and Safety of Ixekizumab in Patients With Active Psoriatic Arthritis: Three Year Results From a Phase 3 Study (SPIRIT-P1), Poster
THU0333, EULAR Congress 2018, Amsterdam. 5. Reich K, et al. Comparison of ixekizumab with ustekinumab inmoderate-to-severe psoriasis: 24-week results from IXORA-S, a phase III study. British Journal of Dermatology.
Taltz® (Ixekizumab) Injektionslösung. I: Taltz ist zur Behandlung erwachsener Patienten mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis indiziert, die auf andere systemische Therapien (einschliesslich Ciclosporin oder Methotrexat
oder PUVA) nicht angesprochen haben, bei denen diese Therapien kontraindiziert sind oder die diese Therapien nicht tolerieren. Taltz, alleine oder in Kombination mit konventionellen krankheitsmodifizierenden Antirheumatika
(DMARD), ist zur Behandlung erwachsener Patienten mit aktiver Psoriasis-Arthritis indiziert, die auf eine Behandlung mit einem oder mehreren DMARDs unzureichend angesprochen haben oder diese nicht vertragen haben. D:
Plaque-Psoriasis: die empfohlene Dosis beträgt 160mg als subkutane Injektion (zwei 80mg Injektionen) in Woche 0, gefolgt von 80mg (eine Injektion) in den Wochen 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 und 12, und danach 80mg (eine Injektion) alle
4 Wochen. Bei Patienten
Fokus Psoriasis - Dermatologica Helvetica
Background: Plaque psoriasis, a chronic inflammato-
                                                                               Cutaneous Lymphomas                                       ry disease primarily affecting the skin, is thought to
                                                                               Appearing Under Biologics.                                have a multifactorial etiology, including innate im-
                                                                                                                                         mune system dysregulation, environmental triggers,
                                                                               Side Effect or Mis-Diagnosis                              and genetic susceptibility.
                                                                                                                                         Purpose: We sought to further understand the role of
                                                                               Cutaneous lymphomas appearing under biologics:            skin microbiota in psoriasis pathogenesis, as well as
                                                                               44 cases from the French Study Group on Cutaneous         their response to therapy. We systematically analy-
                                                                               Lymphomas and French Pharmacovigilance Da-                zed dynamic microbiota colonizing psoriasis lesions
     Psoriasis inflammation autoimmunity

                                                                               tabase                                                    and adjacent nonlesional skin in 114 patients prior
                                                                                                                                         to and during ustekinumab treatment in a Phase 3b
                                                                               L. Dequidt. Et al.                                        clinical trial.
                                                                               Dermatology Department, University Hospital, Bor-         Results: By sequencing the bacterial 16S ribosomal
                                                                               deaux, University of Bordeaux, France                     RNA gene from skin swab samples obtained at six
                                                                                                                                         anatomical sites, we identified minor, site-specific
                                                                               Controversy exists regarding the risk and prognosis       differences in microbial diversity and composition
                                                                               of lymphomas under biologics. Risk evaluation must        between pretreatment lesional and nonlesional skin.
                                                                               consider the underlying medical condition -as chro-       During therapy, microbial communities within lesio-
                                                                               nic inflammatory diseases are associated with an          nal and nonlesional skin diverged, and body-site dis-
                                                                               excess risk of lymphoma- and ongoing treatments           persion increased, reflecting microbial skin site-spe-
                                                                               (azathioprine, cyclosporine). To date, a few isolated     cificity. Microbiota demonstrated greater pretreat-
                                                                               cases and two small series of primary cutaneous           ment heterogeneity in psoriatic lesions than in non-
                                                                               lymphomas (PCL) under biologics- mostly mycosis           lesional skin, and variance increased as treatment
                                                                               fungoides (MF) - have been reported. Our purpo-           progressed. Microbiota colonizing recurrent lesions
                                                                               se was to describe PCL under biologics outsourced         did not overlap with pretreatment lesional microbio-
                                                                               from 2 national registries in order to evaluate their     ta, suggesting colonization patterns varied between
                                                                               behaviour and to propose management recommen-             initial and recurrent psoriatic lesions.
                                                                               dation. We conducted a retrospective multicentre          Conclusions: While plaque psoriasis does not appear
                                                                               declarative study based on the files of the French        to be associated with specific microbes and/or mi-
                                                                               Study Group on Cutaneous Lymphomas (8,364 pa-             crobial diversity, this large dataset provides insight
                                                                               tients registered between 2010 and 2017), and from        into microbial variation associated with 1) disease in
                                                                               the French Pharmacovigilance Database among all           different body locations, 2) initial versus recurrent le-
                                                                               events reported under biologics from 2000 to 2017.        sions, and 3) antiinterleukin-12/23 therapy.
                                                                               The following data were collected: patient (age at
                                                                               PCL diagnosis, dermatological history, previous or        Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 2018.
                                                                               current immunosuppressive treatment, disease jus-         Doi: 10.1016/j.jid.2018.03.1501.
                                                                               tifying biologics), biologic subtype and PCL (time
                                                                               to onset after initiation of biologics, subtype, stage,
                                                                               outcome). We describe 44 PCL under biologics,
                                                                               which represents the larger case-series to date. In
                                                                               this declarative "real-life" study, PCL were of various   Higher BMI Leads to a Higher
                                                                               types, mostly but not exclusively represented by MF,
                                                                               as in non-exposed patients. Interestingly, 13 of the 24
                                                                                                                                         Risk of Psoriasis
                                                                               patients with MF had a previous dermatosis, mostly        Evidence of a causal relationship between body
                                                                               psoriasis, but that was the indication for biologics      mass index and psoriasis: A mendelian randomiza-
                                                                               in only 6 cases. Patients with limited MF stage had       tion study.
                                                                               mostly a non-dermatological indication for biologics
                                                                               and an indolent outcome. Conversely, the MF beha-         A. Budu-Aggrey, et al.
                                                                               ved aggressively when the indication for biologics        Medical Research Council (MRC) Integrative Epide-
                                                                               was uncontrolled psoriasis. This leads us to identify     miology Unit, University of Bristol, Bristol, United
                                                                               three scenarios: 1. pre-existing MF misdiagnosed as       Kingdom.
                                                                               psoriasis with an aggressive outcome (aggravating
                                                                               role of biologics); 2. coexistence of MF and psoriasis    Background: Psoriasis is a common inflammatory
                                                                               (the biologic improves the psoriasis and reveals MF       skin disease that has been reported to be associated
                                                                               lesions); 3. MF de novo (either fortuitous or trigge-     with obesity. We aimed to investigate a possible cau-
                                           S e l e c t e d b y J H S AU R AT

