Buckle Security Covers - Bodypoint
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en Buckle Security Covers ART NOS. FS029C WARNING! This product is intended WARRANTY: This product carries to prevent unintentional release of a belt a limited lifetime warranty against by the user. Improper use of this product defects in workmanship and materials could result in a user being trapped arising under normal use by the original in the wheelchair in an emergency. A consumer. Contact your supplier or caregiver with a release tool should be Bodypoint for warranty claims. present at all times during use of this For more information on Bodypoint product. Avoid the use of this product products, and a list of distributors out- as a restraint unless a physician has side the USA, go to www.bodypoint.com weighed the risks and determined that it will increase the user’s safety. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com © 2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Resereved. BPI061-en 2021.9
en 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
es Funda De Seguridad Para La Hebilla ART NOS. FS029C ¡ADVERTENCIA! Este producto está GARANTÍA: Este producto tiene una diseñado para impedir que el usuario garantía limitada para toda la vida contra suelte la correa de forma no intencional. El defectos de mano de obra y materiales uso inapropiado de este producto podría derivados de un uso normal por el paci- dar como resultado que el usuario queda- ente original. Póngase en contacto con su ra atrapado en la silla de ruedas durante suministrador o con Bodypoint si desea una emergencia. Cuando se usa este realizar reclamaciones bajo garantía. producto, debería estar presente siempre Si desea obtener más información sobre un asistente con una herramienta para productos de Bodypoint y una lista de liberación de la correa. Evite usar este distribuidores fuera de EE.UU., visite la producto como elemento de restricción, página www.bodypoint.com a menos que un doctor haya estimado los riesgos y haya determinado que va a aumentar la seguridad del usuario. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-es 2021.9
es 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
fr Protege-Boucle De Securite ART NOS. FS029C ATTENTION ! Ce produit est conçu GARANTIE : Ce produit est couvert pour empêcher l’ouverture accidentel- par une garantie à vie limitée contre les le d’une ceinture par l’utilisateur. Une défauts d’exécution et de matériaux mauvaise utilisation de ce produit risque survenant dans le cadre d’une utili- d’immobiliser l’utilisateur dans le fauteuil sation normale par le consommateur roulant en cas d’urgence. Un soignant d’origine. Contacter le fournisseur ou équipé d’un outil d’ouverture doit être Bodypoint pour faire valoir la garantie. présent en permanence lorsque ce Pour plus d’informations sur les produits produit utilisé. Ne pas utiliser ce produit Bodypoint, ou consulter la liste des en tant que dispositif de retenue sans distributeurs en dehors des États-Unis, l’assentiment d’un médecin qui aura rendez-vous sur www.bodypoint.com évalué les risques et conclu que cela augmenterait la sécurité de l’utilisateur. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-fr 2021.9
fr 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
sv Säkerhetslock ART NOS. FS029C VARNING! Denna produkt är avsedd GARANTI: Produkten har en livstids- att förhindra att ett bälte låses upp garanti mot brister i tillverkning och oavsiktligt av användaren. Felaktig material som kan uppstå vid normal användning av denna produkt kan leda användning av den ursprungliga an- till att användaren fastnar i rullstolen vändaren. Kontakta din leverantör eller i ett nödläge. En vårdare med ett Bodypoint i garantiärenden. upplåsningsverktyg skall alltid vara För mer information om Body- närvarande vid användning av denna points produkter kontakta lever- produkt. Undvik att använda denna pro- antören. Information finns även på dukt för fastspänning om inte en läkare www.bodypoint.com som också har bedömt riskerna och konstaterat att innehåller en lista med distributörer detta ökar användarens säkerhet. utanför USA. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-sv 2021.9
sv 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