                                                                               red by biologics on a predisposed background). This       sal relationship between body mass index (BMI) and
                                                                               occurs mainly in patients treated for rheumatism or       psoriasis.
                                                                               inflammatory colitis.

                                                                                                                                         Methods and findings: Following a review of publi-
                                                                                                                                         shed epidemiological evidence of the association
                                                                               Doi: 10.1111/bjd.17834.                                   between obesity and psoriasis, mendelian randomi-
                                                                                                                                         zation (MR) was used to test for a causal relationship
                                                                                                                                         with BMI. We used a genetic instrument comprising
                                                                                                                                         97 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) asso-
                                                                               Skin Microbiome Diversity                                 ciated with BMI as a proxy for BMI (expected to be
                                                                                                                                         much less confounded than measured BMI). One-
                                                                               Restored During Ustekinumab                               sample MR was conducted using individual-level
                                                                                                                                         data (396,495 individuals) from the UK Biobank and
                                                                               Longitudinal study of the psoriasis-associated skin       the Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), Norway.
                                                                               microbiome during therapy with                            Two-sample MR was performed with summary-level
                                                                               ustekinumab in a randomized Phase 3b clinical trial       data (356,926 individuals) from published BMI and
                                                                                                                                         psoriasis genome-wide association studies (GWASs).
                                                                               M. Loesche, et al.                                        The one-sample and two-sample MR estimates were
                                                                               Departments of Dermatology and Microbiology, Pe-          meta-analysed using a fixed-effect model. To test for
                                                                               relman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylva-       a potential reverse causal effect, MR analysis with
                                                                               nia, Philadelphia, USA.                                   genetic instruments comprising variants from recent
                                                                                                                                         genome-wide analyses for psoriasis were used to

10                                                                                                                                                          Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019
  Psoriasis beeinflusst viele Aspekte
  des Lebens. 3-5 Die Belastung für die
  Patienten nimmt im Laufe der Zeit zu.1,6
  Grössere Symptomfreiheit bedeutet für
  Betroffene eine stärkere Verbesserung der

  Referenzen: 1. Feldman SR, et al. BMC Health Serv Res.
  2017;8;17(1):337. 2. Feldman SR, et al. Am Health Drug
  Benefits. 2016;9(9):504-13. 3. Leino M, et al. Eur J Dermatol.
  2014;24(2):224-8. 4. Samponga F, et al. Acta Derm Venereol.
  2012;92(3):299-303. 5. Griffiths CEM, et al. Br J Dermatol.
  2018;179(1):173-81. 6. World Health Organisation.
  Global report on psoriasis. 2016. Available at: http://apps.who.
  int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/204417/9789241565189 _eng.
  sequence=1. [Accessed: October 2018]. 7. Strober B, et al.
  J Am Acad Dermatol. 2016;75(1):77-82.e7.

  AbbVie AG, Neuhofstrasse 23, 6341 Baar

test whether genetic risk for this skin disease has a      cological treatments reported conflicting results and
           causal effect on BMI. Published observational data         no RCTs of bariatric surgery were identified. Two co-
           showed an association of higher BMI with psoriasis.        hort studies suggested bariatric surgery, particularly
           A mean difference in BMI of 1.26 kg/m2 (95% CI 1.02-       gastric bypass, reduces the risk of developing psoria-
           1.51) between psoriasis cases and controls was ob-         sis (hazard ratio 0·52; 95%CI 0·33-0·81; p
Inhibition of the Interleukin-36 IL-36 & IL-37 & IL-38
                            Pathway: a Fascinating Proof     Trio Targets of the Future
                            of Concept                       IL-36, IL-37, and IL-38 Cytokines in Skin and Joint In-
                                                                                     flammation: A Comprehensive Review of Their The-
                            Inhibition of the Interleukin-36 Pathway for the         rapeutic Potential
                            Treatment of Generalized Pustular Psoriasis
                                                                                     M.-A. Boutet, A. Nerviani, C. Pitzalis
                            H. Bachelez, et al.                                      Centre for Experimental Medicine & Rheumatology,
                            Sorbonne Cité Université Diderot, Paris, France          Queen Mary University of London, UK;

                            We report the results of a phase 1 proof-ofconcept       The interleukin (IL)-1 family of cytokines is com-
                            study involving seven patients who presented with        posed of 11 members, including the most recently
                            a generalized pustular psoriasis flare and were          discovered IL-36 IL-37, and IL-38. Similar to IL-1, IL-36
                            treated with a single, open-label, intravenous dose      cytokines are initiators and amplifiers of inflamma-
                            of BI 655130, a monoclonal antibody against the          tion, whereas both IL-37 and IL-38 display anti-in-
                            interleukin-36 receptor, 5 at 10 mg per kilogram         flammatory activities. A few studies have outlined
                            of body weight Three patients had a homozygous           the role played by these cytokines in several inflam-
                            IL36RN mutation, one of whom also had a heterozy-        matory diseases. For instance, IL-36 agonists seem
                            gous mutation in CARD14 (which has been linked to        to be relevant for the pathogenesis of skin psoriasis
                            pustular skin disease), and four did not have any of     whereas, despite being expressed within the syno-
                            the target mutations (IL36RN, CARD14, and AP1S3).        vial tissue, their silencing or overexpression do not
                            Among the study patients, the mean percent impro-        critically influence the course of arthritis in mice. In
                            vement in the GPPASI score from baseline was 59.0%       this review, we will focus on the state of the art of the
                            at week 1, 73.2% at week 2, and 79.8% at week 4.         molecular features and biological roles of IL-36, IL-37,
                            Pustules were completely cleared in three patients       and IL-38 in representative skin- and joint-related in-
                            within 48 hours after treatment, in five patients by     flammatory diseases, namely psoriasis, rheumatoid
                            week 1, and in six patients by week 2. The efficacy of   arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. We will then offer an
                            BI 655130 regardless of the presence of the IL36RN       overview of the therapeutic potential of targeting
                            mutation suggests that the interleukin-36 pathway        the IL-36 axis in these diseases, either by blocking
                            may play a pathogenic role among patients with           the proinflammatory agonists or enhancing the phy-
                            generalized pustular psoriasis who have different        siologic inhibitory feedback on the inflammation
                            genetic backgrounds, including those without tar-        mediated by the antagonists IL-37 and IL-38.
                            get mutations. This proof-of-concept study suggests
                            that the inhibition of interleukin-36 receptor with      International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019,
                            a single dose of BI 655130 may reduce the severity       20, 1257. Doi:10.3390/ijms20061257.
                            of generalized pustular psoriasis over a 20-week pe-
                            riod, as was observed in our patients. However, fur-
                            ther clinical investigation is required to determine
                            the clinical efficacy, duration of effect.

                            The new england journal of medicine, 2019.
                            Doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1811317.