fi Soljen Turvakotelo ART NOS. FS029C VAROITUS! Tämä tuote on tarkoitet- TAKUU: Tällä tuotteella on rajoitettu tu estämään käyttäjää avaamasta vyötä elinikäinen takuu, joka koskee valm- vahingossa. Mikäli tuotetta käytetään istus- ja materiaalivirheitä normaalissa, väärin, voi käyttäjä hätätapaukses- alkuperäisen ostajan käytössä. Käänny sa jäädä tuoliin vangiksi. Tuotetta jälleenmyyjäsi tai Bodypoint:in puoleen käytettäessä tulisi paikalla aina olla takuuvaatimusasioissa. hoitaja, jolla on tarvittavat välineet vyön Halutessasi lisätietoja tästä ja muista avaamiseksi. Vältä tuotteen käyttöä Bodypoint-tuotteista sekä Yhdysval- potilaan sitomiseen, ellei lääkäri ole tojen ulkopuolisista jälleenmyyjistä, harkinnut vaaratekijöitä ja todennut, vieraile sivulla www.bodypoint.com. että käyttö lisää käyttäjän turvallisuutta. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-fi 2021.9
fi 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
de Schnallen- Sicherheitsabdeckung ART NOS. FS029C WARNHINWEIS! Dieses Produkt GARANTIE: Für dieses Produkt besteht ist dafür vorgesehen, unabsichtliches eine eingeschränkte Gewährleistung auf Öffnen des Gurtes durch den Patienten Fehler in Material und Verarbeitung, die zu verhindern. Wenn das Produkt nicht bei bestimmungsgemäßem Gebrauch sachgemäß verwendet wird, kann der durch den ursprünglichen Kunden ent- Patient in einem Notfall möglicherweise stehen. Wenden Sie sich im Garantiefall nicht aus dem Rollstuhl befreit werden. an den Lieferant oder Bodypoint. Beim Einsatz des Produkts sollte stets Weitere Informationen über Bodypoint eine Pflegeperson mit einem Werkzeug Produkte und eine Liste der Vertreter zum Öffnen des Gurtes anwesend sein. außerhalb der USA befinden sich auf Verwenden Sie das Produkt nicht zur der Webseite www.bodypoint.com. Fixierung, es sei denn, ein Arzt hat nach Abwägung der Risiken festgestellt, dass dies die Sicherheit des Patienten erhöht. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-de 2021.9
de 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
it Coprifibbia Di Sicurezza ART NOS. FS029C AVVERTENZA! Questo prodotto è GARANZIA: Il prodotto è coperto stato studiato per prevenire lo sgancio da una garanzia a vita limitata con- involontario di una cintura da parte tro eventuali difetti dei materiali e di dell’utilizzatore. Un uso improprio del fabbricazione che sorgano durante il prodotto potrebbe comportare l’intrap- normale impiego da parte del con- polamento dell’utilizzatore sulla sedia a sumatore originale. Per le richieste in rotelle in una situazione di emergenza. garanzia, contattare il proprio fornitore Un assistente munito di uno strumento o Bodypoint, Inc. per lo sgancio deve essere sempre Per maggiori informazioni su questo o presente durante l’utilizzo del prodotto. su altri prodotti BodyPoint, e per un el- Evitare di utilizzare questo prodotto enco di distributori al di fuori degli USA, come dispositivo di ritenuta a meno visitare il sito www.bodypoint.com. che un medico abbia valutato i rischi e determinato che ciò può aumentare la sicurezza dell’utilizzatore. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-it 2021.9
it 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
pt Tampa de Segurança da Fivela ART NOS. FS029C AVISO! Este produto destina-se a GARANTIA: Este produto engloba evitar a libertação acidental de um cinto uma garantia vitalícia limitada contra pelo utilizador. A utilização indevida defeitos de fabrico e materiais sob uti- deste produto pode causar que o lização normal pelo comprador original. utilizador fique preso na cadeira de Contacte o fornecedor ou a Bodypoint, rodas em caso de emergência. Durante Inc. para reclamações da garantia. a utilização deste produto, tem de estar Para mais informações sobre produ- sempre presente um acompanhante tos Bodypoint e uma lista de dis- com uma ferramenta de libertação. tribuidores fora dos EUA, consultar Evite a utilização deste produto como www.bodypoint.com. imobilização, excepto se o médico tiver avaliado os riscos e determinado que vai aumentar a segurança do utilizador. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-pt 2021.9
pt 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
no Sikkerhetsdeksel Spenne ART NOS. FS029C ADVARSEL! Dette produktet er GARANTI: Dette produktet er dek- beregnet på å hindrer at selen løsnes ket av en begrenset livstidsgaranti uten at brukeren hadde tenkt å gjøre mot feil i utførelse og materialer som det. Feilbruk av dette produktet kan måtte oppstå ved vanlig bruk av den føre til at brukeren blir sittende fast opprinnelige forbruker. Ta kontakt med i rullestolen i en nødssituasjon. En leverandøren eller Bodypoint, Inc. hvis omsorgsyter med et utløsningsverktøy du har krav som du mener skal dekkes skal til alle tider være tilstede. Unngå under garantien. å bruke dette produktet for å sikre Se www.bodypoint.com for ytterlig- brukeren unntatt hvis lege etter å ha ere informasjon om andre produkter vurdert risikoen avgjør at bruken øker fra Bodypoint, samt en oversikt over brukerens sikkerhet. forhandlere utenfor USA. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-no 2021.9