                                                                                     Figure 1. Overview of the IL-1, IL-36, IL-37, and IL-38 re-
                                                                                     ceptors and intracellular signaling. IL-1β binds the IL-1R1
                                                                                     receptor. Activated IL-1R1 recruits the IL-1RAcP com-
                                                                                     mon subunit and enables MyD88 to form a complex of
                                                                                     signalization with IRAK and TRAF, which leads in turn
                                                                                     to the phosphorylation/activation of the downstream
                                                                                     signaling. A counter-regulatory pathway is represented
                                                                                     by IL-1β binding its decoy receptor IL-1R2 (membrane-
                                                                                     bound or soluble) (not shown). IL-36α, β, and γ bind to
                                                                                     the IL-1Rrp2 and recruit the common subunit IL-1RAcP,
                                                                                     inducing similar downstream signaling cascades as IL-
                                                                                     1β. IL-37 binds IL-18Rα, which recruits IL-1R8 instead of
                                                                                     the usual IL-18Rβ, causing sequestration of Myd88 and
                                                                                     transduction of a weak signal because of the IL-1R8 mu-
Figure 1. Response to Treatment among the Seven Study Patients.                      tated intracellular domain. IL-38 might be able to bind
Panel A shows photographs of two patients with generalized pustular psoria-          IL-1R1, IL-1Rrp2 and/or IL-1RAPL1 but further studies
sis, one of whom had the IL36RN mutation (upper row) and one of whom did             need to confirm its preferential intracellular mechanism
not have the mutation (bottom row). The images were taken at baseline (before        of action. IL1R = IL-1 Receptor; IL-1RAcp = IL-1 Receptor
treatment) and at week 1 and week 4 after treatment with a single intravenous        Accessory Protein; IL-1RAPL1 = IL-1 Receptor Accessory
dose of BI 655130.                                                                   Protein Like 1; IL-1Rrp2 (or IL-1RL2) = IL-1 Receptor Like
                                                                                     2; MyD88 = Myeloid Differentiation Primary Response
                                                                                                                                                   Fo c u s

                                                                                     Protein 88; IRAK = IL-1R-Associated Kinase; TRAF = TNF
                                                                                     Receptor-Associated Factor;JNK = Jun N-terminal Kinase;
                                                                                     AP1 = Activator Protein 1; NFκB = Nuclear Factor-kappa
                                                                                     B; MAPK =Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases.

   Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019                                                                                               13
                                                      Forschungspreis «Dermato-Onkologie 2019»                                                         Prix pour la recherche en dermato-oncologie 2019

                                                      Der Verein für Hautkrebsforschung ist eine Vereinigung von Dermatologen        Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que l’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer
                                                      zur Erforschung und Behandlung von Hautkrebs. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Firma Pierre             de la Peau ( en collaboration avec les Laboratoires dermatologiques
                                                      Fabre 2012 hat er einen Forschungspreis für junge Wissenschaftler im Bereich Dermato-            Pierre Fabre décerneront un prix de recherche destiné aux jeunes scientifiques dans le
                                                      Onkologie ins Leben gerufen hat, der jährlich vergeben wird.                                     domaine de la dermato-oncologie.

                                                      Pierre Fabre, ein französisches Pharmaunternehmen, engagiert sich neben der Dermatologie         Entreprise pharmaceutique française, les Laboratoires Pierre Fabre sont engagés depuis
                                                      und anderen Gebieten bereits sehr stark in der Krebsforschung. 2011 eröffnete eines der          toujours dans les domaines de la dermatologie ainsi que dans la recherche sur le cancer à
                                                      grössten Krebsforschungszentren Europas seine Pforten, das Oncopole. Pierre Fabre war            laquelle ils consacrent une attention toute particulière. En 2011, le plus grand centre de lutte
                                                      einer der Gründungsmitglieder dieses unabhängigen Forschungszentrums im Herzen von               contre le cancer d’Europe, l’Oncopôle, ouvre ses portes. Pierre Fabre figure parmi les
                                                      Toulouse.                                                                                        principaux membres fondateurs de ce pôle de recherche en plein cœur de Toulouse.