no 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
da Sikkerhedsdæksel Til Spænde ART NOS. FS029C ADVARSEL! Dette produkt skal GARANTI: Med dette produkt følger en forhindre brugeren i at komme til at begrænset livstidsgaranti mod defekter løsne remmen utilsigtet. Bliver produk- på fabrikation og materialer, der opstår tet anvendt forkert, kan det medføre, under normal brug af den oprindelige at brugeren fastlåses i kørestolen i en køber. Kontakt Deres Bodypoint-forhan- nødsituation. Der skal altid være en ple- dler ved garantisager. jer med et frigøringsværktøj til stede, Der kan indhentes yderligere mens dette produkt er i brug Dette oplysninger om Bodypoint-produkter, produkt må ikke anvendes som en samt en liste over distributører udenfor fastholdelsesmekanisme, medmindre en USA, på www.bodypoint.com. læge har afvejet diverse risici og afgjort, at brugerens sikkerhed dermed øges. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-da 2021.9
da 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
nl Overtrek Voor Veiligheidsriem ART NOS. FS029C WAARSCHUWING! Dit product is GARANTIE: Voor dit product geldt bedoeld om te voorkomen dat een riem een beperkte levenslange garantie per ongeluk losraakt. Onjuist gebruik tegen materiaal- en fabrieksfouten die van dit product kan ertoe leiden dat de optreden bij normaal gebruik bij de gebruiker in geval van nood in de rolsto- originele gebruiker. Neem contact op el beklemd raakt. Wanneer dit product met uw leverancier of met Bodypoint wordt gebruikt, moet altijd een zorgver- voor garantieclaims. lener met een bevrijdingsgereedschap Kijk voor meer informatie over Body- in de buurt zijn. Gebruik dit product niet pointproducten en voor een overzicht als vrijheidsbeperkend middel, tenzij een van verkooppunten buiten de VS op arts de risico’s goed heeft overwogen en www.bodypoint.com. heeft bepaald dat het de veiligheid van de gebruiker ten goede komt. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-nl 2021.9
nl 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
cs Bezpeč Nostní Kryt Přezky ART NOS. FS029C VAROVÁNÍ! Tento výrobek je určen ZÁRUKA: Na tento výrobek se vztahuje k předcházení neúmyslného rozepnutí omezená celoživotní záruka na vady pásu uživatelem. Nesprávné použití zpracování a materiálu, které se vysky- tohoto výrobku může vést k tomu, tnou při běžném používání původním že bude uživatel v nouzové situaci spotřebitelem. V případě reklamace se uvězněn v kolečkovém křesle. Při obraťte na dodavatele nebo společnost používání tohoto produktu musí být Bodypoint. vždy přítomen pečovatel s uvolňovacím Další informace o výrobcích společno- nástrojem. Tento produkt nepoužívejte sti Bodypoint a seznam distributorů jako omezovací prostředek, ledaže lékař mimo USA najdete na stránkách zvážil veškerá rizika a určil, že to zvýší www.bodypoint.com. bezpečnost uživatele. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-cs 2021.9
cs 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
sl Varnostni Pokrov za Zaponko ART NOS. FS029C OPOZORILO! Ta izdelek je GARANCIJA: Ta izdelek ima omejeno namenjen preprečevanju nenamerne- doživljenjsko garancijo na napake pri ga odpetja pasu s strani uporabnika. izdelavi in materiale, ki temelji na običa- Zaradi neustrezne uporabe tega izdelka jni uporabi s strani prvotnega uporab- lahko uporabnik ostane ujet v invalid- nika. V primeru garancijskih zahtevkov skem vozičku v primeru nevarnosti. se obrnite na svojega dobavitelja ali Med uporabo tega izdelka mora biti podjetje Bodypoint. vedno prisoten negovalec z orodjem Več informacij v Bodypoint izdelkih in za odpetje. Izogibajte se uporabi tega seznam dobaviteljev izven ZDA najdete izdelka v namene omejevanja, razen če na spletni strani www.bodypoint.com. je zdravnik pretehtal tveganja in določil, da uporaba v takšen namen poveča varnost uporabnika. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-sl 2021.9
sl 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
ru Защитные крышки для застежек ART NOS. FS029C ВНИМАНИЕ! Изделие ГАРАНТИЯ. На данное изделие предназначено для предотвращения распространяется ограниченная непреднамеренного расстегивания пожизненная гарантия от дефектов пояса пользователем. Неправильное изготовления и материалов, использование данного изделия может возникающих при использовании привести к тому, что в экстренной по назначению первоначальным ситуации пользователь застрянет в потребителем. С требованиями кресле-каталке. Лицо, осуществляющее по гарантии обращайтесь к уход за пользователем, должно местному поставщику или постоянно присутствовать во время представителю Bodypoint. использования данного изделия. Дополнительную информацию Избегайте использования данного об изделиях Bodypoint и список изделия в качестве удерживающего дистрибьюторов за пределами США устройства, если врач не взвесил см. на сайте www.bodypoint.com. риски и не определил, что это повысит безопасность пользователя. Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-ru 2021.9
ru 1 3 2 Макс. Ø 6 мм
au Buckle Security Covers ART NOS. FS029C WARNING! This product is intended to covered by the Warranty, subject to the terms set prevent unintentional release of a belt by the user. forth herein. Improper use of this product could result in a user The liability of Permobil for a breach of a con- being trapped in the wheelchair in an emergency. sumer guarantee or any warranty made under A caregiver with a release tool should be present these Warranty terms for any products not of a at all times during use of this product. Avoid the kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or use of this product as a restraint unless a physician household use is limited, to the extent permissible has weighed the risks and determined that it will by law and at the option of Permobil in relation to increase the user’s safety. the products supplied, to: WARRANTY a) t he replacement of the product or the supply Bodypoint full product range of an equivalent product; Warranty Period: 1 year limited b) the repair of the product; Permobil Australia Pty Limited. (“Permobil”) war- rants the above-listed Permobil products to be c) t he payment of the cost of replacing the prod- free from defects in material and workmanship, uct or of acquiring an equivalent product; or for the period listed next to the relevant product, d) t he payment of the costs of having the under proper use, care and service according to product repaired. the user’s manual and instructions accompanying the product, with the following specific exception: If you do not receive satisfactory warranty service, any supplied batteries are covered by a separate please contact Permobil Australia (Phone: 1300 warranty provided by the battery manufacturer; 845 483, Fax: +61 2 9012 0087, Email: info.au@ The batteries are not warranted by Permobil. The permobil.com). Do not return products to Per- express warranty set forth herein (“the Warranty”) mobil without Permobil’s prior written consent. is subject to all terms set forth herein below. Returns must be shipped with freight pre-paid. Permobil recommends that you insure the prod- COMMENCEMENT OF WARRANTY PERIOD uct for its full replacement cost when shipping. The Warranty shall begin on the date the product You will bear all the expenses of claiming the is first delivered to the customer, or forty (40) warranty. If your claim is successful then you may days from the date the product is shipped to the claim back any out of pocket expenses incurred. Dealer by Permobil, whichever comes first. If the product or part (as the case may be) is REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT repaired or replaced during the Warranty Period, For warranty service, customers should contact this Warranty remains based on the original date the authorised Dealer from whom the prod- of purchase. uct was purchased. In the event of a defect in material or workmanship, the Dealer must obtain The benefits given to you in this Warranty are in a return authorisation (RA) number from Permobil addition to any other rights or remedies under and the product must be shipped to a service a law in relation to the product to which the centre designated by Permobil. Permobil will re- Warranty applies. pair or, at Permobil’s option, replace any product Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-au 2021.9
au AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAW The use or installation of non-Permobil issued Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be equipment or parts, or, to the extent permitted by excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You law, the repair or replacement of parts by anyone are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major other than an authorised Permobil Dealer, may failure and compensation for any other reasonably void the Warranty. foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled The Warranty is contingent upon the proper to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the use, maintenance and care of the product. The Warranty will be void if the product has been used failure does not amount to a major failure. in