                                                      Der 2001 gegründete Verein für Hautkrebsforschung unterstützt klinische und experimentelle       L’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer de la Peau fondée en 2001 vient en soutien à
                                                      Forschung im Bereich der Dermatologischen Krebserkrankungen mit besonderer Förderung             la recherche clinique et expérimentale dans le domaine de la recherche sur les maladies
                                                      der sogenannten translationalen Forschung. Daneben werden Projekte zur Früherkennung,            cancéreuses, notamment dans la recherche dite translationnelle. En outre, elle encourage les
                                                      zur Vorsorge und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gefördert. Die aktuellen Aktivitäten sind auf der         projets s’articulant autour du dépistage précoce, de la prévention et des campagnes de
                                                      Webpage des Vereins nachzulesen.                                               sensibilisation. Plus d’informations sur les activités actuelles sont disponibles sur le site
                                                                                                                                                       internet de l’association:
                                                      Mit dem Pierre Fabre Skin Cancer Award soll die wissenschaftliche Aktivität in der Schweiz im
                                                      Bereich Hautkrebs gefördert werden. Der Preis richtet sich vor allem an Jungwissenschaftler      Le Pierre Fabre Skin Cancer Award a pour but de promouvoir l’activité scientifique en Suisse
                                                      (jünger als 40 Jahre), die bereits in diesem Gebiet tätig sind. Er soll die laufenden Projekte   dans ce domaine. Cette récompense s’adresse aux jeunes scientifiques (de moins de 40 ans)
                                                      auszeichnen und eine Basis schaffen, um neue Projekte voranzutreiben. Dieser Preis ist mit       qui travaillent déjà autour de ce thème. Il vise à primer les projets en cours et à fournir une
                                                      10‘000 CHF dotiert. Bei gleichwertigen Projekten kann der Preis ausnahmsweise auch geteilt       base pour la promotion de nouveaux projets. Ce prix est doté d’une récompense de 10‘000
                                                      werden.                                                                                          CHF. Pour les projets d’importance équivalente, le prix pourra exceptionnellement être
                                                      Dem Vorstand des Vereins für Hautkrebsforschung ist es gelungen, ein internationales,
                                                                                                                                                       Le comité directeur de l’Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer de la Peau est parvenu
                                                      renommiertes Expertenteam zu gewinnen, das die eingereichten Projektvorschläge objektiv
                                                                                                                                                       à réunir une équipe d’experts de renommée internationale pour l’évaluation objective des
                                                      und unabhängig bewertet. Das Komitee setzt sich zusammen aus Prof. Celeste Lebbe,                propositions de projet soumises. Ce comité d’évaluation réunira notamment Dr. Celeste Lebbe
                                                      Hopital de St. Louis, Paris; Prof. Dr. Jürgen Becker, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Dept.          de l’Hôpital de St. Louis à Paris; le Prof. Dr. Jürgen Becker, Université Duisburg-Essen, Dept.
                                                      «Translational Skin Cancer Research»; und Prof. Antonio Costanzo, Humanitas Research             « Translational Skin Cancer Reserach »; et Prof. Dr. Antonio Costanzo, Humanitas Reserach
                                                      Hospital, Mailand.                                                                               Hospital, Milane.

                                                      Die Einreichung der Projektbeschreibungen erfolgt bis zum 01.06.2019 an den Schweizer            Les projets sont à adresser jusqu’au 01.06.2019 à l’adresse suivante: L’Association pour la
                                                      Verein für Hautkrebsforschung zuhanden von Prof. Reinhard Dummer, Klinikdirektor Stv.,           Recherche sur le Cancer de la Peau, Prof. Reinhard Dummer, Universitätsspital Zürich,
                                                      UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Dermatologische Klinik, Gloriastrasse 31, 8091 Zürich /               Dermatologische Klinik, Gloriastrasse 31, 8091 Zürich /
                                                                                                                      Le projet retenu sera communiqué à l’Assemblé Annuelle de la SSDV 2019, 19-20 septembre
                                                      Der sechste Preisträger wird in Basel auf der SGDV-Jahresversammlung (Messe Basel), 19.-         2019, à Bâle (Messe Basel).
                                                      20. September 2019, bekannt gegeben.                                                             Les documents pour les candidatures devront être structurés de la manière qui suit:
                                                      Die Bewerbungsunterlagen müssen folgendermassen aufgebaut sein:                                     1.   Titre
                                                         1.   Titel                                                                                       2.   Description du projet en anglais (500 mots maximum)
                                                                                                                                                          3.   Liste des publications antérieures sur le sujet (10 maximum)
                                                         2.   Projektbeschreibung (maximal 500 Wörter in englischer Sprache)
                                                                                                                                                          4.   Lieu de réalisation du travail de recherche suivi de l’autorisation du directeur de l’institut
                                                         3.   Auflistung der bisherigen Publikationen in diesem Themenbereich (maximal 10)
                                                                                                                                                               en question.
                                                         4.   Durchführungsort der Forschungsarbeit sowie Bestätigung durch den Leiter des

Dermatologica Helvetica - Volume 31(4) - Avril 2019
                                                              entsprechenden Institutes, dass die Arbeit hier durchgeführt werden kann.
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