a manner contradictory or in violation of the DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATIONS OF REMEDIES terms of the user’s manual, warnings or instructions Subject to the Australian Consumer Law and accompanying the product, including but not any other applicable law, the Warranty is made limited to exceeding the maximum weight limit of in lieu of and supersedes all other warranties of the product, or using the product with tie downs merchantability or fitness of purpose. or locking, clamping, or other restraint systems. To the extent permitted by law, the Warranty may also The Warranty covers parts only. Labour, service be void if the product has been repaired or any calls, shipping costs and other charges incurred part replaced by persons other than Permobil or for the repair of the product are not included in an authorised Permobil Dealer. the Warranty, unless specifically authorised by Permobil. The addition of equipment or features to the product that are not manufactured or recommend- The Warranty is effective only if the product is pur- ed by Permobil could affect the intended function chased from an authorised Permobil Dealer. The of the Permobil product, and therefore will void Warranty is available only to the initial purchaser of the Warranty. the product from an authorised Permobil Dealer. Permobil cannot guarantee the continued perfor- To the extent permitted by law, parts subject to mance or safety of the product if it is subject to “normal wear and tear”, including but not limited acts of God or Nature, including but not limited to cushions, pads, upholstery, tires and tubes, to terrorist activities, war, labour disputes, water, brake pads, fuses, bulbs, and grips, are not cov- floods, wind, tsunamis, cyclones, tornados, earth- ered in the Warranty except as it applies to defects quake or fire, or involved in automobile accidents in material or construction of those parts. or extraordinary impact events, such as dropping The Warranty will be void if the original Permo- or crushing. Such extraordinary events to products bil serial number tag on the product has been covered by this Warranty may create consider- removed, altered or defaced. able damage that may be imperceptible to an inspection. Any damages caused by these types of To the extent permitted by law, in no event events are not covered by the Warranty. shall Permobil be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting AMENDMENTS from any defect in this product. These include but No person is authorised to alter, extend or waive are not limited to any damages in the form of lost the Warranty of Permobil. An original document, profits, loss of use, attorneys’ fees, economic loss, countersigned by the party or parties who wish personal injuries, or any other damages caused by to make the alteration, extension or waiver of the circumstances beyond the control of Permobil. In Warranty, must be received by Permobil before no event shall damages for breach of any warranty any such amendment will be considered. The exceed the original cost of the product. Warranty shall be extended as necessary to comply with state and federal laws. CONTACT INFORMATION Permobil Australia Pty Ltd. • Unit 3A/6 Boundary Rd, Northmead, NSW 2152 AUSTRALIA Phone: 1300 845 483 • Fax: +61 2 9012 0087 • Email: info.au@permobil.com • www.permobil.com.au For more information on Bodypoint products, and a list of distributors outside the USA go to www.bodypoint.com.
au 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) max.
ja バックル安全カバー 商 品 コ ード F S 0 2 9 C 警告!本製品は使用者による不意の 保証:この製品には、オリジナルの消費 ベルト解放の予防を意図しています。 者による正常な使用から生ずる材料およ 本製品の不適正使用により、緊急時に び仕上がりにおける瑕疵に対する生涯限 使用者が車椅子に捕らわれる可能性があ 定保証が付いています。保証請求につい ります。本製品の使用中は常に開放工 ては、サプライヤーまたはBodypointに 具を持った介護人が付き添わなければ 連絡してください。 なりません。医師が危険を熟考して使 B o d y p o i n t 製 品 の 詳 細 情 報 、お よ 用者の安全を増すと判断しない限り、 び米国外の販売代理店の一覧は、 拘束具として本製品を使用することは避 www.bodypoint.com をご覧ください。 けてください。 Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-ja 2021.9
ja 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) 最大
防松外罩 zh ART NOS. FS029C 警告!本产品适合预防使用者 担保:本产品针对原始消费者正 意外松开腰带。本产品如果使用 常使用下出现的工艺和材料缺 不当,可能导致使用者在紧急情 陷提供有限终身保修。有关保 况下被困在轮椅上。使用本产品 修索赔,请联系您的供应商或 时,必须始终有携带释放工具的 Bodypoint。 照护者在场。除非经医生权衡风 有关 Bodypoint 产品的更多信息 险并确定本产品能够提高使用者 以及美国境外的分销商列表,请 的人身安全,否则应避免使用本 访问 www.bodypoint.com。 产品作为束缚装置。 Bodypoint Europe BV Kerkstraat 29 7396 PD Terwolde The Netherlands 558 First Ave. S., Suite 300 | Seattle, WA 98104 | 206.405.4555 | 800.547.5716 | www.bodypoint.com ©2021 Bodypoint, Inc. All Rights Reserved. BPI061-zh 2021.9
zh 1 3 2 Ø 1/4” (6mm) 最大
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